Endangered Species (2014–…): Season 1, Episode 17 - Cillfhanger - full transcript
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♪ Let's go on
an adventure! ♪
♪ That isn't very wise! ♪
I love you guys.
♪ This is getting crazier! ♪
♪ It's like we're
Endangered.... ♪
♪ Species! ♪
Once upon an egg roll,
there was a super samurai
kung fu fighting hero.
Her name?
The Bouncing Bunny!
Ho! Ha!
[warbling moan]
And then...?
Gah, then... what?
Gull you're the narrator,
It's your story.
You can make ANYTHING happen.
Oh, yeah!
ok, then...
Bouncing Bunny, um...
She arrived to save
the villagers from...
A no-good villain squirrel!
That's you, Merl!
Yes, this I figure it out.
But no!
The squirrel, he will not
play these ridiculouso games
of smashing the furniture
and making the mess.
If you wish to play the chop
saki grass hockey,
you can do this out of the side.
Again, I say:
I am NOT the karate-chopping
bad guy.
This I am not.
But you sure look like
a bad guy!
No, I do not!
But bad guys always yell.
I mean...
Let me do the rephrasing
This time, dressed
as an astronaut.
The Kung Fu villains, they
do not look like this, yes?
I am off to space, wooosh,
where there are
no Kung-Fu games.
The Villain used every
evil trick he could think of,
including the old: "I am off
to space, wooosh,
where there are no
Kung-Fu games".
But Bouncing Bunny
was not a fool
who could be easily fooled!
My name is Merl and
this is my frowny face,
'cause I'm a big old grumpy
party pooper.
Enough of this!
I shall be your VILLAIN!
Really? Are ya sure?
I am sure.
I mean, bein' a really good
bad guy...
it ain't exactly a walk
in the park Merl.
I will not only walk in this
metaphoric park you speak of,
I will DESTROY the park!
I shall be the WORST KUNG-FU
VILLAIN you ever,
ever imagined!
The evil Kung-Fu squirrel
rode into town.
I raid the village,
plunder the town!
I will close the orphanage.
[evil laugh]
Cry little Panda's,
They asked for "evil?",
the evil I give them.
Servant, come here.
Chop, chop!
Tell me old servant,
how long have you been
working for me?
20 long years,
oh noble rodent.
You are fired.
[still in silly voice]
But why, master????
Because I am evil,
And rule with the fist of iron!
Yeah, nasty Kung-Fu Merl...
he was... err...
plungering the town and,
ruling it with his...
iron tail!
It is not what I said.
I'm the narrator.
So everything I say,
is true.
It's true Merl!
Narrator rules.
The metal tail?
This, I did not expect.
[kung-fu noises]
But the tail, she wags
with extra evilness.
Merl the evil tail
fighting squirrel
now ruled the land
with his iron tail
That is when the bouncing bunny
they call...
'Bouncing Bunny'...
came to the rescue.
Tail fighting squirrel you
will not close the orphanage,
But I already did!
See, the orphanage of which
you speak, it is now closed.
Ohh help!
It is very dark in here for my
very sad orphan eyes!
Bouncing Bunny, it is,
I, Tail-fighting Squirrel,
who tell you now, that I will do
as you said I would not do,
yes, HA?
No! I do not know what it is
that you just said
that you would do or not do
but it is not the doing or not
doing that I would like to do.
[fight noises]
Hey... No fair!!!
Then the Villainous
Tail-fighter, hung his head
and cried.
He cried...
And cried....
...and cried
...and cried...
You made me cry.
Yes, I know.
I am sorry.
But you are the villain
You shall pay... for that...
which you just said.
Well, okay...
Only one shall be one
who is the victorious... one.
Yeah, so, uh...
What happens next?
Oooo. I know
What is this?
It is Gullzilla!
Stick to the Kung-Fu story!
Oh, uh...
Ah, so, meanwhile...
The Villain Tail-fighter
made the most powerful
tail fighting-tail
in all the world.
Then he accidentally
hit his thumb.
Gull! Stop that!
My thumb, she cannot take
the narration!
And then he checked to make
sure that his awesome
new stink fighting tail
was really, really stinky.
Then he burped.
Then he farted.
[loud fart]
This, it is enough!
Then, he let it rip
with a 'Kung-Pow
[loud fart]
Ohh Gullllll!
And then he made a
little squeaky air dumpling.
And then...
[fart sounds]
Let us move on.
His new tail fighting tail
was so powerful,
no weapon could break it.
Plus it err...
had all kinds of other
amazing powers
I haven't thunk up yet!
Even the narrator
was so scared,
he clutched his panda
Ting Ting.
Ting Ting is NO-ting!
[evil laugh]
What're you doing,
Tail-fighter is stronger
than ever.
To defeat him, we must
battle together as one, ha-ha!
Oh. I-I did not know that ha-ha.
[whispering] That's
'cause I just added this bit
to the Kung-FU story.
Oooh! I like it.
And so began the training of
the one they called...
Um... Gull-hopper!
Get on with the story.
Oops, sorry!
Now that the training
was over,
Gullhoper was ready to help
Bouncing Bunny
take on the Evil
Tail-Fighting Squirrel.
I will put an end to the
beginning that is you,
starting now
With my magical
super-fighting tail!
[Kung Fu cries]
[Kung Fu cry]
[Kung Fu cries]
Yeah! Go Bouncing Bunny!
[Kung Fu cries]
[evil laugh]
Ha! I am the victor who is
victorious in his victory
over those who are not
victorious, ha!
Err, sorry?
You're who now?
Never mind, Narrator!
And now... I shall do the
finish of the finishing of you
who are finished, ha!
But then the narrator
remembered something,
really important.
Err, Tail-fighter's fighting
tail was never meant to be used
by bad guys, and...
it could fly!
And it could electrocute
bad guys!
Then the magic tail
fighting tail got its revenge!
I regret no-thing!!!!!
Except for the farting.
Tail-fighter was beaten,
by his own tail.
Then what happened Gull?
Uhh... Well...
The evil Tail-fighter saw
the error of his ways.
Yeah, and then what?!
And... He and his tail met up.
And then?
They were married....
...err... in the spring.
Ya, and then they
started a family...
...and lived happily
ever afters.
Great story Mr. Narrator!
Ooo but then...
...there was a
terrib-bibble storm.
And the brave jungle explorer
turned to his faithful elephant
and said
"Oh faithful elephant"...
Where is that remote?!
It's gotta be around
here somewheres.
That remote didn't just
magically turn invisible.
Wait a minute!
What if it did just
magically turn invisible?
I'll just have to rely on
my sensitive bunny ears.
[imitated radar noises]
Ay-yi-yi, Pickle.
You are making the mess.
This is how the things,
they get lost, yes?
Que? Where is the nice stack of
the couch cushions?
And where is the living room?!
[burps loudly]
Gull, did you just eat
the entire living room?!?!
Hmmm, I might have.
What did it look like?
Oh, I don't know,
the living room!?
Ahh, don't worry.
It always comes out
in the end.
[loud fart]
Do that again.
[loud fart]
Gull, did you eat
the TV Remote?
Nope. I don't think so.
But I did have a very
[smack smack smack]
number-y tasting sandwich.
He swallowed the remote?
The TV Remotes -- they make
the mighty infrared waves!
We must get it out of
him muy rapido.
Gull, stop!
The TV Remote has
infrared lasers in it.
Each time you press
the buttons
it's like a laser gun's
Pew-pewing in your insides!
But don't worry, I've got
a plan!
What is this?
This is our ticket to
a Fantastic Voyage!
It's a shrink ray Gull found
at the dump.
I did?
Oh yeah, it was delicious.
Then two days later
it came out,
just like everything
always does.
I'll shrink down and travel
through Gull's innards
and find that remote.
And how do you intend
to do that?
Ok Merl, shrink down
the sub.
I will guide you with the camera
and the walkie-talkies.
Gull, you must eat
the leeeetle submarine
so we can fix you, yes?
Oh no. I'm full.
I couldn't eat another-
Oh hey!
That made some room.
Bombs away!
Pickle, activate the video
guidance system.
Copy that Merl!
What is keeping you alive!
...Oh! and some gunk I found
under the kitchen sink.
Pickle, head toward
the opening on the right.
Copy that, control.
Woa, what is this place?
I see sparks comin' from a big
mess of tangled wires.
The remote could be buried
in there!
Going in for a closer look.
Looks like we're going to have
untangle this mess.
Wow! How'd you do that!?
Now try to find the other wing!
Well it's not the remote,
but I believe I've uncovered
another problem Gull.
I have a problem?
I wonder what this is for?
Pickle, your bumbling
has caused the microstructure
of my cerebral cortex
to become 403 times
more efficient than
the average individual.
Looks like his brain
was unplugged.
Ack! Do not touch the screens
they are muy, muy delicate!
Merl, one of these
screens has an ancient version
of video ping-pong on it
and another has the "Sale" sign
that came with the monitor.
You have no idea what
you are doing, do you Merl?
Well I-I may not be Mr.
Perfecto, completely --
How do you even
understand yourself?
And you are attempting to fix
The Gull
The gall!
Now it is time someone
with actual brains
was in charge around here.
He may be the Mr. FancypantsBird
With The Words of Bigness
but he is not
the Mr. Nice Gull.
Now Pickle, travel down
my trachea
and into my digestive tract
until you reach the exit.
And do not touch anything
in my delicate micro-system.
I am absolutely adamant
about this Pickle -
remove yourself from
my person immediately.
Copy that Control.
First I gotta get that
Television Remote
so your insides don't explode.
The danger of Television
Remotes is a myth
perpetrated by Luddites
who do not know the first thing
about infrared technology.
A myth!
But the lasers they are-
Hush now. Pickle?
Ooh! I'm coming up on something
big here, Control!
Ah yes.
This is the part of a bird's
anatomy called the Crop.
Everything I've eaten in the
past 72 hours is stored here.
And there's the remote!
Ah! Ah see!
The remote!
Pickle, let me direct
your attention
to the thousands of bacteria
floating below you.
Right now they are placid
but if you move anything,
including the television remote,
they will chase you.
Don't worry Control,
if I do this correctly
they'll never even know
I was here...
No! I forbid it.
Leave the Television
Remote alone!
[mimicking static]
What's that control
you seem to be breaking up.
Easy now, steady.
You can do this...
Gotta get these bacteria
off my tail!
Uh-oh, bacteria's gaining
on me!
Haha! Lost 'em.
If only I had some kind of
laser shootin', button
pushin' thingy to blast 'em
with, wait a minute!
Wait for it, wait for it!
Yipee Kai Yay Microorganisms.
See, the remote waves
they are Mucho powerfullisimo!
Isn't that what she went
in there
to prevent from happening Merl?
I wonder what's
on this channel!
That's the last of them!
I warned you Pickle,
The chaos you are causing has
initiated a volcanic release
of methane gas.
[long burp]
Ooh, pardon!
Pickle, escape, you must!
The gas, she is too much!
I'm with you on that Merl,
I just hope there aren't
any other surprises.
The gas, is causing you
to prematurely return
to normal size!
It is imperative that you vacate
my intestines immediately!
Exiting through the gift shop,
Merl you gotta fix this!
Me?! But what am I to do?!
I am the fraud, I am nowhere
near as smart as I wish I was.
And even less nowhere near
as smart as this new Gull
of the super smartness!
How I wish the old Gull
were here,
he could hug this all away!
That's it Merl!
You gotta hit Gull with a
big whoppin' squirrely bear hug!
I'll take my chances
with the intestinal pain.
You are making it muy difficulte
to help you.
And speak proper English!!!
OR at least proper Spanish!
¿Por qué es este difícil
para usted?
Why is this so difficult
for you?
Gull! The smell is so bad
I can taste it!!
Alright! I will do this!
But not for the new,
funny-talkin', El Meano Gull,
but for the old lovable
Gull who does not know
the better of this.
He's gonna blow!!!
[loud long fart]
You okay, buddy?
Well actually-
I could use a hug.
Whew! That is the relief.
And, the entire living room,
exactly as it was before!
Yo bird, that's some amazing
fart powers you got there pal.
Just like I said: everything
always comes out in the end.
Hey! Where's the TV remote.
Oh wait a sec!
I think I feel something!
Here you go Merl.
♪ Let's go on
an adventure! ♪
♪ That isn't very wise! ♪
I love you guys.
♪ This is getting crazier! ♪
♪ It's like we're
Endangered.... ♪
♪ Species! ♪
Once upon an egg roll,
there was a super samurai
kung fu fighting hero.
Her name?
The Bouncing Bunny!
Ho! Ha!
[warbling moan]
And then...?
Gah, then... what?
Gull you're the narrator,
It's your story.
You can make ANYTHING happen.
Oh, yeah!
ok, then...
Bouncing Bunny, um...
She arrived to save
the villagers from...
A no-good villain squirrel!
That's you, Merl!
Yes, this I figure it out.
But no!
The squirrel, he will not
play these ridiculouso games
of smashing the furniture
and making the mess.
If you wish to play the chop
saki grass hockey,
you can do this out of the side.
Again, I say:
I am NOT the karate-chopping
bad guy.
This I am not.
But you sure look like
a bad guy!
No, I do not!
But bad guys always yell.
I mean...
Let me do the rephrasing
This time, dressed
as an astronaut.
The Kung Fu villains, they
do not look like this, yes?
I am off to space, wooosh,
where there are
no Kung-Fu games.
The Villain used every
evil trick he could think of,
including the old: "I am off
to space, wooosh,
where there are no
Kung-Fu games".
But Bouncing Bunny
was not a fool
who could be easily fooled!
My name is Merl and
this is my frowny face,
'cause I'm a big old grumpy
party pooper.
Enough of this!
I shall be your VILLAIN!
Really? Are ya sure?
I am sure.
I mean, bein' a really good
bad guy...
it ain't exactly a walk
in the park Merl.
I will not only walk in this
metaphoric park you speak of,
I will DESTROY the park!
I shall be the WORST KUNG-FU
VILLAIN you ever,
ever imagined!
The evil Kung-Fu squirrel
rode into town.
I raid the village,
plunder the town!
I will close the orphanage.
[evil laugh]
Cry little Panda's,
They asked for "evil?",
the evil I give them.
Servant, come here.
Chop, chop!
Tell me old servant,
how long have you been
working for me?
20 long years,
oh noble rodent.
You are fired.
[still in silly voice]
But why, master????
Because I am evil,
And rule with the fist of iron!
Yeah, nasty Kung-Fu Merl...
he was... err...
plungering the town and,
ruling it with his...
iron tail!
It is not what I said.
I'm the narrator.
So everything I say,
is true.
It's true Merl!
Narrator rules.
The metal tail?
This, I did not expect.
[kung-fu noises]
But the tail, she wags
with extra evilness.
Merl the evil tail
fighting squirrel
now ruled the land
with his iron tail
That is when the bouncing bunny
they call...
'Bouncing Bunny'...
came to the rescue.
Tail fighting squirrel you
will not close the orphanage,
But I already did!
See, the orphanage of which
you speak, it is now closed.
Ohh help!
It is very dark in here for my
very sad orphan eyes!
Bouncing Bunny, it is,
I, Tail-fighting Squirrel,
who tell you now, that I will do
as you said I would not do,
yes, HA?
No! I do not know what it is
that you just said
that you would do or not do
but it is not the doing or not
doing that I would like to do.
[fight noises]
Hey... No fair!!!
Then the Villainous
Tail-fighter, hung his head
and cried.
He cried...
And cried....
...and cried
...and cried...
You made me cry.
Yes, I know.
I am sorry.
But you are the villain
You shall pay... for that...
which you just said.
Well, okay...
Only one shall be one
who is the victorious... one.
Yeah, so, uh...
What happens next?
Oooo. I know
What is this?
It is Gullzilla!
Stick to the Kung-Fu story!
Oh, uh...
Ah, so, meanwhile...
The Villain Tail-fighter
made the most powerful
tail fighting-tail
in all the world.
Then he accidentally
hit his thumb.
Gull! Stop that!
My thumb, she cannot take
the narration!
And then he checked to make
sure that his awesome
new stink fighting tail
was really, really stinky.
Then he burped.
Then he farted.
[loud fart]
This, it is enough!
Then, he let it rip
with a 'Kung-Pow
[loud fart]
Ohh Gullllll!
And then he made a
little squeaky air dumpling.
And then...
[fart sounds]
Let us move on.
His new tail fighting tail
was so powerful,
no weapon could break it.
Plus it err...
had all kinds of other
amazing powers
I haven't thunk up yet!
Even the narrator
was so scared,
he clutched his panda
Ting Ting.
Ting Ting is NO-ting!
[evil laugh]
What're you doing,
Tail-fighter is stronger
than ever.
To defeat him, we must
battle together as one, ha-ha!
Oh. I-I did not know that ha-ha.
[whispering] That's
'cause I just added this bit
to the Kung-FU story.
Oooh! I like it.
And so began the training of
the one they called...
Um... Gull-hopper!
Get on with the story.
Oops, sorry!
Now that the training
was over,
Gullhoper was ready to help
Bouncing Bunny
take on the Evil
Tail-Fighting Squirrel.
I will put an end to the
beginning that is you,
starting now
With my magical
super-fighting tail!
[Kung Fu cries]
[Kung Fu cry]
[Kung Fu cries]
Yeah! Go Bouncing Bunny!
[Kung Fu cries]
[evil laugh]
Ha! I am the victor who is
victorious in his victory
over those who are not
victorious, ha!
Err, sorry?
You're who now?
Never mind, Narrator!
And now... I shall do the
finish of the finishing of you
who are finished, ha!
But then the narrator
remembered something,
really important.
Err, Tail-fighter's fighting
tail was never meant to be used
by bad guys, and...
it could fly!
And it could electrocute
bad guys!
Then the magic tail
fighting tail got its revenge!
I regret no-thing!!!!!
Except for the farting.
Tail-fighter was beaten,
by his own tail.
Then what happened Gull?
Uhh... Well...
The evil Tail-fighter saw
the error of his ways.
Yeah, and then what?!
And... He and his tail met up.
And then?
They were married....
...err... in the spring.
Ya, and then they
started a family...
...and lived happily
ever afters.
Great story Mr. Narrator!
Ooo but then...
...there was a
terrib-bibble storm.
And the brave jungle explorer
turned to his faithful elephant
and said
"Oh faithful elephant"...
Where is that remote?!
It's gotta be around
here somewheres.
That remote didn't just
magically turn invisible.
Wait a minute!
What if it did just
magically turn invisible?
I'll just have to rely on
my sensitive bunny ears.
[imitated radar noises]
Ay-yi-yi, Pickle.
You are making the mess.
This is how the things,
they get lost, yes?
Que? Where is the nice stack of
the couch cushions?
And where is the living room?!
[burps loudly]
Gull, did you just eat
the entire living room?!?!
Hmmm, I might have.
What did it look like?
Oh, I don't know,
the living room!?
Ahh, don't worry.
It always comes out
in the end.
[loud fart]
Do that again.
[loud fart]
Gull, did you eat
the TV Remote?
Nope. I don't think so.
But I did have a very
[smack smack smack]
number-y tasting sandwich.
He swallowed the remote?
The TV Remotes -- they make
the mighty infrared waves!
We must get it out of
him muy rapido.
Gull, stop!
The TV Remote has
infrared lasers in it.
Each time you press
the buttons
it's like a laser gun's
Pew-pewing in your insides!
But don't worry, I've got
a plan!
What is this?
This is our ticket to
a Fantastic Voyage!
It's a shrink ray Gull found
at the dump.
I did?
Oh yeah, it was delicious.
Then two days later
it came out,
just like everything
always does.
I'll shrink down and travel
through Gull's innards
and find that remote.
And how do you intend
to do that?
Ok Merl, shrink down
the sub.
I will guide you with the camera
and the walkie-talkies.
Gull, you must eat
the leeeetle submarine
so we can fix you, yes?
Oh no. I'm full.
I couldn't eat another-
Oh hey!
That made some room.
Bombs away!
Pickle, activate the video
guidance system.
Copy that Merl!
What is keeping you alive!
...Oh! and some gunk I found
under the kitchen sink.
Pickle, head toward
the opening on the right.
Copy that, control.
Woa, what is this place?
I see sparks comin' from a big
mess of tangled wires.
The remote could be buried
in there!
Going in for a closer look.
Looks like we're going to have
untangle this mess.
Wow! How'd you do that!?
Now try to find the other wing!
Well it's not the remote,
but I believe I've uncovered
another problem Gull.
I have a problem?
I wonder what this is for?
Pickle, your bumbling
has caused the microstructure
of my cerebral cortex
to become 403 times
more efficient than
the average individual.
Looks like his brain
was unplugged.
Ack! Do not touch the screens
they are muy, muy delicate!
Merl, one of these
screens has an ancient version
of video ping-pong on it
and another has the "Sale" sign
that came with the monitor.
You have no idea what
you are doing, do you Merl?
Well I-I may not be Mr.
Perfecto, completely --
How do you even
understand yourself?
And you are attempting to fix
The Gull
The gall!
Now it is time someone
with actual brains
was in charge around here.
He may be the Mr. FancypantsBird
With The Words of Bigness
but he is not
the Mr. Nice Gull.
Now Pickle, travel down
my trachea
and into my digestive tract
until you reach the exit.
And do not touch anything
in my delicate micro-system.
I am absolutely adamant
about this Pickle -
remove yourself from
my person immediately.
Copy that Control.
First I gotta get that
Television Remote
so your insides don't explode.
The danger of Television
Remotes is a myth
perpetrated by Luddites
who do not know the first thing
about infrared technology.
A myth!
But the lasers they are-
Hush now. Pickle?
Ooh! I'm coming up on something
big here, Control!
Ah yes.
This is the part of a bird's
anatomy called the Crop.
Everything I've eaten in the
past 72 hours is stored here.
And there's the remote!
Ah! Ah see!
The remote!
Pickle, let me direct
your attention
to the thousands of bacteria
floating below you.
Right now they are placid
but if you move anything,
including the television remote,
they will chase you.
Don't worry Control,
if I do this correctly
they'll never even know
I was here...
No! I forbid it.
Leave the Television
Remote alone!
[mimicking static]
What's that control
you seem to be breaking up.
Easy now, steady.
You can do this...
Gotta get these bacteria
off my tail!
Uh-oh, bacteria's gaining
on me!
Haha! Lost 'em.
If only I had some kind of
laser shootin', button
pushin' thingy to blast 'em
with, wait a minute!
Wait for it, wait for it!
Yipee Kai Yay Microorganisms.
See, the remote waves
they are Mucho powerfullisimo!
Isn't that what she went
in there
to prevent from happening Merl?
I wonder what's
on this channel!
That's the last of them!
I warned you Pickle,
The chaos you are causing has
initiated a volcanic release
of methane gas.
[long burp]
Ooh, pardon!
Pickle, escape, you must!
The gas, she is too much!
I'm with you on that Merl,
I just hope there aren't
any other surprises.
The gas, is causing you
to prematurely return
to normal size!
It is imperative that you vacate
my intestines immediately!
Exiting through the gift shop,
Merl you gotta fix this!
Me?! But what am I to do?!
I am the fraud, I am nowhere
near as smart as I wish I was.
And even less nowhere near
as smart as this new Gull
of the super smartness!
How I wish the old Gull
were here,
he could hug this all away!
That's it Merl!
You gotta hit Gull with a
big whoppin' squirrely bear hug!
I'll take my chances
with the intestinal pain.
You are making it muy difficulte
to help you.
And speak proper English!!!
OR at least proper Spanish!
¿Por qué es este difícil
para usted?
Why is this so difficult
for you?
Gull! The smell is so bad
I can taste it!!
Alright! I will do this!
But not for the new,
funny-talkin', El Meano Gull,
but for the old lovable
Gull who does not know
the better of this.
He's gonna blow!!!
[loud long fart]
You okay, buddy?
Well actually-
I could use a hug.
Whew! That is the relief.
And, the entire living room,
exactly as it was before!
Yo bird, that's some amazing
fart powers you got there pal.
Just like I said: everything
always comes out in the end.
Hey! Where's the TV remote.
Oh wait a sec!
I think I feel something!
Here you go Merl.