Explained (2018–…): Season 1, Episode 10 - Exclamation Mark (!) - full transcript

Do we overuse exclamation points!? Linguists and copy editors look at how the punctuation has adapted across history, literature and internet-speak.

[narrator] Every day around the world,

millions struggle with the same question:

to exclamation point
or not to exclamation point?

Exclamation points are friendly.

But they can also be too friendly.

They show you're excited,

but can also make it seem
like you're shouting.

In a work email, they lighten the tone,

but you can also look less serious.

And if you don't use exclamation points,

sometimes you risk seeming mean.

You wrote, "Myra had the baby,"
but you didn't use an exclamation point.

[Narrator] Elaine once got dumped over it.

I would put exclamation points
at the ends of all of these sentences!

On this one and on that one!

You can put one on this one:
I'm leaving!

[Narrator] The way they're perceived
in a professional setting

can vary widely depending on gender.

When sent by a female co-worker,

nearly half of male respondents found

the use of exclamation points
in this email to be very professional.

But when that same email
was sent by a man,

that number dropped significantly.

Humans are communicators and innovators.

We sent a man to the moon.

But we only have
three ways to end a sentence.

Exclamation points
are everywhere in popular culture,

even though it's not totally clear
what they mean.

Why is the exclamation point so confusing?

And is there something better?

[man 1] It's a bird! It's a plane!!

-Don't do it for me. Do it for the paper.
-Scram, Svengali!

Where are the people?

I am the greatest!

[Alex Trebek] This is Jeopardy!

Keep America great, exclamation point!

And they text to each other.

They don't need to know spelling.
Don't need grammar.

Only you can prevent forest fires!

It's an exclamation point!

It's a line with a dot under it.

[Narrator] Who better to help us
understand how to use an exclamation point

than the high priests of punctuation:
copy editors?

And what better way to get
the unvarnished truth

than at a copy editor
conference cocktail hour?

Hey! Your team won the game.
That's fantastic!


Holy shit!

Or I'm pregnant! Or I got divorced!

I'm not any of these things. Wow.

You get one exclamation mark
in your career. Use it wisely.

In editing school, they told me
to use them minimally.

And I didn't listen...

because I think they're dope.

If you use multiple exclamation marks,

you sound like
an overexcited 14-year-old.

Professional correspondence,
I wouldn't use it more than two times.

I use the exclamation mark personally...
all the time.

Like, it's really egregious
and I really need to get help for it.

[Narrator] But the question of how to use
an exclamation point used to be simple.

You put exclamation points

after exclamations.

Words like "lo," "hark," "behold"

that are meant to grab
the reader's attention.

The Italian poet Iacopo Alpoleio
da Urbisaglia claimed to have invented it.

In the Renaissance, there was the sense
of the contemporary culture

being broken or decayed,

and needing to go back
and find a better foundation

for the arts and culture and society.

[narrator] And they turned to antiquity,
to ancient Athens and Rome,

and to orators like Cicero.

Da Urgisaglia decided
to mark his exclamations

to indicate the livelier way
they should be read aloud.

He called his creation
the punctus admirativus,

or the punctus exclamativus.

"I began noting the ends of such clauses

with a plain punctus
and a comma placed lengthwise above it."

[Narrator] The new punctus took off
and was used this way for centuries.

By the 1700s, the Spanish had
standardized turning it upside down

and also placing it out in front.

Missionaries and European colonial powers

spread its use across the globe
and on to dozens of languages.

But applying exclamation points

to written traditions that didn't
originally have them could be tricky.

When one of the great masterpieces
of Old English, Beowulf,

was rediscovered in the early 1800s,

many editors debated whether or not
to apply an exclamation point

to the poem's first word.

[Narrator] What?

[Weiskott] "Hwæt!" which means listen up,

or, in rap music,
it's kind of like "yo!" or "heyo!"

[Narrator] Beowulf is a pretty different
story depending on how you punctuate it.

Listen! We have heard
about the glory of the Spear-Danes,

the kings of tribes, in days of yore,
how the noblemen performed brave deeds!

If that exclamation point is there,

the narrator is pretty jazzed
about this past.

[Narrator] No other punctuation has
the same power as the exclamation point

to signal a feeling.

By the time you get to the 18th century,

people started using it
not just for grammar,

but also for tone.

"My friend! This conduct amazes me!"

[Narrator] Great American authors,
like Herman Melville,

embrace the exclamation point
to convey passion.

His classic, Moby Dick, had 1,683.

[man] "I can see that figure now--

pallidly neat, pitiably respectable,
incurably forlorn!"

[Narrator] But then, after 1920,
the exclamation point became uncool.

Writers are starting
to associate the exclamation mark

on the one hand, with the sensational
headlines of the yellow press,

and on the other, with
the sentimental novels written by women.

[narrator] Like Mrs. Southworth.

[Nunberg] In either case,
the exclamation mark is unmanly.

It's disdained.

[narrator] And one of the most influential
writers around this time

was also one of the manliest,
Ernest Hemingway.

The Old Man and the Sea had one.

Hemingway's contemporary
F. Scott Fitzgerald

appears to have succumbed to the pressure.

In her memoir of their affair,

Sheila Graham
claimed Fitzgerald once told her,

"Cut out all these exclamation points.

An exclamation point
is like laughing at your own joke."

It's an attitude that persists
among writers even today.

[man] I think the exclamation point
is a little useless.

It adds a sort of unnecessary weight
to the end of a sentence.

And so I've steered away from them

in my personal writing
and my professional writing.

[Narrator] Writers may have shunned
the exclamation point,

but not everybody did.

Advertising took the exclamation point
and ran with it,

in order to get your attention
to sell ya stuff.

From the 1930s to the 1940s and '50s,

the number of print ads
with exclamation points in them doubled.

And while advertising was having this
love affair with the exclamation point,

one of the most successful
punctuation innovations was born:

the interrobang.

[woman] There has never been a symbol
that used both of them as one symbol.

It was always
two or three pieces of type,

which is pretty inelegant.

[Narrator] Penny and her late husband,
Martin Speckter,

ran a successful ad agency
during the Mad Men era of advertising.

We met in September,
got married in December.

I used to go dancing and drinking,

and he didn't drink and he didn't dance.

So I had to find other interests.

One of those interests

was working on a small typography magazine
called Type Talks.

We were at dinner one night,
and he was lacking four pages.

And all of a sudden,
he thought of the interrobang.

So he called the art studio
that we used,

and he said, "Is anybody there around
who can draw?"

And we went over.

We were there till
about three o'clock in the morning.

And he came up with a number
of versions of the interrobang.

The name combined "interro"
for interrogate

and "bang" for exclamation point,

a slang term that's said
to have emerged from comic books.

[Narrator] Martin Speckter's interrobang
got off to a promising start.

It was included
in the popular font Americana

and as an option on multiple typewriters.

It was even the title
of a 1969 Italian erotic thriller.

Would you like to make love to him? What is this never-ending interrogation?

Redesigning the exclamation point
seemed like it might hold the solution.


The French writer Hervé Bazin
introduced the acclamation point,

a demonstration of goodwill or welcome;

the conviction point,

if you need to say something
with unwavering certainty;

and the authority point, to share
your sentence with a note of expertise.

But none of these, nor the interrobang,
caught on, because they came too late.

A different design trend
had already taken hold.

[Nunberg] The famous Doyle Dane ads
for Volkswagen

that popularized
the Bug in the early 1960s

went in absolutely the other direction.

[Narrator] VW ushered in
the simplicity of Helvetica and a period,

in direct opposition
to competitors like Chevrolet.

In print ads, their usage plummeted,

yet in TV shows based on comic books,
they became iconic.

[Nunberg] You look at the original
Batman show on television,

where they're saying, "Wham,"
and little balloons are going up.

So we can appreciate these things
always with you understanding

that we really don't
take them too seriously.

And that's what allows people to use it,

but always with a sense of,
"I don't really mean this."

Exclamation points appeared
in the pop art of Roy Lichtenstein,

popular musical titles,
and for the first time, campaign slogans,

until finally
the bubble burst with satire.

Popular culture in that period becomes
almost an obsession of American culture,

but always with one or another form
of detachment.

It's ironic. It's campy.

And this culture shift
coincided with another:

women's advancement in the workplace.

In a position of authority,
a woman has two requirements to fulfill.

If she fulfills the expectations
to be a good woman,

she will be liked,
but she will be underestimated.

If she fulfills the requirements of
a manager or leader, she'll be respected,

but she will probably be called
that word that starts with "b."

[Narrator] Periods were direct
and could seem stern.

Exclamation points became code for nice.

I ask you, for example,
"Do you want to go out tonight?"

and you say, "Yeah."

I don't think you really want to.


You need to be enthusiastic
to really mean it in writing.

If you don't have an exclamation point,
it's like you don't mean it.

And for many women,
in fact, you need multiple ones.

[Narrator] In a 2006 study,
the only study ever done on this,

nearly three-quarters of all exclamation
points in online correspondence

were used by women.

But that didn't mean the exclamation point

didn't stop indicating
passion or irony either...

or volume, commands,
action, warning, surprise,

and of course, exclamations, like the tweets of Donald Trump.

[Trump] During the day,
if I'm in the office,

I have a number of people
that I'll just call out a tweet to.

-You call out, "Exclamation point!"
-I do.

[Narrator] The exclamation point
hasn't so much evolved over time

so much as it's accumulated meaning.

[Parham] There's so many meanings
that we've put onto it, right?

And so it can kind of be anything,

and in that sense,
it's become kind of nothing.

[Narrator] Writing each other constantly
over email, text, and social media,

it's changed how we communicate.

and in a lot of ways,
the exclamation point

is having a heyday on the internet.

[Parham] "Report: Kanye West is forced
to move in with Kris Jenner...

by Kim Kardashian!"

It's so ridiculous.

You'll see something like
a Bossip or a Media Takeout headline

that is totally exaggerated,

which is also adopting this type
of internet language and internet speak

in a very unique and interesting way.

But online, it's just fun.
Let's just have some fun with it.

On Twitter, I'll put
five exclamation points in a tweet

just because it's, like--
it's kind of silly.

That's kind of the point too. You're
kind of trying to play up the emotion.

[Narrator] But online and on our phone,
we now have lots of ways to convey tone.

[Tannen] Emoticons, emojis, memes, gifs.

All these ways of saying,

"Don't take what I just said literally
and don't think it's in any way negative."

A lot of it is just showing goodwill,

but now that there is
so much conversation going on online

that especially older people worry,
and that's always been the case,

they feel like
this is license-plate language.

LOL, for example,
or LMAO, laughing my... butt off.

IDK for I don't know.

And many of us linguists point out
we've always had that.

For example, FYI, ASAP.

But I think it's just the same process
of language changing and adapting

to the current needs.

Language and writing
are supposed to be fluid,

and it's supposed to be tenuous.
You're supposed to be able to stretch it.

But, in a lot of ways, the internet
is still very new and young