Elementary (2012–…): Season 5, Episode 3 - Render, and Then Seize Her - full transcript

Holmes learns a secret about Captain Gregson's girlfriend when she hires him for a case she wants kept off of Gregson's radar. Also, Holmes and Watson join the NYPD's search for an abducted woman.

Previously, on Elementary...

Me and Paige...

we started seeing
each other

about a year ago.

I have MS.

I was diagnosed
two months ago.

I've been worried
about what I'll do

to the rest of your life.

My first thought is,
I don't care,

I love her, I want
to be with her.

She's gonna need a lot of help.

Well... she's worth it.

Let's see.


can light up a room”?

That's not a fortune!
Eh, I know.

They're all like that now.
They're compliment cookies.

Course, I'm gonna think
about this much differently

if you get lit on fire
someday. So be careful.

Maybe we ought to switch
it up next week.

No false advertising

when it comes to pizza.

“Good test results

will soon be yours”.


Let me see that.

It says
“You're a joy to know.”


I hope you're not this gullible
when it comes to interrogations.

There aren't many suspects
I like as much as I do you.

You'll call me tomorrow
when the lab results come in?


All right.

But I can tell you...

I feel really good.

You feel good to me, too.

Don't work too late.


Excuse me. Hi.

We haven't been formally
introduced. I'm Paige Cowan.

I've seen you around here,
and wanted to come say hi.

Yeah, you're the captain's,
uh, girlfriend.

Yeah, uh, Sherlock Holmes.

Sorry to interrupt
whatever you're doing.

Oh, no. No need to apologize.
I'm just, um...

I was just aping the expression

of notorious horse thief,
Wyatt Feldon.

It's an experiment
to see how long

I have to maintain his
countenance before it affects

my mood and, uh, mindset.


Uh, you were a
police officer once.

Do you retain any
of your training,

or did you block it all out

because it ended in scandal?

Mm. Maybe this wasn't
such a great idea.

Maybe what wasn't
such a good idea?

Well, I hear you wear
a couple of hats.

You consult here,
and you take private clients.

I would like to hire you,

and I'd like you
to keep it between us.

♪ Without it, life ♪

♪ Is a wasted time ♪

♪ Look inside your heart,
I'll look inside mine ♪

♪ We walk blind ♪

♪ Try to see ♪

♪ Falling behind
in what could be ♪

♪ Bring me a higher love ♪

♪ Bring me a higher love ♪

Hey. It's not
what it looks like.

♪ Elementary 5x03 ♪
Render, and Then Seize Her
Original Air Date on Oct

== sync, corrected by elderman ==

Please tell me
there is not a body in that bag.

Deduction is your stock
and trade, Watson.

Have some pride.

Okay. Two bodies?

Medical bills
and insurance claims.

Pilfered from the office
of Dr. Jonas Kiel,

neurologist with
a private practice uptown.

Oh, yeah. I would've
totally figured that out.

The doctor treats Paige,
the captain's girlfriend,

for her relapsing
remitting multiple sclerosis.

She's come to suspect
that some of his support staff

are engaged
in criminal malfeasance.

That sounds troubling.
And kind of vague.

Yeah, well,

some of the ladies
that work on the front desk

have upgraded their clothing
and their jewelry lately,

and they've been in the habit
of accidentally

running off extra copies
of Paige's prescriptions.

So, she asked you
to look into it?

Yeah, well,
she wanted peace of mind.

I-I'd ask you
not to alert the captain.

I know it's delicate, but...

No, no. I get it. I mean,
he'd charge right at it.

I left a considerably
lighter footprint.

This turned out
not to be necessary.

The doctor's alarm system
is archaic,

and there were no
cameras to record me

making copies
of all his patients'

billing and
insurance information.

So we get to

audit his practice.

Not exactly what I had
in mind for today.

I'm gonna get some coffee.

No. Get dressed.

Or... get undressed.
Your choice.

Excuse me?

Marcus has requested
our presence

at a clothing optional retreat.

It's for a case, right?

Thanks, Ms. Murphy.

I think you'll be a little more
comfortable this way.

I think you'll be
more comfortable.

But if's fine. Go ahead.

The victim, he wasn't
carrying ID. Obviously,

We're assuming he was
a guest here at the retreat,

but we don't really...
His name is Kenneth Tolan.

Did you know him well?

Eh, Kenny's been coming here
to Maple Grove

since before I took over
running the place, so...

probably '09 I guess.
Can you think of

anyone who would've
done this to him?

Was he on anyone's bad side?


Kenny was a sweetheart.

This was just terrible,

terrible luck.

The guy who took that woman,

from the news.
That's who did this.

You're talking about
the housewife in Long Island

taken last week? Uh, Beth Stone?

Yeah. That's the one.

All over the TV. Here.

Kenny sent that
last night.

Probably right before
they shot him.

“Am I crazy,
or is this the kidnapped lady?”

He's not crazy.
It's definitely Beth Stone.

Did you mention this
when you called 911?

I didn't notice
the message until after.

That music you can
hear. I think it

was coming from the cabin.
Kenny probably got curious,

or maybe he saw a light was on.

The place has been under
renovation for two years.

Nobody should've
been in there.

Well, nobody's there now.

The killer took
Mrs. Stone and cleared out.

I'll be right back.

The smell of ammonia is still
quite noxious, even from here.

Yeah. CSU says every surface
in there was scrubbed.

Rain last night's gonna
make it hard

to find anything
useful out here, too.

If it can be done,
I will see it done.

Why don't you two
go to Long Island,

check in with the, uh,
local investigation

into Mrs. Stone's disappearance.

Mr. Stone, just for the record,

that is your wife, isn't it?

Yeah. That's Beth. Definitely.

♪ Higher love, oh-oh. ♪

You mind if I, uh...

Of course.

Here you go.

Initial file from six days
ago is on top for you.

Mr. Stone, he, uh... he called
in the disappearance.

Mrs. Stone,
she ran some down here,

brought some paperwork for him

because he was sick.
And she... she didn't come home.

You guys have been busy.

Yeah, well, the
file weighs plenty,

I just wish there was more in it

for you guys.
We got interviews

of friends, family,
most of the workers here,

all of her social media's here,
and everything we asked

for about the, uh...
about the business.

Nothing unusual in all that?


Hey, the good news
is, is that she's alive, right?

When we didn't hear any
news about a ransom,

we started to think
maybe a serial killer.

You know, someone who'd
just take her and...

throw her away.

You know, I...

I don't understand why
this is happening to us.

We... we live
a normal life.

Small, quiet, we do our work
and we go home, that's it.

You own this place, right?

Used to.
Uh, banks own most of it, now.

Beth and I bought it
when we got married.

Spent most of
my inheritance on it,

fixing the place up, and now,
ten years later,

everything's out of date again.
You guys do

post-production for movies?

Local commercials, um,
we do color-correction,

we rent out editing suites.

I mean, it's made us broke,

but it hasn't made us any,
like, any enemies.

Everybody we spoke to,
they like these folks.

That's why we think it was a
stranger who scooped her up.

It has to be.

I-I don't know anybody as tall
as the guy that took her.

The security cameras got
everything out back.

Did you guys see the footage?

Just the clip from the news.

We'd love to take a closer look.

I didn't even think to check
these until the next day.

We have the gun pegged as
a snub-nosed .22 revolver.

Well, that would match
the slugs we just pulled out

of Kenneth Tolan's skull.

This the only angle?

Yeah. We never do get
to see the guy's face.

Oh. Can you freeze it,


What? You catch a reflection
or something?

No. I don't think
we're going to be able

to identify the kidnapper
from this angle,

but the van...

The roof... What is that?

That thing that looks kind
of lumpy there?

That... you know, I've...

I've watched this
a thousand times

and I always thought it was
a shadow

or a smudge on the lens.

It's not. It's fresh paint over
an area that's been welded.

They had to seal the roof
after they removed

the retractable satellite mast.

This used to be
a TV news van.

Might be able to track it
through secondary sales market.

Where's the nearest DMV?

There you are.

Did you get my texts?

Marcus is, uh, following up a
vehicular lead in New Jersey.

I would have responded with an
update of my own if I had one.

So no luck at Maple Grove?

We wasted a considerable
amount of time tracking

a boot print in the mud
to a camper who had an alibi.

I have photographs
if you'd like to see

what an 85-year-old man

wearing only hiking boots
looks like.

Uh, I'm good.
Maybe later.

Why don't you, uh, update
me on that Paige thing?

Well, relatively speaking,
it's a little short

on dead nudists
and missing women.

The scheme here
was quite mundane.

Cataloging it

is thin gruel for a mind
as lithe as my own.

So, Paige was right,

her doctor's running a scam?

No, not her doctor.
Three of his clerical staff

are double billing
insurance companies

for prescriptions that they
claim are filled on site.

Fortunately, Dr. Kiel seems
to have been kept in the dark,

so I don't think he's
going to be indicted

when, uh, when it hits the fan.

Something's bothering you.

No. I'm just bored.

No, that's a different look.

I am troubled.

In order to do this audit,
I've had to look

at Paige's file.

All right. What am
I looking for?

Method of payment.

Her insurance lapsed.

She was kicked off her plan
earlier this year.

Last month, she bounced
two checks to Dr. Kiel.

Of late, she's been charging
her treatments to a credit card.


She has to have it,
but it is expensive.

Hmm. Non-negotiable
in every sense.

So now you see the two parts
to my malaise.

Drudgery and sympathy.

I assume you took the case
pro Bono considering she is

the captain's girlfriend.
I insisted.

Well, at least you can feel
good about helping her out.

Well, there you go then.

Wouldn't want to monopolize
all the good feelings.

any potential witnesses

on Van Dyke or Richards Street?

Not that I can see,
it's a ghost town over here.

Nothing but warehouses
and vacants.

Congratulations, Marcus,

looks like you
had the world's first

satisfactory trip to the
Department of Motor Vehicles.

Was not expecting them to help
you find the van so quickly.

Actually, the sales
records were a bust.

Paperwork might be
filed, but it hasn't been

put in the system yet.

So how did you come
to invite us here?

I found an online classified

hawking an old news van for sale
in Camden, New Jersey.

Did you call the seller?

That was a dead end, too.

Our guy did the
deal over e-mail.

Transfer of Title
was under a fake name.

Oh, so how'd
you track the van down?

Via the EZ Pass,
I imagine, yeah?

I had the MTA ping it
as soon as I saw the ad.

It was listed along with

new tires and low mileage.

This close to the highway,
transponders like that one

work as well as LoJack.

I spread the canvas
out a little wider,

but I don't think
we're gonna find anyone

that saw anything.

Department hasn't sent
a car out this way

for any vehicle fires.

So no one saw him torch the van.

It was raining the
night of the murder.

Probably not a lot of
foot traffic out here

if he ditched it after
he shot Kenneth Tolan.

I think they might've
divested themselves of the van

shortly after
abducting Mrs. Stone.

The wealth of needles back
here suggests that an addict

camped out here
for about five days.

Then he's way ahead of us.

Maybe not.

You don't think there's
fingerprints on this thing?

Maybe digital ones.

This SIM is from
a disposable phone.

Was only used three times.

All three calls
were made the day

after your wife
was taken.

All three were
to your cell phone.

You didn't tell
anyone that

the kidnappers made contact.

Normally, that would
look bad for you,

but you've been an open book
with the Nassau County PD,

so we have to ask...

were you told
not to say anything?

It's a simple question,
Mr. Stone.

Is this a ransom situation?

We can't be having

this conversation.

everybody watching

your interviews on the news,

you let them all think this
was done by some crazy person.

There's been a lot of time
and energy put into profiling

this guy that could've been
better spent finding your wife.

What choice did I have?

He said if I

came forward, that...

that I would never
see her again.

Well, you didn't go
to the police.

We came to you.

Doesn't matter.

There's nothing that I could say
that will help you.


Why don't you take
a break from deciding

what the police
need to know

and just tell us

We can keep this
out of the media.

He... his voice
was disguised.

That's-that's it.

look, there's still time to get
him what he wants.

I-I can, I can handle this.

You have time to get him what?

How did he disguise
his voice?

Wh-What timetable
did he give you?

Were you allowed to speak
to your wife?

We're not gonna do this
right now.


I'd like you to leave my house,

Mr. Stone, I've worked dozens
of kidnap cases.

I'm not asking you
to rely on my, uh,

experience and judgment alone.

By now, you must have researched
how often these, uh,

come to a happy conclusion.

I just do
what I'm told.

Every additional hour

that Beth is held,
the chances increase

that she will observe something
which will help her to identify

her abductor, so the chances
decrease that he will allow her

to live to tell the tale.

It's already been a week.

If you ever see your wife
alive again,

it will almost certainly be
because we found her.

Then good luck to us all.

How's that looking?

The cyan values

are turned up too high.
Everyone looks like a Smurf.

Dennis Karig,

you're Aaron Stone's
second-in-command, are you not?

Yeah. Who are you?

I'm Sherlock Holmes.

I'd like a word.

So, the guy who took Beth,
he did it for money?

Well, yes, money
is one possibility...

but he may have another type
of ransom in mind.

I mean, I can't tell you because
your employer won't tell us.

What do you mean?

Well, he's not cooperating
with us.

So, my colleagues and I are...

asking around in the hope
that he confided

some salient detail
to someone close to him.

I'm his best friend
and he hasn't told me a thing.

That's unfortunate.

I mean, he thinks
he's playing it safe

by following instructions.

Beth could be killed,

whether he pays
the ransom or not.

It's possible that...

that might not bother him
as much as it would you.

What the hell is
that supposed to mean?

We learned from his financials

that he recently consulted
a divorce attorney.

The invoice
references analysis

of a prenuptial
agreement, so...

I mean, I'm trying to decide
whether I'm being impeded

by a fearful imbecile
or by someone

who wishes to save on alimony.

You think he wants
the kidnapper to kill her?


No way.

Have Aaron and Beth
had a rough go at it lately?

Yes, they fight
about this place,

the money it loses.

And just a few weeks ago,
they sent out invites

to an anniversary party
next month.


Ten years is tin, not diamonds.

This is Beth's handwriting,
not Aaron's.

Perhaps she's still in love
and he isn't.


if this is really
a kidnap for ransom,

I am sure Aaron
is scrambling like crazy

to get the money

He probably would have
sold this place by now

if it wasn't mortgaged
to the hilt.

He'd do anything for Beth.

If you say so.

Just so you know, I'm...
I'm gonna tell Aaron

that you and your friends
are here snooping around.

Yes, you do what
you feel you must.

But... she's your
friend, too, no?

So, please, ask yourself:

is Aaron really acting
in her best interest?

Thanks very much.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Hey.

This is Bruce Daniels.

He produces

local commercials.

You are close to Aaron Stone?

No, no, no, I'm just here a lot.

I rent out an editing bay
whenever I need one.

I just told her
a couple weeks ago,

I was cutting 30 seconds

for Comfort Time Mattress.

They got a new location
over on Brand.

I overheard Aaron in bay three

really screaming on the phone,

which is weird for him.

Right, but you didn't know

what he was referring to.
No, but it sounded like

he couldn't agree with
somebody about what to do

with this 30-year-old film
footage they had processed.

There was something pretty heavy

on this eight millimeter
film strip, I guess.

Right, and then you overheard
Aaron saying that he was ready

to show it to the guy who was in
it and that the guy would pay.

You think it was
blackmail material?

It was two days
before the kidnapping.

That's all you know?

Yeah, I mind my own business.

Hey, listen,
is that accent legit?

'Cause I could get

you some work in radio.

I got a jewelry store
looking for a touch of class.

It pays.

Uh, pass.

All right, well...

in case you
change your mind.

Beth always
seemed real nice.

I hope you guys find her.

Well, uh, it would be nice to...

get a look
at that eight-millimeter film

he was yelling about.

I doubt we'll get a warrant
on hearsay evidence.

Yeah, I doubt
it, too.

Uh, Marcus is going
to be interviewing

the equipment manager
for a few more minutes.

Yeah, why don't you join him?

It would be good
if that interview wasn't rushed.

I don't think this is
gonna work-- we're gonna have

to go through everything on
this drive one file at a time.

And spend seven times
as long watching

B-roll of sandwich shop
commercials? I think not.

Say we're right.

Aaron found a piece of film
that is blackmail-worthy.

Only the person he
was trying to extort

turned the tables on him
and kidnapped Beth.

If the footage is here,
I'm gonna miss it.

After I have
an epileptic fit.

You find this uncomfortable
because your retinas

are bouncing between
three different screens at once.

So? You're
covering four.

No. I'm staring
at a fixed point

past the screens, letting
my peripheral vision

alert me to
anything suspicious.

You could've mentioned this
technique 15 minutes ago.

Screen six. There it was.
There what was?

You used to be such
a patient person.

So, pay no attention

to the young man attempting
the free throw. Look at the two

figures in the
deep background.

Oh, there's no way
he lived through that.

This video features
the same teenager

as several that preceded it.

Obviously, his family
brought in their old film

to Stone Post
for digitization.

So I doubt they knew
what they had.

Aaron obviously did.

Seems like he's blown it
up to get a better look.

He's looped it, zoomed in.
Very presentational.

Maybe he did it
to show the killer.

If he figured out
who it was,

this would definitely
be blackmail-worthy.

All the signs indicate that
Aaron did determine who it was.

But how? All we have is
a face in the crowd

of a 30-year-old snippet
of film.

So I'm at a loss
as to where to begin.

The victim's name
is Quentin Latham,

and I think the guy stabbing
him is one of the Dinacios.

The crime family.

This is the victim.
No question.

Quentin Latham was
a big union leader.

A reformer.
He clashed with the Mob.

And then he took an eight-inch
buck knife to the solar plexus.

Well, they didn't
know that back then.

He just fell off the map
in 1987.

Two years later,
his bones showed up in a box

outside the Local 127.

All the big families denied it,
but the message was clear.


You're always keen
to hear stories

about my unusual childhood,

but I didn't think
I had anything on you.

Who follows Mafia exploits

with such zeal in grade school?

Well, I also collected stickers.

All right, so...

Here we go.

This is the same guy
in that home video, right?

Peter Dinacio?

He's Micki the Don's nephew.

This Web site fairly reeks

of a boiler room pumping
and dumping penny stocks.

The SEC has been
after him for years.

I remember reading something
about it in the paper last year.

He's been really hard to catch,
but he's going down today.

I cannot believe
we solved Quentin Latham.

The captain is gonna freak.

Going to have
to hear about

this “freaking” secondhand.

I promised Paige I would meet
her and review my findings.

Are you sure?

Your childhood fetish

is bearing fruit, Watson--
go and enjoy it.

So, as you can see,
Emily Berkus was the mastermind.

Started double filing

those depakote prescriptions
last October.

Ariana Rodriguez
joined in the fun

a couple of months later,

and promptly expanded
the insurance fraud

to include the, uh,
MAOI inhibitors.

Well, that explains her
diamond tennis bracelet.

Your instincts
are quite keen.

I can see why
the captain likes you.

So now what?

Now, I send this file--

anonymously, of course--
to a friend of a friend

at the DOJ's
Health Care Fraud Unit.

Justice should be swift.

I do believe your doctor
will be spared, as I said.

There is no hint of evidence
that he was aware.

Good. I'm glad.

Because it's easier
for him to find

some honest people
to work the front desk

than it is for me to find
a new neurologist.

Well, I think
that concludes our business.

I-I would like to ask you...

what are your intentions
towards the captain?

Oh, I'm gonna tell him
all of this.

I just didn't want to put him
in a spot in case I was wrong.

I meant more broadly in terms
of your future together.

What are your intentions?

Are you asking me if I'm gonna
make an honest man of him?

Is he aware you're going broke?

I'm not going broke.

Your billing files
suggest otherwise.

I was just wondering,

is the captain going
to come to your aid?

I think we're done here.
All I wish to know...

If you're asking me
whether I'm gonna

bilk Tommy for money, I'm not.

I know you said you wanted
to do this job pro Bono,

but you can expect
a check in the mail.

You earned it. You did the work.

Tommy was right
about you.

You're very good... at the work.

You have the right
to remain silent.

I know my damn rights.

I want to know why you're here.

Well, a lot of answers to
that question, Mr. Dinacio.

You've been
awfully busy.

We know that
almost 30 years ago,

you stabbed Quentin Latham.

We also want to talk to you
about the kidnapping

of Beth Stone,

the shooting of Kenneth
Tolan at Maple Grove

Campground, and why you think...
Hold on, hon.

Back up. Look, I don't know
anything about Beth Stone

or any campground,
but I think I do know

how you got confused
about Latham.

Well, you'll have all
the time in the world

to explain it
to us. Come on.

You don't get it. Before
you take me downtown,

there's something I got
to show you. Please.

Incredible, isn't it?

It's just the best.

Guys, come on.

That's not me.

Mr. Dinacio,

are you trying to set up
an insanity plea?

About a month ago, these two
guys-- Aaron and Dennis--

they came in here, they were
looking for an angel investor.

Aaron Stone and Dennis Karig
of Stone Post Production?

Yeah. Shame about
Aaron's wife,

but I've been keeping
a good thought.

They wanted start-up money?

Not exactly our bag.

But they were maxed
out with the banks,

they're looking for 800
grand at any rate I name.

I said I'd take the meeting.

What was the money for?

For this, for what
you're looking at.

CGI, baby.

These two-- they had
this app or whatever.

They said it makes it so you
could do Titanic on your laptop.

I wasn't buying it.

So, you expect us to believe
that this footage

of you killing
Quentin Latham is fake,

that this is some sort
of audition reel

to convince you to invest
in their CGI company?

They said I could
pick anything.

I knew my uncles would
get a kick out of this.

Look, you don't have
to believe me.

I got plenty to back me up
in that drawer there.

Go ahead.

They changed our faces later.

The whole thing
took, like, an hour.

Those guys are geniuses,
I'm telling you.

Thank my lucky stars
they came to me.

We're all gonna be worth
about a gazillion dollars.

Uncuff him.

This might explain why
someone would ransom the wife

of a man who
is flat broke.

Kidnapper could have
been after this software?

Or a cut of
the profits.

Did you tell a lot of people in
your family about this program?

I told you,
that's who it was for.

How many people actually
saw it?

They showed
some people.

Those people showed
some other people.

I guess you could
say it went viral.

But, you know,
only in our thing.

That's great.

Only in his thing.

That means our list
of suspects just grew

by only a few hundred mobsters.


Was that “Gimme Some Lovin'”?

Good ear.

Ugh! This might be the
most disturbing way

you've ever woken me up.

You know Steve Winwood wrote
that song

at the tender age of 18?

That's neat... I guess.

I didn't know you were a fan.
Oh, I do

appreciate his oeuvre,
but that's not the reason

for my pop music reveille.

I've had a breakthrough
in the case.

Can you not do that?
I have a system!

Slumbering under a pile
of aged Mafiosos?

These are suspects.

They are all innocent

of kidnap and murder.

At least in the respective cases
of Beth Stone and Kenneth Tolan.

Today, we turn our sights
on Dennis Karig.

Aaron's partner?

His friend and employee.

I told you last night,
the current theory is

that Beth was abducted over
CGI software written by Karig.

He did not need
to abduct his friend's wife

to get his hands on it.

It's sitting on his computer.

His computer at work.

That's an important distinction.

Have a look
at the employee contract

from Stone Post Productions.

Just give me the highlights.

I pulled that from the
hard drive we got at Stone Post.

It's fairly standard
in that it lays legal claim

to the work product
and intellectual property

by the undersigned employee.

So Karig's software developed on
the job does not belong to him.

It belongs to Aaron Stone.

What if Mr. Karig
was having trouble

motivating his friend to share
in the expected proceeds?

That's a possible motive,
but you seem pretty certain.

Because of Mr. Karig's taste
in music.

He's an avid curator
of play lists,

which he shares
via streaming services.

He relies heavily
on the work of Steve Winwood.

Hence the little concert.

Think about it. You might recall

where you've heard another one
of his songs very recently.

♪ Bring me a higher love ♪

♪ Bring me ♪

♪ A higher love, oh-oh... ♪

So who's Karig working with?

Where'd he find the big goon
that stuck Beth in the van?

Actually, I don't think the
goon was that big after all.

Maybe we have different ideas
of big, but this guy...

...is Karig. Of course.

He wrote cutting-edge software
that manipulates pixels.

We've been looking at his
handiwork this whole time.

So he stretches himself
a foot taller,

adds 40 pounds,
no problem.

Oh, maybe one problem.

He altered his size,
but not his shape. Look.

The kidnapper has
sloped shoulders.

They're hunched
just like Dennis Karig's.

It's not proof,
but it's a start.

We should have CCS
have a look at this.

They might be able to tell
the file's been tweaked.

We could try, but
that would take time,

and we have a missing
woman out there.

We told the captain that we
should hit Karig with this

as soon as possible.

Yeah. Well, thanks for
the heads up. We'll be ready.

That was Gleason.

He and Crawford just
scooped up Dennis Karig.

They're on their way.

Uh, do you have a moment?

Something wrong?

I want to talk to you

about your personal life,

specifically, uh,
your relationship with Paige.

Well, I don't really want
to do that right now.

Are you aware
she's in dire financial straits?

What are you talking about?

Well, the trouble stems
from her, uh... her condition,

or rather, the expensive
treatments it requires.

You weren't aware?

Of course I was aware.
How are you aware?

I've had occasion to get to
know her a bit better recently.

I think
you should propose marriage.

Excuse me?
The sooner

you pop the question, the sooner
her treatments will be covered

by the city's health plan.

I think the time might have come
for a new Mrs. Gregson.

I-I think I just got whiplash.

When I split
with the last Mrs. Gregson,

you told me
to consider myself lucky.

You compared marriage
to, uh, poison,

I think it was?

Well, despite the abject failure
of your first nuptials,

you don't have
any such misgivings

about the institution, do you?

So it would not be a violation
of your personal ethics.

Oh, should I phrase it like that
when I get down on my knee?

I'm not making
this recommendation

on romantic grounds.
Open enrollment

ends this week, and I realize
I should be the last

of your acquaintances
to suggest marriage,

not the first, but there it is.

Oh, you think you're the first?
You're not.

We're adults.
We got a great thing going.

Everyone wants me to marry her.

Yeah, but, you know,
their rationale is misguided,

and mine's, you know...

Gaming the insurance industry's
what marriage is for, right?

When things first got serious,
we talked about marriage, okay?

She's in your camp.
She's opposed?

Very. She had a bad trip
the first time around.

And you're not opposed?


It's what I want.

Listen, whatever's going on
with Paige's finances,

we're just gonna have
to figure it out another way.

All right? Gregson.

Just because this guy had
hunched shoulders like me?

I mean, he could be anybody

who works a desk job.
Sitting ruins your posture.

Maybe we'll get
around to talking

to all office
workers everywhere,

but we're starting with you.

You failed to mention you
are proficient in creating

computer-generated imagery
last time we spoke, Mr. Karig.

I didn't think you'd come
to hear about my hobbies.

Uh, look, if someone messed
with the security tape,

they could've made
the kidnapper look like anyone.

Yeah. You're a technical genius,
Mr. Karig.

No one here is accusing you
of creative brilliance.

This is crazy.
I told you,

I was home
when this happened.

When she was taken or
when Kenneth Tolan got shot?


Both times.

I was alone because I live
alone. That's not a crime.

It's not much of an alibi

But let's forget about that
for the moment

and focus on your taste
in firearms.

You purchased a .22-caliber
revolver last month.

Just like the one there.

Must've been around the time
you hatched your plan.

The day you realized that
Aaron was gonna make a bundle

off your work and
pay you peanuts.

No. Th-That's not true.

We're still negotiating
my compensation.

Is that what you call
kidnapping his wife?

Can we just stop
and think about this?

How stupid
would I have to be to try

to abduct someone who knows me
without wearing a mask?

She'd be able to identify me.

Not if you kill her once
you get what you want.

It's what you do, right?

Get rid of all
the evidence,

disguise your voice,
you burn the van,

kill the witness,
bleach the cabin.

You're a real thorough guy.
Tell you what though...

Karig hasn't cracked, has he?

Not yet.

We don't need a false confession
to explain at trial.

Detective Bell,

Mr. Holmes,
would you step out, please?

What's going on?

Beth Stone just
wandered into a diner

down in Great Kills Park, couple
miles from that nudist resort

where they had her.

The kidnappers.

She says there were two of them.

Karig doesn't fit
either description.

Not even close.

Like I said,
there were two of them.

Um, Rashad. I-I think
that was the little one.

And-and Ali is the one
who took me.

They didn't... they didn't use
their names in front of me,

but I heard them whispering
in their language.

I had a roommate once
who was Pakistani.

I think that's what
they were.

Hey. You're doing great,

So, we've got Rashad

and Ali?

Ali's the one who shot
that man at the cabin.

And then he took me to this tent
back in those woods.

Rashad was-was
very angry,

and he took over
watching me all the time.

Except sometimes
he'd leave the tent

to-to go out
and smoke a cigarette.

That's when I'd work
on my ropes.

They-they had
my wrists tied

to a-a stake
in the ground, like this.

So the last time
he went out for a smoke,

I got out and I just took off.

I couldn't see.
It was so dark.

And branches kept cutting me,

but I knew
I had to keep running.

Mr. Stone, when they called
you, what did they want?

$3 million.

Said it had to be in cash,
nonsequential bills.

I'm sorry that I didn't
tell you before. I...

I was doing
what they said.

I was doing everything
I could to get that money.

I know you were.
I know.

We need to get over to that tent
where you were kept,

go over it
before it rains.

They're gonna take you
to the hospital,

get you checked out. Would
it be all right if we came by

and asked
a few more questions?

Whatever you need.

Hey. Campsite's this way.

Yeah. And you're
welcome to inspect it.

I'm sure Mrs. Stone's
done a really good job

of sprinkling
bread crumbs there.

You might find the remnants
of a chapati

to support her absurd fiction.

You think she's lying
about something?

I think she's lying
about everything.

I'm still quite certain

Dennis Karig is the man
we saw in that video.

She's covering for him.

And why would she do that?

'Cause he's covering for her.

She kidnapped herself.

Something's been gnawing at me.

You know, Beth Stone's
imaginary bogeymen

aren't properly represented

The co-captains
of the Karachi Dragons

are as likely as any Pakistanis
to have been involved,

so I thought they could stand in
for now.

You can stop mocking her story.
She's lying.

I'm sold.
And yet

you won't join me
in pouring scorn

on her racist tale of woe.

Well, there could be
a lot of reasons

why Beth is covering for Karig
and not in on it.

Uh, he could have
something on her.

Maybe it's Stockholm syndrome.

Maybe. But I think I've devised
a better theory.

You'll recall that
Aaron Stone

recently visited
a family lawyer

and that he
and Beth are set

to celebrate
their tenth anniversary.


But while I'm not privy
to the details

of their prenuptial agreement,
I'd not at all be surprised

if it were about
to lapse.

So, if Aaron
was considering a divorce,

Beth had financial motive,
just like Karig did.

Instead of getting a
fraction of their estate,

she could be in line
for as much as half.

But everyone thinks
that this CGI software

is worth tens of millions.

So why ask for a lousy
$3 million to split?

Because Aaron couldn't pay it.

The point is not to score
a ransom.

It's to shame Aaron
into running out the clock

on their prenuptial agreement.

Oh. I guess it
would be pretty awful

if he left her after she'd been
through this horrible ordeal.

Social suicide.

It's a
good theory.

It's just
a theory.

Married couples, Watson.

How often have their messes
robbed you

- of your precious sleep?
- And to think,

I recently suggested that
the captain join their ranks.

You what?

I suggested he tie the knot.

I-I thought it a solution

to Paige's insurance problems.

come on. Let's have it.

And, remember, it's cricket.
So arm straight.

I-In a minute. I'm still trying
to picture you arguing

in favor of marriage.

Yes, I know. I have spoken out
against it in the past.

Only if you count calling it
a fiendish plot

to subvert human biology,

and happiness.
Yeah, exactly.

But in this rare case, it might
be mutually beneficial--

good for his health
and hers.

Studies have shown
that there are health benefits

for men who reside in a state
of sexless antagonism

with a life partner.

Ah. Then you'll live to be 100.

Her breasts, Watson.

What do Paige's breasts have
to do with anything?

No, not-not Paige's.
Beth Stone's.

You saw them earlier.

I wasn't really looking at them.

Well, you should have.

They're her undoing.

We wanted to speak
to you 'cause we didn't find

any physical evidence
in Great Kills Park.

Nothing to suggest
anyone other than Beth

made camp in those woods.

I don't understand.

Before she was abducted,

you were considering
divorce, Mr. Stone.

I would file
right away.

No. No, that is not true.
I w... I was not...

We know you saw
a lawyer about your prenup.

We don't know when it expires,
but ten years is a nice round number.

Your upcoming
anniversary was the motivation

for this entire charade,
was it not?

What are you talking about?

We're talking
about you trying to guilt

your husband into sticking
around long enough

for the prenup
to lapse.

That's insane.

Aaron and I
love each other.

Even if we didn't,

we're broke.

What's the difference
between five percent of nothing

and... a whole lot more
of nothing?

But it wouldn't be nothing.

It would be a fair share
of your assets,

including the rights
to Dennis Karig's software.

And that's a pretty
substantial motive to...

buy yourself some time,
earn a little sympathy...

Maybe you were hoping
that faking your own kidnapping

would save your marriage.
Maybe you really do love him.

But we think
that it was about the money.

You and Dennis were greedy,
so you struck a deal.

I can't believe you people.
I was taken.

Yes, by two Pakistani men.
We've heard your, um,

bigoted fantasia.

Do these look fake to you?

But they were self-inflicted.

As was your suntan.
Which has faded.

It was positively glowing

on the news

Your arms were covered, your face
was muddied, but this area was exposed.

You told us

you were locked in a cabin
until just a few days ago.

And then, in the middle of the
night, you were taken to a tent.

So tell us, when exactly
did you find time to sunbathe?

I think it was between visits

from your co-conspirator,
Mr. Karig.

Mr. Stone,
if you want

to step outside for a minute,
we're gonna invite

an assistant district attorney
to sit in that chair.

You didn't
pull the trigger

which killed
Kenneth Tolan,

so you get first crack
at a plea deal.

It's time to betray
your other partner.

They'll be done
in 20 minutes.

Have a car ready to transport
her to Central Booking,

and then...

Did I forget a lunch?

No, I arranged
one for you.

Come here.

You did what?

I, um... I, uh...

I took the liberty
of talking to Paige.

We, um... we discussed
her reservations about marriage.

Look, I don't know why you've
decided to get in the middle

of this, but, I got to say...

I managed to lower her defenses.

I've taken it as far as I can.
But at some point

in the process,
uh, your absence became,

you know, quite limiting.

What process?
She told me

about the weekend getaway
that you have planned.

Um, sounded like a
excellent opportunity to...


And, uh,

if you do, then...

♪ Down in the heart
and in the stars above ♪

All this to fake out
an insurance company?

Yeah. Well, I mean, no,
it's not about that anymore.

Not entirely.

Then what is it about?

You said it was what you wanted.

♪ Things look so bad
everywhere ♪

♪ In this whole world ♪

Where'd you get those?
Are they hot?

If-if you're concerned
about provenance,

you should just, uh...
just focus on those ones.

♪ Falling behind
in what could be ♪

♪ Bring me a higher love ♪

♪ Bring me ♪

♪ A higher love ♪

♪ Bring me a higher love ♪

♪ Bring me
a higher love ♪


♪ Bring me a higher love ♪


♪ I could rise above ♪

♪ For this higher love. ♪

== sync, corrected by elderman ==