Elite (2018–…): Season 5, Episode 1 - I Killed Him - full transcript
A new student catches Patrick's eye while another surprises Cayetana by defending Phillipe. Benjamín implements stricter measures at school.
["Wild Ones" playing]
- [indistinct chatter]
- ♪ Back on the streets where I come from ♪
♪ Don't count me out
'Cause I'm a wild one ♪
♪ Fool me once, but the shame's on you ♪
♪ 'Cause the second time around
I'm as good as new ♪
♪ Yeah... ♪
You look spectacular.
Hey, can a friend invite a friend
for champagne?
Just as a simple gesture of goodwill.
So, I can't tell
if you're joking or not right now.
No, I'm totally serious.
Why do you think I invited you
to this place swarming with people?
I'll do all I can to make you feel
comfortable with me again.
Okay. [chuckles]
- [Caye] Okay.
- [Phillipe sighs]
To friends.
- Yeah, sure.
- [glasses clink]
- [music stops abruptly]
- [patrons gasp]
[mutters, in French] What's going on?
[in English] I'm gonna talk
to the manager.
[Elodie, in French]
He sent me a recording of his voice.
Will that be enough evidence?
[in English] Is that Elodie?
[Phillipe, in French on recording] Elodie,
I know it's probably too late now,
but I beg you to forgive me.
Now you have a voice message
from me admitting what I did
and that I was wrong.
Use it as you see fit.
[cell phone chimes]
I know the Triesen authorities
will defend His Royal Highness.
In this recording,
Phillipe admits having done something,
having made a mistake,
but he does not say what it is.
I know that bringing down a prince
is impossible,
but I won't be silenced.
I have no intention of hiding my truth.
The truth.
And the truth
is that Phillipe Florian von Triesenberg
raped me.
[Phillipe panting]
- [patrons murmuring]
- [somber music playing]
[tense music playing]
[in English] Samuel...
are you sure about this?
Are you sure... about your confession?
[dramatic orchestral music playing]
[thunder rumbling]
[dramatic music building]
[helicopter blades whirring]
- ["Ou La La La (All Eyes On Us)" playing]
- ♪ Ou la la la, ou la la la ♪
♪ Ou la la la, ou la la la ♪
- ♪ Listen ♪
- ♪ Ou la la la, ou la la la ♪
- ♪ Ou la la la, ou la la la ♪
- ♪ Ah! ♪
♪ Listen ♪
♪ Ah! ♪
[thunder rumbling]
- ♪ Ah! ♪
- ♪ Got all eyes on, we got all eyes... ♪
- Miss Isadora.
- Home sweet home.
♪ We got all eyes, we got all eyes ♪
♪ Got all eyes on us and simply bust ♪
♪ We got all eyes, we got all eyes
We got all eyes on us and simply bust ♪
♪ Got all eyes, we got all eyes ♪
- ♪ Ou la la la, ou la la la ♪
- ♪ Got the time to ♪
♪ Ou la la la, ou la la la ♪
- ♪ Simply bust ♪
- ♪ Ou la la la, ou la la la... ♪
[in Portuguese] My God.
♪ Got all eyes, we got all eyes on us... ♪
[bottles clink]
♪ Got all eyes, we got all eyes
We got all eyes on us ♪
- ♪ We bust ♪
- ♪ Ah! ♪
♪ Got all eyes, we got all eyes
We got all eyes on us ♪
- ♪ We bust ♪
- ♪ Ah! ♪
- ♪ Got all eyes... ♪
- [Cruz] Huh?
[in Portuguese] Dad.
[Cruz] Huh?
I'm going to school.
♪ Ou la la la, ou la la la... ♪
What time is it?
A quarter to eight.
Ah, damn.
Give me a minute, and I'll drive you.
[loud thud]
♪ Ah! ♪
♪ Yeah ♪
♪ Yeah ♪
- [Cruz retching]
- ♪ Ou la la la... ♪
[Cruz panting]
[in Portuguese] Take the Aston Martin
and go.
- Yes, when I turn 18.
- Okay.
- I'm leaving. Are you okay?
- [weakly] I'm fine.
[Cruz sighs]
[shutter clicks]
[cell phone chimes]
[door opens]
[sighs, in Portuguese] Son.
- I'll take these vitamins and drive you.
- [son] Hangover?
If the club knew about your parties...
But what a party!
Did you see the girl I had by my side?
- Wow.
- [son] Seriously, Dad.
At your age...
At your age, I had left Portugal
and was working in Brazil. Alone.
I had a mansion with a pool, a Ferrari.
What have you done?
Not a damn thing! Nothing.
What does age have to do with it?
[gentle music playing]
[birds singing outside]
[alarm beeping]
- [Samu exhales deeply]
- [knocking on door]
Get the fuck up.
Hmm. Okay, okay. All right.
Just give me five minutes, please.
Come on.
- Stop it. Five minutes.
- We're late.
Fuck. Why can't you knock first, dude?
[energetic music playing]
You don't have to wake me up
every morning like you're my dad.
'Cause you're not, you know.
[scoffs] Yeah. Thing is,
if I don't, you're late.
I mean, a simple thanks
would've been fine. But, sure.
- Don't get pissy, Omar.
- ["In This Dark Time" playing]
- [under breath] Oh well.
- ♪ Do I dement it again ♪
♪ Do I really get to be... ♪
I'm going to repeat the rules
that have already been communicated.
So, you should familiarize yourself
with them.
Strict punctuality is required.
- Sorry, miss, you're late.
- Seriously?
[Benjamín] Students who don't enter
first thing in the morning
without a valid reason
will be denied entrance
for the rest of the day.
In addition, they'll be penalized
on their final grade point average.
[Rebe shouting]
[indistinct chatter]
[Benjamín] Next regulation.
The use of private personal devices
or the school's devices for such purposes
as browsing social media
without a justified reason
is strictly forbidden.
The same applies to phones,
which from this point on,
should be stored away
in your lockers throughout the school day.
In adherence with health
and safety guidelines,
gatherings of more than three people
in the common areas
for nonacademic purposes
is strictly forbidden.
Scrupulous physical distance
must be maintained at all times.
Any situation of fraternizing or intimacy
that violates this rule will be penalized.
♪ In this dark time
Could you take my hand? ♪
I hope that together we will all
be able to abide by these new rules
and adhere to the three precepts
of our school's motto.
Discipline, excellence, achievement.
[guard] Come on, let's go to class.
Come on, now. You can't be that close.
Girls, move it along!
Come on, you need to disperse.
No groups larger than three.
You know the rules.
- [bag thuds]
- [Rebe] You fucking kidding me?
The stupid dickhead says
I can't come in? [grunts]
Seriously? I've come to school
dressed like this for two years. [grunts]
Morning. [sighs]
[scoffs] You don't want to know
what the line's like
in the chicks' bathroom, let me tell ya.
[exhales] Look...
[clears throat] ...he's clearly never seen
a hot chick before, either.
[Rebe sighs]
[Rebe exhales]
- [cell phone chimes]
- Hey, Mencía. What's up? It's Rebe, dude.
I snuck into the school.
Can you let me know when you've...
- [Caye scoffs]
- [Rebe] They're on display.
- For the goddamn world to see.
- [Caye] But we're not together anymore.
[tense music playing]
- And Phillipe apologized.
- [Rebe] Fine, but he hasn't paid for it.
And you can't sit on the fence here, dude.
Yeah. It's just not easy to take sides...
- [Rebe] Isn't it?
- No.
You're either with him,
or you're against him. See? Easy.
[Caye chuckles]
Cayetana, Phillipe can't stay here.
You know that.
Even, I mean,
if Benjamín still covers for him.
[Caye sighs]
Listen, girl. I'm not gonna pry. Okay?
But think about
whether this guy's done something to you.
Honestly, even
if you believe it's trivial.
Even if you believe it's minor.
Think about it.
I'm sure there's something.
I mean, for real, dude. Just tell on him
and let them kick him out already.
- [Caye sighs]
- Okay?
Yeah, okay. Yeah.
Okay, I'm gonna get something
to clean this up.
[Caye sighs]
["Telomeres" playing]
["Telomeres" continues playing
over headphones]
- [music fades]
- [indistinct chatter]
- [indistinct chatter]
- [tense music playing]
- [Phillipe grunts, panting]
- [guy 1 laughs] Yeah!
- [guy 2] There he goes.
- [guy 3] He's here.
Get the fuck outta here!
- From behind?
- You defending this piece of shit?
- You're defending him?
- No, I'm not.
[Samu and guy 4 arguing]
[students shouting]
[Isadora] Enough! Shut up. Are you crazy?
- [guy 4] Get back!
- Isadora!
- [guy 4] Get off!
- What the hell? You dumb bitch!
- Don't you ever touch me again!
- What's goin' on here?
[tense music continues, fades]
[Isadora] I saw everything, Benjamín.
They jumped him.
He fell to the floor. It was horrible...
Thanks, Artiñán,
but it's all been recorded.
So, it's up to you to report it.
Sure. And then someone ends up
stringing me up from the basketball hoop.
I'd rather leave here.
Oh no, baby. Don't say that.
It doesn't need to escalate.
Benjamín, I should go back to my country.
Talk to my parents.
I have tried, but they refuse.
But if you leave now,
it would be like admitting they're right.
It also, uh...
Well, there's the school's image.
Oh great.
Just know if I am found lying in the road,
it's gonna be your fault.
[Isadora] Baby, don't leave this way.
He can't leave this way, right? [scoffs]
[Benjamín] I can't tell you how proud
it makes me you didn't join the mob.
Just defended someone
who'd been attacked.
I don't know what I think about Phillipe.
I'd prefer not to think about it.
So, the debate team's opened your mind
to a range of grays.
[takes a deep breath] I already ruined
one classmate's life for revenge.
And, well, I realized
everyone has a right to redeem themselves.
Can I go now?
[sighs] Why haven't you gone to see Ari?
It's not like you.
Is it because of Nunier?
[somber music playing]
No. I mean, sort of.
He left without much notice.
Do you have any idea why?
[clicks tongue] Also,
Ari doesn't want me to come see her.
Well, it's...
it's just, she's scared
and still in shock.
Please don't hold that against her.
Look, Samuel, I...
I still have great plans for your future.
But you have to remind me why it was
that I bet on you from the beginning.
[clicks tongue] So,
just be a man and go see her.
[Benjamín on TV] As you know,
one of your classmates has been the victim
of unacceptable treatment.
Serious accusations once were leveled
against Phillipe von Triesenberg.
Since then, his name has been cleared.
But his innocence hasn't protected him
from a series of attacks
that are lamentable and cowardly.
And I will not allow that behavior
at this school.
[guy] Hey, man.
Am I bothering you?
Uh, not at all. No.
Well, um, I'm new here,
and I can't find the locker room,
and I've been walking around in circles.
Well, it's down the hall
on your left-hand side.
- Okay. Down the hall?
- Yeah.
Good. Thank you.
I'm also going there.
If you want, I'll go with you.
- [showers running]
- [indistinct chatter]
You sure you're going to shower?
[chuckles] You're all dressed up, dude.
[chuckles] I dress up for workouts.
Well, thanks for guiding me.
[guy sighs]
[energetic music playing]
[guy sighs]
I'm not gay.
You've had your eyes on me
since you saw me in the hallway.
[laughs] Don't sweat it.
Look as much as you want.
It doesn't bug me.
You been at Las Encinas long?
I got here from London
at the start of the year.
- What class are you in?
- Not yours.
- I would've noticed.
- [Patrick chuckles]
Well, thanks for rescuing me
when I was lost back there.
If it hadn't been for you...
Maybe you'd still be lost.
Around here, people get confused.
- [chuckles] Yeah. See you around.
- [Patrick] Yeah.
You can tell me what class you skipped
so you could shower with me.
[speaking Portuguese]
"Boner." That's how you say it? [whistles]
[guy chuckles]
[Patrick scoffs]
[Rebe] Hey, Mencía.
What's up? How's it goin'?
Happy New Year.
How are you?
- Six feet away, please.
- Quit it, dude.
What happened over Christmas? Huh?
Did your old man get you a lobotomy
for the holidays?
You wanna know what happened?
What happened is that you're the icing
on the shit cake
I unleashed on my family this year.
The what?
- Just leave me alone.
- No, no. Shh. Hey. Just a minute.
Shut your pretty mouth and listen, okay?
You were flogging yourself
about Ari like about your mother.
Well, you know what, Mencía?
You are not to blame for any of that.
None of it. Not what happened
to your sister or to your mother.
- You can't blame yourself for everything...
- Actually, you know whose fault it was?
For telling Ari.
Hey, over here.
She snuck back in here
after you had thrown her out.
What are you doing?
[guard] Miss, come with me.
Okay, okay. Okay. I can leave on my own.
[indistinct chatter]
[engine revving]
Dad. Do you know
who's the new guy in the Aston Martin?
Why do you want to know?
He's new,
and we have to welcome him, right?
- But he's not in your class.
- [Patrick] So what?
- I don't think it's any of your business.
- Why do you care?
Could you stop thinking about yourself
and partying and boys? Is that possible?
What is this about?
[Benjamín] If you'd put yourself
in this family's shoes.
Your sister has been on the verge
of death, and you weren't around.
- Dad, Patrick didn't...
- [Benjamín] No one asked you anything!
So, I would love it
if you'd quit being a spoiled little brat!
[quietly] Okay.
[Mencía] Patrick!
[engine starts]
- [cell phone beeps]
- Hey. Huge scene with my father.
Can we fuck and talk about it?
[both panting]
[Patrick] I'm coming. Oh, I'm coming.
["BB" playing]
- I'm coming.
- [Omar] I'm waiting for it.
[Patrick] I'm coming.
[Patrick moaning]
Oh my God.
- [Omar chuckles]
- [Patrick coughs]
[Patrick sighs]
[Omar] God.
Let's make it the norm
to just fuck away our frustrations, okay?
That was fuckin' amazing.
That's what my father really needs.
Just a good long fuck.
[sighs] I mean, yeah.
He's even more fascist than normal, right?
Semen retentum venenum est.
What did you say?
[both laugh]
[Omar sighs]
He could be scared shitless
by what happened.
You know?
And all he needs right now
is to feel... closer to you.
No. My father's never opened up
to us in his fucking life.
Maybe with Ari, if anyone.
But now she's a victim.
He doesn't respect her.
He protects her, doesn't respect her.
[sighs] So, get close to him,
even if he doesn't ask.
[sighs] Even if it's just to get him
to stop screwing over our class.
[chuckles] Just kidding.
Take Ander and me, for instance.
He's so reserved
and rarely ever asks for anything.
But I mean, we've managed to stay together
and communicate,
even though he's on the other side
of the fuckin' world, you know?
We still write to each other.
We call each other.
Oh no, handsome.
He doesn't write to you.
Ander replies 'cause you won't stop
sending him messages all day.
Because you're kinda intense and annoying.
- What's your problem?
- What's my problem?
- I mean, that's not true.
- It's not?
- No.
- [both laugh]
[Omar sighs]
Hey, um, I'm gonna take a shower
and get some air before I go home. Okay?
[Omar sighs]
[birds singing outside]
[Samu sighs]
Look, I don't know.
I have no excuse for it.
I haven't been there.
That's a fact.
But I'm telling you,
you can go back to living your life.
Because now I'm gonna be there,
and I'm going to support you.
You'll be there how?
As what?
As my friend?
[Samu scoffs] Um...
As a couple, if you'd like.
A couple?
I want to be with you, Ari.
But why have you been avoiding me
only to come here and tell me this now?
Were you scared?
Were you afraid that... that I would say no?
[gentle music playing]
[softly] Yeah.
Well, then. That's it.
You are definitely an idiot.
[Ari chuckles softly]
Now, you would normally come here,
give me a hug and a kiss. Wouldn't you?
[Ari giggles]
[Samu sighs]
I'm sorry.
Don't worry, okay?
I missed you.
[Omar] Thanks.
[indistinct chatter]
[Omar] You have a reservation
for six tonight, right?
All right. Come this way, please.
Okay, here's the thing, Samuel.
Don't you want Ari
to overcome her PTSD and depression?
I know I want Mencía
to stop flogging herself
and behaving like a fucking clone
of her old man.
I think if we tell her
Armando's in the lake, breeding worms,
we'll pull her
out of the black hole she's in.
What are you doing out here?
- Fuckin' scared me, Omar.
- You shouldn't be out here.
Just give me a sec. This is important.
No, what's important
is the madhouse inside.
Let's go. Get to work.
Come on.
- Don't look at me like that.
- I'm going to tell you nicely.
You're letting being put in charge
go to your head.
- Who, me?
- Yes, you.
You're on top of everyone and everything.
All day. At work, at school, wherever.
And you're complaining
Ander doesn't reply.
It's 'cause you won't let us breathe.
["Dime" playing]
Should we go in?
[Patrick] Hmm?
Good luck.
- Aren't you goin' inside?
- Uh, no. I'm waiting for a friend.
[huffs] Patrick, just watch out
for your GPA this quarter.
You nervous?
- It's weird.
- Hmm. Well, it's cool to see you back.
- Love you.
- Love you too.
- Wanna go in together?
- I'll be right in.
- Ciao.
- Okay.
["Dime" fades out]
["Flerte Revival" playing]
[excited chatter]
[woman 1] I know, right?
- [man 1] Hey.
- [woman 2] Hey! No!
[in Portuguese] Dad! Dad!
[Cruz] Huh?
- [son] Have you seen my charger?
- My son!
- What charger?
- [son] My charger.
What charger?
[objects clattering]
This charger.
It's your fault
my alarm clock didn't work!
- [Cruz] I'm sorry.
- Bullshit! It's always the same with you!
- The music can't stop.
- [son] It never does!
- It's on all day, every day!
- [Cruz] Calm down.
I'll drive you to school.
I'll drive you right now, son.
[alarm beeping]
[music stops abruptly]
- [in English] Five minutes, Omar!
- [gentle music playing]
[Samu sighs]
[birds singing outside]
[Phillipe] Caye.
- I just...
- [Caye] Phillipe.
- Social distancing.
- Okay. Okay, okay.
Let's stay away from Phillipe, no?
You're doing that too
'cause it's affected you.
- [scoffs] I never said that, though.
- [Phillipe] Well, but it's what you want.
You didn't say it, but both our problems
would be solved if I go back.
Help me get out of here.
What are you... What do you want from me?
I don't know. As long as my principality
and Las Encinas say I am innocent
of the thing with Elodie,
we can't do anything.
"The thing with Elodie"?
Is that what you call it?
- [Phillipe] You know what I mean.
- Uh... no, Phillipe.
And what, uh... I mean...
So, what exactly do you call
what happened in the limo with me?
Call it whatever you want.
But tell everyone.
Then there will be
two complaints against me,
and it'll be impossible to keep me.
Caye, they're after me.
I know people in my country hate me too,
but it's safer than here.
Because I don't know if I can survive
an entire school year being a victim.
Elodie might know something about that.
She's been one for a year.
She's the victim, Phillipe. Not you, okay?
And I'm the one
who could have been one, not you.
Don't you see? Is that not clear to you?
Well, maybe I'm not able to.
- You see?
- [Caye scoffs]
Now it's up to you
to go out there and tell everyone.
Put an end to this once and for all.
- [Caye sighs]
- [Isadora] Everything okay?
How could you possibly
have been victimized by Phillipe?
[Caye sighs]
Sorry. You were being very loud.
- What are you? Phillipe's shadow?
- No. No, no, no, no.
Just pissed off
at the injustice he's suffering.
I see.
Right, why don't you take on the school
and leave me alone?
No, stop. No, no, no! Stop right there!
Don't hit me, please. I'm serious!
- Don't hurt me!
- Stop. Nobody's going to hit her!
- Don't come near!
- [Caye] Nobody's going to.
What are you doing? She's going psycho.
- Nothing's going on. Relax.
- Stop!
[scoffs] You see,
I could pretend to be your victim
like you claim you're Phillipe's victim.
I'm sorry, were you there?
[scoffs] Look, forget it
because this is really just... Honestly.
[Caye sighs]
Do you really want Phillipe to leave?
Well, yes. Maybe I do. I don't know.
Maybe it's best for everyone. Jesus.
Right. I don't want that either.
But please, don't be like
all those hysterical haters.
- They're all just ugly commies, you know.
- I'm sorry, what?
Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.
Don't be offended, baby.
I'm not saying you are.
I'm saying you shouldn't be.
Excuse me, Paris Hilton,
but I have things to do.
Did Phillipe screw up?
Did he say sorry?
Does he want to change?
I think it's very clear that he does.
But in order for a person to change,
you have to let them. Right?
Not cancel them for life,
like all these unhinged, crazy girls
are doing at the school.
They've totally scared the shit
out of Phillipe.
Don't let them scare you shitless too.
You don't have to help him escape.
Honey, you have to stand by him.
Just stand by your man.
No, he's your friend, no?
Or... I won't get into that.
It's not my business.
But stand by him.
Stand by him. Be happy together.
Be free to live the life you want to live.
That right there,
that is feminism.
[gentle music playing]
So, the Nazi's son
was kicked out for being late?
There's no hope for the rest of us.
- You know who I am?
- The whole school knows who you are.
I checked up on you. I like you, man.
Patrick, right?
All I know
is that you drive a... Aston Martin.
That's super sexy.
I was here waiting
for you to drive up in it.
Ah. The car is my father's.
But uh, I'd rather not talk about him.
He's been getting on my nerves. A lot.
My dad has been getting on mine
since Christmas, so I feel you.
So, you didn't go inside either, man.
You were hangin' out here.
You were waiting for me, weren't you?
You know, honestly,
I can't tell if I'm into it
or if it's super cringe.
Have you seen me?
I think your only choice is to be into it.
[Patrick chuckles]
Why don't we go have a drink
and, I don't know,
talk shit about our fathers?
- Sounds fun.
- Cool.
- [chuckles]
- [phone vibrates]
[phone beeps]
Hey, uh, I don't even know your name yet.
Well, you all do two kisses here, right?
Who is "we"?
[chuckles] All right,
you know what I mean.
Two kisses.
[energetic music playing]
Come on, let's go.
Okay. But where?
[Iván] To get drunk!
[card reader beeps]
[suspenseful music playing]
Mr. Blanco?
Good morning.
Can I have a minute
with you and your children, please?
[suspenseful music continues playing]
- Patrick won't answer. I'll get him.
- I'll cut to the chase.
We're aware that your son Patrick
went missing
around the same time de la Ossa vanished.
Patrick had nothing at all to do with it.
How do you know that?
What are you insinuating?
That my son had something to do
with that son of a bitch's disappearance?
[inspector] A lot of witnesses
assure us that they saw
de la Ossa with Mencía
at a concert organized
by one of the students from this school.
And they said the two of them
were rather, well, friendly.
And they saw Patrick
in a fit of aggression there.
Patrick had nothing to do with it.
- I'm the one you need to...
- Don't!
- How did you meet him, Mencía?
- Mencía, please don't.
[Mencía] Ari, thank you,
but that's enough.
Because you're always covering up for me.
[Mencía takes a deep breath]
I'm the only one who's to blame
for this awful fucking situation.
- I need to come clean.
- [inspector] Very well.
I'm listening.
One daughter was a victim of assault,
another was sexually abused by de la Ossa.
If you plan on leaving the city
at all, or country, notify me.
Good day, sir.
[indistinct chatter]
[Benjamín sobbing quietly]
[sighs] Are you all right?
[Benjamín sighs]
Yes. [sniffles]
I'm fine.
[Benjamín sighs]
[Samu] Okay.
If, uh... If I can help you
with anything, tell me.
It's not a problem.
[Benjamín] I lost my wife.
Almost lost Patrick.
Now I almost lost Ari and Mencía.
It's... all a disaster.
And I know that I haven't been
the man my family needed.
[Benjamín sighs]
You try to have... everything under control.
You think you know how.
But what's the point?
Tragedy strikes everyone sometimes.
Nothing you can do to avoid it.
I could have been more on top of them.
I could've...
I could have controlled the thing
with Armando.
He was in my house.
He met my children, and I didn't...
I didn't even have an inkling.
I didn't suspect anything. I could've...
I don't know.
And now...
my legs just shake to think
that he might come after my girls again
and that... and that once again,
I won't be able to do a thing.
[Benjamín sighs]
I wouldn't worry about Armando.
He won't come back.
Everything will be okay.
You teenagers like all that kind of stuff.
Like, New Age and Mr. Wonderful.
I'm completely serious.
[tense music playing]
You gotta trust me.
Armando isn't ever coming back.
[knocking on door]
- [door opens]
- Uh, yes?
Benjamín, do you have a minute?
Yes, come in.
- I'll leave you guys.
- [Benjamín] Garcia.
[clicks tongue] Thank you.
It's about Phillipe.
["Yellow Jacket" playing]
[excited chatter]
[in Portuguese] You're beautiful.
[in English] Your...
Your dad put this together?
[Cruz, in Portuguese] Son.
Introduce me to your buddy.
- [in English] Patrick.
- Nice to meet you.
- What's up?
- I'm good.
Join us.
I wanna just go up to my room and chill.
[in Portuguese] Come on.
Just a little while.
- [in English] It's a pleasure.
- Pleasure.
[song continues playing downstairs]
[Iván sighs]
[Patrick sighs]
[Patrick exhales]
[speaking Portuguese]
- [sighs] I think I'm hammered.
- [Patrick sighs]
- Hey.
- [Iván] What?
I hate to break it to you,
but, yeah, your father is nothing...
I mean, nothing like my dad.
He seems like a bro.
That's the problem.
How about a nap before we keep goin'?
This buzz is kinda too much for me.
Wait, wait, wait.
So then, we're not going
down to the party?
Nah. Just a little nap.
Little nap.
[inhales sharply] All right.
Where are you goin'?
- I don't know. To find a sofa.
- [Iván] What? No, you dumbass.
You're sleeping right here with me.
I want you to be comfortable.
Let's see.
Help me. I can't do it. [laughs]
I gotta charge my cell phone.
Oh, shit.
Boy, that's some ass you have
with that underwear, huh!
Better than a lot of girls.
No wonder they're all crazy about you.
[in Portuguese] ...crazy about you.
- [in English] Oh, shut up.
- [Iván laughs]
I'm giving you such a hard-on, huh?
You little perv.
- No.
- Nap time? And that was a joke.
[Iván grunts]
Oh shit.
[Iván sighs]
[whispering] Iván?
- Iván?
- Mm?
- You asleep?
- [Iván grunts]
Put out the light.
- [switch clicks]
- [Iván sighs]
[Patrick sighs deeply]
[Iván snoring]
Oh shit.
[Patrick sighs]
[Iván grunts]
[in Portuguese] Son.
Son, I need to recharge my cell phone.
It's only for a second.
I'll bring it back.
[Patrick sighs]
- [Cruz, in English] Hey, man.
- [Patrick] Shit!
Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck!
No, chill out. Chill out.
Shit. I'm so, so sorry.
- [Cruz sighs]
- I'm sorry. It's just that I was in bed...
- [Cruz] Relax.
- I lost it...
I get it. Want to shoot your load,
come downstairs.
Have a couple chicks having drinks
who are smoking hot.
- What?
- Come on. It's okay.
Nothing to be ashamed of.
Thanks, but no.
But why not?
I'm kinda gay.
- Ah.
- [Patrick] But thanks anyway.
That's all right.
I mean, we got a gay down there.
No, no.
Well, carry on, then.
Patrick, right?
Enjoy it, Patrick.
But have you and Iván? Are you guys...?
- No. We're just friends. That's all.
- [Cruz] No?
- Ah. Just friends, huh?
- [Patrick] Yes.
[indistinct chatter]
Hello, everyone.
Um, I wanted to talk
to you about something
that I understand
you have a lot of opinions about.
Uh, but I'd like you to listen
to me a moment, though.
Phillipe made an awful mistake.
He messed up.
But he's trying to redeem himself.
I mean, it's impossible
to have an immaculate life. No one can.
And I'm not trying to justify anything.
But without forgiveness,
we can never move forward... on either side.
Phillipe, if you go to your country,
you'll continue to enjoy your privileges
and make the same old mistakes
without any consequences.
Stay here and learn.
And I'd like to stay by your side
to support you while you do that,
and I hope I won't be the only one.
I understand that not everyone agrees
with my opinion on this,
but the solution
shouldn't be to kick him out and forget.
[Phillipe sighs]
[dramatic music playing]
[Caye sighs]
[indistinct chatter]
I'm sure after this,
people will relax, dude.
- Plus, in a couple days, it'll blow over.
- Get out of my face!
[inspector] Are you sure about this?
[dramatic music building]
What do you mean, am I sure about it?
Your confession.
Of course I'm sure.
[Samu breathing heavily]
I killed him.
[music fades]
[tense music playing]
- [indistinct chatter]
- ♪ Back on the streets where I come from ♪
♪ Don't count me out
'Cause I'm a wild one ♪
♪ Fool me once, but the shame's on you ♪
♪ 'Cause the second time around
I'm as good as new ♪
♪ Yeah... ♪
You look spectacular.
Hey, can a friend invite a friend
for champagne?
Just as a simple gesture of goodwill.
So, I can't tell
if you're joking or not right now.
No, I'm totally serious.
Why do you think I invited you
to this place swarming with people?
I'll do all I can to make you feel
comfortable with me again.
Okay. [chuckles]
- [Caye] Okay.
- [Phillipe sighs]
To friends.
- Yeah, sure.
- [glasses clink]
- [music stops abruptly]
- [patrons gasp]
[mutters, in French] What's going on?
[in English] I'm gonna talk
to the manager.
[Elodie, in French]
He sent me a recording of his voice.
Will that be enough evidence?
[in English] Is that Elodie?
[Phillipe, in French on recording] Elodie,
I know it's probably too late now,
but I beg you to forgive me.
Now you have a voice message
from me admitting what I did
and that I was wrong.
Use it as you see fit.
[cell phone chimes]
I know the Triesen authorities
will defend His Royal Highness.
In this recording,
Phillipe admits having done something,
having made a mistake,
but he does not say what it is.
I know that bringing down a prince
is impossible,
but I won't be silenced.
I have no intention of hiding my truth.
The truth.
And the truth
is that Phillipe Florian von Triesenberg
raped me.
[Phillipe panting]
- [patrons murmuring]
- [somber music playing]
[tense music playing]
[in English] Samuel...
are you sure about this?
Are you sure... about your confession?
[dramatic orchestral music playing]
[thunder rumbling]
[dramatic music building]
[helicopter blades whirring]
- ["Ou La La La (All Eyes On Us)" playing]
- ♪ Ou la la la, ou la la la ♪
♪ Ou la la la, ou la la la ♪
- ♪ Listen ♪
- ♪ Ou la la la, ou la la la ♪
- ♪ Ou la la la, ou la la la ♪
- ♪ Ah! ♪
♪ Listen ♪
♪ Ah! ♪
[thunder rumbling]
- ♪ Ah! ♪
- ♪ Got all eyes on, we got all eyes... ♪
- Miss Isadora.
- Home sweet home.
♪ We got all eyes, we got all eyes ♪
♪ Got all eyes on us and simply bust ♪
♪ We got all eyes, we got all eyes
We got all eyes on us and simply bust ♪
♪ Got all eyes, we got all eyes ♪
- ♪ Ou la la la, ou la la la ♪
- ♪ Got the time to ♪
♪ Ou la la la, ou la la la ♪
- ♪ Simply bust ♪
- ♪ Ou la la la, ou la la la... ♪
[in Portuguese] My God.
♪ Got all eyes, we got all eyes on us... ♪
[bottles clink]
♪ Got all eyes, we got all eyes
We got all eyes on us ♪
- ♪ We bust ♪
- ♪ Ah! ♪
♪ Got all eyes, we got all eyes
We got all eyes on us ♪
- ♪ We bust ♪
- ♪ Ah! ♪
- ♪ Got all eyes... ♪
- [Cruz] Huh?
[in Portuguese] Dad.
[Cruz] Huh?
I'm going to school.
♪ Ou la la la, ou la la la... ♪
What time is it?
A quarter to eight.
Ah, damn.
Give me a minute, and I'll drive you.
[loud thud]
♪ Ah! ♪
♪ Yeah ♪
♪ Yeah ♪
- [Cruz retching]
- ♪ Ou la la la... ♪
[Cruz panting]
[in Portuguese] Take the Aston Martin
and go.
- Yes, when I turn 18.
- Okay.
- I'm leaving. Are you okay?
- [weakly] I'm fine.
[Cruz sighs]
[shutter clicks]
[cell phone chimes]
[door opens]
[sighs, in Portuguese] Son.
- I'll take these vitamins and drive you.
- [son] Hangover?
If the club knew about your parties...
But what a party!
Did you see the girl I had by my side?
- Wow.
- [son] Seriously, Dad.
At your age...
At your age, I had left Portugal
and was working in Brazil. Alone.
I had a mansion with a pool, a Ferrari.
What have you done?
Not a damn thing! Nothing.
What does age have to do with it?
[gentle music playing]
[birds singing outside]
[alarm beeping]
- [Samu exhales deeply]
- [knocking on door]
Get the fuck up.
Hmm. Okay, okay. All right.
Just give me five minutes, please.
Come on.
- Stop it. Five minutes.
- We're late.
Fuck. Why can't you knock first, dude?
[energetic music playing]
You don't have to wake me up
every morning like you're my dad.
'Cause you're not, you know.
[scoffs] Yeah. Thing is,
if I don't, you're late.
I mean, a simple thanks
would've been fine. But, sure.
- Don't get pissy, Omar.
- ["In This Dark Time" playing]
- [under breath] Oh well.
- ♪ Do I dement it again ♪
♪ Do I really get to be... ♪
I'm going to repeat the rules
that have already been communicated.
So, you should familiarize yourself
with them.
Strict punctuality is required.
- Sorry, miss, you're late.
- Seriously?
[Benjamín] Students who don't enter
first thing in the morning
without a valid reason
will be denied entrance
for the rest of the day.
In addition, they'll be penalized
on their final grade point average.
[Rebe shouting]
[indistinct chatter]
[Benjamín] Next regulation.
The use of private personal devices
or the school's devices for such purposes
as browsing social media
without a justified reason
is strictly forbidden.
The same applies to phones,
which from this point on,
should be stored away
in your lockers throughout the school day.
In adherence with health
and safety guidelines,
gatherings of more than three people
in the common areas
for nonacademic purposes
is strictly forbidden.
Scrupulous physical distance
must be maintained at all times.
Any situation of fraternizing or intimacy
that violates this rule will be penalized.
♪ In this dark time
Could you take my hand? ♪
I hope that together we will all
be able to abide by these new rules
and adhere to the three precepts
of our school's motto.
Discipline, excellence, achievement.
[guard] Come on, let's go to class.
Come on, now. You can't be that close.
Girls, move it along!
Come on, you need to disperse.
No groups larger than three.
You know the rules.
- [bag thuds]
- [Rebe] You fucking kidding me?
The stupid dickhead says
I can't come in? [grunts]
Seriously? I've come to school
dressed like this for two years. [grunts]
Morning. [sighs]
[scoffs] You don't want to know
what the line's like
in the chicks' bathroom, let me tell ya.
[exhales] Look...
[clears throat] ...he's clearly never seen
a hot chick before, either.
[Rebe sighs]
[Rebe exhales]
- [cell phone chimes]
- Hey, Mencía. What's up? It's Rebe, dude.
I snuck into the school.
Can you let me know when you've...
- [Caye scoffs]
- [Rebe] They're on display.
- For the goddamn world to see.
- [Caye] But we're not together anymore.
[tense music playing]
- And Phillipe apologized.
- [Rebe] Fine, but he hasn't paid for it.
And you can't sit on the fence here, dude.
Yeah. It's just not easy to take sides...
- [Rebe] Isn't it?
- No.
You're either with him,
or you're against him. See? Easy.
[Caye chuckles]
Cayetana, Phillipe can't stay here.
You know that.
Even, I mean,
if Benjamín still covers for him.
[Caye sighs]
Listen, girl. I'm not gonna pry. Okay?
But think about
whether this guy's done something to you.
Honestly, even
if you believe it's trivial.
Even if you believe it's minor.
Think about it.
I'm sure there's something.
I mean, for real, dude. Just tell on him
and let them kick him out already.
- [Caye sighs]
- Okay?
Yeah, okay. Yeah.
Okay, I'm gonna get something
to clean this up.
[Caye sighs]
["Telomeres" playing]
["Telomeres" continues playing
over headphones]
- [music fades]
- [indistinct chatter]
- [indistinct chatter]
- [tense music playing]
- [Phillipe grunts, panting]
- [guy 1 laughs] Yeah!
- [guy 2] There he goes.
- [guy 3] He's here.
Get the fuck outta here!
- From behind?
- You defending this piece of shit?
- You're defending him?
- No, I'm not.
[Samu and guy 4 arguing]
[students shouting]
[Isadora] Enough! Shut up. Are you crazy?
- [guy 4] Get back!
- Isadora!
- [guy 4] Get off!
- What the hell? You dumb bitch!
- Don't you ever touch me again!
- What's goin' on here?
[tense music continues, fades]
[Isadora] I saw everything, Benjamín.
They jumped him.
He fell to the floor. It was horrible...
Thanks, Artiñán,
but it's all been recorded.
So, it's up to you to report it.
Sure. And then someone ends up
stringing me up from the basketball hoop.
I'd rather leave here.
Oh no, baby. Don't say that.
It doesn't need to escalate.
Benjamín, I should go back to my country.
Talk to my parents.
I have tried, but they refuse.
But if you leave now,
it would be like admitting they're right.
It also, uh...
Well, there's the school's image.
Oh great.
Just know if I am found lying in the road,
it's gonna be your fault.
[Isadora] Baby, don't leave this way.
He can't leave this way, right? [scoffs]
[Benjamín] I can't tell you how proud
it makes me you didn't join the mob.
Just defended someone
who'd been attacked.
I don't know what I think about Phillipe.
I'd prefer not to think about it.
So, the debate team's opened your mind
to a range of grays.
[takes a deep breath] I already ruined
one classmate's life for revenge.
And, well, I realized
everyone has a right to redeem themselves.
Can I go now?
[sighs] Why haven't you gone to see Ari?
It's not like you.
Is it because of Nunier?
[somber music playing]
No. I mean, sort of.
He left without much notice.
Do you have any idea why?
[clicks tongue] Also,
Ari doesn't want me to come see her.
Well, it's...
it's just, she's scared
and still in shock.
Please don't hold that against her.
Look, Samuel, I...
I still have great plans for your future.
But you have to remind me why it was
that I bet on you from the beginning.
[clicks tongue] So,
just be a man and go see her.
[Benjamín on TV] As you know,
one of your classmates has been the victim
of unacceptable treatment.
Serious accusations once were leveled
against Phillipe von Triesenberg.
Since then, his name has been cleared.
But his innocence hasn't protected him
from a series of attacks
that are lamentable and cowardly.
And I will not allow that behavior
at this school.
[guy] Hey, man.
Am I bothering you?
Uh, not at all. No.
Well, um, I'm new here,
and I can't find the locker room,
and I've been walking around in circles.
Well, it's down the hall
on your left-hand side.
- Okay. Down the hall?
- Yeah.
Good. Thank you.
I'm also going there.
If you want, I'll go with you.
- [showers running]
- [indistinct chatter]
You sure you're going to shower?
[chuckles] You're all dressed up, dude.
[chuckles] I dress up for workouts.
Well, thanks for guiding me.
[guy sighs]
[energetic music playing]
[guy sighs]
I'm not gay.
You've had your eyes on me
since you saw me in the hallway.
[laughs] Don't sweat it.
Look as much as you want.
It doesn't bug me.
You been at Las Encinas long?
I got here from London
at the start of the year.
- What class are you in?
- Not yours.
- I would've noticed.
- [Patrick chuckles]
Well, thanks for rescuing me
when I was lost back there.
If it hadn't been for you...
Maybe you'd still be lost.
Around here, people get confused.
- [chuckles] Yeah. See you around.
- [Patrick] Yeah.
You can tell me what class you skipped
so you could shower with me.
[speaking Portuguese]
"Boner." That's how you say it? [whistles]
[guy chuckles]
[Patrick scoffs]
[Rebe] Hey, Mencía.
What's up? How's it goin'?
Happy New Year.
How are you?
- Six feet away, please.
- Quit it, dude.
What happened over Christmas? Huh?
Did your old man get you a lobotomy
for the holidays?
You wanna know what happened?
What happened is that you're the icing
on the shit cake
I unleashed on my family this year.
The what?
- Just leave me alone.
- No, no. Shh. Hey. Just a minute.
Shut your pretty mouth and listen, okay?
You were flogging yourself
about Ari like about your mother.
Well, you know what, Mencía?
You are not to blame for any of that.
None of it. Not what happened
to your sister or to your mother.
- You can't blame yourself for everything...
- Actually, you know whose fault it was?
For telling Ari.
Hey, over here.
She snuck back in here
after you had thrown her out.
What are you doing?
[guard] Miss, come with me.
Okay, okay. Okay. I can leave on my own.
[indistinct chatter]
[engine revving]
Dad. Do you know
who's the new guy in the Aston Martin?
Why do you want to know?
He's new,
and we have to welcome him, right?
- But he's not in your class.
- [Patrick] So what?
- I don't think it's any of your business.
- Why do you care?
Could you stop thinking about yourself
and partying and boys? Is that possible?
What is this about?
[Benjamín] If you'd put yourself
in this family's shoes.
Your sister has been on the verge
of death, and you weren't around.
- Dad, Patrick didn't...
- [Benjamín] No one asked you anything!
So, I would love it
if you'd quit being a spoiled little brat!
[quietly] Okay.
[Mencía] Patrick!
[engine starts]
- [cell phone beeps]
- Hey. Huge scene with my father.
Can we fuck and talk about it?
[both panting]
[Patrick] I'm coming. Oh, I'm coming.
["BB" playing]
- I'm coming.
- [Omar] I'm waiting for it.
[Patrick] I'm coming.
[Patrick moaning]
Oh my God.
- [Omar chuckles]
- [Patrick coughs]
[Patrick sighs]
[Omar] God.
Let's make it the norm
to just fuck away our frustrations, okay?
That was fuckin' amazing.
That's what my father really needs.
Just a good long fuck.
[sighs] I mean, yeah.
He's even more fascist than normal, right?
Semen retentum venenum est.
What did you say?
[both laugh]
[Omar sighs]
He could be scared shitless
by what happened.
You know?
And all he needs right now
is to feel... closer to you.
No. My father's never opened up
to us in his fucking life.
Maybe with Ari, if anyone.
But now she's a victim.
He doesn't respect her.
He protects her, doesn't respect her.
[sighs] So, get close to him,
even if he doesn't ask.
[sighs] Even if it's just to get him
to stop screwing over our class.
[chuckles] Just kidding.
Take Ander and me, for instance.
He's so reserved
and rarely ever asks for anything.
But I mean, we've managed to stay together
and communicate,
even though he's on the other side
of the fuckin' world, you know?
We still write to each other.
We call each other.
Oh no, handsome.
He doesn't write to you.
Ander replies 'cause you won't stop
sending him messages all day.
Because you're kinda intense and annoying.
- What's your problem?
- What's my problem?
- I mean, that's not true.
- It's not?
- No.
- [both laugh]
[Omar sighs]
Hey, um, I'm gonna take a shower
and get some air before I go home. Okay?
[Omar sighs]
[birds singing outside]
[Samu sighs]
Look, I don't know.
I have no excuse for it.
I haven't been there.
That's a fact.
But I'm telling you,
you can go back to living your life.
Because now I'm gonna be there,
and I'm going to support you.
You'll be there how?
As what?
As my friend?
[Samu scoffs] Um...
As a couple, if you'd like.
A couple?
I want to be with you, Ari.
But why have you been avoiding me
only to come here and tell me this now?
Were you scared?
Were you afraid that... that I would say no?
[gentle music playing]
[softly] Yeah.
Well, then. That's it.
You are definitely an idiot.
[Ari chuckles softly]
Now, you would normally come here,
give me a hug and a kiss. Wouldn't you?
[Ari giggles]
[Samu sighs]
I'm sorry.
Don't worry, okay?
I missed you.
[Omar] Thanks.
[indistinct chatter]
[Omar] You have a reservation
for six tonight, right?
All right. Come this way, please.
Okay, here's the thing, Samuel.
Don't you want Ari
to overcome her PTSD and depression?
I know I want Mencía
to stop flogging herself
and behaving like a fucking clone
of her old man.
I think if we tell her
Armando's in the lake, breeding worms,
we'll pull her
out of the black hole she's in.
What are you doing out here?
- Fuckin' scared me, Omar.
- You shouldn't be out here.
Just give me a sec. This is important.
No, what's important
is the madhouse inside.
Let's go. Get to work.
Come on.
- Don't look at me like that.
- I'm going to tell you nicely.
You're letting being put in charge
go to your head.
- Who, me?
- Yes, you.
You're on top of everyone and everything.
All day. At work, at school, wherever.
And you're complaining
Ander doesn't reply.
It's 'cause you won't let us breathe.
["Dime" playing]
Should we go in?
[Patrick] Hmm?
Good luck.
- Aren't you goin' inside?
- Uh, no. I'm waiting for a friend.
[huffs] Patrick, just watch out
for your GPA this quarter.
You nervous?
- It's weird.
- Hmm. Well, it's cool to see you back.
- Love you.
- Love you too.
- Wanna go in together?
- I'll be right in.
- Ciao.
- Okay.
["Dime" fades out]
["Flerte Revival" playing]
[excited chatter]
[woman 1] I know, right?
- [man 1] Hey.
- [woman 2] Hey! No!
[in Portuguese] Dad! Dad!
[Cruz] Huh?
- [son] Have you seen my charger?
- My son!
- What charger?
- [son] My charger.
What charger?
[objects clattering]
This charger.
It's your fault
my alarm clock didn't work!
- [Cruz] I'm sorry.
- Bullshit! It's always the same with you!
- The music can't stop.
- [son] It never does!
- It's on all day, every day!
- [Cruz] Calm down.
I'll drive you to school.
I'll drive you right now, son.
[alarm beeping]
[music stops abruptly]
- [in English] Five minutes, Omar!
- [gentle music playing]
[Samu sighs]
[birds singing outside]
[Phillipe] Caye.
- I just...
- [Caye] Phillipe.
- Social distancing.
- Okay. Okay, okay.
Let's stay away from Phillipe, no?
You're doing that too
'cause it's affected you.
- [scoffs] I never said that, though.
- [Phillipe] Well, but it's what you want.
You didn't say it, but both our problems
would be solved if I go back.
Help me get out of here.
What are you... What do you want from me?
I don't know. As long as my principality
and Las Encinas say I am innocent
of the thing with Elodie,
we can't do anything.
"The thing with Elodie"?
Is that what you call it?
- [Phillipe] You know what I mean.
- Uh... no, Phillipe.
And what, uh... I mean...
So, what exactly do you call
what happened in the limo with me?
Call it whatever you want.
But tell everyone.
Then there will be
two complaints against me,
and it'll be impossible to keep me.
Caye, they're after me.
I know people in my country hate me too,
but it's safer than here.
Because I don't know if I can survive
an entire school year being a victim.
Elodie might know something about that.
She's been one for a year.
She's the victim, Phillipe. Not you, okay?
And I'm the one
who could have been one, not you.
Don't you see? Is that not clear to you?
Well, maybe I'm not able to.
- You see?
- [Caye scoffs]
Now it's up to you
to go out there and tell everyone.
Put an end to this once and for all.
- [Caye sighs]
- [Isadora] Everything okay?
How could you possibly
have been victimized by Phillipe?
[Caye sighs]
Sorry. You were being very loud.
- What are you? Phillipe's shadow?
- No. No, no, no, no.
Just pissed off
at the injustice he's suffering.
I see.
Right, why don't you take on the school
and leave me alone?
No, stop. No, no, no! Stop right there!
Don't hit me, please. I'm serious!
- Don't hurt me!
- Stop. Nobody's going to hit her!
- Don't come near!
- [Caye] Nobody's going to.
What are you doing? She's going psycho.
- Nothing's going on. Relax.
- Stop!
[scoffs] You see,
I could pretend to be your victim
like you claim you're Phillipe's victim.
I'm sorry, were you there?
[scoffs] Look, forget it
because this is really just... Honestly.
[Caye sighs]
Do you really want Phillipe to leave?
Well, yes. Maybe I do. I don't know.
Maybe it's best for everyone. Jesus.
Right. I don't want that either.
But please, don't be like
all those hysterical haters.
- They're all just ugly commies, you know.
- I'm sorry, what?
Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.
Don't be offended, baby.
I'm not saying you are.
I'm saying you shouldn't be.
Excuse me, Paris Hilton,
but I have things to do.
Did Phillipe screw up?
Did he say sorry?
Does he want to change?
I think it's very clear that he does.
But in order for a person to change,
you have to let them. Right?
Not cancel them for life,
like all these unhinged, crazy girls
are doing at the school.
They've totally scared the shit
out of Phillipe.
Don't let them scare you shitless too.
You don't have to help him escape.
Honey, you have to stand by him.
Just stand by your man.
No, he's your friend, no?
Or... I won't get into that.
It's not my business.
But stand by him.
Stand by him. Be happy together.
Be free to live the life you want to live.
That right there,
that is feminism.
[gentle music playing]
So, the Nazi's son
was kicked out for being late?
There's no hope for the rest of us.
- You know who I am?
- The whole school knows who you are.
I checked up on you. I like you, man.
Patrick, right?
All I know
is that you drive a... Aston Martin.
That's super sexy.
I was here waiting
for you to drive up in it.
Ah. The car is my father's.
But uh, I'd rather not talk about him.
He's been getting on my nerves. A lot.
My dad has been getting on mine
since Christmas, so I feel you.
So, you didn't go inside either, man.
You were hangin' out here.
You were waiting for me, weren't you?
You know, honestly,
I can't tell if I'm into it
or if it's super cringe.
Have you seen me?
I think your only choice is to be into it.
[Patrick chuckles]
Why don't we go have a drink
and, I don't know,
talk shit about our fathers?
- Sounds fun.
- Cool.
- [chuckles]
- [phone vibrates]
[phone beeps]
Hey, uh, I don't even know your name yet.
Well, you all do two kisses here, right?
Who is "we"?
[chuckles] All right,
you know what I mean.
Two kisses.
[energetic music playing]
Come on, let's go.
Okay. But where?
[Iván] To get drunk!
[card reader beeps]
[suspenseful music playing]
Mr. Blanco?
Good morning.
Can I have a minute
with you and your children, please?
[suspenseful music continues playing]
- Patrick won't answer. I'll get him.
- I'll cut to the chase.
We're aware that your son Patrick
went missing
around the same time de la Ossa vanished.
Patrick had nothing at all to do with it.
How do you know that?
What are you insinuating?
That my son had something to do
with that son of a bitch's disappearance?
[inspector] A lot of witnesses
assure us that they saw
de la Ossa with Mencía
at a concert organized
by one of the students from this school.
And they said the two of them
were rather, well, friendly.
And they saw Patrick
in a fit of aggression there.
Patrick had nothing to do with it.
- I'm the one you need to...
- Don't!
- How did you meet him, Mencía?
- Mencía, please don't.
[Mencía] Ari, thank you,
but that's enough.
Because you're always covering up for me.
[Mencía takes a deep breath]
I'm the only one who's to blame
for this awful fucking situation.
- I need to come clean.
- [inspector] Very well.
I'm listening.
One daughter was a victim of assault,
another was sexually abused by de la Ossa.
If you plan on leaving the city
at all, or country, notify me.
Good day, sir.
[indistinct chatter]
[Benjamín sobbing quietly]
[sighs] Are you all right?
[Benjamín sighs]
Yes. [sniffles]
I'm fine.
[Benjamín sighs]
[Samu] Okay.
If, uh... If I can help you
with anything, tell me.
It's not a problem.
[Benjamín] I lost my wife.
Almost lost Patrick.
Now I almost lost Ari and Mencía.
It's... all a disaster.
And I know that I haven't been
the man my family needed.
[Benjamín sighs]
You try to have... everything under control.
You think you know how.
But what's the point?
Tragedy strikes everyone sometimes.
Nothing you can do to avoid it.
I could have been more on top of them.
I could've...
I could have controlled the thing
with Armando.
He was in my house.
He met my children, and I didn't...
I didn't even have an inkling.
I didn't suspect anything. I could've...
I don't know.
And now...
my legs just shake to think
that he might come after my girls again
and that... and that once again,
I won't be able to do a thing.
[Benjamín sighs]
I wouldn't worry about Armando.
He won't come back.
Everything will be okay.
You teenagers like all that kind of stuff.
Like, New Age and Mr. Wonderful.
I'm completely serious.
[tense music playing]
You gotta trust me.
Armando isn't ever coming back.
[knocking on door]
- [door opens]
- Uh, yes?
Benjamín, do you have a minute?
Yes, come in.
- I'll leave you guys.
- [Benjamín] Garcia.
[clicks tongue] Thank you.
It's about Phillipe.
["Yellow Jacket" playing]
[excited chatter]
[in Portuguese] You're beautiful.
[in English] Your...
Your dad put this together?
[Cruz, in Portuguese] Son.
Introduce me to your buddy.
- [in English] Patrick.
- Nice to meet you.
- What's up?
- I'm good.
Join us.
I wanna just go up to my room and chill.
[in Portuguese] Come on.
Just a little while.
- [in English] It's a pleasure.
- Pleasure.
[song continues playing downstairs]
[Iván sighs]
[Patrick sighs]
[Patrick exhales]
[speaking Portuguese]
- [sighs] I think I'm hammered.
- [Patrick sighs]
- Hey.
- [Iván] What?
I hate to break it to you,
but, yeah, your father is nothing...
I mean, nothing like my dad.
He seems like a bro.
That's the problem.
How about a nap before we keep goin'?
This buzz is kinda too much for me.
Wait, wait, wait.
So then, we're not going
down to the party?
Nah. Just a little nap.
Little nap.
[inhales sharply] All right.
Where are you goin'?
- I don't know. To find a sofa.
- [Iván] What? No, you dumbass.
You're sleeping right here with me.
I want you to be comfortable.
Let's see.
Help me. I can't do it. [laughs]
I gotta charge my cell phone.
Oh, shit.
Boy, that's some ass you have
with that underwear, huh!
Better than a lot of girls.
No wonder they're all crazy about you.
[in Portuguese] ...crazy about you.
- [in English] Oh, shut up.
- [Iván laughs]
I'm giving you such a hard-on, huh?
You little perv.
- No.
- Nap time? And that was a joke.
[Iván grunts]
Oh shit.
[Iván sighs]
[whispering] Iván?
- Iván?
- Mm?
- You asleep?
- [Iván grunts]
Put out the light.
- [switch clicks]
- [Iván sighs]
[Patrick sighs deeply]
[Iván snoring]
Oh shit.
[Patrick sighs]
[Iván grunts]
[in Portuguese] Son.
Son, I need to recharge my cell phone.
It's only for a second.
I'll bring it back.
[Patrick sighs]
- [Cruz, in English] Hey, man.
- [Patrick] Shit!
Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck!
No, chill out. Chill out.
Shit. I'm so, so sorry.
- [Cruz sighs]
- I'm sorry. It's just that I was in bed...
- [Cruz] Relax.
- I lost it...
I get it. Want to shoot your load,
come downstairs.
Have a couple chicks having drinks
who are smoking hot.
- What?
- Come on. It's okay.
Nothing to be ashamed of.
Thanks, but no.
But why not?
I'm kinda gay.
- Ah.
- [Patrick] But thanks anyway.
That's all right.
I mean, we got a gay down there.
No, no.
Well, carry on, then.
Patrick, right?
Enjoy it, Patrick.
But have you and Iván? Are you guys...?
- No. We're just friends. That's all.
- [Cruz] No?
- Ah. Just friends, huh?
- [Patrick] Yes.
[indistinct chatter]
Hello, everyone.
Um, I wanted to talk
to you about something
that I understand
you have a lot of opinions about.
Uh, but I'd like you to listen
to me a moment, though.
Phillipe made an awful mistake.
He messed up.
But he's trying to redeem himself.
I mean, it's impossible
to have an immaculate life. No one can.
And I'm not trying to justify anything.
But without forgiveness,
we can never move forward... on either side.
Phillipe, if you go to your country,
you'll continue to enjoy your privileges
and make the same old mistakes
without any consequences.
Stay here and learn.
And I'd like to stay by your side
to support you while you do that,
and I hope I won't be the only one.
I understand that not everyone agrees
with my opinion on this,
but the solution
shouldn't be to kick him out and forget.
[Phillipe sighs]
[dramatic music playing]
[Caye sighs]
[indistinct chatter]
I'm sure after this,
people will relax, dude.
- Plus, in a couple days, it'll blow over.
- Get out of my face!
[inspector] Are you sure about this?
[dramatic music building]
What do you mean, am I sure about it?
Your confession.
Of course I'm sure.
[Samu breathing heavily]
I killed him.
[music fades]
[tense music playing]