Extraordinary You (2019): Season 1, Episode 31 - Reconciliation - full transcript

Haru wants to do everything for Dan Oh. Dried Squid suggests Haru and Kyung that they should all forgive each other. Meanwhile, Jun Hyun tells Haru that he is envious of his bravery to change his own fate.

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(Episode 31)

What was that? Is something in there?

Haru, what's wrong?

Let's go.

Haru, what is it?

Let's go back there. I heard something weird...

Don't go.

It's just something that always happens in the shadow.

It's nothing.

But still...

I want to be with you, that's why.

Come on.


Yes, I'm right here, Dan Oh.

I'm here.

Yes, you're right here.

It finally feels like we're back in our places.

You and I both lost our self-awareness once,

but we did not succumb to the writer.

We ended up finding each other.

We created our own fate by meeting once again.

What do you think? Aren't we amazing?

Yes, so I'm very happy right now.

No, we have a long way to go.

We're going to spend our days together when we're 19 and 20.

There will be way more things we could do after we graduate.

My heart is perfectly fine now, so what should we do first?

(All notes)

Forget these.

I'll write up new wishes here.

What should I write?

"Dan Oh and Haru's list". "Write a letter to each other."

"Get matching items."

Oh, right.

No, this is nothing.

It's... Well, this is...

Did you see everything?


"Kiss 100 times."

Yes. No. No way. Not that.

These are... These weren't written by me.

It was written by... You know...

It's not me.

I didn't write these.

Where is he?

Right here, probably.

Man, the writer.

The writer is way too lazy...

to draw the story now that it's about to end.

The writer left only the things they need to draw...

and began to erase the things they don't need.

Gosh, what should I make for tomorrow?

That doesn't suit you.

- What? - You and school.

I'm a member of A4 of Seuli High School, actually.

You're number one from the bottom.

Well, that's...

Then which place suits me better?


You seem kind of ancient.


- I have to go. - Don't go.


You might be late for class.

I'm going to come back.

I want to come back now that I've seen that face.

(Eun Dan Oh, Baek Kyung, Kim Ae Il)

(Haru, Kim Yang Il, Kim Il Jin, Lee Yang Sam)

The writer began to erase this world.

What are you up to?

- I'm writing a letter. - A letter?

(Hey, Dan Oh. From Haru.)

What? This is your letter?

You call this a letter, Haru?

It's too short. It's confusing.

- Confusing? - Yes.

You can say that when you say goodbye too.

I want you to put in a lot more effort...

and write something much longer.


You write things...

that you always wanted to say...

to the other person but couldn't in a letter.

Write those down.

What are you doing? Write something.

I have too many things I want to say to you.

Like what? That I'm lovely, pretty,

cute, and that you like me so much?


I know. Let's not write down the obvious in the letters.

No, I want you to write it down.

Make it longer and more detailed next time.


Should I come in again?

I'll pretend like I didn't know, so do your best to hide it.


Goodness, Haru. I had no idea you were here.

But what are you hiding over there?

A matching item.

Wait, are you doing this because of my list?

Oh, right. The letter, a matching item, and...

"Kiss 100 times."

Hey, you can leave that out.

Do you really want me to do that?

No. Yes.

No. Yes.

Show me the matching item.

I'll look forward to it.

What is this?

Our matching item.

- I see. - Isn't it pretty?

His taste is on another level.

Does that mean you like it?

Come on, now. How could I not like this...

when you're looking at me like that?

Why are you smiling? Your eyes are open, aren't they?

Come on! Why are you here?

Don't you ever...


Forget it.

Do it again.

Hey, Dan Oh.

Look at that necklace.

This isn't a birthday party at Seuli Kindergarten.

If it was the real Dan Oh, she would've been disgusted...

and thrown it into the trashcan.

Is he trying to help her remember?

Dan Oh! Dan Oh!

Do you still not remember this?

This. Don't you remember this flapping?


That gaze is from...

You're right. I'm the Dan Oh you know.

Dan Oh!

I hate coming to school if you're not here.

I'm either playing the violin...

or walking to some strange music, you know?

Of course, I know. It's the A3 triangle walk.

By the way, what are those?

- Our matching items. - What?

Should I have not told him?

Anyway, I've made up my mind.

I'm going to be a great friend to you both.

I'm saying this on the honor of A3.

Three Seuli Musketeers, cross!

- Cross! - Cross!

I couldn't find it.

I wished I hadn't seen it.

Why are you looking at me like that?


Make it quick.


- For what? - For helping her regain her memory.

We're not that close to thank each other.

Then can I ask for a favor?

Don't be ridiculous.

My fiancee likes you over me...

whether it be on stage or the shadow.

She's always been that way.

Once she set her mind on something, she'd see to it.

That's like her.

What do you know? You've never seen her when she was little.

I know that you are unlikable...

whether it be on stage or the shadow.

I used to think that her preference for men was weird.

But she's finally where she belongs.

Both you...

And you.

And me.

Ignore me.

I just don't want to go to class.

No, thanks.

Gosh, you're such a terrible student.

This is where we met.

We met inside the writer's world...

as a fiance and a fiancee.

But now, we're here.

What are you doing?

That's the real you.

It's a gift.

(Baek Kyung)

This is like you.

You put your heart into the most useless gifts.

(Baek Kyung)

Gosh, I hate you.

Dan Oh.

I'm not used to saying thank you.

You can say that again.

(Baek Kyung)


I'll see you on the next stage.

[VIU Ver] MBC E31 'Extra-ordinary You'
-♥ Ruo Xi ♥-

- Ju Da. - Yes?

What is this?

Open it.

How do I look?

I have a knack for finding pretty things.

When did you get this?

I'm not sure.

You're the only thing I think of.

I can't remember anything else.

Nam Ju.

Nam Ju.

Do you really not remember?

Remember what?

When and where did you get this?

I don't know.

Before being the heir of Serinne,

you're a high school student.

You don't have a good sense of economy, do you?



(Allowance Entry Book)

- What is this? - It's an allowance entry book.

"Allowance entry book"?

Write in this, and I'll check.


I'm going to turn you into a great man.

All right. I'll try.

Okay. Let's go.

Nam Ju, go inside first.


Stop right there.

Should I guess what you were planning to do?

Why would you do that?

Since I was just with Nam Ju,

you can't lie and say that he was looking for me.

You were probably going to make me slip by pouring water on the floor.

Or ruin the flower I was growing.

Or perhaps, hide my PE uniform.

I have another uniform in my locker.

I'm sorry, but that's fake.

Next time, pour oil on the floor.

Then I can surely slip.

You don't improve, do you?

You're too obvious and boring.

Sae Mi.

If I were you, I'd find another hobby...

than bullying.

What are you guys doing?

And find a guy who's nearby.

- What? - I think...

it's better for you...

to find someone who likes you more, not the other way around.

Find someone who is always by your side...

and thinks the world of you.

Hey, what do you know about me?

She's so nosy.

What's going on? Why are you so upset from the early morning?

Guys, I'm going to turn the camera off.

Just stay still.

Are you okay?

Why are you crying?

Do Hwa.

Hey, Ju Da.

Don't pretend like you didn't see me.

I'm not.


They're pretty and comfortable. I can still wear them, right?

I couldn't fly freely like this butterfly.

But you told me...

that a small flutter of a butterfly can change one's fate.

Although that small flutter didn't work out for us,

I'm sure it would've been meaningful for someone else, right?

What a shame. Can't the three of us go out?

I can date you on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

And I can date Nam Ju on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.

And I can spend some time alone on Sunday.

My gosh, aren't you too greedy?

This is what the heroine of a romance comic book does.

She weighs her love interests in a love triangle.

Did you not know?

My man must be waiting for me.

I picked that up from Nam Ju.

I'll get going.

Ju Da.

Goodbye, forever now.

Gosh, they should be coming in any minute now.

My goodness. You startled me.

Hey, you should've let me know that you were here.

You almost gave me a heart attack.

Well, I'm not doing this to make myself feel better.

It's a type of ritual.

- Ritual? - Yes.

Great. He's here.

- Darn it. - Hey, come on.

- Where are you going? Come inside. - Let go of me.

Darn it. Stop overreacting.


Sit down when I say nicely.

You too.

Eat a lot.

What's that?

You guys used to like them...

in "Trumpet Creeper".

Some things ought to be forgotten.

But having a memory is a cruel thing.

That must be why we suffered a lot.

Stop beating around the bush. Get to the point.

We have quite the history in the previous story.

Well, it wasn't unintentional.

Let's call this a ritual.

There's no reason behind it.

We will leave this place once we have to.

Let's not get mad...

or hate each other from now on.

Goodness, I shouldn't have meddled in the first place.

Why don't we put the past behind us?

The writer is too cruel.

You guys are only 18.

How old are you then?

It's a secret.


That's odd.

You called me by my name.

It's been hard, right?


I'll get going.

You always have the same look on your face when you're alone.

How do I look?

You look sad...

and lonely.


I've always been alone from the beginning.

Whether I feel lonelier...

or less lonely, it doesn't change anything.

Dan Oh told me...

to find the real me.

I know the real you.

Should I tell you?

You probably don't remember,

but you were affectionate and friendly...

in "Trumpet Creeper".

You were adorable.

You're just making up stuff because I can't remember it.

You were always lonely.

That's the look you always had.

You can't throw out trash here.

This will all disappear on the next stage anyway.

Fine, then.

I remember everything about you in this story.

I'm glad...

that the writer made me your younger brother.

That's the funniest thing you ever told me.

That means that I'm always by your side.

I don't need you.

You can't be honest just like back then and now.

Wait, there's something in my eye.

Really? Let me blow on your eye.

Lee Do Hwa!


What are you doing? Hey.

What was that?

This is tasty though.

Are you serving stir-fried dried squid today?

I have forgotten that you are in A3 for a moment.


Don't get close to Su Hyang.

What? Su Hyang?

When did you get so close?

I sometimes go and hang out in the cafeteria.

- Why? - To keep an eye on him?

What's up with your eyes, Su Hyang?

There are a few things that people cannot conceal.

They are cough and love.

And your eyes just now looked...

You're getting punished...

because you changed my brother's stage.

Your name got erased.

You're an extra who interrupted the stage.

I know.

Aren't you scared?

I would be really scared if I were you.

I am.

When I try to guess how much time I have left,

it scares me.

And I'm frightened.

But when I think about Dan Oh, I feel okay.

The time Dan Oh and I spent will be eternal.

The love Dan Oh gave me...

will not disappear...

after the story ends...

and when I disappear.

You don't regret your decision?

Not at all.

I have never regretted once.

Since the writer created this world,

I always thought we never had a choice.

I thought behaving as I'm drawn was my fate.

But you chose your own fate.

That's why the story changed.

I'm envious of your bravery.

You made the scenes in the shadow real.

Dan Oh probably got her memories back...

because you tried to change the fate the writer decided...

for us in "Trumpet Creeper" and "Secret", right?

I made my decision too.

I'm going to stay next to my brother...

until the last scene the writer draws.

I hope you will be...

with someone you love in the last scene.

I truly hope that for you.

(Write a letter to each other, get matching items, kiss 100 times,)

(give each other unforgettable gifts: about to be fulfilled)

This is my gift of time to you, Haru.

Dan Oh, you're such a romanticist.

What's that?

- Nothing. - No way.

That was definitely a men's watch. Is it for...

It's mine. Mine. I'm going to use it.

What's going on, you two?

What happened, Sae Mi?

What? Darn it. Why did he go alone?

What's going on?

This is Haru's locker.

Dan Oh, what are you doing? Hurry up and come.


He'll be surprised, won't he?

(Final Episode will air shortly.)