Elite (2018–…): Season 1, Episode 4 - El amor es una droga - full transcript
Guzmán tries to earn Nadia's forgiveness; Polo and Christian bond at a gala; Lu bribes her teacher; Nano must complete a dark mission.
Subs uploaded by ?Branko ? Bron' Joe Mars!?
Press that button.
What's that?
It's a time machine.
Press that button.
We're going back in time now.
To Monday of last week.
To the moment when you told me.
I am HIV-positive.
But this time, I don't stand there
not knowing what to say.
I don't care.
That's not true, I do care.
It makes me like you even more.
Something huge happened,
and you've overcome it.
It makes me want to know you
more than before.
Have I fixed it?
If not, I'll keep trying until I do.
Nailed it the first time.
Great, because this was a doorbell
for science class.
I was never able to make it ring.
This exam deserves a ten.
Well, so did one of your classmates',
and you know
that here we grade on a curve, so...
I'm sorry.
Excuse me, on a what?
Didn't they explain this to you?
Let me show you. Look.
This curve maps human intelligence.
On one end is a minority
with low intellectual ability.
On the other, there is a minority
which is extremely intelligent.
And the majority...
falls here in the middle.
Let's assume the class
is a sample of society.
There's one with a ten, one with a zero.
The rest are here.
There can never be two tens, or two zeros.
So the grades are assigned
before the exam.
That's right. If you're in the lower 20%,
you fail even if you did well.
-Damn, that's why I always flunk.
-Isn't that a bit unfair?
Guys, this prepares you for life.
Out there, if you're in the lowest 20%,
you don't get anything.
And on the podium,
there can't be two people.
If you have any complaints,
come to my office hours.
-When is our next dinner for three?
-I don't know.
The fish was actually very good
the other night,
the meat, not so much.
You didn't even try the meat.
How about dinner just for the two of us?
You know that can't be.
No problem, I'll go on a diet, then.
Too bad, I was looking forward to it.
Shame, I am tired of feeling
like a dick with legs.
I am good for a lot more.
It's true. You're right.
Want to come to a party
with celebrities?
It's a benefit cocktail party.
Some 100 guests gorging themselves
on seafood and champagne,
because they're super worried
about world hunger.
And then, with the funds they raise,
they buy cans of chickpeas for the poor.
I'm going because my father's making me.
Champagne, luxury, seafood...
What a drag!
Would you like to come with me?
Would you like me to go?
Of course.
Tell me about Pablo Ruiz.
They say you expelled him two years ago
for having sex with Marina.
She was 14, he 17.
I didn't expel anybody. He left.
Do you have any way of contacting him?
No. Is there anything else?
Is this another plan
you hatched with your friend?
I don't talk to Lu anymore, Nadia.
I want to make it up to you.
What I did was wrong.
I was an asshole.
A gift only proves
you're an asshole with money.
What do you want??I've tried everything.
I mean it.
Tell me what to do, so you'll forgive me.
In my culture,
you haven't only insulted me,
but also my family.
-So first, you'll have to go through them.
Ask for their forgiveness. Muslim style.
Go before my parents
and explain to them that you tried
to take my virginity,
to then mock me.
And ask for leniency...
-on your knees.
-On my knees?
Is your family from Game of Thrones?
With this, we'll forget about the money.
The address is on the back
of the photo.
No way, I'm not killing anybody.
Who said anything about killing?
A warning, on the leg.
So he learns he should pay his debts.
How do you feel?
Like fucking James Bond. License to brag.
But this is too much.
Federico, how about we take it in
a bit more there?
He's gonna make you look great.
Don't let him fix anything,
or I'll have to buy it.
The moment he walks in the door,
Federico accepts the charge.
He's like a plumber, then,
charges just for showing up.
What does a suit made to measure
like this cost?
Don't worry about that.
He's always worked with us and gives us
a discount. Charge it to our account.
No way!
OK, it's a loan.
You'll repay it when you can.
So how much is this suit?
More than 300 bucks?
More than 500?
More than 1000?
Could we have a moment?
I don't care how much it costs.
It's a present.
It's not my birthday or my name day.
I haven't passed all my classes...
or any, for that matter.
What you've given us
is worth much more than a suit.
Before we met you,
Polo and I were not doing very well.
And now, look at us... better than ever.
Since we're here, I can't imagine 007
with a cheap watch.
Which one do you like?
This one's cool, huh?
No! Only those people are attending?
And you're telling me now?
Make something up.
Tell them there's canap?s,
you'll see how many come.
-I'm going to need another invitation.
-For whom?
For Samuel, the boy from the party.
Not a chance.
Why not?
I don't want him in the photos,
in case somebody
from the press recognizes him
and they start talking
about the school again.
Is that reason enough?
When it suited you,
you wanted to have photos taken with him.
Darling, we organized this
to put that issue behind us.
Oh! I thought it was about the homeless.
Marina, we all win here.
OK? I get good press, yes,
but they get a roof over their heads.
Don't they?
As long as it?doesn't fall
on their heads...
Don't play with tomorrow's event.
Is my pronunciation that bad?
Open the fucking door!
What are you doing here?
I don't give a damn about your friend.
OK, you don't give a damn about?Ander,
I don't give a damn about you. Move.
Are your parents here?
I need to talk to them.
It's OK. I'm used to seeing her
like this at school.
Sit with us.
Do you need a fork?
I've been to Egypt,
but they didn't eat like this.
What do we have to do with Egypt?
It's mansaf, typical of Palestine.
Thank you. Thank you for your hospitality.
We would have done it for anybody
who came to our home.
Even if we don't know
what they're here for.
I've come to ask for forgiveness.
For the other day at the store.
I wanted to apologize
for trying to deceive--
What are you doing?
And you told my father about the scarf!
How was I to know you hadn't told him?
-I only did what you asked me to do.
-Because I thought you wouldn't dare.
That it was the only way
you'd leave me alone.
Now you know it takes a lot more
to discourage me.
For you, all of this
is just another challenge, huh?
First, taking my virginity,
now, getting me to forgive you.
What's next, conquering Everest?
After you, Everest will be nothing.
If you don't want to be a challenge,
why make it so hard?
I don't want anything with you.
Because I think you're a bad person.
we're throwing a benefit gala
to raise funds for the homeless.
Would a bad person do that?
I don't think so.
You're invited.
Please, I'll pay you back
when I get paid at La Caba?a.
I couldn't lend it to you if I wanted to.
I don't have that kind of money.
Because you spend it all on smokes,
that's why.
There are factors that give Nadia
an advantage, things that-- Lu.
All the things
that she's been able to overcome.
-Her coming from a worse school, midyear--
-And is that my fault?
I'm just trying to balance things
so there's a little more justice.
That's all. OK?
all of this about peace in the world...
is it because of the adoption thing?
-The web page on your laptop yesterday.
It belonged to a foundation
for adopting older children.
Very generous.
But I think?people prefer small children.
Unless they're not approved for adoption.
I guess it's on account
of your shitty salary
and your wife being unemployed, right?
-Have you been investigating us?
-No, not investigating.
This is the 21st century.
Everything's on social media. For example,
that she hasn't had a job in two years.
That's on LinkedIn.
She's a preschool teacher,
so she likes children.
According to Facebook,
you've been married for eight years...
and nothing.
And on Twitter, she follows all of Spain's
adoption and foster care agencies.
-She seems a bit desperate, right?
-What are you doing, Lucrecia?
My father has excellent contacts
in Mexico.
A few phone calls,
and you could have a beautiful child.
Faster than you can have a pizza
at your door.
-Color and size of your choice.
-And you want nothing in return, huh?
Just to be the best beyond any doubt
at the end of the school year.
-Because I am the best.
-Get out.
Not having children can result
in a separation.
And it would be very sad
if the next profile of your wife's I see
were on Tinder.
Pablo gave up a scholarship to study
at the country's best school.
Marina's parents persuaded him to do it.
With money, what else?
Pablo had sex with a minor.
If they wanted to get rid of him,
they just had to report him.
They actually paid him
not to go to the police.
So he wouldn't report what happened
that Monday afternoon.
It's fine, right? As good as new.
It's not swollen.
Does it hurt a lot?
I'd be cautious
and leave it bandaged another week.
Then, if things persist,
we'd run further tests
to see what the problem is.
Well, that's it, then.
Do you wear your hijab in class?
Don't lie to me, Nadia.
Not you.
They forbade it, Dad.
I had no choice.
I would have been expelled.
Why do you want to keep attending
a school with those rules?
Because thanks to that school,
I can one day be
one of those who make the rules.
Not one who needs to obey them.
-Don't let them change you, Nadia.
-Dad, why are you always saying that?
Because they're already doing it.
You didn't use to keep things from us.
What's up, man?
How much was that?
Doesn't matter.
I'll return it tomorrow.
Unbelievable, man.
Now that you go to that good school,
you're a total punk.
So, what about this girl?
-Are you serious?
-You mean Marina?
Of course.
-I don't know, why?
-Nothing in particular.
It's just that now you'll ignore me.
Even more.
Which is normal,
when one gets a girlfriend.
What's weird is for a girl to like you.
I had lost hope already.
Get a girlfriend yourself,
and then we can go out together.
Lu's decided to come.
Hey, if it isn't Miss Mexico!
Look at me, in formal attire!
Like a soap opera leading man from 1999.
Thank you.
This is my charitable act for the night.
Lu, if you're mad at me,
don't take it out on him.
-Why don't we try to have a good time?
But it's quite clear you don't need me
to have a good time, dear.
Then you're not mad.
You're jealous.
Let's go, boys.
Let's talk for a moment, please.
If you want to take your pet for a walk,
that's OK, but not here, Polo.
He's a classmate, man. It's not a problem.
If you want to ruin things by letting him
into your relationship, fine,
but don't bring him here.
Much less in front of me.
This is Carla's mother's place.
-I can invite whoever I want.
-Do you do the inviting, or does she?
-You see how she controls you, right?
-You'd rather control me yourself?
I've been your best friend
since grade school!
And I've been yours.
And I remind you
that we've done things I'm not proud of.
Things I haven't told anybody.
And all because of you.
Don't you ever forget that.
Are you still not talking to me today?
What is this? Miracle of Marcelino?
Now we just need the Muslim girl.
You didn't invite her, right?
Oh, Guzm?n.
Please! She's not coming, of course.
What happened?
Did she give you the Muslim brush-off?
Great, isn't it?
Looks like we are all
expanding our circle of friends.
Samuel Garc?a.
Samuel Garc?a...
You're not on the list.
-I'm not invited?
-What's wrong?
-His name's not on the list.
Do you know who I am?
The hippie's gutsy.
Not even I would dare to say that.
Marina, darling, we already said
you couldn't invite any friends.
Mom, he's not my friend.
He's my boyfriend.
Samuel, let's go.
Where are you going?
What are you doing?
Your tag's come out.
Oh, he was going to return it!
Try not to get it too dirty.
You are an asshole, Guzm?n.
Why did you make me come
if I wasn't invited?
I was mad that at the other party
you were used for my dad's pictures,
-and you weren't allowed here.
-You're using me now.
I'm an excuse to rebel
against your parents.
Look, I had imagined many times
the moment when we would decide
to be a couple. Many times.
But it was never like this,
I assure you.
Do you have your time machine on you?
I'd love to go back...
a half hour, more or less.
I'm sorry.
Do you like me, Marina?
-If this is about the HIV--
-You don't know me.
Do you know what I thought when...
I found out Pablo had infected me?
somehow that secret,
that thing we both shared,
would bring us together.
That thanks to the HIV,
we would always be together.
That really is sick...
and idiotic.
And then he left. Without saying goodbye.
Can I tell you a secret?
You can't travel through time.
Or change the past.
So why not stop looking back...
and start looking forward?
Is this closer to what you had imagined?
You have lipstick.
You too.
Your winery is the bomb,
and the wine, amazing!
By the way, will there be a proper dinner?
You wouldn't know
how to choose your cutlery.
From the outside in.
I've seen Titanic twice.
Don't think you're the only one
who knows about movies.
-Christian, right?
-Polo hasn't told us about you.
-Do you like Las Encinas?
-Yes, actually, I do.
That said,
I don't think the school likes me.
I don't pass a single test, man.
And I do try.
Some business about a curve,
some weird shit they have there.
-What would you like to do?
-I want to be famous.
Famous for doing what exactly?
Good question.
The truth is, I don't know yet.
Bego?a, you're behind the times.
Today, they don't want to do anything.
They just want to be somebody,
and the less effort to get it, the better.
how much effort did it take
to become a marchioness?
Christian, I think it's very good
that you want to be somebody important.
That shows ambition.
We'd love that for our son.
Dad, the photographers are here.
Why are you here?
Are you here to see Fer?
What's up?
Need dough, right? Some extra money.
-Who's this?
-He's Nano.
A friend.
Nano, this is Fer.
I can give you stuff.
-That's your territory.
-I don't care.
There's plenty of customers.
You're good to the point of being stupid.
That's why I like working with him.
Nobody thinks he's a dealer.
But you...
I have to go.
Hope it goes well.
Can I trust you?
When did you get out?
It's written all over your face.
Not long ago.
-Already trying to get back in?
-What about you?
I have to pay for schools, diapers,
for a big mess I got into
while in the can.
What do you want? Pills, coke, pot?
I want you to get your family
and go far away.
Because the next guy they send
won't be as stupid as me.
I am Discreet19.
Come on, man, fuck off.
Hey, wait! Let me apologize at least.
-You made me come here for that?
I made you come for the same reason
I created a fake username.
I want to see you.
I want to be with you.
Kiss you, finish what we started.
Don't you?
This is what I get for meeting someone
who spells "hello" with one l.
Besides, if you leave...
you won't know what the 19 is about.
It's not my age.
If the 19 business is as real
as the discreet part...
there must be cameras here.
I know some hideouts.
He's an ace.
-He is, better than his father.
-Excuse me.
Better than his father?
-We are improving the species.
-OK, then, my son is better than me.
By the way...
Do you want to find out
if it's a girl or a boy?
-I'm going to the bathroom, OK?
What are you doing here?
It can't be.
What can't be?
That your athlete friend is gay?
Or that he's involved
with a Muslim from the hood?
-He could have told me, he's my friend.
-That's what I was thinking, too.
Let them be.
-I'll pay you for the suit tomorrow.
-Don't worry about it.
Your parents... are mothers.
They are two mothers.
Which is totally fine by me.
I love lesbians. I could say I'm a fan.
I never miss any of their movies.
You can keep them.
Come on, my parents are tough on me, too.
Would they also like you to be a writer,
or a musician, an artist?
Somebody important, I mean.
No, not at all.
They'd be happy?if I don't end up
on the streets, under a bridge.
I see.
At least they don't remind you
that you disappoint them.
It's better to be reminded
that you're useless.
And that they don't expect
anything from you.
My mother's tired of showing off
the winery.
Now she wants to show us off.
She wants to introduce us to friends.
Shit, if they were famous, maybe.
But I don't recognize any of them.
The whole room might not even add up
to 10,000 followers!
They're waiting.
With all due respect...
Fuck them!
Let's go to your apartment
and finish the party there. I'm hungry.
Come on!
Marchioness, thank you very much.
It's been a pleasure.
I love your winery, it's the bomb.
I'm leaving.
Thank you for the cava, marchioness!
Come on!
Why the hurry to see me?
What is it? Did you and Marina do it?
Careful, I don't want details.
How was your night?
More boring than yours, I'm sure. At home.
Omar, I know.
I'm not the only one. Guzm?n knows.
What I don't know
is why you haven't told me.
I only do it to make some money.
Don't freak out.
Do you charge?
Of course!
Did you expect me to do it for free?
An NGO, "Dealers without Borders."
-What are you talking about?
-What are you talking about?
Omar, how could you get into that shit?
I told you, Samu. You're not the only one
with friends from your new school.
Yeah, but those friends
will make you end up like my brother.
-Is that what you want?
I want money, that's all.
Then go and serve burgers.
Like I do.
I should remind you that we took
our resumes to La Caba?a together.
But who did they call? Not the Muslim boy.
The Muslim boy can only deal drugs, right?
No, it's not that.
-But that's easy for you to say.
-No, nothing's easy for me.
Nor for your sister.
Look at where she is and where you are.
Why don't you fuck off
with your fucking girlfriend...
and leave me alone, huh?
Nice hijab.
I wish I could say the same
about your shades.
They're for the hangover.
So, did you have a good time?
Did you raise a lot of money?
It doesn't matter. It was a farce.
-How come?
-Just marketing for my father's company.
I knew it.
I participated, as usual.
It was also so you would forgive me.
If I were your father,
I wouldn't let you date me.
Who said anything about dating?
Friends, then.
I could use one.
I don't know if I have any left.
-If you're trying to get me to pity you...
-I'm not trying anything, Nadia.
There's no plan.
I don't want you to forgive me.
I don't deserve it.
I don't deserve you.
Now you do.
a complaint during office hours,
I've decided to change the grades.
Nadia, you have a nine point five now.
Um, well...
I'd also like to file a complaint.
I've already decided.
No need to go over it.
I'm very sorry.
Besides, being second in your class
is no tragedy.
Let's continue...
What happened
on the afternoon of April 12, 2016?
And don't say you don't remember.
An incident took place.
A fight.
From what I know,
this was more of a beating.
Who was involved?
and other students from the school.
And why say nothing until now?
one of those students is my son.
I'm sorry about last night, man.
I got to the party,
but saw you with other people...
I got bored and left.
-Don't you get tired of lying?
Do you think at this point
anybody cares if you are into guys?
-Ah. Then why are you acting so weird?
Why are you avoiding us?
Why the fuck are you using?
-Calm down.
-Let go of me!
-Easy. Look at me.
-It doesn't hurt!
It doesn't hurt, Guzm?n! Let go of me.
Look at me! Calm down.
Do you think you're the only one I lie to?
I've been lying for years!
-I have a lot of practice!
-What are you talking about?
Ander, the tennis player.
It feels like my fucking last name!
Well, I don't like it!
You know? I don't like it one bit.
Why don't you quit?
What about my parents?
All the money they've spent on me.
All those years of sacrifice, for nothing.
I don't know where he is.
A neighbor saw him leaving this morning.
Suitcases and all.
Bad luck for us, huh?
And good luck for you.
I tried, but...
Oh, well.
Come on.
Don't worry. We'll see if we can find him.
Boy, are we good!
Was it that hard
to do what was asked of you?
Do you know what this will cost you now?
Another 20,000 bucks.
If you raise my debt,
how do you expect me to pay?
I'm not here to give you advice.
I'm here to give you a warning.
The last one.
Press the button.
Press it, and travel to whenever you want.
Shall I walk you home?
-Give me five minutes.
-What happened to you?
-Nothing. Where are my mom and Samu?
She's at work. Samu's in the bathroom.
Should I get him?
No, they'll ask questions. Help me up.
OK, come on.
-Come on.
Come on.
Let's see.
-Shit! You have to go to a hospital.
This is just a warning cut.
Maybe next time.
You have to tell them who did this.
No. They did this
because I owe 40,000 bucks.
You got stabbed
for owing a measly 40,000 euros?
Look, in the real world...
people kill for less, you know?
Even if it's small change to you.
I don't know. There must be a way
to get that fucking money.
I'm going to help you.
For now, I'm happy
if you don't tell my brother, OK?
What's going on?
Nothing, a couple of...
beers too many, and they went to my head.
Let's go, he's a little drunk.
Let's go.
Nothing has been published anywhere.
There's no news in the papers anymore.
It's all YouTube clips...
-and fucking gossip.
Don't worry, you did what you could.
I did, unlike other people.
What did I do now?
The scene you made over your boyfriend?
He's a child.
Who's not ready to...
Who's not ready
to be in a relationship with you.
He knows, Mom.
And he doesn't care.
He doesn't care how I got infected.
Or who I did it with.
Or what stupid things I've done.
Because he doesn't look at me
as if I had the plague.
The way you do.
Do you have?complaints about us?
About how we deal with all the problems
you bring us, day in and day out?
All the ways you've found
to fuck with our lives?
Why don't you leave her alone?
I did not expect this from you, Guzm?n.
People can surprise you.
I haven't seen her smile like this
in a long time.
So if she's happy with him,
it's not the end of the world.
That afternoon, you, Polo, and Guzm?n
waited for Pablo to leave class.
But that has no bearing
on what has happened.
Was Guzm?n very angry?
He had just found out
that guy had infected his sister.
What did you do to him?
Hey, Pablito.
He got a couple of punches.
Guzm?n found out
his sister was about to run away
with a boy who had impregnated her,
a boy like Pablo.
What if he confronted her
in a fit of rage and killed her?
He says he's incapable
of doing something like that.
That he barely touched Pablo.
Tell me the truth.
Is that true?
It's true.
He barely touched him.
Subtitle translation
by Soledad Etchemandy-Blankenship
Press that button.
What's that?
It's a time machine.
Press that button.
We're going back in time now.
To Monday of last week.
To the moment when you told me.
I am HIV-positive.
But this time, I don't stand there
not knowing what to say.
I don't care.
That's not true, I do care.
It makes me like you even more.
Something huge happened,
and you've overcome it.
It makes me want to know you
more than before.
Have I fixed it?
If not, I'll keep trying until I do.
Nailed it the first time.
Great, because this was a doorbell
for science class.
I was never able to make it ring.
This exam deserves a ten.
Well, so did one of your classmates',
and you know
that here we grade on a curve, so...
I'm sorry.
Excuse me, on a what?
Didn't they explain this to you?
Let me show you. Look.
This curve maps human intelligence.
On one end is a minority
with low intellectual ability.
On the other, there is a minority
which is extremely intelligent.
And the majority...
falls here in the middle.
Let's assume the class
is a sample of society.
There's one with a ten, one with a zero.
The rest are here.
There can never be two tens, or two zeros.
So the grades are assigned
before the exam.
That's right. If you're in the lower 20%,
you fail even if you did well.
-Damn, that's why I always flunk.
-Isn't that a bit unfair?
Guys, this prepares you for life.
Out there, if you're in the lowest 20%,
you don't get anything.
And on the podium,
there can't be two people.
If you have any complaints,
come to my office hours.
-When is our next dinner for three?
-I don't know.
The fish was actually very good
the other night,
the meat, not so much.
You didn't even try the meat.
How about dinner just for the two of us?
You know that can't be.
No problem, I'll go on a diet, then.
Too bad, I was looking forward to it.
Shame, I am tired of feeling
like a dick with legs.
I am good for a lot more.
It's true. You're right.
Want to come to a party
with celebrities?
It's a benefit cocktail party.
Some 100 guests gorging themselves
on seafood and champagne,
because they're super worried
about world hunger.
And then, with the funds they raise,
they buy cans of chickpeas for the poor.
I'm going because my father's making me.
Champagne, luxury, seafood...
What a drag!
Would you like to come with me?
Would you like me to go?
Of course.
Tell me about Pablo Ruiz.
They say you expelled him two years ago
for having sex with Marina.
She was 14, he 17.
I didn't expel anybody. He left.
Do you have any way of contacting him?
No. Is there anything else?
Is this another plan
you hatched with your friend?
I don't talk to Lu anymore, Nadia.
I want to make it up to you.
What I did was wrong.
I was an asshole.
A gift only proves
you're an asshole with money.
What do you want??I've tried everything.
I mean it.
Tell me what to do, so you'll forgive me.
In my culture,
you haven't only insulted me,
but also my family.
-So first, you'll have to go through them.
Ask for their forgiveness. Muslim style.
Go before my parents
and explain to them that you tried
to take my virginity,
to then mock me.
And ask for leniency...
-on your knees.
-On my knees?
Is your family from Game of Thrones?
With this, we'll forget about the money.
The address is on the back
of the photo.
No way, I'm not killing anybody.
Who said anything about killing?
A warning, on the leg.
So he learns he should pay his debts.
How do you feel?
Like fucking James Bond. License to brag.
But this is too much.
Federico, how about we take it in
a bit more there?
He's gonna make you look great.
Don't let him fix anything,
or I'll have to buy it.
The moment he walks in the door,
Federico accepts the charge.
He's like a plumber, then,
charges just for showing up.
What does a suit made to measure
like this cost?
Don't worry about that.
He's always worked with us and gives us
a discount. Charge it to our account.
No way!
OK, it's a loan.
You'll repay it when you can.
So how much is this suit?
More than 300 bucks?
More than 500?
More than 1000?
Could we have a moment?
I don't care how much it costs.
It's a present.
It's not my birthday or my name day.
I haven't passed all my classes...
or any, for that matter.
What you've given us
is worth much more than a suit.
Before we met you,
Polo and I were not doing very well.
And now, look at us... better than ever.
Since we're here, I can't imagine 007
with a cheap watch.
Which one do you like?
This one's cool, huh?
No! Only those people are attending?
And you're telling me now?
Make something up.
Tell them there's canap?s,
you'll see how many come.
-I'm going to need another invitation.
-For whom?
For Samuel, the boy from the party.
Not a chance.
Why not?
I don't want him in the photos,
in case somebody
from the press recognizes him
and they start talking
about the school again.
Is that reason enough?
When it suited you,
you wanted to have photos taken with him.
Darling, we organized this
to put that issue behind us.
Oh! I thought it was about the homeless.
Marina, we all win here.
OK? I get good press, yes,
but they get a roof over their heads.
Don't they?
As long as it?doesn't fall
on their heads...
Don't play with tomorrow's event.
Is my pronunciation that bad?
Open the fucking door!
What are you doing here?
I don't give a damn about your friend.
OK, you don't give a damn about?Ander,
I don't give a damn about you. Move.
Are your parents here?
I need to talk to them.
It's OK. I'm used to seeing her
like this at school.
Sit with us.
Do you need a fork?
I've been to Egypt,
but they didn't eat like this.
What do we have to do with Egypt?
It's mansaf, typical of Palestine.
Thank you. Thank you for your hospitality.
We would have done it for anybody
who came to our home.
Even if we don't know
what they're here for.
I've come to ask for forgiveness.
For the other day at the store.
I wanted to apologize
for trying to deceive--
What are you doing?
And you told my father about the scarf!
How was I to know you hadn't told him?
-I only did what you asked me to do.
-Because I thought you wouldn't dare.
That it was the only way
you'd leave me alone.
Now you know it takes a lot more
to discourage me.
For you, all of this
is just another challenge, huh?
First, taking my virginity,
now, getting me to forgive you.
What's next, conquering Everest?
After you, Everest will be nothing.
If you don't want to be a challenge,
why make it so hard?
I don't want anything with you.
Because I think you're a bad person.
we're throwing a benefit gala
to raise funds for the homeless.
Would a bad person do that?
I don't think so.
You're invited.
Please, I'll pay you back
when I get paid at La Caba?a.
I couldn't lend it to you if I wanted to.
I don't have that kind of money.
Because you spend it all on smokes,
that's why.
There are factors that give Nadia
an advantage, things that-- Lu.
All the things
that she's been able to overcome.
-Her coming from a worse school, midyear--
-And is that my fault?
I'm just trying to balance things
so there's a little more justice.
That's all. OK?
all of this about peace in the world...
is it because of the adoption thing?
-The web page on your laptop yesterday.
It belonged to a foundation
for adopting older children.
Very generous.
But I think?people prefer small children.
Unless they're not approved for adoption.
I guess it's on account
of your shitty salary
and your wife being unemployed, right?
-Have you been investigating us?
-No, not investigating.
This is the 21st century.
Everything's on social media. For example,
that she hasn't had a job in two years.
That's on LinkedIn.
She's a preschool teacher,
so she likes children.
According to Facebook,
you've been married for eight years...
and nothing.
And on Twitter, she follows all of Spain's
adoption and foster care agencies.
-She seems a bit desperate, right?
-What are you doing, Lucrecia?
My father has excellent contacts
in Mexico.
A few phone calls,
and you could have a beautiful child.
Faster than you can have a pizza
at your door.
-Color and size of your choice.
-And you want nothing in return, huh?
Just to be the best beyond any doubt
at the end of the school year.
-Because I am the best.
-Get out.
Not having children can result
in a separation.
And it would be very sad
if the next profile of your wife's I see
were on Tinder.
Pablo gave up a scholarship to study
at the country's best school.
Marina's parents persuaded him to do it.
With money, what else?
Pablo had sex with a minor.
If they wanted to get rid of him,
they just had to report him.
They actually paid him
not to go to the police.
So he wouldn't report what happened
that Monday afternoon.
It's fine, right? As good as new.
It's not swollen.
Does it hurt a lot?
I'd be cautious
and leave it bandaged another week.
Then, if things persist,
we'd run further tests
to see what the problem is.
Well, that's it, then.
Do you wear your hijab in class?
Don't lie to me, Nadia.
Not you.
They forbade it, Dad.
I had no choice.
I would have been expelled.
Why do you want to keep attending
a school with those rules?
Because thanks to that school,
I can one day be
one of those who make the rules.
Not one who needs to obey them.
-Don't let them change you, Nadia.
-Dad, why are you always saying that?
Because they're already doing it.
You didn't use to keep things from us.
What's up, man?
How much was that?
Doesn't matter.
I'll return it tomorrow.
Unbelievable, man.
Now that you go to that good school,
you're a total punk.
So, what about this girl?
-Are you serious?
-You mean Marina?
Of course.
-I don't know, why?
-Nothing in particular.
It's just that now you'll ignore me.
Even more.
Which is normal,
when one gets a girlfriend.
What's weird is for a girl to like you.
I had lost hope already.
Get a girlfriend yourself,
and then we can go out together.
Lu's decided to come.
Hey, if it isn't Miss Mexico!
Look at me, in formal attire!
Like a soap opera leading man from 1999.
Thank you.
This is my charitable act for the night.
Lu, if you're mad at me,
don't take it out on him.
-Why don't we try to have a good time?
But it's quite clear you don't need me
to have a good time, dear.
Then you're not mad.
You're jealous.
Let's go, boys.
Let's talk for a moment, please.
If you want to take your pet for a walk,
that's OK, but not here, Polo.
He's a classmate, man. It's not a problem.
If you want to ruin things by letting him
into your relationship, fine,
but don't bring him here.
Much less in front of me.
This is Carla's mother's place.
-I can invite whoever I want.
-Do you do the inviting, or does she?
-You see how she controls you, right?
-You'd rather control me yourself?
I've been your best friend
since grade school!
And I've been yours.
And I remind you
that we've done things I'm not proud of.
Things I haven't told anybody.
And all because of you.
Don't you ever forget that.
Are you still not talking to me today?
What is this? Miracle of Marcelino?
Now we just need the Muslim girl.
You didn't invite her, right?
Oh, Guzm?n.
Please! She's not coming, of course.
What happened?
Did she give you the Muslim brush-off?
Great, isn't it?
Looks like we are all
expanding our circle of friends.
Samuel Garc?a.
Samuel Garc?a...
You're not on the list.
-I'm not invited?
-What's wrong?
-His name's not on the list.
Do you know who I am?
The hippie's gutsy.
Not even I would dare to say that.
Marina, darling, we already said
you couldn't invite any friends.
Mom, he's not my friend.
He's my boyfriend.
Samuel, let's go.
Where are you going?
What are you doing?
Your tag's come out.
Oh, he was going to return it!
Try not to get it too dirty.
You are an asshole, Guzm?n.
Why did you make me come
if I wasn't invited?
I was mad that at the other party
you were used for my dad's pictures,
-and you weren't allowed here.
-You're using me now.
I'm an excuse to rebel
against your parents.
Look, I had imagined many times
the moment when we would decide
to be a couple. Many times.
But it was never like this,
I assure you.
Do you have your time machine on you?
I'd love to go back...
a half hour, more or less.
I'm sorry.
Do you like me, Marina?
-If this is about the HIV--
-You don't know me.
Do you know what I thought when...
I found out Pablo had infected me?
somehow that secret,
that thing we both shared,
would bring us together.
That thanks to the HIV,
we would always be together.
That really is sick...
and idiotic.
And then he left. Without saying goodbye.
Can I tell you a secret?
You can't travel through time.
Or change the past.
So why not stop looking back...
and start looking forward?
Is this closer to what you had imagined?
You have lipstick.
You too.
Your winery is the bomb,
and the wine, amazing!
By the way, will there be a proper dinner?
You wouldn't know
how to choose your cutlery.
From the outside in.
I've seen Titanic twice.
Don't think you're the only one
who knows about movies.
-Christian, right?
-Polo hasn't told us about you.
-Do you like Las Encinas?
-Yes, actually, I do.
That said,
I don't think the school likes me.
I don't pass a single test, man.
And I do try.
Some business about a curve,
some weird shit they have there.
-What would you like to do?
-I want to be famous.
Famous for doing what exactly?
Good question.
The truth is, I don't know yet.
Bego?a, you're behind the times.
Today, they don't want to do anything.
They just want to be somebody,
and the less effort to get it, the better.
how much effort did it take
to become a marchioness?
Christian, I think it's very good
that you want to be somebody important.
That shows ambition.
We'd love that for our son.
Dad, the photographers are here.
Why are you here?
Are you here to see Fer?
What's up?
Need dough, right? Some extra money.
-Who's this?
-He's Nano.
A friend.
Nano, this is Fer.
I can give you stuff.
-That's your territory.
-I don't care.
There's plenty of customers.
You're good to the point of being stupid.
That's why I like working with him.
Nobody thinks he's a dealer.
But you...
I have to go.
Hope it goes well.
Can I trust you?
When did you get out?
It's written all over your face.
Not long ago.
-Already trying to get back in?
-What about you?
I have to pay for schools, diapers,
for a big mess I got into
while in the can.
What do you want? Pills, coke, pot?
I want you to get your family
and go far away.
Because the next guy they send
won't be as stupid as me.
I am Discreet19.
Come on, man, fuck off.
Hey, wait! Let me apologize at least.
-You made me come here for that?
I made you come for the same reason
I created a fake username.
I want to see you.
I want to be with you.
Kiss you, finish what we started.
Don't you?
This is what I get for meeting someone
who spells "hello" with one l.
Besides, if you leave...
you won't know what the 19 is about.
It's not my age.
If the 19 business is as real
as the discreet part...
there must be cameras here.
I know some hideouts.
He's an ace.
-He is, better than his father.
-Excuse me.
Better than his father?
-We are improving the species.
-OK, then, my son is better than me.
By the way...
Do you want to find out
if it's a girl or a boy?
-I'm going to the bathroom, OK?
What are you doing here?
It can't be.
What can't be?
That your athlete friend is gay?
Or that he's involved
with a Muslim from the hood?
-He could have told me, he's my friend.
-That's what I was thinking, too.
Let them be.
-I'll pay you for the suit tomorrow.
-Don't worry about it.
Your parents... are mothers.
They are two mothers.
Which is totally fine by me.
I love lesbians. I could say I'm a fan.
I never miss any of their movies.
You can keep them.
Come on, my parents are tough on me, too.
Would they also like you to be a writer,
or a musician, an artist?
Somebody important, I mean.
No, not at all.
They'd be happy?if I don't end up
on the streets, under a bridge.
I see.
At least they don't remind you
that you disappoint them.
It's better to be reminded
that you're useless.
And that they don't expect
anything from you.
My mother's tired of showing off
the winery.
Now she wants to show us off.
She wants to introduce us to friends.
Shit, if they were famous, maybe.
But I don't recognize any of them.
The whole room might not even add up
to 10,000 followers!
They're waiting.
With all due respect...
Fuck them!
Let's go to your apartment
and finish the party there. I'm hungry.
Come on!
Marchioness, thank you very much.
It's been a pleasure.
I love your winery, it's the bomb.
I'm leaving.
Thank you for the cava, marchioness!
Come on!
Why the hurry to see me?
What is it? Did you and Marina do it?
Careful, I don't want details.
How was your night?
More boring than yours, I'm sure. At home.
Omar, I know.
I'm not the only one. Guzm?n knows.
What I don't know
is why you haven't told me.
I only do it to make some money.
Don't freak out.
Do you charge?
Of course!
Did you expect me to do it for free?
An NGO, "Dealers without Borders."
-What are you talking about?
-What are you talking about?
Omar, how could you get into that shit?
I told you, Samu. You're not the only one
with friends from your new school.
Yeah, but those friends
will make you end up like my brother.
-Is that what you want?
I want money, that's all.
Then go and serve burgers.
Like I do.
I should remind you that we took
our resumes to La Caba?a together.
But who did they call? Not the Muslim boy.
The Muslim boy can only deal drugs, right?
No, it's not that.
-But that's easy for you to say.
-No, nothing's easy for me.
Nor for your sister.
Look at where she is and where you are.
Why don't you fuck off
with your fucking girlfriend...
and leave me alone, huh?
Nice hijab.
I wish I could say the same
about your shades.
They're for the hangover.
So, did you have a good time?
Did you raise a lot of money?
It doesn't matter. It was a farce.
-How come?
-Just marketing for my father's company.
I knew it.
I participated, as usual.
It was also so you would forgive me.
If I were your father,
I wouldn't let you date me.
Who said anything about dating?
Friends, then.
I could use one.
I don't know if I have any left.
-If you're trying to get me to pity you...
-I'm not trying anything, Nadia.
There's no plan.
I don't want you to forgive me.
I don't deserve it.
I don't deserve you.
Now you do.
a complaint during office hours,
I've decided to change the grades.
Nadia, you have a nine point five now.
Um, well...
I'd also like to file a complaint.
I've already decided.
No need to go over it.
I'm very sorry.
Besides, being second in your class
is no tragedy.
Let's continue...
What happened
on the afternoon of April 12, 2016?
And don't say you don't remember.
An incident took place.
A fight.
From what I know,
this was more of a beating.
Who was involved?
and other students from the school.
And why say nothing until now?
one of those students is my son.
I'm sorry about last night, man.
I got to the party,
but saw you with other people...
I got bored and left.
-Don't you get tired of lying?
Do you think at this point
anybody cares if you are into guys?
-Ah. Then why are you acting so weird?
Why are you avoiding us?
Why the fuck are you using?
-Calm down.
-Let go of me!
-Easy. Look at me.
-It doesn't hurt!
It doesn't hurt, Guzm?n! Let go of me.
Look at me! Calm down.
Do you think you're the only one I lie to?
I've been lying for years!
-I have a lot of practice!
-What are you talking about?
Ander, the tennis player.
It feels like my fucking last name!
Well, I don't like it!
You know? I don't like it one bit.
Why don't you quit?
What about my parents?
All the money they've spent on me.
All those years of sacrifice, for nothing.
I don't know where he is.
A neighbor saw him leaving this morning.
Suitcases and all.
Bad luck for us, huh?
And good luck for you.
I tried, but...
Oh, well.
Come on.
Don't worry. We'll see if we can find him.
Boy, are we good!
Was it that hard
to do what was asked of you?
Do you know what this will cost you now?
Another 20,000 bucks.
If you raise my debt,
how do you expect me to pay?
I'm not here to give you advice.
I'm here to give you a warning.
The last one.
Press the button.
Press it, and travel to whenever you want.
Shall I walk you home?
-Give me five minutes.
-What happened to you?
-Nothing. Where are my mom and Samu?
She's at work. Samu's in the bathroom.
Should I get him?
No, they'll ask questions. Help me up.
OK, come on.
-Come on.
Come on.
Let's see.
-Shit! You have to go to a hospital.
This is just a warning cut.
Maybe next time.
You have to tell them who did this.
No. They did this
because I owe 40,000 bucks.
You got stabbed
for owing a measly 40,000 euros?
Look, in the real world...
people kill for less, you know?
Even if it's small change to you.
I don't know. There must be a way
to get that fucking money.
I'm going to help you.
For now, I'm happy
if you don't tell my brother, OK?
What's going on?
Nothing, a couple of...
beers too many, and they went to my head.
Let's go, he's a little drunk.
Let's go.
Nothing has been published anywhere.
There's no news in the papers anymore.
It's all YouTube clips...
-and fucking gossip.
Don't worry, you did what you could.
I did, unlike other people.
What did I do now?
The scene you made over your boyfriend?
He's a child.
Who's not ready to...
Who's not ready
to be in a relationship with you.
He knows, Mom.
And he doesn't care.
He doesn't care how I got infected.
Or who I did it with.
Or what stupid things I've done.
Because he doesn't look at me
as if I had the plague.
The way you do.
Do you have?complaints about us?
About how we deal with all the problems
you bring us, day in and day out?
All the ways you've found
to fuck with our lives?
Why don't you leave her alone?
I did not expect this from you, Guzm?n.
People can surprise you.
I haven't seen her smile like this
in a long time.
So if she's happy with him,
it's not the end of the world.
That afternoon, you, Polo, and Guzm?n
waited for Pablo to leave class.
But that has no bearing
on what has happened.
Was Guzm?n very angry?
He had just found out
that guy had infected his sister.
What did you do to him?
Hey, Pablito.
He got a couple of punches.
Guzm?n found out
his sister was about to run away
with a boy who had impregnated her,
a boy like Pablo.
What if he confronted her
in a fit of rage and killed her?
He says he's incapable
of doing something like that.
That he barely touched Pablo.
Tell me the truth.
Is that true?
It's true.
He barely touched him.
Subtitle translation
by Soledad Etchemandy-Blankenship