Ex Isle (2016-…): Season 1, Episode 4 - Cutting the Cord - full transcript
Two of the exes have a blowout fight. Tension builds in an exercise where the exes are physically tied together. The shocking arrival of 10 new singles gives the exes a fresh shot at love.
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- Previously on "Ex Isle"...
The exes had a taste
of what it's like to move on.
- Cheers.
That's how you build
a relationship.
- John made a move
on Ashley...
- So you gonna come
cuddle with me?
- While Antonio erupted...
- Why did you touch
my stuff?
- You took your ass
over there to John.
- It doesn't matter.
- Go over there with John.
- You're acting like a bitch.
You're being emotional.
- Dr. Ish intervened...
- We asked each of you
to bring items
that reminded you
of the good times
in your past relationship.
Toss that memento into the fire
and erase that from your life.
- But burning the past
ignited a firestorm
of emotions.
- This is our
marriage certificate.
I'm ready to burn it.
- Hell, no.
- I never had a relationship
with her.
It was an extended
one-night stand.
- After the fire went out,
Sean and Samantha
returned to old habits.
Then Antonio exploded...
- Bitch, you the one
that want attention
since we've been here!
What the [bleep]
is you talking about?
- And things got
out of control.
- [bleep] try me, mother[bleep].
[bleep] try me, I swear.
- Come on.
- No, [bleep] you, I swear.
[items clatter]
- 21 days,
one ultimate decision.
Can these exes break free
before they break down?
This is "Ex Isle."
- Let's go, bitch.
[items clattering]
- [bleep].
[bleep] try me, mother[bleep].
- Come on.
- [bleep] try me.
- Hey, whoa!
- I said "John" to him, and he
like turned the [bleep] up.
- After the bonfire,
everybody seems to definitely be
turning against each other.
Emotions are high.
- No, I didn't say [bleep].
I said keep my name
out your mouth.
And you kept popping off.
Nicole started the fight.
She's an attention whore.
She's already had a fight
with Antonio.
- Try me!
You will not ever
pull me out of a room.
- And Freddie...
- [bleep] you.
- But now she's like,
coming after me,
so got to defend myself.
- If you was on the block...
- You want to keep popping off?
Back up off me.
Back up off me.
- If you was on the block...Move.
- Come on.
- I'm out of here.
I'm out of here.
I'll put your ass in the trash
where you belong.
- Like, seriously?
- I am so embarrassed
of John right now.
Yeah, he's my ex,
but even that's embarrassing.
I can't deal with him.
- Then he's like,
"Don't [bleep] touch..."
- Oh, boy.
- I'm like,
"What will you do?"
"Keep my name
out of your mouth!"
I'm like,
"What's gonna happen?"
- Somebody shut that door.
Her mouth is, like,
- She's driving me nuts.
- [laughing]
- This is a cry for attention,
'cause Nicole isn't over me.
I'm over Nicole, so I'm
not really paying attention,
because I do not care.
- I don't think you guys
should be around each other.
- No. Most definitely.
- I'm seriously considering
dating Nicole, though.
- See, Freddie over there
He hasn't checked on me,
He's, like, back to
entertaining everybody.
To be honest, it kind of hurt
a little bit.
Like, "Oh, wow.
Why wouldn't Freddie come
and see if I was okay?
Oh, I forgot.
I just tried to kill him
the day before.
Bow down, bitch.
- Keep putting my name
in your mouth.
- By the way,
it's a massacre in there.
The trash is everywhere.
- It's like everywhere
but on me.
- Ah.
- Talk all that [bleep].
Nicole is definitely always
trying to stir the pot.
I'm here
trying to better myself,
so it's not helping me
get better,
I'm not dealing with her...
- There she is.
- All right, guys,
come on over here.
- Dr. Ish
just got off his boat.
He sailed his yacht over here.
- [sighs]
Here we go.
What are we doing now?
- So how are you guys
all doing?
- You know... we're okay.
- [coughing] Bull[bleep].
- We've got a little drama
going on here.
You guys are all dragging
each others' dead weight
around and down.
A few of you are actually
and you're drawing other people
into your drama
so you don't have to deal
with your own stuff.
John? Nicole?
- Yeah?
- Pay attention
'cause I'm talking to you.
- [laughs]
- I want you to be down
to control your emotions.
- [scoffs]
- Does that make sense?
- Yes. Yes.
- Okay.
- You guys have been
all cooped up
here in the villa,
so I thought it would be
a perfect time
to get out there
and explore the island.
- Yes!
- Yay!
- Yes!
- Is clothes optional?
- I have five golf carts
ready for you.
You guys are gonna go
have some lunch...
- I'm about to get naked.
- And explore the island.
- Shirt off.
- Let's do it.
- I'm so excited to be getting
out and away from John.
It has been
absolutely miserable
to be locked in that room
with my ex.
- So there's a little bit
of a catch.
- That damn Ish.
- Yeah.
- With each of you,
there's still
an emotional connection
that's tying you to your ex.
So today
I'm gonna give you guys
a physical representation
of what you're emotionally
doing to yourselves.
For the rest of the day,
you all are gonna be
physically tethered
to your ex.
- Come on, man!
- Good luck, Freddie.
- Everybody has
their initial reaction,
but then their second reaction
is to look at me like,
"Oh, Fred, man,
you got to be tied to Nicole?"
- I want you to be so sick
of looking at each other
and dragging each other around...
- I'm already there!
- Been there!
- That you can't spend
another second
thinking about each other.
- I've been there.
- That's not gonna work.
- John is emotionally unstable
right now.
Being tied to him today
is my living hell.
- Let me get you all
to stand together now.
Couple up.
- Here we go.
- So each one of you
is gonna get a rope to share.
Put these belts on
- I feel like clawing at him.
I really don't want to be
around him at all.
- You know what?
We have something in common.
- Remember,
this is to symbolize
you guys holding on
too tight.
- Jesus [bleep].
Come here.
- And every time one of you
tries to get away,
the other one pulls you
right back in.
See if it's actually possible
to enjoy yourselves
while you're being
dragged around
and tied down by your ex,
'cause that's gonna be
the rest of your life
unless we fix it.
- That's right.
Go up to your room, get ready,
freshen up,
and then you're going out.
- Ow! Ah!
- Antonio.
- Nah, yo.
- Come on, man,
you being extra...
- They're gonna grow today.
- They are gonna
grow today.
Roping each other together
is a true symbol
of what they are actually
doing to each other
without seeing the rope.
- I think this may be one of
the best exercises for them yet.
- I do too.
- Can we go this way?
I got to use the restroom.
I got to use it bad.
- Oh, hell, no.
He has to use the bathroom?
And I have to put up
with his [bleep]...
once again, literally?
Nah. I ain't going.
I ain't going to the restroom.
So you going to have to
[bleep] on the...
[bleep] on the plant
I'm not going
to the restroom.
The stuff you've been doing
is really not cool.
- I need to go in there.
- You put my stuff outside!
- Green one what?
- We have a rope on.
Did you forget?
- If you sat down, be like
"You know what?
I [bleep] up.
I'm sorry."
- I got to do
the number two.
- I'm not talking about
bull[bleep] materialistic stuff.
- Ashley wants to talk.
I don't want to talk.
I need to use the bathroom.
I'm a fully grown man,
and I got to go.
- We need to get
this out now.
If you're not grown enough
to have a mature conversation,
your [bleep] can wait.
So you gonna have to
figure [bleep] out.
- I'm gonna figure
something out.
- It's time to go!
- Babe, why do we got
to go over here?
- Chill out for a second.
- Can you just [bleep] listen?
- Antonio, stop.
- I need a...I need a...
I need a minute.
Everybody's emotionally
and mentally [bleep].
I already expect this would be
a total disaster.
I'm over this hell-cation.
- Ah!
- Somebody's angry.
- So you can't...you can't...
- [pounds wall]
I'm not going to the restroom.
[bleep] on yourself.
- Whoo!
[lamp shatters]
- I don't deal with
that [bleep]!
- I need to use the bathroom.
- Coming up on "Ex Isle"...
- I do feel like I'm
more in love now
than I've ever been.
- And later...
- But wait.
Were you ever in love with him?
- Yes.
- You never told me!
- Oh, my God!
- You never told me!
- You guys all came here saying
you're ready to move on.
Do you think
you're all ready?
all: Yes!
- Amen.
- Hmm, we'll see.
The party's
about to get started.
Come on in!
- What?
- [bleep] is
about to get crazy.
- I don't deal
with that [bleep]!
- I got to go.
- Like, you just need to man up!
- What you want me...Man up?
- You need to man up!
You don't understand
the stuff that you do.
- You won't let me talk.
- Then talk!
I'm ready.
- I told you, I apologize
for messing with your stuff.
- I'll tell you
one thing...
like, don't touch
my [bleep] again.
- I apologized to Ashley
so I can use the restroom.
So, finally, she compromised.
- This exercise is gonna be
a long day for me.
- I'm excited.
- Me too.
- Everybody has baggage,
but I just feel like mine
seems to be
a little bit heavier
than most people.
- Want to sit out here?
- Nobody knows that
after last night's bonfire,
Samantha and I, we had sex
for, like, four hours straight.
After I burned
the marriage certificate,
Samantha was upset by it.
Like, I feel bad,
so I apologize to her
the only way I know how.
This means nothing to me,
but I think I was
a little intoxicated.
- I do feel like
I'm more in love now
than I've ever been.
Like, we're just kind of
building something
with more knowledge
of each other.
- Everybody else seemed pretty
happy about this exercise.
- [laughs]
- [spits]
Like, all in my mouth.
- Do you have to walk so fast?
You don't feel
when you tugging me?
- Can you come here
so I can find my shoes?
- No. Let's go.
- I need shoes.
- You have shoes
right here.
Let's go.
- I need my tennis shoes.
- We're supposed to explore
the island all day,
and I knew Antonio did not have
any more gym shoes.
So I hid his shoes.
- I need my damn shoes
right now.
- Let's just go!
It's probably not even in here.
- Now I got to walk around
with church shoes on.
- Man, stop talking.
- You're mad because I...
- Will you come on?
- Would you quit being a bitch?
I'm serious.
- Come on, man, [bleep].
- I'm serious.
[horn honks]
- [bleep]. My fault.
- Okay.
- [bleep].
- You have arrived.
- We get on the golf cart,
and everyone else...
they're already fighting
about something.
- Like, I never would have
thought you would be so lame.
- Got to find
my [bleep] shoes.
- Antonio and Ashley...
they're screaming about shoes.
- Get your ass in the truck.
- You need to...
- You got Freddie and Nicole,
and, like,
he's ready to flip the switch.
- 'Cause you're not
a woman to me anymore.
I just want
to let you know that.
- It's all pretty intense,
and we're right in the middle,
Samantha and I, and we're like,
"We're okay," like, you know?
- Telling you, yo.
[bleep], man.
Where my [...] shoes at, yo?
I'm fixin'
to [bleep] snap, yo.
[bleep] I'm fixin' to wear
some church shoes with this,
you got to be [bleep] up.
- Hey, Antonio,
I'll go grab your shoes.
Where are they at?
- No, no, no, no, no.
- Man, I just...Come on, Lucas.
Shut up, dog.
- Right now's
not the time, Lucas.
You don't jump
into other people's...
- Shh, John. Shut up.
- Dude, Brittney. Shut up.
- Don't tell Brittney
to shut up.
- I'm going to wear these
[bleep] church shoes.
- I got back at Antonio
once again.
He was a laughingstock.
- [exhales deeply]
- Ow.
Sam and Sean are, you know,
they're just chilling.
- [bleep] amazing.
- Oh, how pretty.
Look at that.
- I wish I could, like,
experience this
with somebody I liked.
- Let's go, Brittney.
- Damn!
- What are you doing?
- Want to go
to the amphitheater?
- Yeah.
Oh, my gosh.
- I don't think Sammy or Sean
got any problem
being hooked at the hip all day.
- They like,
"Cool, that's what's up."
- Thank you.
We don't have to go to the beach
to find shells.
- We're all on, like,
Single Island,
trying to move on from our ex.
- A lot of hos got my picture
on they wall.
- And then Sean and Sammy
have their own island
that's called Denial Island.
- Look at these butterflies.
- Oh, I thought
they were leaves.
- Single Island...
- Just try harder.
- I'm tied up!
- It's like, I'll go in
a store for you
if you come in for me.
- Antonio! Like, for real.
Chill out.
- Man, Ashley, come on!
- Denial Island.
- [laughs] There might be
more than one.
Oh, wait.
I might have cut myself out.
- That's good, then.
- I think Sean's saying things
that Samantha is ignoring.
You don't just, like,
after three days of therapy,
all of a sudden be like,
"Hey, we're back to normal."
- You hungry right now?
- Yeah, I'm hungry. Are you?
- Yeah, let's go eat.
- Oh, yay.
Our first date on the island.
- What are you doing
on your first date?
"I'm Brittney..."
- I like sports.
- You're like,
"I like sports"?
Do you kiss on the first date?
- You know I don't.
- Yeah, right.
- We definitely didn't kiss
on our first date.
No, we didn't.
I think, at this point,
we're used to being apart.
You know what I'm saying?
So, coming back together,
it's like...
- We're rekindling...
- We're definitely not
- Past emotions.
- No, we're not.
I want to hear...I wish
I was a fly on the wall
at Jaymie and John's table
so bad right now.
- Looks like it's going
pretty well over there, hmm?
- Lunch
is completely awkward.
It's like we're on
two different planets.
- You wanted to go
in John's room.
- Ashley and Antonio's fights...
they're arguments
are repetitive.
It just keeps...
- What was
the conversation about?
- Why does it matter?
That was between me and John.
- Okay.
Oh, [bleep].
- Why are you upset?
- My feet hurt.
Damn church shoes.
- Antonio!
- Dr. Ish said
cut the string!
You got to cut
the string, man.
- Both of them
love attention, yo.
- Yeah, they do.
- I swear they love attention.
He can't even shut the hell up
just to eat.
- Mi amigo!
- Amigo.
Todo bien?
- Español?
- No.
- Freddie is the loudest person
in the world!
- Hey, Freddie,
I can't hear you.
- Muy, muy, muy, muy, muy,
muy, muy...
- Freddie!
Quit patronizing the waiter.
- When Nicole and Freddie
are together,
they're just fighting over
who can get
more attention in the room.
- Wine.
- Okay. Agua?
- No, no, no, no.
How do you say wine? Boo!
- And it's like, just shut up.
- I think you're missing someone
that you haven't talked to yet.
You need a violinist for
the honeymoon suite back there.
- [laughs]
- Do you want to try this?
Here, I'll put some
on your plate.
- After we
hooked up last night,
Sean is being so sweet today,
just being so romantic.
You know, it is like
we're on a vacation.
He's just being everything
I would want him to be
every single day.
- Did they take the fork?
- Yeah.
- Yeah, we can't share.
- That's for sure.
- We can...
- We have sex last night, but
we can't share a fork today.
Right? It's weird.
- Stop being crazy.
You're "hangry."
Is this bruschetta?
- What?
- What...
am I even doing?
- Nothing.
I'm hungry.
Maybe I'll change my mind
after I eat this.
- It's nice to see
we're changing for the better.
- She's holding on,
not him.
- I think
that they have a shot.
- [laughing]
- At least we look happy.
That's good.
- Yeah.
- That's the next step
in this healing process...
arranged marriage.
- Check, please.
- Let's go home!
- Okay, you're stepping
on the rope.
- You're stepping on my life.
Dr. Ish...
- Thank the Lord!
We are back!
- We are ready.
We are ready to be cut.
Cut the cord.
We need to cut
the cord, stat.
- Get your a...
Come on, get out.
Get out. Get out.
Get out. Get out.
What y'all doing?
Get out!
- Being tied to Antonio
was the worst thing
ever possible
you can do to me.
Like, worse than
taking away my wine.
- Hey, guys.
We're meeting Dr. Ish.
- Guess you're going that way.
- Yeah, I guess
I'm going this way.
- I'm trying to work on being
a better person.
I can't do it
with him around.
I'm just ready
to cut these ties.
- Ish!
- Hey, guys.
Come on in, everybody.
Come on in.
- Are we sitting
in the same seats?
- Yeah.
- Like the electric chair?
- We walk into therapy.
I see Dr. Ish.
I'm feeling like he doesn't
really particularly want to see
that this experience
wasn't so hard for us today,
so I'm just feeling like,
"Uh, it's going to be
a beatdown."
- You guys are really
destroying your lives here.
I don't know if you get that.
It was tough, right?
You felt the drag?
You felt the push-pull?
- Literally.
- I thought you had the
scissors, like, right there.
- Yeah, where are the scissors?
- I knew there was
a chopping block.
Where's the machete?
- Chopping block is there.
The only question is,
does everybody get untied?
- Huh?
- Huh?
Come on!
- Coming up on "Ex Isle"...
- You both ran back
and comforted each other
in the only way you know how,
and that's by having sex.
- There's baggage there
with everybody, you know.
And I'm not
in the [bleep] point,
like, "Well, you need
to do this,"
because I know I need
to work on my own [bleep].
- He was just trying
to control me
the past 24 hours.
- He's been controlling you
for three years.
- Wow!
- Oh, my God.
- Wow! Are you serious?
- Oh!
- The only question is,
does everybody get untied?
- Huh?
- You said what, now?
- You guys all came here saying,
"We're ready to move on!
We're gonna find new love!"
And you guys probably
can't see it,
but ever since
you've been on this island,
I've been watching you
walk around here
just dragging each other down.
And the whole point
of this exercise
is to help everybody
in this room realize
that at some point,
you finally got to cut
that cord and let it go.
Brittney and Lucas...
you sat at the lunch
mocking this entire experience.
The laughing
and the snide comments...
you got to knock it off.
You can make a joke out
of your own life if you want,
but don't do it
for everybody else.
- I think Lucas and I...
we have a very different
situation than some.
- Everything's fine.
Everything's fun.
It's a big joke.
- I think we were
just looking to figure out
how to make conversation,
and my natural state
is happy and optimistic
and laughing and so...
- I like optimistic.
- Good.
- What I would prefer
is realistic.
The two of you
seem to have put
the most space
in your relationship,
and that's a good thing,
but there's still a little bit
of a connection there.
- We don't have
this emotional baggage
that, you know,
some couples have.
And that's okay.
- 'Cause you actually haven't
allowed yourself to feel it.
Damn, it's a breakup.
It hurts, right?
- Um...
- I see an unwillingness
to actually
just admit that
it hurt a little bit.
Here's the toughest part
about relationships.
- Mm-hmm.
- By the time you get
close enough to realize
somebody is not the person
for you,
it's always going to hurt
to break away.
- Right.
- But you're never gonna fully move
if you just gloss over it.
I want you to deal
with that emotion.
- When we broke up,
it sucked, and it was hard,
and I hated him, and...
- What'd you hate him for?
- I just was mad that he
couldn't meet me at my level.
He couldn't give me
what I wanted.
- He could.
He chose not to.
- Jeez.
- That's just real.
That's just real.
Own that.
- I was rejected.
- Exactly.
- And it hurt, and it sucked.
- But there's still
that emotional baggage
that you've been
dragging around.
What's the biggest thing
you guys learned
from being tied up today?
- It was a little annoying,
you know, to be tied up.
I was about to lose it.
- Or he hates me.
- I'm just very independent.
- Well, for me,
it just validated
the reasons we broke up.
- You validated the fact
that you don't like
being tied to each other.
Again, admit it.
Move on.
It's gonna make your life
a lot easier.
So, Ashley and Antonio,
obviously this was a very
intense experience for you two.
Let's start right there.
Ashley, you basically blocked
a grown man
from going to the bathroom.
- No, I felt like he was just
trying to control me
the past 24 hours.
- How long have you guys
known each other?
- Over three years.
- He's been controlling you
for three years
with the purse strings.
And you're trying
to control him
by not letting him go
to the bathroom.
You're no longer taking money
from him on this island,
but you're still making him
pay emotionally
every step of the way.
That's been you guys' cycle.
- Antonio and Ashley
just holding on
to just trying to one-up
the other one,
trying to get back...
Somebody has to wave
the white flag,
and nobody wants to wave
the white flag.
Each one of them wants to get
the knockout,
and it's not about that.
- What happened with the shoes?
- They're missing.
I don't know where they're at.
- Does anybody know
where the shoes are?
- No.
- Ashley, do you know
where those shoes are?
- Yes, I do.
- Mm! Wow!
- Oh, my God.
- Wow!
- Oh!
- Are you serious?
- She let you sit in misery
all day long.
And look at her!
- Give 'em back!
- Look at how happy she is,
knowing how miserable
she made you.
- She act that [bleep] out
good as hell.
- This is about control.
Ashley, let me ask you
this question.
Is what he did to you
in this relationship
so bad that you
have to punish him this much?
He cheated on you.
You cheated on him.
- No...
- He packed up your stuff
and threw it out, and you packed
up his shoes and hid them
to make him pay and atone
for what he did?
- I just want him to stop.
- That's what it is.
You see that?
You can't see that?
- Yeah, I was probably
getting him back, yeah.
- You don't like him.
You don't want to be with him.
There's always going to be stuff
he does that you don't like.
The best way to do it
is just leave him alone.
Be done.
And, Antonio,
do you know how you would get
under her skin?
- Don't care.
- Stop caring.
When are you going to say,
"Enough is enough.
I deserve a woman
who treats me better than this"?
This exercise made you realize
how, emotionally,
you're still dragging
each other around.
And whenever you even think
about pulling each other
back in,
remember how
that deadweight felt
dragging you around today.
- Okay.
- Why would you put yourself
back in that situation?
- It won't happen.
- Ashley, give that man
his shoes back.
- He'll have them back.
- Samantha and Sean?
You two seemed to have
a very positive reaction
to that challenge
this morning.
People were making comments,
saying you look like you're
on your damn honeymoon.
Why is that?
- Obviously, everyone thinks
that we haven't let go.
There's a connection there.
- Why do you think
everybody thinks that?
- 'Cause there is.
And I'm not denying it.
There is.
- Last night you guys
sat at that bonfire
and admitted that the marriage
was a complete flop.
- From the past, it was, yeah.
- Yeah. But who...
No one's
arguing that, for sure.
- We ask you about the high
times in your relationship,
about the high points,
both of you always point
to the same exact thing,
and that's the sex life.
That has been the only way
you have been able
to comfort each other.
And when confronted
with the finality
of the reality
of maybe moving on
apart from each other,
you both got scared to death,
and you ran back
and comforted each other
in the only way you know how,
and that's by having sex.
- Wow.
- Yeah, we can't share.
- That's for sure.
- We can...
- We have sex last night,
but we can't share a fork today.
- I'm always watching, guys.
You two are so
in each others' face,
there's no work going on.
- He says they're having sex?
They really need to extract that
from their relationship.
They're each other's
just comfortable place.
- I'm still open to the idea
of her and I being together.
- You're doing here
the same thing you do out there.
"Maybe we can get back together.
Maybe we can't."
You say some hurtful things,
and you forgive him.
"Oh, your feelings are hurt."
"Oh, I'm upset too."
"Oh, let's have sex."
"Well, maybe we can work it out
and get back together."
"Let's put the rope back on."
- Yeah, but...
- You haven't even
given yourself time
to get to know anybody else
on this island.
You literally
drag each other around
going through the same cycle.
You've been doing this
for six years.
When is it gonna be enough?
Sean, I feel like
you need a break.
- No, I'm okay.
- You're getting frustrated.
- I'm not getting frustrated.
- Yes, you are.
You're getting frustrated.
- No, I just don't understand.
- You're mixing around the seat.
Your mouth is twisted up.
I see the steam
coming off of you.
- There's baggage there
with everybody, you know.
And I'm not
in the [bleep] point
to sit here and start, like,
jumping into everybody else's
[bleep] and like,
"Oh, you need to do this,"
because I know I need
to work on my own [bleep].
- Coming up on "Ex Isle"...
- But wait. Were you ever
in love with him?
- Yes.
- You never told me!
- Oh, my God.
- Antonio...
he just loses it.
- There's only two people
that have saw
my [bleep]damn
Ashley and her mama!
- You can go have sex
with 20 people.
- What the f...
Oh, [bleep],
she don't get it.
- I feel like we should actually
be giving each other advice,
like some dos and don'ts.
Absolutely, when you go
on a first date,
you should definitely
crack some jokes.
This is like the first real
step to winging.
We're giving them the advice,
to, like,
help them be better
in their next relationship.
- Do not steal
from the next girl you are with.
- Most guys like
when a woman can cook.
- You're not a gangster.
You not the hard girl.
- You literally are just talking
about nothing.
- You go overboard.
"Hey, everybody,
Freddie's here!"
- Oh!
- Like, "Did you tell a joke?
Let me tell one funnier."
- Ah! she got him!
- When you do your cackle
[imitates cackling]
- Tell us how you really feel.
- No, I hate that about you.
I'm sorry.
- Um...
- [imitates cackling]
- There's baggage there
with everybody, you know.
And I'm not
in the [bleep] point
to sit here and start, like,
jumping into
everybody else's [bleep],
and like,
"Oh, you need to do this,"
because I know I need
to work on my own [bleep].
- You both probably have
more in common
with the people here
than you do with the friends
that you have at home
who judge you.
- I agree with that, 100%.
- Me too.
- Your assignment
is just to have fun and mingle.
That's not so hard, right?
- I feel like everyone here
is definitely more relatable
now that we've told
each other
our embarrassing deepest,
darkest secrets.
We both really do
want to be here
to make a change,
to better ourselves
for a lot of reasons.
- Figure it out.
Just figure out alone.
And then if you choose
to figure it out together again
in the end, no problem.
But you still have
a lot more work to do.
Jaymie and John...
you were ignoring each other
for a large part of the day.
- I've just felt
the last couple days
like everything
out of his mouth was...
bull[bleep] and annoying,
and I just haven't been able
to stand being around him.
I mean,
it's not so much
that I want you
or need you in my life.
It's that I'm okay
with you in my life,
as long as you're not
an inconvenience.
And that's bad on my part,
but that was kind of
my realization today.
- And, John, it's almost like
you'd rather people think
you were a jerk
or a total ass[bleep].
It's a choice, right?
- It is a choice.
Like, honestly, I got tired
of being a nice guy.
I felt it was just easier to be
an ass[bleep] and a jerk.
- Well, it is easier,
because it keeps people away.
- Exactly.
- But when were you
the nice guy?
- I was married
at one point.
I was a super nice guy.
- Okay.
- Jaymie met me at the ass end
of me being a nice guy...
me being generous,
me giving my all to somebody.
- Do you think
that Jaymie took the brunt
of what your ex did to you?
- 100%.
- She deserves
better than that.
- I'm sorry for everything.
You did take the brunt
of everything
that I put you through,
and that wasn't right.
I was selfish,
and I apologize for that,
because you were always
more than worth it.
- [sniffles]
Thank you.
- John, I really feel
like you get it.
- Trying to.
I try to understand myself
every day.
You know, I think I have me
figured out,
and then next thing you know,
I don't.
Like, today me and Nicole
got into it.
I got to a point
where I saw red,
and I do apologize
to Nicole about that.
I was ugly, man.
- And I antagonized you.
- You did, but I am ultimately
in control of myself.
- It's a choice, right...
to let somebody
push your own buttons?
It's your mind.
- You're right.
- It's your emotions.
- You're right.
- You are ultimately
in control of that.
Now, the next step
in your next relationship
is to not do it
to the next person.
Drop that anger, okay?
All right, up next,
Nicole and Freddie.
- What's up?
- Now, instead of focusing
on the exercise,
you were being loud
and just trying
to be the center of attention.
What I saw were
you guys deflecting.
You're either screaming,
or you're silent.
There's no middle ground
for the two of you.
- I mean, I think things
improved as the day went on.
- We have a middle ground.
- When you were
screaming at the waiter...
is that the middle ground?
- I wanted to be their friend.
- Mocking his language?
- I mocked his language?
- Yes, you mocked his language.
- Did I?
- Yes.
It was very disrespectful.
- Mi amigo!
- Amigo.
- Español. Anglais.
Muy, muy, muy, muy, muy,
muy, muy, muy mojito.
- I know you're a comedian,
but that was not funny.
- I honestly did not think
I was mocking his language.
I was actually...
- Very disrespectful.
- I was wanting
to learn Spanish.
- And he's your teacher?
- I mean...
- That was not the time
or the place.
- I can see that.
- You guys always do stuff
at other peoples' expense.
You're yelling at somebody
all the time.
You're acting out at somebody
all the time.
Why does everything
have to be
so larger than life
with both of you?
Nicole, you can't
have Freddie around,
because every time
you look at him,
you start screaming,
yelling, acting up,
making a whole lot of noise
to get attention.
That's the cycle here.
What you guys
got to understand,
that who you are right now,
sitting in this chair,
is enough.
You don't need any other show.
You get that, Nicole?
- I need to act
like a grown adult,
not do things, as you say,
for attention
or to show out.
I need to speak
my emotions.
- The tone in your voice
right now
is one I have never
heard from you.
You actually sound reasonable.
And the next person
that each of you start dating...
I want them to meet
the person you are tonight.
Just remember
what it felt like
when you were tied down
dragging each other
around that town.
Don't do that to each other
Nobody in this room
deserves that.
I'm proud of you guys.
You came through it.
Here's the good thing
about tonight.
- Mm.
- That's good.
- I'm going to cut that cord
for you.
Come down, guys.
- Yes!
- Yes.
- The rope is symbolic
of our relationship,
with all the ties
that connects us,
and sometimes you can't just
untie a rope piece by piece.
You have to actually just cut
it off to be completely done,
and that's something
that we really needed.
- What's up, bro?
Can I get a hug?
I don't want a high five.
I just want a hug.
You know what I'm saying?
- I feel relieved,
and I want to break through
of all the pain,
the bickering,
and everything else.
I just want everything to stop.
- Don't say no "da-da-da"
'cause my shoes gonna be here.
- I'm not going to be
You have your shoes.
Can we just move on from this?
- By the end of the day,
I realized that
I've been trying to be friends
with John,
but really just
holding on to the issues
that I've had for so long.
I have to move on.
- Ah.
- Cheers to new beginnings.
- Yes.
- Hey, put it up.
- Every time.
- How many times
have we said that?
We're all, like, progressing.
Even Antonio and Ashley
have, like, made a peace.
Like, it's just beautiful.
- What do y'all feel
was the hardest thing?
- Every last one
of us found out
something different
from each other.
Like, for instance,
I would have never guessed
that she would cheat.
I never guessed that.
- Oh, my God.
- Me and her was breaking up
back and forth,
so I could have easily slept
with somebody else!
- It really doesn't matter!
- Oh, my God.
- She didn't know for a fact.
- This girl...
- Guys, guys.
Oh, boy.
Here we go.
- Were you ever
in love with him?
- Yes. Yes.
- You never told me!
- Oh, my God!
- You never told me!
That's the [bleep] [bleep]
that we had problems with.
You never [bleep]
committed to me.
- Antonio...
he just loses it.
It's like, have you not
learned anything?
- If you wanted me in your life,
for the rest of your life,
then you would have
acted right.
- I wanted attention
that you was not giving me.
- You want attention
all the time!
- What?
There's only two people
that have saw
my [bleep]damn daughter.
I cherish my baby.
The two people are Ashley
and her mama!
Think about it...
my daughter is 12!
- I think Antonio
really has feelings for Ashley.
- 12!
- But he has a really weird way
of showing it.
- Oh, I'm special.
You can go have sex
with 20 people.
- What the f...
Oh, [bleep]!
She don't get it!
- Coming up on "Ex Isle"...
The party's about
to get started.
Guys, girls, come on in.
- Oh.
- Whoo!
- Yeah!
- Welcome your new roommates.
- Oh!
- Oh, [bleep]!
- Oh, I'm special, you can go
have sex with 20 people.
- Oh, [bleep]. She don't get it!
- Okay, listen, listen.
You brought your daughter
around her.
You've never brought your
daughter around any other woman.
That's real to you.
You want to feel like you the
only one...that's real to you.
Y'all not talking about that.
Y'all talking about a whole
bunch of other silly [bleep]
that don't matter.
- It's in the past,
and we're moving on.
- Y'all not moving on.
- Yes, we are!
- Y'all say, "I'm moving on,"
but y'all not!
- I just wanted those words.
Three words...
"I love you."
- I can't say "I love you"
when I've always had
my suspicions that he cheated.
[voice breaking]
It's just so draining.
We hurt each other.
We drag each other on.
It was so toxic...
so, so toxic.
Like Dr. Ish said, we don't
have anything else to say,
unless we're fighting.
I don't want to do that
I'm ready to move on.
Can we just talk
about something else?
- No! Hell...
See what I'm saying?
That's the [bleep]
that I'm talking about, man.
That's the [bleep]
that I'm talking about.
And that's how relationships go.
- I don't have time for this.
- You know what you want.
- I really don't.
- Ashley. Ashley, come back.
- Why are you leaving?
[door slams]
- I'm going to bed.
- Me too.
- Tonight was great!
[fun island music]
- I want to take one of these
to my room.
- Gonna what? Take what?
A candle?
- Yeah.
- Make it more romantic?
Sounds like you guys
have enough romance
going on in your room,
- Oh.
- You guys are the only ones
on the island
getting any type of [bleep]
romance, all right?
Brush that [bleep] off
on somebody else.
- We're in a different place
than everybody,
and I'm so excited.
I'm feeling so good.
I'm just feeling
more confident and happy.
- I saw your face lit up
when Ish said that,
"But y'all had sex!"
You was like...
- [bleep] Ish, bro.
[bleep] him, just knowing
everything, dude.
- Ish know everything, yo.
- There's an event on the board.
- Yeah, I saw that.
"Cocktail party tonight.
Dress to impress."
- Oh, you looks nice, though.
Let me check you out.
Let me check you...
- Going to a cocktail party.
- I see! Man, let me...
Oh, look at you!
- Ah!
- If you were gonna hook up
with anybody, who would it be?
- Myself.
I would choose myself.
- I haven't even hooked up
with myself yet.
- I know. I haven't either.
And that's why
we're all going crazy.
- Which one do you think?
- I mean, they look...
I mean, I can't choose,
but I say go with the one you
just off the top like.
I'm excited about
this cocktail party,
but I just...I feel
an uncertainty in the air,
like, you know, there's
always some type of twist,
to keep us on our toes.
On the one hand,
like, I know that it can't just
be a cocktail party,
'cause we already
did that with each other.
- You good?
- I'm tripping.
- Oh, I love her dress.
- All right.
- So I'm like,
"What's going on, Carmen?
"I need answers.
I don't need all these tricks.
I'm too old for this.
I can't take this, Carmen."
- Hey, guys.
So how was your day today?
- It was good.
- Yeah, good.
- Ready to have
some fun tonight, perhaps?
- Yep.
- Yes.
- You guys all came here
saying you're ready to move on.
I think you all needed to do
a little bit of work first...
- Yes.
- Agreed.
- To put the past
where it belongs...
in the past.
- Yeah.
- Yes.
- She's so slow with it,
and I'm just like, "Get to it!"
I'm so anxious right now.
This is not good for my nerves.
- Do you think
you're all ready?
all: Yes!
- Amen!
- Yeah.
- Positive.
- Hmm. We'll see.
- God dang.
- Buckle up.
The party's
about to get started.
Guys, girls, come on in.
- Oh, [bleep].
- Oh!
- Oh, my God.
- Hi.
- I already call dibs.
- Yeah. Whoo!
- Thank God we got
some fresh blood in here.
- Yay!
- Wow!
all: Whoo!
- These guys here are
all single, looking for love,
and ready to meet new people
just like you.
- New friends.
- Freddie, you all right?
Finally, I see beautiful women,
so it's on now.
- Ladies, which one want it?
Which one want it, ladies?
- We're pumped to see
new people on the island,
and we are ready to move on.
- They're hot.
Fresh meat.
- Exes,
there's bedrooms downstairs
that you haven't even seen yet.
And these guys have already
moved their stuff in.
- What?
- Dog, can I get some?
- Roomies.
- Can I get it again?
Right now.
[bleep] is
about to get crazy.
I predict fights, jealousy...
and sexual activity going on.
I have to compose myself.
[exhales sharply]
- Welcome your new roommates.
- Yay!
- Oh! Let's go, baby!
- Yes, hello.
- You're safe. Shut up.
Your wife's next to you.
- Oh, I'm not worried
about being safe.
Are you seeing that?
- Oh, wow, mama!
- Sean is a hard person
to figure out.
He does want a family
and be settled down,
but he has a lot of moments
where he wants to be
fun, party Sean.
- Sean, Samantha,
how y'all doing over there?
Y'all good?
Y'all still with us?
- Solid, bro.
How you doing?
- Samantha, don't
forget to breathe.
You like...
- All right, guys.
Get to know each other.
Have some fun.
And I'm out of here.
- I need a drink.
- Hi. I'm Matt.
- Matt?
- Pleasure to meet you.
- I'm thinking to myself,
"Oh, my God,
this girl looks damn like
Nicki Minaj."
- No, we need one more shot.
- Hi. I'm Sean.
Nice to meet you.
I could tell that Samantha...
she's obviously nervous.
But for me, personally,
I'm feeling like
my own man who's going to
do his own thing.
- You're all friends
with your exes, right?
- Who, me and Brittney?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- Good.
- I mean, I'm not trying
to, like, brag,
but I'm literally
in my element right now.
Here's some wine.
- I'm down for that.
- You know, we're having drinks,
talking to Roxy,
talking to Margot,
talking to Brittane.
- I'm actually interested
in this guy right here.
- This is basically,
like, my...
my zone.
- Evan. Brittane.
- Brittane.
- Nice to meet you.
- Brittney, Brittane.
- And we're just twins.
- It's so interesting.
- You just go
for what you know.
- Yeah, I think
he just feels comfortable.
- When I was seeing Lucas
want to be like Don Juan,
after spending
all this time together,
yeah, it's enough
to confuse a gal.
- I'm Sean. Nice to meet you.
- Sean. Amy. Nice to meet you.
- I'm going to let
every girl here know
he's going to use you
for one thing.
He can say what he wants
about me,
but I will always be around,
and they're not
going to last long.
I'll make sure they know that.
- Do you like chocolate?
- Mmm, yeah.
- Okay, perfect.
- I can tell you right now
that I'm not going to get along
with this chick at all.
- Do you like white stuff?
- Uh-huh.
- Gets the girls every time.
- Brittney. Brittney?
- They have kids?
- You guys have kids?
- Well, they got a kid.
- Oh, that's right.
- What the hell is that?
Do you see what I'm seeing?
Like, why is she doing
that [bleep]?
- Yeah.
- You're married and divorced?
- [bleep] is crazy.
- Then what are you doing here?
- Next time on "Ex Isle"...
- Oh, [bleep].
- If she's not happy,
then no one's happy,
but I could care less.
- [moaning]
- Each board represents
one of the new singles.
- Go get your man, girls!
- I'm tripping you guys up.
- Uh-oh!
- [screaming]
- Why am I here?
- How could you not get that?
- I'm a 32-year-old man,
and I'm going to make
my own decisions.
- Sean, do not walk away.
- Previously on "Ex Isle"...
The exes had a taste
of what it's like to move on.
- Cheers.
That's how you build
a relationship.
- John made a move
on Ashley...
- So you gonna come
cuddle with me?
- While Antonio erupted...
- Why did you touch
my stuff?
- You took your ass
over there to John.
- It doesn't matter.
- Go over there with John.
- You're acting like a bitch.
You're being emotional.
- Dr. Ish intervened...
- We asked each of you
to bring items
that reminded you
of the good times
in your past relationship.
Toss that memento into the fire
and erase that from your life.
- But burning the past
ignited a firestorm
of emotions.
- This is our
marriage certificate.
I'm ready to burn it.
- Hell, no.
- I never had a relationship
with her.
It was an extended
one-night stand.
- After the fire went out,
Sean and Samantha
returned to old habits.
Then Antonio exploded...
- Bitch, you the one
that want attention
since we've been here!
What the [bleep]
is you talking about?
- And things got
out of control.
- [bleep] try me, mother[bleep].
[bleep] try me, I swear.
- Come on.
- No, [bleep] you, I swear.
[items clatter]
- 21 days,
one ultimate decision.
Can these exes break free
before they break down?
This is "Ex Isle."
- Let's go, bitch.
[items clattering]
- [bleep].
[bleep] try me, mother[bleep].
- Come on.
- [bleep] try me.
- Hey, whoa!
- I said "John" to him, and he
like turned the [bleep] up.
- After the bonfire,
everybody seems to definitely be
turning against each other.
Emotions are high.
- No, I didn't say [bleep].
I said keep my name
out your mouth.
And you kept popping off.
Nicole started the fight.
She's an attention whore.
She's already had a fight
with Antonio.
- Try me!
You will not ever
pull me out of a room.
- And Freddie...
- [bleep] you.
- But now she's like,
coming after me,
so got to defend myself.
- If you was on the block...
- You want to keep popping off?
Back up off me.
Back up off me.
- If you was on the block...Move.
- Come on.
- I'm out of here.
I'm out of here.
I'll put your ass in the trash
where you belong.
- Like, seriously?
- I am so embarrassed
of John right now.
Yeah, he's my ex,
but even that's embarrassing.
I can't deal with him.
- Then he's like,
"Don't [bleep] touch..."
- Oh, boy.
- I'm like,
"What will you do?"
"Keep my name
out of your mouth!"
I'm like,
"What's gonna happen?"
- Somebody shut that door.
Her mouth is, like,
- She's driving me nuts.
- [laughing]
- This is a cry for attention,
'cause Nicole isn't over me.
I'm over Nicole, so I'm
not really paying attention,
because I do not care.
- I don't think you guys
should be around each other.
- No. Most definitely.
- I'm seriously considering
dating Nicole, though.
- See, Freddie over there
He hasn't checked on me,
He's, like, back to
entertaining everybody.
To be honest, it kind of hurt
a little bit.
Like, "Oh, wow.
Why wouldn't Freddie come
and see if I was okay?
Oh, I forgot.
I just tried to kill him
the day before.
Bow down, bitch.
- Keep putting my name
in your mouth.
- By the way,
it's a massacre in there.
The trash is everywhere.
- It's like everywhere
but on me.
- Ah.
- Talk all that [bleep].
Nicole is definitely always
trying to stir the pot.
I'm here
trying to better myself,
so it's not helping me
get better,
I'm not dealing with her...
- There she is.
- All right, guys,
come on over here.
- Dr. Ish
just got off his boat.
He sailed his yacht over here.
- [sighs]
Here we go.
What are we doing now?
- So how are you guys
all doing?
- You know... we're okay.
- [coughing] Bull[bleep].
- We've got a little drama
going on here.
You guys are all dragging
each others' dead weight
around and down.
A few of you are actually
and you're drawing other people
into your drama
so you don't have to deal
with your own stuff.
John? Nicole?
- Yeah?
- Pay attention
'cause I'm talking to you.
- [laughs]
- I want you to be down
to control your emotions.
- [scoffs]
- Does that make sense?
- Yes. Yes.
- Okay.
- You guys have been
all cooped up
here in the villa,
so I thought it would be
a perfect time
to get out there
and explore the island.
- Yes!
- Yay!
- Yes!
- Is clothes optional?
- I have five golf carts
ready for you.
You guys are gonna go
have some lunch...
- I'm about to get naked.
- And explore the island.
- Shirt off.
- Let's do it.
- I'm so excited to be getting
out and away from John.
It has been
absolutely miserable
to be locked in that room
with my ex.
- So there's a little bit
of a catch.
- That damn Ish.
- Yeah.
- With each of you,
there's still
an emotional connection
that's tying you to your ex.
So today
I'm gonna give you guys
a physical representation
of what you're emotionally
doing to yourselves.
For the rest of the day,
you all are gonna be
physically tethered
to your ex.
- Come on, man!
- Good luck, Freddie.
- Everybody has
their initial reaction,
but then their second reaction
is to look at me like,
"Oh, Fred, man,
you got to be tied to Nicole?"
- I want you to be so sick
of looking at each other
and dragging each other around...
- I'm already there!
- Been there!
- That you can't spend
another second
thinking about each other.
- I've been there.
- That's not gonna work.
- John is emotionally unstable
right now.
Being tied to him today
is my living hell.
- Let me get you all
to stand together now.
Couple up.
- Here we go.
- So each one of you
is gonna get a rope to share.
Put these belts on
- I feel like clawing at him.
I really don't want to be
around him at all.
- You know what?
We have something in common.
- Remember,
this is to symbolize
you guys holding on
too tight.
- Jesus [bleep].
Come here.
- And every time one of you
tries to get away,
the other one pulls you
right back in.
See if it's actually possible
to enjoy yourselves
while you're being
dragged around
and tied down by your ex,
'cause that's gonna be
the rest of your life
unless we fix it.
- That's right.
Go up to your room, get ready,
freshen up,
and then you're going out.
- Ow! Ah!
- Antonio.
- Nah, yo.
- Come on, man,
you being extra...
- They're gonna grow today.
- They are gonna
grow today.
Roping each other together
is a true symbol
of what they are actually
doing to each other
without seeing the rope.
- I think this may be one of
the best exercises for them yet.
- I do too.
- Can we go this way?
I got to use the restroom.
I got to use it bad.
- Oh, hell, no.
He has to use the bathroom?
And I have to put up
with his [bleep]...
once again, literally?
Nah. I ain't going.
I ain't going to the restroom.
So you going to have to
[bleep] on the...
[bleep] on the plant
I'm not going
to the restroom.
The stuff you've been doing
is really not cool.
- I need to go in there.
- You put my stuff outside!
- Green one what?
- We have a rope on.
Did you forget?
- If you sat down, be like
"You know what?
I [bleep] up.
I'm sorry."
- I got to do
the number two.
- I'm not talking about
bull[bleep] materialistic stuff.
- Ashley wants to talk.
I don't want to talk.
I need to use the bathroom.
I'm a fully grown man,
and I got to go.
- We need to get
this out now.
If you're not grown enough
to have a mature conversation,
your [bleep] can wait.
So you gonna have to
figure [bleep] out.
- I'm gonna figure
something out.
- It's time to go!
- Babe, why do we got
to go over here?
- Chill out for a second.
- Can you just [bleep] listen?
- Antonio, stop.
- I need a...I need a...
I need a minute.
Everybody's emotionally
and mentally [bleep].
I already expect this would be
a total disaster.
I'm over this hell-cation.
- Ah!
- Somebody's angry.
- So you can't...you can't...
- [pounds wall]
I'm not going to the restroom.
[bleep] on yourself.
- Whoo!
[lamp shatters]
- I don't deal with
that [bleep]!
- I need to use the bathroom.
- Coming up on "Ex Isle"...
- I do feel like I'm
more in love now
than I've ever been.
- And later...
- But wait.
Were you ever in love with him?
- Yes.
- You never told me!
- Oh, my God!
- You never told me!
- You guys all came here saying
you're ready to move on.
Do you think
you're all ready?
all: Yes!
- Amen.
- Hmm, we'll see.
The party's
about to get started.
Come on in!
- What?
- [bleep] is
about to get crazy.
- I don't deal
with that [bleep]!
- I got to go.
- Like, you just need to man up!
- What you want me...Man up?
- You need to man up!
You don't understand
the stuff that you do.
- You won't let me talk.
- Then talk!
I'm ready.
- I told you, I apologize
for messing with your stuff.
- I'll tell you
one thing...
like, don't touch
my [bleep] again.
- I apologized to Ashley
so I can use the restroom.
So, finally, she compromised.
- This exercise is gonna be
a long day for me.
- I'm excited.
- Me too.
- Everybody has baggage,
but I just feel like mine
seems to be
a little bit heavier
than most people.
- Want to sit out here?
- Nobody knows that
after last night's bonfire,
Samantha and I, we had sex
for, like, four hours straight.
After I burned
the marriage certificate,
Samantha was upset by it.
Like, I feel bad,
so I apologize to her
the only way I know how.
This means nothing to me,
but I think I was
a little intoxicated.
- I do feel like
I'm more in love now
than I've ever been.
Like, we're just kind of
building something
with more knowledge
of each other.
- Everybody else seemed pretty
happy about this exercise.
- [laughs]
- [spits]
Like, all in my mouth.
- Do you have to walk so fast?
You don't feel
when you tugging me?
- Can you come here
so I can find my shoes?
- No. Let's go.
- I need shoes.
- You have shoes
right here.
Let's go.
- I need my tennis shoes.
- We're supposed to explore
the island all day,
and I knew Antonio did not have
any more gym shoes.
So I hid his shoes.
- I need my damn shoes
right now.
- Let's just go!
It's probably not even in here.
- Now I got to walk around
with church shoes on.
- Man, stop talking.
- You're mad because I...
- Will you come on?
- Would you quit being a bitch?
I'm serious.
- Come on, man, [bleep].
- I'm serious.
[horn honks]
- [bleep]. My fault.
- Okay.
- [bleep].
- You have arrived.
- We get on the golf cart,
and everyone else...
they're already fighting
about something.
- Like, I never would have
thought you would be so lame.
- Got to find
my [bleep] shoes.
- Antonio and Ashley...
they're screaming about shoes.
- Get your ass in the truck.
- You need to...
- You got Freddie and Nicole,
and, like,
he's ready to flip the switch.
- 'Cause you're not
a woman to me anymore.
I just want
to let you know that.
- It's all pretty intense,
and we're right in the middle,
Samantha and I, and we're like,
"We're okay," like, you know?
- Telling you, yo.
[bleep], man.
Where my [...] shoes at, yo?
I'm fixin'
to [bleep] snap, yo.
[bleep] I'm fixin' to wear
some church shoes with this,
you got to be [bleep] up.
- Hey, Antonio,
I'll go grab your shoes.
Where are they at?
- No, no, no, no, no.
- Man, I just...Come on, Lucas.
Shut up, dog.
- Right now's
not the time, Lucas.
You don't jump
into other people's...
- Shh, John. Shut up.
- Dude, Brittney. Shut up.
- Don't tell Brittney
to shut up.
- I'm going to wear these
[bleep] church shoes.
- I got back at Antonio
once again.
He was a laughingstock.
- [exhales deeply]
- Ow.
Sam and Sean are, you know,
they're just chilling.
- [bleep] amazing.
- Oh, how pretty.
Look at that.
- I wish I could, like,
experience this
with somebody I liked.
- Let's go, Brittney.
- Damn!
- What are you doing?
- Want to go
to the amphitheater?
- Yeah.
Oh, my gosh.
- I don't think Sammy or Sean
got any problem
being hooked at the hip all day.
- They like,
"Cool, that's what's up."
- Thank you.
We don't have to go to the beach
to find shells.
- We're all on, like,
Single Island,
trying to move on from our ex.
- A lot of hos got my picture
on they wall.
- And then Sean and Sammy
have their own island
that's called Denial Island.
- Look at these butterflies.
- Oh, I thought
they were leaves.
- Single Island...
- Just try harder.
- I'm tied up!
- It's like, I'll go in
a store for you
if you come in for me.
- Antonio! Like, for real.
Chill out.
- Man, Ashley, come on!
- Denial Island.
- [laughs] There might be
more than one.
Oh, wait.
I might have cut myself out.
- That's good, then.
- I think Sean's saying things
that Samantha is ignoring.
You don't just, like,
after three days of therapy,
all of a sudden be like,
"Hey, we're back to normal."
- You hungry right now?
- Yeah, I'm hungry. Are you?
- Yeah, let's go eat.
- Oh, yay.
Our first date on the island.
- What are you doing
on your first date?
"I'm Brittney..."
- I like sports.
- You're like,
"I like sports"?
Do you kiss on the first date?
- You know I don't.
- Yeah, right.
- We definitely didn't kiss
on our first date.
No, we didn't.
I think, at this point,
we're used to being apart.
You know what I'm saying?
So, coming back together,
it's like...
- We're rekindling...
- We're definitely not
- Past emotions.
- No, we're not.
I want to hear...I wish
I was a fly on the wall
at Jaymie and John's table
so bad right now.
- Looks like it's going
pretty well over there, hmm?
- Lunch
is completely awkward.
It's like we're on
two different planets.
- You wanted to go
in John's room.
- Ashley and Antonio's fights...
they're arguments
are repetitive.
It just keeps...
- What was
the conversation about?
- Why does it matter?
That was between me and John.
- Okay.
Oh, [bleep].
- Why are you upset?
- My feet hurt.
Damn church shoes.
- Antonio!
- Dr. Ish said
cut the string!
You got to cut
the string, man.
- Both of them
love attention, yo.
- Yeah, they do.
- I swear they love attention.
He can't even shut the hell up
just to eat.
- Mi amigo!
- Amigo.
Todo bien?
- Español?
- No.
- Freddie is the loudest person
in the world!
- Hey, Freddie,
I can't hear you.
- Muy, muy, muy, muy, muy,
muy, muy...
- Freddie!
Quit patronizing the waiter.
- When Nicole and Freddie
are together,
they're just fighting over
who can get
more attention in the room.
- Wine.
- Okay. Agua?
- No, no, no, no.
How do you say wine? Boo!
- And it's like, just shut up.
- I think you're missing someone
that you haven't talked to yet.
You need a violinist for
the honeymoon suite back there.
- [laughs]
- Do you want to try this?
Here, I'll put some
on your plate.
- After we
hooked up last night,
Sean is being so sweet today,
just being so romantic.
You know, it is like
we're on a vacation.
He's just being everything
I would want him to be
every single day.
- Did they take the fork?
- Yeah.
- Yeah, we can't share.
- That's for sure.
- We can...
- We have sex last night, but
we can't share a fork today.
Right? It's weird.
- Stop being crazy.
You're "hangry."
Is this bruschetta?
- What?
- What...
am I even doing?
- Nothing.
I'm hungry.
Maybe I'll change my mind
after I eat this.
- It's nice to see
we're changing for the better.
- She's holding on,
not him.
- I think
that they have a shot.
- [laughing]
- At least we look happy.
That's good.
- Yeah.
- That's the next step
in this healing process...
arranged marriage.
- Check, please.
- Let's go home!
- Okay, you're stepping
on the rope.
- You're stepping on my life.
Dr. Ish...
- Thank the Lord!
We are back!
- We are ready.
We are ready to be cut.
Cut the cord.
We need to cut
the cord, stat.
- Get your a...
Come on, get out.
Get out. Get out.
Get out. Get out.
What y'all doing?
Get out!
- Being tied to Antonio
was the worst thing
ever possible
you can do to me.
Like, worse than
taking away my wine.
- Hey, guys.
We're meeting Dr. Ish.
- Guess you're going that way.
- Yeah, I guess
I'm going this way.
- I'm trying to work on being
a better person.
I can't do it
with him around.
I'm just ready
to cut these ties.
- Ish!
- Hey, guys.
Come on in, everybody.
Come on in.
- Are we sitting
in the same seats?
- Yeah.
- Like the electric chair?
- We walk into therapy.
I see Dr. Ish.
I'm feeling like he doesn't
really particularly want to see
that this experience
wasn't so hard for us today,
so I'm just feeling like,
"Uh, it's going to be
a beatdown."
- You guys are really
destroying your lives here.
I don't know if you get that.
It was tough, right?
You felt the drag?
You felt the push-pull?
- Literally.
- I thought you had the
scissors, like, right there.
- Yeah, where are the scissors?
- I knew there was
a chopping block.
Where's the machete?
- Chopping block is there.
The only question is,
does everybody get untied?
- Huh?
- Huh?
Come on!
- Coming up on "Ex Isle"...
- You both ran back
and comforted each other
in the only way you know how,
and that's by having sex.
- There's baggage there
with everybody, you know.
And I'm not
in the [bleep] point,
like, "Well, you need
to do this,"
because I know I need
to work on my own [bleep].
- He was just trying
to control me
the past 24 hours.
- He's been controlling you
for three years.
- Wow!
- Oh, my God.
- Wow! Are you serious?
- Oh!
- The only question is,
does everybody get untied?
- Huh?
- You said what, now?
- You guys all came here saying,
"We're ready to move on!
We're gonna find new love!"
And you guys probably
can't see it,
but ever since
you've been on this island,
I've been watching you
walk around here
just dragging each other down.
And the whole point
of this exercise
is to help everybody
in this room realize
that at some point,
you finally got to cut
that cord and let it go.
Brittney and Lucas...
you sat at the lunch
mocking this entire experience.
The laughing
and the snide comments...
you got to knock it off.
You can make a joke out
of your own life if you want,
but don't do it
for everybody else.
- I think Lucas and I...
we have a very different
situation than some.
- Everything's fine.
Everything's fun.
It's a big joke.
- I think we were
just looking to figure out
how to make conversation,
and my natural state
is happy and optimistic
and laughing and so...
- I like optimistic.
- Good.
- What I would prefer
is realistic.
The two of you
seem to have put
the most space
in your relationship,
and that's a good thing,
but there's still a little bit
of a connection there.
- We don't have
this emotional baggage
that, you know,
some couples have.
And that's okay.
- 'Cause you actually haven't
allowed yourself to feel it.
Damn, it's a breakup.
It hurts, right?
- Um...
- I see an unwillingness
to actually
just admit that
it hurt a little bit.
Here's the toughest part
about relationships.
- Mm-hmm.
- By the time you get
close enough to realize
somebody is not the person
for you,
it's always going to hurt
to break away.
- Right.
- But you're never gonna fully move
if you just gloss over it.
I want you to deal
with that emotion.
- When we broke up,
it sucked, and it was hard,
and I hated him, and...
- What'd you hate him for?
- I just was mad that he
couldn't meet me at my level.
He couldn't give me
what I wanted.
- He could.
He chose not to.
- Jeez.
- That's just real.
That's just real.
Own that.
- I was rejected.
- Exactly.
- And it hurt, and it sucked.
- But there's still
that emotional baggage
that you've been
dragging around.
What's the biggest thing
you guys learned
from being tied up today?
- It was a little annoying,
you know, to be tied up.
I was about to lose it.
- Or he hates me.
- I'm just very independent.
- Well, for me,
it just validated
the reasons we broke up.
- You validated the fact
that you don't like
being tied to each other.
Again, admit it.
Move on.
It's gonna make your life
a lot easier.
So, Ashley and Antonio,
obviously this was a very
intense experience for you two.
Let's start right there.
Ashley, you basically blocked
a grown man
from going to the bathroom.
- No, I felt like he was just
trying to control me
the past 24 hours.
- How long have you guys
known each other?
- Over three years.
- He's been controlling you
for three years
with the purse strings.
And you're trying
to control him
by not letting him go
to the bathroom.
You're no longer taking money
from him on this island,
but you're still making him
pay emotionally
every step of the way.
That's been you guys' cycle.
- Antonio and Ashley
just holding on
to just trying to one-up
the other one,
trying to get back...
Somebody has to wave
the white flag,
and nobody wants to wave
the white flag.
Each one of them wants to get
the knockout,
and it's not about that.
- What happened with the shoes?
- They're missing.
I don't know where they're at.
- Does anybody know
where the shoes are?
- No.
- Ashley, do you know
where those shoes are?
- Yes, I do.
- Mm! Wow!
- Oh, my God.
- Wow!
- Oh!
- Are you serious?
- She let you sit in misery
all day long.
And look at her!
- Give 'em back!
- Look at how happy she is,
knowing how miserable
she made you.
- She act that [bleep] out
good as hell.
- This is about control.
Ashley, let me ask you
this question.
Is what he did to you
in this relationship
so bad that you
have to punish him this much?
He cheated on you.
You cheated on him.
- No...
- He packed up your stuff
and threw it out, and you packed
up his shoes and hid them
to make him pay and atone
for what he did?
- I just want him to stop.
- That's what it is.
You see that?
You can't see that?
- Yeah, I was probably
getting him back, yeah.
- You don't like him.
You don't want to be with him.
There's always going to be stuff
he does that you don't like.
The best way to do it
is just leave him alone.
Be done.
And, Antonio,
do you know how you would get
under her skin?
- Don't care.
- Stop caring.
When are you going to say,
"Enough is enough.
I deserve a woman
who treats me better than this"?
This exercise made you realize
how, emotionally,
you're still dragging
each other around.
And whenever you even think
about pulling each other
back in,
remember how
that deadweight felt
dragging you around today.
- Okay.
- Why would you put yourself
back in that situation?
- It won't happen.
- Ashley, give that man
his shoes back.
- He'll have them back.
- Samantha and Sean?
You two seemed to have
a very positive reaction
to that challenge
this morning.
People were making comments,
saying you look like you're
on your damn honeymoon.
Why is that?
- Obviously, everyone thinks
that we haven't let go.
There's a connection there.
- Why do you think
everybody thinks that?
- 'Cause there is.
And I'm not denying it.
There is.
- Last night you guys
sat at that bonfire
and admitted that the marriage
was a complete flop.
- From the past, it was, yeah.
- Yeah. But who...
No one's
arguing that, for sure.
- We ask you about the high
times in your relationship,
about the high points,
both of you always point
to the same exact thing,
and that's the sex life.
That has been the only way
you have been able
to comfort each other.
And when confronted
with the finality
of the reality
of maybe moving on
apart from each other,
you both got scared to death,
and you ran back
and comforted each other
in the only way you know how,
and that's by having sex.
- Wow.
- Yeah, we can't share.
- That's for sure.
- We can...
- We have sex last night,
but we can't share a fork today.
- I'm always watching, guys.
You two are so
in each others' face,
there's no work going on.
- He says they're having sex?
They really need to extract that
from their relationship.
They're each other's
just comfortable place.
- I'm still open to the idea
of her and I being together.
- You're doing here
the same thing you do out there.
"Maybe we can get back together.
Maybe we can't."
You say some hurtful things,
and you forgive him.
"Oh, your feelings are hurt."
"Oh, I'm upset too."
"Oh, let's have sex."
"Well, maybe we can work it out
and get back together."
"Let's put the rope back on."
- Yeah, but...
- You haven't even
given yourself time
to get to know anybody else
on this island.
You literally
drag each other around
going through the same cycle.
You've been doing this
for six years.
When is it gonna be enough?
Sean, I feel like
you need a break.
- No, I'm okay.
- You're getting frustrated.
- I'm not getting frustrated.
- Yes, you are.
You're getting frustrated.
- No, I just don't understand.
- You're mixing around the seat.
Your mouth is twisted up.
I see the steam
coming off of you.
- There's baggage there
with everybody, you know.
And I'm not
in the [bleep] point
to sit here and start, like,
jumping into everybody else's
[bleep] and like,
"Oh, you need to do this,"
because I know I need
to work on my own [bleep].
- Coming up on "Ex Isle"...
- But wait. Were you ever
in love with him?
- Yes.
- You never told me!
- Oh, my God.
- Antonio...
he just loses it.
- There's only two people
that have saw
my [bleep]damn
Ashley and her mama!
- You can go have sex
with 20 people.
- What the f...
Oh, [bleep],
she don't get it.
- I feel like we should actually
be giving each other advice,
like some dos and don'ts.
Absolutely, when you go
on a first date,
you should definitely
crack some jokes.
This is like the first real
step to winging.
We're giving them the advice,
to, like,
help them be better
in their next relationship.
- Do not steal
from the next girl you are with.
- Most guys like
when a woman can cook.
- You're not a gangster.
You not the hard girl.
- You literally are just talking
about nothing.
- You go overboard.
"Hey, everybody,
Freddie's here!"
- Oh!
- Like, "Did you tell a joke?
Let me tell one funnier."
- Ah! she got him!
- When you do your cackle
[imitates cackling]
- Tell us how you really feel.
- No, I hate that about you.
I'm sorry.
- Um...
- [imitates cackling]
- There's baggage there
with everybody, you know.
And I'm not
in the [bleep] point
to sit here and start, like,
jumping into
everybody else's [bleep],
and like,
"Oh, you need to do this,"
because I know I need
to work on my own [bleep].
- You both probably have
more in common
with the people here
than you do with the friends
that you have at home
who judge you.
- I agree with that, 100%.
- Me too.
- Your assignment
is just to have fun and mingle.
That's not so hard, right?
- I feel like everyone here
is definitely more relatable
now that we've told
each other
our embarrassing deepest,
darkest secrets.
We both really do
want to be here
to make a change,
to better ourselves
for a lot of reasons.
- Figure it out.
Just figure out alone.
And then if you choose
to figure it out together again
in the end, no problem.
But you still have
a lot more work to do.
Jaymie and John...
you were ignoring each other
for a large part of the day.
- I've just felt
the last couple days
like everything
out of his mouth was...
bull[bleep] and annoying,
and I just haven't been able
to stand being around him.
I mean,
it's not so much
that I want you
or need you in my life.
It's that I'm okay
with you in my life,
as long as you're not
an inconvenience.
And that's bad on my part,
but that was kind of
my realization today.
- And, John, it's almost like
you'd rather people think
you were a jerk
or a total ass[bleep].
It's a choice, right?
- It is a choice.
Like, honestly, I got tired
of being a nice guy.
I felt it was just easier to be
an ass[bleep] and a jerk.
- Well, it is easier,
because it keeps people away.
- Exactly.
- But when were you
the nice guy?
- I was married
at one point.
I was a super nice guy.
- Okay.
- Jaymie met me at the ass end
of me being a nice guy...
me being generous,
me giving my all to somebody.
- Do you think
that Jaymie took the brunt
of what your ex did to you?
- 100%.
- She deserves
better than that.
- I'm sorry for everything.
You did take the brunt
of everything
that I put you through,
and that wasn't right.
I was selfish,
and I apologize for that,
because you were always
more than worth it.
- [sniffles]
Thank you.
- John, I really feel
like you get it.
- Trying to.
I try to understand myself
every day.
You know, I think I have me
figured out,
and then next thing you know,
I don't.
Like, today me and Nicole
got into it.
I got to a point
where I saw red,
and I do apologize
to Nicole about that.
I was ugly, man.
- And I antagonized you.
- You did, but I am ultimately
in control of myself.
- It's a choice, right...
to let somebody
push your own buttons?
It's your mind.
- You're right.
- It's your emotions.
- You're right.
- You are ultimately
in control of that.
Now, the next step
in your next relationship
is to not do it
to the next person.
Drop that anger, okay?
All right, up next,
Nicole and Freddie.
- What's up?
- Now, instead of focusing
on the exercise,
you were being loud
and just trying
to be the center of attention.
What I saw were
you guys deflecting.
You're either screaming,
or you're silent.
There's no middle ground
for the two of you.
- I mean, I think things
improved as the day went on.
- We have a middle ground.
- When you were
screaming at the waiter...
is that the middle ground?
- I wanted to be their friend.
- Mocking his language?
- I mocked his language?
- Yes, you mocked his language.
- Did I?
- Yes.
It was very disrespectful.
- Mi amigo!
- Amigo.
- Español. Anglais.
Muy, muy, muy, muy, muy,
muy, muy, muy mojito.
- I know you're a comedian,
but that was not funny.
- I honestly did not think
I was mocking his language.
I was actually...
- Very disrespectful.
- I was wanting
to learn Spanish.
- And he's your teacher?
- I mean...
- That was not the time
or the place.
- I can see that.
- You guys always do stuff
at other peoples' expense.
You're yelling at somebody
all the time.
You're acting out at somebody
all the time.
Why does everything
have to be
so larger than life
with both of you?
Nicole, you can't
have Freddie around,
because every time
you look at him,
you start screaming,
yelling, acting up,
making a whole lot of noise
to get attention.
That's the cycle here.
What you guys
got to understand,
that who you are right now,
sitting in this chair,
is enough.
You don't need any other show.
You get that, Nicole?
- I need to act
like a grown adult,
not do things, as you say,
for attention
or to show out.
I need to speak
my emotions.
- The tone in your voice
right now
is one I have never
heard from you.
You actually sound reasonable.
And the next person
that each of you start dating...
I want them to meet
the person you are tonight.
Just remember
what it felt like
when you were tied down
dragging each other
around that town.
Don't do that to each other
Nobody in this room
deserves that.
I'm proud of you guys.
You came through it.
Here's the good thing
about tonight.
- Mm.
- That's good.
- I'm going to cut that cord
for you.
Come down, guys.
- Yes!
- Yes.
- The rope is symbolic
of our relationship,
with all the ties
that connects us,
and sometimes you can't just
untie a rope piece by piece.
You have to actually just cut
it off to be completely done,
and that's something
that we really needed.
- What's up, bro?
Can I get a hug?
I don't want a high five.
I just want a hug.
You know what I'm saying?
- I feel relieved,
and I want to break through
of all the pain,
the bickering,
and everything else.
I just want everything to stop.
- Don't say no "da-da-da"
'cause my shoes gonna be here.
- I'm not going to be
You have your shoes.
Can we just move on from this?
- By the end of the day,
I realized that
I've been trying to be friends
with John,
but really just
holding on to the issues
that I've had for so long.
I have to move on.
- Ah.
- Cheers to new beginnings.
- Yes.
- Hey, put it up.
- Every time.
- How many times
have we said that?
We're all, like, progressing.
Even Antonio and Ashley
have, like, made a peace.
Like, it's just beautiful.
- What do y'all feel
was the hardest thing?
- Every last one
of us found out
something different
from each other.
Like, for instance,
I would have never guessed
that she would cheat.
I never guessed that.
- Oh, my God.
- Me and her was breaking up
back and forth,
so I could have easily slept
with somebody else!
- It really doesn't matter!
- Oh, my God.
- She didn't know for a fact.
- This girl...
- Guys, guys.
Oh, boy.
Here we go.
- Were you ever
in love with him?
- Yes. Yes.
- You never told me!
- Oh, my God!
- You never told me!
That's the [bleep] [bleep]
that we had problems with.
You never [bleep]
committed to me.
- Antonio...
he just loses it.
It's like, have you not
learned anything?
- If you wanted me in your life,
for the rest of your life,
then you would have
acted right.
- I wanted attention
that you was not giving me.
- You want attention
all the time!
- What?
There's only two people
that have saw
my [bleep]damn daughter.
I cherish my baby.
The two people are Ashley
and her mama!
Think about it...
my daughter is 12!
- I think Antonio
really has feelings for Ashley.
- 12!
- But he has a really weird way
of showing it.
- Oh, I'm special.
You can go have sex
with 20 people.
- What the f...
Oh, [bleep]!
She don't get it!
- Coming up on "Ex Isle"...
The party's about
to get started.
Guys, girls, come on in.
- Oh.
- Whoo!
- Yeah!
- Welcome your new roommates.
- Oh!
- Oh, [bleep]!
- Oh, I'm special, you can go
have sex with 20 people.
- Oh, [bleep]. She don't get it!
- Okay, listen, listen.
You brought your daughter
around her.
You've never brought your
daughter around any other woman.
That's real to you.
You want to feel like you the
only one...that's real to you.
Y'all not talking about that.
Y'all talking about a whole
bunch of other silly [bleep]
that don't matter.
- It's in the past,
and we're moving on.
- Y'all not moving on.
- Yes, we are!
- Y'all say, "I'm moving on,"
but y'all not!
- I just wanted those words.
Three words...
"I love you."
- I can't say "I love you"
when I've always had
my suspicions that he cheated.
[voice breaking]
It's just so draining.
We hurt each other.
We drag each other on.
It was so toxic...
so, so toxic.
Like Dr. Ish said, we don't
have anything else to say,
unless we're fighting.
I don't want to do that
I'm ready to move on.
Can we just talk
about something else?
- No! Hell...
See what I'm saying?
That's the [bleep]
that I'm talking about, man.
That's the [bleep]
that I'm talking about.
And that's how relationships go.
- I don't have time for this.
- You know what you want.
- I really don't.
- Ashley. Ashley, come back.
- Why are you leaving?
[door slams]
- I'm going to bed.
- Me too.
- Tonight was great!
[fun island music]
- I want to take one of these
to my room.
- Gonna what? Take what?
A candle?
- Yeah.
- Make it more romantic?
Sounds like you guys
have enough romance
going on in your room,
- Oh.
- You guys are the only ones
on the island
getting any type of [bleep]
romance, all right?
Brush that [bleep] off
on somebody else.
- We're in a different place
than everybody,
and I'm so excited.
I'm feeling so good.
I'm just feeling
more confident and happy.
- I saw your face lit up
when Ish said that,
"But y'all had sex!"
You was like...
- [bleep] Ish, bro.
[bleep] him, just knowing
everything, dude.
- Ish know everything, yo.
- There's an event on the board.
- Yeah, I saw that.
"Cocktail party tonight.
Dress to impress."
- Oh, you looks nice, though.
Let me check you out.
Let me check you...
- Going to a cocktail party.
- I see! Man, let me...
Oh, look at you!
- Ah!
- If you were gonna hook up
with anybody, who would it be?
- Myself.
I would choose myself.
- I haven't even hooked up
with myself yet.
- I know. I haven't either.
And that's why
we're all going crazy.
- Which one do you think?
- I mean, they look...
I mean, I can't choose,
but I say go with the one you
just off the top like.
I'm excited about
this cocktail party,
but I just...I feel
an uncertainty in the air,
like, you know, there's
always some type of twist,
to keep us on our toes.
On the one hand,
like, I know that it can't just
be a cocktail party,
'cause we already
did that with each other.
- You good?
- I'm tripping.
- Oh, I love her dress.
- All right.
- So I'm like,
"What's going on, Carmen?
"I need answers.
I don't need all these tricks.
I'm too old for this.
I can't take this, Carmen."
- Hey, guys.
So how was your day today?
- It was good.
- Yeah, good.
- Ready to have
some fun tonight, perhaps?
- Yep.
- Yes.
- You guys all came here
saying you're ready to move on.
I think you all needed to do
a little bit of work first...
- Yes.
- Agreed.
- To put the past
where it belongs...
in the past.
- Yeah.
- Yes.
- She's so slow with it,
and I'm just like, "Get to it!"
I'm so anxious right now.
This is not good for my nerves.
- Do you think
you're all ready?
all: Yes!
- Amen!
- Yeah.
- Positive.
- Hmm. We'll see.
- God dang.
- Buckle up.
The party's
about to get started.
Guys, girls, come on in.
- Oh, [bleep].
- Oh!
- Oh, my God.
- Hi.
- I already call dibs.
- Yeah. Whoo!
- Thank God we got
some fresh blood in here.
- Yay!
- Wow!
all: Whoo!
- These guys here are
all single, looking for love,
and ready to meet new people
just like you.
- New friends.
- Freddie, you all right?
Finally, I see beautiful women,
so it's on now.
- Ladies, which one want it?
Which one want it, ladies?
- We're pumped to see
new people on the island,
and we are ready to move on.
- They're hot.
Fresh meat.
- Exes,
there's bedrooms downstairs
that you haven't even seen yet.
And these guys have already
moved their stuff in.
- What?
- Dog, can I get some?
- Roomies.
- Can I get it again?
Right now.
[bleep] is
about to get crazy.
I predict fights, jealousy...
and sexual activity going on.
I have to compose myself.
[exhales sharply]
- Welcome your new roommates.
- Yay!
- Oh! Let's go, baby!
- Yes, hello.
- You're safe. Shut up.
Your wife's next to you.
- Oh, I'm not worried
about being safe.
Are you seeing that?
- Oh, wow, mama!
- Sean is a hard person
to figure out.
He does want a family
and be settled down,
but he has a lot of moments
where he wants to be
fun, party Sean.
- Sean, Samantha,
how y'all doing over there?
Y'all good?
Y'all still with us?
- Solid, bro.
How you doing?
- Samantha, don't
forget to breathe.
You like...
- All right, guys.
Get to know each other.
Have some fun.
And I'm out of here.
- I need a drink.
- Hi. I'm Matt.
- Matt?
- Pleasure to meet you.
- I'm thinking to myself,
"Oh, my God,
this girl looks damn like
Nicki Minaj."
- No, we need one more shot.
- Hi. I'm Sean.
Nice to meet you.
I could tell that Samantha...
she's obviously nervous.
But for me, personally,
I'm feeling like
my own man who's going to
do his own thing.
- You're all friends
with your exes, right?
- Who, me and Brittney?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- Good.
- I mean, I'm not trying
to, like, brag,
but I'm literally
in my element right now.
Here's some wine.
- I'm down for that.
- You know, we're having drinks,
talking to Roxy,
talking to Margot,
talking to Brittane.
- I'm actually interested
in this guy right here.
- This is basically,
like, my...
my zone.
- Evan. Brittane.
- Brittane.
- Nice to meet you.
- Brittney, Brittane.
- And we're just twins.
- It's so interesting.
- You just go
for what you know.
- Yeah, I think
he just feels comfortable.
- When I was seeing Lucas
want to be like Don Juan,
after spending
all this time together,
yeah, it's enough
to confuse a gal.
- I'm Sean. Nice to meet you.
- Sean. Amy. Nice to meet you.
- I'm going to let
every girl here know
he's going to use you
for one thing.
He can say what he wants
about me,
but I will always be around,
and they're not
going to last long.
I'll make sure they know that.
- Do you like chocolate?
- Mmm, yeah.
- Okay, perfect.
- I can tell you right now
that I'm not going to get along
with this chick at all.
- Do you like white stuff?
- Uh-huh.
- Gets the girls every time.
- Brittney. Brittney?
- They have kids?
- You guys have kids?
- Well, they got a kid.
- Oh, that's right.
- What the hell is that?
Do you see what I'm seeing?
Like, why is she doing
that [bleep]?
- Yeah.
- You're married and divorced?
- [bleep] is crazy.
- Then what are you doing here?
- Next time on "Ex Isle"...
- Oh, [bleep].
- If she's not happy,
then no one's happy,
but I could care less.
- [moaning]
- Each board represents
one of the new singles.
- Go get your man, girls!
- I'm tripping you guys up.
- Uh-oh!
- [screaming]
- Why am I here?
- How could you not get that?
- I'm a 32-year-old man,
and I'm going to make
my own decisions.
- Sean, do not walk away.