Extant (2014–2015): Season 1, Episode 11 - A New World - full transcript

As the offspring's powers grow, Molly learns of Yasumoto's painful path to immortality. When Sparks starts to have doubts about the mission, Anya takes charge. Meanwhile, Odin tries to secretly access Ethan's circuitry.

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I went to space
on a 13-month solo mission.

I didn't come home alone.

My husband created a lifelike
android called a humanich.

His name is ethan.
He's the prototype.

This is a story about earth.


A story about family.

A story about surviving.

Previously on extant...

I'm gonna have
to turn down your warmers

So you can get past the sensors.

I know how to turn
them on myself.

Hey, little guy.

I'm running low on power.

Did you see the gap?

87 minutes.

He was with odin
at john's house.

If I'm watching a one-of-a-kind
sentient android,

I might mention if I let him
run out of power.

This is commander pierre lyon
of the triomphe.

We have returned to them
this woman.

But she's on the seraphim.

She was alive this whole time.

The seraphim is
falling out of its orbit.

It's coming back to earth.
It'll disintegrate

As soon as it hits
the atmosphere.


No! No!

- It's okay.
- If john

Takes you to the lab
and you think

They're gonna do
something radical,

I want you to get
in touch with me.

This is a very special phone.

Press this button and
I'm gonna know it's you,

And I'm gonna come straightaway.

Patient's name is odin james.

Are you sure you have
the right number?

The explosion at yasumoto towers
was a terrorist attack,

Planned and executed
by a machine.

Gina! Lock the door!

Ethan! What did you do?!


I'm sorry, ethan.

I... Shouldn't have
yelled at you.

I was trying to protect you.

I-I know.

But he just wanted
to talk to me.

And when you threw the ball,

Well, it kind of...

Well, it really hurt him.

Why do you care
about him so much?

Because he's my child.

I thought that I was your child.

You are.

Then why is it different
with him?

He's having trouble
processing it.

It's hard enough for a human
to deal with rejection.

For a machine, it's...

Well, I didn't reject him.

He doesn't know that.

He's in uncharted territory
right now.

And so are we.


What are we gonna do
about ethan?

I'm gonna take him
back to the lab.

Try to find out exactly
what odin did to him.

But if julie's right, if there
is a bomb, I... I don't know

What to do after that. I mean,
I-I want to be at the launch,

But, uh, it's too dangerous with him.
I know.

It's okay, don't worry.

What about this... Other child?

I mean, what makes you think

That he won't try to stop you
now that you're going back up?

Well, they're doing everything

In their power
to secure the building.

He still wants to bring
the seraphim down.

So I can't imagine
he's gonna stop now.

How did we get here?

I'm sorry, just...

I'm so worried.

Me, too.

Come back to me, please.

I will.

I promise.

At this time,

We have no way of knowing
if sean glass

And katie sparks
are still alive.

If they're alive, molly
will bring them home.

But before she does, she's
gonna redirect the seraphim

Away from earth's orbit.
From the time she gets there,

She'll have just under two hours

To seal it up and
send it packing.

Any longer than that,
it'll be too late.

Dr. Woods?

Uh, if I should miss
the opportunity

To coordinate the move

With mission control,
I will go to plan b

On my own.
I'll transfer fuel

From the reserves and I'll use
the station's thrusters

To redirect
the seraphim manually.

It's a less desirable option,

But it's better
than the alternative.

She's gonna bring
detonators to blow

The separation bolts
for emergency decommission.

It's an extreme measure,
but considering

What else is on board,
it's necessary.


We know this being

Or beings, what we're
calling "the spores,"

Can somehow access our minds
via proximity contact.

They can make us see and do
things beyond our control.

We're giving you
the best defense we have...

The orphial 2nd-skin prototype,
designed to withstand

The radiation
and electromagnetic fields

Of the beyond mars missions.

We don't know how effective
it will be, but it's

Our best bet at reducing
the margins of uncertainty.

Your helmet has been retrofitted

With a specialized filter using

The algorithm developed
by your colleague.

Algorithm danny 5 will allow you

To essentially distinguish
illusion from reality

By showing these spores
in their true form.

This mission goes well beyond
the bounds of acceptable risk.

But these are
extraordinary times,

And they call
for extraordinary courage.

When this is over, we can

Sit back and reflect
on these events.

But right now, this is a threat
that must be contained.

If the seraphim burns up
on reentry,

These spores could scatter

Through the atmosphere
and lead to mass infection.

And this isn't just about molly
or sean glass

Or katie sparks;

It's about all nine billion
of us.

If you're the praying type,

Say a prayer for dr. Woods.

If you're superstitious,
cross your fingers,

Throw a pinch of salt.

If you don't believe
in anything,

Believe in her.


Hello, molly.

Hey, buddy. Did you miss me?

I've been running
a probability analysis

Based on the mission briefing.
Don't want to hear that
right now.

There appears to be
a very slim margin

For success and
a high degree of risk...

You're skating
on thin ice here, buddy.

Launch control to odessa...

Time to fly.

Roger that.

Stand by to initiate
launch sequence.

Standing by.

T-minus 15 seconds.













Two... One...

Zero... Launch!

Sync & Corrected By MicLatu


Any luck?

I tried each sector
of the seraphim.

Still no answer
from sean or katie.

Keep trying.

And set the clock
for 97 minutes.

Hey! Let me out of here!


Hey! Hey!



- We got to get
your electrolytes up.
- Aw, god!

Katie, the real katie,
she's been dead for a while.

It looks like something tore its
way right out of her stomach.

And the thing,
the-the whatever it is,

Sabotaged my communication,
locked me in the aruna pod.

Molly! We need to go right now.

We are going to
as soon as we fix

The com system
and turn the station around.

Why don't we just
let it burn up?

If the seraphim
burns up on reentry,

Those spores on the condensers

Can very well make
their way to earth.

Right now, you and I

Are the only two people
that can stop it.

I don't want to die
up here, molly.

We are not gonna die up here.

I've got a family
to get home to.

All we have to do

Is fix the comm system and make
contact with the ground.

And they'll take it from there.

And if they don't,
we'll use the fuel reserves,

Move it with the thrusters
and be out of here.

Okay, what's first?

What happened to the comms?

She fried the power
module to the antenna.

Is there a spare in the shed?
At least one.

That's plan a.

The explosion at yasumoto towers

That destroyed the humanichs
corporation laboratory

Was a terrorist attack,

Planned and executed
not by our human enemies,

But by a machine.

Well, I don't think
it could've been any clearer.

He's talking about
a future attack.

That doesn't mean he already

Planted the bomb.
What do you think

He did when he shut him down?

Maybe he made some changes

In his program.
He's neural net is untouched.

We can't even get in there,
and we're not talking

About a computer genius here.

Okay, I want to open him up.

John, that's a bad idea.
Do you have a better one?

Yes! Call the bomb squad!
Put him in a shelter!

Do you know what the
bomb squad will do?

They'll take him and they'll
do a controlled explosion!

They'll kill him!
We don't know that.

When he disappeared
on the island,

The sheriff acted
like I lost a toy!

Other people don't
see him like we do.

It's too dangerous
to do it here, john!

All I'm saying is
let's be 100% sure.

Let's shut him down, open him
up and see for ourselves

Before we get anyone
else involved.

Julie, tell him
this is a bad idea.

John, I know how you feel.

He's your son.

We love him, too,
but you're putting

Other people's lives at risk!

I'm putting people's
lives at risk?

Wait a second... who
brought odin here?

Who let him get close to ethan?

Wait, come on, man!
That's not fair.

You can't put this on her.

If you want to call the police,

Be my guest.

If you want to go, go.

But I'm opening him up.

Ethan, just
for a bit.

We have to shut you down

To see what odin did to you.

We think he did
something really bad.

He's my friend.
He's not your
friend, rabbit.

He was using us.
That's not true.

He made a video saying
that you wanted to hurt

A lot of people.
We could show it to you.

Why would we lie to you, hmm?
Because you want
to shut me down

For good and never wake me up,
exactly like he told me.

I don't want to shut
you down for good.
Yes, you do.

You're afraid of
what's happening to me.

And mom doesn't love me.

Your mom loves you.
We-we both do.

I'm not like you.
I'm like odin.

That's why we have
to stick together.

You know who sticks together?

Family, ethan.

And you are my family.

To-to shut you down
for good? My god, no.

The-the whole point
of bringing you home

Was so we could give you
the human experience.

I-I would never do
that to a human child,

And I-I would never
do that to you.

I don't believe you.

Ethan, come on.
Just stop this...

Ethan, where...
Where'd you get that?

Odin gave it to me.

He told me to call him
if you were gonna shut me down.

That he'd come get me.

Ethan, give me that phone.


Hey, I just want to see it.

You don't want me to call him.

You're right.

I-I don't.

Because I think

If you push that button,

You're going to blow the bomb

And you're gonna
disappear forever.

And not just you,

But me,

Julie and charlie, too.

You're going to kill us.

Is that what you want?


Give me the phone.

Please, buddy.

Come on, rabbit.
Don't do this.

I don't know what
I'm supposed to do.

Hey, I understand.

I-I'm asking you
to do something

You're not designed to do.

I'm asking you to do the worst
thing possible for a machine,

To be shut down.

But you're not...
You're not just a machine.

You're capable of so much more.

You have to see yourself

As human as I see you.

You have to take
a leap of faith.

Ethan, I swear to you,

On my life,

Whatever happens,

I'll be right beside you.

I will wake you up.


Just give me the phone.

Sean, I found the spare module.

Headed back now.


Sean and I were just talking.

We're so surprised
to see you here.

I know you're not her.

What do you mean?

You're not katie sparks.

I'm confused.

Of course I am.

The real katie

Was a good person.

She wouldn't hurt anybody.

So if you're her,

You're gonna let me
through that door.


I know

There's a part of you

Saying that you have to do this,

But she's a part of you, too.

Just like my son is
a part of me.

Now, let me through that door.

I can't do that.

Help me!

Katie locked me in here
and I can't get out!


- I'm here.
- Let me out of here!


Let me out of here!

What's your 20?

N-channel power bus.

About to swap the module.

Where are you?

Looking at you.
Look at me.

It's molly.

In the shed.

I need you to believe me.

Do not go near that door.

I locked katie in there.

Do you hear me?

Let me out.


She's making herself
look like me.

But it's not me.
Let me out!

Don't worry.

I'll meet you at the hoses.


What the hell is that?

Stand by gtcs.

If she's on schedule,

We could see her any minute now.


It's the same in every sector.

Security feed must be frozen.

It's him.

It's the offspring.

Everybody listen up.

Building's compromised.

Switching to imp.
Going to lockdown.

What about molly? We're
going to miss our window.

She'll go to plan b.
If it's in the building,

We can't trust ourselves
to help her anyway.

Let's go, people! Report
to incident management teams.

Clear out and fall back
to the perimeter.

Where is it now?

Moving toward
sector 7, stairwell d.

Prepare for lockdown, on my go.

Swapping out now, ben.


Powering up new ones.

Antenna up.

T-coms full power.

That's it, ben.

Phone home.



I'm receiving an automated
incident management protocol

Response from mission control.

They evacuated the building?

That is the standard
course of action.

All right.
Glass, did you hear that?


Ben, a little help here?

Could you use the transponder
in his earpiece, please?

I've located him

Near the transfer hoses.

Sean, whatever it is
you're seeing,

It's not real.

Fight it!
It's happening to me, too.

Sean... I've been exposed, too.

We're just gonna
have to push through it.


We got a change of plan.

What happened?

He cut the line

To the fuel transfer hoses.

We're going to plan c.

The probability of success

For an explosive decommission...
Ben, I swear to god,

If you don't shut up
with that...

I'm getting a distress signal.

Has something happened
to your helmet?


I took it off.

It doesn't matter.

My hand's already been exposed.

Are you able
to complete the mission?


I'm gonna find glass,

Sedate him

And bring him back
to the cockpit.

- It's called a honey bomb.
- They're designed

To fix themselves permanently
to their targets.


They are incredibly unstable.

If we try and dislodge it,
tamper with a trigger,

A violent shake, anything
could set it off.

We shouldn't even
be standing here.

We should be calling
in the bomb squad.

No, we're not doing that.

He's worried they're
gonna blow him up.

It would only be

His body, right?

Isn't his program
backed up somewhere?

We can't back him up.

Something happened
to his program;

His growth just outpaced
our technology.

We're not even close
to catching up.

Well, we're out of time.

We need to get somewhere safe,

Then we can decide what to do.

I'm not leaving him.

Look, I promised him
I'd be here.

I-I-I swore
I'd wake him up.

If john's not leaving,
I'm not leaving.

Not gonna happen, dude.

Then let's at least

Clear the building.

We'll minimize the risk
to the civilians.

You two, come with me.

You woke me up.


I promised I would.

What is it?

I have something to tell you.

It's not easy to say, but...

I want you to know the truth.

We were right to be worried.

Odin put something

Inside of you that could...

Explode and hurt
a lot of people.

Did you take it out?

No, we can't.

If... We, uh...

Tried to move it,
we might set it off,

So the best thing
we could do is...

Keep you safe until
we figure out a way

To back up your program.

I thought that we couldn't
back up my program.

Well, we'll
figure something out.

I thought that he was my friend.

That's the other part of trust.

You know...

Sometimes people
are gonna let you down.

Every now and then,

You're gonna be disappointed.

Just like you were disappointed

In your mom for yelling at you.

I was trying to protect her.

I know.

Is she gonna die?


Am I?

Come on.


I need to see you!


No. No. No. No.


Don't do this!

So... She's just
on her own?

She may have
the other two astronauts.

We just... Don't know.

I'll update you
as soon as I hear anything.

Why isn't anyone helping her?

They can't get into the isea.

Because he's in there?

He can, uh...

Get into people's minds

And make them do things
they don't want to do.


Well, he has special powers.

He does something to our brains
that we can't understand.

Not mine.

This doesn't seem like

A prudent course of action,

You said sean was exposed
to the spores.

How do you know he won't
contaminate the capsule?

I don't.

Ben, we are not gonna leave him.

I was contaminated
and I fought it.

You just need to let me know
when he wakes up.



Okay, I'm gonna
set the detonators

On high-shear sep-bolts;
Put a timer on them.

And when I get back,
we're only gonna have

A couple of minutes
before it goes off.

So, we're gonna have
to launch the odessa

As soon as possible.

I'll set the prelaunch protocol.

You only have 23 minutes.

Okay, well, wish me luck.

I'll apply the rules
of probability.

Oh, god, forget it.

How much time

Does she have?
If she went to plan b,

She could have already
sent the seraphim packing.

She could be on her way home
now with sean and katie.

There's just no way
for us to know.

Until ethan gets inside.


I'm almost done with the upload.

I don't think it's safe
to send him in.

Look, the other child
can't affect him.

It manipulates other people
via their biology.

Ethan doesn't have a biology.

He's still a threat.


Doesn't matter who you call...

Swat team, army, police.

Uh, they-they're

It's gonna turn them
against each other.

Ethan is the only one who
can help her right now.

You have to get him in.


On the condition that you stay

Where it's safe.


Mr. Jackson gave us
building schematics,

Access codes;
Everything you need.

I uploaded your
neural net. Okay?

Since you're not in the system,

You'll need to
manually enter the codes

On the keypads as you go.

No, I won't.

He can wirelessly communicate

With the isea system.

Once you're inside...

Make your way to the
mission status room...

And try to reestablish contact
with your mom.

Once you lift that lock,

The offspring's going to be
running loose on the inside.

You just need to be careful.

I know.

Come here.

You sure you're going
to be okay?


Trust me.


Mr. Jackson's gonna take you.

The hazmat truck can only

Get you so close...
you'll have to

Go the rest of the way on foot.


15 minutes until reentry.

One more charge
to go on the joint bolts.

I'm about to set the timer,

Head back to the cockpit.

What's the status on glass?


Ben, initiate launch sequence.

It's time to go.




Yes, molly?

Initiate launch sequence,

I'm afraid I can't do that.

What do you mean,
you can't do that?

I've run the
probability analysis

Of returning with victims
of infection.

Well, he's not infected!

It's not just him;
It's you, too.

Okay, look, we don't
have time for this, ben.

Initiate launch sequence
right now! That's an order.

We can't accept the risk
that you were contaminated.

I urge you to reconsider.
Manual override.

Access denied.
Ben, they're gonna kill us

If you don't launch
this capsule right now!

That is within the bounds
of acceptable loss:

Two lives to save billions.
No. No, no, no.

No, no, no.
Ben! Ben!

Ben! Don't do this!

Please, don't do it!



Are you there?


Ethan? What are you doing here?

So mr. Jackson
let me in to help you.

"Had to go outside."


He got into the building.

He's trying to stop you.

I'm sorry I was mad
before you left.

Oh, I'm sorry, too, ethan.

I wish we would have had
more time to talk, honey.

Dad says that when you get home,
we'll have another chance.

I would love that.

I would really, really
love that.

But right now
I have some bad news, ethan.

I'm having a little bit
of trouble launching.

What kind of trouble?

I'm having a little
technical problem.

And it seems like it's something
I can't fix right now.

Ethan, can you do
something for me?


I need you to take care of dad.


And I need you to tell him

That I love him very, very much.

Can you do that?

Ethan? Hey.

- Is everything all right?
- John?

Mom wanted to tell you
something, so I connected you.


I can't launch.

Ben won't disengage
from the seraphim.

What happened?

He locked me out of the program!

And I already set the timers

For detonation.
I know I told you I was

Coming home, sweetheart, but...

It doesn't look
like I'm going to.

I'm sorry.

I can help.

I can control the whole system.

I can control ben!

You need a person
to be with you.


Because the manual override uses

A biometric authentication.

It needs a-a heat signature

Like a human hand
to reboot the system

To get past ben.

It's a fail-safe
for a viral attack.

Molly, we can get somebody in!

There's not enough time!

I can do it.
I can use my warmers.

I can raise my temperature
to 98.6 degrees.

No, ethan, you can't do that.

Yes, I can.

No, your system is not designed

To withstand a temperature
like that for a long time.

You can develop an internal fire

And trigger the explosive!


Listen to your dad.


Don't do it!

I think that this is my purpose.

The other boy's here now.

He wants to stop me.

I know he's your son.

I won't hurt him again.

Ethan, listen to me.

You're my son, too,
and I don't want anything

To happen to you.

So turn off your warmers,

And get out of there right now!

Ethan, ethan, you can't hold
the temperature for much longer!


What's going on?

You okay?

Mom, go!

What's happening to his code?


You should really run now.


We're losing him.






Ethan did tell him to run.

And there's no evidence

That he died in the explosion.

Maybe he made it.

I'm sure he did.

How do you know?

I just know.

No one could explain
how it happened.

John set out to create
a more human machine, but...

In the end,
what he created was much more

Than that.

In those final moments,

Ethan taught us something
about what it means

To be human... how our
connection to each other

And our ability
to love and sacrifice

Transcends our physical forms.

I've never been
a big believer in miracles,

But there is one
I've come to embrace.

Something time and space

Have revealed to me
over and over again.

Whether by divine creation
or cosmic accident,

We made it here.

We exist... And that's a gift.

Rare and beautiful.







Where are you?

I'm here.

I'm everywhere.

You all right, son?

It's pretty cold outside.
You must be freezing.

Can we give you a ride home?

We aren't gonna hurt you.

It's okay.

Are you hurt, sweetheart?

Sync & Corrected By MicLatu