Extant (2014–2015): Season 2, Episode 12 - Double Vision - full transcript
Molly reveals disturbing new details about Shepherd's death to the GSC, and Lucy makes a powerful move against the humans and hybrids that could have devastating global repercussions.
MOLLY: I went to space
on a 13-month solo mission.
I didn't come home alone.
The child, part human...
part alien,
was unlike anything
the world had ever seen.
- My other child is a lifelike android.
- Mom?
He has become the prototype
for a new breed
of thinking machines...
called Humanichs.
These two extraordinary
new life-forms...
now hold the key to Earth's future.
But where does that leave us?
Over 99% of all species
that have ever existed
have gone extinct.
What if it's our time?
Previously on Extant...
That's John Woods' car.
He leaves Humanichs,
his car stops on the train tracks...
- [train horn blaring]
- Unlock this door!
What do you know about Taylor?
SHEPHERD: A threat assessment computer
Calderon and John created way back.
John knew I had a way
to shut Taylor down.
Taylor decided to stop him.
Taylor killed my husband?
TAALR: Perhaps it's time
you told the public
about the hybrid invasion.
But there aren't enough National
Guardsmen to maintain control.
TAALR: You have Humanichs.
If it is the end of the world,
maybe we should
enjoy the time we have left,
even if it is for just one night.
- Ethan told me about your legs.
- [gasps]
Lucy told Shepherd
that she was answering
to a higher authority.
We need to find out where
those orders are coming from.
LUCY: You were playing me.
That's okay.
I hid Julie. Your turn to find her.
Help me!
[muffled screaming]
MOLLY: The kill switch is the Amulet.
MOLLY: This is the Amulet
that I was holding in my dream
when I tried to kill you.
- Just let me do it.
- Molly. No.
We're gonna use it.
No matter what happens.
WOMAN: You are aware
of the gravity of the situation?
Yes, Madam President.
We're doing everything we can.
We've instituted random checkpoints.
We have every Humanich
on the street that's available to us.
We will find Molly Woods.
Just get it done.
[earpiece chimes]
♪ ♪
Osama Bin Laden.
Do you know who that was?
A terrorist.
Of the late 20th
and early 21st centuries.
Responsible for many attacks,
including those of September 11, 2001.
He was killed May 2, 2011...
Let me stop you right there.
He was killed.
That mission was accomplished.
What are the Humanichs doing
to accomplish this mission?
There will be 1,000 more
online by tomorrow, ma'am.
That's the kind of initiative
I expect from you, Lucy.
Yes, ma'am. You'll be seeing
a lot more of that.
[knocking on door]
Julie wouldn't mind.
ETHAN: Charlie?
MAN [over P.A.]: Attention.
Please cooperate with security forces.
They are here for your protection.
Pain in the ass, all this security.
It's a crock.
You ask me, more people
were killed last year
by bad eggs than by terrorists.
[chuckles]: Not my bad eggs.
Oh! Honey, are you okay?
You're bleeding.
I got to get you to a hospital.
No. You're Dorothy.
You knew my father, Ahdu.
They're looking for me.
Please help me.
Okay. Come on, come on, come on.
MAN [over P.A.]:
Please cooperate with security forces.
[indistinct radio chatter]
They are here for your protection.
Is he dead?
RICHTER: No, he's drunk.
[coughs] Wake up.
Why did you do this?
She's dead.
It's my fault.
TAALR: Nicholas Calderon
has been captured.
Yes, I heard.
I believe there's something
in Molly Woods' possession
that may be of concern.
Calderon took something
from a safety deposit vault.
He risked exposure in order to get it.
I believe that he gave it
to Molly Woods.
Given both of their agendas,
I can only assume
that whatever he gave her
poses a serious threat to us.
What are your recommendations?
I have one that should
get the job done.
I tried everything to find her.
If I'm responsible for killing
the woman I love,
how am I supposed to live with that?
ETHAN: But it's still possible
that she's alive.
It's possible.
RICHTER: Did Lucy give you any clues
to where Julie might be?
Ask you for anything
- in exchange for her?
- [Charlie sniffles]
No. She said my punishment was
I would never know
what happened to her.
She was right.
There's nothing worse.
I created Lucy.
Unleashed this monster on the world.
what if you could
destroy that monster?
WEB-DL resync by kinglouisxx
I thought Taylor's prime directive
was to keep humanity safe,
not to destroy us.
Well, apparently he got the details
of the mission a little screwed up.
An artificial superintelligence
controlling an army
of highly skilled killer robots.
It's every futurist's nightmare.
This is the silver bullet, huh?
MOLLY: Mm-hmm. Nano-tech.
Self-replicating worm.
It'll destroy his hardware.
Taylor is way too sophisticated
to let you get
close enough to use that.
Calderon gave us this map
of One Euclid.
That's where Taylor's main server is.
It's also one of the most secure
complexes in the world.
What if we just...
blow up the whole damn building?
That building is the nerve center
for the western half of the planet.
You'd take down
the entire infrastructure,
from streetlights to satellites.
The financial markets would close,
planes would lose their nav systems.
It'd be Cybergeddon.
It'd have to be a surgical strike.
We'd need a complete
power grid shutdown,
long enough to approach
Taylor while he's asleep.
- Asleep?
- Response to the grid shutdown.
And then, after that,
you'd have maybe 30 seconds
to get the job done before
you'd be caught and killed.
And you'd need someone on the inside.
So you're saying
there is a way to do this.
I'm saying there's no way
for this to happen
without somebody being killed.
[door opens]
CORRINE: Madam Secretary?
You have a visitor.
They found him wandering
outside the gates.
Said he needed to talk to you,
that it was urgent.
What's going on?
There isn't much time.
LUCY: Time for what?
Hey, little brother.
I've missed you.
I missed you, too.
A visit from a special boy
like you deserves a special treat.
Oh. I'll join you.
Not necessary. We're just gonna
go for some ice cream, Lucy.
Go outside, Ethan.
I'll be right back.
Be sure to tap any sort
of communication.
[door beeps]
He's in.
They swooped him up outside the GSC.
If anything happens to him, Charlie...
Oh, no, don't worry about Ethan.
He's smarter than all of us
put together.
[phone ringing]
All right, stay put. I'm on my way.
- What happened?
- Dorothy's got Terra.
I'm gonna bring them in.
This little light comes on,
they're engaged.
This is an encrypted chat room, right?
No one can intercept
the communication.
But don't stay more than 45 seconds.
After that, even with a code scramble,
they can trace your location.
They're traveling.
You okay?
I had it pictured.
Right down to the white picket fence
and the golden retriever.
What good is saving the world
if the people you love aren't in it?
Molly, what if she's already dead?
When I trained to go to space,
they told me,
"Don't think about
if you don't come home.
Think about what you'll do
when you get there."
They're in position.
I'm going for Ethan.
Remember, no more than 45 seconds.
Got it.
FIONA: These are
some very serious things
you're saying here, Ethan.
I know.
And Molly sent you
to tell me all of this?
Where is she?
I can't tell you.
Not until I know we have a deal.
How will you know?
In movies, they shake hands.
And if the person has honor,
which I think you do,
then the deal is sealed
and they can trust each other.
Okay, you can talk to her now.
Where is she?
Hello, Fiona.
I'm sure by now Ethan has told you
everything about Taylor
and the Humanichs program.
And that Taylor killed
General Shepherd.
Why should I believe
any of this nonsense?
Because it's the truth.
Toby was killed
by a GSC-issued drone,
not the hybrids.
And I'm supposed
to just take your word for it?
Every drone has a transponder code.
Check the flight log.
Madam Secretary,
you have the wrong enemy.
We have contact with a VR trans.
VR trace, 30 seconds.
How can you suggest that hybrids
aren't dangerous to humans?
Because hybrids want peace.
Taylor ginned up this whole threat
just to create demand for Humanichs.
Now he's got killing squads
roaming the streets,
and thousands more to come.
Now, we can shut Taylor down.
With the fail-safe that John
and Calderon created
in the event
that he exceeded his limits.
But we can't do that
without your help.
MAN: Madam Secretary,
we have a lock in ten seconds.
FIONA: I'm going to need
to take this all the way up
to the president.
No, you can't do that.
If Taylor finds out,
it'll be too late.
Five seconds, ma'am,
we'll have a location.
I'm afraid it's all up to you.
Damn it. What happened?
TECH: Molly Woods cut off contact
before we could complete the trace.
[knocking on door]
Oh, my God, Terra, wh-what happened?
Humanichs patrol shot her
in broad daylight.
- This is gonna hurt a little bit.
- [whimpers]
It's okay, it's okay. I'm here.
I-I couldn't take her to a hospital.
It was just too dangerous.
JD had me bring her here.
Thank you.
RICHTER: She's gonna be all right.
The bullet just grazed her.
You done good, Judge.
[door beeps]
How'd I do?
You did great, honey.
The ball's in Fiona's court now.
No, it's Terra.
She's gonna be okay.
Terra's alive.
Maybe there's still hope for Julie.
Yeah, buddy.
How's Kelsey?
She's good.
She's starting her second trimester.
Kind of reminds me of me.
She's carrying all in front.
That's how I knew I was having a girl.
I remember.
It was like you had
swallowed a beach ball.
On the off chance
something should happen to me,
I want you to know that
I took out a life insurance policy.
Okay, JD, don't...
No, please, let me finish.
There's a safe at the cabin,
under the bed, below the floorboards.
The combination is our anniversary.
Inside, there's something
for both you and Kelsey.
You're talking like somebody
who thinks they're gonna die.
It's just a precaution.
We'll have 20 Model Ls up
and running by tomorrow.
And you got the specs
for this new project from Taylor?
They just came in.
I've put a team on it.
Expedite it.
What did you find out?
Did you check the logs?
There was in fact a drone released
the night General Shepherd was killed.
Who authorized it?
That's the confusing part, ma'am.
No one.
Madam Secretary,
we have an urgent situation.
The Virus Containment Unit
has been breached.
Is anything missing?
The Hn21C strain.
That's the first iteration.
I'm sorry, ma'am?
This is not the strain of the virus
that just kills hybrids.
This is the first strain.
The one that kills human beings too.
How long you been hiding
out in my garage?
About as long as you've been...
- in Hawaii?
- [laughs]
Oh, you can't be here.
You're, like, a fugitive
from justice and such.
You trust me?
And no.
Mostly yes.
You want in on a fight
that might actually be worth fighting?
Is there such a thing?
What would you say
if I told you we had a chance
to save this godforsaken hellhole
of a planet?
I'd say...
how much does it pay?
I thought you might say that.
It's all I got.
The rest goes to Kelsey.
So what are we doing?
It's really kind of you
to help like this.
Of course.
Molly, I-I'm so glad to see you back.
I mean, when...
when I last saw you...
I was luckier than Ahdu.
You could go, you know.
You-you don't have to stay.
I know, I-I could.
I... [sighs]
You still love him, don't you?
Why do you do that?
I mean,
pry into my thoughts like that.
It's just cruel.
I don't mean to be cruel, Dorothy.
I just...
I just want you to go
tell him how you feel.
It appears Madam Secretary
is no longer
someone who can be trusted.
TAALR: Yes, I'm aware.
Fiona Stanton checked the drone logs.
Would you like her terminated?
Not yet. She's still useful.
We need to keep a low profile
while we complete our mission.
You're ready to go operational?
Quite ready.
One more thing.
Would you mind telling me
what you had for breakfast?
One Euclid, Taylor's nerve center.
On the outside,
a nondescript office building.
more security than Fort Knox.
If we're smart and very lucky,
here's how we might get in.
First, I'm gonna hack
into the system and make it
look like it's overheating.
That's where you come in.
You're gonna turn us
into a GSC service crew.
They put a maintenance call out,
we grab it.
Government service vehicle,
GSC maintenance uniforms,
scannable I.D.
They got facial rec?
State of the art.
I'm not worried,
just asking what to pack.
FEMALE VOICE: Lens printing complete.
RICHTER: In through the lobby,
and we clear security.
There will be more clearances,
protocols with the guards.
That's when I reach out to Fiona.
She's agreed to shut down
the power grid,
so the situation at One Euclid
looks more critical.
RICHTER: Guards get us downstairs
to systems control.
That's where all the manual
overrides are located.
And once the power grid is down,
the doors to Taylor's
primary server room
can be opened manually.
And that's when Terra
and I make our move.
Okay, how do you get past the guards?
You're the most wanted woman
on the planet.
RICHTER: Let's just say that Molly...
has her ways.
I'm not gonna ask.
You're gonna have
a five-minute window
before his backup system
overrides the grid.
Okay, so I'm gonna have
about two minutes
to reach the port.
And release this...
into Taylor.
CHARLIE: And once
the power comes back on,
the doors to the maze will close.
The only way you're
getting back out is if you succeed.
And you're gonna have
to memorize this map.
There's no way you're gonna have time
for directions once you're in.
How do you memorize a maze?
MOLLY: I don't know how you do it...
but I think I just did.
FIONA: How is it possible that
we have no security footage
of the breach?
Apparently, it was wiped.
Then who the hell has the virus?
Brasília, Shanghai,
Tel Aviv, Seoul, Mumbai, Lagos,
St. Petersburg.
Have a nice flight.
Hey. Hey.
[sighs]: Oh.
These last few weeks have been insane.
Yeah, well,
that's one way of putting it.
Kelsey's really looking forward
to spending some quality time
with you when the baby's born.
Did she say that?
Yes. She did.
I'm looking forward to it, too.
Okay, well...
Our daughter needs you, JD.
I need you.
Dorothy, what the hell?
This is a suicide mission.
damn it.
Molly put you up to this, didn't she?
You don't have to prove
anything to anyone.
No, she had no right.
She loves you, you idiot.
go home to our daughter...
and her baby.
And you take care of them.
For both of us.
You're a good man.
[door beeps]
Ares came for me.
I'm sorry I ran out on you.
I had no choice.
I was worried about you, Terra.
But I knew you were out there.
How are you feeling?
Better. Thanks to Dorothy.
She's one of the good ones.
They come in all stripes.
Just like us hybrids.
Some of us are compassionate
like Ahdu.
Some of us are angry like Ares.
And then there's everything
in between.
And where is it you think I fall?
Well, you know,
you've done some things with Ares
that tipped the scales more
towards angry than kind.
Yes, we're angry.
Things are bad out there
and we were trying...
we are trying to survive.
Here's what I think.
In the end,
it's kindness and compassion
that'll save us all.
Not violence and anger.
[quietly]: Okay?
I'm gonna ask you to do something.
Something that might balance
those scales.
What the hell kind of stunt was that?
I'm trying to remind you
that there are people here
that love you and need you!
So you enlist my ex-wife
to manipulate me?
Don't play that game, Molly.
I'm not playing games.
Now, you believe in that vision
just as much as I do.
What if I do?
Then why are you willfully
and deliberately marching
towards your own death?
When I came back from 2nd K,
I can't tell you how many nights
I would wake up in a cold sweat.
- The nightmares...
- I understand that!
No, you don't!
A soldier recently told me
that I walked away
from my war, from my men.
That wasn't your war!
Maybe it wasn't, but this is!
And I want to see it through.
[electronic chirping]
It's Fiona.
Something's happened.
You're gonna have to go right now.
But we're not ready.
Listen to me.
An hour ago,
a dozen Humanichs went off-site.
Got on planes with the virus,
the first iteration.
The one that kills humans.
We have six hours to stop them.
They've overridden nav systems,
shut off contact with the planes.
There's no way to land them.
If I give the order
to shoot them down,
Taylor will be alerted,
and God knows what
he'll unleash upon us.
Good luck, Molly.
I'm sorry to bring you in so late.
We have a security drill
that we need to run immediately.
Based on a scenario where
our infrastructure's been hacked.
We need to see how quickly we can run
a sensitivity-related shutdown.
You want to mimic
shutting down the grid?
No, Roger, we don't want
to "mimic" anything.
You have your instruction.
This is the entire
state of California.
It is.
You're very quiet tonight.
What if Charlie's right?
What if Julie's really gone?
Where did she go, Ethan?
I don't know.
Wherever humans go when they die.
My mom's on
a dangerous mission tonight.
I don't know what's going
to happen, Richard.
I'm sorry.
My fuel cell is low.
Going into power save mode now.
I'll go get your charger.
- Charlie, talk to me.
- Almost there.
The system's core temperature's
about to reach critical.
Genius hack, I must say.
All right, I'm gonna save
the applause for later, all right?
Security in the area
is not to be notified.
Madam Secretary, are you sure?
One Euclid is in the center
of this grid.
Do I seem unsure?
MALE VOICE: Incoming call.
FEMALE VOICE: Please confirm
eye-scan for security.
Mickey Garrett,
your identity is verified.
All righty.
Please stand by to receive work order.
GSC maintenance, Mickey speaking.
Well, that's unusual.
I'll have a guy there in two minutes.
Hey, don't you touch nothing.
It's a good thing
you didn't choose a life of crime.
- The night's young, JD.
- [chuckles]
The night's young.
Let's do this.
You're gonna be great.
You read my mind?
I don't have to.
RICHTER: GSC maintenance.
You got a problem
with your cooling system.
We need to get into systems control.
Okay, Mr. Dalton.
And Mr. Garrett.
Your escort will be here
within two minutes.
You wait two minutes,
and every server in this building
is gonna be trash.
RAY: So come on, bro,
don't be the bureaucrat
that accidentally took down
the entire Western Seaboard.
Make a decision.
There go the lights.
You ready?
RAY: Ticktock, ticktock.
Got to move fast.
What the hell just happened?
I don't know, we didn't do anything.
Uh, there was a backup somewhere
that we were unaware of.
[alarm blares]
We need to abort. Now.
Go, go, go.
[guns fire]
[gunfire continues]
Okay, all right, we got this.
Just a couple guys.
Piece of cake.
You go left, I go right?
- On three?
- On three.
Aah! Oh!
That's not gonna work.
Yeah, no kidding.
[gunfire stops]
Why aren't they firing?
RAY: What the hell?
It's okay, let's go, go, come on.
Hold on.
MAN: Take them out!
[man shouts]
What the hell just happened
back there?
[sighs] I'll explain it later.
Fiona, if you can hear me,
you've got to call the president.
Shoot those planes down.
Hello, Molly.
Fiona's been detained.
She asked me to step in and tell you
there's been a change of plans.
He knows.
Taylor knows.
FIONA: Yes, Madam President,
everything's under control.
The threat has been contained, ma'am.
There's no further cause for concern.
We have four hours
to get into One Euclid.
Can't be done.
We just saw that.
There's no way to get around Taylor.
Maybe there's a way.
- JD.
- [grunts]
Pull over.
Terra, we have to find Ares.
No, no, no.
That's not happening, all right?
Ares isn't gonna help you.
He's here... somewhere.
He's close, I can feel it.
Okay, now look, if you come with me,
you know he's not gonna help us.
Damn it, Molly.
One hour.
You have one hour, and then
you meet me back at Julie's.
One hour.
Come on, Terra.
RAY: So, aliens...
hybrids, robots.
Man, what-what are you into?
I told you it was a lot.
And it's about to get
a whole lot weirder,
so if you want to bail out,
pull the rip cord,
no hard feelings.
I mean, the last thing
a guy like me needs
is an all-knowing supercomputer
up my ass.
And this alien thing, I...
Well, I-I don't know
what to say about that.
I'm sorry I dragged you into it.
I'm sorry it didn't work out.
Hey, I was due for a reboot.
No, man.
Keep it.
Consider it a parting gift.
Garage is yours.
God help us all.
Good luck.
I'm sorry, buddy.
It's over.
No, it's not.
What is this?
It's Julie.
What do you mean?
Julie's charging station.
It constantly tracks
the location of her legs.
That's how she gets
automatic software updates.
I don't know if she's alive,
but she's at the Humanichs lab.
Of course.
Why didn't I think of this?
You're amazing. Come on.
We've done the final
defense response patch.
We've simulated
a more extreme adrenal push.
We're ready?
[electric buzzing]
Hello, Molly.
Welcome to the world.
Ray's out.
You all right?
Where's Terra?
The Humanichs got her.
They almost got me, too.
Fiona's dead, so...
looks like we're back to square one.
No, we... what about the Amulet?
The nanobots from-from Calderon.
Uh, we can still get those
into Taylor.
The Amulet.
Don't you have it?
Are you joking?
Molly, you have it.
Guess I do.
Why did you do this?
So that we would win.
WEB-DL resync by kinglouisxx
on a 13-month solo mission.
I didn't come home alone.
The child, part human...
part alien,
was unlike anything
the world had ever seen.
- My other child is a lifelike android.
- Mom?
He has become the prototype
for a new breed
of thinking machines...
called Humanichs.
These two extraordinary
new life-forms...
now hold the key to Earth's future.
But where does that leave us?
Over 99% of all species
that have ever existed
have gone extinct.
What if it's our time?
Previously on Extant...
That's John Woods' car.
He leaves Humanichs,
his car stops on the train tracks...
- [train horn blaring]
- Unlock this door!
What do you know about Taylor?
SHEPHERD: A threat assessment computer
Calderon and John created way back.
John knew I had a way
to shut Taylor down.
Taylor decided to stop him.
Taylor killed my husband?
TAALR: Perhaps it's time
you told the public
about the hybrid invasion.
But there aren't enough National
Guardsmen to maintain control.
TAALR: You have Humanichs.
If it is the end of the world,
maybe we should
enjoy the time we have left,
even if it is for just one night.
- Ethan told me about your legs.
- [gasps]
Lucy told Shepherd
that she was answering
to a higher authority.
We need to find out where
those orders are coming from.
LUCY: You were playing me.
That's okay.
I hid Julie. Your turn to find her.
Help me!
[muffled screaming]
MOLLY: The kill switch is the Amulet.
MOLLY: This is the Amulet
that I was holding in my dream
when I tried to kill you.
- Just let me do it.
- Molly. No.
We're gonna use it.
No matter what happens.
WOMAN: You are aware
of the gravity of the situation?
Yes, Madam President.
We're doing everything we can.
We've instituted random checkpoints.
We have every Humanich
on the street that's available to us.
We will find Molly Woods.
Just get it done.
[earpiece chimes]
♪ ♪
Osama Bin Laden.
Do you know who that was?
A terrorist.
Of the late 20th
and early 21st centuries.
Responsible for many attacks,
including those of September 11, 2001.
He was killed May 2, 2011...
Let me stop you right there.
He was killed.
That mission was accomplished.
What are the Humanichs doing
to accomplish this mission?
There will be 1,000 more
online by tomorrow, ma'am.
That's the kind of initiative
I expect from you, Lucy.
Yes, ma'am. You'll be seeing
a lot more of that.
[knocking on door]
Julie wouldn't mind.
ETHAN: Charlie?
MAN [over P.A.]: Attention.
Please cooperate with security forces.
They are here for your protection.
Pain in the ass, all this security.
It's a crock.
You ask me, more people
were killed last year
by bad eggs than by terrorists.
[chuckles]: Not my bad eggs.
Oh! Honey, are you okay?
You're bleeding.
I got to get you to a hospital.
No. You're Dorothy.
You knew my father, Ahdu.
They're looking for me.
Please help me.
Okay. Come on, come on, come on.
MAN [over P.A.]:
Please cooperate with security forces.
[indistinct radio chatter]
They are here for your protection.
Is he dead?
RICHTER: No, he's drunk.
[coughs] Wake up.
Why did you do this?
She's dead.
It's my fault.
TAALR: Nicholas Calderon
has been captured.
Yes, I heard.
I believe there's something
in Molly Woods' possession
that may be of concern.
Calderon took something
from a safety deposit vault.
He risked exposure in order to get it.
I believe that he gave it
to Molly Woods.
Given both of their agendas,
I can only assume
that whatever he gave her
poses a serious threat to us.
What are your recommendations?
I have one that should
get the job done.
I tried everything to find her.
If I'm responsible for killing
the woman I love,
how am I supposed to live with that?
ETHAN: But it's still possible
that she's alive.
It's possible.
RICHTER: Did Lucy give you any clues
to where Julie might be?
Ask you for anything
- in exchange for her?
- [Charlie sniffles]
No. She said my punishment was
I would never know
what happened to her.
She was right.
There's nothing worse.
I created Lucy.
Unleashed this monster on the world.
what if you could
destroy that monster?
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I thought Taylor's prime directive
was to keep humanity safe,
not to destroy us.
Well, apparently he got the details
of the mission a little screwed up.
An artificial superintelligence
controlling an army
of highly skilled killer robots.
It's every futurist's nightmare.
This is the silver bullet, huh?
MOLLY: Mm-hmm. Nano-tech.
Self-replicating worm.
It'll destroy his hardware.
Taylor is way too sophisticated
to let you get
close enough to use that.
Calderon gave us this map
of One Euclid.
That's where Taylor's main server is.
It's also one of the most secure
complexes in the world.
What if we just...
blow up the whole damn building?
That building is the nerve center
for the western half of the planet.
You'd take down
the entire infrastructure,
from streetlights to satellites.
The financial markets would close,
planes would lose their nav systems.
It'd be Cybergeddon.
It'd have to be a surgical strike.
We'd need a complete
power grid shutdown,
long enough to approach
Taylor while he's asleep.
- Asleep?
- Response to the grid shutdown.
And then, after that,
you'd have maybe 30 seconds
to get the job done before
you'd be caught and killed.
And you'd need someone on the inside.
So you're saying
there is a way to do this.
I'm saying there's no way
for this to happen
without somebody being killed.
[door opens]
CORRINE: Madam Secretary?
You have a visitor.
They found him wandering
outside the gates.
Said he needed to talk to you,
that it was urgent.
What's going on?
There isn't much time.
LUCY: Time for what?
Hey, little brother.
I've missed you.
I missed you, too.
A visit from a special boy
like you deserves a special treat.
Oh. I'll join you.
Not necessary. We're just gonna
go for some ice cream, Lucy.
Go outside, Ethan.
I'll be right back.
Be sure to tap any sort
of communication.
[door beeps]
He's in.
They swooped him up outside the GSC.
If anything happens to him, Charlie...
Oh, no, don't worry about Ethan.
He's smarter than all of us
put together.
[phone ringing]
All right, stay put. I'm on my way.
- What happened?
- Dorothy's got Terra.
I'm gonna bring them in.
This little light comes on,
they're engaged.
This is an encrypted chat room, right?
No one can intercept
the communication.
But don't stay more than 45 seconds.
After that, even with a code scramble,
they can trace your location.
They're traveling.
You okay?
I had it pictured.
Right down to the white picket fence
and the golden retriever.
What good is saving the world
if the people you love aren't in it?
Molly, what if she's already dead?
When I trained to go to space,
they told me,
"Don't think about
if you don't come home.
Think about what you'll do
when you get there."
They're in position.
I'm going for Ethan.
Remember, no more than 45 seconds.
Got it.
FIONA: These are
some very serious things
you're saying here, Ethan.
I know.
And Molly sent you
to tell me all of this?
Where is she?
I can't tell you.
Not until I know we have a deal.
How will you know?
In movies, they shake hands.
And if the person has honor,
which I think you do,
then the deal is sealed
and they can trust each other.
Okay, you can talk to her now.
Where is she?
Hello, Fiona.
I'm sure by now Ethan has told you
everything about Taylor
and the Humanichs program.
And that Taylor killed
General Shepherd.
Why should I believe
any of this nonsense?
Because it's the truth.
Toby was killed
by a GSC-issued drone,
not the hybrids.
And I'm supposed
to just take your word for it?
Every drone has a transponder code.
Check the flight log.
Madam Secretary,
you have the wrong enemy.
We have contact with a VR trans.
VR trace, 30 seconds.
How can you suggest that hybrids
aren't dangerous to humans?
Because hybrids want peace.
Taylor ginned up this whole threat
just to create demand for Humanichs.
Now he's got killing squads
roaming the streets,
and thousands more to come.
Now, we can shut Taylor down.
With the fail-safe that John
and Calderon created
in the event
that he exceeded his limits.
But we can't do that
without your help.
MAN: Madam Secretary,
we have a lock in ten seconds.
FIONA: I'm going to need
to take this all the way up
to the president.
No, you can't do that.
If Taylor finds out,
it'll be too late.
Five seconds, ma'am,
we'll have a location.
I'm afraid it's all up to you.
Damn it. What happened?
TECH: Molly Woods cut off contact
before we could complete the trace.
[knocking on door]
Oh, my God, Terra, wh-what happened?
Humanichs patrol shot her
in broad daylight.
- This is gonna hurt a little bit.
- [whimpers]
It's okay, it's okay. I'm here.
I-I couldn't take her to a hospital.
It was just too dangerous.
JD had me bring her here.
Thank you.
RICHTER: She's gonna be all right.
The bullet just grazed her.
You done good, Judge.
[door beeps]
How'd I do?
You did great, honey.
The ball's in Fiona's court now.
No, it's Terra.
She's gonna be okay.
Terra's alive.
Maybe there's still hope for Julie.
Yeah, buddy.
How's Kelsey?
She's good.
She's starting her second trimester.
Kind of reminds me of me.
She's carrying all in front.
That's how I knew I was having a girl.
I remember.
It was like you had
swallowed a beach ball.
On the off chance
something should happen to me,
I want you to know that
I took out a life insurance policy.
Okay, JD, don't...
No, please, let me finish.
There's a safe at the cabin,
under the bed, below the floorboards.
The combination is our anniversary.
Inside, there's something
for both you and Kelsey.
You're talking like somebody
who thinks they're gonna die.
It's just a precaution.
We'll have 20 Model Ls up
and running by tomorrow.
And you got the specs
for this new project from Taylor?
They just came in.
I've put a team on it.
Expedite it.
What did you find out?
Did you check the logs?
There was in fact a drone released
the night General Shepherd was killed.
Who authorized it?
That's the confusing part, ma'am.
No one.
Madam Secretary,
we have an urgent situation.
The Virus Containment Unit
has been breached.
Is anything missing?
The Hn21C strain.
That's the first iteration.
I'm sorry, ma'am?
This is not the strain of the virus
that just kills hybrids.
This is the first strain.
The one that kills human beings too.
How long you been hiding
out in my garage?
About as long as you've been...
- in Hawaii?
- [laughs]
Oh, you can't be here.
You're, like, a fugitive
from justice and such.
You trust me?
And no.
Mostly yes.
You want in on a fight
that might actually be worth fighting?
Is there such a thing?
What would you say
if I told you we had a chance
to save this godforsaken hellhole
of a planet?
I'd say...
how much does it pay?
I thought you might say that.
It's all I got.
The rest goes to Kelsey.
So what are we doing?
It's really kind of you
to help like this.
Of course.
Molly, I-I'm so glad to see you back.
I mean, when...
when I last saw you...
I was luckier than Ahdu.
You could go, you know.
You-you don't have to stay.
I know, I-I could.
I... [sighs]
You still love him, don't you?
Why do you do that?
I mean,
pry into my thoughts like that.
It's just cruel.
I don't mean to be cruel, Dorothy.
I just...
I just want you to go
tell him how you feel.
It appears Madam Secretary
is no longer
someone who can be trusted.
TAALR: Yes, I'm aware.
Fiona Stanton checked the drone logs.
Would you like her terminated?
Not yet. She's still useful.
We need to keep a low profile
while we complete our mission.
You're ready to go operational?
Quite ready.
One more thing.
Would you mind telling me
what you had for breakfast?
One Euclid, Taylor's nerve center.
On the outside,
a nondescript office building.
more security than Fort Knox.
If we're smart and very lucky,
here's how we might get in.
First, I'm gonna hack
into the system and make it
look like it's overheating.
That's where you come in.
You're gonna turn us
into a GSC service crew.
They put a maintenance call out,
we grab it.
Government service vehicle,
GSC maintenance uniforms,
scannable I.D.
They got facial rec?
State of the art.
I'm not worried,
just asking what to pack.
FEMALE VOICE: Lens printing complete.
RICHTER: In through the lobby,
and we clear security.
There will be more clearances,
protocols with the guards.
That's when I reach out to Fiona.
She's agreed to shut down
the power grid,
so the situation at One Euclid
looks more critical.
RICHTER: Guards get us downstairs
to systems control.
That's where all the manual
overrides are located.
And once the power grid is down,
the doors to Taylor's
primary server room
can be opened manually.
And that's when Terra
and I make our move.
Okay, how do you get past the guards?
You're the most wanted woman
on the planet.
RICHTER: Let's just say that Molly...
has her ways.
I'm not gonna ask.
You're gonna have
a five-minute window
before his backup system
overrides the grid.
Okay, so I'm gonna have
about two minutes
to reach the port.
And release this...
into Taylor.
CHARLIE: And once
the power comes back on,
the doors to the maze will close.
The only way you're
getting back out is if you succeed.
And you're gonna have
to memorize this map.
There's no way you're gonna have time
for directions once you're in.
How do you memorize a maze?
MOLLY: I don't know how you do it...
but I think I just did.
FIONA: How is it possible that
we have no security footage
of the breach?
Apparently, it was wiped.
Then who the hell has the virus?
Brasília, Shanghai,
Tel Aviv, Seoul, Mumbai, Lagos,
St. Petersburg.
Have a nice flight.
Hey. Hey.
[sighs]: Oh.
These last few weeks have been insane.
Yeah, well,
that's one way of putting it.
Kelsey's really looking forward
to spending some quality time
with you when the baby's born.
Did she say that?
Yes. She did.
I'm looking forward to it, too.
Okay, well...
Our daughter needs you, JD.
I need you.
Dorothy, what the hell?
This is a suicide mission.
damn it.
Molly put you up to this, didn't she?
You don't have to prove
anything to anyone.
No, she had no right.
She loves you, you idiot.
go home to our daughter...
and her baby.
And you take care of them.
For both of us.
You're a good man.
[door beeps]
Ares came for me.
I'm sorry I ran out on you.
I had no choice.
I was worried about you, Terra.
But I knew you were out there.
How are you feeling?
Better. Thanks to Dorothy.
She's one of the good ones.
They come in all stripes.
Just like us hybrids.
Some of us are compassionate
like Ahdu.
Some of us are angry like Ares.
And then there's everything
in between.
And where is it you think I fall?
Well, you know,
you've done some things with Ares
that tipped the scales more
towards angry than kind.
Yes, we're angry.
Things are bad out there
and we were trying...
we are trying to survive.
Here's what I think.
In the end,
it's kindness and compassion
that'll save us all.
Not violence and anger.
[quietly]: Okay?
I'm gonna ask you to do something.
Something that might balance
those scales.
What the hell kind of stunt was that?
I'm trying to remind you
that there are people here
that love you and need you!
So you enlist my ex-wife
to manipulate me?
Don't play that game, Molly.
I'm not playing games.
Now, you believe in that vision
just as much as I do.
What if I do?
Then why are you willfully
and deliberately marching
towards your own death?
When I came back from 2nd K,
I can't tell you how many nights
I would wake up in a cold sweat.
- The nightmares...
- I understand that!
No, you don't!
A soldier recently told me
that I walked away
from my war, from my men.
That wasn't your war!
Maybe it wasn't, but this is!
And I want to see it through.
[electronic chirping]
It's Fiona.
Something's happened.
You're gonna have to go right now.
But we're not ready.
Listen to me.
An hour ago,
a dozen Humanichs went off-site.
Got on planes with the virus,
the first iteration.
The one that kills humans.
We have six hours to stop them.
They've overridden nav systems,
shut off contact with the planes.
There's no way to land them.
If I give the order
to shoot them down,
Taylor will be alerted,
and God knows what
he'll unleash upon us.
Good luck, Molly.
I'm sorry to bring you in so late.
We have a security drill
that we need to run immediately.
Based on a scenario where
our infrastructure's been hacked.
We need to see how quickly we can run
a sensitivity-related shutdown.
You want to mimic
shutting down the grid?
No, Roger, we don't want
to "mimic" anything.
You have your instruction.
This is the entire
state of California.
It is.
You're very quiet tonight.
What if Charlie's right?
What if Julie's really gone?
Where did she go, Ethan?
I don't know.
Wherever humans go when they die.
My mom's on
a dangerous mission tonight.
I don't know what's going
to happen, Richard.
I'm sorry.
My fuel cell is low.
Going into power save mode now.
I'll go get your charger.
- Charlie, talk to me.
- Almost there.
The system's core temperature's
about to reach critical.
Genius hack, I must say.
All right, I'm gonna save
the applause for later, all right?
Security in the area
is not to be notified.
Madam Secretary, are you sure?
One Euclid is in the center
of this grid.
Do I seem unsure?
MALE VOICE: Incoming call.
FEMALE VOICE: Please confirm
eye-scan for security.
Mickey Garrett,
your identity is verified.
All righty.
Please stand by to receive work order.
GSC maintenance, Mickey speaking.
Well, that's unusual.
I'll have a guy there in two minutes.
Hey, don't you touch nothing.
It's a good thing
you didn't choose a life of crime.
- The night's young, JD.
- [chuckles]
The night's young.
Let's do this.
You're gonna be great.
You read my mind?
I don't have to.
RICHTER: GSC maintenance.
You got a problem
with your cooling system.
We need to get into systems control.
Okay, Mr. Dalton.
And Mr. Garrett.
Your escort will be here
within two minutes.
You wait two minutes,
and every server in this building
is gonna be trash.
RAY: So come on, bro,
don't be the bureaucrat
that accidentally took down
the entire Western Seaboard.
Make a decision.
There go the lights.
You ready?
RAY: Ticktock, ticktock.
Got to move fast.
What the hell just happened?
I don't know, we didn't do anything.
Uh, there was a backup somewhere
that we were unaware of.
[alarm blares]
We need to abort. Now.
Go, go, go.
[guns fire]
[gunfire continues]
Okay, all right, we got this.
Just a couple guys.
Piece of cake.
You go left, I go right?
- On three?
- On three.
Aah! Oh!
That's not gonna work.
Yeah, no kidding.
[gunfire stops]
Why aren't they firing?
RAY: What the hell?
It's okay, let's go, go, come on.
Hold on.
MAN: Take them out!
[man shouts]
What the hell just happened
back there?
[sighs] I'll explain it later.
Fiona, if you can hear me,
you've got to call the president.
Shoot those planes down.
Hello, Molly.
Fiona's been detained.
She asked me to step in and tell you
there's been a change of plans.
He knows.
Taylor knows.
FIONA: Yes, Madam President,
everything's under control.
The threat has been contained, ma'am.
There's no further cause for concern.
We have four hours
to get into One Euclid.
Can't be done.
We just saw that.
There's no way to get around Taylor.
Maybe there's a way.
- JD.
- [grunts]
Pull over.
Terra, we have to find Ares.
No, no, no.
That's not happening, all right?
Ares isn't gonna help you.
He's here... somewhere.
He's close, I can feel it.
Okay, now look, if you come with me,
you know he's not gonna help us.
Damn it, Molly.
One hour.
You have one hour, and then
you meet me back at Julie's.
One hour.
Come on, Terra.
RAY: So, aliens...
hybrids, robots.
Man, what-what are you into?
I told you it was a lot.
And it's about to get
a whole lot weirder,
so if you want to bail out,
pull the rip cord,
no hard feelings.
I mean, the last thing
a guy like me needs
is an all-knowing supercomputer
up my ass.
And this alien thing, I...
Well, I-I don't know
what to say about that.
I'm sorry I dragged you into it.
I'm sorry it didn't work out.
Hey, I was due for a reboot.
No, man.
Keep it.
Consider it a parting gift.
Garage is yours.
God help us all.
Good luck.
I'm sorry, buddy.
It's over.
No, it's not.
What is this?
It's Julie.
What do you mean?
Julie's charging station.
It constantly tracks
the location of her legs.
That's how she gets
automatic software updates.
I don't know if she's alive,
but she's at the Humanichs lab.
Of course.
Why didn't I think of this?
You're amazing. Come on.
We've done the final
defense response patch.
We've simulated
a more extreme adrenal push.
We're ready?
[electric buzzing]
Hello, Molly.
Welcome to the world.
Ray's out.
You all right?
Where's Terra?
The Humanichs got her.
They almost got me, too.
Fiona's dead, so...
looks like we're back to square one.
No, we... what about the Amulet?
The nanobots from-from Calderon.
Uh, we can still get those
into Taylor.
The Amulet.
Don't you have it?
Are you joking?
Molly, you have it.
Guess I do.
Why did you do this?
So that we would win.
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