Find It Fix It Flog It (2016-2022): Season 3, Episode 1 - Episode #3.1 - full transcript

Henry and Simon visit a Norman castle, restore a Fiat 500 and build a table from part of Southend Pier.

Oh, my God!

The sheds, garages
and barns of Britain

are stacked with old possessions.

This is heavenly.

I mean, that's the only way
to describe it, isn't it?

What looks like valueless junk
could be worth a pretty penny.

I've just fallen in love.

Man, that's gorgeous!

Henry Cole and Simon O'Brien

reckon they can fix
this redundant rubbish...

...and, once restored,
sell for a profit.

That's immense, mate.

For Henry and his mechanic...

That's it!'s all about restoring
retro relics and vintage classics.

Oh, my God, it goes!

While Simon and his upcycler

re-purpose the unwanted
into fantastic furniture.

Oh, my word! That's amazing.

Have a look, what do you reckon?

I think it's remarkable.
It's breathtaking!

All right! Hey?

They may have different approaches,

but together they'll turn
a profit for the owners.

You're going home, mate,
with 6,220 quid.

How does that sound?
That sounds brilliant.

Today, Henry spots an item
that's to die for.

I could turn it into
the ultimate sidecar.

I could put Guy in it!

Gemma's misfortune...

It was beyond repair.

It HAS to be repaired.

...leaves Simon unwell.

Get me some grapes.

And, there's a shock
at the valuation.

I would say £3,500.

That is useful!


Essex, mate, I love it.

Today, Henry is taking Simon
to Essex,

a county from where

no less than five US presidents'
ancestors emigrated from,

including George Bush
and his son, W.

We're going to somewhere
very, very special -

Hedingham Castle.

I've heard of Hedingham Castle.
Have you? Yes. Norman.

No, I think we're going to go
and see Jason...!

The castle's Norman,
they've got a Norman keep!

Oh, OK, mate. Blimey, really?

Hedingham Castle is located
20 miles inland

from the historic Roman capital
of Colchester.

The castle sits
in the private gardens

of owners Jason and Demetra Lindsay.

Well, Hedingham Castle, it's been
here since the early 12th century.

Built by the Earls of Oxford,

who were one of the most powerful
medieval families in the country.

The couple descended
from the original castle's owners,

and live in a house beside the keep,

running it as a venue
for weddings and events.

Over the years, it's been visited
by King Henry VII and VIII,

and there's still
another Henry to come,

soon to be rummaging
through their sheds!

Stuff just accumulates.

You have an empty shed, and it just,

they somehow fill up,
I don't know how.

He's a squirrel!


Jason - Henry. Henry.
Very nice to meet you.

Hello, nice to see you!
Lovely to meet you.

You seem to have a castle?
Yeah, there is one in the garden.

I'm guessing you've got a few sheds,
barns, that kind of thing.

Well, I kind of have a sort of
propensity to collect sheds.

So, we've got a few.
Sheds and things.

If it's OK by you,
we'd like to take two items each,

run them by you,
make sure it's OK to have them,

and try and upcycle them

and make you some money for the
upkeep of this marvellous place.

That would be amazing. Great!
Any income would be fantastic. Yeah.

Well, we'll see you
in a little while.

Invade! Invade!

Hang on, what the heck is that?

Oh, look at that, man!

What is it? A kind of, um,
cart of some description?

I've never, ever seen
a kind of carriage like that.

It is beautiful!

Do you think it might be
what they called back in the day

a kind of "invalid carriage"?

Exactly right.

But also known as a bath chair,

because it originated from the city
of Bath in the 18th century.

They were particularly popular
in English spa towns of the era,

such as Bath, Buxton
and Tunbridge Wells.

We've got to have it, eh?
You've got an item. Yeah!

Perhaps I've peaked too early.
Yeah, perhaps so.

So, that's Henry's first item.

the boys discover something

its owner didn't immediately need.

Oh, dear!

Well, none of us get out of here
alive, Simon.

It's a prop, isn't it?
Well, I think it might be.

And you know what they also say,
don't you? What?

It won't be the cough
that carries you off,

it's the coffin
they carry you off in!

I tell you what I could do
with it, man -

I could turn it into
the ultimate sidecar.

What do you reckon? Eh?

I could put Guy in it!

The coffin leaves the boys,
er, feeling a bit cold

but Simon's spotted an item
that once did quite the opposite.

What on earth...

Cor, man! What is that?!

Don't know. It's got a plug on it.

A lovely kind of oval-shaped object,
which, as it happens, is a heater.

Wow, look at that.

Early heaters warned
using light bulbs

but in 1905 Albert Marsh invented
a new nickel alloy called chromel,

which wouldn't easily melt, so
was reliable as a heating element.

I wouldn't like to switch that on.

No. That might heat
the whole of your house.

How cool is that?

I know that's going to be
your first item.

You know it's going to be my first
item. Well done, mate. Happy days.

With Simon taking the early Georgian
electric heater, it's one-all,

but the boys can't resist
a bit of sightseeing.

There are sheds and there are sheds!

It's time to check out
the Norman keep.

Why do spiral staircases
always turn the same way in castles?

OK, go on. You ready?

We're having a sword fight. You try
and get me with your right hand.

You see? And I would basically
be against the wall.

You're trying to attack me
and I'm saying, "Get out!"

Because most people were
right-handed. I'm left-handed.

They'd send you up first.
I wouldn't be so pleased.

Yeah. I'd tell everyone
I was right-handed. Yeah, correct!

Hey, let's have a quick selfie
while we're here. Come on, look.

Here, come on. I'm trying to do some
work here. Come on. I'm trying to...

Just smile like that. There you go.

Look a bit happier!


Can I carry on now? Yeah, OK.

Visit over, the boys
still need another item each.

First one to point, go!

You win. Wood.

Yes. Cor, well seasoned wood.
Very well seasoned wood.

Isn't that gorgeous?
Do you know what wood it is?

I'm guessing probably sapele.


Quite right, Simon.

Sapele is a sustainable
hardwood like mahogany,

known sometimes as African mahogany.

It's often used in musical
instruments, particularly guitars.

Item two.

Is it my go now?

Time for Henry to go undercover
in the search for his final find.

Oh, mate, come on. I have to say...

Fiat 500? Yeah? Yeah?

Known also as
the Cinquecento or Bambino,

Fiat made 4 million of these
city cars between 1957 and 1975.

That's good. Lovely.

It was inspired by
the VW Beetle's rear engine.

All right, look, we just give it
a nice makeover, get her going.

Do you reckon he'll say yes?
There's only one way to find out.

Let's do it. Oh, that is... Mate,
you don't find stuff like that!

If Jason and Demetra agree, then
the boys have their two items each.

Let's start with pieces of timber.
What do we know about these?

They're very peculiar
for one reason or another.

We did a lot of work
about three years ago

putting heating in the castle

and we needed
a floor in the basement,

so we had a tip-off that there
was some work on Southend Pier

and Demetra came along and
we were sawing up bits of the pier.

So that's Southend Pier? Yeah.

Second piece, never seen anything
like it but I don't think

it will ever be a heater again.
Yeah. Tell me about the cart.

We haven't used it for a couple
of years, have we? No, no, no.

At least one and a half.
A couple of years. Yeah, right!

Talking about
horizontal and vertical,

from every angle
that car looks well cool.

Tell me about your Fiat 500.

Well, that actually,

it belonged to my brother-in-law

and he was in Italy in 1978

and I think for £25 and
a bottle of Chianti, he bought it.

I can't wait but I won't be
driving it home. No!

Thank you. Great to see you.

There's no stopping Henry.

There is an issue I know for sure.

What's that? It doesn't have
any breaks at all. Ah.

Simon takes modesty to new levels.

♪ I am that good! I am that good! ♪

And fools rush in
at the second search.


You should take your time
on finding your second item.

Expert restorers Henry Cole
and Simon O'Brien...

Oh, mate, come on!

...have found two items to fix and
flog from Jason and Demetra's

castle in Essex.

I wouldn't like to switch that on.
No. That might heat

the whole of your house.

In Liverpool, Simon is showing
his finds

to upcycling expert Gemma Longworth.

There you go. Ooh!

Look at this!

Yeah! Ever seen one of those before?

No! No. What is it?

It's a heater. I love it. It's cool,
isn't it? Yeah.

Let's turn it into a light. Polish
it right back, think of

a really nice bulb
to put inside it.

Yeah. And then you've got this. Yeah.

And you have to have it. Yeah.

This is the old boardwalk
from Southend Pier.

OK. Because what I'm going to do...
I was really inspired by this kind

of Norman keep. They use a very
simple chevron pattern.

That's how you can immediately
recognise it as Norman. Right.

And what I'd like to do is you turn
it into a table and put that chevron

pattern into the design.

Well, that's quite a nice idea. Yeah.

I can see that you're
completely taken with this. Yes.

WHISPERS: But, if I were you,

I'd have a word with Phil about
the polishing. Lot to do.

Yeah, I might do.

Start with these bits.

First up, Gemma takes the heater
apart in preparation for becoming

a new lamp.

There we go.

I can give that to Phil

and that can go in the bin.

Right, Phil. Listen up.

I'm going to teach
you some maths, my friend.

How do I work out what
length to cut each one?

Pythagoras' theorem.

The square of 370 -


The square of 180 -


Add them up

is 169,300.

All we've got to do now is work out
the square root of that number

and I know how long to cut each one.

411.46, mate.

Give us a shout if you need me.

It's 411.46.

In Oxfordshire, Henry has just
pulled up to reveal his finds

to best friend
and restorer Guy Willison.


What do you reckon?

Nice little car. Yeah?

Is the good bodywork
hiding a horror story?

The bodywork I think is sweet,
but there is an issue

I know for sure. What's that?

It doesn't have any brakes at all. Ah.

Let's send that out to a specialist,
so we're all safely lovely. Yeah.

We're going to get her running,
we're going to get her stopping,

most importantly, and we're going
to love her and we're going to clean

her and we're going to ride
around, mate, on those

lovely tiger-print throwovers.

Can't wait.

Next, the old carriage.

I'm just looking at it
and the amount of work that needs...

The front wheel needs repairing,

so we need to get a blacksmith
to sort that out.

That's what I'm thinking. Next?
Cleaning, big stylie.

Yes. It should have a seat. Yeah.

And it should have a footboard
here at the bottom.

Then it needs sanding.
And it's going to be worth?

How much is a skip?
What are you going to do with it?

Who's going to buy that?
What're you going to do?

You're not going to stick
that on your patio.

I would be in the back, yeah?

And so I'd go, "Take me
to the shops, Willison."

And off you'd go.

By the time we get this done, yeah,
you will be needing it.

I've got to admit Guy is right.

OK, I saw it when it was
pointing upwards like that.

So you were had? Yeah. Oh.

The carriage awaits
and so does a lot of work.

See, look at that, eh?

That's really gone.

But, beneath years of dust
and grime,

Henry's revealed the intact original
painting scheme.

Cor! Amazing. Look at that!

A beautiful thing.

Doesn't she look cool?

Guy's cleaning the slightly
more modern carriage -

the Fiat 500.

I know for a fact that Henry
would jet wash this and I think,

if he did that, there could be big
trouble. So I'm doing

it the old-fashioned way, bucket
and sponge, hose it off after

and then chamois leather it
and, hopefully, the bodywork

will remain intact
without losing any paint.

But this old car needs
more than cleaning.

Next, it'll be sent
to the mechanics.

If the brake repairs are costly,
there may be little profit left

for Jason and Demetra.

Back in Liverpool, handyman Phil
is using a polishing wheel to remove

nearly 100 years of
tarnish from the heater.

And it's come up a treat.

Look at this! Phil's discovered that
this was brass

and it just looks amazing.
Yeah, it does look nice.

It polished up nice.

With the exterior of the heater yet
to be finished, Simon's called in

electrician Neil to figure out how
to rewire it as an ornamental light.

Maybe if we get, like,
a vintage-looking bulb inside,

that'll look pretty cool.
Nice one, mate.

That just pops out there. OK.

So Neil gets to work.

OK, just need to get a flex
out the bottom, put it on a plug

and we're good to go.

Outside, inspired by the castle,

Simon's giving the Southend Pier
timbers a new life as a table.

Coming together, isn't it?

He's replicating the Norman
architectural chevrons

he saw at Hedingham Castle,

cutting the planks at 45 degrees

to create
the 90-degree chevron shapes

that'll form the base of his table.

So there's still edges to put
on, but, in theory, this table

is now solid.

Time to find out
whether it sits level.

It does go through a standard
door, which is nice. Yeah.

Come on, mate. The moment of truth.

If we know this surface is level...

OK, on the head, and now
over in one, yeah?

One. Oh, hang on.

One, two... Three.

♪ I am that good
I am that good.♪

Back in Oxfordshire, blacksmith
Fred Harriss

is fixing the broken
wheel of the Victorian bath chair.

It needs a new iron rim fitted
to maintain its integrity

and strength.

After measuring the circumference,
he constructs a new iron band.

Heating it expands it just enough
to fit it to the old wheel.

After cooling, the iron
contracts and tightens

around the new, completed wheel.

With no brakes on the Fiat, the boys
have sought the help

of a professional
mechanic - Ian Lafford.

Wheel cylinder's completely seized.

All four brakes are now fettled
and fixed, but at a cost.

Hopefully, there'll be
some profit left

for Henry to return
to Jason and Demetra.

Right, now that's all done.
Time to get it back to Henry.

With work under way on the first set
of items, it's now Simon's turn

to choose the rummage location,

and he's taking Henry to Wanstead
in east London.

Lovely as the castle was,
welcome back to reality.

London, where everyone's modest
home is their castle.

Does that mean everyone
has a butler?

After working as a project manager
in the civil service for 30 years,

Beryl Flynn wants to go fulltime
with her upcycling hobby.

I've been collecting and
refurbishing furniture for years.

I make lampshades

and I've started making cushions
and different things.

But, in order to do that,

she needs to empty her sheds to get
some working space.

I need to use that space properly,
and it's driving me crazy, really.

Beryl, hi, how are you? I'm Simon.
This is Henry.

How are you? Hello, Henry.
So, if it's OK by you,

we are going to have a rummage
around your sheds.

And, Beryl, if we did make you some
money, what would you spend it on?

I want to do my cabin up
and put heating in there

and just make it a place
where I can go to in wintertime.

We'll go that way and make you some
space. OK, thank you.

We'll see you later. Beryl, we'll
see you in a bit.

Thanks so much, all right?

Beryl's... Yeah. camp.

The boys have two
items each to find.

Oh, here's another
massive fan of yours. Oh, yeah.

I meet them all the time, mate.
Here you go. Ah.

Oh, it's a chaise longue
under there, is it, mate?

A bit thin on the upholstery, look.

Seriously, seriously!

Having said that, frame is solid.


The literal French translation
of chaise longue is long chair.

They were associated
with French-style boudoirs.

However, chaises longues date back
further to the Egyptians,

over 3,000 years BC.

Got yourself a chaise longue with no
chaise, but a bit of longue!

Yeah, exactly.

It needs reupholstering, but
the chaise is Simon's first pick.

Hey, by the way, I've heard
of the chaise longue. Yeah?

Is there ever a chaise short?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's a chair.

Come on.

Are you ready? Yeah, I'm ready.
I'm ready!

I'm ready. Oh, there's a great big...

Oh, you can't have two items
straightaway. I've seen your face.

And Simon may have just
found his second item.

Oh, man, that's beautiful.

He's spotted a tambour cabinet.

Man, that's gorgeous!

Tambour refers to a door made
of flexible strips that bend to make

the door slide open and shut.

Even better, are you ready? Oh.

Ah. That's a bit of an issue.

My heart bleeds for you, mate.
You might have to do some repairs.

Half the track,
it's just down the back.

I'm going to sit in the shade
and enjoy myself.

That's right, be smug
then, will you?

Simon's cabinet find means
he has two items

and Henry is left to search alone.

Hey, I reckon I've found a gas mask.
What do you think?

Yeah, definitely
something army, isn't it?

Oh, I say! Oh, look!
Ah, is it Morse code?

I'm think it might be. Oh, mate.


Did you rush into things
a little bit there?

Did you? Hey? Look.


You should take your time
on finding your second item.

This British field signal kit
dates from World War II.

It allowed Morse code to be sent
between disparate locations.

My God, it comes with
all the accessories!

Oh, my word!
In its own box. Oh, look.

Operators would place the lamp
as far from themselves

as they could, given
they attracted more enemy bullets

than they did moths.

It's 2-1 to Simon so, for Henry,
the search continues.

You should have kept
your powder dry.

That's a military term, innit?

Going to the cellar.

Oh, there's lots of wood. Kind of
your domain, isn't it, really?

Well, not completely.

Oh, cheers, mate. Second nod.

My favourite thing of all time -
some cubbyhole shelving.

I'm not even going to look at it.
It's just lovely.

Time to find out what Beryl can tell
them about their haul.

First up, the Morse code signaller.

I think it is World War II.

Simon has his head in his hands
for a very good reason.

Why is that, Simon? I wish I'd seen
it before you did, Henry Cole.

Next, the cubbyhole shelving.

I think it came from a studio years
ago that my husband used to work in.

Beryl, roll-fronted set of drawers.
Where did that come from?

It came from my cousin Mary, who
used to work at a solicitor's office

years and years ago.

My last item does exactly
what you asked us to do.

It makes space
and it'll make you money.

Beryl, thank you very much indeed.
Thank you very much.

Coming up, Gemma has bold plans.

We could go really bright,
bold, leopard print.

Leopard print?!

Guy's losing his head.

Have you spent a lot
of money on this?

I could get one of those
little guillotines.

And, at the valuation,
Henry turns even posher.

Darling, I have to have it!
That's astonishing.

There are sheds and there are SHEDS!

Reclaimers and restorers Henry Cole
and Simon O'Brien are on a mission

to rid the world of clutter...

I've got it! I'm having it!

...and fix it and flog it for cash.

Now, Henry is back in Oxfordshire
with his finds.

A couple of little bijou items for
you, son.

Cubbyhole shelving, eminently saleable...

Mm. ..and also, I like the grain on

Yeah, and it's dovetailed - it's
quite nicely made. It is.

I tell you what I think we should do
with it.

We'll polish up the actual carcass
lovely but inside

of the cubbyhole boxes, we'll paint
a lovely colour.


And Henry's second item?

Check this out, right.

I've never seen one of these before.

That's a, um...

I don't know what they call them -
Morse code. Yeah.

Here we have the light.

Oh, I thought it was like a
telegraph thing!

No. I didn't realise it was going to
have a light on it.

And it's got a beautiful reflector
in there, as well.

I think we should just dust it.
Dust it.

Clean it off. Yeah.

Get it going. Yeah.

As a beautiful World War II
antiquity. Yeah.

I didn't even know they existed, to
be honest,

but that is a lovely item!

Guy gets to work ridding the
cubbyhole of dust and grime.

I'm just giving it a wipe down with
some furniture polish

and then I'm going to wax it and
then buff it up,

and I think it will look lovely.

Inside, Henry is seeing if there's
any life in the signalling box.

We can get it flashing

but we can't actually get it

like that.

So I'm going to do some research and
send it away to a specialist.

That's the best thing - I tell you
something else though I did find out

is that it's very rare to have a
Morse code machine

AND the light AND the complete box.

So, hopefully, if we can get it going,

we've got ourselves a very valuable item.

Back in Liverpool, Simon is
revealing his finds

to restorer Gemma, starting with the
chaise longue frame.

GEMMA: I absolutely love it!

I know you're good at upholstering.

I am but I think on this occasion,

this should go and see a professional,

but I'm going to choose the fabric.
Can I have some say in that?


OK, moving on.

Here we go. What do you think of

This is gorgeous, as well!

Yeah. It is!

It's good, isn't it? Yeah.

And also up here somewhere there is
one of these, too. Ooh!

Look, it's got a shutter - oh...

It's only half a shutter.

The other section is there - it's
just down the back.

Right, I can sort that.

To achieve the best price,

getting the tambour shutters working
is essential.

But first, Gemma sands back the
tired old finish

to reveal the raw wood.

I'm sanding down this cabinet, which
I'm going to varnish

and then paint the drawers different
colours inside.

Removing the rear of the cabinet
reveals the rest

of the broken shutter.

She'll now have to rejoin the two
broken parts.

It looks like it's held together
with fabric.

So, the plan is to smear this in
wood glue

and replace the fabric on the back.

And, fingers crossed, it'll be held together.

I'll leave that to dry...

...and hope for the best.

Next, Gemma sands the chaise longue.

She then paints the wooden frame
before sending it off

to the upholsterers.

There we go!

And the fabric...

Back in Oxfordshire, there's no need
for experts after all,

as Henry has made a discovery.

She's flashing away like that, but
I've kind of sussed out that

if you hold this down, yeah, the
light there goes really dim.

Yeah, and then you can use it.

Look, see?

How cool is that?

So, Bright Spark Henry has the
signal box working again.

Now, have a look at that, right?

That is...

...Morse code alphabet.

Now, if you want to send an SOS
call, it's dot-dot-dot,

dash-dash-dash, dot-dot-dot.

And the cavalry start to arrive!

Well, we don't have a cavalry but
we do have Guy,

and he's busy masking the
cubby-holed shelves.

Now, for the first coat of undercoat.

This is going to take longer than I thought.

It's actually quite time-consuming,
but it is therapeutic to me.

In Liverpool, Gemma's also painting.

She's using eight colours, one for
each drawer of the tambour cabinet.

I chose a silk paint as it's a
little bit harder wearing.

And that was easy!

The shutter seems to be all in one piece.

It's dried nicely.

We just need to now fit it back in.

Oh, come on...

There it is!

It's a little bit stiff,

the new varnish.

But it's definitely working!

It WAS definitely working.

Aargh, that wasn't supposed to

Well, the shutter started off in two pieces.

Now, it's back to the drawing board.

Let's see what went wrong.

I could potentially repair this,

but I think it's just going to be
too weak.


...I can still use this.

I'll just go for a plan B -
decorative option.

Hopefully, there'll be better news
for the chaise longue.

In Victorian times, these were
popular with pregnant women

seeking somewhere to rest.

Beryl's chair has been recovered
by Alan Oram

and he's just finishing off with
upholstery pins.

Back in Oxfordshire, and with
valuation day looming,

Guy and Henry are finishing off
their first set of items.

I think these are turning out quite
nicely, aren't they?

They're preparing a new seat and
footrest for Jason

and Demetra's antique bath chair.

We've done a couple of nice bits of
wood, obviously to minimise costs

for our little bath chair,
haven't we?

It wasn't that minimised cost - it's
light oak.

What? I thought we had to get a sort
of decent wood for it,

rather than a bit of ply.

Have you spent a lot of money on

I didn't ask how much it was,
I just ordered it.

Come the valuation, I could get one
of those little guillotines...

Give him a break, Henry.

The wood looks great and the wheel
fits perfectly.

I think that looks fantastic.

It looks $1 million better, doesn't

Yeah, definitely.

Hopefully looking like more than a
million lira

is the old Italian Fiat 500.

I'm just going to fit some nice
black and silver sort of period

number plates for it, because this
car is allowed to have them.

Now clean and smooth and road legal,

the moment of truth awaits.


I thought I'd take you out for a
slap-up, right? Yeah?

Italian lunch.

Oh, I do like that!

Come on, Henry.

I'm coming. At last.

Hello, mate. All right...
How long did that take?

Sorry, mate.

Here. There you go, mate!

Is it gluten-free?

Oh, no...

I'm very disappointed.

Back to Liverpool, Simon and Gemma
are also finishing

their first items.

First up, the chevron-shaped wooden table.

What do you get if you cross Norman architecture

with Southend Pier and my head?

This table! This table.

Do you know what, it is really
lovely. It works, doesn't it?

It does.

I literally just came from seeing
the details

in the stonework in that old Norman keep.

What of the broken heater?

That's been polished and fitted out
as an ornate lamp.

Pop the top on...

There you go. There you go!

Give it some power, Gem. Let's see.

Wow, look at that!

It's just gorgeous, isn't it? Yeah.

Yeah, quality item... restored and repurposed, good
to go.

Brilliant. Yeah.

Good to go, indeed.
And it doesn't take Simon long

to find a potential buyer.

Keith, how are you, mate? Very well.
Good to see you. Brilliant.
Now, listen.

It's been wired by an electrician so
it's bona fide. OK.

It's good to go.


I like it, Simon, I really do.

But I think it a little bit rich.

How's one and a half?

I know what you're going to say
now, "Meet in the middle."

I can't meet you in the middle for
this. OK. All right.

I'll come down a bit.


Go on, then.

I'm done. I still think you've had
me on that.

Did Simon get the best price?

Time to find out at the valuation.

Henry and Simon stormed Jason and
Demetra's castle

looking for unloved items that they
could restore.

The couple are now here to see if
the guys have made any money.

HENRY: Hello. Hello!

Jason, come on in.
SIMON: How are you?

Darling, good to see you.

Jason, lovely to see you.

Have a look around, see what you

Take a wander. Oh, my goodness, wow.

How amazing!

I have to say that is...
Isn't that beautiful?

Unbelievable, isn't it? Yeah.

That is awesome, look at that.

I love that design, Simon.

Do you like it? Yeah.

My goodness, look, lots to look at.

Does it actually work?


It does!

Hey, look, come on over, let's chat.

OK. We are thrilled that you love
what we've done,

but have we made you any money?

Now Elisicia, our valuer, is here.

NARRATOR: Elisicia Moore runs a
fashionable London store

specialising in upcycled furniture,

so she has a good eye for the true
market value of restored items.

The funky heater light.

ELISICIA: I think it's Edwardian.
Oh, do you?

Simply because of the design.

Fitting a bulb and some rewiring

to turn the discarded heater into a
chic lamp cost £40.

You could easily achieve £200 for
the light.

I've sold it for...

Not quite for £200,

I sold it for £185.

That's astonishing!

That's a white hot £145 profit for
the heater.

Chevron table.


Cos there's so many of those!


This is like my 100th one.

The apparently worthless wood was
turned into a trendy table

for just £10 on bolts.

I would put it in my shop and I'd
put £160 on it,

expecting a very quick sale.

A sturdy £150 profit on the table.

Let's keep the momentum with our
little carriage over there.

Again, a really difficult item to value.

NARRATOR: The carriage had a
thorough clean

and £50 was spent on oak and getting
a blacksmith to fix the wheel.

I think it's a museum piece.

If I had to sell it,

I would probably say £200.

The carriage carries away a £150

Let's move on to the great big red
elephant in the room.

The Fiat 500. Of all the vehicles,
this has got to be quintessentially

the most charming of them all.

NARRATOR: £500 was spent on fixing
the brakes and getting the Fiat
running again.

I would say £3,500.

JASON: Golly. No!

As it stands? Yes. As it stands?

It needs some work, it does need
some work.

Friends of my wife have come round
while we've been fixing it

and I've had at least three, shall
we call them, genuine enquiries...

Oh, really? Which is,
"Darling, I HAVE to have it!"

That's a genuine enquiry. Well, I
think that's a genuine enquiry,
you know,

one out of the three might come good.

NARRATOR: That's £3,000 profit on
the car.

The total amount of money you're
taking home today is £3,445.

That is... How does that sound?
That is huge!


What would you spend that on?
What are you going to spend it on?

14th wedding anniversary.

Oh, you're such a liar!

NARRATOR: So, Henry's choice of location,

Demetra and Jason's castle,

carries away a conquering £3,445

Will Simon's choice of location beat

I think they're just remarkably inventive.

I was so impressed with Simon's
design for the table.

And I thought it was really clever.

Yeah, I really love what was the
heater, actually.

It's got a modern purpose with a
cool design.

I'm quite sort of jealous of that, actually.

Yeah, so am I!

Coming up, there's drama in Liverpool.

What do you think?

This, Gemma... a very bold choice.

And Henry bores everyone at the valuation.

One of my favourite hobbies,
cubbyhole shelving, thanks.

Motorbikes, tractors and cubbyhole shelving.

He's a great laugh in the pub!

Oh, here's another
massive fan of yours.

Reclaimers and restorers Henry Cole
and Simon O'Brien are on a mission

to rid the world of clutter...

That's gorgeous.

...and fix it and flog it for cash.

Briefly, I hate you. Mm.

In Liverpool, Gemma's given
up on the tambour shutter

and has opted for brightly painting
the filing cabinet drawers,

while the broken door handle is now
just a decorative piece at the top.

Overall, I'm really pleased.

I know this doesn't work any more,
but it doesn't need to.

Those colours are fab.

And the chaise longue.

What do you think?

This, Gemma, is a very
bold choice of print.

Yes, I know, but I didn't say...

Hang on.

I love it. Do you? Yeah.

Oh, good, I'm glad.
I just think it's lovely.

It's gorgeous. The upholsterers
have done a great job as well,
haven't they? A brilliant job.

A very bold choice of print.
Absolute triumph, that.

It's going to make good
money for Beryl, this.

Good job. Right. OK.

This also is looking lovely.

Yeah, now, there's just one
little thing about this.

It's no longer a roller shutter
cabinet, because there's

no roller shutter.

As I was pulling it down, this piece
just fell right off

and it was beyond repair, so...

It cannot be beyond repair.
It was, it was.

No, this is just
a decorative finish now.

Where are the bits?
Well, they're in my room.

It HAS to be repaired.

It's a roller shutter cabinet.

It is its raison d'etre.

I'm going to lie down for a moment.
Can you find the bits for me?

Yeah, you're not lying on that.
You'll get it dirty.

Can you find the bits
for me, please?

So Simon's still got work to do.

In Oxfordshire, Henry is showing
off his working Morse code

signaller to Guy.

How are you getting on? Well,
actually, relatively well, I feel.

Do you know what
you're actually doing?

No, but I might have fixed it.

Right, now, look, right,
it pulses like that. Yes.

Yeah, now, if you hold it down now -
are you ready for this?

Tell me it's going to go
Morsey, here we go.

Here we go. Yes.

Dash-dot-dash. Yeah. Yes.

Does it? Yeah.

There you are, look, I've fixed it.

Well done. I'm very surprised
that you've managed that.

Beginner's luck. Yeah.

Next in the big boys' show and tell,
Guy is revealing the fruits

of HIS labours.

Feast your eyes.

That is quite simply a revelation.

Although that looks so simple to do,
actually, it took a long time.

Mate, it's lovely.
I'm glad you're paying my wage bill.

Yeah, no, well, I'm not, but I tell
you what though, mate,

you have earned your money there.

That is beautiful. Happy?

Nice! I can flog this. I'm just
going to make a couple of calls.

I think I might have a punter. Good.

And faster than you can say
"wall-based storage solution",

Henry has an eager buyer - quad bike
engineer Tony Gordon.

That is going to look
gorge in your workshop.

I have got a use for it.

Oh, have you? Good. I'm on the back
foot here already, aren't I?

Do you want to hear the damage?
80 quid, mate.

I was thinking more like half that. Er...

OK, I'll meet you in the middle.
Are you saying 60?

Come on, mate, 60 it is. Job done.
Come on.

Job done, but has Henry been done?

It's time to find out
at the second valuation.

Aspiring upcycler Beryl Flynn wanted
Henry and Simon to rid her sheds

of unwanted items so she can create
an art space, but did they make
her any money?

She's brought her friend Laura
to check on her profits.

Hello, hello. Hello. I'm fine, thank
you. Good to see you.

How are you? Great to see you. You, too.

Come and have a look. Oh, wow. Oh,
look, look. Go and have a wander.

Oh, it's really lovely.

It shows what nice fabric and care
and love... Yeah. ..does.

Care and love, eh? I love this.

And you fixed this, as well?
Yes, go on.

There you go. See, Beryl.

Now, look, I've got to tell
you girls, that is a fully

functioning Morse code machine.

Hey, come on over, I'll tell
you all about it.

It's a sort of intermittent torch.
So what do you think?

I'm amazed, I'm amazed -
especially the chaise longue,

because it was in such bad repair.

But the question is - have we made
you any money, which is the name
of the game? It is.

Well, to find out, we've got our
independent valuer joining us.

Independent valuer
Elisicia Moore is back.

OK, let's start with
the roll-front cabinet.

Yeah, a bit of a sucker
for the roll-front cabinets.

The neglected cabinet is back in use
at no cost, as Gemma fished out

some leftover paints.

I think on one hand, it's nice
to have colours if you're painting

for yourself, but if you're trying
to sell on the open market,

it's best to stay more neutral.

However, it still
has an inherent value.

I think you would
easily achieve £125. Mm.

£125, is that right?

A bit difficult to sell, a bit of a
niche market. Yeah, very niche.

Yeah, very niche, I've sold it, so
there, and I've sold it for £140.

Oh, good. There you go.

A rather smug profit of £140, then.

Right, now, let's have a look
at the chaise longue.

Bravo. It looks lovely, doesn't it?
It does.

The dilapidated chaise longue
is back to its best for £450

spent on reupholstering and painting.

It's a floral without
being a floral. Nice colours,

it's on trend, and I think you would
really easily achieve £700.


That's a profit of £250
on the chaise longue.

On a roll, cubbyhole shelving.

Yeah. It doesn't, you know,
LOOK very exciting,

but they are really quite popular.

One of my favourite hobbies,
cubbyhole shelving, thanks.

All right, let me
finish, let me finish.

Motorbikes, tractors
and cubbyhole shelving.

He's a great laugh in the pub.

Nothing at all was spent on
sprucing-up the cubbyhole shelves.

I think you could easily
achieve £60 for it. Yes.

Hey, yes.

I sold it to a mate of mine
with a workshop, 60 quid.

That's a fine profit of £60.

So - Morse code machine, fully
working, complete unit, very rare.

Yes, indeed, very rare.

Just a bit of spit and polish
was spent on the Morse code machine.

It's not common to find all the bits
and pieces still together,

and I think any enthusiast
would be happy to pay £150 for it.

That signals a profit of £150.

So taking away our costs,
you ladies are taking home today
£600. How does that sound?

Very, very good. Yeah?
Brilliant. Fantastic.

You can come back another time
and take some more stuff.

We'd love to, Beryl.
I've been collecting more since.

Oh, you can't stop, can you? You're
supposed to be having a clear-out.

So Simon's choice of location brings
in a profit of £600.

I didn't believe they could
resurrect the chaise longue,

because actually, it was just a
frame and nothing else.

Henry's earlier location,
the Castle Barns of Dmitri

and Jason, amassed
a profit of £3,445,

making Henry the winner
by a towering £2,845.

Guess what this is?

Me-me-me-me me-me me me-me.
I don't know.

That's Morse code
for me fleecing you.

You can wallow in your glory,
because I am very, very proud

of the items I created.

So am I. Me-me-me me me-me.

Subtitles by Red Bee Media