Fireman Sam (1987–2020): Season 9, Episode 13 - Treehouse Trouble - full transcript

The Pontypandy Pioneers get stuck up in a treehouse which is on the verge of collapsing thanks to Norman's hasty actions.



hears that fire alarm,

Sam is always cool and calm.


If you're stuck,
give him a shout.

He'll be there to help you out.

So move aside, make
way for Fireman Sam,

because he's gonna save the day.

Fireman Sam, because
he's brave to the core.

Sam is the hero next door.

Come on, Uncle Sam,
or we'll be late.

Slow down, you too.

We've got plenty of time.

Oh, I can't wait to get
up in that tree house.

I'm first.

No way.

I'm going to be first.

Not if I beat you to it.

Calm down, pioneers.

We'll all get to go
up in the tree house,

but we have to build it
first if you want to get

your construction badges.

I hope it's not too high up.

Now I've invited along
a construction expert,

and that expert is--

It's me.

Oh no.


We're almost ready.

Me first.

I made you a sausage
sandwich, Trevor.

All that fresh air can
give you quite an appetite.

Thank you, Dylis.

Very kind.

Come on, everyone.

Off we go.


All aboard.

Have fun and stay safe.

Right, ready pioneers?

Two, three, four.

We are Pontypandy pioneers.

We're bold and brave and
have no time for fear.


Ah, Sam, there you are.

Tom Thomas is here to oversee
today's zipline training.


Hello, Tom, what
are we doing first?

Well, we're all
going to take it

in turns to rescue dolly from
the top of the training tower.

Right, Cridlington,
you're up first.

Off you go.

This is too exciting.

Is that it?

Don't worry, Norman.

It'll soon be an impressive
sky high house in the trees.

But I want to go up there now.

You're working on your
construction badge, Norman.

So you've got to do
some constructing.


James and Sarah, you're
in charge of getting

the ladder into position.

OK, Mike.

Mandy and Derek you sort
the planks into piles by size.


Bet I can sort
them faster than you.

I bet you can't.

Trevor, can you
check all the tools

are working properly please?

OK, Mike.

And Norman.


You can help me do the basing.

We'll need to fix those poles
between the tree house platform

and the tree trunk to keep
it steady and make it safe,

it's very important, as it
holds the whole thing together.

Right, Elvis.

Send dolly down.

Oh, carefully dolly.

Make sure you catch her, Sam.

There you go, Elvis.

She's safe and sound.


It's your turn now, Elvis.

Gently does it.

Don't worry, dolly.

I'm coming.

Uh oh.

Right, Norman.

We're halfway there.

Now you've got to screw
the screws into the tree

trunk really tight, OK.


And don't you try
and get up there

while I'm doing this, Derek.

Well, it depends
who's finished first.

Doesn't it, Norman?

Now come on, you two.

No one's allowed up
in that tree house

until the bracing
polls are in place.

I'm definitely getting
in that tree house first.


That was quick.

Yes, yes, very quick.

Oh, look.

I'm first at the ladder.

Wait, Norman.

Let me pass.

No way, Derek.

Oh, one at a time.

Yes, I was first.

Woo hoo!

If everyone else would climb
up a little more sensibly,


Cridlington, what
are you doing up there?

I'm stuck, sir.

It's all right,
Station Officer Steele.

We're trying to get him down.

I'm just going to hook the
wheel back on the line, sir.

All right, Sam.

I thought you were rescuing
dolly, not each other.


There you go, Elvis.

Don't worry, dolly.

I'm safe.

It's amazing up here.

I can see the whole
of Pontypandy.

What's happening?

The bracing's come off.

Norman, you did screw all
the screws in really tight,

didn't you?

Yes, of course, I
did-- uh, whoopsy.

Dad, we need to
balance out the weight.


Norman, you're going to
have to stay in the middle

to keep it balanced.


Derek, you go in the middle.

You were first up.

No, I wasn't.

You were first,
and you pushed in.

Be quiet, you two.

No one move or the
whole thing might fall.

I really don't
like tree houses.

What are we going to do?

There's only one
thing we've can do.








Well, what is it Nipper?

Someone's in trouble.

Come on.



What's happened, Trevor?

The bracing's coming apart.

We can't move or the whole
tree house will fall.

I'll go and call Fireman Sam.

The Pontypandy Pioneers
are stuck in the tree house.


The Pontypandy Pioneers are
stuck in the tree house,

and it might fall
down at any second.

We'd better hurry.

Thanks for the lesson, Tom.

I think it might be about
to come in very handy.


That way, Fireman Sam.

Hurry, Uncle Sam!


Screw in the other end of
this pole tightly to the tree.

It's in tight, sir.

Well, you're all safe now.


I should have screwed
the brace in properly

like Fireman Sam and Penny.

Sorry I didn't do
my job properly.

You never do your
job properly, Norman.

Penny, help me brace
the rest of the tree.

Elvis, you climb up
using the tree spurs

and take the zip line
equipment with you.

There's only one way
to get everyone down.

Well done, every one.

Right, Elvis.

Your turn-- slowly this time.

Oh, no.

Sam, I'm stuck again.



THEME SONG: Move aside,
make way for Fireman Sam,

because he's gonna save the day.

Fireman Sam, because
he's brave to the core.

Sam is the hero next door.