Fear Itself (2008–2009): Season 1, Episode 3 - Family Man - full transcript
Dennis Mahoney is an All-American dad: successful, loving, and all-around good guy. All that changes after a car accident leaves him hanging between life and death. He finds his way back to life... only to wake up in the body of a serial killer named Richard Brautigan, a.k.a. "The Family Man Killer." Even worse is that Brautigan is now in Mahoney's body. With time running out, Dennis must find a way to save his family from Brautigan's murderous intent before he is executed in Brautigan's place.
The following program contains scenes of
an intense nature.Viewer Discretion Advised.
* Amazing grace *
* how sweet the sound *
* that saved a wretch like me *
* I once was lost *
* but now am found was blind *
* but now I see *
* t'was grace that
taught my heart to feel *
- morning,dennis.
- Morning.
- Kathy.
- Reverend
I can't tell you how pleased I am to hear you'll be
making pancakes again this year at the church breakfast.
Well,I had to,reverend.
You're my number 1 fan.
Oh,you bet. What's the secret?
No. Don'T.
- ice cream!
- Courtney!
Come on. You gotta be kidding me!
Can we go with spenser and get donuts?
Sure. But just one. Ok. You want to go?
- Yeah,let's go.
- Ice cream?
Yeah. It's in the batter.
It's an old family secret.
Oh,from your lips to god's ears.
See you next sunday.
I can't ********
Hey,dad. You want to play catch?
Uh,sure if it's still light
out when I get back. Yeah.
Do you really have to go into the
office again? It's 3 sundays in a row.
Yeah. Honey,I have 6 hours worth of
numbers to crunch and a 9 am deadline. So...
- I know.
- I know.
Somebody's got to pay for
this beautiful house,right?
Be back as soon as I can. Promise.
I'm going to color a
picture for you,daddy.
And I can't wait to see it,punkin.
- I love you.
- Love you,too.
- See you later.
- Bye.
Hey,honey. What's up?
Would you mind stopping by rigo's and
picking me up some milk for tomorrow?
Sure. Anything else?
Kids can you turn that
down,please? Mommy's on the phone.
Hey,do you want the big
one or the little one?
Dennis? Dennis,what happened?
Dennis,pick up the phone.
* Amazing grace *
* how sweet the sound *
* that saved a wretch like me *
Courtney? Courtney? Hey,come
here babe. Come here.
Tell mommy I'm ok. All right?
Tell mom--
She can't hear you,bro?
She can't see you either.
You're dead.
- We both are.
- No.
Come here.
Shot my ass good.
Look at all that blood.
This can't be happening.
See ya in hell,amigo.
I see we're awake.
Where am I?
County general.
Where's my family?
Your family?
You don't have a family.
Unless you count the
ones you slaughtered.
Where am I? Kathleen! Sean! Courtney!
Settle down brodigan.
What the hell?
Brought to you by Robbo
Fear Itself
Season01 Episode03
The Family Man
Mr. Brodigan,I'm
your,uh,court-appointed attorney.
John meere.
I just have a few forms for your
review before we get started.
Listen to me. My name's
not richard brodigan.
I'm dennis mahoney.
As I was saying,you
need to sign these forms.
They say I'll be representing you
on 26 counts of capital murder.
- 19 counts of
kidnapping- - no.
19 counts of unlawful restraint.
- And false imprisonment.
- No. No. No. No.
I'm not this man.
{\a6}"Family Man" Serial Killer Captured
Saying this is not you?
Ice cream! You wanna play catch?
I was driving my car. Driving
my car. There was an accident.
There was an accident,and
I was in the emergency room.
- I must of...
- what?
I must have died.
And when I woke up,I was...
I wasn't in my own
body. I was in this body.
Brodigan's body.
I know it-- it
sounds crazy.
Uh,all things considered,I would say
spiritual transmigration is
stunningly crappy defense.
Ok. Dennis.
Look,county sheriff jumped the gun.
They've been under intense pressure
to make an arrest in this case.
And as of now,all they have
on you is a single shoeprint
and the testimony of a
3 year old eyewitness.
Everything else is circumstantial.
- I'm innocent.
- That's good.
Fine. You're innocent.
But you got baggage.
The D.A.'S gonna to move to include
your juvenile record into evidence.
Try to establish a pattern
that speaks to motive.
What juvenile record?
You murdered your entire
family when you were 12.
- Mother. Father. 2 sisters.
- No.
You need to focus.
If we can alibi you for
even one of the abductions,
I'm trying to tell you
we can beat this thing.
Now please,richard. Richard.
I need you to sign these forms
so I can begin to help you.
My name is not richard brodigan!
I am not the family
man! My name is mahoney!
I have a wife. Her name is kathleen.
- Richard,I'm trying- - I have
2 children-- sean and courtney.
Please! Check it out!
Check the hospital records!
Everything I'm telling you is true!
You're the big,bad family man,huh?
Genuine celebrity.
Actually I'm a little disappointed.
I thought you'd be taller,scarier.
You're a real bad man,huh?
They say you've been shot,stabbed.
You just keep on coming.
So what are you,family man?
Personally,I don't believe it.
I think you feel pain.
Huh,you weenie.
Just like everybody else.
- Listen,I don't belong in here.
- Shut up!
My god!******** Freak.
Inmate,hands through the slot.
You've got a visitor,family man.
- My lawyer?
- No. Personal.
What the hell? Who are you?
You know you I am,dennis?
We met in the emergency room.
I want to be able to
tell you that I'm sorry
for the way that things
turned out for you. But...
it's god's will.
You gotta accept that.
You're wearing my suit?
Yeah. I didn't think you'd mind...
under the circumstances.
You got some nice stuff in your closet.
Not my style,but I'll get used to it.
You were in my house?
- My family? What have you done?
- Easy,dennis.
- I swear to god,if you touch my
family- - I'm not gonna hurt 'em.
I would never hurt them.
They're a beautiful family.
You don't know
how lucky you are--
your wife,your kids.They love you.
Everyone-- they look up to
you. Even people at the bank.
You've been to my job.
You can't just take over.
We'll see.
I'm gonna come back here regular.
I'm gonna teach you-- help you--
how to get along on the inside.
And you are gonna teach me how
to get along on the outside.
You're crazy. I'm not gonna help you.
But I'm the only
connection to your family...
that you're ever gonna have.
You want me to go?
I know it sucks for you.
You're innocent.
But even if they kill you...
you get your redemption.
This is my chance at redemption.
I'm gonna come back in a couple of days.
Don't worry. Everything's gonna be fine.
I'm gonna take care of our family.
I'm gonna protect them.
And I am gonna love them...
just like you would.
Good times.
Did you check out the things I told you?
We have a serious problem.
What? Did you check with the hospital?
- They found the tapes.
- What tapes?
In the storage locker
you rented in cleveland.
Videotapes of you raping,torturing,and
murdering the victims.
Entire families,one by one.
I gotta get out of here.
If you trust me and you work with
me,I can possibly save your life.
We have one hail mary play.
And that's to plead you out to a life sentence
in exchange for cooperation with the state.
What kind of cooperation?
A full confession.
And they're gonna want to know
what you did with the bodies.
A full confession? I have no idea!
I don't know about any
bodies. I didn't kill anybody!
Please just hear my out,ok.
Just check out the names. I gave
you the facts and the details.
If it doesn't check out,I'll drop
everything. And I'll do it your way.
I promise. I promise.
Dennis,come on sleepyhead.
You're gonna be late for church.
* Amazing grace *
* how sweet the sound *
* that saved a wretch like me *
* I once was lost *
* but now am found * come on,sing.
* Was blind,but now I see *
it's so good to have you back,dennis.
We said a prayer for you.
Ah,just a little bump on the head.
So we can count on you for
the big pancake breakfast?
Sure. I love pancakes.
Dennis,he means to make
them. Not to eat them.
Excuse me.
Where are you going with my kids,huh?
Dennis. What are you doing?
This punk was taking off with our kids.
That's spenser. He was
taking them for donuts.
I'm sorry.
What is wrong with you?
I told you. I just
didn't recognize the kid.
- You've known him since he was 2.
- I know.
there--there are
people out there.
Bad people who are waiting for
the moment when you're distracted.
Just one moment.
That's all they need to take your kids.
- My kids?
- Our kids.
That's all it takes.
- Well,I had my eye on them.
- No. You didn'T.
You can'T. No one can. Not all the time.
And that is where they get their edge.
Now you think about someone taking
your kids,what once? Twice a day?
That's all he thinks about.
Every minute of every day.
And the only time he's not thinking
about it is when he's already got 'em.
'Cause then he's thinking of all the
horrible things he's gonna do to them.
Sorry. Just,uh...
ever since the accident...
I'm so scared of losing you.
Den-- as long as you're
here with us,we're fine.
- Who's this?
- Me,punkin. It's your daddy.
- Daddy?
- God...
yeah baby. It's me.
- I love you so much.
- Here,honey. I got it.
- Hello?
- Kathy. It's dennis.
You gotta listen to me.
The man in your house is not me.
- You gotta pack the kids and get out.
- What's going on?
It's that man again.
- Who is this?
- Brodigan,you son of a bitch!
You need to stop calling this
number,or I'm gonna contact the police.
Brodigan! Brodigan!
What a loon. Don't worry.
I'll have the number
changed. It's all good.
What the hell is your problem?
You're wondering why there's
no other prisoners in here?
'Cause we want you all for ourselves.
One of the people that you
killed was named cherie davenport.
Remember her? Pretty little blond.
She was my fiance.
- You don't understand.
- You shut up! You shut up!
She was out having
dinner with her parents!
I couldn't make it
because I had to work late!
And then we got the call.
And I was the first one on the scene!
And there was so much blood!
It wasn't me.
You son
of a--
let go.Let go!
- I'm not afraid of you.
- Yes,you are.
Don't try calling the house
again. I changed the number.
This isn't gonna work.
What do you want me to do about it?
You want me to turn myself in?
Oh,hey officer,this isn't
richard brodigan. I am.
I'm just trapped in
the wrong guy's body.
You think they're gonna buy
that? You think that's gonna work?
Come here.
Come here.
You can run.
I got stocks,bonds. Money in the bank.
You can cash everything out.
Go anywhere in the world.
Well,who's gonna take
care of kathy and the kids?
They can take care of themselves.
No,dennis. They can'T.
They need me. They're my responsibility.
I'm not gonna abandon them
the way my father abandoned me.
Besides,who's gonna help
sean with his batting?
Someone's gotta make
that kid an all star.
And kathy.
To be honest,I've never been
with a woman like that before.
She seems so shy.
But you get a couple of drinks in her...
- don't even--don't
you- - sorry.
It's uncalled for.
Forgive me.
I'll tell you what.
Gotta give it to you.
I don't know how you do that job,man.
That-- that
boss of yours.
- Gerald.
- Gerald. Yeah.
I mean,he's always on me.
And I go over and
over the audit reports.
And it's never,ever good enough.
- You're right.
- Right.
You're totally right. Gerald
can be a real turd sometimes.
The trick is to use his template.
And it's all boilerplate.
You get sally to fill out
the blanks from the monthlies.
- She can do that?
- Yeah. It's part of her job.
See? This is what I'm talking about.
We can help each other.
Yeah. Sure we can.
I gotta go.
It's courtney's school play
tomorrow. She's a bumblebee.
You--you should
see the costume.
She's such a cute kid.
So affectionate.
Ah--listen to me. I'm
sorry. I'm just going on.
Ah,tell you what. I'll
bring you some video.
- Video?
- Yeah. Of the play.
Gonna be late. Can't keep the
old ball and chain waiting.
Here's the situation,brodigan.
The F.B.I.'S all over my
assbecause they want yours.
Just so happens the crimes you
committed were inmy jurisdiction.
So I can keep themat bay for
a while. But... not forever.
But I didn't do--
just let me finish.
I need to wrap this
investigation up quickly.
People in my county deserve closure.
That means a proper burial of their kin.
For once in your
life,do the right thing.
Confess your crimes. Tell
mewhere the bodies are.
In return,I'll personally go to the
D.A.And do my bestto get you life.
The alternative is not
nearly as attractive.
- I'm telling you,I'm not the one who did it!
- Don't tell meyou're innocent.
It insultsmy intelligence.
My offer is only good
until end of day tomorrow.
I'll go out for a while.
No son of mine is gonna play
ball with a glovelike that.
We just got him thatlast christmas.
This mitt's ok,dad. Really.
No. No. It's garbage.
You need a real mitt so
you won't dropso many balls.
You're embarrassing. Right?
What the hell?
- What are you doing?
- That's my spot.
We can find another spot.
No. He can find another
one. That one's mine.
Back in the car. Back in the car.
What's your problem?
Oh,you stole my spot.
Your spot? You kidding me?
- Move your car.
- Or what?
Oh,my god! Dennis!
- Honey.
- Don't touch me!
Can I have some more scabetti?
Spaghetti. Sure,baby.
Seany,are you excitedabout
the museum tomorrow?
Yeah. We're gonna
see dinosaurs and--
- Do you want some dinner?
- No. I don't want some dinner.
Just go make me some toast or something.
Are you
sure?I have--
yeah. I'm sure. Just make me some toast.
And you...
stop playingwith this
thing at the table.
What's your problem?
- I hate you!
- Sit down!
Eat your dinner.
Eat your dinner.
What are y'all staring at?
There. One big happy family.
You seem distracted.
Nah,I was just expectinganother
visitor. That's all.
Oh,really. Who?
Did you check out
those things I told you?
Yeah. As a matter of fact I did.
Dennis mahoney. Married. Wife,kathleen.
Resides at the addressyou
gave me. Has 2 kids.
And everything else?
Checked out.
Names,birthdates,social security
number. The collegeshe attended.
And yes,he was admitted to the ememergency
room at approximatelythe same time as you.
Motor vehicle accident.
See I told ya.
Doesn't prove anything.
Come on. How am I supposed to know all these
things unless I was telling you the truth?
This is dennis mahoney.
Unless if you're willing to stop screwing
mearound and work with me,then I can't help you.
- But you just told me-
- I know about the visits.
Dennis mahoney's been here to visit youhalf
a dozen times since you've been incarcerated
what?You didn't thinkit
was public record?
You think people can just walk in and out
of herewithout signing in? Showing some I.D.?
No. I mean,what's that
have to do with anything.
It has to do with the fact that he's obviously
beenfeeding you his personal information.
That--that--that's stupid!
Why would anybody do that?
I don't know,richard.
Why don't you tell me?
He's your friend.
I wantto win this for you.
But you gotto get on board.
When you're ready to
deal with reality,call me.
- What time is it?
- What's it matter to you?
What time are visiting hours over?
They ended an hour ago.
Now shut the hell up!
Stand back from the door.
I said stand back!
Where the hell are you?
* Amazing grace *
* how sweet the sound *
* that saved a wretch like me
* I once was lost *
* but now am found was blind *
but now I see *
* t'was grace that
taught my heart to feel *
* And grace my fears relieved *
* How precious did that
grace appear * 9:00.
* The hour I first
believed * Lights out.
* I'm bringing homea baby bumblebee *
* won't my daddybe so proud of me *
* 'cause I'm bringing
homea baby bumblebee (ouch)*
* It stung me *
* I'm squishing upthe baby bumblebee *
* won't my daddybe so proud of me *
* 'cause I'm squishing
upa baby bumblebee (eww)*
* It's yucky *
She's such a cute kid.
Really affectionate.
* I'm wipinga the baby bumblebee *
* won't my daddybe so proud of me *
* 'cause I'm wiping offa
baby bumblebee * baby,no.
Now my daddy's very mad at me.
Now my daddy's very mad at me.
You wanted to see me?
Tell the D.A.I want to make a deal.
I'm ready to show you
where the bodies are buried.
pull over here.
Yeah? Weller here.
He wants to know what
you've donewith the prisoner.
Tell the D.A.You can't reach me.
Out. Come on,get out.
I told you I was innocent.
Really sorry about this sheriff.
I really am. But I got
to take care of my family!
- Where's my family,amigo?
- They're not home.
And you are trespassing!
Remember brodigan? God
doesn't make mistakes.
The lord would never let this happen.
Thy will be done.
We got him.
You ok,mr. Mahoney?
You said mahoney?
I'm back. I want to see my
family. I want to see my kids.
Take it easy.
- I want to see my kids.
- Mr. Mahoney...
kathy! Sean!
Maney,you don't want to go in there.
Got a survivor!
It's ok,baby. It's ok.
You're gonna be ok. You're safe now.
Honey,who did this to you?
Who hurt your mommy and brother?
Fear Itself
Season01 Episode03
The Family Man
Listen to : Thin Lizzy
an intense nature.Viewer Discretion Advised.
* Amazing grace *
* how sweet the sound *
* that saved a wretch like me *
* I once was lost *
* but now am found was blind *
* but now I see *
* t'was grace that
taught my heart to feel *
- morning,dennis.
- Morning.
- Kathy.
- Reverend
I can't tell you how pleased I am to hear you'll be
making pancakes again this year at the church breakfast.
Well,I had to,reverend.
You're my number 1 fan.
Oh,you bet. What's the secret?
No. Don'T.
- ice cream!
- Courtney!
Come on. You gotta be kidding me!
Can we go with spenser and get donuts?
Sure. But just one. Ok. You want to go?
- Yeah,let's go.
- Ice cream?
Yeah. It's in the batter.
It's an old family secret.
Oh,from your lips to god's ears.
See you next sunday.
I can't ********
Hey,dad. You want to play catch?
Uh,sure if it's still light
out when I get back. Yeah.
Do you really have to go into the
office again? It's 3 sundays in a row.
Yeah. Honey,I have 6 hours worth of
numbers to crunch and a 9 am deadline. So...
- I know.
- I know.
Somebody's got to pay for
this beautiful house,right?
Be back as soon as I can. Promise.
I'm going to color a
picture for you,daddy.
And I can't wait to see it,punkin.
- I love you.
- Love you,too.
- See you later.
- Bye.
Hey,honey. What's up?
Would you mind stopping by rigo's and
picking me up some milk for tomorrow?
Sure. Anything else?
Kids can you turn that
down,please? Mommy's on the phone.
Hey,do you want the big
one or the little one?
Dennis? Dennis,what happened?
Dennis,pick up the phone.
* Amazing grace *
* how sweet the sound *
* that saved a wretch like me *
Courtney? Courtney? Hey,come
here babe. Come here.
Tell mommy I'm ok. All right?
Tell mom--
She can't hear you,bro?
She can't see you either.
You're dead.
- We both are.
- No.
Come here.
Shot my ass good.
Look at all that blood.
This can't be happening.
See ya in hell,amigo.
I see we're awake.
Where am I?
County general.
Where's my family?
Your family?
You don't have a family.
Unless you count the
ones you slaughtered.
Where am I? Kathleen! Sean! Courtney!
Settle down brodigan.
What the hell?
Brought to you by Robbo
Fear Itself
Season01 Episode03
The Family Man
Mr. Brodigan,I'm
your,uh,court-appointed attorney.
John meere.
I just have a few forms for your
review before we get started.
Listen to me. My name's
not richard brodigan.
I'm dennis mahoney.
As I was saying,you
need to sign these forms.
They say I'll be representing you
on 26 counts of capital murder.
- 19 counts of
kidnapping- - no.
19 counts of unlawful restraint.
- And false imprisonment.
- No. No. No. No.
I'm not this man.
{\a6}"Family Man" Serial Killer Captured
Saying this is not you?
Ice cream! You wanna play catch?
I was driving my car. Driving
my car. There was an accident.
There was an accident,and
I was in the emergency room.
- I must of...
- what?
I must have died.
And when I woke up,I was...
I wasn't in my own
body. I was in this body.
Brodigan's body.
I know it-- it
sounds crazy.
Uh,all things considered,I would say
spiritual transmigration is
stunningly crappy defense.
Ok. Dennis.
Look,county sheriff jumped the gun.
They've been under intense pressure
to make an arrest in this case.
And as of now,all they have
on you is a single shoeprint
and the testimony of a
3 year old eyewitness.
Everything else is circumstantial.
- I'm innocent.
- That's good.
Fine. You're innocent.
But you got baggage.
The D.A.'S gonna to move to include
your juvenile record into evidence.
Try to establish a pattern
that speaks to motive.
What juvenile record?
You murdered your entire
family when you were 12.
- Mother. Father. 2 sisters.
- No.
You need to focus.
If we can alibi you for
even one of the abductions,
I'm trying to tell you
we can beat this thing.
Now please,richard. Richard.
I need you to sign these forms
so I can begin to help you.
My name is not richard brodigan!
I am not the family
man! My name is mahoney!
I have a wife. Her name is kathleen.
- Richard,I'm trying- - I have
2 children-- sean and courtney.
Please! Check it out!
Check the hospital records!
Everything I'm telling you is true!
You're the big,bad family man,huh?
Genuine celebrity.
Actually I'm a little disappointed.
I thought you'd be taller,scarier.
You're a real bad man,huh?
They say you've been shot,stabbed.
You just keep on coming.
So what are you,family man?
Personally,I don't believe it.
I think you feel pain.
Huh,you weenie.
Just like everybody else.
- Listen,I don't belong in here.
- Shut up!
My god!******** Freak.
Inmate,hands through the slot.
You've got a visitor,family man.
- My lawyer?
- No. Personal.
What the hell? Who are you?
You know you I am,dennis?
We met in the emergency room.
I want to be able to
tell you that I'm sorry
for the way that things
turned out for you. But...
it's god's will.
You gotta accept that.
You're wearing my suit?
Yeah. I didn't think you'd mind...
under the circumstances.
You got some nice stuff in your closet.
Not my style,but I'll get used to it.
You were in my house?
- My family? What have you done?
- Easy,dennis.
- I swear to god,if you touch my
family- - I'm not gonna hurt 'em.
I would never hurt them.
They're a beautiful family.
You don't know
how lucky you are--
your wife,your kids.They love you.
Everyone-- they look up to
you. Even people at the bank.
You've been to my job.
You can't just take over.
We'll see.
I'm gonna come back here regular.
I'm gonna teach you-- help you--
how to get along on the inside.
And you are gonna teach me how
to get along on the outside.
You're crazy. I'm not gonna help you.
But I'm the only
connection to your family...
that you're ever gonna have.
You want me to go?
I know it sucks for you.
You're innocent.
But even if they kill you...
you get your redemption.
This is my chance at redemption.
I'm gonna come back in a couple of days.
Don't worry. Everything's gonna be fine.
I'm gonna take care of our family.
I'm gonna protect them.
And I am gonna love them...
just like you would.
Good times.
Did you check out the things I told you?
We have a serious problem.
What? Did you check with the hospital?
- They found the tapes.
- What tapes?
In the storage locker
you rented in cleveland.
Videotapes of you raping,torturing,and
murdering the victims.
Entire families,one by one.
I gotta get out of here.
If you trust me and you work with
me,I can possibly save your life.
We have one hail mary play.
And that's to plead you out to a life sentence
in exchange for cooperation with the state.
What kind of cooperation?
A full confession.
And they're gonna want to know
what you did with the bodies.
A full confession? I have no idea!
I don't know about any
bodies. I didn't kill anybody!
Please just hear my out,ok.
Just check out the names. I gave
you the facts and the details.
If it doesn't check out,I'll drop
everything. And I'll do it your way.
I promise. I promise.
Dennis,come on sleepyhead.
You're gonna be late for church.
* Amazing grace *
* how sweet the sound *
* that saved a wretch like me *
* I once was lost *
* but now am found * come on,sing.
* Was blind,but now I see *
it's so good to have you back,dennis.
We said a prayer for you.
Ah,just a little bump on the head.
So we can count on you for
the big pancake breakfast?
Sure. I love pancakes.
Dennis,he means to make
them. Not to eat them.
Excuse me.
Where are you going with my kids,huh?
Dennis. What are you doing?
This punk was taking off with our kids.
That's spenser. He was
taking them for donuts.
I'm sorry.
What is wrong with you?
I told you. I just
didn't recognize the kid.
- You've known him since he was 2.
- I know.
there--there are
people out there.
Bad people who are waiting for
the moment when you're distracted.
Just one moment.
That's all they need to take your kids.
- My kids?
- Our kids.
That's all it takes.
- Well,I had my eye on them.
- No. You didn'T.
You can'T. No one can. Not all the time.
And that is where they get their edge.
Now you think about someone taking
your kids,what once? Twice a day?
That's all he thinks about.
Every minute of every day.
And the only time he's not thinking
about it is when he's already got 'em.
'Cause then he's thinking of all the
horrible things he's gonna do to them.
Sorry. Just,uh...
ever since the accident...
I'm so scared of losing you.
Den-- as long as you're
here with us,we're fine.
- Who's this?
- Me,punkin. It's your daddy.
- Daddy?
- God...
yeah baby. It's me.
- I love you so much.
- Here,honey. I got it.
- Hello?
- Kathy. It's dennis.
You gotta listen to me.
The man in your house is not me.
- You gotta pack the kids and get out.
- What's going on?
It's that man again.
- Who is this?
- Brodigan,you son of a bitch!
You need to stop calling this
number,or I'm gonna contact the police.
Brodigan! Brodigan!
What a loon. Don't worry.
I'll have the number
changed. It's all good.
What the hell is your problem?
You're wondering why there's
no other prisoners in here?
'Cause we want you all for ourselves.
One of the people that you
killed was named cherie davenport.
Remember her? Pretty little blond.
She was my fiance.
- You don't understand.
- You shut up! You shut up!
She was out having
dinner with her parents!
I couldn't make it
because I had to work late!
And then we got the call.
And I was the first one on the scene!
And there was so much blood!
It wasn't me.
You son
of a--
let go.Let go!
- I'm not afraid of you.
- Yes,you are.
Don't try calling the house
again. I changed the number.
This isn't gonna work.
What do you want me to do about it?
You want me to turn myself in?
Oh,hey officer,this isn't
richard brodigan. I am.
I'm just trapped in
the wrong guy's body.
You think they're gonna buy
that? You think that's gonna work?
Come here.
Come here.
You can run.
I got stocks,bonds. Money in the bank.
You can cash everything out.
Go anywhere in the world.
Well,who's gonna take
care of kathy and the kids?
They can take care of themselves.
No,dennis. They can'T.
They need me. They're my responsibility.
I'm not gonna abandon them
the way my father abandoned me.
Besides,who's gonna help
sean with his batting?
Someone's gotta make
that kid an all star.
And kathy.
To be honest,I've never been
with a woman like that before.
She seems so shy.
But you get a couple of drinks in her...
- don't even--don't
you- - sorry.
It's uncalled for.
Forgive me.
I'll tell you what.
Gotta give it to you.
I don't know how you do that job,man.
That-- that
boss of yours.
- Gerald.
- Gerald. Yeah.
I mean,he's always on me.
And I go over and
over the audit reports.
And it's never,ever good enough.
- You're right.
- Right.
You're totally right. Gerald
can be a real turd sometimes.
The trick is to use his template.
And it's all boilerplate.
You get sally to fill out
the blanks from the monthlies.
- She can do that?
- Yeah. It's part of her job.
See? This is what I'm talking about.
We can help each other.
Yeah. Sure we can.
I gotta go.
It's courtney's school play
tomorrow. She's a bumblebee.
You--you should
see the costume.
She's such a cute kid.
So affectionate.
Ah--listen to me. I'm
sorry. I'm just going on.
Ah,tell you what. I'll
bring you some video.
- Video?
- Yeah. Of the play.
Gonna be late. Can't keep the
old ball and chain waiting.
Here's the situation,brodigan.
The F.B.I.'S all over my
assbecause they want yours.
Just so happens the crimes you
committed were inmy jurisdiction.
So I can keep themat bay for
a while. But... not forever.
But I didn't do--
just let me finish.
I need to wrap this
investigation up quickly.
People in my county deserve closure.
That means a proper burial of their kin.
For once in your
life,do the right thing.
Confess your crimes. Tell
mewhere the bodies are.
In return,I'll personally go to the
D.A.And do my bestto get you life.
The alternative is not
nearly as attractive.
- I'm telling you,I'm not the one who did it!
- Don't tell meyou're innocent.
It insultsmy intelligence.
My offer is only good
until end of day tomorrow.
I'll go out for a while.
No son of mine is gonna play
ball with a glovelike that.
We just got him thatlast christmas.
This mitt's ok,dad. Really.
No. No. It's garbage.
You need a real mitt so
you won't dropso many balls.
You're embarrassing. Right?
What the hell?
- What are you doing?
- That's my spot.
We can find another spot.
No. He can find another
one. That one's mine.
Back in the car. Back in the car.
What's your problem?
Oh,you stole my spot.
Your spot? You kidding me?
- Move your car.
- Or what?
Oh,my god! Dennis!
- Honey.
- Don't touch me!
Can I have some more scabetti?
Spaghetti. Sure,baby.
Seany,are you excitedabout
the museum tomorrow?
Yeah. We're gonna
see dinosaurs and--
- Do you want some dinner?
- No. I don't want some dinner.
Just go make me some toast or something.
Are you
sure?I have--
yeah. I'm sure. Just make me some toast.
And you...
stop playingwith this
thing at the table.
What's your problem?
- I hate you!
- Sit down!
Eat your dinner.
Eat your dinner.
What are y'all staring at?
There. One big happy family.
You seem distracted.
Nah,I was just expectinganother
visitor. That's all.
Oh,really. Who?
Did you check out
those things I told you?
Yeah. As a matter of fact I did.
Dennis mahoney. Married. Wife,kathleen.
Resides at the addressyou
gave me. Has 2 kids.
And everything else?
Checked out.
Names,birthdates,social security
number. The collegeshe attended.
And yes,he was admitted to the ememergency
room at approximatelythe same time as you.
Motor vehicle accident.
See I told ya.
Doesn't prove anything.
Come on. How am I supposed to know all these
things unless I was telling you the truth?
This is dennis mahoney.
Unless if you're willing to stop screwing
mearound and work with me,then I can't help you.
- But you just told me-
- I know about the visits.
Dennis mahoney's been here to visit youhalf
a dozen times since you've been incarcerated
what?You didn't thinkit
was public record?
You think people can just walk in and out
of herewithout signing in? Showing some I.D.?
No. I mean,what's that
have to do with anything.
It has to do with the fact that he's obviously
beenfeeding you his personal information.
That--that--that's stupid!
Why would anybody do that?
I don't know,richard.
Why don't you tell me?
He's your friend.
I wantto win this for you.
But you gotto get on board.
When you're ready to
deal with reality,call me.
- What time is it?
- What's it matter to you?
What time are visiting hours over?
They ended an hour ago.
Now shut the hell up!
Stand back from the door.
I said stand back!
Where the hell are you?
* Amazing grace *
* how sweet the sound *
* that saved a wretch like me
* I once was lost *
* but now am found was blind *
but now I see *
* t'was grace that
taught my heart to feel *
* And grace my fears relieved *
* How precious did that
grace appear * 9:00.
* The hour I first
believed * Lights out.
* I'm bringing homea baby bumblebee *
* won't my daddybe so proud of me *
* 'cause I'm bringing
homea baby bumblebee (ouch)*
* It stung me *
* I'm squishing upthe baby bumblebee *
* won't my daddybe so proud of me *
* 'cause I'm squishing
upa baby bumblebee (eww)*
* It's yucky *
She's such a cute kid.
Really affectionate.
* I'm wipinga the baby bumblebee *
* won't my daddybe so proud of me *
* 'cause I'm wiping offa
baby bumblebee * baby,no.
Now my daddy's very mad at me.
Now my daddy's very mad at me.
You wanted to see me?
Tell the D.A.I want to make a deal.
I'm ready to show you
where the bodies are buried.
pull over here.
Yeah? Weller here.
He wants to know what
you've donewith the prisoner.
Tell the D.A.You can't reach me.
Out. Come on,get out.
I told you I was innocent.
Really sorry about this sheriff.
I really am. But I got
to take care of my family!
- Where's my family,amigo?
- They're not home.
And you are trespassing!
Remember brodigan? God
doesn't make mistakes.
The lord would never let this happen.
Thy will be done.
We got him.
You ok,mr. Mahoney?
You said mahoney?
I'm back. I want to see my
family. I want to see my kids.
Take it easy.
- I want to see my kids.
- Mr. Mahoney...
kathy! Sean!
Maney,you don't want to go in there.
Got a survivor!
It's ok,baby. It's ok.
You're gonna be ok. You're safe now.
Honey,who did this to you?
Who hurt your mommy and brother?
Fear Itself
Season01 Episode03
The Family Man
Listen to : Thin Lizzy