Elite (2018–…): Season 2, Episode 7 - 84 horas desaparecido - full transcript
Lu uncovers a secret while helping Cayetana with her fundraiser party. Omar worries about Samuel's fate. Ander's behavior confuses Guzmán.
If you carry on with your investigation,
the only thing you will really achieve
will be ending up like Christian.
Samuel, this is not enough
to change the course of an investigation.
Less than this was enough
to put my brother in jail.
- Your brother fit the profile.
- The profile?
Of someone who could commit
a crime like that.
- With a criminal record. Violent...
- He's not a murderer.
- And now he is on the run.
- He has disappeared.
We believe that he is on the run,
and there is currently
a warrant for his arrest.
Do you see the difference?
Samuel, go home.
Focus on your studies.
Don't get into trouble.
Stop looking at the past
and focus on your future.
You tell me.
Yesterday, someone called the tip hotline
for information on Samuel,
and after 30 seconds of silence,
they hung up.
We traced the call. It was someone
who knew Samuel very well.
We just need some more ice.
Do you need anything else?
Listen, are you friends with the guy
who rides the bike? Samu.
The one who lives
on the square with the steps.
Because you should warn him as a friend
that he'd better watch out.
He got involved with the wrong people.
Bullshit. Just get on with your work.
We still have lots to do.
Remember that I warned you.
Don't come crying to me later.
The police have no time
to listen to your stories.
- They are not stories.
- But they don't believe you.
- Neither do I.
- No.
You don't want to believe me
because you're afraid
that your friends are your enemies,
and I'm the only person telling you
the fucking truth.
Listen, stop...
Stop stirring shit up.
Hi, gorgeous!
- Hi! Sorry.
- It's okay. Do you have a moment?
- Sure.
- I wanted to talk about... something.
There is an NGO, Smile 4 the Child,
that has just arrived here in Spain.
They have made me the Spanish ambassador.
- For real?
- Yes.
- That's great.
- No, really,
they do a fantastic job helping
poor children in developing countries.
- Amazing work.
- Cool.
I'd like to put on a small event.
A charity dinner to start off,
with maybe 10 or 15 people.
- Okay.
- But I haven't got many contacts here yet.
And you need my help, right?
- Yes.
- And you know you'll have it.
Thank you, babe. You're the best.
I know! So are you.
- I'll make a few calls and let you know.
- Okay, darling.
- Thank you, baby.
- Relax. It'll be great.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Well, you tell Marcos for me
that you and he should stop freaking out.
No one is coming to get me,
because I'm a nobody.
Haven't you seen in the movies
how, when they want to scare someone,
they kill the dog?
You're basically the dog.
I saw them around back when I was dealing.
They don't want anyone stepping on
and fucking up their business.
Because that's it, isn't it?
You're dealing.
I only deliver stuff.
After the grief I got from you to quit
that shit, now you're at it yourself!
Omar, they won't give us back
the bail money.
We need to pay the lawyer.
What I earn is not enough.
- I need the money.
- I needed it, too!
But a friend had a go at me and said
I would end up in prison or worse.
Maybe your friend didn't know
what he was talking about.
Maybe he saved my life.
Samu, one day, Fer, my weed dealer,
stopped picking up the phone.
A week later, he calls me and tells me
he had been in the hospital.
He got shot in the leg.
It seems like easy money,
but it makes your life more difficult.
Why did you call and not say anything?
Who are you afraid of?
- What's going on with Samuel?
- Which Samuel?
- The one from your class.
- Nothing. Nothing is going on. Why?
He went to the police.
He has been talking about you, me, Polo.
Apparently, he even had
a recording of you.
And what was I saying in that recording?
Nothing important, I suppose.
They ignored him. But watch out for him.
Could you do me a favor and meet
your brother so you can give it to him?
Don't tell him I sent it.
He has clothes and doesn't need it.
Omar is not at home.
And it is always colder outside the house.
tell him that his mother
misses him a lot, too.
Well, the fishing was excellent.
I have about 80 people interested
in collaborating. They already confirmed.
Most of them are
the parents from this class.
Well, those that actually have something
to contribute, of course.
Wow, Lu, that's a ton of people.
There's not enough space
in the place I rented.
We'll find somewhere else.
But there won't be time tomorrow.
Darling, do you know
who you're talking to?
I love saying that. It sounds so dramatic.
I got you into this mess,
and I'll get you out of it. Okay?
My dad knows
the owner of the Starlight Hotel.
The terrace is beautiful.
You can count on me.
I forgot how good it feels
when I help the needy.
And I love parties. So do you.
I don't want to give you so much work.
Let's talk to your mother
and get her to give us a hand.
No! She doesn't know anything.
I didn't want her to interrupt
her travels for me.
This is just a silly thing.
You're so sweet.
It's a bit much.
It's a bit too much.
Come on!
Too much to help those in need?
The more people that come, the better.
And it's going to be
such a great party. Relax.
Hey, guys, how about we study together
this afternoon?
Come on, Polo, you will pass
by the skin of your teeth anyway,
but at least this way,
we can have a laugh.
- Count me in.
- Ander.
Ander can't.
Ander is meeting up with Omar,
Ander has to move house.
What now? Are you starting
a ballroom dancing course?
I'm meeting my dad.
Well, shit! That's a new one!
But it's not one of the best.
Let's see if you can work on it a bit.
See you.
What the fuck is up with him?
- The whole divorce thing.
- No, it's not that.
Lu, can I bother you for a second?
Guzmán, you never bother me.
You're not that important.
Just one question. Why did you invite
my parents to that charity dinner?
I still really like them.
- You should have asked me first.
- I don't have to ask you for permission.
Under normal circumstances, no.
But now that...
Now that we're not... Listen, I haven't
told them that we're not together.
- You haven't?
- No.
Okay. Why?
Because they like you, too. They'd be
worried about me. I'd have to explain.
- Now I have no time to talk to anyone.
- Sure.
Is it too late for you to invent an excuse
so that they won't go?
Let's do something.
You're coming with me
to the charity dinner.
We'll pretend all night long.
And I won't tell the truth.
- What?
- You heard me.
Since we're going to be together
all night, you'd better dress up.
Suit up, please. No checkered tank tops.
Thanks. Really.
My pleasure.
I told you to put on
a small dinner with strangers
to earn a little bit of money
to pay your bills.
But Lu invited everyone.
- Even my mothers!
- I know.
- Well, if it's about the money...
- It's not about the money!
- Why would it be about the money?
- You heard it.
Money, they can spare.
But my mother is a magazine editor
and has told journalists about it.
They're going to cover the event
and take photos.
What if they find out about you?
I'll take the risk.
Because I don't have any other option.
If my mother doesn't get hired
by any houses around here,
we'll have to leave in a month, maybe two.
I'll have to leave school.
I'll lose everything.
We're not just talking
about paying some bills here.
- I know.
- This is a lot of money.
- It's illegal.
- That's true.
But it could also be my future.
With that kind of money,
I could pay for a caregiver
for my grandfather,
I could go to a good university,
do a master's.
It would be just this once,
never again. I swear.
But it would change my life forever.
What can I do?
Hold my hand and tell me
that everything will be all right.
What's wrong?
It's not from Mom.
Dad is the one
that always says I'll get cold,
to put his coat on
because mine is useless.
You're right.
Dad asked me to lie and I did it,
because I'm the idiot
that does everything they say.
You know what?
Not anymore.
- They want you to come back, Omar.
- And does that piss you off?
It doesn't matter what you do
to disappoint your parents
or how you make them suffer.
In the end, they forgive you.
So, screw the ones
who obey and make sacrifices.
Nadia, I'm not coming back.
And as for you,
all right, you work in the store,
but you're still going to school,
and it's not like
you had much of a social life.
What's the big sacrifice?
Maybe Omar is a bit of a drama queen.
He's worried about me.
Does he have a reason to be?
I don't know, Samu.
My mom is acting really weird lately.
If I don't answer my phone once,
I practically get court-martialed.
The chauffeur is my new shadow.
He carries a gun and everything.
It's like she's scared
someone might do something to me.
Should I tell her you can't do
the delivery tomorrow?
But tell her it's the last one.
- Wake up.
- What?
Wake up.
What's up?
Hey! Where's your dad?
I told him I already had plans
with friends to study.
No fucking around.
We'll actually be studying.
Order some beer.
- Are you sure?
- Sure.
Pablo! Three beers, please.
The last time Samuel was seen
was at that charity event at the hotel.
Did you talk to him that night?
This is all your fault.
And your shitty investigation.
You know that, don't you?
We're just kids.
We play at being adults, but half the time
we don't know what we're doing.
We fall down because we know
that an adult will always pick us back up.
You were the adult in all of this.
And you failed us.
If you had caught the killer,
none of this would have happened.
You have fucked up all of our lives.
Every one of us!
Everyone is homophobic.
We're brought up that way.
But Guzmán is a bit more.
What? Listen to me.
All I said was you could have
at least warned me
so I could change the sheets,
- Who said we came in the bed?
- There you go. We're not that filthy.
Actually, we are.
We came in the cup you keep on the bedside
table for drinking out of at night.
How funny you are! No worries, we're even.
You wouldn't believe
what I've done in your house.
- Really?
- Such as?
But from now on, you'd better watch out.
I've missed this.
If that bastard says anything about
you guys again, I'll smash his face in.
- Samuel.
- What has he been saying?
- Nothing. A load of bullshit.
- Come on, tell us.
- Are you sure you want to know?
- Yes, I am.
How do I tell you this?
That you killed my sister.
Couldn't he have made up anything else?
No, it's not a joke.
The son of a bitch says it seriously.
Fucking hell.
What do you want?
- Your phone.
- What for?
It's the only way of knowing
that you're not recording me.
It doesn't matter.
I could get a confession from you
saying that you killed Marina
with your own hands,
and they'd tell me the same shit.
That you don't fit the profile.
That's the way the world works,
in case you hadn't noticed, you idiot.
Why are you so angry?
- You tricked me.
- You've been tricking me from the start.
- And don't you hate me for that?
- No.
- Anyway, that's it. You won. Congrats.
- No.
- We have both lost.
- What have you lost?
For a moment, I started to believe
something could happen between us.
Something real.
That we could trust one another,
go out to dinner like everyone else,
without having to hide every time.
Although, now and then, we'd stay here
so you could make me your macaroni.
Which, by the way, is disgusting.
I don't know...
I even thought for a moment
that we could forget about all this shit
and that we could have a future.
How stupid of me, huh?
Good evening. How are you?
Hey, good evening.
Are you really going to put on a show
because of Guzmán?
After what happened with Nadia?
You said it. It happened.
You can go on holiday
to an exotic location,
but in the end, you always come back home.
And Guzmán and I...
will always be Guzmán and I.
Good night.
At least put it on silent.
Omar is sleeping.
Poor kid, he only got back an hour ago.
Mom, I'm staying home today.
I have a really bad headache.
He's not answering.
- Do you know something about Ander?
- What?
- Do you know something about Ander?
- No idea.
Fucking great.
- Okay, let's see. Ambassador?
- Yes.
I talked to them this morning,
and they thought it was a great idea.
You are making a huge effort.
You deserve it.
Yes, okay, but you deserve it more.
Me, in the spotlight...
- I'm not good at public speaking.
- Come on!
You're really good at it.
You will have to give a little speech,
the interview and pose for some photos.
You don't mind, do you?
Of course! Let's see now.
But I am sorry
that you won't take any credit.
- You took care of it and...
- It's okay.
Are you sure you don't want
your mom to know?
I'm sure, okay?
I'm going to finish my homework.
- I'll see you later.
- Okay.
I wanted to ask you a huge favor.
I want to surprise my bestie, Cayetana,
and I need her mom's phone number.
Could you help me, please?
I love your glasses! They are wonderful.
- Thanks.
- They look so good on you.
Phone number.
Want some?
Better than last time?
That wouldn't be too hard.
Next time, you'll be amazed.
The first thing we do is
remove the determinant from the matrix.
- Nadia...
- But if it's not a square matrix...
- Nadia.
- What?
I'm here.
Do I disgust you so much?
Is that question part of the exam?
You can't even look me in the eye.
But you don't mind giving me lessons
as long as I'm still paying you.
I guess
your moral high ground has a price.
But I'm the one that's fucked up.
Lu has always been by my side.
She is everything to me.
- And she feels the same way about...
- Seriously, Valerio. We're here to study.
I don't want to know any more, okay?
Shit, Ander!
You can't blame someone for how they feel.
I'll be right back. Keep studying.
Hi, Guzmán. Are you okay?
- Fucking hell...
- What?
Nadia, don't give me any more
of the "I'm your friend," bullshit,
as if nothing ever happened.
I'm sick of it.
- Excuse me?
- Stop messing with me.
I don't want to mess with you.
Okay, then, try not messing with me
some other time. I have to train.
Okay, you're right.
I used an excuse to come over.
- There...
- But because I want to talk to you.
- Okay.
- Guzmán!
I have to go get changed.
Look where I am
for you to take me seriously.
I will die if someone comes in here.
Great, I'm all ears.
I know that we're always on and off...
You're the one who's on and off.
Yes, of course,
as if you had always been sure.
What are you doing?
You open your heart
and I'll open my shirt.
Stop it, come on. I can't concentrate.
There is nothing new to see down here.
You were saying
we're always on and off. Go on.
If you think leaving Lu and turning up
at your store is not being sure,
tell me, what have you done
to show me that you are?
Apart from coming in here...
I'm trying.
Then try harder.
Nadia, this is not a good place
to have sex.
Some people love watching.
- Hey.
- Hi.
- Are you okay?
- Yes.
What? What's wrong?
No, no... I know this silence.
It's the one that comes
before you run away.
Not this time.
Are you sure?
I am.
And your family?
Compared to my brother and sister,
me being with a Christian isn't that bad.
That's true.
After last night, I feel sick. Don't you?
Guzmán doesn't believe Samuel.
The only way to change opinion
is if you keep...
If I keep what?
Feeling like shit every second
and every minute of every day?
- I'm only asking you to...
- I can't!
I can't lie to his face.
All right. Tell him the truth.
Tell him the truth.
Do you know what the truth is?
You've been lying to him for months.
Do you think he will forgive you?
You'll be dead to him.
I will end up in prison,
and Guzmán will have no friends left.
And for what?
So that you can keep a clear conscience?
Because Samuel's brother doesn't need it.
Right now, he's probably
drinking piña coladas in the Caribbean.
Ander, look at me.
Hold on.
Hold on a little longer.
Just a little longer.
All this will pass.
And we will go back to how we were.
That's what Guzmán
has been wanting for months,
for everything to go back to how it was.
There it is.
Thank you, handsome.
By the way...
Rebeca already told me.
If you're going to quit working for me
because of that boy from the club,
you have nothing to worry about.
I already talked to him.
I'll leave them here on the bar.
Hey, where's Marcos?
I'm doing everything here by myself.
Haven't you heard?
No... What?
He got beaten up.
They don't know why, and he can't say.
He's still unconscious in the hospital.
Fucking hell. It was Sandra.
Or someone who works for her. I'm sure.
Fucking hell, Samuel.
What if his friends want revenge?
These people know where you live.
I'll call you later.
Come on, pick up.
Pick up the phone, damn it!
The number you are calling
is switched off...
- What's wrong?
- Shit...
You could have picked up the phone!
Sorry, I didn't realize...
You must have called me
when I was talking to the police.
They rang the buzzer downstairs
and said it was the mailman.
And I looked out the window
and saw some guys that looked like...
Well, as though they gave out beatings,
not letters.
Of course, I didn't let them in,
but they wouldn't leave
until I said I was calling the police.
They came for your brother, I'm sure.
He can't even leave us in peace
when he's a thousand kilometers away.
How was your day?
Samuel, I'm talking to you!
- I'll be back later.
- Later?
I'll be back later!
Thank you.
She'll give the speech later.
But leave it centered for later, okay?
Tell the DJ to keep it smooth.
- Okay. I'll tell him right away.
- Okay. Thanks.
You good?
Yeah, great.
Guzmán went back
to that exotic location today.
Maybe he wants to move there forever.
It's very nice.
What is?
The hijab.
When did you buy it?
It was a gift.
Really? From who?
A friend.
Go down to the shop.
Your mother has to make dinner.
You have to come round for dinner.
We've barely seen you lately.
I know...
The exam period is always complicated.
You know I'm really hardworking.
Well, it's over now.
What are you doing for Christmas?
Come to Asturias!
- Yes, come to Asturias.
- That's right.
All my family is coming from Mexico.
- My brother and my father are here so...
- Lu.
- Do you want a drink?
- Sure, darling.
- Yes?
- Please... Thanks.
How he looks after me.
- Hey! Where've you been?
- Hey.
Sorry, man.
I've been running back and forth between
the bathroom and my bed all the morning.
And are you all right now?
Much better.
I'm glad you came.
So? How is it going?
- Oh, my God...
- What?
- It's unbelievable.
- Is it going well?
How are you doing?
And how is the fundraising going?
Better than I could have ever dreamed.
It's going well.
Are you having a good time?
We are. It's very admirable,
what you're doing.
It's much more than that. It's amazing,
how she's managed all this...
Hello, this morning
I received a call from this number.
Yes? I don't know, who's speaking?
Well, I work in domestic service.
Maybe someone gave you my number
because you wanted me
to clean your house or something or...
Are you Cayetana's mother?
Lu! Shit... What's going on?
Have you seen a ghost?
Come with me.
How could I not have figured this out?
She has thousands of followers
on Instagram! How did she...
The Burberry she brought the other day
was a dupe?
She must have bought them.
With what money?
She's the fucking cleaner's daughter.
Fucking hell...
What account are the guests' donations
being paid into?
Holy cow.
All these people are here because of me.
Not because of her.
I'll teach her what I'm capable of...
- Fucking bitch.
- Listen to me. Don't.
Listen. Don't make a scene.
It'd be a scandal and not just for her.
Calm down, wait till the party is over.
Tomorrow you can discreetly see
how people can get their money back.
For now, you need
to keep up appearances, okay?
I'd forgotten what it felt like
to have you worry about me.
Let's go.
- Where are you going?
- Fuck's sake.
I'm on the list.
Come on... You invited him?
Me? Why?
I know what's going on
between you guys, Carla.
Do you really think I'm so naïve?
I don't know, ask your friend Cayetana.
- You're not on the list.
- I must be. I know Cayetana Grajera.
What are you doing?
- What's he doing here?
- You tell me.
Tell him to leave. I'm sick of him!
Did you know
he's been talking shit to Guzmán?
And now he suspects us!
He's doing what?
- He's with me. Don't worry.
- Shit!
What are you doing here?
You have to leave now.
Where's Rebeca?
Leave right now. I'm asking you, please.
"Please"? And why are you so concerned?
So what?
This whole thing is for poor children?
I'm the one at risk all the time.
Okay, yes, I did tell her about it.
Because I wanted her to swear on her life
that nothing would happen to you.
And that guy ended up in hospital
because of you.
You've been watching too many movies.
Now you're the one who doesn't want
to see what's right under your nose.
What do we care that the guy got
a good beating? Maybe he deserved it.
He'll want to pay us back in kind.
And I don't have bodyguards,
a bulletproof car or a security system.
You said
there was no danger in all of this!
If something happens
to my mother, to Omar or to me...
- What?
- It all will be your fault!
Azucena, where's the inspector?
I need to talk to her.
- They have arrested someone, Omar.
- Who?
Polo, it's all done.
I've got enough for everything.
This is crazy!
I'm happy for you.
- So happy.
- Cayetana.
Can we finish this now?
This has been a huge success.
I couldn't have done it without you.
Oh, my God!
Stop saying that, please.
- I'm being serious, I love you!
- Excuse me.
Weren't you going to give a speech, Lu?
- Only if you want.
- No...
Come on, girl, if you promised,
don't snub Cayetana.
I don't have anything prepared.
It'll be my pleasure.
Good evening.
Thank you sincerely
for being here tonight.
Thank you for your kindness,
from the bottom of my heart.
It's hard to believe that there are still
good people in the world who we can trust.
And thank you especially
to a wonderful woman...
A generous and very special friend.
Cayetana, please, let's give her a hand.
No, no... Please, don't.
Thank you.
And a fucking liar.
Does this NGO even exist?
It must be as false as your stories
about trips around the world...
Your house.
Your friendship.
Your Ralph Lauren dress.
I don't know who you stole that from.
- Lu, please...
- And your followers on Instagram.
Your whole life is a fucking lie.
Yes, Cayetana is the daughter
of a house cleaner.
I really believed her.
Well done.
It was all a big lie.
Don't worry, she'll give you
your money back, I'll make sure of that.
Great night. I'm sick of it.
Sick of pretending.
Putting on a fake smile all night long,
pretending that everything was all right.
But nothing is all right.
Especially with Guzmán.
We are finished.
I'm sorry, Laura. I really tried.
But it didn't work out.
It was too hard.
Because your sweet boy
cheated on me with a Bedouin girl.
Yes, he cheated on me. Can you believe it?
I don't know how I do it,
but I always end up betrayed
and disappointed by the very people
that I have fully supported. Right, Carla?
But I'm done.
You are all mistaken if you think...
you can take me for a fool
and get away with it.
Because that won't happen.
So now I want to toast
to this wonderful night.
Carla is fucking Samuel.
Don't be long. Go to bed soon.
Yes, my dear?
I didn't tell you the truth earlier.
The hijab.
It's not from a friend.
And I want to be honest with you.
I don't want to hide anything.
I don't want to have to hide.
What are you talking about?
This hijab...
What's going on, Nadia?
Nothing, Dad. Nothing.
Good night.
What do you mean, "nothing"?
Don't be long. Go to bed soon.
Are you leaving?
Yes, there's not much to do here anymore.
I'm sorry. What a mess.
Don't worry. I knew this would happen.
The truth always comes out
in the end, right?
Let's go.
Look me in the eye.
Did Polo kill Marina?
What are you saying?
Ander, for crying out loud, look me
in the eye and answer this question.
Did Polo kill Marina?
Of course not.
Shit, okay.
I'm sorry.
Fucking hell...
Sorry, man.
Please, don't think I'm crazy.
I couldn't get it out of my head.
I had to ask. I couldn't help it anymore.
Please, don't tell Polo about this.
Can I trust you?
Of course.
Pick up...
Samuel, pick up.
the only thing you will really achieve
will be ending up like Christian.
Samuel, this is not enough
to change the course of an investigation.
Less than this was enough
to put my brother in jail.
- Your brother fit the profile.
- The profile?
Of someone who could commit
a crime like that.
- With a criminal record. Violent...
- He's not a murderer.
- And now he is on the run.
- He has disappeared.
We believe that he is on the run,
and there is currently
a warrant for his arrest.
Do you see the difference?
Samuel, go home.
Focus on your studies.
Don't get into trouble.
Stop looking at the past
and focus on your future.
You tell me.
Yesterday, someone called the tip hotline
for information on Samuel,
and after 30 seconds of silence,
they hung up.
We traced the call. It was someone
who knew Samuel very well.
We just need some more ice.
Do you need anything else?
Listen, are you friends with the guy
who rides the bike? Samu.
The one who lives
on the square with the steps.
Because you should warn him as a friend
that he'd better watch out.
He got involved with the wrong people.
Bullshit. Just get on with your work.
We still have lots to do.
Remember that I warned you.
Don't come crying to me later.
The police have no time
to listen to your stories.
- They are not stories.
- But they don't believe you.
- Neither do I.
- No.
You don't want to believe me
because you're afraid
that your friends are your enemies,
and I'm the only person telling you
the fucking truth.
Listen, stop...
Stop stirring shit up.
Hi, gorgeous!
- Hi! Sorry.
- It's okay. Do you have a moment?
- Sure.
- I wanted to talk about... something.
There is an NGO, Smile 4 the Child,
that has just arrived here in Spain.
They have made me the Spanish ambassador.
- For real?
- Yes.
- That's great.
- No, really,
they do a fantastic job helping
poor children in developing countries.
- Amazing work.
- Cool.
I'd like to put on a small event.
A charity dinner to start off,
with maybe 10 or 15 people.
- Okay.
- But I haven't got many contacts here yet.
And you need my help, right?
- Yes.
- And you know you'll have it.
Thank you, babe. You're the best.
I know! So are you.
- I'll make a few calls and let you know.
- Okay, darling.
- Thank you, baby.
- Relax. It'll be great.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Well, you tell Marcos for me
that you and he should stop freaking out.
No one is coming to get me,
because I'm a nobody.
Haven't you seen in the movies
how, when they want to scare someone,
they kill the dog?
You're basically the dog.
I saw them around back when I was dealing.
They don't want anyone stepping on
and fucking up their business.
Because that's it, isn't it?
You're dealing.
I only deliver stuff.
After the grief I got from you to quit
that shit, now you're at it yourself!
Omar, they won't give us back
the bail money.
We need to pay the lawyer.
What I earn is not enough.
- I need the money.
- I needed it, too!
But a friend had a go at me and said
I would end up in prison or worse.
Maybe your friend didn't know
what he was talking about.
Maybe he saved my life.
Samu, one day, Fer, my weed dealer,
stopped picking up the phone.
A week later, he calls me and tells me
he had been in the hospital.
He got shot in the leg.
It seems like easy money,
but it makes your life more difficult.
Why did you call and not say anything?
Who are you afraid of?
- What's going on with Samuel?
- Which Samuel?
- The one from your class.
- Nothing. Nothing is going on. Why?
He went to the police.
He has been talking about you, me, Polo.
Apparently, he even had
a recording of you.
And what was I saying in that recording?
Nothing important, I suppose.
They ignored him. But watch out for him.
Could you do me a favor and meet
your brother so you can give it to him?
Don't tell him I sent it.
He has clothes and doesn't need it.
Omar is not at home.
And it is always colder outside the house.
tell him that his mother
misses him a lot, too.
Well, the fishing was excellent.
I have about 80 people interested
in collaborating. They already confirmed.
Most of them are
the parents from this class.
Well, those that actually have something
to contribute, of course.
Wow, Lu, that's a ton of people.
There's not enough space
in the place I rented.
We'll find somewhere else.
But there won't be time tomorrow.
Darling, do you know
who you're talking to?
I love saying that. It sounds so dramatic.
I got you into this mess,
and I'll get you out of it. Okay?
My dad knows
the owner of the Starlight Hotel.
The terrace is beautiful.
You can count on me.
I forgot how good it feels
when I help the needy.
And I love parties. So do you.
I don't want to give you so much work.
Let's talk to your mother
and get her to give us a hand.
No! She doesn't know anything.
I didn't want her to interrupt
her travels for me.
This is just a silly thing.
You're so sweet.
It's a bit much.
It's a bit too much.
Come on!
Too much to help those in need?
The more people that come, the better.
And it's going to be
such a great party. Relax.
Hey, guys, how about we study together
this afternoon?
Come on, Polo, you will pass
by the skin of your teeth anyway,
but at least this way,
we can have a laugh.
- Count me in.
- Ander.
Ander can't.
Ander is meeting up with Omar,
Ander has to move house.
What now? Are you starting
a ballroom dancing course?
I'm meeting my dad.
Well, shit! That's a new one!
But it's not one of the best.
Let's see if you can work on it a bit.
See you.
What the fuck is up with him?
- The whole divorce thing.
- No, it's not that.
Lu, can I bother you for a second?
Guzmán, you never bother me.
You're not that important.
Just one question. Why did you invite
my parents to that charity dinner?
I still really like them.
- You should have asked me first.
- I don't have to ask you for permission.
Under normal circumstances, no.
But now that...
Now that we're not... Listen, I haven't
told them that we're not together.
- You haven't?
- No.
Okay. Why?
Because they like you, too. They'd be
worried about me. I'd have to explain.
- Now I have no time to talk to anyone.
- Sure.
Is it too late for you to invent an excuse
so that they won't go?
Let's do something.
You're coming with me
to the charity dinner.
We'll pretend all night long.
And I won't tell the truth.
- What?
- You heard me.
Since we're going to be together
all night, you'd better dress up.
Suit up, please. No checkered tank tops.
Thanks. Really.
My pleasure.
I told you to put on
a small dinner with strangers
to earn a little bit of money
to pay your bills.
But Lu invited everyone.
- Even my mothers!
- I know.
- Well, if it's about the money...
- It's not about the money!
- Why would it be about the money?
- You heard it.
Money, they can spare.
But my mother is a magazine editor
and has told journalists about it.
They're going to cover the event
and take photos.
What if they find out about you?
I'll take the risk.
Because I don't have any other option.
If my mother doesn't get hired
by any houses around here,
we'll have to leave in a month, maybe two.
I'll have to leave school.
I'll lose everything.
We're not just talking
about paying some bills here.
- I know.
- This is a lot of money.
- It's illegal.
- That's true.
But it could also be my future.
With that kind of money,
I could pay for a caregiver
for my grandfather,
I could go to a good university,
do a master's.
It would be just this once,
never again. I swear.
But it would change my life forever.
What can I do?
Hold my hand and tell me
that everything will be all right.
What's wrong?
It's not from Mom.
Dad is the one
that always says I'll get cold,
to put his coat on
because mine is useless.
You're right.
Dad asked me to lie and I did it,
because I'm the idiot
that does everything they say.
You know what?
Not anymore.
- They want you to come back, Omar.
- And does that piss you off?
It doesn't matter what you do
to disappoint your parents
or how you make them suffer.
In the end, they forgive you.
So, screw the ones
who obey and make sacrifices.
Nadia, I'm not coming back.
And as for you,
all right, you work in the store,
but you're still going to school,
and it's not like
you had much of a social life.
What's the big sacrifice?
Maybe Omar is a bit of a drama queen.
He's worried about me.
Does he have a reason to be?
I don't know, Samu.
My mom is acting really weird lately.
If I don't answer my phone once,
I practically get court-martialed.
The chauffeur is my new shadow.
He carries a gun and everything.
It's like she's scared
someone might do something to me.
Should I tell her you can't do
the delivery tomorrow?
But tell her it's the last one.
- Wake up.
- What?
Wake up.
What's up?
Hey! Where's your dad?
I told him I already had plans
with friends to study.
No fucking around.
We'll actually be studying.
Order some beer.
- Are you sure?
- Sure.
Pablo! Three beers, please.
The last time Samuel was seen
was at that charity event at the hotel.
Did you talk to him that night?
This is all your fault.
And your shitty investigation.
You know that, don't you?
We're just kids.
We play at being adults, but half the time
we don't know what we're doing.
We fall down because we know
that an adult will always pick us back up.
You were the adult in all of this.
And you failed us.
If you had caught the killer,
none of this would have happened.
You have fucked up all of our lives.
Every one of us!
Everyone is homophobic.
We're brought up that way.
But Guzmán is a bit more.
What? Listen to me.
All I said was you could have
at least warned me
so I could change the sheets,
- Who said we came in the bed?
- There you go. We're not that filthy.
Actually, we are.
We came in the cup you keep on the bedside
table for drinking out of at night.
How funny you are! No worries, we're even.
You wouldn't believe
what I've done in your house.
- Really?
- Such as?
But from now on, you'd better watch out.
I've missed this.
If that bastard says anything about
you guys again, I'll smash his face in.
- Samuel.
- What has he been saying?
- Nothing. A load of bullshit.
- Come on, tell us.
- Are you sure you want to know?
- Yes, I am.
How do I tell you this?
That you killed my sister.
Couldn't he have made up anything else?
No, it's not a joke.
The son of a bitch says it seriously.
Fucking hell.
What do you want?
- Your phone.
- What for?
It's the only way of knowing
that you're not recording me.
It doesn't matter.
I could get a confession from you
saying that you killed Marina
with your own hands,
and they'd tell me the same shit.
That you don't fit the profile.
That's the way the world works,
in case you hadn't noticed, you idiot.
Why are you so angry?
- You tricked me.
- You've been tricking me from the start.
- And don't you hate me for that?
- No.
- Anyway, that's it. You won. Congrats.
- No.
- We have both lost.
- What have you lost?
For a moment, I started to believe
something could happen between us.
Something real.
That we could trust one another,
go out to dinner like everyone else,
without having to hide every time.
Although, now and then, we'd stay here
so you could make me your macaroni.
Which, by the way, is disgusting.
I don't know...
I even thought for a moment
that we could forget about all this shit
and that we could have a future.
How stupid of me, huh?
Good evening. How are you?
Hey, good evening.
Are you really going to put on a show
because of Guzmán?
After what happened with Nadia?
You said it. It happened.
You can go on holiday
to an exotic location,
but in the end, you always come back home.
And Guzmán and I...
will always be Guzmán and I.
Good night.
At least put it on silent.
Omar is sleeping.
Poor kid, he only got back an hour ago.
Mom, I'm staying home today.
I have a really bad headache.
He's not answering.
- Do you know something about Ander?
- What?
- Do you know something about Ander?
- No idea.
Fucking great.
- Okay, let's see. Ambassador?
- Yes.
I talked to them this morning,
and they thought it was a great idea.
You are making a huge effort.
You deserve it.
Yes, okay, but you deserve it more.
Me, in the spotlight...
- I'm not good at public speaking.
- Come on!
You're really good at it.
You will have to give a little speech,
the interview and pose for some photos.
You don't mind, do you?
Of course! Let's see now.
But I am sorry
that you won't take any credit.
- You took care of it and...
- It's okay.
Are you sure you don't want
your mom to know?
I'm sure, okay?
I'm going to finish my homework.
- I'll see you later.
- Okay.
I wanted to ask you a huge favor.
I want to surprise my bestie, Cayetana,
and I need her mom's phone number.
Could you help me, please?
I love your glasses! They are wonderful.
- Thanks.
- They look so good on you.
Phone number.
Want some?
Better than last time?
That wouldn't be too hard.
Next time, you'll be amazed.
The first thing we do is
remove the determinant from the matrix.
- Nadia...
- But if it's not a square matrix...
- Nadia.
- What?
I'm here.
Do I disgust you so much?
Is that question part of the exam?
You can't even look me in the eye.
But you don't mind giving me lessons
as long as I'm still paying you.
I guess
your moral high ground has a price.
But I'm the one that's fucked up.
Lu has always been by my side.
She is everything to me.
- And she feels the same way about...
- Seriously, Valerio. We're here to study.
I don't want to know any more, okay?
Shit, Ander!
You can't blame someone for how they feel.
I'll be right back. Keep studying.
Hi, Guzmán. Are you okay?
- Fucking hell...
- What?
Nadia, don't give me any more
of the "I'm your friend," bullshit,
as if nothing ever happened.
I'm sick of it.
- Excuse me?
- Stop messing with me.
I don't want to mess with you.
Okay, then, try not messing with me
some other time. I have to train.
Okay, you're right.
I used an excuse to come over.
- There...
- But because I want to talk to you.
- Okay.
- Guzmán!
I have to go get changed.
Look where I am
for you to take me seriously.
I will die if someone comes in here.
Great, I'm all ears.
I know that we're always on and off...
You're the one who's on and off.
Yes, of course,
as if you had always been sure.
What are you doing?
You open your heart
and I'll open my shirt.
Stop it, come on. I can't concentrate.
There is nothing new to see down here.
You were saying
we're always on and off. Go on.
If you think leaving Lu and turning up
at your store is not being sure,
tell me, what have you done
to show me that you are?
Apart from coming in here...
I'm trying.
Then try harder.
Nadia, this is not a good place
to have sex.
Some people love watching.
- Hey.
- Hi.
- Are you okay?
- Yes.
What? What's wrong?
No, no... I know this silence.
It's the one that comes
before you run away.
Not this time.
Are you sure?
I am.
And your family?
Compared to my brother and sister,
me being with a Christian isn't that bad.
That's true.
After last night, I feel sick. Don't you?
Guzmán doesn't believe Samuel.
The only way to change opinion
is if you keep...
If I keep what?
Feeling like shit every second
and every minute of every day?
- I'm only asking you to...
- I can't!
I can't lie to his face.
All right. Tell him the truth.
Tell him the truth.
Do you know what the truth is?
You've been lying to him for months.
Do you think he will forgive you?
You'll be dead to him.
I will end up in prison,
and Guzmán will have no friends left.
And for what?
So that you can keep a clear conscience?
Because Samuel's brother doesn't need it.
Right now, he's probably
drinking piña coladas in the Caribbean.
Ander, look at me.
Hold on.
Hold on a little longer.
Just a little longer.
All this will pass.
And we will go back to how we were.
That's what Guzmán
has been wanting for months,
for everything to go back to how it was.
There it is.
Thank you, handsome.
By the way...
Rebeca already told me.
If you're going to quit working for me
because of that boy from the club,
you have nothing to worry about.
I already talked to him.
I'll leave them here on the bar.
Hey, where's Marcos?
I'm doing everything here by myself.
Haven't you heard?
No... What?
He got beaten up.
They don't know why, and he can't say.
He's still unconscious in the hospital.
Fucking hell. It was Sandra.
Or someone who works for her. I'm sure.
Fucking hell, Samuel.
What if his friends want revenge?
These people know where you live.
I'll call you later.
Come on, pick up.
Pick up the phone, damn it!
The number you are calling
is switched off...
- What's wrong?
- Shit...
You could have picked up the phone!
Sorry, I didn't realize...
You must have called me
when I was talking to the police.
They rang the buzzer downstairs
and said it was the mailman.
And I looked out the window
and saw some guys that looked like...
Well, as though they gave out beatings,
not letters.
Of course, I didn't let them in,
but they wouldn't leave
until I said I was calling the police.
They came for your brother, I'm sure.
He can't even leave us in peace
when he's a thousand kilometers away.
How was your day?
Samuel, I'm talking to you!
- I'll be back later.
- Later?
I'll be back later!
Thank you.
She'll give the speech later.
But leave it centered for later, okay?
Tell the DJ to keep it smooth.
- Okay. I'll tell him right away.
- Okay. Thanks.
You good?
Yeah, great.
Guzmán went back
to that exotic location today.
Maybe he wants to move there forever.
It's very nice.
What is?
The hijab.
When did you buy it?
It was a gift.
Really? From who?
A friend.
Go down to the shop.
Your mother has to make dinner.
You have to come round for dinner.
We've barely seen you lately.
I know...
The exam period is always complicated.
You know I'm really hardworking.
Well, it's over now.
What are you doing for Christmas?
Come to Asturias!
- Yes, come to Asturias.
- That's right.
All my family is coming from Mexico.
- My brother and my father are here so...
- Lu.
- Do you want a drink?
- Sure, darling.
- Yes?
- Please... Thanks.
How he looks after me.
- Hey! Where've you been?
- Hey.
Sorry, man.
I've been running back and forth between
the bathroom and my bed all the morning.
And are you all right now?
Much better.
I'm glad you came.
So? How is it going?
- Oh, my God...
- What?
- It's unbelievable.
- Is it going well?
How are you doing?
And how is the fundraising going?
Better than I could have ever dreamed.
It's going well.
Are you having a good time?
We are. It's very admirable,
what you're doing.
It's much more than that. It's amazing,
how she's managed all this...
Hello, this morning
I received a call from this number.
Yes? I don't know, who's speaking?
Well, I work in domestic service.
Maybe someone gave you my number
because you wanted me
to clean your house or something or...
Are you Cayetana's mother?
Lu! Shit... What's going on?
Have you seen a ghost?
Come with me.
How could I not have figured this out?
She has thousands of followers
on Instagram! How did she...
The Burberry she brought the other day
was a dupe?
She must have bought them.
With what money?
She's the fucking cleaner's daughter.
Fucking hell...
What account are the guests' donations
being paid into?
Holy cow.
All these people are here because of me.
Not because of her.
I'll teach her what I'm capable of...
- Fucking bitch.
- Listen to me. Don't.
Listen. Don't make a scene.
It'd be a scandal and not just for her.
Calm down, wait till the party is over.
Tomorrow you can discreetly see
how people can get their money back.
For now, you need
to keep up appearances, okay?
I'd forgotten what it felt like
to have you worry about me.
Let's go.
- Where are you going?
- Fuck's sake.
I'm on the list.
Come on... You invited him?
Me? Why?
I know what's going on
between you guys, Carla.
Do you really think I'm so naïve?
I don't know, ask your friend Cayetana.
- You're not on the list.
- I must be. I know Cayetana Grajera.
What are you doing?
- What's he doing here?
- You tell me.
Tell him to leave. I'm sick of him!
Did you know
he's been talking shit to Guzmán?
And now he suspects us!
He's doing what?
- He's with me. Don't worry.
- Shit!
What are you doing here?
You have to leave now.
Where's Rebeca?
Leave right now. I'm asking you, please.
"Please"? And why are you so concerned?
So what?
This whole thing is for poor children?
I'm the one at risk all the time.
Okay, yes, I did tell her about it.
Because I wanted her to swear on her life
that nothing would happen to you.
And that guy ended up in hospital
because of you.
You've been watching too many movies.
Now you're the one who doesn't want
to see what's right under your nose.
What do we care that the guy got
a good beating? Maybe he deserved it.
He'll want to pay us back in kind.
And I don't have bodyguards,
a bulletproof car or a security system.
You said
there was no danger in all of this!
If something happens
to my mother, to Omar or to me...
- What?
- It all will be your fault!
Azucena, where's the inspector?
I need to talk to her.
- They have arrested someone, Omar.
- Who?
Polo, it's all done.
I've got enough for everything.
This is crazy!
I'm happy for you.
- So happy.
- Cayetana.
Can we finish this now?
This has been a huge success.
I couldn't have done it without you.
Oh, my God!
Stop saying that, please.
- I'm being serious, I love you!
- Excuse me.
Weren't you going to give a speech, Lu?
- Only if you want.
- No...
Come on, girl, if you promised,
don't snub Cayetana.
I don't have anything prepared.
It'll be my pleasure.
Good evening.
Thank you sincerely
for being here tonight.
Thank you for your kindness,
from the bottom of my heart.
It's hard to believe that there are still
good people in the world who we can trust.
And thank you especially
to a wonderful woman...
A generous and very special friend.
Cayetana, please, let's give her a hand.
No, no... Please, don't.
Thank you.
And a fucking liar.
Does this NGO even exist?
It must be as false as your stories
about trips around the world...
Your house.
Your friendship.
Your Ralph Lauren dress.
I don't know who you stole that from.
- Lu, please...
- And your followers on Instagram.
Your whole life is a fucking lie.
Yes, Cayetana is the daughter
of a house cleaner.
I really believed her.
Well done.
It was all a big lie.
Don't worry, she'll give you
your money back, I'll make sure of that.
Great night. I'm sick of it.
Sick of pretending.
Putting on a fake smile all night long,
pretending that everything was all right.
But nothing is all right.
Especially with Guzmán.
We are finished.
I'm sorry, Laura. I really tried.
But it didn't work out.
It was too hard.
Because your sweet boy
cheated on me with a Bedouin girl.
Yes, he cheated on me. Can you believe it?
I don't know how I do it,
but I always end up betrayed
and disappointed by the very people
that I have fully supported. Right, Carla?
But I'm done.
You are all mistaken if you think...
you can take me for a fool
and get away with it.
Because that won't happen.
So now I want to toast
to this wonderful night.
Carla is fucking Samuel.
Don't be long. Go to bed soon.
Yes, my dear?
I didn't tell you the truth earlier.
The hijab.
It's not from a friend.
And I want to be honest with you.
I don't want to hide anything.
I don't want to have to hide.
What are you talking about?
This hijab...
What's going on, Nadia?
Nothing, Dad. Nothing.
Good night.
What do you mean, "nothing"?
Don't be long. Go to bed soon.
Are you leaving?
Yes, there's not much to do here anymore.
I'm sorry. What a mess.
Don't worry. I knew this would happen.
The truth always comes out
in the end, right?
Let's go.
Look me in the eye.
Did Polo kill Marina?
What are you saying?
Ander, for crying out loud, look me
in the eye and answer this question.
Did Polo kill Marina?
Of course not.
Shit, okay.
I'm sorry.
Fucking hell...
Sorry, man.
Please, don't think I'm crazy.
I couldn't get it out of my head.
I had to ask. I couldn't help it anymore.
Please, don't tell Polo about this.
Can I trust you?
Of course.
Pick up...
Samuel, pick up.