Ellen's Game of Games (2017–…): Season 3, Episode 14 - Sweet Foam Alabama - full transcript
Volunteers from Ellen's studio audience play her outrageously fun games -- including Aww Snap, Oh Ship, Runaway Bride and more -- for a chance to win a cash prize; Usher joins Ellen to play Knockin' Boots.
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- We need a song
with the word "body" in it.
- "Touch My Body,"
Mariah Carey.
- Oh, that sounds sexy.
"Touch My Body!"
- What's the name of the pilot
who landed on the Hudson River?
- I don't know, Ellen.
I don't know.
- Oh--
- Ten seconds--I'll give you
ten seconds.
- Okay, um, um...
- No, it's Sully.
- Oh hoo hoo hoo hoo!
- No!
- No!
- Who's that?
- Yeah, it's me.
- Does it sound like that?
- It--no.
- Okay.
- Give it up for your host,
Ellen DeGeneres!
- Thank you so much.
Have a seat.
Welcome to my "Game of Games."
We have got a great show
for you tonight.
The stage is set.
The outfits are stunning.
The contestants are
all tucked and taped and, um...
I'm thinking
of "RuPaul's Drag Race."
I'm sorry.
But we are gonna have
a lot of fun tonight,
and someone in the audience
is gonna have a chance
to win $100,000.
And, by the way,
you don't have
to be here to win.
You can play along
with us at home.
And, while I
set up the first game,
here's how you do that.
Open your "Game of Games" app,
and you'll see
a free scratcher ticket.
During tonight's show,
a lucky penny will appear
on the screen.
Use your phone's camera
to capture the penny,
then you can scratch away
and see what you've won.
There are thousands of prizes,
so good luck.
All right.
You know, it's important to
live your life in the present.
Never worry
about what's behind you
unless you're playing
this game.
It's time for Knockin' Boots.
- All right, howdy, partners.
Let's hear who--who are you
over there?
- Hi, Ellen.
My name is Cyndi.
I'm from Camp Pendleton.
I'm a military spouse,
and I have three boys.
Hi, boys.
- Hi, boys.
And you are?
- Hey, Ellen.
I am Dwight.
I'm from
New Orleans, Louisiana,
and I'm a minister.
- Wow, fantastic.
It's my hometown.
- And you are?
- I'm Elizabeth
from Madison, Indiana,
and I just graduated
from college.
- All right, wonderful.
- Whee!
- All right,
before we get started,
I want you to say "howdy"
to someone else.
Give it up, everybody,
for Usher.
- What?
Oh, my God!
- Oh, my God!
- How you guys doing up there?
- Just chillin'.
- You nervous? No?
- A little bit.
- A little bit.
- Yeah.
- A little?
- Okay, and Usher is here
to help me out.
Here's how you play this game.
- Saddle up for this one.
Our contestants will stand
in front of a big, old boot.
After three incorrect answers,
the boot will kick 'em
in their keister,
and they're out.
The last person standing
moves on to Know or Go.
- I like playin' games.
- Uh-huh.
- Yeah.
- Figured I'd help y'all out.
- All right, that's great.
So we're all gonna
actually be the judge
if this is a song or not.
And I'll say a word,
and you're gonna have to name
a popular song
with the word in it,
and we'll go around
until someone repeats
or can't think of one
in a timely manner.
We're gonna start
over on Cyndi's side.
- Whoo!
- We need a song
with either the word "rain"
in the title
or the word "rain" in the song.
- That's right.
- All right, Dwight--
- Uh, you don't have to
do the whole song.
- That's right.
- Um--my goodness.
Uh, okay, hold on.
Give me a second.
I know--um...
Ah...oh, no!
- Yep.
- Um--Oh, no.
- Uh-oh.
- Oh, okay.
What happens is, Elizabeth,
you get one notch up.
Usher wants to--you wanna do it
at the end, right?
That's your favorite.
- I'm gonna--yeah.
- Okay, all right, so the boot
goes back a tiny bit.
- Oh.
- All right, just a little bit.
- Oh.
- That's just the first one.
It goes way back.
- Oh, God.
- Yeah.
- Ah.
- Oh, look,
this is a good category.
All right, we'll start
with you, Cyndi.
Songs with word "yeah" in it.
- "Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
yeah, yeah."
- Who sings that?
- Usher!
- That's right.
- Usher!
- Dwight.
- "Yeah, okay!"
Lil Jon & East Side Boyz
- That's right.
- Although
he says that in every song.
- Yes, that's true.
- Yeah.
- Elizabeth.
- Um...
Oh, no.
- Oh, no, Elizabeth.
- Oh, my gosh!
- She's freezing up.
- Oh, my gosh.
- Oh, no.
Boy, that boot is going back
a little further now.
- Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no.
- All right, be careful there.
- Okay, Elizabeth.
- I know, bad.
- There were so many songs.
- Come on.
- How many songs
could you think of with "yeah"?
- I mean, we could have thought
of a lot of "yeah" songs.
- Like, ♪ She loves you
yeah, yeah, yeah ♪
- And there's
that one--"Oh, yeah."
"Oh, yeah."
- Oh, yeah.
- All right, we'll start
with you again Cyndi.
- Okay, I'm ready.
- "Tonight"--The word
"Tonight" in a song.
- Mm.
Phil Collins!
- Yes.
That's right.
Jennifer Lopez.
- Okay.
- Hey, there you go.
- All right, all right.
- All right, good luck.
- Good job.
- Whoo.
- Cyndi.
- The night train?
- All right.
- Shake it for me tonight.
- All right.
- I can tell
you're going nowhere with that.
- Ooh!
- Yeah, that's not a song.
The boot
goes back a little bit.
There were
so many "tonights."
All right, the word "club."
And we start with Dwight.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- Three 6 Mafia.
- The Three 6 Mafia,
yeah, yeah.
"Tear da Club Up."
- Elizabeth--"club."
- Who's that?
- Is that you, Ush?
- Yeah, it's me.
Wicked good, baby.
Got you.
- Are we gonna go with that?
- Yes.
- Okay.
Does it sound like that?
- It--no.
- Okay.
- All right--
- But I'm with you.
- Cyndi.
- Okay.
Up in the club, it's 50 Cent.
- Yeah, no, she's right.
- Oh.
It's just you said--
- You should sing it--
That version is, like--
- It's a different rendition.
- I see, okay.
It was more
of a Broadway version than--
- Oh, my God, no.
- Okay, Dwight.
- Okay, my man.
All right.
- Good job.
- Elizabeth.
- Hey!
- Ery'body!
- All right, Cyndi.
- Whoo!
Whoo, club!
We're going clubbing!
We're going clubbing tonight!
- Okay.
- Yeah?
- Yeah, that's Lil Wayne
for sure.
- Okay.
- Ooh, ooh.
- I think
you're going back again.
- Oh, no!
- All right.
Both of you are in big trouble.
- Ugh.
- One more and your
boots--you're knocking boots.
- Knocking the boots.
- All right.
And we start with Dwight again.
The word "body" in it.
- Oh.
Ciara, "Body Party."
- Yeah.
- All right, okay.
- Yeah.
- All right.
- Yes.
- Yes!
- She likes Queen.
- Give me a minute.
Uh, "Touch My Body,"
Mariah Carey.
Mariah Carey, "Touch My Body."
"Touch My Body,"
Mariah Carey.
- Oh, that sounds sexy.
Okay, yes.
"Touch My Body!"
"Touch My Body!"
- Oh, my God.
- Very, very sexy.
All right, Dwight.
- T.I.
- All right.
- I'm like,
"What church he at?"
- All right--I know.
- They be turnt
up in there, right?
- We're all gonna come
to your church from now on.
All right, Elizabeth.
- Um...ugh.
I got yo body on my body.
- Who's that?
- Usher?
- I wanna say yes but no.
- "I got your body on my body."
- "I got your body on my body."
What's the name of the song?
- Uh--
- It's "Nobody."
- "Nobody."
- That would have been a song.
- That would have been
a good one.
- Nobody knows the trouble
you're about to have right now.
- I know.
- Okay, we're gonna have to say
good-bye to you.
You're the first one--
- No, no, no, no, no,
you don't have to !
- And we all get to watch it.
- Usher, please.
- I gotta do it.
- Oh, no!
- The time is now.
- No, no, no, no, no.
- Elizabeth, it's been fun.
- All right.
- Oh, my gosh.
- You're getting the boot.
- Oh, no!
Oh, my God!
- There it goes.
- Oh, my God!
- All the way up.
- All right.
- Oh, my God!
- Take it down!
- Here we go!
- Oh, my God!
- Whew.
- Oh, my God.
- Okay, we go back
to Cyndi now.
Songs with the word "crazy"
in it.
- All right, all right.
Eli Young Band.
- Okay.
- Uh...
- Who's that?
- That's K-Ci and JoJo.
- Okay, all right.
- A little bit.
- Okay, all right.
- A little faster.
- A little fa--
- All right, Cyndi now.
You better be careful because
this is the last one for you.
- Ooh, no, no, no, no, no.
Ooh, no, no, no.
- Then Dwight is gonna go on
to play Know or Go.
- No, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no.
- Five seconds.
- Ooh, ah, no!
Ooh, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no!
Oh, no!
- All right.
- No, no, no, no!
- Ooh, yes.
- Usher is gonna have to
do it again.
- It goes back
a little further.
- Awesome!
- And release it!
Oh, my God!
- You're the last one standing.
You're going on
to play Know or Go.
- A chance to win $100,000.
And also, I'm gonna show you
how this feels...
- No!
- Because you need to know.
Release the boot!
- Come on, boots.
- Ooh!
- That's Usher, everybody!
Thank you, Usher!
We'll be back!
- Watch your feet.
Watch your feet.
- Thank you.
- Whoo!
- Dwight gets booted
to the top of Know or Go
and is one step closer
to $100,000.
Still to come--ready, set,
- Ooh.
- It's gonna be a quick game.
- Plus it's all hands
on deck...
For Oh Ship!
- And later,
let them catch cake
with the all-new
Runaway Bride.
- Welcome back
to my "Game of Games."
This game is gonna test
how far two people
can stretch before they snap.
It's time to play Aw Snap.
- All right, tWitch,
who's gonna play?
- All right.
where are Megan Page
and Taryn Thompson?
- Hi.
- Hi!
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Hi!
- Hi.
- Hi!
- Hi!
Okay, who are you?
- I'm Taryn, Taryn Thompson,
from Queen Creek, Arizona,
and I'm a server.
- All right.
- Whoo!
- Okay, and you are?
- I am Megan Page.
I'm from Temecula, California,
and I'm fourth-grade teacher.
- Oh, wow.
- So fourth-grade teacher,
you're used to running around.
You're a server.
You're used to running around.
- Oh, yeah.
- Yes.
- Lot of energy,
both of those things.
While you put on
your Aw Snap...
here's how you play
Aw Snap.
- In this small
but crazy game,
two contestants race
to put all five
of their apples
into the basket.
The first one to do it
moves on to Know or Go.
- All righty, here we go.
Megan, you will be going
for the Granny Smith.
Taryn, you'll be going
for the Red Delicious.
On your mark...
get set...
I just want both of you to know
that I think you're wonderful.
- Thanks.
- Go.
- Taryn has one.
- Ah--ah, no.
- All right,
Taryn seems to be--
has a lot of strength.
- Yeah, I think red
got a little more get in her.
- That's two!
Megan, Megan--come on, Megan.
- Mm, mm, mm.
- Megan has not gotten
one apple yet.
Not one.
Nope, Meghan--
- Ah.
Yep, she got another one.
It's gonna be a quick game.
- Oh, she got one apple.
Megan got one.
- Whoo!
- Well, that was
a good try, Megan.
You got two in there.
Congratulations, you won.
- Whoo!
- How do you like them apples?
You're gonna go on
to play Know or Go
for a chance for $100,000.
We'll be back!
- So Taryn muscles
her way to the top
of Know or Go for the chance
at some big money.
Up next...
- It is time to play Oh Ship!
- And later,
it's Runaway Bride.
- Welcome back
to my "Game of Games."
This game will have contestants
rolling on the floor laughing
mostly because
the floor is very slippery.
That's right.
It's time to play Oh Ship!
- Okay, tWitch,
who are my yellow-bellied
landlubbers gonna be?
- All right, here come
Lisa Tate, Suzie Waldrom,
and Scott Copus.
- Hello.
Who are you?
Tell me about yourself.
- I'm Dr. Lisa Tate.
I'm a licensed
professional counselor
in private practice,
and I also own
two department of driving
services driving schools.
- Wow.
- And I have two kids.
- Two kids--that's four.
- Whoo.
- Fantastic.
Hi, kids.
And you are?
- I'm Susie Waldrom.
I'm from Phoenix, Arizona.
I've been married 40 years,
and have 16 grandchildren,
and Nonni's here!
- Wow.
Do you have children as well
or just the 16 grandchildren?
- Yes, yes, five daughters.
- Wow.
And they call you Nonni?
- Yes.
- That's what I called
my grandmother.
- Oh.
- Nonni, how about that?
And you are?
- Scott Copus.
I'm from Madison, Wisconsin.
I'm semi-retired.
Just wanna say a quick
to my daughters,
Sydney and Haley.
- Whoo!
- Whoo!
All right, here's how we play.
Ahoy, mates.
In this game,
I'll ask contestants
a multiple choice question,
then they must race
to claim
the answer they want,
but they gotta be fast,
because only one person
can claim each answer.
The first to get three correct
sails on to Know or Go.
Let's play Oh Ship!
Your answers are 3 trillion,
400 billion, or 6 million.
Your question is,
"if there are approximately
"400 billion stars
in our galaxy,
approximately how many trees
are on Earth?"
- Oh, man.
- All right, Susie, you
ended up there by default--
6 million trees.
you're at 400 billion trees.
And then, Lisa,
you're at 3 trillion trees.
How do you feel about that?
- I don't feel good
at all about it.
- No.
- It was the only thing
I could get to,
but, you know, you never know
what's gonna happen--I'm ready.
- You never know.
So let's see who's right.
You are correct!
- All right.
- All right.
Isn't that amazing?
3 trillion trees on--yeah.
- Amazing.
- That's fantastic.
- That's good, yes.
- Your answers are
Bridgestone, Lego,
or Goodyear.
Your question is, "This is
the biggest game show
"on television, but who is
the biggest tire manufacturer
in the world?"
- I think this is--oh.
- All right, well, yeah,
Goodyear and Bridgestone,
we've all heard of those,
and Lego--
I did not know made tires.
Every time that they would roll
the road would go,
"ow, ow, ow, ow, ow,"
'cause they're hard
when you step on 'em.
Okay, let's see what happens.
- What?
- Yes, Lego.
- What?
- What?
- I know!
Here's a little fun fact.
Lego--they make over 50%
of the world's tires for toys
but still three times
as many as Goodyear.
Isn't that amazing?
- Huh--it is.
- This game is not just fun.
It's also educational.
It's good for the whole family.
- Okay.
- And by the way, it's--Scott,
you need to get on the board.
They each have one.
- Trying.
No, I know you're trying.
I'm not saying
you're not trying...
Just reminding you
that you're behind.
It's my job.
Your answers are yellow-ish,
clear-ish, or pink-ish.
Your question is,
"what color is the sweat
of a hippopotamus?"
- Go.
- Oh.
- Help her, Slippy and Trippy.
All right.
- Whoo!
- All right.
- Oh, my God.
- All right, the good news is,
that's where you wanted to go.
You were heading to pink-ish.
And Scott, you were going
to clear-ish.
Susie, yellow-ish.
I don't know how
you would reason it out
or get any of these right,
but let's see who's right.
- Yeah!
- You are correct, Lisa!
- Whoo-hoo!
- Ugh.
- Ugh.
- Yes.
- Okay, so, Lisa, you're one
away from playing Know or Go
and one step closer
to winning $100,000.
- Yeah!
- Okay.
Your answers are debra,
zonkey, or keybra.
Your question is, "If you call
Kim and Kanye a Kimye,
what do you call a cross
between a donkey and a zebra?"
- You beat me!
- All right.
Lisa went right for the zonkey.
- Yes.
And a debra
is what Scott went for.
Suzie went for a keybra.
Let's see who is correct.
- Whoo!
- Lisa!
- Yeah!
- You are going on
to play Know or Go,
one step closer to $100,000.
We'll be back!
- I know destination weddings
are all the rage right now.
for these three brides,
the destination
is gonna be the floor.
It is time to play
the new Runaway Bride.
- All right, tWitch,
who's gonna play?
- All right, where are
Kennedy Tate, Chandler Claire,
and Asia Walker?
- I love you, Ellen.
- Hi.
- Hi!
Let's go, baby!
- Let's go!
- Hi, you guys.
Who are you?
- I'm Kennedy Tate.
I'm from Houston, Texas,
and I'm a college student.
- Yay!
- Yeah!
- Yay.
- All right,
what are you studying?
- English literature.
- Okay, wonderful.
What are you gonna do?
- I'm gonna be an editor.
- Oh, wonderful.
- Yeah.
- Okay, and you are?
- My name's Chandler Claire.
I'm from Redlands, California,
and I'm an avocado farmer.
- An avocado farmer?
- Yes.
- That's wonderful.
How many trees do you have?
- 250.
- 250?
- Mm-hmm.
- And are you worried about,
like, bears and stuff
getting 'em
'cause they like the avocados?
- No.
- No, you're not worried
about it?
- Not in Redlands, no.
- Okay, good.
All right, and you are?
- I'm Asia Walker,
and I'm from Dallas, Texas,
and I'm a pre-med student.
- All right, pre-med,
While we turn you
into blushing brides,
here's how you play this game.
Cold feet are gonna be
the least
of these brides' worries.
In this game,
three brides will sprint
towards the altar
on a treadmill.
I'll launch slices of cake
into the air,
and then the brides will fight
to catch them.
But beware--not everything
I launch will be cake,
and that stuff
is worthless, huh?
First bride to catch
three pieces of cake
and place them
on their hope chest
will win my heart, and they'll
move on to Know or Go.
- All right,
you look beautiful.
Ooh, whoo-hoo.
- I got you something
for the wedding.
One of them is this industrial
treadmill right in front.
Let's start this treadmill up
for you.
And the other gifts
will be launched
from over here, so brides,
get ready to catch some cake.
First one to get three slices
and bring 'em back there wins.
- Ugh, ugh.
- It's cheese!
- It's mine.
- You've got another one!
- I don't want that.
- One point--you can catch up.
- Ow.
All right.
Chandler is the winner.
- Congratulations.
- Thank you so much.
- Oh, my God,
that was tough.
- I feel like
I'm on a treadmill.
- That was really good.
When's the last time you were
on a treadmill like that?
- Never.
- Never, okay.
Well, you did very, very well,
and it was hard
to differentiate,
but you were--
Kennedy was close behind you.
All right, one step closer
to $100,000.
You're going to play
Know or Go.
We'll be back.
- Congratulations.
- Thank you so much.
- Winning was a piece of cake
for Chandler
who is one step closer
to $100,000.
Coming up--who will know...
- Um...
- Come on.
- Uh, uh.
- Oh, God.
- And who will go?
- I hate to see
my contestants go,
but I love to watch 'em leave,
when we're playing Know or Go.
- Can see someone's bald spot
from up here.
That's wonderful.
tWitch, I need you to bring
our players out, please.
- Whoo!
- Whoo!
- Whoo-hoo!
- Whoo!
- All right.
Oh, hi.
How's it going up there?
- Hey, Ellen.
- Hi.
All right, Dwight,
you sang your heart out
in front of Usher until you
got the boot on Knockin' Boots.
Taryn, you snapped up
four apples
before your opponent
even got one in Aw Snap.
Lisa, you fell on your behind,
but you got back up
on Oh Ship!
- Yes.
- Finally, Chandler,
it was a cakewalk for you
in Runaway Bride.
That was amazing.
You got a piece of cake,
and you won.
Okay, this is exciting 'cause
the person who's up there last
is gonna go on to play
for $100,000.
This game is very simple.
I'll ask you a question.
If you know, you stay.
If you don't, you go.
I'm gonna be forced
to push a button,
and you drop,
and something's down there,
and I'm not sure what it is.
Let's play Know or Go.
Dwight, New York City
is known
as the city
that never sleeps.
Las Vegas is known as Sin City.
What city are we in now?
- Los Angeles.
- That is correct.
for this question,
may the odds
be forever in your favor.
What movie franchise
is famous
"May the force be with you"?
- "Star Wars."
- That's correct.
- Whoo!
- Lisa,
we're just getting started,
so I'll give you a break.
What candy bar's slogan
is "Break me off
a piece of that..."
- Kit Kat Bar.
- That's right.
- I did not know that.
- Chandler, you're standing
on your own two feet.
How many legs do spiders have?
- Um...I don't wanna get
a simple one wrong.
Are they insects?
Um...it's either eight or six.
I'm gonna go with...six.
- That's your answer?
- Yes.
- It is not.
It is eight.
Oh, Chandler, that's so sad,
but you look so pretty.
- No, no, no, no, no, no.
- Oh, no.
Look, I'll tell you what.
I won't drop you if the
audience doesn't want me to.
Do you want me to drop him?
- Why are you saying yes?
- I-I couldn't understand them.
I think they said yes,
so I have to drop you.
- Oho, oh, oh!
- Whoo-hoo!
- Oh!
- It wasn't clear.
I couldn't really tell.
All right, Dwight.
Whenever I hear
the sound "dum dum,"
I immediately think
of "Law & Order."
What's the name
of the wooden mallet
a judge bangs to call order?
- Gavel!
- That is right, a gavel.
Taryn, Ryan Reynolds made me
swear not to tell anyone
that he sleeps
in cheetah print underwear.
Who sang the song,
"Our Lips Are Sealed"?
- "Our Lips Are Sealed," okay.
"Our Lips Are Sealed,"
uh...oh, God, uh...
- How's it go?
You know the song?
- No, I don't.
- No, no.
- Group, single--is it both?
Is it maybe one?
Uh, let's...
Britney Spears?
I don't know.
- Oh, no.
- No.
- Again, you know what?
I won't do it if the audience
does not want me to drop you.
- Don't!
- Do you want me to drop her
or no?
- No, no, no.
- That's so rude.
- No, please don't.
- Yes, they said
they wanted me to drop you.
- No, no, they said no.
It was misinterpretation.
- I didn't hear no.
I heard yes.
- No, please.
- I did.
I'll ask 'em again.
What do you think?
- Oh! Oh-ho!
- "Our Lips Are Sealed,"
The Go-Go's.
How soon we forget the Go-go's.
That's the--
All right,
so now this is very exciting.
We're now on Sudden Drop.
This is what happens now.
I will ask you a question.
If you don't know it,
your opponent
gets a chance to answer.
If they know it, you drop.
If they don't know it, we
go right back and start again.
This is really the most
exciting part of the--
when my stage manager, Linda,
gets so excited she--
she looks at me the same way
when I tell her the wrap party
has an open bar
when she knows
that this is happening.
All right, let's do this.
So since Taryn dropped,
I'll start with you, Lisa.
Destiny's Child
sang "Survivor."
Survivor sang
"Eye of the Tiger."
What reality show is hosted
by Jeff Probst?
- By whom?
- Jeff Probst.
It's not a good sign.
- It's not.
- Jeff Probst.
- Probst.
Oh, God, I'm sweating.
Um, Jeff Probst.
Come on.
Um, I'm just gonna have to
take a guess.
Jeff Probst--what about...
- Mm-hmm?
- "Survivor."
- How about that?
That's the right answer.
- Yeah!
- Oh.
- What?
- Oh!
- What? What?
- Oh!
- Yeah.
- Wow.
All right.
- Okay.
- Sometimes the answer's
in the question.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- All right, Dwight.
Big & Rick sang
"Save a Horse"
What kind of doctor typically
puts your feet in stirrups?
- A pe--
A peda--
- Yep.
- A ortho--
A orthopedic doctor.
a podiatrist.
A podiatrist maybe?
- Is that your answer?
- Yes.
- Do you know the answer, Lisa?
- Gynecologist.
- That is right!
- Yeah!
- Ah, no!
- Oh, Dwight.
- No, this just sucks!
- Oh, Dwight.
I'm so sorry.
- I don't know what--
- I know.
No, there's no reason
for your children
to put their feet in stirrups
when they go see their doctor.
- Oh, that--
- All right.
- I don't--
- I know,
but that's why
this is called Sudden Drop.
- Oh!
- Because it just
suddenly--you just drop.
Oh, my--
- You win.
- Yes.
- You're gonna go on
to play Hot Hands
for a chance at $100,000.
- Yeah!
- What?
Don't drop me.
- No, the one thing
we didn't put in is stairs,
so the only way...
- No, no, no, no,
- That's the only way
you have to come down.
We'll be back.
- Whoo-hoo!
- Whoo-hoo!
We are back with Lisa
who is one step away
from $100,000.
- Yeah!
- Tell me what that money
would mean to you.
- It would mean the world to
me--I would utilize that money
to help young people
in my community
through driver education
and through counseling,
what I do for a living.
- That's wonderful.
- Yeah.
- Well, then,
I'm rootin' for ya.
Have you played the app before?
- I love the app.
I play it all the time.
- Okay.
- And I'm pretty good at it.
So we'll see.
- Pretty good is not enough,
but that's good--I would keep
playing till I was excellent,
but, look, I think
you're gonna do fine.
We're rootin' for ya.
This is the moment
we've been waiting for.
Let's play Hot Hands.
Lisa, here's what's gonna
We are gonna show you
a series of celebrities.
As soon as you say their name,
hit the button
to lock in your answer,
and it'll immediately
go to the next picture.
If you're wrong
or take too long,
the picture's gonna change.
You only have three seconds
to think,
so you gotta think fast.
The more people you name,
the more money you win,
and if you can name
ten celebrities in 30 seconds,
you're gonna go home with
- Yes!
- The good news is you get to
pick your category,
and they are...
Or Top Earning Truckers
from Tampa.
- International Superstars.
- International Superstars.
That's a good one.
I like it.
All right.
Let's rise her up.
- Ah!
- Keep your hands
on the button.
- Yes.
- Go.
- Pass.
- Oh!
- Oh...pass.
- Oh!
- Pass.
Oh, no, uh...
oh, pass!
Nicole Kidman.
- Whoo!
- Oh, no...
Oh, no.
Jackie Chan!
Elton John.
Uh, uh, uh, uh, oh--
No, no, no, I'm not--
I'm not doin' it.
Oh, my God, no!
- I know.
- Lisa!
- I don't know what happened!
- I know, I know.
- Ohh...
- Now, Sofia Vergara...
- Yes!
- Hugh Jackman,
Kate Winslet,
Ricky Martin.
- Right.
- Got Nicole Kidman,
and Hugh Grant you didn't get,
Penelope Cruz.
You got Jackie Chan.
Anyway, yeah.
It's hard.
- It's hard!
- You're at home thinking--
- It's easy, but it's hard.
- Yeah, it's hard.
But you got $2,500.
That's better than nothing.
- That's better than--
Thank you, yes, thank you!
- All right.
You are our winner
of "Game of Games" today.
See you next time.
Be kind to one another.
- We need a song
with the word "body" in it.
- "Touch My Body,"
Mariah Carey.
- Oh, that sounds sexy.
"Touch My Body!"
- What's the name of the pilot
who landed on the Hudson River?
- I don't know, Ellen.
I don't know.
- Oh--
- Ten seconds--I'll give you
ten seconds.
- Okay, um, um...
- No, it's Sully.
- Oh hoo hoo hoo hoo!
- No!
- No!
- Who's that?
- Yeah, it's me.
- Does it sound like that?
- It--no.
- Okay.
- Give it up for your host,
Ellen DeGeneres!
- Thank you so much.
Have a seat.
Welcome to my "Game of Games."
We have got a great show
for you tonight.
The stage is set.
The outfits are stunning.
The contestants are
all tucked and taped and, um...
I'm thinking
of "RuPaul's Drag Race."
I'm sorry.
But we are gonna have
a lot of fun tonight,
and someone in the audience
is gonna have a chance
to win $100,000.
And, by the way,
you don't have
to be here to win.
You can play along
with us at home.
And, while I
set up the first game,
here's how you do that.
Open your "Game of Games" app,
and you'll see
a free scratcher ticket.
During tonight's show,
a lucky penny will appear
on the screen.
Use your phone's camera
to capture the penny,
then you can scratch away
and see what you've won.
There are thousands of prizes,
so good luck.
All right.
You know, it's important to
live your life in the present.
Never worry
about what's behind you
unless you're playing
this game.
It's time for Knockin' Boots.
- All right, howdy, partners.
Let's hear who--who are you
over there?
- Hi, Ellen.
My name is Cyndi.
I'm from Camp Pendleton.
I'm a military spouse,
and I have three boys.
Hi, boys.
- Hi, boys.
And you are?
- Hey, Ellen.
I am Dwight.
I'm from
New Orleans, Louisiana,
and I'm a minister.
- Wow, fantastic.
It's my hometown.
- And you are?
- I'm Elizabeth
from Madison, Indiana,
and I just graduated
from college.
- All right, wonderful.
- Whee!
- All right,
before we get started,
I want you to say "howdy"
to someone else.
Give it up, everybody,
for Usher.
- What?
Oh, my God!
- Oh, my God!
- How you guys doing up there?
- Just chillin'.
- You nervous? No?
- A little bit.
- A little bit.
- Yeah.
- A little?
- Okay, and Usher is here
to help me out.
Here's how you play this game.
- Saddle up for this one.
Our contestants will stand
in front of a big, old boot.
After three incorrect answers,
the boot will kick 'em
in their keister,
and they're out.
The last person standing
moves on to Know or Go.
- I like playin' games.
- Uh-huh.
- Yeah.
- Figured I'd help y'all out.
- All right, that's great.
So we're all gonna
actually be the judge
if this is a song or not.
And I'll say a word,
and you're gonna have to name
a popular song
with the word in it,
and we'll go around
until someone repeats
or can't think of one
in a timely manner.
We're gonna start
over on Cyndi's side.
- Whoo!
- We need a song
with either the word "rain"
in the title
or the word "rain" in the song.
- That's right.
- All right, Dwight--
- Uh, you don't have to
do the whole song.
- That's right.
- Um--my goodness.
Uh, okay, hold on.
Give me a second.
I know--um...
Ah...oh, no!
- Yep.
- Um--Oh, no.
- Uh-oh.
- Oh, okay.
What happens is, Elizabeth,
you get one notch up.
Usher wants to--you wanna do it
at the end, right?
That's your favorite.
- I'm gonna--yeah.
- Okay, all right, so the boot
goes back a tiny bit.
- Oh.
- All right, just a little bit.
- Oh.
- That's just the first one.
It goes way back.
- Oh, God.
- Yeah.
- Ah.
- Oh, look,
this is a good category.
All right, we'll start
with you, Cyndi.
Songs with word "yeah" in it.
- "Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
yeah, yeah."
- Who sings that?
- Usher!
- That's right.
- Usher!
- Dwight.
- "Yeah, okay!"
Lil Jon & East Side Boyz
- That's right.
- Although
he says that in every song.
- Yes, that's true.
- Yeah.
- Elizabeth.
- Um...
Oh, no.
- Oh, no, Elizabeth.
- Oh, my gosh!
- She's freezing up.
- Oh, my gosh.
- Oh, no.
Boy, that boot is going back
a little further now.
- Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no.
- All right, be careful there.
- Okay, Elizabeth.
- I know, bad.
- There were so many songs.
- Come on.
- How many songs
could you think of with "yeah"?
- I mean, we could have thought
of a lot of "yeah" songs.
- Like, ♪ She loves you
yeah, yeah, yeah ♪
- And there's
that one--"Oh, yeah."
"Oh, yeah."
- Oh, yeah.
- All right, we'll start
with you again Cyndi.
- Okay, I'm ready.
- "Tonight"--The word
"Tonight" in a song.
- Mm.
Phil Collins!
- Yes.
That's right.
Jennifer Lopez.
- Okay.
- Hey, there you go.
- All right, all right.
- All right, good luck.
- Good job.
- Whoo.
- Cyndi.
- The night train?
- All right.
- Shake it for me tonight.
- All right.
- I can tell
you're going nowhere with that.
- Ooh!
- Yeah, that's not a song.
The boot
goes back a little bit.
There were
so many "tonights."
All right, the word "club."
And we start with Dwight.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- Three 6 Mafia.
- The Three 6 Mafia,
yeah, yeah.
"Tear da Club Up."
- Elizabeth--"club."
- Who's that?
- Is that you, Ush?
- Yeah, it's me.
Wicked good, baby.
Got you.
- Are we gonna go with that?
- Yes.
- Okay.
Does it sound like that?
- It--no.
- Okay.
- All right--
- But I'm with you.
- Cyndi.
- Okay.
Up in the club, it's 50 Cent.
- Yeah, no, she's right.
- Oh.
It's just you said--
- You should sing it--
That version is, like--
- It's a different rendition.
- I see, okay.
It was more
of a Broadway version than--
- Oh, my God, no.
- Okay, Dwight.
- Okay, my man.
All right.
- Good job.
- Elizabeth.
- Hey!
- Ery'body!
- All right, Cyndi.
- Whoo!
Whoo, club!
We're going clubbing!
We're going clubbing tonight!
- Okay.
- Yeah?
- Yeah, that's Lil Wayne
for sure.
- Okay.
- Ooh, ooh.
- I think
you're going back again.
- Oh, no!
- All right.
Both of you are in big trouble.
- Ugh.
- One more and your
boots--you're knocking boots.
- Knocking the boots.
- All right.
And we start with Dwight again.
The word "body" in it.
- Oh.
Ciara, "Body Party."
- Yeah.
- All right, okay.
- Yeah.
- All right.
- Yes.
- Yes!
- She likes Queen.
- Give me a minute.
Uh, "Touch My Body,"
Mariah Carey.
Mariah Carey, "Touch My Body."
"Touch My Body,"
Mariah Carey.
- Oh, that sounds sexy.
Okay, yes.
"Touch My Body!"
"Touch My Body!"
- Oh, my God.
- Very, very sexy.
All right, Dwight.
- T.I.
- All right.
- I'm like,
"What church he at?"
- All right--I know.
- They be turnt
up in there, right?
- We're all gonna come
to your church from now on.
All right, Elizabeth.
- Um...ugh.
I got yo body on my body.
- Who's that?
- Usher?
- I wanna say yes but no.
- "I got your body on my body."
- "I got your body on my body."
What's the name of the song?
- Uh--
- It's "Nobody."
- "Nobody."
- That would have been a song.
- That would have been
a good one.
- Nobody knows the trouble
you're about to have right now.
- I know.
- Okay, we're gonna have to say
good-bye to you.
You're the first one--
- No, no, no, no, no,
you don't have to !
- And we all get to watch it.
- Usher, please.
- I gotta do it.
- Oh, no!
- The time is now.
- No, no, no, no, no.
- Elizabeth, it's been fun.
- All right.
- Oh, my gosh.
- You're getting the boot.
- Oh, no!
Oh, my God!
- There it goes.
- Oh, my God!
- All the way up.
- All right.
- Oh, my God!
- Take it down!
- Here we go!
- Oh, my God!
- Whew.
- Oh, my God.
- Okay, we go back
to Cyndi now.
Songs with the word "crazy"
in it.
- All right, all right.
Eli Young Band.
- Okay.
- Uh...
- Who's that?
- That's K-Ci and JoJo.
- Okay, all right.
- A little bit.
- Okay, all right.
- A little faster.
- A little fa--
- All right, Cyndi now.
You better be careful because
this is the last one for you.
- Ooh, no, no, no, no, no.
Ooh, no, no, no.
- Then Dwight is gonna go on
to play Know or Go.
- No, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no.
- Five seconds.
- Ooh, ah, no!
Ooh, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no!
Oh, no!
- All right.
- No, no, no, no!
- Ooh, yes.
- Usher is gonna have to
do it again.
- It goes back
a little further.
- Awesome!
- And release it!
Oh, my God!
- You're the last one standing.
You're going on
to play Know or Go.
- A chance to win $100,000.
And also, I'm gonna show you
how this feels...
- No!
- Because you need to know.
Release the boot!
- Come on, boots.
- Ooh!
- That's Usher, everybody!
Thank you, Usher!
We'll be back!
- Watch your feet.
Watch your feet.
- Thank you.
- Whoo!
- Dwight gets booted
to the top of Know or Go
and is one step closer
to $100,000.
Still to come--ready, set,
- Ooh.
- It's gonna be a quick game.
- Plus it's all hands
on deck...
For Oh Ship!
- And later,
let them catch cake
with the all-new
Runaway Bride.
- Welcome back
to my "Game of Games."
This game is gonna test
how far two people
can stretch before they snap.
It's time to play Aw Snap.
- All right, tWitch,
who's gonna play?
- All right.
where are Megan Page
and Taryn Thompson?
- Hi.
- Hi!
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Hi!
- Hi.
- Hi!
- Hi!
Okay, who are you?
- I'm Taryn, Taryn Thompson,
from Queen Creek, Arizona,
and I'm a server.
- All right.
- Whoo!
- Okay, and you are?
- I am Megan Page.
I'm from Temecula, California,
and I'm fourth-grade teacher.
- Oh, wow.
- So fourth-grade teacher,
you're used to running around.
You're a server.
You're used to running around.
- Oh, yeah.
- Yes.
- Lot of energy,
both of those things.
While you put on
your Aw Snap...
here's how you play
Aw Snap.
- In this small
but crazy game,
two contestants race
to put all five
of their apples
into the basket.
The first one to do it
moves on to Know or Go.
- All righty, here we go.
Megan, you will be going
for the Granny Smith.
Taryn, you'll be going
for the Red Delicious.
On your mark...
get set...
I just want both of you to know
that I think you're wonderful.
- Thanks.
- Go.
- Taryn has one.
- Ah--ah, no.
- All right,
Taryn seems to be--
has a lot of strength.
- Yeah, I think red
got a little more get in her.
- That's two!
Megan, Megan--come on, Megan.
- Mm, mm, mm.
- Megan has not gotten
one apple yet.
Not one.
Nope, Meghan--
- Ah.
Yep, she got another one.
It's gonna be a quick game.
- Oh, she got one apple.
Megan got one.
- Whoo!
- Well, that was
a good try, Megan.
You got two in there.
Congratulations, you won.
- Whoo!
- How do you like them apples?
You're gonna go on
to play Know or Go
for a chance for $100,000.
We'll be back!
- So Taryn muscles
her way to the top
of Know or Go for the chance
at some big money.
Up next...
- It is time to play Oh Ship!
- And later,
it's Runaway Bride.
- Welcome back
to my "Game of Games."
This game will have contestants
rolling on the floor laughing
mostly because
the floor is very slippery.
That's right.
It's time to play Oh Ship!
- Okay, tWitch,
who are my yellow-bellied
landlubbers gonna be?
- All right, here come
Lisa Tate, Suzie Waldrom,
and Scott Copus.
- Hello.
Who are you?
Tell me about yourself.
- I'm Dr. Lisa Tate.
I'm a licensed
professional counselor
in private practice,
and I also own
two department of driving
services driving schools.
- Wow.
- And I have two kids.
- Two kids--that's four.
- Whoo.
- Fantastic.
Hi, kids.
And you are?
- I'm Susie Waldrom.
I'm from Phoenix, Arizona.
I've been married 40 years,
and have 16 grandchildren,
and Nonni's here!
- Wow.
Do you have children as well
or just the 16 grandchildren?
- Yes, yes, five daughters.
- Wow.
And they call you Nonni?
- Yes.
- That's what I called
my grandmother.
- Oh.
- Nonni, how about that?
And you are?
- Scott Copus.
I'm from Madison, Wisconsin.
I'm semi-retired.
Just wanna say a quick
to my daughters,
Sydney and Haley.
- Whoo!
- Whoo!
All right, here's how we play.
Ahoy, mates.
In this game,
I'll ask contestants
a multiple choice question,
then they must race
to claim
the answer they want,
but they gotta be fast,
because only one person
can claim each answer.
The first to get three correct
sails on to Know or Go.
Let's play Oh Ship!
Your answers are 3 trillion,
400 billion, or 6 million.
Your question is,
"if there are approximately
"400 billion stars
in our galaxy,
approximately how many trees
are on Earth?"
- Oh, man.
- All right, Susie, you
ended up there by default--
6 million trees.
you're at 400 billion trees.
And then, Lisa,
you're at 3 trillion trees.
How do you feel about that?
- I don't feel good
at all about it.
- No.
- It was the only thing
I could get to,
but, you know, you never know
what's gonna happen--I'm ready.
- You never know.
So let's see who's right.
You are correct!
- All right.
- All right.
Isn't that amazing?
3 trillion trees on--yeah.
- Amazing.
- That's fantastic.
- That's good, yes.
- Your answers are
Bridgestone, Lego,
or Goodyear.
Your question is, "This is
the biggest game show
"on television, but who is
the biggest tire manufacturer
in the world?"
- I think this is--oh.
- All right, well, yeah,
Goodyear and Bridgestone,
we've all heard of those,
and Lego--
I did not know made tires.
Every time that they would roll
the road would go,
"ow, ow, ow, ow, ow,"
'cause they're hard
when you step on 'em.
Okay, let's see what happens.
- What?
- Yes, Lego.
- What?
- What?
- I know!
Here's a little fun fact.
Lego--they make over 50%
of the world's tires for toys
but still three times
as many as Goodyear.
Isn't that amazing?
- Huh--it is.
- This game is not just fun.
It's also educational.
It's good for the whole family.
- Okay.
- And by the way, it's--Scott,
you need to get on the board.
They each have one.
- Trying.
No, I know you're trying.
I'm not saying
you're not trying...
Just reminding you
that you're behind.
It's my job.
Your answers are yellow-ish,
clear-ish, or pink-ish.
Your question is,
"what color is the sweat
of a hippopotamus?"
- Go.
- Oh.
- Help her, Slippy and Trippy.
All right.
- Whoo!
- All right.
- Oh, my God.
- All right, the good news is,
that's where you wanted to go.
You were heading to pink-ish.
And Scott, you were going
to clear-ish.
Susie, yellow-ish.
I don't know how
you would reason it out
or get any of these right,
but let's see who's right.
- Yeah!
- You are correct, Lisa!
- Whoo-hoo!
- Ugh.
- Ugh.
- Yes.
- Okay, so, Lisa, you're one
away from playing Know or Go
and one step closer
to winning $100,000.
- Yeah!
- Okay.
Your answers are debra,
zonkey, or keybra.
Your question is, "If you call
Kim and Kanye a Kimye,
what do you call a cross
between a donkey and a zebra?"
- You beat me!
- All right.
Lisa went right for the zonkey.
- Yes.
And a debra
is what Scott went for.
Suzie went for a keybra.
Let's see who is correct.
- Whoo!
- Lisa!
- Yeah!
- You are going on
to play Know or Go,
one step closer to $100,000.
We'll be back!
- I know destination weddings
are all the rage right now.
for these three brides,
the destination
is gonna be the floor.
It is time to play
the new Runaway Bride.
- All right, tWitch,
who's gonna play?
- All right, where are
Kennedy Tate, Chandler Claire,
and Asia Walker?
- I love you, Ellen.
- Hi.
- Hi!
Let's go, baby!
- Let's go!
- Hi, you guys.
Who are you?
- I'm Kennedy Tate.
I'm from Houston, Texas,
and I'm a college student.
- Yay!
- Yeah!
- Yay.
- All right,
what are you studying?
- English literature.
- Okay, wonderful.
What are you gonna do?
- I'm gonna be an editor.
- Oh, wonderful.
- Yeah.
- Okay, and you are?
- My name's Chandler Claire.
I'm from Redlands, California,
and I'm an avocado farmer.
- An avocado farmer?
- Yes.
- That's wonderful.
How many trees do you have?
- 250.
- 250?
- Mm-hmm.
- And are you worried about,
like, bears and stuff
getting 'em
'cause they like the avocados?
- No.
- No, you're not worried
about it?
- Not in Redlands, no.
- Okay, good.
All right, and you are?
- I'm Asia Walker,
and I'm from Dallas, Texas,
and I'm a pre-med student.
- All right, pre-med,
While we turn you
into blushing brides,
here's how you play this game.
Cold feet are gonna be
the least
of these brides' worries.
In this game,
three brides will sprint
towards the altar
on a treadmill.
I'll launch slices of cake
into the air,
and then the brides will fight
to catch them.
But beware--not everything
I launch will be cake,
and that stuff
is worthless, huh?
First bride to catch
three pieces of cake
and place them
on their hope chest
will win my heart, and they'll
move on to Know or Go.
- All right,
you look beautiful.
Ooh, whoo-hoo.
- I got you something
for the wedding.
One of them is this industrial
treadmill right in front.
Let's start this treadmill up
for you.
And the other gifts
will be launched
from over here, so brides,
get ready to catch some cake.
First one to get three slices
and bring 'em back there wins.
- Ugh, ugh.
- It's cheese!
- It's mine.
- You've got another one!
- I don't want that.
- One point--you can catch up.
- Ow.
All right.
Chandler is the winner.
- Congratulations.
- Thank you so much.
- Oh, my God,
that was tough.
- I feel like
I'm on a treadmill.
- That was really good.
When's the last time you were
on a treadmill like that?
- Never.
- Never, okay.
Well, you did very, very well,
and it was hard
to differentiate,
but you were--
Kennedy was close behind you.
All right, one step closer
to $100,000.
You're going to play
Know or Go.
We'll be back.
- Congratulations.
- Thank you so much.
- Winning was a piece of cake
for Chandler
who is one step closer
to $100,000.
Coming up--who will know...
- Um...
- Come on.
- Uh, uh.
- Oh, God.
- And who will go?
- I hate to see
my contestants go,
but I love to watch 'em leave,
when we're playing Know or Go.
- Can see someone's bald spot
from up here.
That's wonderful.
tWitch, I need you to bring
our players out, please.
- Whoo!
- Whoo!
- Whoo-hoo!
- Whoo!
- All right.
Oh, hi.
How's it going up there?
- Hey, Ellen.
- Hi.
All right, Dwight,
you sang your heart out
in front of Usher until you
got the boot on Knockin' Boots.
Taryn, you snapped up
four apples
before your opponent
even got one in Aw Snap.
Lisa, you fell on your behind,
but you got back up
on Oh Ship!
- Yes.
- Finally, Chandler,
it was a cakewalk for you
in Runaway Bride.
That was amazing.
You got a piece of cake,
and you won.
Okay, this is exciting 'cause
the person who's up there last
is gonna go on to play
for $100,000.
This game is very simple.
I'll ask you a question.
If you know, you stay.
If you don't, you go.
I'm gonna be forced
to push a button,
and you drop,
and something's down there,
and I'm not sure what it is.
Let's play Know or Go.
Dwight, New York City
is known
as the city
that never sleeps.
Las Vegas is known as Sin City.
What city are we in now?
- Los Angeles.
- That is correct.
for this question,
may the odds
be forever in your favor.
What movie franchise
is famous
"May the force be with you"?
- "Star Wars."
- That's correct.
- Whoo!
- Lisa,
we're just getting started,
so I'll give you a break.
What candy bar's slogan
is "Break me off
a piece of that..."
- Kit Kat Bar.
- That's right.
- I did not know that.
- Chandler, you're standing
on your own two feet.
How many legs do spiders have?
- Um...I don't wanna get
a simple one wrong.
Are they insects?
Um...it's either eight or six.
I'm gonna go with...six.
- That's your answer?
- Yes.
- It is not.
It is eight.
Oh, Chandler, that's so sad,
but you look so pretty.
- No, no, no, no, no, no.
- Oh, no.
Look, I'll tell you what.
I won't drop you if the
audience doesn't want me to.
Do you want me to drop him?
- Why are you saying yes?
- I-I couldn't understand them.
I think they said yes,
so I have to drop you.
- Oho, oh, oh!
- Whoo-hoo!
- Oh!
- It wasn't clear.
I couldn't really tell.
All right, Dwight.
Whenever I hear
the sound "dum dum,"
I immediately think
of "Law & Order."
What's the name
of the wooden mallet
a judge bangs to call order?
- Gavel!
- That is right, a gavel.
Taryn, Ryan Reynolds made me
swear not to tell anyone
that he sleeps
in cheetah print underwear.
Who sang the song,
"Our Lips Are Sealed"?
- "Our Lips Are Sealed," okay.
"Our Lips Are Sealed,"
uh...oh, God, uh...
- How's it go?
You know the song?
- No, I don't.
- No, no.
- Group, single--is it both?
Is it maybe one?
Uh, let's...
Britney Spears?
I don't know.
- Oh, no.
- No.
- Again, you know what?
I won't do it if the audience
does not want me to drop you.
- Don't!
- Do you want me to drop her
or no?
- No, no, no.
- That's so rude.
- No, please don't.
- Yes, they said
they wanted me to drop you.
- No, no, they said no.
It was misinterpretation.
- I didn't hear no.
I heard yes.
- No, please.
- I did.
I'll ask 'em again.
What do you think?
- Oh! Oh-ho!
- "Our Lips Are Sealed,"
The Go-Go's.
How soon we forget the Go-go's.
That's the--
All right,
so now this is very exciting.
We're now on Sudden Drop.
This is what happens now.
I will ask you a question.
If you don't know it,
your opponent
gets a chance to answer.
If they know it, you drop.
If they don't know it, we
go right back and start again.
This is really the most
exciting part of the--
when my stage manager, Linda,
gets so excited she--
she looks at me the same way
when I tell her the wrap party
has an open bar
when she knows
that this is happening.
All right, let's do this.
So since Taryn dropped,
I'll start with you, Lisa.
Destiny's Child
sang "Survivor."
Survivor sang
"Eye of the Tiger."
What reality show is hosted
by Jeff Probst?
- By whom?
- Jeff Probst.
It's not a good sign.
- It's not.
- Jeff Probst.
- Probst.
Oh, God, I'm sweating.
Um, Jeff Probst.
Come on.
Um, I'm just gonna have to
take a guess.
Jeff Probst--what about...
- Mm-hmm?
- "Survivor."
- How about that?
That's the right answer.
- Yeah!
- Oh.
- What?
- Oh!
- What? What?
- Oh!
- Yeah.
- Wow.
All right.
- Okay.
- Sometimes the answer's
in the question.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- All right, Dwight.
Big & Rick sang
"Save a Horse"
What kind of doctor typically
puts your feet in stirrups?
- A pe--
A peda--
- Yep.
- A ortho--
A orthopedic doctor.
a podiatrist.
A podiatrist maybe?
- Is that your answer?
- Yes.
- Do you know the answer, Lisa?
- Gynecologist.
- That is right!
- Yeah!
- Ah, no!
- Oh, Dwight.
- No, this just sucks!
- Oh, Dwight.
I'm so sorry.
- I don't know what--
- I know.
No, there's no reason
for your children
to put their feet in stirrups
when they go see their doctor.
- Oh, that--
- All right.
- I don't--
- I know,
but that's why
this is called Sudden Drop.
- Oh!
- Because it just
suddenly--you just drop.
Oh, my--
- You win.
- Yes.
- You're gonna go on
to play Hot Hands
for a chance at $100,000.
- Yeah!
- What?
Don't drop me.
- No, the one thing
we didn't put in is stairs,
so the only way...
- No, no, no, no,
- That's the only way
you have to come down.
We'll be back.
- Whoo-hoo!
- Whoo-hoo!
We are back with Lisa
who is one step away
from $100,000.
- Yeah!
- Tell me what that money
would mean to you.
- It would mean the world to
me--I would utilize that money
to help young people
in my community
through driver education
and through counseling,
what I do for a living.
- That's wonderful.
- Yeah.
- Well, then,
I'm rootin' for ya.
Have you played the app before?
- I love the app.
I play it all the time.
- Okay.
- And I'm pretty good at it.
So we'll see.
- Pretty good is not enough,
but that's good--I would keep
playing till I was excellent,
but, look, I think
you're gonna do fine.
We're rootin' for ya.
This is the moment
we've been waiting for.
Let's play Hot Hands.
Lisa, here's what's gonna
We are gonna show you
a series of celebrities.
As soon as you say their name,
hit the button
to lock in your answer,
and it'll immediately
go to the next picture.
If you're wrong
or take too long,
the picture's gonna change.
You only have three seconds
to think,
so you gotta think fast.
The more people you name,
the more money you win,
and if you can name
ten celebrities in 30 seconds,
you're gonna go home with
- Yes!
- The good news is you get to
pick your category,
and they are...
Or Top Earning Truckers
from Tampa.
- International Superstars.
- International Superstars.
That's a good one.
I like it.
All right.
Let's rise her up.
- Ah!
- Keep your hands
on the button.
- Yes.
- Go.
- Pass.
- Oh!
- Oh...pass.
- Oh!
- Pass.
Oh, no, uh...
oh, pass!
Nicole Kidman.
- Whoo!
- Oh, no...
Oh, no.
Jackie Chan!
Elton John.
Uh, uh, uh, uh, oh--
No, no, no, I'm not--
I'm not doin' it.
Oh, my God, no!
- I know.
- Lisa!
- I don't know what happened!
- I know, I know.
- Ohh...
- Now, Sofia Vergara...
- Yes!
- Hugh Jackman,
Kate Winslet,
Ricky Martin.
- Right.
- Got Nicole Kidman,
and Hugh Grant you didn't get,
Penelope Cruz.
You got Jackie Chan.
Anyway, yeah.
It's hard.
- It's hard!
- You're at home thinking--
- It's easy, but it's hard.
- Yeah, it's hard.
But you got $2,500.
That's better than nothing.
- That's better than--
Thank you, yes, thank you!
- All right.
You are our winner
of "Game of Games" today.
See you next time.
Be kind to one another.