Extraordinary You (2019): Season 1, Episode 29 - Ju Da's Decision - full transcript

Dan Oh can't remember anything that happened in the shadow, and she is not aware of herself now. Ju Da decides to stay by Nam Joo's side even in the shadow. Meanwhile, Su Hyang is aware of herself.

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Dan Oh.

(Episode 29)

Dan Oh.

Can we...

Can we talk for a second?

She's coming.

- Hey, Dan Oh! - Dan Oh.

Did you just see, Sae Mi?

- Doing what? - Like this.

I really think this was the power of love.

- The power of love? - Yes.

If it's not that, how can we explain this miracle?

It's pretty.

Of course, it is. This means so much to us.

Gosh, the ring is so pretty.

I guess your mother's ring was exactly the same as me.

It fits me perfectly.

Kyung, what's wrong?

It's weird.

- What is? - Did you just...

- call me Kyung? - Oh, I get it.

It's because the ring looks so good on me.

Gosh, the ring is so pretty.

I guess your mother's ring was exactly the same as me.

It fits me perfectly.

Dan Oh.

Dan Oh.

Can we talk for a second?

Gosh, you surprised me.

Hey, it's you, Haru.

Kyung, it's Haru.

Are you two practicing tennis today? Are you?

What's going on?

Tell me.

What's going on?

I should be asking you.

You were the one who was with her.

It's all for the better.

- What? - Everything is back in its place,

just as I hoped.

It's probably better for Dan Oh too.

At least she won't suffer between the gap of the stage and the shadow.

It's all for the better.

Everything is back in its place,

just as I hoped.

Are you the only one who works in the cafeteria?

Do you need a hand?

No, I can manage by myself.

You don't have any friends, do you?

I can totally tell.

Why do you keep doing this to me?

Because I keep on noticing you.

If you don't have any friends, I can be your friend.

I don't need any.

Oh, why does it sound like you need some?

Dan Oh...

Dan Oh lost her memories.

You remind me...

of what I was like in the past.

That's exactly the face I made...

when I lost her.

If you die in a place that is not in this book,

you still exist,

but your memories disappear.

I couldn't stop my beloved from dying before my eyes.

My story will end soon.

But I hope you can change your story.

("Trumpet Creeper")

Back then, I hoped your story could change,

but I didn't realize the stages you changed...

will lead us to a tragedy.

Our self-awareness disappears...

once we die in the shadow.

Then if the story ends like this,

what happens to us?

We fall into a deep sleep...

until the writer draws us again.

What if the writer never draws us again?

Then this world may be...

the last one for Dan Oh and me.

If you make a big impression on the writer...

or if it's easy for the writer to draw you,

then there will be a higher chance that you'll be drawn again.

I guess that's what Su Hyang is like.

The story is about to be over,

but the writer added her in the last minute.

I'm not sure if it's easy for the writer to draw her...

or if she made a big impression.

Or I may have looked so pathetic...

that the writer added her in out of pity.

When someone is drawn,

others tend to get erased.

When the story is about to be over,

it's a piece of cake to erase us from the scenes.

That means we can't be freed until the end.

It's time for you to refrain from getting noticed by the writer.

Especially so...

for an extra like you who doesn't play a huge role.

I don't want you...

to suddenly disappear in the middle of the story.

We only have a few scenes left.

The writer is about to wrap up this world.


My lady.

My lady.

My lady.

My lady.

Dan Oh.

Dan Oh!

No matter what I do,

I cannot control my feelings.

You know that as well.

I will wait for you...

just like this flower.

I will protect you.

I will wait...

until we meet again.

I will remember you...


No matter what happens,

I will...


You knew everything, didn't you?

You knew it wasn't me.

You were the one who did it.

So what?

But that won't happen this time.

Dan Oh's set-up has changed.

The writer intends for her to stay by my side.

And that will torture her.

It tortured her then, and it will this time as well.

I'm going to find the real Dan Oh.

So that...

she can truly be herself.

Dan Oh.



Dan Oh.

We're in the same class.

I see.

Where's Kyung?

Do you remember this?

"Heart disease and one-sided love for 10 years."

"That's my set-up."

"If we change the story,"

"both you and I will no longer be extras."


"change our fate."

I like that this is a romance comic.

At least, nobody dies.

What are you doing here? What are you reading?

Look at you. You're an ardent fan, aren't you?

You read this illogical and ridiculous story...

again and again.

You're here again. Could you please stop...

Come on. I know you're happy to see me.

I give the writer props for curing Dan Oh.

If it was this easy to cure her, why did she have to be in pain...

for the past decade?

Hey, Dan Oh.

Hi, Do Hwa.

What is this?

It feels like back when Haru wasn't his true self.

Dan Oh.

- Hi, Do Hwa. - What?

This is a cliche!

Fine. Dan Oh has finally fully recovered.

And I'm glad that Kyung has become nice,

and that this will be a happy ending.


What's the use of Dan Oh only being happy on stage...

when she no longer exists in the shadow?

I remember when you lost your memory.

Dan Oh was in so much pain.

I think I'm being punished.

Don't be ridiculous.

It's all because of our illogical and obnoxious writer.

You're right.

I'll try to follow my heart.

I'm going to do so...

no matter the consequences.

Just trust me and follow me.


That darn writer.


I'm going to follow my heart.

I'm going to do so...

no matter the consequences.

Dan Oh.

Hi, my name is Haru.

Yes, I know.

Let me.

It's okay. I can manage.

They're not heavy at all.

I want to walk...

with you.

"When I called out her name,"

"she turned into a flower."

What did he do before she turned into a flower?

What had to be done beforehand?

It was her name.

He called out her name.

This means that there is...

determination, effort, and hope.

That is how she became a flower.

The two of them could finally have a relationship.

Do you understand?

- Yes. - Yes.

[VIU Ver] MBC E29 'Extra-ordinary You'
"Ju Da's Decision"
-♥ Ruo Xi ♥-


Dan Oh.

You gave me my name...

because you hoped that I could change...

your day.

I did that?


Please remember...

the name you've given me.


Dan Oh, you can take your time if it's too difficult.

I'll go to you.

("S Group's Second Son, Mr. Oh, Born out of Wedlock!")

- Hey, this is about Nam Ju. - No way!

- It's the second son! - Isn't that Nam Ju?

Look at this.

- Oh, no! - "Oh" is his surname.

"Cha Ji Hyun".

This is a lie.

Nam Ju is too perfect for this.

And we thought he'd inherit Serinne Fashion?

- Darn it! I had no idea! - After everything we did...

We blew so many balloons because of him.

Does this mean Y3 will take over?

You have no courage, do you?


I'll be taking over Nam Ju's spot.

My goodness.

This is official.

From now on, I will take over...

- nothing. - Hey, Nam Ju.

- Poor Nam Ju. - Does he think he's still...

a part of A3?

Will this be the end of him?

I never thought he'd be a liar.

If you have something to say, say it to my face.

Nam Ju, this isn't true, is it?

Hey! Don't say such things to him!

It's all true.

It's true?

So what?

Does that mean I'm no longer Oh Nam Ju?

Are you okay? I'm going to lose my subscribers!

Are you okay?

You also liked me...

because I was the heir to Serinne, right?

- I... - Ju Da.

Close your eyes.

Close your eyes.

He's crying.

- Look at him. He's a crybaby. - Don't cry now.

Hey, look at him crying.

These jerks...

- Hey. - What?

Do you have anything to say to a Y3 member?

- You're nothing but a peasant. - What did you say?

High-class school, my foot.

You divide people into classes based on money and reputation.

And you praise or condemn them.

You guys are such peasants.

You... You...

Let's go, Nam Ju.


Drink it.


This is nice.

To tell you the truth, I've been having a hard time.

- Why? - Just because.

It was inevitable.

I'm Oh Nam Ju.

I'm the leader of A3 at Seuli High School.

And I had to protect the woman...

I like.

I exist...

for you.

Go abroad.

No, I won't.

You'd better take this before anyone sees it.

You still care about how other people will think of us even now?

I took down all the articles.

I, Oh Nam Ju...

- Hold on. - What is he doing?

Come home. Let's talk at home.

I'm not the biological son...

of Serinne Fashion's chairman, Oh Jae Beol.

What are you doing right now?

- This feels better. - What?

I don't want to be a coward anymore.

I will live my life as the real Oh Nam Ju now.

Can you throw away everything you have...

and privileges that are given to you?

Nam Ju.

This is all for you.


The best thing you can do for him is...

letting him accept who he really is.

Nam Ju.

I don't care if you're the heir to Serinne Fashion...

or just a regular guy.

To me,

you were always mine.

I'll help you.

- My goodness. No way. - I can't believe it.

I love you.

Nam Ju, it must've been hard for you too.

I'm sure the main character came with...

a lot of burdens.

- Ma'am. - "Ma'am"?

You can't use your own son like you use a tool.

Nam Ju, tell them what's on your mind.


I, Oh Nam Ju, will put down the crown of Seuli High School...

and live my life as it is...

with the love of my life, Ju Da.

- Oh Nam Ju! - Oh Nam Ju!

- Oh Nam Ju! - Oh Nam Ju!

- Dan Oh. - Yes?

Is there anything you want to do?

Anything you want to eat...

or anything you want to have.

There are tons.

I want to go to the movies with you,

eat delicious food, and...


Gosh, there are tons.

But I can't remember them now that we're talking about them.

Why didn't I ask you that sooner?

You want to do so many things with me.

If you don't remember it,

I'll just do whatever I want to do.

You told me...

that your affection for me was all fake.

But I'll believe that your affection for me is genuine.

You can run away...

if you remember it now.

Why would I run away from you? I like you so much.

- Why? - You and I are meant to be.

- We're meant to be? - Yes.

I only like you, no one else.

If that doesn't mean we're meant to be, what else would that mean?

Hey, Dan Oh.

Don't you know that Sae Mi has sensitive eyes?

I'm sorry.

Hey, stop looking out for me.

Why are you complaining about that?

Gosh. Go away.

Go away. Go.

I was going to leave anyway. I need to film there too.


My mom was right.

Letting someone in your heart little by little is the scariest.

What? What's wrong with him?

Hey, Su Chul. Come over here.


What's wrong with me?

Must you ask?

You're shining a light at your eyes.

Of course, it would make you cry.

Goodness, you're so cheeky.


What? "Haru"?

- "Haru"? - I mean,

that's what you just said.


Wait up for me.

Stop right there.

Dan Oh.

I decided to let Nam Ju go.


I've never seen him smile like that.

Goodbye, Nam Ju.

I sort of feel like...

we might see each other for a long time like this tree.

You'll be right next to me when you're 19...

and 20.

I heard that this tree is 300 years old.

This tree must have seen thousands of students over that long time.

I'm Do Hwa's friend.

I transferred to this school a while ago.

I don't think we've met before.


I thought you were close with Do Hwa.

We're not that close. We've known each other since we were kids.

Then, this tree must have seen you guys too.

Probably not.

When I was young, I mostly stayed at the hospital.

If you look at the top of the tree,

you can probably see everything.

That's kind of creepy.

Just make sure the tree doesn't find out.

You can hide among other students.

Living the same life people live, hiding among other students...

isn't fun.

Is that so?

I must find my own meaning for my life.

This is my life.

What a great line.

"My own meaning".

I think it might differ depending on whom I live my life with.

Does the meaning of your life have to do with Kyung?

Of course...


Either you know it or you don't.

You can't say, "probably".

It's about the writer who made us.

What do you think the writer is thinking...

while looking at us from above?

- "Writer"? - At first, I was scared too.

No matter how hard I tried to escape, I couldn't.

I just wanted to be happy with the love of my life.

We tried to change it,

but some things never change.

And things you didn't want to change can change.

It's up to the writer.

Sometimes, it follows storyboards. And sometimes, it doesn't.

What do you mean?

Just like you don't know which leaf will fall next,

there are no rules in this world as well.

As long as your affection for one another is strong,

you can overcome it.

- Dan Oh, let's go eat some bread. - Sure.

Sure. Let me carry your backpack.

Hey. I told you to stop taking care of me. Give me that.

- I'll carry it for you. - Let go of that.

Dan Oh.

- Get home safe. - Okay.

Poor Haru. This is breaking my heart.

Dan Oh.

Dan Oh. Where are you going?

Hey. Nam Ju already left.

Dan Oh. A small flutter of a butterfly...

can change your destiny. It changes. Changes. Changes.

Hey, Kyung.

Let's go.

I'm going to go eat something with Sae Mi.

It didn't change.

Dan Oh, you rascal. You can't remember any of our memories.

Did I keep you waiting?

No, I just got here too.

You must really love strawberries.

I don't like strawberries.

I just have it because Nam Ju says that I like strawberries.

The guy who went crazy saying "my woman" and "strawberry".

Nam Ju really likes you.

I know.

Ju Da.

What do you think will happen to us?

I like you.

Don't be surprised. But I like Nam Ju too.

All he does is giving me expensive gifts...

and declaring to everyone that he likes me.

But I know that he truly likes me because he always has...

his eyes on me.

Did you...

just turn me down?

I can't be courageous because we're in a comic book.

I need the courage...

to change the story in order to like you.

But I've been through so much until now.

If I don't get to enjoy...

this happy ending, it'll be just too unfair.

If you became aware of yourself a bit earlier,

- would it have changed? - No.

You can be happy without me. But Nam Ju...

can't be happy without me.

Gosh, am I still number two next to Nam Ju in the shadow too?

I won't lead you on...

and ask you to be a friend while I'm turning you down.

If I may make a suggestion as the guy who got dumped,

I hope we can at least be friends.

Do Hwa.

Thank you.

You really were my guardian angel.

Ju Da.

I really liked you a lot...

in the stage and in the shadow.

What should we do next? Kyung, what do you want to do?

Whatever you want to do.

Gosh, I'm so happy.

- What? - Are you okay?

- Should we go home? - No.

I'm saying this as someone who had a heart condition for long,

and my heart is just racing out of excitement.

It only rings in front of someone I like,

telling you that I like you, and that I want you to know.

- Should we go eat? - Yes.

What do you want?

Something really delicious.


Kyung, put this on.

You're so cute.

Dan Oh.

I'm not in pain.

Dan Oh.

I'm so glad.

For what?

That we reached each other.

Thank you.

Everything got better thanks to you,

and it'll continue to get better.

I want to thank you too.

You turned me into someone who's healthy and in love,

not a girl who had a crush on you for 10 years with a heart condition.

Thank you so much, Haru.




Oh, do you have to go and practice tennis with him?

Right now?

It's pretty late.

You don't even remember, but you still...


(Episode 30 will air shortly.)