Ex Isle (2016-…): Season 1, Episode 9 - Facing the Truth - full transcript

In final therapy, John's ex-wife sends him into a rampage. Lucas confesses his feelings for two different women. When Samantha's secret is revealed, a blindsided Sean starts packing his bags.

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- I think we should not
say anything to anyone.

- Exes Brittney and Lucas

decided to keep
their hookup a secret.

- There's definitely
feelings there,

but, you know, I've been
talking to Roxy,

and there's a lot of confusion
going on.

- No more snuggling.

- The singles need to know
whether you're available or not.

- A body language expert
uncovered the truth

of where the exes stand
in their relationships.

- Are you over it
or not over it?

- Brittney was hiding something
in her answer.

- She's totally lying
up there.

- In therapy,
Nicole received some honesty.

- Tone it down a little bit.

You don't need to have
that big personality.

- And Lucas was given
some tough love.

- Just the cockiness
of the body language.

It's a turn-off.
- I like you.

I think you're good-looking.
I think you're hot.

- Really?

- After seeing Lucas
flirt with Margot,

Roxy hit her limit.

- It was clear, and this
was really [bleep] embarrassing.

- Are you [bleep] nuts?

- He is looking like
an ass[bleep] right now.

- And Samantha suspected
Sean played her.

- I already knew
you were in Nicole's room.

- What? What the [bleep]
are you jealous of?

- I didn't do anything.
I didn't walk away.

I didn't come out of
someone's room yelling at you.

- Yeah, you're a [bleep]
dirtbag, bro.

- Kill yourself.
- [whistles]

- 21 days,
1 ultimate decision.

Can these exes break free
before they break down?

This is Ex Isle.

[dramatic music]

- Get the [bleep]
out of my face.

- Okay, Sean.
- Yeah, you're a [bleep]

dirtbag, bro.
- Keep calling me names.

- All right.
Kill yourself.

- [whistles]

- The alcohol is an issue
regardless of me.

- Sean walked up
totally calm,

and then all of a sudden, bam.

And it's, like,
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

- Honestly, like,
what just happened?

And "go kill yourself"?
Is that what he just said?

Let's keep drinking
at 9:00 in the morning.

That was a great idea.

We're supposed to be trying

to figure out
our future together.

But I feel like we've taken
25 steps backwards.

It's so hard
because we do have a son,

so this is exactly
the kind of stuff

I don't want to be
going through.

- He can't talk to you
like that.

That's not okay.

- You reading?

- I don't know
what happened yesterday.

- Roxy and I
had a fight last night.

It was emotional,
and I was pissed.

She doesn't mean
what she says half the time.

Is everyone taking
crazy pills here?

But there might be
something there.

I think that
she's a super cool girl,

and we have a connection,
so I want to clear the air.

I'm not, like, dying to go
hang out with Margot.

- Yeah, I know.
- And take her on

a million dates or whatever.
- I know, I know.

- I'm not even, like,
thinking that way.

I just kind of wanted
to, like,

take a step back from us
for a quick second.

- Yeah, and I should have
just went with that.

I just lost it.
Like, I wanted to give you

exactly what you wanted.

And I was pretty okay
and confident

that we would kind of
come back to each other.

But then just witnessing you
with Margot,

I just lost it.

I am sorry.

- You know,
I appreciate you saying that,

and, like, I definitely do
have feelings for you.

I have been feeling pressure
from her,

but at the same time,

I feel very comfortable
with her.

And I feel...happy.

You know, let's just...
let's just move forward...

- Oh, boy.

I feel bad for Roxy.

I think Lucas doesn't know
what he wants,

and I think Lucas really likes
to have a lot of options.

At this point,
he's trying to save face.

- And just
enjoy ourselves here...

- Yeah.
- And see what happens.

That's all we can do, right?
- Yeah, exactly.

I feel like
I've cleared the air.

The knot in my stomach
is gone.

And I think that's the great
thing about me and Lucas.

We communicate,
and I just said, "I apologize,"

and he's accepting it, and we're
back to the way we were.

I feel a lot better.
- All right.

Back to your book?
- Yeah.

- I'll see you in a bit then.
- See you later.

[upbeat music]

- Hello.
- Good morning, everyone.

- Good morning, good morning.
- Hey.

- I'm sure you are all aware

that your time on this island
is winding down.

- No.
all: Aww.

- There's not a lot
of time left,

so I want to make sure

we use the time
we do have wisely.

You've all done great work,
but let's be honest.

Some of you guys here
need a little bit of a tune-up

on some of the things
we've done so far.

Just to make sure
you're still on the right track.

So today's going to be
a little bit like summer school.

This is individual,
one-on-one therapy.

This is going to be
our last session

before you are ready
to leave this island.

- So, guys,
go about your day

until it's time to meet
with Dr. Ish.

Singles, some of you
may be asked to help

with some of these exercises.

- Aww.
- We can do that.

- I'm a great assistant.
- Freddie, you're up first.

Meet me in therapy.
- Bye, guys.

all: Bye.
- Bye, Dr. Ish.

- I don't know
what to anticipate

because up to this point,

I've been doing well
with my progression.

I'm doing good,
so...so what's up?

Dr. Ish.

- Come on in
and take a seat.

I've seen you growing
while you're here.

You have made progress.

But you haven't been able to
consistently show the real you.

This persona of yours
is your crutch,

but what it's doing
is it's keeping folks

from making
a real, honest connection.

So here's what
your homework for the day is.

You are not allowed to speak
for the rest of the day.

- [laughing]

- If you need to communicate,

write down
what you need to say.

You're going to do this
from the moment

you walk out of this room
until sundown.

If it doesn't fit on here,
we don't need to hear it.

Here's your board.
- Yes.

- I want you to try to connect
to your genuine self.

Your essential self.

- When I first got
to this island,

I think for the most part
Nicole and I

came off real loud,
so I thought, like,

"Let me give this a try."

And now that I can see
the end coming,

I'm ready to prove
the world wrong.

- Any last words, Freddie?
- [excited sputtering]

- That ain't gonna last.
- It definitely ain't.

- What the [bleep]?

- "I can't talk until sundown."
- There is a God!

- Oh, my God.
- Ah, he can't talk.

- With Freddie not talking
right now,

I can hear my thoughts.
The island is quiet.

You ain't gonna last.
- And you have your Velcro

to your eraser.
This is fun.

- I can actually talk to him
and he actually has to listen.

- Hi, Nicole.
- Hello, Dr. Ish.

- Have a seat.

What are you looking at there?

- I'm looking at
that wedding dress.

- Mm-hmm.
And you're smiling.

- Yeah, oh.

- Of all the exercises
we've done here,

the day of your
mock wedding,

you took a huge step forward,
and then you came home

and almost took
an immediate step back.

- I did.

It was just
a couple of weeks ago

where I was slapping Freddie
in the face

and throwing cake on him
and acting so crazy.

[bleep] you, Margot,
[bleep] everything about you.

- Get her. Stop her. Stop.
- [bleep]! [bleep]!

- Get her. Stop her. Stop her.
- [bleep] you!

I'll never find love
and move on from Freddie

if I keep lashing out
and getting all crazy.

- Your Mr. Right,

there will never be a day
on this planet

where he thinks that
who you are is not enough.

Do you understand that?
- I want to believe it.

- You want to,
but you don't.

Let it out.
It's okay.

- [sobbing]

- I'm sorry that you were never
made to feel that way before,

but you're a superstar,

- Thank you.

- I want you
to put this dress back on,

and I want you to make some vows
to yourself for the future.

- Ready.

- I'm gonna step out.
I'm gonna let you change.

And I'll be right back.

- I'm nowhere near perfect
right now,

but I feel like this island

has turned me into
a completely new person.

Freddie and I, we came in and
we were toxic for each other.

But now we understand
each other.

And I like our friendship
that we now have.

- I want you to look
in this mirror,

and I want you
to imagine yourself at that day.

And your Prince Charming
is right next to you right now.

And you're making your vows.
Talk to him.

- I vow to honor you,
cherish you

through good, bad...

I vow to give myself
over to you

so you can have me,
hold me, and love me

until the day
of my last breath.

- That's beautiful.

- This therapy session
made me realize

I need to continue
this change.

- Whoo!

- What is that?
I don't even know what that is.

- Freddie's going
to be Freddie,

so he's always
going to crack a joke.

He just gets to write it down
instead of saying those.

- I don't want to see that
ever again.

- I don't think
much is going to change

because he's not taking it

- Uh-oh. [chuckles]
- Let me see.

- Brittney.
- "Let's take a..."

- Oh.

- Oh, my God.

- Don't you have...
- I don't have a type.

- Yes, you do. Yeah.
I mean, you've dated so much,

like, you know what you like.

- Yes.
And who are you into?

Well, that's obvious.
- Well, I don't know.

Right now I feel like
I'm going backwards,

and it's irritating.

I just don't know, like,
when...when's the point

to just give up on something.
- Yeah.

- Like, I'm just not a quitter.
- Yeah.

- There definitely is a cycle
between Samantha and I.

It's always
the same [bleep] thing.

And emotionally,
it [bleep] with me.

- If you're seeing a repeated
pattern over and over,

you can't change anyone.

- Yeah, I feel like
I'll be all right.

- Aww, I hope this works out
for you, Sean.

Just be careful.
He's a different person

when he's drinking,
so let's just get that clear.

But I hope it works out
for you.

- Oh.
- Well, someone's upset.

Oh, see what I'm saying?
- What just happened?

- I knew this would happen
today, I knew it.

- Samantha, if you want
to talk to me about it,

come and talk to me about it.

- No, I don't want to
[bleep] talk to you.

You just told me to go kill
myself, so go [bleep] yourself.

- That's fine. Maybe
I'll [bleep] somebody else.

Who knows?
- Probably will.

Because you're a man-whore.
That's why.

- She's such a [bleep] liar.

Samantha and I have came
such a long way,

and it's like, "Come on."

At this point, I don't know
if it's gonna work out.

- I don't even know
what's going on.

- I don't know either.

I knew once he started drinking
at 9:00 in the morning

this would happen, so...

I feel like
we've been doing good,

but we're in the habit of
just doing this over and over.

- Samantha,
you want to go talk in there?

- No, I don't.
- Please.

- No, no.
- Are you sure?


- It's an exhausting
roller coaster.

- Why are you mad at me?

Because I'm talking to somebody?
- Because...no.

I don't care
that you're talking to somebody.

This is what you do.

You want to get
a reaction out of me?

So that there's some sort
of insecurity.

That's what you do.
- No, I really don't.

- Yes, everything you've said
so far has been a lie.

- You want to talk to me or not?
- Obviously.

- Yes or no, bro?
- It doesn't matter now.

- What the hell
is happening right now?

I feel like Samantha and Sean,
they seem the happiest.

But now I'm confused.
Sean kinda scares me.

I don't know what's going
to happen next with him.

He's a ticking time bomb.

- Use your [bleep] words.
You want to go talk or not?

- I just said yes,
so what does it matter?

- Get your [bleep] ass
inside then.

- Coming up
on "Ex Isle"...

- My ex-wife's here.

Look, I'm [bleep] shaking
right now.

If I see her,
it'll just be, like,

starting all that pain
over again.

And I don't want
to feel that pain.

I just want to get this
over with.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

My ex-wife is about
to walk through that door.

- Come on in.

- He said,
"Go kill yourself."

- You said that?
- Yeah.

- Get the [bleep] out.

- [bleep] outta here, bro.

I can't deal with it

Come talk to me later,
[bleep] dirtbag.

- Do you want to talk to me
or not?

Yes or no, bro?
- It doesn't matter now.

- Use your [bleep] words.
Do you want to go talk or not?

- I just said yes,
so what does it matter?

- Get your [bleep] ass
inside then.

- I'm a little confused
because Sean and Sammy,

They are so stuck on, "Let's
be happy while we're here.

Let's work on us,
be together,"

but today,
their arguments are severe.

Me personally, I feel that
they are toxic for each other.

- Let's go talk.
- No.

- Yes or no, bro?
- It doesn't matter now.

- Well then, say no.
And that's it.

Don't talk to me later.
- You really want me

to follow you after you said,
"Get your [bleep] ass inside"?

- [bleep] dirtbag.
You're mad that

I'm having conversations.
I don't get it.

- I don't care that
you're having conversations.

- Yeah, you do, bro. You do.
- I'm mad that you're a liar.

That's what I'm mad at,
and that I believed you.

- Ugh.

My intentions weren't to, like,
make Samantha jealous,

but it doesn't take much.
It never has.

- Well, that was fun.
- What the [bleep]?

- I don't even need to know
their situation.

Literally, today is
the first time

that I ever talked
to Sean ever.

- To be honest with you,
I should have known better.

- About what?
- About Samantha.

She's the same
[bleep] person, bro.

- What? She got jealous?

- I'm sitting here just having
a conversation with Margot,

and she's blowing up.
You know what I mean?

Like, I'm just over
all of it.

- It's one of those, like,
deep-rooted love connections.

But, like, the root

has, like, some mold
or bacteria around it

that you can't really get to.

- What do you think
the root of the issue is?

- Yeah, I don't know.

- Antonio, my man.

You've made
some progress here.

I think one of the big days
for you was when

we were talking about wearing
your heart on your sleeve

and finally admitting that...

"Maybe I'm not as far over
Ashley as I want to be."

I don't think
you're brokenhearted.

I don't think
your heart's guarded,

but what I think it is...

It's still Ashley's.

- Wow.

- Back on the sleeve
for this, Antonio.

- [laughing]
- Yes, sir.

Yes, sir.
- Wow.


- Mm-hmm.

- OMG.

- You're laughing...
- Wow.

- But you're not objecting.

And that tells me
a lot.

That tells me
that you agree.

- I'm trying to get away
from Ashley, I really am.

I have mixed emotion
because soon I have to make

one of the most biggest decision
for my life.

And I don't want to leave
this island with regrets.


My daughter,
she's everything to me.

My heart, my soul,
the air I breathe.

Without her, I'm nothing.

- That's the girl
you need to be worried about.

It's not just you
that Ashley's affecting.

'Cause you were breaking her off
with benefits.

Think about all that money

that could have went
to your daughter.

- You know,
she deserve the best,

and nothing less.

- That's how a real man talks.

Now you just made me proud.

- Ashley's priorities
are so out of line.

I have to move on.

I can no longer
entertain something

that's not right for me.

- This heart on your sleeve
right now,

look at it.

I want you to take it off
and leave it in this room.

Are you ready
to put it down?

- Yes.
- Walk away.

- Walk away.
- Don't look back.

- Don't look back.
- Good.

- Appreciate it.

- Don't make me nervous, what?
- That's some [bleep].

- What happened?
- I saw my daughter.

- In there?
- [bleep] yes.

- Your daughter's in there?
- No, she's...the tablet thing.

- No.
- Yes.

- I'm hearing this
from Antonio.

I go into
military strategizing mode.

I'm, like,
my ex-wife's in the building.

I don't want to see her face.
I don't want to hear her voice.

I'm freaking out.

[hip-hop music]

- He pulled up
my god[bleep] daughter.

On his "labtop."


- Since you've been here
on the island...

- Mm-hmm.
- I've seen you talk to

a few different guys.
- Mm-hmm.

- So I want to help you
sort this out.

This is going to be
your exercise today.

Walk over to this erase board
for me.

We're going to write each
of these guys' names down,

write 'em across the top
because below that,

we're going to write
some of your favorite qualities

about each guy.
Let's start with Josh.

- He's kind, understanding.

- Matt?
- He's sexy.

Everybody knows that.
- Okay.

- It's definitely helpful
writing down these guys

and their good

- What about James?
- Wonderful smile.

- Mm-hmm.
- Great eyes.

It helped me weed out the guys
that I don't need in my life.

- What about Evan?
- I feel safe around him.

- Okay.

- Like, we can be friends,
but, you know,

on a more romantic level,
I should concentrate on a few.

- Now we can move forward.

I want you to go out there,

spend a little one-on-one time
with these guys,

and let them
get to know you.

The more you can share,
the more they know what to love.

- Okay.

I have a hard time
letting things go,

but I'm going to try
to open up a little bit more

to singles
and get to know them.

- Go get 'em.
- I will.

- I know you can do it.
- All righty.

- You...you good, man?
You straight?

- Final test.
I ain't dumb.

Sometimes, I feel like
I have, like,

some weird power of vision,
like a psychic.

My ex-wife's here.
I know it.

I'm not gonna do it.
- You gotta do it.

- I'll write her a letter.
I don't want to look at her.

I don't want to talk to her.
[bleep] that. Mm-mm.

Look, I'm [bleep] shaking
right now.

I'm thinking I know
what's going on.

Dr. Ish is going to make me
talk to her, Skype her,

so I'm nervous, but I know
that I need to face my demons.

It's cool, bro.
- Come here, man.

- Nah.
- You straight?

- I need to think real quick,

- John, come on in.
Come on in.

How you feeling today?
- I'm all right.

- You look a little keyed up.
What's going on?

- I just want
to get this over with.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

- We've gotta go through
the process.

- Yeah.

- What's going on there
with you?

- I don't know.

I'm thinking my ex-wife
is about

to walk through that door.
If I see her,

it'll just be like
peeling open a scab

and starting all that pain
over again.

I don't want to feel
that pain no more.

- Come on, man.
Talk to me.

- I just...I don't know.
I have a feeling that

I'm gonna have to talk
to somebody,

and if it's who I think
it is,

I'm not going to talk to them
right now.

I'm not gonna be backed
into a wall to do things,

so I'm just waiting on you
to start this process.

- But, John,
you got to face this.

You see how keyed up
she had you?

She's still got control.

Do you trust me to teach you
how to take the control back?

[dramatic music]

- I will never be able
to forgive her. Never.

- Coming up on "Ex Isle"...

- Come outside with me.

I'm gonna help you
work through this.

- I don't want
to go outside.

- Trust me on this.
Come with me outside.

Take a breath.
- [breathing heavily]

- Take a breath.
Look at that.

- [screaming]

[suspenseful music]

- You look at little keyed up.
What's going on?

- I just want
to get this over with.

- Come on, man.
Talk to me.

- I just...I don't know.
I have a feeling that

I'm gonna have
to talk to somebody,

and if it's who
I think it is,

I'm not gonna talk to them
right now.

I'm not gonna be backed
into a wall to do things,

so I'm just waiting on you
to start this process.

This is the final therapy.

My emotions are running high,
and I'm on edge.

Dr. Ish thinks I need closure.

I just hope my ex-wife
isn't in here.

I still have so much anger
towards her.

I wouldn't know how
to react.

- But, John,
you've got to face this.

Do you see how keyed up
she had you?

She's still got control.

- Wow.
- What's going on now?

- Whatever y'all do, man,
just let John be John, man.

He in another [bleep] world
right now.

I'm telling you,
whenever you can't talk

and you shaking
and you can't say [bleep],

that's some [bleep] for you.

- Do you trust me to teach you
how to take the control back?

I want you pulling the strings,
not her.

Take a look
at this picture, John.

- [sighs]

- I want to talk about
some of the emotions you felt

on your wedding day.

I'm not trying to make you
relive the hurt,

but I want you to remember
the love that was there,

the good that was there.

You got to be able to let
that part back in, right?

There are two sides
to every relationship.

There's the good stuff
that was there,

and then there's the hurt,
but what happens is

once we move away, we only
remember the hurt and the pain.

I need you to remember
the good that was there

so that way
you can recognize it

when it comes again.

- What do you want to know?

- How long did y'all date
before you got married?

- All of high school.
She was my first everything.

- First everything?

- When we broke up,

I emotionally separated myself
from the world.

and I put myself
in a dark hole.

I never really
crawled out of that hole,

and I just kind of
buried myself.

All the anger
that I held in me,

I put all of it
towards Jaymie.

It was the only way
I could deal with that hurt.

- I want to get you
back to a place

where you realize
you deserve

to have somebody
who's going to love you

in that unconditional way.

And to do that,
we gotta let this hurt go.

We gotta break through it.

Do you think you're ready
to break through this wall?

- Yeah.
- Come outside with me.

I'm gonna help you
work through this.

- I don't want to go outside.

- This is me and you.
Trust me on this.

Come with me outside.

- I need closure more than I
need anything in life right now.

Every time I see her face,
I relive years of pain.

I don't want to feel like this
no more.

- This is the physical wall
of hurt

that is keeping you
from letting love in.

Do you understand?
- I do.

- You are literally
gonna break through this wall

that is holding you back.

I want to see you
tear it down.

Can you do this?
- I can.

- Go get it.

- The wall symbolizes
years of hurt.

This wall symbolizes
everything holding me back

from being happy.

[exhales deeply]

This wall has to come down

because I can't be like this

I'm gonna show this wall
who's boss.

- Yeah.

Tell me what you're feeling,

- [bleep] that bitch.

- Tell me.
Let me hear it.

- [grunting]
- Let me hear it, John.

- [grunting]


I feel relieved.

It's kinda like having sex
for the first time.

- Take a breath.
How'd that feel?

- Great.

It was joyful,
it was exciting,

and it was over
very quickly.

- You feel like you're able

to take down some
of those walls emotionally?

- Yeah.
- Oh, yeah.

That's what this is about.
Working through it.

Sometimes we got to do it

You're a physical guy.
That's why this works for you.

Come on, bring it in.
Bring it in.

- Yeah.
- You trusted me, right?

- I did. Yeah.
- Right?

- After I done beat down
this wall,

I'm not holding
the mental anguish and fear

and pain
from my ex-wife anymore.

I feel like I'm ready
to move forward with my life.

Nothing will ever stop me
from finding love now.

- You just took
a humongous leap forward.

- Thanks, Doc.
- You're very welcome.

I'm proud of you, man.

- Now, Jaymie,
I asked the single guys

to help me out with this one.
- Okay.

- Guys, Jaymie has
big-time trust issues.

This is a good old-fashioned
trust exercise

to make her realize
that it's okay to let go

and let someone else
take care of her.

- Because of John,
my biggest issue is trust.

Because I am willing to do
so much for people,

it's really hard for me
to realize when

they won't do the same
for me.

- Jaymie?
- Yes?

I want you to climb up
these steps,

and you're gonna turn your back
on these guys.

- Okay.
- You're gonna let your body go

and trust
that they will catch you.

- Okay.
- Are you ready to do that?

- Yeah.

This exercise is scaring
the crap out of me.


But I know I have to
confront my issues.

Oh, God,
this is really scary actually.

- Go ahead, Jaymie.
Trust. Fall back.

- [grunts]


- You did it, girl.
- Okay, I got you.

- Once they catch me,

it's like a huge weight
is lifted off my shoulders.

The trust fall
is kind of significant

of what I'm diving into
with James.

There is such a risk
of getting hurt,

but I feel like now it's okay
to put yourself out there again.

It's gonna work out.

- Now, I want you
to take this lesson,

go back out there
with an open, trusting mindset.

- Yeah.
Thank you.

- Nice work, girl.
Nice job.

- Now we're gonna catch you
off the roof.

- Uh-uh.

Thank you, though.

- Is there tequila here?
'Cause that's what I need.

- I don't see it.

- What in the hell...
- Just happened?

- Was all that [bleep]?
- I just...

this is exactly
what happens at home.

Like, alcohol makes me
already put a guard up with him

because this is a lot
of the times

when things get so crazy.
- With him when he drinks?

- Yeah. So after the first night
when he made an effort

to not drink like that,

I felt like it was because
we were important enough.

But we're obviously not.

Honestly, now I feel like
none of it was genuine for him.

And he's a manipulator.
That's what he does.

- We have all been
Team Sean/Samantha.

Like, we really believed
that they were getting better,

and then this happened,
and it's sad.

And I really think
at this point,

the both need to be apart.

- Overall, it makes me feel like
all the progress that we made

isn't genuine.
- Is only...

- If we can't even make it
this long,

it's...how would this
ever work at home?

I don't think right now
we can even be friends,

but I do love him,
so it's hard.

I don't want to feel this way.
I don't.

I don't think
we can be together.

I don't think this is normal.
- It's not normal.

- I don't know,
I don't know.

- Coming up on "Ex Isle"...

- I'm done.

- Sean.
- I'm done.

- Sean.
- Outta here, bro.

I just can't deal with it

I don't want to be here.

- What's up, gorgeous?
- Hi.

- How are you?
- I'm great.

- That's what's up.

- I mean, I'm not trying to,
like, brag,

but since being on
this island,

I've had five girls
come up to me pretty strong,

so clearly, I'm feeling,

burger time central.

- Do I need to leave?
I can step away.

- No, it's never awkward.

I have no idea why these girls
are interested in Lucas, like...

- [inhales deeply]


- He's like a ten-year-old...

- Don't, don't, don't, don't.

- In a [bleep]
30-year-old body.

- Don't, don't, don't, don't.

- I don't even get it.

- Duh-duh!
[makes static noise]

Are you surprised no one's
stabbed anyone yet?

- I'm surprised.

[upbeat music]

- Freddie, come with me.

all: Aww.

- Well, it's sundown.
How'd it go?

- It went well.
I passed with flying colors.

I did not say a word.

- No, you didn't.
You didn't take it seriously.

You used the whole time
to use this exercise

to write down jokes
on you board.

- Whoo!
- What is that?

I don't even know
what that is.

I don't want to see that
ever again.

- Just because
you weren't speaking verbally

doesn't mean you're still
communicating meaningfully.

You missed the whole point
of the exercise, Freddie.

You're still putting on
a show.

You do not get it.

- It's not all my fault,
like, people just flock to me,

then I'll just start writing,
then it's like, "Hold on.

Wait. What, what, what?

Freddie's writing.
Freddie B's writing.

- Drea really thinks
she's interested in you.

Are you interested in her
or not? Yes or no.

- Yes.
- Can you knock it off

and stop putting on a show
and let her see the real you?

You think you can do that?
- I think I can do that, yes.

- You think you learned anything
from this experience, Freddie?

- I did learn a lot.

There was a lot of time
I spent observing other people

and hearing other people's
point of view.

- So you did get something
out of it?

- I did.

- So can you take that piece
with you at least?

- Yes.
- Especially when

you're hanging out with Drea
or whoever, dude.

You gotta let them see
the real side of you.

No woman's gonna take a chance
on a show.

'Cause at some point,
the curtain closes, right?

- It does.
- Okay.

I'll have you
leave your board behind.

Head back out,
and remember,

use the words
for communicating,

not just for being
the show.

Get back out there now.

- Freddie B
is back in business.

Let's rock.

- Here he is, here he is.
- Freddie B.

- Where's the voice?
- Hey!

[all screaming]

- [laughing]

I am shocked that
he did not say a word all day.

- I'm glad to be back.

- But I still like
to hear his voice,

so I'm really excited
he's back.

Like a teeny, teeny, like,
little bit.

- How do you feel?
- I feel great.

- Lucas.
- The doctor himself.

- What's up, dude?
Come on in.

Come on in, have a seat.
- I'm chilling, man, chilling.

- Get comfortable.
- Just enjoying life.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

I know my time here
at the island is about to end,

but to be honest,
this final meeting is...

is kind of bittersweet
with Dr. Ish.

- Clearly you've had
the most action

of any guy on the island.

How many girls have you hooked
up with since you've been here?

- If you include my ex
into this,

I would say three.

- I'm not sure
if you understand

what it really means
to play the field.

Because it looks like
you think it means

hooking up with as many people
as possible,

and kinda leading them on
until you figure out

where you are
with everything.

But this is not high school,
you're an adult.

- Correct.
- And these are grown women.

- Right.
- You gotta be honest

with your feelings.

Let's talk about
the ex Brittney.

What happened the other night?

- Well, we made out.
- So was this a relapse?

Or do you feel like
there's something else there?

- I would say
I'm probably attracted to her

more than anyone
on this island.

- Really?
That's significant.

- We couldn't even stand
being in the same room together

when we first got here,
and now we hooked up,

so it's creating a lot
of mixed emotions,

which is...
which is weird.

- Your summer school is because
you failed playing the field.

For your assignment,
I want you to spend some time

talking to the ex Brittney.

You said you came here
to move on,

but clearly
you're not comfortable

in letting totally go
of Brittney.

This is called "Ex Isle"
for a reason.

We're here to deal
with the ex.

Deal with it, put it to bed,
and walk away.

- I think that that's a fair
conversation to have.

- I think it's a very
necessary conversation.

- Yeah.
- All right, my man, go get 'em.

Good luck, man.
- All right, Doc.

Aw, man.

I am torn between Roxy
and my ex.

I don't know what to do here.

- Hey, you.
- What's up?

- I'm very curious
what yours will be.

- Me too.
I'm a little nervous.

I'm just ready.

I just don't like
not knowing.

- I feel like Brittney
is a Rubik's Cube,

and I want to get
to know her better,

but she's going through so much
intense therapy,

she seems so drained as it is

that it's even harder for me
to chip away at that stone.

But I love a challenge.

- Ex Brittney.
- Oh, no.

What'd you do?
Are you stressed? Did you cry?

You are so stressed.
Are you okay?

Oh, my God,
they broke you down.

I'm [bleep].

- You're gonna do great.
You'll be all right.

- Thanks.

Hello. Hi, Dr. Ish.
- Hey, Brittney.

Come on in.
Make yourself comfortable.

- Okay.
- You came here

saying that you're totally
over Lucas.

Ready to move on.
- Mm-hmm.

- What happened the other night
with you two?

- Ugh.
I don't want to talk about it.

- What happened?

- I think honestly,
it's like a security blanket.

It's like a comfort thing.
We just revert to old habits.

- Something felt right
about it.

- I truly and firmly believe
it was a mistake.

- Why?
- Because it's moving backwards.

- I don't want you to take
the easy way out

and say, "Oh, it was a mistake.
I gotta forget about it."

That's bull[bleep].
We're not gonna do that.

You guys made
an adult choice to hook up.

- Ugh.
- And you made that choice

for a reason.
- Yeah.

- So now you need to explore
what that is...

Don't hide from it.

- I agree that we need to talk
about why

we jumped back into
a physical connection,

but I'm not really
looking forward to rehashing

whether or not we have emotions
for each other.

- Be honest with yourself,

and start thinking about
what you want

when you leave this island.

- Good luck
with your conversation.

- Oh.
- You can do this.

All right?
- Thank you.

- You're very welcome.
- Yes, okay.

I'm not feeling so good
about talking to Lucas,

'cause I just feel like
Dr. Ish really wants me

to beat a dead horse.

- I am actually looking forward
to talking to Dr. Ish

about the day because
it was a hard day,

and I don't know how
to communicate

with Sean at this point.

- [groans]
- How you guys doing today?

- We had a rough day.

- What happened?
- We started arguing,

and then he got mad
and walked away

and said,
"Go kill yourself."

- You said that?
- Yeah. Really loud.

- We got a four-year-old
little boy

who's looking up
to both of you.

What is it about you
that makes you think it's okay

to say something like that?
- I don't think it's okay.

I don't.
- Come on, man.

It's almost like you guys
have rejected

every single exercise
I've put you through.

You look like
you're moving forward,

and then the first fight,

you tell her
to go kill herself.

I thought you knew better
than this.

What is that like for you?

- It makes me feel like
I don't matter.

- If you were
your best friend,

and your best girlfriend said,
"Hey, you know what?

My guy told me
to go kill myself today."

What advice would you give
your best friend?

- To leave.
- No.

You would tell your friend
to get the [bleep] out.

Would you be wrong
in saying that?

- No.

- So why can't you give yourself
that advice?

- I don't know.

Sean says a lot of things
to put me down,

and that's why my friends
and family don't like him.

But honestly,
I don't talk to anyone about him

because they're so sick
of hearing about it.

Everything having to do
with Sean,

I have to deal with
on my own.

- Now, Samantha,

we got your mom
on Skype tonight.

I have not told her

and she had a ton
of questions.

Your mother wanted to know
A, where you were,

and B,
if Sean was with you.

- You didn't tell her
that I was gonna be around?

- Why didn't she know that?

- Because they don't support
anything having to do with him.

- I mean,
you [bleep] told me, man.

- No, I didn't.
- No, you did.

I was like, "Do your parents
know what you're going into?"

Like, "That I'm going
to be around?"

"Yeah, Sean." We've had
that conversation, yeah.

- No, we ha...
I've never told you.

- Oh, my God,

- This is an issue.

We're gonna talk
to your mom.

- I'm done, I'm done.

- Sean, you don't want
to be a part of this call?

- I can't believe that she lied
about me not being here.

Like, that was a big deal.

It was a big deal to me,

You're lying to your family
that means so much,

and you're lying to me
that means so much.

Like, who do you love?
What are...who are you?

I don't know you.

Look, I'm sorry.
I love her to death, but...

- Sean.

- [bleep] outta here, bro.

- Coming up on "Ex Isle"...

- You're the only woman
on this island

who's trying
to get their ex back.

You gotta know
you're worth more than this.

- I brought you some wine.
- [chuckles] Perfect.

- There is still some sort
of attraction there.

Just one kiss
to see how it feels.

- No, you [bleep] it up!

[dramatic music]

- You mother wanted to know
A, where you were,

and B,
if Sean was with you.

- You didn't tell her
that I was gonna be around?

- This is an issue.

We're gonna talk
to your mom.

- I'm done, I'm done.

- Sean, you don't want to be
a part of this call?

- Look, I'm sorry,
and I love her to death, but...

- Sean.

- [bleep] outta here, bro.

- I'm crushed,
and I can't believe

she has kept our relationship
a secret again,

so I'm just done.
I'm over it.

I don't want this anymore.
I don't.

I just don't want it

[exhales deeply]

- Hey, guys.
- Hi.

- Hi.
- My name is Dr. Ish.

I'm sitting here
with Samantha.

We've been kinda working through
some issues she's been having.

what is your understanding

of what Samantha
came here to do?

- I didn't know anything,

- And did you guys know
Sean was going to be here or no?

- Absolutely not.

- So she lied to you?
- Yeah.

- This is a show about exes
and trying to figure out a way

for them to move on.

And since Samantha
has been here,

she has actually not tried
to move on.

She has been trying
to work it out with Sean.

- I'm sure.
- Part of their big issue was

that Samantha's always
felt like

she needed to hide Sean
from you guys.

She knew you guys
didn't approve.

Why didn't you want them
to be together?

- He was abusive
from the beginning.

- No matter what he's done,
she always cares about him,

and she'll do anything for him,
and she always has.

He's affected our relationship
in a big way.

- All of ours,
all of ours.

- And she still took him back.
- Negative...in a negative way.

- Samantha, your sister's
getting very upset.

Why are you so upset
to have you talk about this?

- We didn't talk
for a long time.

- Yeah. Six months.

- So he's driven a wedge
between your family.

That makes it even worse.

- This whole thing with him
wrecked her.

She's not who she was.
She's not strong.

This just cuts me
to the core.

It cuts me to the core.

- That's why I hide him because
we didn't talk for so long

and I don't want that
to happen ever again.

I am close with my family,
and my sister is my best friend.

And so to have to keep
everything separate

is just so frustrating.

It's so exhausting
and it's stressful.

- You're the only woman
on this island

who's trying to get
their ex back.

You gotta know
you're worth more than this.

- I don't know.

I just keep hoping
he'll be different.

- We can't control him.

We don't know what
he's going to do.

You got a four-year-old kid
who's worth fighting for.

- Be strong and the person
we all knew you were

a long time ago.

I think you can do it.

I want you to do it.
- I want you to.

- We'll do it together
if we all have to.

- I love you guys.
- We love you.

- And I'm sorry.
- We love you, Sammy.

- Love you.
- I love you.

- You guys have
a good night.

- All right, bye.

- How are you feeling?

- I don't want
to be with him,

but I don't think
I can't.

- Wow.

That may be
the most honest thing

I've heard you say.

Tonight, I just want you
to go crash.

Sleep this off.

We get you
to a better state,

you're gonna make
better choices.

Quality choices that are
gonna lead to a quality life

and a quality love, which is
what you really deserve.

So we got some work to do,

but we'll get you there.

- I feel like
what we're doing to each other,

it's a cancer
in my life.

- Okay.

I don't want to leave here

and end up
in the same situation.

I want to leave here
better than I came

and stronger than I came.

- Hey, Sean.
How you holding up?

- She's been hiding us,
our whole relationship,

and I just can't do it

I got the closure
I needed emotionally,

and I'm just over it.

- I hear what you're saying.

I hear what she's saying.

I don't know where
everything stands.

This has been
such an emotional day.

I just want you guys
just to take a break.

Sleep this off.

- When Samantha hides me,

it makes me feel like I'm

I'm done. That's the closure
I [bleep] need.

I'm ready to walk out.
I'm over it.

That's it.

- [whistles]
- Mmm.

What are you doing?

Is this our talk?

- I brought you some wine.
- Perfect.

- I'm definitely nervous

because I'm kind of
putting myself out there

and just 'cause you open up

doesn't mean you're going to get
everything back.

That's a scary thing.

I feel that we had
a good connection...

- We do and we did.
- The other day.

- Mm-hmm.
- And...

I think that you felt
the same way,

and when I'm...
when I was with you,

it sprung feelings
of, like, you know,

I still have for you.

I know it's weird,
and I know it's, like...

- I just feel frustrated
because I tried this with you.

I drive you crazy.
You drive me nuts.

- I don't know what to say.

It's just a lot
to deal with.

I'm not gonna go rehash up
old, you know, graves

because it's convenient.

I just don't think he can handle
what I'm hoping to find

in a person.

- [mumbles indistinctly]

- Just one kiss,
just to see how it feels.

- No.
- Just to see...

- No.

- Just to see how it feels.

You [bleep] it up!

- Sean starts packing
his stuff up.

If he walks out that door,

I definitely feel like

there's no going back
after this.

- I just can't deal with it

I don't want to be here.

I have to take control
of my own life.

Don't talk to me later,
you [bleep] dirtbag.

- On the season finale
of "Ex Isle"...

Some of you have
some real decisions to make.

- I do feel like Lucas
has the spark that I'm feeling.

- You have no idea
what you want.

- It's decision time.

You each will make the decision

about who you would like
to leave with.

- My head and my heart

are telling me
two different things.

- You can choose to leave
this island alone,

or you can choose
to leave here with your ex.

- I love you.

- Or you can choose to leave
with someone new.

- I choose to leave Ex Isle...

- Well, I'll be damned.