Fauda (2015–…): Season 2, Episode 12 - Episode #2.12 - full transcript

Doron confronts El Makdessi directly.

‫‫[Come and eat.]

‫‫[There's also tuna in the fridge.]



‫‫Who is it?

‫‫Moti, the downstairs neighbor.

‫‫Hey, guys.

‫‫Is that your truck outside?

‫‫Yeah, why? Is there a problem?

‫‫Yeah, it's blocking the parking area.
‫‫It's hard to get in.

‫‫Could you please move it a little bit?

‫‫Sure, no problem.

‫‫-Do it now, okay?

‫‫Thank you, bye.

‫‫I can assure you, nobody left
‫‫once the checkpoints were closed.

‫‫He must be activating them
‫‫from a distance.

‫‫Perhaps the police will capture him.

‫‫Roger, copy.

‫‫They found the explosives
‫‫in the huge truck downstairs.

‫‫-How much?
‫‫-Can't say.

‫‫We found documents.

‫‫They were in his wallet.

‫‫There's more than one truck.

‫‫-Eli, what's going on?
‫‫-His plan is unfolding.

‫‫They took down two terrorists
‫‫and found a truck full of explosives.

‫‫-Is he there?

‫‫But Ayub says there's another truck.
‫‫It ain't over yet.

‫‫-Okay, keep me posted.
‫‫-Sure thing.

‫‫We're all on it, Doron.

‫‫-Trust me.
‫‫-Great. Thanks.

‫‫Is everything okay?

‫‫There was an incident in Ramat Gan,
‫‫two terrorists are dead,

‫‫neither of them is Al Makdasi.

‫‫You all need to stay home
‫‫until we get a handle on this.

‫‫We have to take Ido to the tournament.

‫‫He's been practicing for months.
‫‫You want him to miss out on it?

‫‫I'll take him, okay?

‫‫We can't all go together,
‫‫he'll understand.

‫‫The police force has killed two terrorists

‫‫who plotted an attack in Ramat Gan...

‫‫Don't be nervous.

‫‫I saw how hard you practiced,
‫‫you'll beat them.

‫‫Besides, participating
‫‫is what counts, right?

‫‫But you better kick some butt.

‫‫Roger, copy.

‫‫Eitan, forward any info straight to me,
‫‫skip the paperwork, okay?

‫‫-Sure thing.


‫‫The SWAT team found this
‫‫on the terrorists they took down.


‫‫"Sports Center"

‫‫-Gali, sweetie, what's up?

‫‫I can't get ahold of Doron,
‫‫have you heard from him?

‫‫-He took Ido to his judo tournament.

‫‫So they could already be there.

‫‫Is something wrong? Does it have to do

‫‫-with the incident in Ramat Gan?
‫‫-No... just have him call me back.

‫‫-Ayub, what's going on?
‫‫-Probably nothing,

‫‫-don't worry, dear.
‫‫-That's not very reassuring...

‫‫I'm on it. Do me a favor,
‫‫send me Ido's number.

‫‫-Bye, sweetheart.

‫‫You've reached the voice mailbox of...

‫‫Send the SWAT team to locate a car
‫‫at the Ben-Zvi Sports Center

‫‫and track two cell phones, stat!

‫‫-What are you doing here, moron?!
‫‫-I was climbing the walls, bro.


‫‫What are you doing here?

‫‫What's going on?

‫‫Nothing new, we're still on call.


‫‫-That bastard has nine lives.

‫‫-Hey, Gali, what's up?
‫‫-I'm glad I got ahold of you.

‫‫-Why, what's up?
‫‫-Doron drove Ido to the tournament

‫‫and I got a call from Ayub,
‫‫who freaked me out.

‫‫Said he's not answering his phone.
‫‫I tried calling them both,

‫‫they're not answering.
‫‫I have a really bad feeling about this.

‫‫She can't get ahold of Doron,
‫‫he's disappeared.

‫‫-Send me the address, we're on our way.
‫‫-Thanks, Steve.

‫‫Rest assured, Gali, we're on it, okay?

‫‫-You got the car keys?
‫‫-Yeah, I'll drive.

‫‫Yes, Avihai.


‫‫I'm on my way.

‫‫-What is it?
‫‫-I gotta head back there.

‫‫-What happened?
‫‫-Nurit, it's alright,

‫‫I'll be back soon.

‫‫You have to take off your robe.


‫‫We tracked Doron's phone,
‫‫then another phone

‫‫which stopped near the Oranit checkpoint
‫‫entering the Territories.

‫‫Dispatch all Special Intervention Units
‫‫to the Tapuah settlement,

‫‫where we're setting up the command post,
‫‫and inform the head of Secret Service.

‫‫-An ultimatum issued by ISIS-Palestine:

‫‫"You have 24 hours to release
‫‫all ISIS and senior Hamas prisoners."

‫‫They sent a list.

‫‫Or else?

‫‫For fuck's sake...

‫‫What is it?

‫‫Let's get a move on.

‫‫Hurry up, let's go.

‫‫Kaspi, activate all visual surveillance
‫‫means at our disposal.

‫‫Okay. Borders, checkpoints,
‫‫unit 8200, run every single cam.

‫‫-The negotiation team is on its way, too.
‫‫-It's Al Makdasi's ploy to buy time.

‫‫We can't even contact the fucker.
‫‫Who will you negotiate with?

‫‫So what do I do? Release the prisoners?
‫‫Call off the dispatch?

‫‫He'll kill Doron
‫‫to boost his status in the Territories.

‫‫No captives have ever
‫‫been released that quickly.

‫‫He's just trying to aggravate Hamas.

‫‫Let's send Hamas a sincere message
‫‫that we're ready to negotiate

‫‫and let Nidal feel the heat.
‫‫What do we have to lose, Ayub?


‫‫[How are you, Abu Samara?
‫‫I see you're no longer the boss.]

‫‫[Where is my son?]

‫‫[Nidal, where is my son?]

‫‫[Where is he?]

‫‫[Where is he?]


‫‫Idodi, it'll be okay,
‫‫don't worry, Daddy's here.

‫‫I love you, sweetie,
‫‫it'll be okay, don't worry.

‫‫-It'll be okay.

‫‫-It'll be okay!

‫‫-I love you, Ido!





‫‫[If you do as you're told, he'll live.

‫‫[You son of a bitch!]


‫‫Answer already...

‫‫-Hey, Gali.

‫‫I've been hearing rumors, what's going on?

‫‫We still don't know. I'm on it.

‫‫It hasn't been confirmed yet.

‫‫Were they kidnapped?

‫‫I don't know.

‫‫Where's my son?

‫‫I don't know, I'll call as soon as I know.

‫‫Gabi, that's not an answer,
‫‫tell me where my kid is! Now!

‫‫I'm sorry, that's all I've got right now.

‫‫Gali, listen to me,
‫‫don't speak to any journalists,

‫‫it could endanger both Doron and Ido.

‫‫And don't leave home, it's too risky.

‫‫I need you to be strong now.


‫‫Do you realize how many tunnels,
‫‫burrows and hiding places they have?

‫‫It's impossible to find someone
‫‫in just a few hours.

‫‫I've been through this before
‫‫and it ended badly.

‫‫We don't know that yet.

‫‫You weren't here
‫‫when we searched for those kids.

‫‫We looked all over the Territories.

‫‫-What's wrong, Mommy?
‫‫-Everything's fine...

‫‫put your sandals on.


‫‫But what is it?

‫‫Hold on.


‫‫Ma'am, I got orders.

‫‫I'm sorry, I can't let you out.

‫‫Open up! I have to get out!

‫‫Sorry, ma'am, I got orders.
‫‫It's for your own good.

‫‫No, you have to let me out...

‫‫You have to...

‫‫Come here...

‫‫Commander Bazelet.

‫‫I'm almost done searching
‫‫the sheikh's house, the cube is clear.

‫‫Continuing to move along that route.



‫‫[-Where are you going?]


‫‫[Wait here!
‫‫Abu Karim, they wouldn't stop.]

‫‫[Sorry, I didn't know what to do.]

‫‫[Hello, Abu Samara.]

‫‫[You sell weapons to that piece of shit?!]

‫‫[-To whom? What?]
‫‫[-What? To whom?]

‫‫[-To Al Makdasi! Stop pretending!]
‫‫[-But... did you tell me not to?]

‫‫[He's trying to fuck us over,
‫‫haven't you heard the news?!]

‫‫[-I have.]
‫‫[-So you never armed him?]


‫‫[Sit down and have a drink.
‫‫Get him some water.]

‫‫[Did you know he's working
‫‫with someone named Musa Al-Khader?]


‫‫[Some guy who's always around Nablus.]

‫‫[I'll tell you
‫‫where you can find him, okay?]

‫‫[Listen, Marwa,]

‫‫[I know you have nothing
‫‫to do with all this,]

‫‫[nothing whatsoever.]

‫‫[I want to help you,]

‫‫[but you must help me, too.]

‫‫[We don't have much time.]

‫‫[Every second counts.]

‫‫[Where is Nidal?]

‫‫[Marwa, I asked you something.]

‫‫[Do you understand that unless we
‫‫find him right now, you will go to jail?]

‫‫[Is that what you want?]

‫‫[I'd never collaborate with you people.]

‫‫[Burn in hell, Zionist bitch.]


‫‫[You know who I am, right?]


‫‫[You either tell me
‫‫where Al Makdasi is hiding]

‫‫[or I'll make you have a miscarriage.]

‫‫[I will do it.]

‫‫[I don't know where he's hiding--
‫‫they blindfolded me--]

‫‫[but he gave me this.]


‫‫[In order to maintain a high level
‫‫of performance and good quality...]


‫‫[Yeah, it's me, Ismail.]

‫‫[-What's wrong, pal?]
‫‫[-Nothing. I just brought you some food.]

‫‫[Get in.]

‫‫[Hello, Ismail. Come here.]

‫‫[Tell me, buddy,
‫‫what do they say on the news?]

‫‫[Nothing about the Jew,
‫‫but there's a lot of other stuff.]

‫‫[-Any reports about a big attack?]
‫‫[-No. You want to check it?]

‫‫[No, no, don't turn on the phone in here,
‫‫only outside.]

‫‫[Tell me, Ismail, did anyone call you
‫‫asking about me?]



‫‫[Go outside with him, check the news.]

‫‫[-Thanks, buddy.]

‫‫Eli, what's your position?

‫‫One kilometer south of Balata.
‫‫Do you copy?

‫‫Roger. We're trying to locate
‫‫the phone signal.

‫‫I'm sending you new coordinates.

‫‫Turn right, this road outflanks it.

‫‫"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth."

‫‫[Right, Doron?]

‫‫[You killed my father,
‫‫I killed your father.]

‫‫[But remember, I'm not like you.]

‫‫[I don't kill civilians,
‫‫I don't murder children.]

‫‫[Sure, you do,]

‫‫[but with you people,]

‫‫[it's supposedly never intentional.]

‫‫[That's also how you killed my brother.]

‫‫[If I'm not mistaken,
‫‫it was you who killed your brother.]

‫‫[You shot him, didn't you?]

‫‫[God, forgive my sins.]

‫‫[Was it not?]

‫‫[Abu Seif!]

‫‫[-Come here.]
‫‫[-Was it not?]


‫‫[You killed him!]

‫‫[What is it? Talk to me.]

‫‫[Ismail told me
‫‫that the Jews just reported...]

‫‫[The Jews reported that two terrorists
‫‫were killed in an apartment in Ramat Gan]

‫‫[and that explosives were found.]

‫‫[We mustn't wait.]

‫‫[Go get the camera.]

‫‫Eli, the phone is on the move,
‫‫close to you guys.

‫‫He just turned the corner.

‫‫Eli, it's a kid.

‫‫Is he crossing the street?

‫‫It's a kid.

‫‫Grab him! He's our only lead!


‫‫We don't want to scare him.





‫‫Stop, stop!

‫‫Kaspi, he entered an abandoned building,
‫‫we're on his tail.

‫‫Advance cautiously, it could be an ambush.

‫‫Eli, his phone signal is very weak,
‫‫it must be a real maze.

‫‫He's moving southeast.


‫‫[They let me talk to you
‫‫because I'm nice.]

‫‫[I have a son your age.]

‫‫[May your children die!]


‫‫[you know where Al Makdasi is, right?]

‫‫[I'll never tell you.]

‫‫[Listen, Ismail, buddy,]

‫‫[we must know where he is,]

‫‫[otherwise everyone will die.]

‫‫[You don't want that, do you?]

‫‫[Ismail, we're running out of time.]

‫‫[You know what I just got?]

‫‫[The phone number of your dad,]

‫‫[Abu Ismail.]


‫‫[No, wait. Will they know it was me?]

‫‫[Of course not. How would they know?]

‫‫[You're a kid, you don't count.]

‫‫[If I tell you,
‫‫promise not to tell anyone?]

‫‫[You have my word.]

‫‫[Unchain him.]

‫‫[This is it, Doron.]

‫‫[It's all over.]

‫‫[Get down on your knees.]

‫‫[Go on, Doron, don't waste our time.]

‫‫[Here. Read it.]

‫‫[I won't read this
‫‫until you let me talk to my son.]

‫‫[I want to say goodbye to him.]

‫‫[-Should I bring him in?]



‫‫I love you,

‫‫you're my boy,

‫‫always remember that.

‫‫You're strong, you know that, right?

‫‫-Do you?

‫‫I'm sorry you got involved in all of this.

‫‫Look at me.

‫‫Listen to me.

‫‫If there are suddenly lots of people here
‫‫and everyone starts shooting,

‫‫shut your eyes and lie on the floor, okay?

‫‫-Okay. Dad! Dad!

‫‫[Go on, Doron, read it.]

‫‫"I, Doron Kabilio, son of Amos Kabilio,

‫‫cold-bloodedly killed..."

‫‫[Go on.]

‫‫[I kidnapped Abu Nidal Awdallah,
‫‫Sheikh Awdallah.]

‫‫[We interrogated him
‫‫and he quickly broke down,]

‫‫[-crying like a little girl.]
‫‫[-Read the text!]

‫‫[-Your father cried like a girl!]
‫‫[-Read the text!]

‫‫[Enough! Enough!]

‫‫[-Fuck you and ISIS!]
‫‫[-I said, read the text!]

‫‫[You're a bunch of shitheads
‫‫in beards and dresses!]

‫‫[-You're all pieces of shit!]
‫‫[-Prepare to die!]

‫‫[Kill me and it's all over.
‫‫You'll be left with nothing.]

‫‫[Nidal, open the door!]

‫‫[Musa, go see who it is.]

‫‫[Hey, hey! Easy!]

‫‫[-Back off!]
‫‫[-Calm down, what is it?]

‫‫[Give me the soldier.]

‫‫[Settle down, Abu Samara.]

‫‫[This soldier is not yours.]

‫‫[I'll take all of you down, Nidal,
‫‫including you.]

‫‫[No one negotiates
‫‫on behalf of the movement.]

‫‫[This is an ISIS operation,
‫‫so stay out of it, Abu Samara.]

‫‫[Give me the Jew!]

‫‫[Who's the kid? Now you kidnap children,
‫‫Abu Seif Al Makdasi?]

‫‫[I told you to stay out of this,
‫‫Abu Samara.]

‫‫[I kidnapped the kid
‫‫and I'll do as I please with him.]

‫‫[You're a kid yourself! Get a grip!]

‫‫[Abu Samara,]

‫‫[he killed my father.
‫‫I alone will handle him.]

‫‫["I alone will handle him," huh?]



‫‫Ido, put the gun down!

‫‫Ido, put the gun down!

‫‫Ido, look at me.

‫‫Ido, look at me!

‫‫Sweetie, put the gun down, Daddy's here.

‫‫I'm here, it's okay.

‫‫Ido, look at me.

‫‫I'm here, it's okay, sweetie. It's okay.

‫‫Put the gun down. Everything's okay.

‫‫It's okay. Put the gun down and get out.

‫‫I'll handle this. Get out.


‫‫Get out.

‫‫Eli, the Special Forces
‫‫are two minutes away from you.

‫‫Look, it's Ido! It's Ido!

‫‫It's Doron!


‫‫English: Hagit Harel