Finding Carter (2014–2015): Season 2, Episode 6 - Stay with Me - full transcript
Carter attempts to save Crash from a dire situation; David and Elizabeth weigh heavy decisions.
Previously on "Finding Carter..."
We've hooked
up five times this week.
Each time, you take off
the second it's over.
I thought that this was just
a friends-with-benefits thing.
Doesn't have to be.
Order's up.
Half a dozen little
study buddies.
You are the man.
Do you have any lip gloss?
Yeah, it's in the top drawer.
Is this why mom and dad
are separated?
Is it true?
Did you have
an affair with Lori?
It's true.
I knew it.
Hey, how was your study session?
I wasn't studying.
I was with Crash.
Why would you let
him back in your life?
This is my uncle Shay.
Thank you for everything
you did for Crash.
Hey, Crash is family.
Never turn your back on family.
Max, I need a favor.
Shay just called.
He's got a job he
wants me to do tonight.
- Is there any chance you can do it?
- Yeah.
Make sure to lock this
place up extra tight.
You set me up.
- The car you had dropped off last night?
- What about it?
Are you really gonna stand there
and pretend you didn't know
that it was filled with coke?
How many times
do I have to tell you?
It wasn't me.
I find that
very hard to believe.
Whatever you saw, I swear,
I had nothing to do with it.
What part? The guy with the
prison tattoos or the 15 pounds of coke?
What's going on?
We planning Bird's next party?
Talking about Shay.
I'm pretty sure your
uncle's not invited, Crash.
Max thinks he's running drugs.
Max, come on.
I was supposed to make sure
that a car got into
the garage last night.
Crash was supposed to
do the job,
then he conveniently,
at the last minute, passed it onto me.
Because I was with Carter.
So I get the car in, I pop
the trunk and there it is.
It's like a winter wonderland.
I didn't know.
- Your uncle didn't tell you anything?
- I swear.
That's not good enough.
You've come very close to
destroying a bunch of lives
in the past, including
both of ours.
I'm telling you, I didn't know.
How is that possible, dude?
- You've been working there for months.
- What are you saying?
Once a drug dealer,
always a drug dealer?
It's got to get easier to
convince yourself
that it's not
a big deal every time, right?
I'm not that guy anymore.
I thought you knew that.
Tell him, Carter.
I really want to, Crash.
That money you gave me for Lori?
Is this where it came from?
I can't believe this.
I tried to do it
all right this time.
All I wanted was a clean slate.
- Crash, don't leave.
- No.
If I can't even convince you,
maybe I should stop
trying to convince myself.
This is Crash, leave a message.
It's me again.
Please don't ignore me.
Call me back or I'm gonna
have to start stalking you.
Somebody missed her curfew.
You know, it looks like she had
way more fun tonight than I did.
It was just a drink after work.
Is that what the kids are
calling it these days?
Carter, it was nothing.
Mom, it's after midnight.
How long does nothing
take with Kyle, anyway?
It was just a date. One date.
I have a European
History test tomorrow.
I wanted you to
hear it from me first.
You know, you're the only one
here who didn't already
think you were dating Kyle.
It's kind of the obvious
extension of nesting.
We are not dating.
It was a date.
That's not denial.
That's a denial.
50% of kids have
parents who get divorced.
Now, I always wondered how
the other half lived.
We're not getting divorced.
We're not even thinking
about getting a divorce.
So you're just married
and dating other people?
Don't forget nesting.
Marriage is complicated.
Your dad and I are just
working out some kinks.
I can't deal with
this right now.
So, whose kinks
should we expect tonight?
Yours and Kyle's or dad's?
This family needs
a reality show.
You know on the seventh day,
God rested, right?
God wasn't in high school.
You okay?
Yeah, just...
- How do you do it?
- What?
Never break a sweat?
One great gift of
dysfunctional families?
The ability to ignore all
of your problems.
Yeah, well, see,
my parents separated
and all I get is this
lousy anxiety.
Is the stuff with mom
really bothering you?
What, her dating
or her and dad lying to us
about dad's affair with Lori?
Either? Both?
No more than anything else.
Then again...
I did have a panic attack
last night
trying to figure out
what to wear to bed, so...
Have you talked to your
therapist about it?
We tried meditation tapes
last week.
I fell asleep.
Yesterday, she asked me
if I wanted to try pills.
What do you think?
Isn't Carter kind of
the go-to drug advisor?
Yeah, but you're the...
Has-it-all-figured-out advisor.
I've known a lot of kids that
become dependent on their meds,
and they start to
use them irresponsibly.
I think that you have
a lot of other options.
Like what?
You might be too cynical for it.
Try me.
You know, this pushes my limits.
But... it's
surprisingly effective.
My office is open anytime.
What else do
you have in the cars?
What's that supposed to mean?
I mean Max found
the coke in the car.
What was Max doing in my car?
When I give you a job,
you do it.
Is Goldilocks gonna snitch?
No, Max knows better than that.
For his sake, I hope so.
What if we had been caught.
I've been doing this 15 years.
Let me worry about what-if.
Yeah, well, I'm on probation.
I could end up back in jail
for half my life
because of your
little side business.
Well, the money from my little
side business got you out of prison.
So what, you think I owe you?
I saved you.
I knew you couldn't
handle knowing how.
You should have told me.
It should have been my decision.
People like us don't
get to decide.
You know, you can dress yourself up
like those kids you used to deal to.
You're never
gonna be one of them.
Who the hell are you?
I was just leaving.
Not so fast.
What's this?
What are you doing here?
She's trespassing.
Look, I am sorry to bother you.
This was obviously
a really bad time.
Hold on.
You're Crash's girlfriend.
What's your name again?
- Carter.
- Carter.
You can go.
I don't see a broken car.
What are you doing here?
I came to see Crash.
He's a little busy right now.
Okay, you should go,
I'll talk to you later...
Maybe she should stay.
Someone's listening to my
private business, it concerns me.
She doesn't care what you do.
Maybe she's the reason you're
thinking you're better than me.
He is better than you.
He didn't used to be.
Maybe I should spend
a little time with you.
- I'll get better, too.
- All right, we're done here.
Let's go.
You know, your father tried to
get away from the life, too.
Look what happened to him.
I'm out.
Are you not hearing me?
There is no out.
What happens now?
Clean slate.
You need a new place to live.
I have enough cash
for a night in a motel.
It might not have cable, but...
Then what, Crash?
Sleep in my truck.
My dad and I slept
in his truck for a month.
When I was a kid,
before he left for Iraq.
- I was five, I loved it.
- No, that's crazy.
You can't stay in your truck.
No trucks, no motels.
Well, we could
try to make it work here.
You're gonna have to stay
at my house. It's safer.
- Your house?
- Yeah.
And what about
your mom and your dad?
And your sister, who hates me?
Okay, firstly,
she doesn't hate you, Crash.
Secondly, dad will go along
with whatever my mom says.
And my mom will be fine
as long as we tell her about the drugs.
What? No.
- We can't tell her.
- Why?
She's a cop,
she could probably help.
'Cause I'm not a snitch.
And Shay is
right about one thing.
He's the only reason
I'm not in prison.
I'm not gonna
send him to prison.
All right, I won't
tell her about the drugs,
I will just...
Get down on my
knees and beg her.
Carter, I don't think Elizabeth
is gonna listen
to you on this one.
That's a very good point, Max.
I don't think she will listen...
To me.
It's just one night.
Max, you know I would do
anything for you, don't you?
But Crash isn't coming into
my house for one minute.
Elizabeth, you know I wouldn't ask you
if it wasn't important.
He's in a lot of trouble.
Some call that an
occupational hazard of
lying, cheating and stealing.
Crash's own uncle
is threatening him.
He can't go back to the place that
he's been living, it's not safe.
- What do you mean?
- I mean he's in danger.
From his uncle?
He's a bad guy.
Well, what kind of danger?
Is he being roughed up?
- I probably shouldn't say anymore.
- Why?
Crash, he doesn't want anybody
to know how scared he is.
It's that serious?
Well, I hope he's not
blaming himself,
because I've seen
all kinds of people
in violent-home situations.
He's used to
taking care of himself.
But right now, he's up
against something
that he can't handle alone.
Crash left you to die.
Why do you care
what happens to him?
I guess...
Somewhere along the way,
we accidentally became friends.
Okay, ground rules.
One, you guys
are all in by curfew.
Two, lights out early.
Three through ten,
Crash sleeps on this mattress.
And not in your bed.
Absolutely, yes.
Check, check, check.
I really appreciate
you for doing this.
And 11 through 20,
you sleep in your bed
and not on this mattress.
Hello, anybody home?
Everyone's home.
And not leaving anytime soon.
This isn't for me.
It's for Crash.
That's weird.
You have another
friend named Crash.
Because the Crash I know
would never be
staying in our house.
She's staying here, too.
I don't understand.
- I've been away one night.
- What happened?
I think you got this one.
Crash is in trouble,
he needs a place to sleep
and I told him he
could stay here,
but as long as he's here,
I'm staying so I can watch him.
You should have called.
It just happened.
We talked about this
you're not the only parent here.
David, please.
Don't be sensitive.
I'm not being sensitive.
Okay, now you're being sensitive
about being sensitive.
I'm quickly remembering
why we decided to have
separate nights
in the first place.
- You know what? I'll go.
- No, no, wait. Don't.
You're right, I'm sorry.
I should have called.
That's okay.
- It just happened.
- Yeah.
I'll explain over
a glass of wine.
Or six.
And then we gotta figure out
sleeping arrangements.
Carter and Crash's?
I just wanted to say hi.
The full house tonight.
I heard.
You making something
special for dinner?
I'm making myself
disappear for dinner.
You look really nice...
For your vanishing act.
Yeah, it's different.
But nice.
You feel like
disappearing with me
over to Bird's place
for a little bit?
Thanks, but, um...
I already have plans.
A magician never reveals
her secrets, right?
I'm hanging out with Ofe.
So you guys are hanging out.
I guess you had a better time
than the rest of us at the fair.
Not really.
He spent the whole time
trying to win that.
That's not exactly my thing,
but Ofe must really like you.
We're just having fun.
What does "having fun" mean?
Do you really want the details?
So you don't actually
like Ofe then?
What's the difference?
Well, it seems like
there's a big difference.
Do you want me to like Ofe?
You know, I just didn't
think of you as that...
As what?
- Nothing.
- No, as what, Max?
Well, as the kind of person that would
do something like that
with someone you
don't really care about.
What about you and Bird?
How is that any different?
- Bird is my roommate.
- That makes it worse.
But Bird and I aren't
doing anything.
Why am I even having
this conversation?
I don't care what
you think about me.
I'm going to
have some fun with Ofe.
Hopefully, I can avoid
running into the guy
that shot you on my way out.
- Come on, Taylor.
- No.
It's time for
your vanishing act.
Okay, so my dad
was only expecting
four people for dinner,
so I think we're gonna
have to ration the stir-fry.
I vote for adding ramen.
It's like the weed of
the pasta family.
Look at you.
You know, scrounging is my
superhero skill after all.
I'd call it...
Doing a lot with a little.
That's because your superhero skill
is seeing the silver lining.
What, like...
How even though the reason
you're here is kinda screwed up,
this might just
end up being fun.
The scrounger and the optimist.
I smell a franchise.
Here, can you wash this?
I just can't believe I'm here
and your mom's not
throwing me out.
Yes, I can't
believe that either.
Did you tell her
that it means a lot?
You tell her, she'd
really appreciate it.
I really appreciate you.
Hi, Mrs. Wilson.
What's going on here?
Um, we're making dinner.
I don't think so.
It's not date night for you two,
it's not any night for you two.
Mom, no one thinks
this is date night.
Good, because the second it starts
looking like a date in here again,
you're gonna find another
place to stay, Crash.
Carter, he's not here
because he is your boyfriend.
He is here because he needs our help.
Do you understand that?
- Yeah.
- Good.
Yes, ma'am.
And don't even think about putting
your overnight bag in Carter's room.
And stay away from Grant.
Every superhero needs a villain.
Clearly, I've developed
a Pavlovian response
to studying European history.
Euro history makes you salivate.
And it makes me want to
take your clothes off.
Well, the French
would be so proud.
I think it makes me hungry.
- Right now?
- Yeah.
I haven't eaten all day.
I've been working up
quite the appetite.
The last 20 minutes.
Or... should I say ten?
Hey, anyway, if you're hungry,
why don't you help me solve
one of life's biggest mysteries?
What's the perfect post hookup,
pre-study sandwich?
What are the contenders?
Turkey Reuben, Turkey Reuben.
- And Turkey Reuben.
- Nope.
The Tryptophan
would make me sleepy.
I say... the Elvis.
Bananas, peanut butter,
bacon, fried.
Well, that sounds great,
but of course, the perfect
sandwich is actually
the one we happen
to have ingredients for.
Why is that?
Because I have to be
able to make it right now.
Are you gonna
make me a sandwich?
Isn't that one of the known benefits
of being friends with benefits?
Well, if it isn't...
Let's be rebels.
I think I've got bit makings.
It's not exactly
European, but tasty.
Want some help?
By the way, is the
living room still okay?
Or should we go ahead and put Crash in
solitary confinement?
Maybe feed him his meals
through a slot in the door.
Look, I really appreciate
everything you're doing for him,
but I don't understand
why you have to be so hard on him.
What, by feeding him and letting him
stay here, in our home?
No, I mean, like treating
him like he's a criminal.
He is a criminal.
He was a criminal.
Now he just wants a clean slate,
and I think, after
everything he's been through,
he should get that chance.
- He won't.
- Why?
Because, sweetheart,
there are no clean slates.
Not for any of us.
You want some help with those?
No, no, no,
I got it, Mr. Wilson.
So now, whoever cooks
is supposed to be off dish duty.
House rules.
Those rules apply to an
unwelcome house guest?
Who says you're not welcome?
It's kinda written all
over Mrs. Wilson's face.
Don't take it too personally.
She might be a little biased
against people she's arrested.
Or whoever rolled
oregano joints in her home?
Not your best.
Not my best.
Well, I have my own bias.
- Against what?
- Not against.
Toward... people who try to
make up for their mistakes,
and toward people
who love my daughter.
So he'll always
be a criminal to you.
You'll never accept him
as what he is now
because of what he once was.
I'm not going to accept him
because he's going to
break your heart.
And I don't
want you to get hurt.
Mom, I think you're the one
who's afraid of heartbreak.
You just can't be any more.
None of us can.
We've been through
everything in this family,
we have survived it all.
Seriously, what's
left to be afraid of?
Can I help you?
I'm here to pick up my nephew.
What can we help you with?
I'm here to talk to Crash.
We understand there's been
a disagreement of some kind.
That's a family matter.
Not anymore.
I can't believe you came here.
How did he find out?
I think he might have found you.
That's mildly disturbing.
I'm not looking to
start anything.
Folks, just let me
talk to my nephew.
- Shay, what are you doing here?
- Crash, stay there.
Crash, you're bothering
these nice people.
Let's get your things.
I'll take it from here.
Crash, you should
get inside now.
He's not going with you.
I don't think you understand.
I'm telling you both to
go back to your business.
First of all, you don't
tell me what to do.
You're on my property,
asking to speak to
someone in my house,
so that makes it my business.
I just hope it doesn't end up
overlapping with my day job.
Look, I just want to
make sure my nephew
wasn't gonna be
a bother, that's all.
He's welcome here.
But you need to leave.
Crash, you call me when you
want to come home and talk.
But you shouldn't talk to
anyone else in the meantime.
You wouldn't want to bother them
any more than you already have.
Got it?
I'll be down
after I check on Grant.
I'm really sorry
about all of that.
It's not your fault, Crash.
But you need to tell me
what's really going on now.
I can't.
I can't help you if you don't let me.
No one can.
Mom, you heard what Shay said
he was threatening him.
Well, Crash wasn't
the only person
that Shay was threatening
by showing up here tonight.
I never meant for
any of this to happen.
Listen. If you're worried because
you're part of something...
He wasn't part of something.
Shay's my only family.
He gave me a second chance.
But you don't owe a man
like that anything, Crash.
Family matters.
But sometimes, they don't always know
what's best for us.
You need to tell me
what you know.
I shouldn't have come here.
- Crash, you don't need to say anything.
- No, Carter.
I don't care about anyone
the way I care about you.
And nobody has made me
a better person than you.
It's not okay to come here
and threaten this family.
Shay's real name is
Walter Chase.
No, it's fine.
Don't worry, it's not for you.
I don't get it.
One second,
we're talking sandwiches,
and the next thing
I know... boom.
What do you think happened?
No idea.
- We should get you to a doctor.
- No.
No, no, no, I'm...
I'm fine, I'm just
tired and nauseous.
Craving that weird
peanut butter sandwich.
What if you're pregnant?
- Not a chance.
- How do you know?
Because I know.
Well, if that is the case,
you should know,
I'd make a great dad.
Double the role models.
Ofe, I'm not pregnant.
People don't just get dizzy
and faint out of nowhere,
though, so it has to be...
I think that it was
just a weird reaction
to the study buddies I took.
It's no big deal.
You took something?
Yeah, before I came here.
Why do you think?
Well, I have no idea.
Since when did you start using?
Since what's the difference?
Where'd you get it?
It really doesn't matter.
It does.
There are some seriously bad
pills out there, all right?
And I really think we should
- take you to a doctor...
- The pills were fine.
And how do you know that?
- Because I do.
- Okay, but how?
Because they were yours!
You stole my stash?
You can get more
anytime you want.
I know, but that's not the point.
Why didn't you just ask me?
Because if I had asked you,
you would have said no.
Right, because
you don't need them.
How do you know what I need?
Well, Taylor, this is not you.
What do you even know about me?
You're not my boyfriend.
Clearly not.
Uncle Shay has an alias
for every day of the week.
I just found three more.
I guess if I made a living
out of identity theft
and gun and drug trafficking,
I would, too.
- Do we have enough for a warrant?
- I think so.
Kid really came through?
I guess I was wrong about him.
I guess we'll see.
Is everything okay?
Listen, I can't talk right now.
I'll call you back later.
Do you really think he would
try and hurt you, Crash?
He's not the type to make
empty threats, believe me.
Okay, well, he can't
touch you from jail.
He has people, Carter.
As soon as he finds out I talked,
they'll come for me.
Okay, well then, we need
to talk to the police.
And tell them you
need some kind of protection.
I might need protection
from the cops, too.
- Why?
- They could still say I was
part of Shay's operation.
But you had
nothing to do with it.
With a past like mine,
you really think a judge
is gonna believe me?
Come on.
Even you didn't.
So what are you gonna do?
I think I have to leave.
What, like leave town?
Shay tracked me to your house.
I stay anywhere around here
and he can find me.
Where would you go?
- Not sure yet.
- Alone?
I'll be okay.
How, Crash?
By sleeping in your truck?
You don't have anywhere to go.
You don't have a job,
you don't have anything.
Hey, I could always go back
to doing what I do best.
And the benefits aren't
great, but it pays well.
That's not funny.
I know.
Maybe Shay is right.
People like me don't get
to decide our futures.
I don't believe
that for a second.
- Carter.
- Crash.
Do you really think
I don't get having
absolutely no idea
what comes next?
For the past year,
my entire life has been
one new future after the other.
I know.
But I figure it out.
Because people
like us always do that.
And you know what?
We are going to
figure this out together.
You okay out here?
Are you okay?
Well, for a nesting married woman
who's sleeping in a house
with the husband
she's separated from,
I couldn't be better.
Hey, do you remember that
fleabag motel in Hawaii?
That was horrible.
We had to sleep in the bathtub.
- We survived that, too.
- Yeah.
I'm glad that we were both
here for all that tonight.
Me too.
Reminds me what
a great team we once were.
Feels like a long time ago.
It does,
but if we focus on it...
Remember what we had.
Well, the problem is...
It's not the only
thing that I remember.
There's so much pain,
even when I think about
the good times. It just...
Brings me to someplace terrible.
Lori and losing Carter.
It's not over for me.
I don't think it ever will be.
I am so sorry, Liz.
I just want some peace.
I want that for you.
Right now...
I'm thinking
the only thing to do...
Is move forward.
I don't want a divorce, Liz.
I'm so sorry, David.
I tried.
I really tried.
So Taylor took your stash?
Okay, we need Tequila.
It's not funny, Bird.
Well, the good thing
about Tequila
is that it goes
with every emotion.
Didn't know we had company.
We'll start with beer.
Then we'll be in the clear.
That's how
the saying goes, right?
What's the occasion?
Taylor fainted today.
She popped some study buddies.
Taylor fainted from pills?
Yeah, so we needed
a drink to process.
I thought we were working on
not blurting things out.
And... so how was your day, Max?
No, no, no, you tell me
what the hell happened.
Look, Max, she got
dizzy, all right?
- It's not a big deal.
- Okay, where is she now?
She's at home now, she's okay.
She fainted from pills that you gave her,
clearly, she's not okay.
Well, I didn't give her
the pills, Max.
I didn't even know
she was taking them.
How the hell is
that even possible?
You're a prescription
drug dealer.
I've been asking
myself that all night.
You know what, man?
If you're gonna get
the benefits,
maybe try being a friend, too.
Hey, Carter?
Sorry to drop by unannounced.
You sent me like 20 texts.
It wasn't exactly unannounced.
Well, you didn't answer.
Because I didn't
want to be lectured,
and I still don't.
I'm not here to lecture you.
My dad's here,
so we can't exactly...
I'm not here to
not study with you.
In fact, whatever it is
we've been doing
has been great, Tay,
but I can't anymore.
But... I'm sorry, isn't that a
little hypocritical of you?
You're a drug dealer
and you're ending things
because I took some pills?
I'm ending things
because I think
you might break my heart.
I don't understand.
I see people using all the time.
I know every effect
the drugs have.
- I know when people are on pills.
- But?
But I didn't know you were.
So what?
So I had blinders on.
And the only explanation
for why...
I care about you too much.
Okay, but I care about you, too.
You're not
falling in love with me.
And since I...
I think you still
have feelings for Max,
and I know he has
them for you...
I think it's
time I opened my eyes.
No, you're wrong.
Max doesn't
have feelings for me.
But you do, for him.
Hey, look.
If you ever decide you're
ready for more than benefits,
remember, we've only made
it to the Middle Ages.
The Renaissance is next,
and it'll blow your damn mind.
Backup in position.
That's affirmative, you're a go.
Unlock it.
Police! We have a warrant!
Go, go, go, go, go, go, go!
Check the back room!
- Move around!
- Room's clear!
There's no one here.
Get ID to check for prints.
They cleaned.
Yeah, I can see my
reflection in the doorknobs.
We're not gonna find
anything here.
They felt the heat
and they walked away.
Or someone tipped them off.
Where's Crash?
He's gone.
So is Shay.
We think that someone
tipped him off
that we were coming.
You think it was Crash?
Baby, I don't
know what to think.
It wasn't.
Go ahead, you can read it.
I am so sorry, honey.
You sure about this?
Getting sure.
Maybe you'll get to see
some cool parts of the world,
like Bulgaria and Taiwan.
Those always seemed
like cool places to me.
Maybe I'll finally get
a fresh start somewhere.
That's my cue.
Almost forgot.
Can't take this where I'm going.
And a stash is a terrible
thing to waste.
Good luck.
"Dear Carter,"
"leaving you is the hardest
thing I've ever done."
"You have to know
how much I love you."
"How much I would do for you..."
"... but this is
the only way out for me."
"This is the only
way I know to start over."
"You changed my life more than
I knew was possible."
"You helped me get here."
"I love you."
"I'll be back for you,
I promise."
We've hooked
up five times this week.
Each time, you take off
the second it's over.
I thought that this was just
a friends-with-benefits thing.
Doesn't have to be.
Order's up.
Half a dozen little
study buddies.
You are the man.
Do you have any lip gloss?
Yeah, it's in the top drawer.
Is this why mom and dad
are separated?
Is it true?
Did you have
an affair with Lori?
It's true.
I knew it.
Hey, how was your study session?
I wasn't studying.
I was with Crash.
Why would you let
him back in your life?
This is my uncle Shay.
Thank you for everything
you did for Crash.
Hey, Crash is family.
Never turn your back on family.
Max, I need a favor.
Shay just called.
He's got a job he
wants me to do tonight.
- Is there any chance you can do it?
- Yeah.
Make sure to lock this
place up extra tight.
You set me up.
- The car you had dropped off last night?
- What about it?
Are you really gonna stand there
and pretend you didn't know
that it was filled with coke?
How many times
do I have to tell you?
It wasn't me.
I find that
very hard to believe.
Whatever you saw, I swear,
I had nothing to do with it.
What part? The guy with the
prison tattoos or the 15 pounds of coke?
What's going on?
We planning Bird's next party?
Talking about Shay.
I'm pretty sure your
uncle's not invited, Crash.
Max thinks he's running drugs.
Max, come on.
I was supposed to make sure
that a car got into
the garage last night.
Crash was supposed to
do the job,
then he conveniently,
at the last minute, passed it onto me.
Because I was with Carter.
So I get the car in, I pop
the trunk and there it is.
It's like a winter wonderland.
I didn't know.
- Your uncle didn't tell you anything?
- I swear.
That's not good enough.
You've come very close to
destroying a bunch of lives
in the past, including
both of ours.
I'm telling you, I didn't know.
How is that possible, dude?
- You've been working there for months.
- What are you saying?
Once a drug dealer,
always a drug dealer?
It's got to get easier to
convince yourself
that it's not
a big deal every time, right?
I'm not that guy anymore.
I thought you knew that.
Tell him, Carter.
I really want to, Crash.
That money you gave me for Lori?
Is this where it came from?
I can't believe this.
I tried to do it
all right this time.
All I wanted was a clean slate.
- Crash, don't leave.
- No.
If I can't even convince you,
maybe I should stop
trying to convince myself.
This is Crash, leave a message.
It's me again.
Please don't ignore me.
Call me back or I'm gonna
have to start stalking you.
Somebody missed her curfew.
You know, it looks like she had
way more fun tonight than I did.
It was just a drink after work.
Is that what the kids are
calling it these days?
Carter, it was nothing.
Mom, it's after midnight.
How long does nothing
take with Kyle, anyway?
It was just a date. One date.
I have a European
History test tomorrow.
I wanted you to
hear it from me first.
You know, you're the only one
here who didn't already
think you were dating Kyle.
It's kind of the obvious
extension of nesting.
We are not dating.
It was a date.
That's not denial.
That's a denial.
50% of kids have
parents who get divorced.
Now, I always wondered how
the other half lived.
We're not getting divorced.
We're not even thinking
about getting a divorce.
So you're just married
and dating other people?
Don't forget nesting.
Marriage is complicated.
Your dad and I are just
working out some kinks.
I can't deal with
this right now.
So, whose kinks
should we expect tonight?
Yours and Kyle's or dad's?
This family needs
a reality show.
You know on the seventh day,
God rested, right?
God wasn't in high school.
You okay?
Yeah, just...
- How do you do it?
- What?
Never break a sweat?
One great gift of
dysfunctional families?
The ability to ignore all
of your problems.
Yeah, well, see,
my parents separated
and all I get is this
lousy anxiety.
Is the stuff with mom
really bothering you?
What, her dating
or her and dad lying to us
about dad's affair with Lori?
Either? Both?
No more than anything else.
Then again...
I did have a panic attack
last night
trying to figure out
what to wear to bed, so...
Have you talked to your
therapist about it?
We tried meditation tapes
last week.
I fell asleep.
Yesterday, she asked me
if I wanted to try pills.
What do you think?
Isn't Carter kind of
the go-to drug advisor?
Yeah, but you're the...
Has-it-all-figured-out advisor.
I've known a lot of kids that
become dependent on their meds,
and they start to
use them irresponsibly.
I think that you have
a lot of other options.
Like what?
You might be too cynical for it.
Try me.
You know, this pushes my limits.
But... it's
surprisingly effective.
My office is open anytime.
What else do
you have in the cars?
What's that supposed to mean?
I mean Max found
the coke in the car.
What was Max doing in my car?
When I give you a job,
you do it.
Is Goldilocks gonna snitch?
No, Max knows better than that.
For his sake, I hope so.
What if we had been caught.
I've been doing this 15 years.
Let me worry about what-if.
Yeah, well, I'm on probation.
I could end up back in jail
for half my life
because of your
little side business.
Well, the money from my little
side business got you out of prison.
So what, you think I owe you?
I saved you.
I knew you couldn't
handle knowing how.
You should have told me.
It should have been my decision.
People like us don't
get to decide.
You know, you can dress yourself up
like those kids you used to deal to.
You're never
gonna be one of them.
Who the hell are you?
I was just leaving.
Not so fast.
What's this?
What are you doing here?
She's trespassing.
Look, I am sorry to bother you.
This was obviously
a really bad time.
Hold on.
You're Crash's girlfriend.
What's your name again?
- Carter.
- Carter.
You can go.
I don't see a broken car.
What are you doing here?
I came to see Crash.
He's a little busy right now.
Okay, you should go,
I'll talk to you later...
Maybe she should stay.
Someone's listening to my
private business, it concerns me.
She doesn't care what you do.
Maybe she's the reason you're
thinking you're better than me.
He is better than you.
He didn't used to be.
Maybe I should spend
a little time with you.
- I'll get better, too.
- All right, we're done here.
Let's go.
You know, your father tried to
get away from the life, too.
Look what happened to him.
I'm out.
Are you not hearing me?
There is no out.
What happens now?
Clean slate.
You need a new place to live.
I have enough cash
for a night in a motel.
It might not have cable, but...
Then what, Crash?
Sleep in my truck.
My dad and I slept
in his truck for a month.
When I was a kid,
before he left for Iraq.
- I was five, I loved it.
- No, that's crazy.
You can't stay in your truck.
No trucks, no motels.
Well, we could
try to make it work here.
You're gonna have to stay
at my house. It's safer.
- Your house?
- Yeah.
And what about
your mom and your dad?
And your sister, who hates me?
Okay, firstly,
she doesn't hate you, Crash.
Secondly, dad will go along
with whatever my mom says.
And my mom will be fine
as long as we tell her about the drugs.
What? No.
- We can't tell her.
- Why?
She's a cop,
she could probably help.
'Cause I'm not a snitch.
And Shay is
right about one thing.
He's the only reason
I'm not in prison.
I'm not gonna
send him to prison.
All right, I won't
tell her about the drugs,
I will just...
Get down on my
knees and beg her.
Carter, I don't think Elizabeth
is gonna listen
to you on this one.
That's a very good point, Max.
I don't think she will listen...
To me.
It's just one night.
Max, you know I would do
anything for you, don't you?
But Crash isn't coming into
my house for one minute.
Elizabeth, you know I wouldn't ask you
if it wasn't important.
He's in a lot of trouble.
Some call that an
occupational hazard of
lying, cheating and stealing.
Crash's own uncle
is threatening him.
He can't go back to the place that
he's been living, it's not safe.
- What do you mean?
- I mean he's in danger.
From his uncle?
He's a bad guy.
Well, what kind of danger?
Is he being roughed up?
- I probably shouldn't say anymore.
- Why?
Crash, he doesn't want anybody
to know how scared he is.
It's that serious?
Well, I hope he's not
blaming himself,
because I've seen
all kinds of people
in violent-home situations.
He's used to
taking care of himself.
But right now, he's up
against something
that he can't handle alone.
Crash left you to die.
Why do you care
what happens to him?
I guess...
Somewhere along the way,
we accidentally became friends.
Okay, ground rules.
One, you guys
are all in by curfew.
Two, lights out early.
Three through ten,
Crash sleeps on this mattress.
And not in your bed.
Absolutely, yes.
Check, check, check.
I really appreciate
you for doing this.
And 11 through 20,
you sleep in your bed
and not on this mattress.
Hello, anybody home?
Everyone's home.
And not leaving anytime soon.
This isn't for me.
It's for Crash.
That's weird.
You have another
friend named Crash.
Because the Crash I know
would never be
staying in our house.
She's staying here, too.
I don't understand.
- I've been away one night.
- What happened?
I think you got this one.
Crash is in trouble,
he needs a place to sleep
and I told him he
could stay here,
but as long as he's here,
I'm staying so I can watch him.
You should have called.
It just happened.
We talked about this
you're not the only parent here.
David, please.
Don't be sensitive.
I'm not being sensitive.
Okay, now you're being sensitive
about being sensitive.
I'm quickly remembering
why we decided to have
separate nights
in the first place.
- You know what? I'll go.
- No, no, wait. Don't.
You're right, I'm sorry.
I should have called.
That's okay.
- It just happened.
- Yeah.
I'll explain over
a glass of wine.
Or six.
And then we gotta figure out
sleeping arrangements.
Carter and Crash's?
I just wanted to say hi.
The full house tonight.
I heard.
You making something
special for dinner?
I'm making myself
disappear for dinner.
You look really nice...
For your vanishing act.
Yeah, it's different.
But nice.
You feel like
disappearing with me
over to Bird's place
for a little bit?
Thanks, but, um...
I already have plans.
A magician never reveals
her secrets, right?
I'm hanging out with Ofe.
So you guys are hanging out.
I guess you had a better time
than the rest of us at the fair.
Not really.
He spent the whole time
trying to win that.
That's not exactly my thing,
but Ofe must really like you.
We're just having fun.
What does "having fun" mean?
Do you really want the details?
So you don't actually
like Ofe then?
What's the difference?
Well, it seems like
there's a big difference.
Do you want me to like Ofe?
You know, I just didn't
think of you as that...
As what?
- Nothing.
- No, as what, Max?
Well, as the kind of person that would
do something like that
with someone you
don't really care about.
What about you and Bird?
How is that any different?
- Bird is my roommate.
- That makes it worse.
But Bird and I aren't
doing anything.
Why am I even having
this conversation?
I don't care what
you think about me.
I'm going to
have some fun with Ofe.
Hopefully, I can avoid
running into the guy
that shot you on my way out.
- Come on, Taylor.
- No.
It's time for
your vanishing act.
Okay, so my dad
was only expecting
four people for dinner,
so I think we're gonna
have to ration the stir-fry.
I vote for adding ramen.
It's like the weed of
the pasta family.
Look at you.
You know, scrounging is my
superhero skill after all.
I'd call it...
Doing a lot with a little.
That's because your superhero skill
is seeing the silver lining.
What, like...
How even though the reason
you're here is kinda screwed up,
this might just
end up being fun.
The scrounger and the optimist.
I smell a franchise.
Here, can you wash this?
I just can't believe I'm here
and your mom's not
throwing me out.
Yes, I can't
believe that either.
Did you tell her
that it means a lot?
You tell her, she'd
really appreciate it.
I really appreciate you.
Hi, Mrs. Wilson.
What's going on here?
Um, we're making dinner.
I don't think so.
It's not date night for you two,
it's not any night for you two.
Mom, no one thinks
this is date night.
Good, because the second it starts
looking like a date in here again,
you're gonna find another
place to stay, Crash.
Carter, he's not here
because he is your boyfriend.
He is here because he needs our help.
Do you understand that?
- Yeah.
- Good.
Yes, ma'am.
And don't even think about putting
your overnight bag in Carter's room.
And stay away from Grant.
Every superhero needs a villain.
Clearly, I've developed
a Pavlovian response
to studying European history.
Euro history makes you salivate.
And it makes me want to
take your clothes off.
Well, the French
would be so proud.
I think it makes me hungry.
- Right now?
- Yeah.
I haven't eaten all day.
I've been working up
quite the appetite.
The last 20 minutes.
Or... should I say ten?
Hey, anyway, if you're hungry,
why don't you help me solve
one of life's biggest mysteries?
What's the perfect post hookup,
pre-study sandwich?
What are the contenders?
Turkey Reuben, Turkey Reuben.
- And Turkey Reuben.
- Nope.
The Tryptophan
would make me sleepy.
I say... the Elvis.
Bananas, peanut butter,
bacon, fried.
Well, that sounds great,
but of course, the perfect
sandwich is actually
the one we happen
to have ingredients for.
Why is that?
Because I have to be
able to make it right now.
Are you gonna
make me a sandwich?
Isn't that one of the known benefits
of being friends with benefits?
Well, if it isn't...
Let's be rebels.
I think I've got bit makings.
It's not exactly
European, but tasty.
Want some help?
By the way, is the
living room still okay?
Or should we go ahead and put Crash in
solitary confinement?
Maybe feed him his meals
through a slot in the door.
Look, I really appreciate
everything you're doing for him,
but I don't understand
why you have to be so hard on him.
What, by feeding him and letting him
stay here, in our home?
No, I mean, like treating
him like he's a criminal.
He is a criminal.
He was a criminal.
Now he just wants a clean slate,
and I think, after
everything he's been through,
he should get that chance.
- He won't.
- Why?
Because, sweetheart,
there are no clean slates.
Not for any of us.
You want some help with those?
No, no, no,
I got it, Mr. Wilson.
So now, whoever cooks
is supposed to be off dish duty.
House rules.
Those rules apply to an
unwelcome house guest?
Who says you're not welcome?
It's kinda written all
over Mrs. Wilson's face.
Don't take it too personally.
She might be a little biased
against people she's arrested.
Or whoever rolled
oregano joints in her home?
Not your best.
Not my best.
Well, I have my own bias.
- Against what?
- Not against.
Toward... people who try to
make up for their mistakes,
and toward people
who love my daughter.
So he'll always
be a criminal to you.
You'll never accept him
as what he is now
because of what he once was.
I'm not going to accept him
because he's going to
break your heart.
And I don't
want you to get hurt.
Mom, I think you're the one
who's afraid of heartbreak.
You just can't be any more.
None of us can.
We've been through
everything in this family,
we have survived it all.
Seriously, what's
left to be afraid of?
Can I help you?
I'm here to pick up my nephew.
What can we help you with?
I'm here to talk to Crash.
We understand there's been
a disagreement of some kind.
That's a family matter.
Not anymore.
I can't believe you came here.
How did he find out?
I think he might have found you.
That's mildly disturbing.
I'm not looking to
start anything.
Folks, just let me
talk to my nephew.
- Shay, what are you doing here?
- Crash, stay there.
Crash, you're bothering
these nice people.
Let's get your things.
I'll take it from here.
Crash, you should
get inside now.
He's not going with you.
I don't think you understand.
I'm telling you both to
go back to your business.
First of all, you don't
tell me what to do.
You're on my property,
asking to speak to
someone in my house,
so that makes it my business.
I just hope it doesn't end up
overlapping with my day job.
Look, I just want to
make sure my nephew
wasn't gonna be
a bother, that's all.
He's welcome here.
But you need to leave.
Crash, you call me when you
want to come home and talk.
But you shouldn't talk to
anyone else in the meantime.
You wouldn't want to bother them
any more than you already have.
Got it?
I'll be down
after I check on Grant.
I'm really sorry
about all of that.
It's not your fault, Crash.
But you need to tell me
what's really going on now.
I can't.
I can't help you if you don't let me.
No one can.
Mom, you heard what Shay said
he was threatening him.
Well, Crash wasn't
the only person
that Shay was threatening
by showing up here tonight.
I never meant for
any of this to happen.
Listen. If you're worried because
you're part of something...
He wasn't part of something.
Shay's my only family.
He gave me a second chance.
But you don't owe a man
like that anything, Crash.
Family matters.
But sometimes, they don't always know
what's best for us.
You need to tell me
what you know.
I shouldn't have come here.
- Crash, you don't need to say anything.
- No, Carter.
I don't care about anyone
the way I care about you.
And nobody has made me
a better person than you.
It's not okay to come here
and threaten this family.
Shay's real name is
Walter Chase.
No, it's fine.
Don't worry, it's not for you.
I don't get it.
One second,
we're talking sandwiches,
and the next thing
I know... boom.
What do you think happened?
No idea.
- We should get you to a doctor.
- No.
No, no, no, I'm...
I'm fine, I'm just
tired and nauseous.
Craving that weird
peanut butter sandwich.
What if you're pregnant?
- Not a chance.
- How do you know?
Because I know.
Well, if that is the case,
you should know,
I'd make a great dad.
Double the role models.
Ofe, I'm not pregnant.
People don't just get dizzy
and faint out of nowhere,
though, so it has to be...
I think that it was
just a weird reaction
to the study buddies I took.
It's no big deal.
You took something?
Yeah, before I came here.
Why do you think?
Well, I have no idea.
Since when did you start using?
Since what's the difference?
Where'd you get it?
It really doesn't matter.
It does.
There are some seriously bad
pills out there, all right?
And I really think we should
- take you to a doctor...
- The pills were fine.
And how do you know that?
- Because I do.
- Okay, but how?
Because they were yours!
You stole my stash?
You can get more
anytime you want.
I know, but that's not the point.
Why didn't you just ask me?
Because if I had asked you,
you would have said no.
Right, because
you don't need them.
How do you know what I need?
Well, Taylor, this is not you.
What do you even know about me?
You're not my boyfriend.
Clearly not.
Uncle Shay has an alias
for every day of the week.
I just found three more.
I guess if I made a living
out of identity theft
and gun and drug trafficking,
I would, too.
- Do we have enough for a warrant?
- I think so.
Kid really came through?
I guess I was wrong about him.
I guess we'll see.
Is everything okay?
Listen, I can't talk right now.
I'll call you back later.
Do you really think he would
try and hurt you, Crash?
He's not the type to make
empty threats, believe me.
Okay, well, he can't
touch you from jail.
He has people, Carter.
As soon as he finds out I talked,
they'll come for me.
Okay, well then, we need
to talk to the police.
And tell them you
need some kind of protection.
I might need protection
from the cops, too.
- Why?
- They could still say I was
part of Shay's operation.
But you had
nothing to do with it.
With a past like mine,
you really think a judge
is gonna believe me?
Come on.
Even you didn't.
So what are you gonna do?
I think I have to leave.
What, like leave town?
Shay tracked me to your house.
I stay anywhere around here
and he can find me.
Where would you go?
- Not sure yet.
- Alone?
I'll be okay.
How, Crash?
By sleeping in your truck?
You don't have anywhere to go.
You don't have a job,
you don't have anything.
Hey, I could always go back
to doing what I do best.
And the benefits aren't
great, but it pays well.
That's not funny.
I know.
Maybe Shay is right.
People like me don't get
to decide our futures.
I don't believe
that for a second.
- Carter.
- Crash.
Do you really think
I don't get having
absolutely no idea
what comes next?
For the past year,
my entire life has been
one new future after the other.
I know.
But I figure it out.
Because people
like us always do that.
And you know what?
We are going to
figure this out together.
You okay out here?
Are you okay?
Well, for a nesting married woman
who's sleeping in a house
with the husband
she's separated from,
I couldn't be better.
Hey, do you remember that
fleabag motel in Hawaii?
That was horrible.
We had to sleep in the bathtub.
- We survived that, too.
- Yeah.
I'm glad that we were both
here for all that tonight.
Me too.
Reminds me what
a great team we once were.
Feels like a long time ago.
It does,
but if we focus on it...
Remember what we had.
Well, the problem is...
It's not the only
thing that I remember.
There's so much pain,
even when I think about
the good times. It just...
Brings me to someplace terrible.
Lori and losing Carter.
It's not over for me.
I don't think it ever will be.
I am so sorry, Liz.
I just want some peace.
I want that for you.
Right now...
I'm thinking
the only thing to do...
Is move forward.
I don't want a divorce, Liz.
I'm so sorry, David.
I tried.
I really tried.
So Taylor took your stash?
Okay, we need Tequila.
It's not funny, Bird.
Well, the good thing
about Tequila
is that it goes
with every emotion.
Didn't know we had company.
We'll start with beer.
Then we'll be in the clear.
That's how
the saying goes, right?
What's the occasion?
Taylor fainted today.
She popped some study buddies.
Taylor fainted from pills?
Yeah, so we needed
a drink to process.
I thought we were working on
not blurting things out.
And... so how was your day, Max?
No, no, no, you tell me
what the hell happened.
Look, Max, she got
dizzy, all right?
- It's not a big deal.
- Okay, where is she now?
She's at home now, she's okay.
She fainted from pills that you gave her,
clearly, she's not okay.
Well, I didn't give her
the pills, Max.
I didn't even know
she was taking them.
How the hell is
that even possible?
You're a prescription
drug dealer.
I've been asking
myself that all night.
You know what, man?
If you're gonna get
the benefits,
maybe try being a friend, too.
Hey, Carter?
Sorry to drop by unannounced.
You sent me like 20 texts.
It wasn't exactly unannounced.
Well, you didn't answer.
Because I didn't
want to be lectured,
and I still don't.
I'm not here to lecture you.
My dad's here,
so we can't exactly...
I'm not here to
not study with you.
In fact, whatever it is
we've been doing
has been great, Tay,
but I can't anymore.
But... I'm sorry, isn't that a
little hypocritical of you?
You're a drug dealer
and you're ending things
because I took some pills?
I'm ending things
because I think
you might break my heart.
I don't understand.
I see people using all the time.
I know every effect
the drugs have.
- I know when people are on pills.
- But?
But I didn't know you were.
So what?
So I had blinders on.
And the only explanation
for why...
I care about you too much.
Okay, but I care about you, too.
You're not
falling in love with me.
And since I...
I think you still
have feelings for Max,
and I know he has
them for you...
I think it's
time I opened my eyes.
No, you're wrong.
Max doesn't
have feelings for me.
But you do, for him.
Hey, look.
If you ever decide you're
ready for more than benefits,
remember, we've only made
it to the Middle Ages.
The Renaissance is next,
and it'll blow your damn mind.
Backup in position.
That's affirmative, you're a go.
Unlock it.
Police! We have a warrant!
Go, go, go, go, go, go, go!
Check the back room!
- Move around!
- Room's clear!
There's no one here.
Get ID to check for prints.
They cleaned.
Yeah, I can see my
reflection in the doorknobs.
We're not gonna find
anything here.
They felt the heat
and they walked away.
Or someone tipped them off.
Where's Crash?
He's gone.
So is Shay.
We think that someone
tipped him off
that we were coming.
You think it was Crash?
Baby, I don't
know what to think.
It wasn't.
Go ahead, you can read it.
I am so sorry, honey.
You sure about this?
Getting sure.
Maybe you'll get to see
some cool parts of the world,
like Bulgaria and Taiwan.
Those always seemed
like cool places to me.
Maybe I'll finally get
a fresh start somewhere.
That's my cue.
Almost forgot.
Can't take this where I'm going.
And a stash is a terrible
thing to waste.
Good luck.
"Dear Carter,"
"leaving you is the hardest
thing I've ever done."
"You have to know
how much I love you."
"How much I would do for you..."
"... but this is
the only way out for me."
"This is the only
way I know to start over."
"You changed my life more than
I knew was possible."
"You helped me get here."
"I love you."
"I'll be back for you,
I promise."