Escape to the Chateau (2016–2019): Season 3, Episode 2 - Spring - full transcript

Dick plans to tame the walled garden by buying a tractor. Angel designs a boudoir with black walls and mirrors. The couple explore truffle farming and there is a wedding proposal.

(light music)

- [Narrator] Once upon a time

there was an abandoned
chateau in France,

where no-one had lit
a fire or run a bath

for years and years.

Then one day, an
intrepid couple unlocked

its giant front door.

- Turn, turn, turn, turn.

- It's pretty incredible.

- [Narrator] And instantly
fell under its spell.

- Everything is gorgeous.

- [Narrator] Engineer
Dick Strawbridge

and his wife, designer Angel.

- [Angel] Drop me
your locks darling.

- [Narrator] Were
determined to make it

into a magical family home.

- So incredibly important
to bring it back to life.

- [Narrator] But
despite their hard work,

their dream often
resembled a nightmare.

- Dick just found a bat's nest.

Behind every romantic
story is the reality.

- [Narrator] Now two years on,

is it happily ever after?

Or does a does of
reality threaten

this French fairytale?

- You should not be
able to see the sky

out of your roof.

- When you said they
were gonna be pollarded

I thought they were gonna
have a little haircut.

- [Narrator] It's the
beginning of Spring,

and Angel is opening
up the chateau

to the fresh air and sun.

Outside, much to her relief,

new shoots are beginning to show

on the pollarded lime trees.

While over in the walled garden,

the scent of freshly
turned soil fills the air

as Dick prepares the
ground for planting.

- Now we're heading into Spring,

it's glorious weather
and it's warming up.

We have to get things growing,

the clock is ticking and
nature doesn't wait for you,

you just gotta get into it.

So getting a greenhouse,
getting a coal frame,

starting producing our grub,

I'm very excited,
this is fun for me.

- [Narrator] The walled
garden once supplied

all the fruit and
vegetables to the Baglioni

who lived in the
chateau from 1869.

This year, Dick is
not only determined

to regenerate all 2,000
square meters of it.

But also establish
a 30 tree orchard

at the front of the chateau.

In its heyday,

the chateau would have had
two full time gardeners.

Now there's just one doing
what he can, when he can.

So if Dick's to achieve
any of his grand plans,

he needs Angel's help.

But to get his wife
out into the garden

is going to be one of
his toughest challenges.

- There's so much to learn.

- Yeah but you'll do it.

- You're just gonna have
to tell me what to do.

Wow it's great but
it's bursting isn't it.

- [Narrator] Every year,
Angel spends 100's of pounds

buying flowers for
events at the chateau.

This year, she's hoping
Dick will grow them for her.

- Angela said to me
when I first met her,

she was never gonna
become a land girl.

But having said that,
she wants flowers,

I don't really grow flowers,

so she's gonna have to get
in there, get involved.

The garden is defining
itself isn't it?

Most walled gardens,
all walled gardens,

the quadrant yeah have
got four different beds

which usually people rotate
their vegetables through.

- [Narrator] But when
it comes to gardening,

Angel's only interested
in one thing.

- Where will my flowers go?

- [Dick] So where do
you wanna plant them?

I'm asking you.
- I don't know.

Am I gonna plant them, I guess.

- I've got the veggies to do

but on a serious note,

do you know what you
want to plant yet?

- I've got a bit of an idea.

- You need to start
thinking what you want.

Pace that out, pace it out

see how many Angela steps it is.

- Dick's desperate to
get me in the garden.

I mean honestly within
a week of meeting me,

he sent me these boots.

He's a country man
and I am a city girl.

- [Dick] Bigger steps,
bigger, you're doing bigger.

- I'm not a land girl,

I've never had a garden,

I don't know about
this sort of thing.

- 12, okay.

- If I'm gonna plant I need
nothing to sting the children

and I can come out here and
plant with the children.

That's the thing that I need.

- [Dick] So how are
you gonna do that?

- Well I'm gonna
need it prepped.

- Doesn't work like
that in a garden.

Gardening is doing the prep.

- [Narrator] But when
the garden's the size

of eight tennis courts,

Angel's understandably not
too thrilled by the idea.

- Do I wanna get into
the fruit and veg?

No, no I don't.

I've got so much
going on that I can't

throw myself into it
'cause we've still got

a business to run.

We've still got two
very young children,

still got school runs, still
got a house to maintain.

A garden of this size,
the project is huge.

- [Narrator] Angel
also knows full well

that once Dick's absorbed
in his gardening,

work inside the chateau
could grind to a halt.

So before the wedding season
begins in 10 weeks time,

Angel's determined he help
create a third guest suite.

A sumptuous boudoir out
of two servant's rooms

located on the third floor.

- Right, talk to me
about this boudoir.

- I love the fact that
when I first saw this

that these two doors
were at an angle right

and I want to keep this
vestibule exactly as it is.

- But pull them.

- Could I carry on for a second

and then you can say.

I want to keep.
- It is ugly.

- It's not ugly.

This angled doorway is lovely.

How I would like it
is that this remains,

this wooden archway
remains but this--.

- [Dick] It's a
door frame darling,

it's not an archway.

- Oh whatever, whatever.

Okay wooden, two wooden
doorways at an angle,

I don't want them
to go I like them.

And I think they're fun
and I don't want to lose

the history of that.

What I would like to
come down is this.

- Don't do that, the hardwood
will come down there.

- Okay well I'm quite in
the mood to get that going.

- Hold on.

That's coming down,
has to come down.

- That has to come down so.

From here to here is a
lovely bathroom space.

- Okay that's the bathroom.

- [Narrator] Angel
then plans to use

the second servant's
room as the bed space.

- Obviously that's
coming down as well.

- Oh that's something
because oh you see.

Now put this in here,

'cause this was a toilet.

- Have you looked
inside, I have.

- [Narrator] Still
visible inside a cupboard

is newspaper once used as cheap
lining paper for the walls.

- That says 1880.
- 1880.

- This is interesting,

look at the articles at
the time, what else we got?

Oh look above this
one, look above

what does that say?

Fashion for babies for example,

you can buy a collection
of (foreign language)

Japanese and Chinese
stuff, you love that.

- [Angel] You're joking
me, isn't that great?

- [Narrator] In 1880,
about nine servants

worked for the Baglioni family,

most sleeping in
these simple rooms

at the top of the chateau.

Today, Angel has
much grander ideas

for their old accommodation.

- I want this to
feel a bit different.

I'm gonna go quite dark
in this room strangely.

- Are you?
- Yeah.

I've got black and gold.

- Turkish brothel I
think was the phrase,

I don't know why.

- Boudoir's not
particularly the best word

but I want a different
feel to this room.

- [Narrator] To help give
their third guest suite

a new look,

Angel has taken
inspiration from the 1920s.

- I'm always drawn to
art deco everything

and I'm just loving all
this black and gold.

Oh man it's just so
elegant and so beautiful.

And I love all the shapes
and the geometry of this,

so I'm gonna take little bits

and I'm gonna put it in a
version that I can afford.

I don't know how yet,

but I always find a way.

- [Narrator] Now Dick has
agreed to work on the boudoir,

he's managed to negotiate
some extra time outside.

One job he's hoping to
complete this Spring

is the reconstruction of
the Victorian greenhouse

that once stood in
the walled garden.

- Right Steve come into the,

I suppose it's a
greenhouse mind your head.

- [Steve] Oh you have
to use those tools.

- [Narrator] Helping Dick
re-create his lost garden

is his building mate Steve.

- All we've got left
from the originals right,

we've got that angle
is an important angle.

That's the angle of the
roof and look at the arch,

the arch has sunk but the
keystone is still in place.

- [Steve] Yeah so doing its job.

- And I want that arch as it is.

- [Narrator] Like a lot
of jobs at the chateau,

retaining an original feature
often means starting again.

- There we go, turn
down here in order.

- Are you sure?
- That's not too terrible.

- [Steve] Are you sure?

- This is perfectly safe.

- [Narrator] As the restoration
of the walled garden

will be an enormous job,

Dick is keen that Angel

learns some essential
gardening skills.

- I'm finally turning
Angela into a land girl.

Starting with pruning wisteria

and she's never done it before,

she won't be able to say
that in an hour's time.

- [Narrator] Unfortunately,
the pollarding

of the lime trees

may have dampened Angel's
enthusiasm for pruning.

- Okay now we better
get on with this

'cause we've got quite
a lot to do here.

This is your experimental prune.

When you're pruning okay,

the thing's you're gonna
chop off are all the D's.

Diseased, number one,

damaged, dead, disorderly
and damn right ugly okay.

- Okay like this.

- Oh look at that.
- That's broken.

- So that you see
disease can get in there.

So it's damage
we'll cut that off.

- I think that's a bit
disorderly as well.

- First things first,

there's a lot to do
here to get trimmed off.

- The stuff at the top
you want that sort of like

going up and being all.

- No, no, no.
- Or not, is it too heavy.

- This is the time of
year where you give

it a savaging so it
comes back stronger.

- Okay.
- Savage it,

it'll come back stronger.

Cruel to be kind.
- Like the trees.

- Cruel to be kind.
- Like the trees.

- [Dick] Maybe you're not
the right person to do this.

So let's not mess around,
put your gloves on.

- What if it doesn't grow back?

- Angela.
- Yes.

- [Dick] See here, this one,
keep pulling, nearly there.

Keep pulling, keep pulling.

- I know but then I put
all my pressure on there

and that's why it fell.

All right you do it.

- [Dick] No watch, I can do it,

that's not what it's about.

- But you were holding that and.

- You have to get
it, don't argue,

you're acting like Dorothy.

Get it at right angle's to
the cut and make the cut.

If you have it at
an angle like this

or you're pulling it down, you
don't get a clean cut on it.

- Okay you'll never understand

that I'm not as strong as you

and I'm not as tall as you.

- I do understand.
- No you don't.

No you don't.

- Blah, blah, blah, blah.

Okay what about these
bits sticking out?

What's happening over
this over the window,

we're gonna do all right.
- Oh.

- [Narrator] Coming
up the chateau drive,

is Dick's new 10,000 pound
gadget for the garden.

- [Angel] It's the tractor.

Oh baby I just never thought
we were gonna get a tractor.

- [Narrator] Dick's

for such a large investment,

is that it will save him
weeks of back breaking work

in the walled garden.

And just as
importantly, it's fun.

(foreign language)

- [Dick] Okay what do you
think (foreign language).

- [Narrator] At 10,000
pounds, Angel hopes

it's more than just pretty.

- Does it do what
you need it to do?

- At the moment it's got the

so we've got to have
the blade at the front.

We need some more
attachments to it,

that we should try and
pick up second hand.

- And are all attachments
compatible with it?

- It's a standard
three point take off

which is a category one
three point take off.

I love you so much,

she has no idea what
I'm talking about.

- [Narrator] Angel
then makes an obvious,

but crucial observation.

- Do we need to
definitely check it gets

in our walled garden?

- It's a bit late,
we've paid for it.

- Have we, okay.
- Yeah.

- [Narrator] Dick has
big plans for his 2,000

square meter walled garden.

The only problem,

a gate just 125
centimeters wide.

- [Dick] Okay
(foreign language).

- Suspense.

- (foreign language)

- [Angel] No, oh it's only go.

(foreign language)

- [Arthur] Yeah it's nice.

- [Narrator] Just
as excited as Dick,

is four year old Arthur and his
two year old sister Dorothy.

- [Dick] Now what do you
think of our tractor?

- [Arthur] Good,
can we drive it?

- [Dick] Oh no it doesn't go.

- Why?

- Course it goes.

Okay that's enough,

if you press the horn
the police come you see

so you've gotta be
careful, it's the law.

- [Narrator] The
children might be keen

to have a go on the tractor.

But persuading Angel to get
involved in the gardening

is not as easy.

So a few days later,
Dick changes tactic.

He's decided to appeal
to her love of fine food.

- How much do you reckon
a truffle is a kilo?

- More expensive than gold.

More expensive that diamonds.

- No, no.

- [Narrator] Even though
the north west of France

is not known for its
truffle production,

Dick has discovered a
farm where they sell

for 1,000 pounds a kilo.

And he's hoping that if
Angel likes what she sees,

she might be interested in
cultivating them herself.

- [Dick] These must be
the truffle areas look.

- [Narrator] Truffles
grow around the roots

of oak and hazelnut trees.

And it's their earthy
aroma that makes them

one of the world's more desired
and expensive delicacies.

- Nice house.
- Beautiful isn't it?

- [Narrator] The magnificent
Chateau de Noiree

has been in the same
family for over 400 years.

- (foreign language)

- [Narrator] Meeting
Dick and Angel

are the current
custodians, Patrick.

- [Dick] Hi Dick.

- [Narrator] His wife Marion.

- [Dick] Marion
(foreign language).

- [Narrator] And most
importantly their dog JB.

- (foreign language)

- [Narrator] In some places,

pigs are used to find truffles.

But Dachshunds like JB
are just as effective.

And crucially, don't
eat the produce.

- [Dick] Come on puppy
dog, big truffle time.

How far down?

- It is the end of the
season so it might be like.

- Seriously?
- Like 15 centimeters

or something.
- Whoa.

- [Angel] No pressure
mate, no pressure.

- [Narrator] There are several
different types of truffle.

But Patrick and
Marion specialize

in one of Dick and
Angels' favorites,

the black Perigord.

- [Dick] I'm getting
quite excited now.

- [Narrator] All the trees
here have been inoculated

with a black Perigord fungus

which then grows
around the roots.

All JB has to do is find them.

- [Dick] First truffle.

For you, that's a good truffle?

- It's a good truffle
but it's not a big one.

- It's not a big one.

What size do you find?

- [Patrick] Biggest one was
more than one kilo like this.

- More than one kilo?

Look at this, oh
that is so lovely.

- [Narrator] Most
French black truffles

come from the Drome
area in the south east.

Here in the north west,

it's considered a
high risk business.

But for Dick and Angel,

the reward could be
well worth the effort.

- Come on we're hunting.

This is great, I'm
loving this, he loves it.

The dog is very happy.

He's not messing around,
there's another one.

- [Narrator] In a good season,

each oak tree produces about

two to three
kilograms of truffles.

Even if Dick and Angel plant
just a couple of trees,

the menu at the chateau
could be transformed.

- [Dick] You're
such a clever boy.

- I feel excited about the
garden for the first time.

And I've been here two years,

and Dick's continuously
tried to get me engaged.

But I've just not
had that connection.

And I'm here today in
this amazing orchard

I am literally like let's
get home and test the soil.

- [Dick] One, two,
three, four, five.

This is gonna be the future
of truffle production

at the chateau.

- [Narrator] Dick already
has plans to plant a

30 tree orchard in
front of the chateau.

To include a few oak
trees for truffles,

would not only give
them a luxurious supply

but also, hopefully, entice
Angel into the garden.

Unfortunately, truffle
growing is not easy.

- To grow truffles, our soil
needs to have a PH of eight,

which means it's alkaline.

- [Narrator] To test the soil,

Dick simply mixes some earth
and water in a PH tester

and gives it a good shake.

- There we go, got a grade A

in my chemistry O Level in 1976.

I want it to be dark green,

but that's not dark green.

I would say that's
getting on for neutral,

which is a PH of seven.

Now that's not what I wanted,

I wanted a PH of eight.

I'm a bit gutted actually.

- [Narrator] The
difference is enough

to halt their dream of
cultivating truffle trees

But Dick decides,
it's definitely a
dream worth pursuing.

- What I have to do now
is I'm gonna have to

condition this soil over
the course of the summer

and come end of October,

I should be able to get out
here and plant my truffle trees.

It just means I'm
a season behind,

but oh well, we don't
rush things do we?

- [Narrator] Over in
the walled garden,

the Victorian greenhouse
is beginning to take place.

The outside wall and
internal plant beds

have been restored and the
entrance completely re-built.

- That's gonna outlive
both of us isn't it?

- [Steve] I certainly hope so.

- It is actually
holding up isn't it?

The arch is solid.

- [Steve] Little bit, just
trim those little bits off

and that's it.

- That's doing nothing.

So the arch doing exactly
as it's supposed to do.

We could have screwed
it up but we didn't.

- [Narrator] As well
as recreating the
original structure,

Dick also wants to
utilize its simple,

but ingenious heating system.

- Even on a winter's day,
a little bit of sunshine,

this will warm up.

So it's all going
to get nicely warm.

But, come nighttime the
temperature drops quickly.

Now, cooled air sinks.

I reckon, this is where
it gets clever for me,

I've got three little slots here

and these little slots have
got foot wells underneath them

and the arm air
gets pushed up here

and over the beds.

Could be enough to keep the
frost off our bedding plants

which means again you've
extended your growing season.

Obviously not my idea,

I've inherited it but I love it.

- [Narrator] Another job
demanding Dick's attention

is the 40 year old Citroen van

which Angel bought
online for 2,000 pounds.

Despite its age and the damage
incurred during delivery.

Angel still wants to
turn it into a mobile bar

for the chateau weddings.

If Dick can fix the engine.

- Right I'm gonna make a
suggestion, how we go for this.

I will get things functioning.

You then start
making the decision

about what you want
to have to happen

to the inside box
and then painting it
and things like that.

- But just you
know I am thinking

that the bar will be.

- No, don't, don't, no, no

you'll change your mind three
times anyway, off you go.

I love ya.

It's a cracking project,

it's just pity we've
got everything else

to get sorted out as well.

'Cause like all things
it's not just one job

on the go here.

- [Narrator] While
Dick tries to get

the van's engine started,

Angel turns her attention
to the boudoir suite.

This year, there
are eight weddings

and 15 food lovers weekends
booked in at the chateau.

If this third suite
is finished in time,

it would mean up to six
guests could pay to stay.

- Steve.
- Yes.

- [Narrator] Despite
Dick's grumbling,

the original doors are
still firmly in place.

- Oh yeah I love this.

I know it's so random
but I'm so glad

we didn't take that down.

Yeah well done.

- Makes the room
though doesn't it?

It makes the room.

- I think it makes the room.

- It does.
- So on my side.

Don't tell Dick,

I bet you say the
opposite to Dick.

- No I don't, I don't actually.

- [Narrator] Outside,
Dick is still busy

trying to get a very
elderly engine working.

- Everything feels ropey.

And funnily enough I don't
where I wire 1970's Citroen's.

But, I will get
power, I'll get fuel,

I'll make things turnover
and we'll see what happens.

- [Narrator] Despite
being 40 years old,

it turns out to be
easier than expected.

- Battery was in the wrong way.

- [Narrator] Once the
battery is in correctly,

Dick fuels up.

And squeezes behind the wheel.

- I still not gonna
just fit in here.

Right let's see what happens.

- [Narrator] Angel's mobile
bar is finally mobile.

Just one last squeeze.

- [Dick] It'll fit, it'll fit.

I should have measured
it shouldn't I really.

- [Narrator] It's
the middle of Spring

and preparing the chateau
for the wedding season

is now a full time job.

And over the next week,

Angel will be busier than ever.

Dick has had to go
away on business,

leaving her in charge
of their 45 room home.

- When Dick's here,
you don't think about

how big the house is.

And when he goes away,

there's so much to kind
of boggle your mind.

I have to walk around the house

to see what windows are open.

There is 80 odd windows.

The Baglioni's,

they never really had to worry

because they had a
whole team of staff

that were here all the
time, very different.

- [Narrator] Even though
Dick's not here to help,

work on the boudoir
suite continues at pace.

- [Angel] Hello, hello.

I have a gift for you.

- Wow.

- [Narrator] Angel
wants the whole suite

to be a sumptuous
black and gold.

She's so enamored
with this color scheme

that she even
wants gold grouting

around the black bathroom tiles.

- [Angel] So these arrived,

I think we're gonna
need a lot more.

- [Steve] I do too.

- I want sort of a
lovely shiny gold color.

- Steve's gonna glitter
and shine in the sunshine

when he gets outside.

- It's golden grout o'clock.

- [Narrator] Angel then comes
up with a much less messy,

but just as laborious solution.

Gold oil paint.

- It's gonna take
a little while,

but it's gonna look great.

- [Narrator] But even gold
can soon lose its luster,

so Angel and
Dorothy head outside

to try their hand at gardening.

The wisteria around the
orangery needs pruning

and Angel's keen
to give it a go.

If she can remember the rules.

- So Dick gave me
the master class,

it was all the D's.

I don't know, damn right ugly
is the one that I remember.

Dead, disorderly.

I'm just kind of trimming this

and then I'll see, kind
of see where it goes.

- [Narrator] Despite
Dick's instructions,

Angel has decided the best
way to prune is her way.

- I'm gonna do it the
way that I want to do it.

Got my helper here, together
we'll do it just lovely.

And I'll see and if next
year, it needs pruning

a little bit more, I'll
prune it some more.

- [Narrator] Dick might not
approve of her pruning methods,

but Angel does appear
to be finally turning

into a bit of a land girl.

- No I'm having
quite a nice time

and I'm loving things looking
neat and tidier and growing.

I mean it's beautiful.

- [Narrator] A week later,
Dick is on his way home.

- [Dick] Hello.

Hi beautiful, hello,
give us a big one.

Did you miss me?
- Yeah.

- [Dick] Did you
miss me, I hope so.

- [Narrator] Knowing
her husband well,

Angel has prepared
a dinner of steak

and homemade truffle butter.

- [Angel] Little bit more.

- [Dick] Darling
girl, get it near me

I can't reach it from there.

- [Angel] Looks
alright doesn't it?

- Absolutely yummy okay.

- I'm so excited for this meal,

and my man's been away,
my husband's been away.

- I have darling and
I came back to you

having used the truffles.

- [Angel] It's been
a productive week.

- Do I love you or what?

The way to a man's heart is
through his truffle butter

and a great steak.

May I?
- Yes.

- Go on, go.

- [Narrator] Now Dick is back,

the restoration of the
Victorian greenhouse

can finally be completed.

- I've got

72 panes of glass
to put in here.

They're all bound
to fit perfectly.

- [Narrator] Dick has
carefully calculated

the exact quantity and
size of each glass pane.

All he has to do
now is fit them.

- Do you know how many times
I've done this before, none.

I don't know what
the technique is

but I know what I'm doing

and that's my first sheet
of glass in the greenhouse.

- [Narrator] Seven
long hours later,

the 19th century greenhouse
is fully restored

to its former glory.

- It's been a good day's work.

- [Narrator] Or at least
it's nearly restored

to its former glory.

- But I have a greenhouse,

except I'm missing
a piece of glass.

- [Narrator] A few days later,

Angel's up early because
she's keen for the chateau

to look even more
romantic than usual.

- Today we've got two guys
coming for food lovers weekend

and there's gonna be a proposal.

I was really touched,

it's just such a
compliment isn't it?

Let's hope he says yes.

- [Narrator] As one of
the guests is planning

to pop the question
during dinner,

Angel has decided to bring
the garden into the chateau

and adorn the dining room
with a thousand tiny flowers.

As well as proposing,

the main purpose of the
food lover's weekend

is for guests to enjoy the best

of the Loire's abundant produce.

- Cauliflower's in season,

cauliflower puree with
lots of white pepper.

We'll put some slow
cooked duck on,

they said they like
duck so it's a nice,

it's a good dish, duck breast.

- [Narrator] Being a
huge food lover himself,

Dick one day hopes to
grow most of the menu

in the chateau's walled garden.

But in the meantime
is happy to create

a seven course dinner
from local ingredients

and watch Angel
enjoying herself.

- You can tell Angela's excited

because she's got a
spring in her step,

she's smiling a lot, she
wants them to be happy

and that's what it's all
about, making them happy.

And I'll just make sure
the food tastes all right.

- That's good, we are
getting somewhere.

I've got some more
window stuff to do.

- [Narrator] Two year old
Dorothy's keen to know

what's going on.

- Well, I can't tell you.

It's a secret.

But I'll tell you later,

you know I love her to bits,

but she'll be like are
you going to propose?

I've just said it,
you didn't hear that.

- [Narrator] With Dorothy
safely tucked up in bed,

Dick and Angel head out
to welcome their guests,

Michael and Nathan.

- Hello, I'm Dick mate,

lovely to meet you.
- Oh welcome.

- It's so beautiful.
- It's not bad, is it?

- [Narrator] That evening, just
before her guests come down,

Angel checks that the dining
room is perfect for a proposal.

- [Nathan] Wow this is
unbelievable, oh my goodness.

- Oh it's amazing.

Look at all of
this on the table.

- [Nathan] I know it's
just so beautiful.

- Please take a seat, Nathan.
- Oh thank you.

- [Angel] Now what
would you like to drink?

- [Narrator] In the kitchen,

Dick's decided to kick off
the evening of French food,

fine wine and romance with
an (foreign language),

chicken gizzards.

- Beautiful, this little dish,

it's just gonna be
like little meaty,

it's very rich actually

that's why we've got the
onion marmalade with it.

So it makes a little homemade
onion marmalade, service.

- We're talking
about Bette Davis.

Right just tell me
what is it again baby.

- [Dick] (foreign
language) onion marmalade.

- I can't even say it.

- (foreign language),

nobody really knows,
make up a word.

- Oh wow.

That is beautiful.

- [Narrator] Tonight's proposal

has been secretly
planned for weeks.

But as the evening progresses.

- How is your rose?

- It's really nice.

- [Narrator]
Michael's discovering

that it's much easier
said than done.

- It all happens
after the soup course.

- [Narrator] There's
romance in the air.

- It is quite a romantic
place really you know.

- Love is in the air.

- Nathan, will you marry me?

- Yes I would.

- [Dick] I take it he said yes.

- He said yes.
- He said yes.

- Congratulations, well done.
- Thank you.

- Congratulations you.
- Congratulations.

- [Narrator] It's
the end of spring.

Guests are already turning up
for the food lover's weekends

and the busiest wedding
season yet it about to begin.

- It's nice and heavy isn't it?

- [Narrator] So it's
all hands on deck

to finish the boudoir suite.

- [Dick] Mind your ankles.

Step up there Steve
out of the way for us,

yeah I can push.

- [Narrator] Down in his study,

Dick is re-wiring
a vintage light

that Angel found on
a bric a brac hunt.

- I feel like I'm in
trouble for getting this.

- Well you don't really ever
think about anything else

when you get it,

you just get it 'cause it
looks what you want it to be.

- Well I got it 'cause
it was also really cheap.

- My issue, I think
it's the wiring

it's a single wire
going to each bulb.

- And you've gotta get a
wire in each one of those.

- Wait hold on, this is easy
compared to the other one

you need to do.

Yeah I know you do, bah humbug.

Yeah go away.

- [Narrator] Upstairs
in the boudoir,

Angel is sill
determined to paint

every inch of grout by hand.

- This looks fab and I'm
really, really, really pleased.

It looks gorgeous, doesn't it?

- [Narrator] Now Dick
has re-wired the light,

it's over to Angel to
take it to the next stage

in its transformation.

Finally, the boudoir
suite is finished.

The third guest
suite of the chateau

is now ready for visitors.

- It's lovely being
in here today.

'Cause when you find this
picture on the internet,

and you never quite know
where you're gonna end up.

But I definitely
knew that I wanted to

have a little bit of
art deco inspiration,

has something a bit more sultry.

It's got named the boudoir suite

because you've got these
beautiful maroon reds and dark.

- [Narrator] The word
boudoir agley comes

from the French (foreign
language), meaning to sulk.

And the boudoir suite, literally
means the sulking place.

- I'm really happy with
the results in here.

We've got this lovely suite now

and it means that I can
come up here and sulk,

'cause it is the boudoir suite

and that's what it's meant for.

- [Narrator] While
Angel's inside applying

the finishing touches
to the new bedroom,

Dick's outside
preparing to transform

over 3,500 square
meters of grass.

- The orchard is about to arrive

and I'll be putting
in my trees today

which means tomorrow
they'll be growing.

And then come the end of the
summer, we'll have fruit.

Not a lot first year I get it,

but we'll still have some.

Right what have we got?

- [Narrator] Among the 24 fruit
trees being delivered today

are plum, pomegranate,
quince, damson and mulberry.

Dick's also hoping to add some
truffle trees in the autumn.

- [Dick] Here we go,
there's one, two, three.

- [Narrator] It's the start
of an extensive orchard,

if Dick manages to
plant all 24 trees

before their roots dry out.

Luckily for him, a new land
girl and her assistants

are coming out to help.

- [Angel] Super daddy.

- [Arthur] Daddy watch this.

- [Angel] Shall I
have a go at this one?

- [Dick] When she gets into
the garden and gets enthused,

I am just so happy, it
makes me smile all the time.

That's it, that's it,
that's it, brilliant.

That's another tree done.

Look at this, mommy's done we
better hurry up to catch up.

- It's lovely being
in the position

where we are doing stuff
now for the future.

And it's just heart
melting to think that

we're not planting
the trees for us,

although I'm sure we're
gonna get joy out of them.

We're doing everything
now for the kids.

The kids being here planting
the trees with us, it's lovely.

- Sange.
- You're a sange,

you're a sange Athur
Donnal Strawbridge.

Now I'm gonna be very careful,

'cause what I'm gonna do

is I'm gonna lift
this out carefully.

See that hole, now wait.

If I tip the mulberry
bush off like this

I can pop it in that
hole and it fits exactly.

Ladies and gentlemen I give
you one planted mulberry bush.

Come on, now we're gonna
wait for them to grow.

- [Narrator] Dick's dream
of gardening alongside Angel

has finally come true.

- [Angel] Arthur,
do a growing dance.

- [Dick] I'm loving
it, I'm loving it.

- [Narrator] Next time.

As spring comes to an end,
the wedding season begins.

- She's just turned up
with six antiquey rose

they're just not right.

- Doing the sums, that's
half a loo roll each,

that should be
enough shouldn't it?

- [Narrator] Angel's
feeling exposed.

- We need a solution.

- What I need is this
bit here up there.

- [Narrator] And the
couple soon find themselves

on a collision course.

- I can't see you.

- [Angel] Okay I'm here,

you told me as long as I can
see you and I can see you.

- I can see you doing this.