Fear the Walking Dead (2015–…): Season 5, Episode 12 - Ner Tamid - full transcript

In search of a permanent home for the convoy, Charlie is drawn to a synagogue where she encounters a Rabbi surviving on his own. Elsewhere, Sarah and Dwight face unexpected foes.

After we made contact
with a few people,

we knew that
there were more out there.

So we picked up more trucks
so we could cover more ground.

We'll find a place
to call home.


- We seem to have run out of gas.
- Hey.

Tell me where
the damn oil fields are.

- You with, uh, Logan?
- Look at that.

Look, whatever you came here
for, you're not gonna find.

Had a feelin'
you'd say that.

We're in.

♪ Barukh ata Adonai ♪

♪ Eloheinu Melekh ha-olam ♪

♪ Borei peri ha-gafen ♪

♪ Barukh ata Adonai ♪

♪ Eloheinu Melekh ha-olam ♪

♪ Borei minei v'samin ♪

♪ Barukh ata Adonai ♪

♪ Eloheinu Melekh ha-ola... ♪

If you were alive,
I'd let you in,

but we don't have anything
to talk about,

now, do we, me and you?

And I'm sure you're not so good
at conversation.

♪ Barukh ata Adonai, Elohei... ♪



You wanna talk?

Let's talk.


You okay,
young lady?

W-What's your name?


Pleased to meet ya,

I'm Rabbi Jacob Kessner.

And, uh,

welcome to
Temple B'nai Israel.

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.

Thank you.

I'm sorry.
I saw the light.

Don't be sorry,
and, uh, it's not a light.

It's Ner tamid.

The flame of truth,

the, uh,
presence of God.

She led you here.

I like to think of God
as, uh...

Well, seems God
needs new batteries.

So, uh, why don't we get you
something to eat

and maybe a towel?

Let's get these puppies
fueled up.

Locked up tighter

than fireman's sphincter
on the Fourth of July.

We're runnin' 'em ragged,

Took twice as long
to set up camp as yesterday.

Well, we've got 12 hours
until sunset.

Travelin' by night,
keepin' watch by day...

it's really
takin' its toll.

Logan's out there.

And it's gonna take
Morgan, Al, Alicia, and Strand

a couple days
to get to us.

So we just keep moving
until then.

How's the reserves?

About 1,000 gals of unleaded
is all that separates us

from stumblin' around
like the skinbags.

So we'll do
another run.

This isn't
just about the gas.

I know.

Why won't you just stop
and take a breath?

This isn't the right place
to do it.


Chow down and rest up,
baby face.

Headin' for tank town
at 0800.

We're gonna have to wait.
Uh, the headcount's off.

No, everyone was accounted for
when we packed up.

Look, I don't know
what to tell you.

someone's missin'.


I can help.

Oh, she's awake.

Don't worry.

You're not the first person
to fall asleep in my schul.

I've been mostly sleeping
in cars lately.

Oh, hard to rest without
a proper roof over your head.

Yeah, well,
I'm used to it.

Why are all these dead ones
following you?

I was looking for something
last night,

and I got separated
from my group.

Walkers found me first.

You have a group?

We have to get you
back to them.

Do you really think
that God led me here?

Come here.

You don't?

Why would he?

Why wouldn't he?

Do you answer every question
with a question?

Do I?

In two minutes,
you figured out the secret

it took me eight years
at Yeshiva to understand.

Maybe there's something
you need here.

Maybe you're here because
you're finally going to find it.

Excuse me.

Hashem calls.

What happened
to all your people?

Uh, same thing that happened
to most people.

I used to talk
to my congregation

about a thing called
t'chayth hameitim,

that the souls of the dead
would rise

and be reunited
with their bodies

at the end
of this world.

I suppose
I got it half right.

Why do you still do that
if no one's here?

It works for me.

And because
of tradition.

Tradition is
very important,

more now than ever.


No, no, no.

This is
the last battery.

It can't go dark.

I'm sorry.
I have to go.

Right now.

I need to find
some batteries.


I know
where we can get some.

It's Charlie.

Does anybody copy?

are you alright?

I'm o... I'm okay.

I'm so sorry
this happened.

We thought everyone
was accounted for

when we left
last night.

It's not your fault,

You didn't leave
without me.


I ran away.

Why would you
do that?

I can't keep living
the way we have.

I just wanted to find someplace
that we could settle down.

I checked some places last night.

None of them were right, but now...

now I think I may have found
a place that we could call home.

Where are you,

We'll come get you,
bring you back to the convoy.

You need to come see this place
for yourself.

Oh, and bring some car batteries
with you.

Where are
they coming from?

Must be a gap
in the fence somewhere.

I'll find it.

My friends are coming
with your batteries.

They can help.

Keeping the flame lit
is a mitzvah unto itself.

I can take care
of the fence.

Wait inside.
Make yourself at home.

v'yis kadash sh'may raboh...

B'alma di v'ra chirutei,

v'yamlich malchutei.

Behayekhon uvyomekhon.

That should do it.

I can't tell you
how much this means to me.

you kept Charlie safe here.

That's the least
we could do.

So, this convoy of yours,
how many people are there?

Uh, we're up
to 36 now.

Tzadikim Nitsarim.

The mystics believe that
there are 36 righteous people

in the world
at any given time.

Maybe I've come across
three of them today.

we do what we can.


We really should be getting back
to the rest of our people.


The rabbi...
I told him that we would stay

and help him
fix his fence.

Oh, I... you've done
more than enough already.

You helped me.

Let us help you.

I'll go with her.

Oh, hey,
I got somethin' for ya.

Here. It's tasty.

I'm just checking.

Oh, I have something
for you, too.


Put it on.

Not for me.

For Hashem.




How do I look?


- Kinda like the pope.
- Oh.

But not bad.

- Yeah.
- Mm-hmm.

We should pull
the van inside.

We try, it might bring
the whole thing down.

Charlie, I know you wanna find
a place to settle down.

We all do.

But I'm not sure
that this is it.

Why not?

'Cause it's not
big enough.

There's not a water source
for miles.

- The fence isn't strong enough.
- We can fix it.

- Charlie.
- I know it may not be perfect,

but it's better
than stopping

in a different place
every day.

It's better
than going out on a run

and not even knowing
if your home

is still gonna be there
when you get back.

I've lived like that before,

We both have.

I don't wanna
go back to that.

Is that
what this is about?

Who we used to be?

Is it really
that different?

We're different.

We may have been in a caravan,
but that was...

that went bad.

This won't.


I thought
the same thing then.

That tanker truck
is unprotected.

This place,
I know what you want it to be,

but it just isn't.

We need to get back
to the convoy.

That's not bad.


I think Dan the Man
mighta nicked your taste buds

when he was trimmin' up
your face pubes.

Any sign
of ol' Swatty?

not yet.

He'll be back.

Here's to the road.

Hard to remember
anything but.

I hear that.

Wen and I have been
poundin' the pavement

since before munchers
started munchin'.

At least
you had each other.

How long
you been hoofin' it solo?

I don't know.

I, uh...

I just s-sorta
lost track of time.

I think I'd have
gone off the deep end.

That long,
nobody to talk to?

I almost did.

But your gal kept you goin',
the idea of her?


And the walkers,

Yeah, I remember
just watchin' 'em, you know,

when I was sleepin' in cars
or whatever,

just sorta
wanderin' around.

You know, who knows
how far they came from

or where
they're goin'?

They're just wanderin',
you know?

It's a life
on the road forever.

I say to hell with that.

Yeah, I did.



Logan's guys.

They found us.

Did you
make that yourself?

Mogen David's not so easy
to come by anymore,

so I started keeping
a small vineyard

in the back garden.

Always had
a bit of a Green thumb.

You said that God led me here
for a reason.

I think
you may be right.

Well, you do look better
than when you got here,

and the eternal flame
is looking better,

so I think she left us
with a win/win.

I wanna live here.

We all can.

I don't think
that's a good idea.


Why not?


we really need
to get going.

You can go,
but I'm staying.

No, Charlie, you should be
with your people.

But this place,
you're all alone here.

So we could stay
and live with you

and help make sure
the lamp always stays lit.

I appreciate everything
you've done for me, really,

but I think
you should probably...

June, John, you copy?

She's breaking
radio silence.

what's wrong?

Dick squad
tracked us down.


How did they
find us?

I got
no Goddamn clue.

Sent everybody else
to the rendezvous,

but we gotta get
the hell outta here,

and we're gonna need
that Swatty pronto.

We're on our way.

The fence.

Get back inside.

I don't understand.
Did we do something?

How did they
get in here?

They're not here
because of you.

They're here
because of me.

What are you talking about?
Who are they?

My congregation.

When the world
started to change,

my congregants came here
for help.

We put up fences.

We gathered all the food
and water we could.

We managed in here
for weeks,

but we started
to run low on supplies.

I left to go find some,
and when I came back...

You found them
like this?

- Sorry.
- No, I'm sorry.

You're only here
because you're helping me.

And we ain't
done yet.

We go inside,
and we'll stay quiet.

They'll go away.

It could take days.

I'm afraid we're on
a tighter timetable than that.

I got an idea.

You ready?


You say a prayer
for us?

I think it's good.


Got it?


Good job.

- Slow and steady.
- Okay.

Good job.

we can do this.

I'm gonna give it a try.

- Alright, yep, got you.
- You comin'?


I got you.

Good. Good.

Everybody, stay ahead.
We'll meet up at the rendezvous.

They just want
what we got in the tank,

so we'll make sure
they don't get it.

Easier said than done,

Who the hell
is this?

Ask your copilot.
He'll tell ya.

Shoulda taken the shot
when he had the chance.

You know this dick?

I had him,
and I, uh...

I let him go.

Thought I was doin'
a good thing.

No good deed,

How we doin'
on the Swatty?

Could really use the assist
right about now.

Workin' on it.

Got it.

- Got it?
- Come on over.

Come on.


You're almost there.

What's wrong?

What happened?

We're not
gonna make it.

Sarah, it's gonna take longer
than you think.

They might be
on their own.

How'd you know
this was gonna happen?

I didn't.

You knew
this wasn't the right place.

If I could
explain it...

I suppose
you probably would.

It's okay.
It's okay.

We can pick them off
one by one.

How many bullets
do you have?

No, I can't use bullets,
not on them.

I'm sorry.

No, Charlie, I don't
think there's enough time,

and I think it's just gonna
draw more of them past.

you know how we fix this.


Same as we used to.


I'm not
giving this place up.

it's okay.

No, it's not okay.
It's not okay.

This is where
I'll be safe.

I saw that light,

and you even said that
God led me here for a reason.

I should never
have told you that.

- Why?
- Because I don't believe it.

I don't understand.

I don't
believe in God.

I haven't
in a long time.

Is it because of
what happened to them?

When I left the synagogue,
when I left them...

...it wasn't to get supplies
like I said.

It was because I'd already
started to lose faith.

I saw what was happening
to the world.

I saw what people were doing
to each other.

So, then,
why did you go?

How could I lead them
if I didn't believe?

I wandered around
for weeks on my own,

looking for something
to change my mind.

I didn't find it.

So you came back?

They were
already dead...

...already locked
inside that building.

Whatever happened to them
while I was gone,

it wasn't pleasant.

But that
doesn't mean...

It does.
I'm alive because I left.

I'm alive because
I didn't believe in God.

If that isn't
a clear message,

I don't know
what is.

So the prayers,
the lamp, the...

It's all
I have left...

the rhythms of a life
I'm trying to hold on to.

And now... now I've put you
and your friends at great risk

because I couldn't even
let go of that.

Don't do the same,

Don't lose your people
because you can't let go

of what you thought
this place could be.


Yeah, Charlie?

You're right.

We can fix this.


Do you have anything
that makes a lot of noise?

this may not be it,

but some
of the others?

Maybe they were.

Maybe we already
missed it.

Hey, don't go gettin'
all introspective on me

at a time
like this.

I'm the one that's kept us
on the move this long.

Thought it was
the right thing.

Maybe just
every time I settle down...

Yeah, just... just didn't
turn out the way you hoped.


Well, unfortunately,
that just may be

the world we live in,

whether we're on the move
or stationary.

Current circumstances...
exhibit "A."



I'm sorry
it didn't end up

being a place
that you could call home.

It's okay.

Hashem calls.

Turd in
a toilet bowl.


I'm running' outta gas.

We're drivin'
the tanker. What...

This ain't
bottomless mimosas, chief.

Tank's not connected.



We go down,
we go down with the ship.

Even if we end up
crispy critters.

Yeah, it's been fun
ridin' with ya.

You, too, baby face.

Where the hell
are they goin'?

scared 'em off.

Good ol' Swatty.

We're lucky
you ran into the rabbi

and not someone else.

I'm sorry.

If I hadn't
run away, then...


You don't need
to apologize.

Think I've just been
pushing everyone too hard.

I know I keep saying we're
gonna find the right place,

but maybe I'm just holding on
to an idea

that isn't out there.

Can I ask you a question?

- Rabbi?
- Um...

what makes you think
it's out there?

I don't know.

I just feel it.


That's faith.

Don't underestimate it.

I don't know about you,

but I'm gonna start
looking again

for what
I need to find,

and I won't stop
till I find it.

Well, we got gas.

As much as we need
after a run to the oil fields.

- So we'll keep driving...
- Mm-hmm.

...we'll keep helping,

and we'll find the place
we're meant to be.

Yeah, we will.

We haven't yet
had the pleasure.

I'm Sarah.

Rabbi Jacob Kessner.

Good to have you
with us, Rabbi.

Say, you wouldn't
happen to know

how far out we are from
Yom Kippur, would ya?

I got a few things
to atone for.

You've got
some time yet.

You're Jewish?


Card-carrying member
of the tribe.

I was about to do
the Ma'ariv.

Care to join me?

You ever say kiddush
with a Saison?

No need.

I make
my own wine.

My kinda rabbi.

Come on.

Well, at least we got
Logan's crew off our backs.

For the time bein'


Um, burned through
a lot of gas

just to turn
and drive away.

I imagine
they didn't count on

the cavalry showin' up
when it did, yeah?


From what I've seen
of Logan so far...

I mean,
these guys,

they don't... they don't
do anything by accident.

Go for Desert Fox.

Those assholes
and their panzer

are as far away
from you as possible.

You're all clear.

That's what
I like to hear.

We're almost outta gas.

No, we're not.

We're lookin' for oil,
not rocks.

Well, Polar Bear always did have
a sense of humor.

Hang on
to your hat, Doris.

We're about to buy ourselves
a ticket to the promised land.