Falling Skies (2011–2015): Season 3, Episode 6 - Be Silent and Come Out - full transcript

Hal finally reveals his internal struggle to everyone, and it doesn't bode well for the Masons.

Are they alive?

Yes. Your mate and child
are being held by Karen.


we do not have that information.

Maybe Karen's planning on using
them as bargaining chips.

Quite possible.


Our operatives
are trying to learn more

and should have further
information in a few days.

A few days? They could be dead
in a few days.


where are you going?

I'm going after them.

I'm with you, Dad.

You don't even know
where they are.

- I'll find them.
- How?

We'll figure that out.

You know
that you're acting crazy.

Dan, in case
you hadn't noticed,

crazy is where I live
right now.

I've got
a half-alien daughter.

You want to tell me
how that happened?

I wish
I had the answer.

I know who has the answer.

Now, you think that you're
going to help anybody,

Anne, Alexis, anybody...
by going off half-cocked?

You're not going to help Anne,
you're not going to help Alexis...

I'm not doing anybody any good
sitting around here doing nothing.

If you get captured
or killed.

Dad, listen to me.

Our best shot is
to wait for the rebels

to find out
where they're being held.

Just give it 24 hours.

- I will find --
- What if Karen kills them

while we're sitting around on
our butts?

If Karen's using them,
they're no good to her dead.

She'll try to contact us,
make a deal.

We got time
to do this the smart way.

Listen to me.

You know
that if anybody understands

what you're feeling right now,
it's me.

24 hours.

If we haven't heard anything
by then,

you go with my blessing.

Okay, 24 hours.

This is --
Dad, this is crazy.

Every second we wait

- puts them in greater danger.
- I know how you feel.

They're right.

can I have a word?

Nice job.

Anne and Lexie wind up dead,
it's on you.

What's with your brother?

scared of losing them.

Dad, too.

I understand
why you're upset,

but I need you to take a step
back, look at the big picture.


We going to look
for Anne and Lexie?


You okay?


I get why you
want to go after them.

But frankly,
the timing couldn't be worse.

With Cochise and the
president missing

I presume dead...

This plan never hinged
on the president.

The Volm were prepared
to take casualties.

They can proceed
without Cochise.

They can proceed without me
if they have to.

You've got
one overriding priority...

complete construction of the rail spur

to the Carolina Southern track
by the end of the month.

You can put extra people on it
if you have to,

but it needs to be done
by the time

the Volm finish their device.

Well, we need to talk
about that.

I showed Dr. Kadar
your photos.

Those photos were
locked up.

You went into my desk?

It's not important
how I got them.

The point is,
Kadar thinks

that the Volm are lying to us
about their device.

I highly recommend
that we stop this project.

Absolutely not!

This is the only way
that we're going to win this war.

Tom, we don't know
what this thing does.

I did not put you in charge

so you could derail
the entire war strategy.

This has taken a lot
of planning, a lot of resources,

and a hell of a lot of

- diplomacy to pull off.
- And you might be wrong.

I'm not the enemy here.

I'm just trying to get you
to think clearly.

You can't
leave me in charge

and not give me the authority
to make decisions.

I didn't give you

- the authority to go into my --
- Dad!

- But --
- Coming with me.

Hal, what the hell
are you doing?

Put your guns down.


Do it,
or I'll shoot her.

Now get up.

Get up!

Get in.

You're driving.


Punch it!

Talk to me, Hal.
What's going on?

- Where are we going?
- We're going to see Karen.

Maggie. It's Hal.
He's got a gun on Tom.

Stop him.

Hal, what's going on?
Come on! Talk to me!

Get that gun
out of my face!

Damn it, Hal!
What's going on?

Dad, I... I can't.

It won't let me.

Out of the way!

Go! Go!

Don't even think
about it!



Next one
goes through his skull.

put your guns down.

Everybody, drop your guns!
That's an order, damn it!

All right, all right. Just put
them down. Put them down.

You try anything...

I will kill him.



Damn it,
tell me what's going on!


You're not my son.

Oh, good for you,

But I'm controlling him.

So play nice.

I might let you
see him again.

So, what's
your next move?

Looks to me like your plan
just got shot to hell.

Weaver's out there right now
surrounding the building.

You do something
like that again,

and you're going to
get worse.

Who are you?

That doesn't matter.

What matters is
Anne and your daughter.

I can give you an opportunity
to save them.


You tell me
everything that you know

about the device
that the Volm are building

where it's being deployed
and when.

I'm never going to give you
that information.

we'll see about that.

Second squad's covering
the back entrance.

Nobody's getting in or out of that place
without us seeing them, Colonel.

Very well. Get comms set up
between the units.

On it.


I thought I told you
to get to the infirmary.

I'm fine. I'm fine.

Do you have any idea
what triggered this?

I wish I knew.

Maybe it's
post-traumatic stress.

- We all have breaking points.
- It's worse than that.

Hal's been having
emotional problems for weeks.

What kind
of emotional problems?

Nightmares about Karen

that he's been meeting her
outside the lines.

He's convinced
she implanted something in him,

and I didn't want to believe
it was true, but Hal did.

Wait a minute.

Are you saying the mole
we've been looking for is Hal?

I should have told you.

You knew?

You knew, and you've been
covering up for him.


So I guess
it's your fault

our illustrious President
has a gun to his head.

Pointing fingers
won't change anything.

Right now,
we got to figure out a way

to get Hal and Tom
out of that building unharmed.


Hal Mason murdered
Arthur Manchester.

You have
no proof of that.

Stop it.

Stop defending him.

You knew he leaked information
to his Espheni girlfriend.

He got
dozens of us killed.

That boy has saved the lives
of everyone out here

at one time or another.

He was a loyal soldier till
Karen got her claws into him.

And you of all people
should know better.

Instead, you bend over backwards
to make excuses for him.

Why? Because a Mason couldn't
possibly be a traitor.

Hey, Hal's not any more
responsible for his actions

than a harnessed kid.

So says spike boy,

Refuses to get
his own studs removed.

Just going to get a taste
of that little alien DNA, huh?

Mason family trait,
I suppose.

Hey! Hey!

Get control of yourselves,
both of you.

I'll kick both your butts
off the line!

- Tector.
- Sir?

Cover me.

You got it, Colonel.


Don't get yourself killed
out there.


No one opens fire unless
I give the word, understood?

Hal, I'm unarmed.

I'm coming in to talk.



Stay down.

I'm coming in to talk.

Here I am.

Can I come in!

That's close enough,

I can hear just fine.

We know
Karen did something to you.

Maggie's down here.

Your brothers, too.

We all care about you,

We're real worried
about you.

What did Karen do
to you?

It doesn't matter now.

It was last year
when she held us captive.

She kissed you.
She put something inside of you.

Let's work on this together,

Find a way to resolve it
so no one gets hurt.

Hal, I know that you're still
in there fighting that thing.

Tell me
how I can help you.



Talk to me, Hal.

Tell me what you need.

How can I help you?


I need a...

...a gassed-up Humvee and
a safe passage to the perimeter.

That didn't work before.
It's not going to work now.

I can't let you leave.

You give me what I need,

Or you're going to be burying
Tom Mason!

You know
you won't kill your dad, Hal.

Cease fire!

Cease fire, damn it!

I said no shooting!





Easy. Easy-



Go ahead. Answer him.

Yeah, Dan! We're okay!

Let's not try that again,
though, huh?

under control now.

Where do we go
from here?

give me that Humvee.

Okay, Hal.

Maggie shot the hell
out of the one you were in.

It's going to take us a while to get
a new one gassed up, though, but okay.

My patience is wearing thin,

Roger that.

One Humvee, coming up.


I think I can get in there.

What are you
talking about?

Right up the side
of the building.

He won't expect that.

Your brother's picked his spot
pretty well, don't you think?

He's got clear lines of sight
all the way around the building.

No matter which way you go,
he'll see you coming.

He won't shoot me.

Yesterday, you'd have said
he'd never pull a gun on your father.

Too risky.

Might cost us your father,
your brother, you.

Colonel, I'm going in there
to talk to Hal.

Didn't you hear what
I just said to Ben?

He'll listen to me.

I can get through to him.
I know I can.

And if you can't, you'll be giving him one
more hostage that he can use against us.


Got to be a better way.

Can somebody explain
something to me?

Why is it
that if anybody else

had have acted like an alien
and shoot people,

you'd have blown
their brains out

and used what's left
of their skull as an ash tray?

Hal didn't shoot

He could have killed
the colonel. He chose not to.

I'm just saying, Mags,

we can't count
on your boyfriends restraint

from here on in.

You don't have to
count on anything, Pope.

I need cool heads up here
who do as they're told.

Take your Berserkers
and get lost. Dismissed.

That's the smartest idea
I've heard all day,

Colonel, sir.

Come on.
Let's head over to the nest.

I don't think
we need any more front seats

to the latest
Mason family drama.

you're buying first round.

No, I'm not.



Can you stop Hal from shooting
Tom if it comes to that?

Yes, ma'am.

About 300 yards,
give or take.

Switch is right here.

Put a round through there,
it'll turn him off like a light.

if this situation falls apart,

we might end up
with a split-second decision

between saving Tom
and saving Hal.

Won't come to that.

You can't promise that,

I know
how close you are to Tom.

I know how difficult
it would be

to order
the death of his son.

But if push comes to shove
and you can't give that order,

I will relieve you.

They still okay?

As far as I know.
Nothing's changed.

What's going on up there?

I want
to know where Hal is.

I want to know where Tom is...
what they're doing.

I was scoping it out.
There's a couple places

I could lay eyes on the target
without being spotted.

Let's make one thing
perfectly clear, Tector...

Hal is not the target.

He's one of ours.

The aliens messed him up,

but we're not going to let them
get away with that.

We're going to get him back.

This situation ends with
everybody alive, understood?

Roger that, sir.
Can do.


You're not going to shoot
my brother, are you?

Orders say not to.

Orders can change.

Yes, they can.

This sucks.


I don't see how this ends
without Hal getting hurt.

Or your dad.

Or both.

You were right.

You should go up there
and talk to Hal.

There's no way to get in there
without being seen.

There is.

Show me.

Count me in.

You know as soon as you
get near that Humvee,

Weaver's going to
take you out.

I wouldn't be surprised
if he didn't have Tector

lining you up in his sights
right now.

You're going to die
for nothing.

Colonel Weaver ain't going to kill
his best friend's son.

No, Dan Weaver
wouldn't do that.

But he's not calling the shots
down there.

Marina Peralta is.

And if you're betting
that she wouldn't give the order

or that Tector
would miss...

You're going to lose.

Look, there is one way

that I can see us
getting out of this.

You have Karen release
Anne and Lexie,

bring them safely back
to Charleston.

We can talk
about the Volm plan.

Or you give me
the Volm plan,

and I'll give you
Anne and your daughter.

We're here.

You sure?

Of course I am.

These tunnels run
all through Charleston.

My buds and I have
been through most of them.

Ditching school?

Paid off,
don't you think?

Okay, the odds
against both Masons living

through this little drama
have just gone up.

And why not put a little down
on the long shot?

Could pay off quite handsomely
if the Gods intervene.

Lyle, what do you say?

Yeah, I'd lose my bet
on Tector missing the shot.

Come on, Lyle.

Maybe they'll, uh...
they'll talk their way out

of this thing. And if you win,

you can buy a couple of keggers

for that trip down to Mexico.

Yeah, and how long
do they have to survive

before you pay off?

I mean, if Hal is the traitor

that murdered Manchester...

Hal Mason doesn't
even need to survive a trial

in order to pay off
in that category.

Put $20 on "both die"
for me,

and I'll take them out

No, no, no.
Easy, there, amigo.

This is not a call to action,
my friends.

It's just a friendly wager on
the fates of a couple of guys.

Don't even think
about it.

You in or out?


Up here.


So, if you don't care
about your own life,

who else might get hurt

if you don't give me
the information I need.


Now, I could have killed Weaver.

I believe you know that.

Next time,
it might be Ben or maybe Matt.

Why don't you think
about that?

I should have
seen this coming.

I should have noticed
what was going on with you.

I'd love to say
that it was

because I was too busy
with my job,

but... I think we both know
that it started way before that.

Before the invasion even.

I missed
a lot of lacrosse games.

I missed a lot of dinners.

But your mom
was always there.

You know what she thought
you were going to be?

A fighter pilot.

Oh, really?

Personally, though,
I didn't see it.

And why not?

Well, the thing
about being a pilot is

one lapse in concentration,
one wrong judgment,

and you're dead.

I didn't think
you had that kind of focus.

But after fighting next to you

for the last two years,

side by side, watching you
lead men and women into battle,

I realized that, as usual,
your mom was right.

And I really wish

that she'd lived to see
the man that you've become.

She really loved you,

Come on, Hal.

Give it to me.

Shut up!

And sit down!

Or I'm going to shoot.

I don't think
that you will.

It's that one.

I'll go first.




- Hey!
- Don't do this.

This isn't you.

You can beat this, Hal.

You're stronger than Karen.

Give me the gun.


You can do it, Hal.

You can fight it.

Give me the gun.

No. Y-you're not going to
hurt him.

You're not going to
hurt your family.



Give me the gun.


Come on.

That's it. You can do it.

Give me the gun.


I'm sorry.

- I can't...
- Don't.

Hal. Baby.



- Aah!

Anthony, go!

Let's move!

He's alive.

And kicking!

But he's not
out of the woods yet,

so, no, I will not be
paying out on "both survive,"

at least not until this little
family drama plays itself out.

Once we have
final determination,

the house will make good
on all bets.

In the meantime,

if Hal Mason survives,

the next pool will be odds

on whether or not

the son of our esteemed civic
leader will be charged with...


...the murder
of Arthur Manchester, or...

...he walks soot-free.

No way!

Drink up.

Ponder the possible...


One for the road.


If anybody tries to affect
the odds on that board

one way or another,

I will personally
mount your head

on the wall
of this establishment.

I'd call
that a safe bet.

Hey, Lyle?

Why don't you head over
to the infirmary?

If you see
any funny business,

you take the comedy
right out of it.

Count on it, boss.

Hey. He'll be fine.

Bullet just grazed
his head.

Scalp is lacerated,
but no cranial damage.

Possible concussion.

I won't know for sure
until I do some more tests.

All in all, though,
I'd say he's pretty lucky.

Could we see him?

In a couple hours.
He's still not fully conscious.

Did you find anything
that could have caused this,

like an eyebug?

I took a full set
of head and neck X-rays.

There's nothing
that showed any sign of that.

That doesn't mean
nothings there.

I'm going to follow up
with a full blood panel.

What will that
tell you?

Well, a foreign body
in the brain

causes surrounding cells
to release proteins.

If his protein level is
high enough,

we might detect it
in the blood.

How does any of this
help Hal?

I can't remove
what I can't see.

Maybe it's already gone.

It knew we had Hal.
It might have escaped.

Sounds like we need
more information.


Eyebugs are
Espheni technology.

If anyone knows
about the Fishheads...

It's the rebel Skitters.

Each one of these bugs is
genetically engineered

to be controlled
by a single individual,

the individual
who implanted it.

Removal is most easily

by that same individual.

But if that individual is
not available,

you have another way
to take it out?


We have developed
a biological hunter-killer.

It's a very...
aggressive remedy

designed to hunt for the bug
on a molecular level.

Would that even work
on a human being?

In theory, but it is
an instrument of last resort

You must understand
that there are risks.

Our anatomy, our biology,
our body chemistry

are vastly different
from your own.

But I'm out of options.

I need to know
that if I give this to my son,

it's going to kill
the bug inside of him.

It will kill the bug
if there is one.

If not,
it will kill your son instead.

How does it work?

I've got an impossible
choice to make.

If I do nothing,

my son is lost to me.

And if I do the thing
that I need to do to save him,

I could still lose him.

My grandmother used to say,

"The minute we love,

the world has
something to use against us."

- Smart woman.
- Hmm.

She also said, "Death is
not the worst of all evils."


You got to
get me out of here.

I can't.

You can.

The bug's gone.

It left.

I felt it leave.

Lourdes told me
what they're going to do to me.

They're going to kill me.

There's no bug.

It's gone.

Nobody believes me.

You know I'm not going to survive this.
You got to help me.


I know where Karen's keeping
Anne and Lexie.


Come with me.

If you come with me,

if I get them
and I rescue them,

I bring them back alive,
they'll have to believe me.

It'll prove I'm fine.

It's them or me, Maggie.

Help me. Just help me.

I can't.

you're not listening to me.

I swear to you
this bug's gone.

Don't let them
do this.

Look at me. Hey.

Look at me.


Undo that strap.

I want to believe you,

Do it.

Just undo that strap.


I can't.

Do it! Maggie!



You got to believe me.

Dad, listen,
you got to cancel this thing.

I don't want to die
like this.

I'm sorry, Hal.

I don't want to die, Dad.

I'm not going to
let them take you from me.

I don't want to die
like this, Dad!








You're killing your own son!

Son of a bitch!

Ben, take your brother
out of here.

Come on.
We don't need to see this.

No, no, no.




His heart's stopped.


Grab the epinephrine.

Take over.



What's going on?

You don't remember?

Last thing I remember
was going to talk to you

about these nightmares
I was having with Karen,

but you were gone.

And Colonel Weaver wouldn't
tell me where you went.

That was a week ago.

What happened?

You don't remember
taking your father hostage?


You had a bug, Hal.

We got it out.

So, I was right.


I was wrong.

I'm sorry.

I'm the mole.

Not anymore.

So that means
I did all those things.

I'm responsible
for all that.

No, Hal.

You're not responsible
for anything Karen made you do.

She is. Not you.

Maggie's right.

Rebel Skitters
came through.

Anne and Lexie
are being held

in an Espheni outpost
in Mechanicsville.

So, you're going
after them?

I am.

I know
it's occurred to you

that Karen took Anne
to draw you out of Charleston.

It's a trap.

Tom, this is not smart.

No, it's not smart,
but like you said, Marina,

the minute that we love,

the world has
something to use against us.

I'm fighting for people I love
with people I love.

That should
give me an edge.

Project Orange.

The complete file,
not just the photographs.

Everything you need to know
about the Volm device,

when it's going to be

and what we need to do
to get it there.

And that is
my signed letter of resignation.

Effective immediately.

I, uh... I'm going to do things
my way.

Haven't you already
been doing that?

your own decisions?

One word of advice -

be straight with the Volm.

We need them to win.

If you have any problems or any concerns
you should really go to Dan Weaver.

He's been
my strong right arm.

He can be yours, too.

- Tom--
- The buck stops with you.

Good luck to you.

Good luck to you, Tom.


I love you.

Remember that.

Everybody ready?

Yep. Let's go.

All right, got food, water
for the next few days,

maps, plenty of ammo.

What else do you need?


Wish to hell
I was going with you.

Doesn't feel right.

I know.
You got to be here.

Somebody got to
hold down this fort.

And you know I got Jeanne
to think about now.

I know. I understand.

So, get it done.

If you're not back soon,
I'm going to come looking for you.



We all know
the bug made you do it.

Now go find Anne.

Let's mount up.

Hey, Lyle.

Remind me to pull
the old eyebug defense

next time
somebody wants to lock me up.

Don't let it
get to you.

Raise your right hand.

Repeat after me.

I, Marina Louise Peralta...

I, Marina Louise Peralta...

do solemnly swear...

...do solemnly swear...

...to faithfully execute

the office of President
of the new United States.

...to faithfully execute

the office of President
of the new United States.

To preserve, protect,
and defend the constitution.

We're going to find them,


...to preserve, protect,
and defend the constitution

...so help me, God.

...so help me, God.