Endangered Species (2014–…): Season 1, Episode 13 - 10 Minutes to Cookies - full transcript
Gull finds a way to travel in time. But when Merl accidentally sends Gull and Pickle back in time, they almost destroy the nut that grew their stump.
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♪ Let's go on
an adventure! ♪
♪ That isn't very wise! ♪
I love you guys.
♪ This is getting crazier! ♪
♪ It's like we're
Endangered.... ♪
♪ Species! ♪
Ay no, do not eat
the raw cookie-dough.
You will get the worms.
Mmmmm...cookie worms.
No! The puppy-dog eyes,
they will not work.
The cookies, they must bake
for ten minutos.
Si, now The Someplace Else,
she calls to me.
And I respond.
But what do I do?
This, I do not know.
Maybe you read the book
or something, yes?
What the who?
Read the book.
The huh?
The boook.
The whaaaat?
A book.
El libro.
The rectangular thing
with the pages you open
and they have the words on them
and you read the words
and they make you smarter,
I could be smarter?!
Si Gull, you could be
a lee-tle bit smarter.
So if I read one book...
it will make me smart.
But if I read two book...
I'll be even smarter.
And if I read
[muttering] t three b,
I'll be even smartererer.
Eh...let us see how you do
with the one book
and take it from there.
I'm gonna be the smarterdest
bird in the world.
Fairy Tales.
Yay!!! I'm reading!
Once upon a--
Come on, champ.
Stay with me.
I thought you wanted
to read.
[startled awake]
Hey! This one has pictures!
You can do this Gull.
One word at a time.
I need you more than ever
"Pet the Puppy."
Don't fail me now.
Awww, look at the Puppy.
Look you can pet his fur,
Oh! Oh!
I wanna pet the puppy.
I wanna--
[alarm bell]
Awww! If I keep falling asleep,
this smarty bird reading plan
is gonna take me, like,
like 100 years.
But... if we turn the clock
ahead 100 years,
you'll already be smart.
I didn't know time worked
that way.
But I bet I will when I stop
turning this clock...
The time travel,
it is not real, yes?
One year!
Hey... I already feel smarter.
Atta boy, Gull.
Two years!
Muy ridiculoso!
Says you.
But me and Gull?
10 years!
We believe.
Greetings from the Future.
It worked!
No, this, it is silly.
Oh wise Future Gull, tell us
what the future is like.
In the future...
...it is sunny.
That is...
the most fantastical-mazing
thing I ever heard!
You do the believing
of this?!
Tell me more!
Tell me more!
The future is...
And tastes like chicken.
I knew it!
That is not the future.
That is the lunch.
Time, she does not work
that way.
In the Future there is no time.
That does not even
make sense.
In the Future we don't
make sense.
I sense you need a hug.
In the future we hug
with our brains.
You see.
I feel nothing.
I feel it.
It feels all warm and future-y.
What else can you do,
Future Gull?
Can you predict the Future?
In the Future you will find
things amazing,
but Merl will think
it is all nonsense.
But it is nonsense.
That IS amazing!
Gull you are one BONA FIDE
gen-i-us now!
See! See!
Nothing happens.
That's because you have
to believe, Merl.
That is it!
I am putting an end to this
once and for all.
In the Future we move stuff
with our brains.
[pant, pant]
must stop.
If only you believed
in the clock Merl...
...then you could enjoy
the future with us.
Ah si, but there are other
things that will take me
to the future.
[laughing maniacally]
One year...
OH! He's found a loophole!
What do we do, oh wise
Future Gull.
In the Future...um...
you think of all the ideas.
I've got it.
We'll hide in the past.
You're so wise, Future Gull.
[in a high pitched voice]
Aw Gee, Gull.
You've gone all Black
and White-like!
Woo-hoo, woo-hoo, woo-hoo!
The clock, she did all this?
A clock?
What's that fancy-pants
thingamajigger do?
What is this you mean?
The clock, you just used it
to go back in The Time.
Huh, Time travel you say?!
The Future sure is swell!
No, no, no you do not do
the understanding of me--
And what's this thingamadoodle?
That is the lamp.
You use it a bazillion times.
Jeepers! Get me!
I ain't even seen a thing
like this in all my life!
Say, pally-wally, what's the
skinny on this flumadiddle?
That? It is a book.
Level with me Charlie,
wha'cha call this gizmo?
Those are the socks.
Say, Jack, why don'cha
spill the beans
úbout this gimcrack over here?
That? It is a doorknob.
Lay it on me Fred, what's this
hootenanny down at my tootsies?
The floor.
All of these things,
they exist in the past.
Say Joe, whaddya know
úbout this, get me?
No more with the questions
which you are already
knowing the answers.
Aw, don't be such a fuddy
duddy, Buddy.
Just one more?
No. Adios.
C'mon sport, One lil' ol' look.
No. Never.
That gives me the willies!
I guess you don't wanna
see this nut then.
A nut?
What kind of the nut?
Dagnabbit pally!
You don't wanna see it,
Si. Si.
I do want to see it.
Coming your way, Gull.
Ah, the rare black and white
just like the one this very
stump grew from.
She will be the prize of
my collection.
Ooh!...rare acorn.
Muy curiouso.
The nut, it make the stump
all dark and slimy?
Que paso?
Somebody please do the
explaining of this to me?
Sure! It's easy-peasy,
That acorn grew the tree
that turned into the stump
that us mugs are lollygaggin'
in right this red hot minute!
But that's in the future.
Get me?
Gull's affecting the Stump
because the acorn is in the
past, which is his present.
In our present
the stump is still an acorn
and everything you do
to the acorn in your past,
our present,
affects the future or, in
your case, the present.
That is not explaining things.
That is making them
more confusing.
Well then, perhaps I should
explain it the old fashioned way
with a song!
Give me the acorn first!!!
♪ Well I'll put
a wall here. ♪
♪ And a hole over there. ♪
♪ And I'll fill it all up with
my underwear... ♪
I want that nut!
♪ ...In this little corner
I'll put a little park. ♪
♪ But living in the pond is
a Land Walking Shark! ♪
Ahhh! Shark!!!
♪ Oh I've got the acorn, ♪
♪ I've got the nut. ♪
♪ I've got the acorn, ♪
♪ I've got the nut. ♪
♪ I could paint this whole room
plaid if I want. ♪
♪ 'Cause I've got
the acorn, ♪
♪ I've got the nut! ♪
Give me the nut!
Your turn, Gull!
What is this...?
♪ Oh!!! He's got the acorn. ♪
♪ He's got the acorn. ♪
♪ Oh there ain't no way
he's ever giving up. ♪
♪ That pretty little acorn,
'cause he's a little nuts! ♪
The acorn!!!
The nut is MINE!
Now the things, they can get
back to the normal yes!?
it would be muy bueno
if all the things,
they were neater, yes?
And if the rooms
were alphabetized
no one would get lost.
And padding on all of the walls
so that no one would get hurt.
Hey I didn't get hurt!
And a sink in every corner
so I can wash my hands
whenever I want!
That's it fella.
Just keep believing.
Now put a pool over here.
No! Too dangerous.
Instead: we put the big
empty space,
where nothing happens
at all.
Woo-hoo woo-hoo woo-hoo!!
Oh why I oughta!
Merl old horse, you're
getting a little carried a--
Now we can all enjoy
the togetherness,
still be very clean and safe
and nothing dangerous
will ever happen to us.
Cookies are done!!!!
What is happening?
Where did the acorn go?
Merl, it's not time for playing.
it's time for cookies!
Cookies! Cookies! Cookies!
Cookies! Cookies! Cookies!
Hot! Hot!
Hot! Hot!
Ay si.
Muy caliente.
You will have to wait
for the cookies to cool.
It will be about...
ten minutos.
Ten minutes!!!??!
But not if we were
in the future...
In the Future the cookies
taste like chicken.
Aye aye aye, the cookies!
I hate August.
did you hear me?
Don'tcha wanna know why?
Not really. No.
Cos there's NO HOLIDAYS
in August.
What kind of stupid month
All work and no play
makes Pickle GO CRAZY!
When did you work?
Figure of speech, Merl.
Oh boy, o boy, O BOY!
Just one more sleep!
Huh? Wha? Huh?
One more sleep till what?
My most favoritest holiday
of them all is coming up.
♪ Garbage day! ♪
Tell me about it, Gull!
Oh 'Garbage Day'
is the bestest!
The Garbage Fairy comes
and he leaves all the good
he-gulls and she-gulls some
yummy-nummy tasty trash!
Y'know what, Gull?
Garbage Day sounds totally--
El gross-o?
Garbage is for throwing away,
not for celebrating!
Do you celebrate every time
you go to the potty?
That's the right idea,
We just need to get into
the Garbage Day spirit!
Hang onto your face everybody
'cause this is gonna be the
best Garbage Day evaaa!
The Garbage Day,
she is just a joke!
Cannot be serious--
holiday ridiculoso.
What-a-ya doin?
Told ya it'd fit!
What is this... abomination?
It's our Garbage Day Tree!
This is where the Garbage
Fairy leaves all the presents.
It's an ancient G-Day tradition!
The origins of which
have been lost to time...
Hey, Merl!
Hold this!
Eh? Like so?
Yup! It's a traditional Garbage
Day cracker.
Now PULL!!!
Aw, he got the prize!
Lucky duck.
I am not this duck of
which you do the speaking!
You cannot fill our home
with the garbage!
But Merl, if we don't make
the stump as stinky as we can.
The Garbage Fairy
might not come and...
Garbage Day will be ruined!
Look, the Garbage Day,
she is NOT the real holiday!
C'mon, Merl, quit bein' such
a Garbage Scrooge!
Trash ball fiiiiight!
AHH!!!! UGH!!!!
Little more to the right!
That's yer left...
that's yer butt...
that's yer beak...
there ya go!
Garbage Day, meet
the wacky backpacky--
el machine-o clean-o!
Ooh! Careful, Merl, or you'll
have to kiss everyone you meet
under the mistletoe.
It is not the mistletoe!
It is the dirty and stinky
AuUrrgh!!! My eyes!
They burn like the feet of a
thousand flamenco dancers!
Muy caliente!
Feelin' the Garbage Day
spirit yet?
Ah, quit bein' such
a Garbage Scrooge!
And get back here
so Gull can kiss ya--
you got mistletoe
on yer face!
El bathroomo, my one refuge from
this fake holiday of trash.
I could kiss you toilet,
but I will not.
This would be, how you say,
and awkward.
♪ On the Seventh Day
of Garbage Day, ♪
♪ the Dump Fairy
gave to me: ♪
♪ Seven flies a swarming, ♪
♪ Six eggs decaying-- ♪
♪ Five moldy things!!! ♪
♪ Four crawling worms, ♪
♪ Three spent pens, ♪
♪ Two plastic tubs, ♪
♪ and a bucket full of stinky
old cheese!!! ♪
Feelin' the Garbage Day
spirit yet?
NO! Vamos!
Exito El Bathroomo!
Fine, we'll leave ya
to your Scroogin'...
ya big Garbage Scrooge!
The Garbage Day, she has lit
a fire in the belly of that
which is me!
Today, I shall bring an end
to this holiday of the YUCK!
That's the spirit Merl!
♪ On the Eighth Day of
Garbage Day, ♪
♪ The Dump Fairy
gave to me-- ♪
Good day!
I am the man of the garbage,
But if you're here, that means
the garbage fairy didn't come!
Our home wasn't
stinky enough!
Oh well, better luck
the next time, no.
Now we'll be the stinkiest
for sure!
Haa! Smell that holiday spirit!
♪ Deck the stump
with loads of Garbage ♪
♪ fa-la-la-la-laa-la-la-
la-laa . ♪
♪ Tis the season to love
garbage, la-la-la-la-laa-- ♪
Wha'cha got there Merl?
There is not enough room
in the stump for both
the Garbage Day and... the Merl.
So this?
It is my suitcase.
I pack it so I can--
Throw it on the
Garbage Day Heap
as a big old holiday offering!
Huh! What?!?!?
Aw, look!
His eyes are leaking
What is the meaning
of this?!
Glad you asked!
The Garbage Fairy only
visits the stinkiest houses
so we've made a monster
garbage pile to get it
nice and smelly in here!
I can't wait till the Garbage
Fairy visits us!!!
This is all a LIE!
There is no "The Garbage
No 'The Garbage Fairy'?!
How could you be
such a...a...
There is no holiday to ruin!
This festival, she is a lie!
A fake!
A shamboozlemente!
I will show you...
by proving the Garbage Fairy,
he does not exist!!!
Whaa.. What!?!?!?
You-ha-ha-hoo wouldn't.
No? Let us see!
If the Garbage Fairy,
he only comes to the stinkiest
of the houses,
then I shall make our house
el ranko stinkamente complete-o!
[crazed laugh]
Whooooaaa... It's so...
Merl! Fer the love of stink,
grab a mask!
HA! Where is your Garbage Fairy
There is no such thing
as the Garr--
You? You cannot exist!
Of course I exist!
I exist in every moldy bun,
in every busted toy,
in every pair of dirty
It cannot be!
The Garbage Day,
it is a lie!
Oh no, Merl, Garbage Day
is real!
It's the day we celebrate
the Glorious Circle of Waste
with our loved ones.
Oh.. H'okay...
when you put it like this,
the holiday,
she does not sound
so disgusting...
Then why did you try
to destroy it
with the 'wacky backpacky'...
you must suffer the
consequences, Garbage Scrooge!!!
No, please!
I can still do the changing,
I believe!
You must learn to love
the garbage...
or you shall become
I believe, I believe,
I bel-ee-he-ieve, I belieeeeve.
Merl! Merl!
Are you okay?
What day is this day?!?!
Oooh! Oooh!
I know!
It's Garbage Day.
Garbage Day?
Then I have not done
the missing of it!
Gull, fetch me a half-eaten
can of sardines!
Pickle, build us a bigger
garbage pile!
Today, we celebrate!
♪ Four crawling worms, ♪
♪ Three spent pens,
Two plastic ♪
Sorry, Merl.
No can do.
Huh! For why?
'Cause the garbage men
picked up all the trash, silly!
It happens every
Garbage Day.
But I er...
and... I-I-I mean...
[sad sigh]
Oh. Of course.
No problemo.
I will just do the waiting
'til next year.
Garbage Day happens
Bevery week!
EVERY.. week?
Hey! The garbage men missed
a bit.
Wait a sec--
"To Merl from...
The Garbage Fairy!"
He was here!
I knew it!
What is it?!!!!
♪ And a bucket full of
stinky old cheese-- ♪
(All): Merry Garbage Day,
[humming Christmas tune]
♪ Let's go on
an adventure! ♪
♪ That isn't very wise! ♪
I love you guys.
♪ This is getting crazier! ♪
♪ It's like we're
Endangered.... ♪
♪ Species! ♪
Ay no, do not eat
the raw cookie-dough.
You will get the worms.
Mmmmm...cookie worms.
No! The puppy-dog eyes,
they will not work.
The cookies, they must bake
for ten minutos.
Si, now The Someplace Else,
she calls to me.
And I respond.
But what do I do?
This, I do not know.
Maybe you read the book
or something, yes?
What the who?
Read the book.
The huh?
The boook.
The whaaaat?
A book.
El libro.
The rectangular thing
with the pages you open
and they have the words on them
and you read the words
and they make you smarter,
I could be smarter?!
Si Gull, you could be
a lee-tle bit smarter.
So if I read one book...
it will make me smart.
But if I read two book...
I'll be even smarter.
And if I read
[muttering] t three b,
I'll be even smartererer.
Eh...let us see how you do
with the one book
and take it from there.
I'm gonna be the smarterdest
bird in the world.
Fairy Tales.
Yay!!! I'm reading!
Once upon a--
Come on, champ.
Stay with me.
I thought you wanted
to read.
[startled awake]
Hey! This one has pictures!
You can do this Gull.
One word at a time.
I need you more than ever
"Pet the Puppy."
Don't fail me now.
Awww, look at the Puppy.
Look you can pet his fur,
Oh! Oh!
I wanna pet the puppy.
I wanna--
[alarm bell]
Awww! If I keep falling asleep,
this smarty bird reading plan
is gonna take me, like,
like 100 years.
But... if we turn the clock
ahead 100 years,
you'll already be smart.
I didn't know time worked
that way.
But I bet I will when I stop
turning this clock...
The time travel,
it is not real, yes?
One year!
Hey... I already feel smarter.
Atta boy, Gull.
Two years!
Muy ridiculoso!
Says you.
But me and Gull?
10 years!
We believe.
Greetings from the Future.
It worked!
No, this, it is silly.
Oh wise Future Gull, tell us
what the future is like.
In the future...
...it is sunny.
That is...
the most fantastical-mazing
thing I ever heard!
You do the believing
of this?!
Tell me more!
Tell me more!
The future is...
And tastes like chicken.
I knew it!
That is not the future.
That is the lunch.
Time, she does not work
that way.
In the Future there is no time.
That does not even
make sense.
In the Future we don't
make sense.
I sense you need a hug.
In the future we hug
with our brains.
You see.
I feel nothing.
I feel it.
It feels all warm and future-y.
What else can you do,
Future Gull?
Can you predict the Future?
In the Future you will find
things amazing,
but Merl will think
it is all nonsense.
But it is nonsense.
That IS amazing!
Gull you are one BONA FIDE
gen-i-us now!
See! See!
Nothing happens.
That's because you have
to believe, Merl.
That is it!
I am putting an end to this
once and for all.
In the Future we move stuff
with our brains.
[pant, pant]
must stop.
If only you believed
in the clock Merl...
...then you could enjoy
the future with us.
Ah si, but there are other
things that will take me
to the future.
[laughing maniacally]
One year...
OH! He's found a loophole!
What do we do, oh wise
Future Gull.
In the Future...um...
you think of all the ideas.
I've got it.
We'll hide in the past.
You're so wise, Future Gull.
[in a high pitched voice]
Aw Gee, Gull.
You've gone all Black
and White-like!
Woo-hoo, woo-hoo, woo-hoo!
The clock, she did all this?
A clock?
What's that fancy-pants
thingamajigger do?
What is this you mean?
The clock, you just used it
to go back in The Time.
Huh, Time travel you say?!
The Future sure is swell!
No, no, no you do not do
the understanding of me--
And what's this thingamadoodle?
That is the lamp.
You use it a bazillion times.
Jeepers! Get me!
I ain't even seen a thing
like this in all my life!
Say, pally-wally, what's the
skinny on this flumadiddle?
That? It is a book.
Level with me Charlie,
wha'cha call this gizmo?
Those are the socks.
Say, Jack, why don'cha
spill the beans
úbout this gimcrack over here?
That? It is a doorknob.
Lay it on me Fred, what's this
hootenanny down at my tootsies?
The floor.
All of these things,
they exist in the past.
Say Joe, whaddya know
úbout this, get me?
No more with the questions
which you are already
knowing the answers.
Aw, don't be such a fuddy
duddy, Buddy.
Just one more?
No. Adios.
C'mon sport, One lil' ol' look.
No. Never.
That gives me the willies!
I guess you don't wanna
see this nut then.
A nut?
What kind of the nut?
Dagnabbit pally!
You don't wanna see it,
Si. Si.
I do want to see it.
Coming your way, Gull.
Ah, the rare black and white
just like the one this very
stump grew from.
She will be the prize of
my collection.
Ooh!...rare acorn.
Muy curiouso.
The nut, it make the stump
all dark and slimy?
Que paso?
Somebody please do the
explaining of this to me?
Sure! It's easy-peasy,
That acorn grew the tree
that turned into the stump
that us mugs are lollygaggin'
in right this red hot minute!
But that's in the future.
Get me?
Gull's affecting the Stump
because the acorn is in the
past, which is his present.
In our present
the stump is still an acorn
and everything you do
to the acorn in your past,
our present,
affects the future or, in
your case, the present.
That is not explaining things.
That is making them
more confusing.
Well then, perhaps I should
explain it the old fashioned way
with a song!
Give me the acorn first!!!
♪ Well I'll put
a wall here. ♪
♪ And a hole over there. ♪
♪ And I'll fill it all up with
my underwear... ♪
I want that nut!
♪ ...In this little corner
I'll put a little park. ♪
♪ But living in the pond is
a Land Walking Shark! ♪
Ahhh! Shark!!!
♪ Oh I've got the acorn, ♪
♪ I've got the nut. ♪
♪ I've got the acorn, ♪
♪ I've got the nut. ♪
♪ I could paint this whole room
plaid if I want. ♪
♪ 'Cause I've got
the acorn, ♪
♪ I've got the nut! ♪
Give me the nut!
Your turn, Gull!
What is this...?
♪ Oh!!! He's got the acorn. ♪
♪ He's got the acorn. ♪
♪ Oh there ain't no way
he's ever giving up. ♪
♪ That pretty little acorn,
'cause he's a little nuts! ♪
The acorn!!!
The nut is MINE!
Now the things, they can get
back to the normal yes!?
it would be muy bueno
if all the things,
they were neater, yes?
And if the rooms
were alphabetized
no one would get lost.
And padding on all of the walls
so that no one would get hurt.
Hey I didn't get hurt!
And a sink in every corner
so I can wash my hands
whenever I want!
That's it fella.
Just keep believing.
Now put a pool over here.
No! Too dangerous.
Instead: we put the big
empty space,
where nothing happens
at all.
Woo-hoo woo-hoo woo-hoo!!
Oh why I oughta!
Merl old horse, you're
getting a little carried a--
Now we can all enjoy
the togetherness,
still be very clean and safe
and nothing dangerous
will ever happen to us.
Cookies are done!!!!
What is happening?
Where did the acorn go?
Merl, it's not time for playing.
it's time for cookies!
Cookies! Cookies! Cookies!
Cookies! Cookies! Cookies!
Hot! Hot!
Hot! Hot!
Ay si.
Muy caliente.
You will have to wait
for the cookies to cool.
It will be about...
ten minutos.
Ten minutes!!!??!
But not if we were
in the future...
In the Future the cookies
taste like chicken.
Aye aye aye, the cookies!
I hate August.
did you hear me?
Don'tcha wanna know why?
Not really. No.
Cos there's NO HOLIDAYS
in August.
What kind of stupid month
All work and no play
makes Pickle GO CRAZY!
When did you work?
Figure of speech, Merl.
Oh boy, o boy, O BOY!
Just one more sleep!
Huh? Wha? Huh?
One more sleep till what?
My most favoritest holiday
of them all is coming up.
♪ Garbage day! ♪
Tell me about it, Gull!
Oh 'Garbage Day'
is the bestest!
The Garbage Fairy comes
and he leaves all the good
he-gulls and she-gulls some
yummy-nummy tasty trash!
Y'know what, Gull?
Garbage Day sounds totally--
El gross-o?
Garbage is for throwing away,
not for celebrating!
Do you celebrate every time
you go to the potty?
That's the right idea,
We just need to get into
the Garbage Day spirit!
Hang onto your face everybody
'cause this is gonna be the
best Garbage Day evaaa!
The Garbage Day,
she is just a joke!
Cannot be serious--
holiday ridiculoso.
What-a-ya doin?
Told ya it'd fit!
What is this... abomination?
It's our Garbage Day Tree!
This is where the Garbage
Fairy leaves all the presents.
It's an ancient G-Day tradition!
The origins of which
have been lost to time...
Hey, Merl!
Hold this!
Eh? Like so?
Yup! It's a traditional Garbage
Day cracker.
Now PULL!!!
Aw, he got the prize!
Lucky duck.
I am not this duck of
which you do the speaking!
You cannot fill our home
with the garbage!
But Merl, if we don't make
the stump as stinky as we can.
The Garbage Fairy
might not come and...
Garbage Day will be ruined!
Look, the Garbage Day,
she is NOT the real holiday!
C'mon, Merl, quit bein' such
a Garbage Scrooge!
Trash ball fiiiiight!
AHH!!!! UGH!!!!
Little more to the right!
That's yer left...
that's yer butt...
that's yer beak...
there ya go!
Garbage Day, meet
the wacky backpacky--
el machine-o clean-o!
Ooh! Careful, Merl, or you'll
have to kiss everyone you meet
under the mistletoe.
It is not the mistletoe!
It is the dirty and stinky
AuUrrgh!!! My eyes!
They burn like the feet of a
thousand flamenco dancers!
Muy caliente!
Feelin' the Garbage Day
spirit yet?
Ah, quit bein' such
a Garbage Scrooge!
And get back here
so Gull can kiss ya--
you got mistletoe
on yer face!
El bathroomo, my one refuge from
this fake holiday of trash.
I could kiss you toilet,
but I will not.
This would be, how you say,
and awkward.
♪ On the Seventh Day
of Garbage Day, ♪
♪ the Dump Fairy
gave to me: ♪
♪ Seven flies a swarming, ♪
♪ Six eggs decaying-- ♪
♪ Five moldy things!!! ♪
♪ Four crawling worms, ♪
♪ Three spent pens, ♪
♪ Two plastic tubs, ♪
♪ and a bucket full of stinky
old cheese!!! ♪
Feelin' the Garbage Day
spirit yet?
NO! Vamos!
Exito El Bathroomo!
Fine, we'll leave ya
to your Scroogin'...
ya big Garbage Scrooge!
The Garbage Day, she has lit
a fire in the belly of that
which is me!
Today, I shall bring an end
to this holiday of the YUCK!
That's the spirit Merl!
♪ On the Eighth Day of
Garbage Day, ♪
♪ The Dump Fairy
gave to me-- ♪
Good day!
I am the man of the garbage,
But if you're here, that means
the garbage fairy didn't come!
Our home wasn't
stinky enough!
Oh well, better luck
the next time, no.
Now we'll be the stinkiest
for sure!
Haa! Smell that holiday spirit!
♪ Deck the stump
with loads of Garbage ♪
♪ fa-la-la-la-laa-la-la-
la-laa . ♪
♪ Tis the season to love
garbage, la-la-la-la-laa-- ♪
Wha'cha got there Merl?
There is not enough room
in the stump for both
the Garbage Day and... the Merl.
So this?
It is my suitcase.
I pack it so I can--
Throw it on the
Garbage Day Heap
as a big old holiday offering!
Huh! What?!?!?
Aw, look!
His eyes are leaking
What is the meaning
of this?!
Glad you asked!
The Garbage Fairy only
visits the stinkiest houses
so we've made a monster
garbage pile to get it
nice and smelly in here!
I can't wait till the Garbage
Fairy visits us!!!
This is all a LIE!
There is no "The Garbage
No 'The Garbage Fairy'?!
How could you be
such a...a...
There is no holiday to ruin!
This festival, she is a lie!
A fake!
A shamboozlemente!
I will show you...
by proving the Garbage Fairy,
he does not exist!!!
Whaa.. What!?!?!?
You-ha-ha-hoo wouldn't.
No? Let us see!
If the Garbage Fairy,
he only comes to the stinkiest
of the houses,
then I shall make our house
el ranko stinkamente complete-o!
[crazed laugh]
Whooooaaa... It's so...
Merl! Fer the love of stink,
grab a mask!
HA! Where is your Garbage Fairy
There is no such thing
as the Garr--
You? You cannot exist!
Of course I exist!
I exist in every moldy bun,
in every busted toy,
in every pair of dirty
It cannot be!
The Garbage Day,
it is a lie!
Oh no, Merl, Garbage Day
is real!
It's the day we celebrate
the Glorious Circle of Waste
with our loved ones.
Oh.. H'okay...
when you put it like this,
the holiday,
she does not sound
so disgusting...
Then why did you try
to destroy it
with the 'wacky backpacky'...
you must suffer the
consequences, Garbage Scrooge!!!
No, please!
I can still do the changing,
I believe!
You must learn to love
the garbage...
or you shall become
I believe, I believe,
I bel-ee-he-ieve, I belieeeeve.
Merl! Merl!
Are you okay?
What day is this day?!?!
Oooh! Oooh!
I know!
It's Garbage Day.
Garbage Day?
Then I have not done
the missing of it!
Gull, fetch me a half-eaten
can of sardines!
Pickle, build us a bigger
garbage pile!
Today, we celebrate!
♪ Four crawling worms, ♪
♪ Three spent pens,
Two plastic ♪
Sorry, Merl.
No can do.
Huh! For why?
'Cause the garbage men
picked up all the trash, silly!
It happens every
Garbage Day.
But I er...
and... I-I-I mean...
[sad sigh]
Oh. Of course.
No problemo.
I will just do the waiting
'til next year.
Garbage Day happens
Bevery week!
EVERY.. week?
Hey! The garbage men missed
a bit.
Wait a sec--
"To Merl from...
The Garbage Fairy!"
He was here!
I knew it!
What is it?!!!!
♪ And a bucket full of
stinky old cheese-- ♪
(All): Merry Garbage Day,
[humming Christmas tune]