Elementary (2012–…): Season 3, Episode 19 - One Watson, One Holmes - full transcript

Holmes and Watson are drawn into an Internet war when a member of the everyone hacker group is murdered.

Previously on Elementary...
HOLMES: Hector, the
security guard, is affiliated

with the collective
that calls itself "Everyone."

Not everyone
in the general sense.

"Everyone," the proper noun.

The cyber activists.

(static crackles)

What is happening
with my computer?

They most likely
traced the phone here

before the microwave
destroyed it.

I thought we left
on good terms with Everyone.

Well, as far as you
can be on good terms

with an anonymous collective
of immature hackers, we did.

Bella, Edward, Jacob.

Are you guys researching
the Twilight books?

We heard back
from our friends at Everyone.

Apparently, there's some kind
of convention in town,

and they want me to read
my essay out loud in the lobby.

Everyone never gets tired
of embarrassing you, do they?

Humiliation is the favorite
currency of the hacker.


(heart monitor beeping steadily)

(monitor flatlining)

(loud knocking)

(knocking continues)

(monitor beeping steadily)

Sherlock Holmes?
Do I know you?

Kind of. We've talked.

No, we haven't.

No, not like in person.

Uh, can I tell you
about it inside?

I feel kind of exposed
out here.

You cannot chew
gum in my home.


Do I look like I'm joking?

You sick or

Training myself
to mimic death.

That's an activity best done
uninterrupted, by the way.

Okay, I don't just
go around telling people this.

I'm Sucking Chest Wound.

From Everyone.

I'm the guy who made you go
to that Twilight convention.

You seriously don't remember me?

I'm sort of important.

Mr. Chest Wound,

what is it you want?

Okay, so, I don't know
if you know this or not,

but right now we're having,
like, a civil war.


Two sides fighting
for the soul of the collective.

Did you just
roll your eyes?

No. Carry on.

On one side, you've got
a group pretty much led by me.

We like Everyone the way it is.

We're pranksters.
We don't have an ideology.

We help the people
we want to help,

hurt the people
we want to hurt, on, like,

a case-by-case basis.

The other side
follows this guy "Species."

They want us to become a
straight-up political movement.

That means
establishing parameters,

aligning with the left,
going against the right.

And you see my role in this
as what exactly?

I'm trying to get dox
on Species, you know?

Dig into him,
find out who he really is.

If I can learn that, I can
find stuff to embarrass him.

My side wins.

I haven't had
any luck yet.

You're, you know, a detective.

(door opens)
Hey, I'll be back in a bit.

Uh, j-just-just one
moment, if you please.

Mr. Chest Wound,
I'm afraid I can't help you.

I can pay.

That's not the issue.

The internecine struggles
of a group

of emotionally-stunted
self-styled activists

interests me not one iota.

So, in my haste

to get away
from Sucking Chest Wound,

I neglected to ask you
what I'm helping you with.

Well, you know Connie, right?
She's our neighbor.

She lives two doors down.

Her daughter Emmanuelle
is getting bullied online.

She asked
if I could look into it.

You've determined that
the offending messages

are coming from those
computers, and you're here

to confront the sender?

I'm not sure how much
confronting there's going to be.

These are the messages
from the bully,

and these are Emmanuelle's
public posts.

Oh, the patterns of
speech, the misspelling.

These are written
by the same person.

She's sending the
messages to herself.

If I'm right,
I don't want to tattle on her.

She wants attention
from her parents,

but she has to get it without
driving them crazy with worry.

(sighs softly)

How are you?

How am I?

Well, I-I thought
perhaps that, uh,

silence was awkward,
so I was attempting to fill it.


(whispering): You get that
we're in a library, right?

No, I see other people talking.

you're the one

who lubricates these moments
with conversation, so...

Well, I'm good if you are.

(footsteps approaching)

You know you've been down here
for five hours?
Have I?

They have a good collection
of books on metallurgy.

Well, you might want
to check some of them out.

We're almost through here.

That's the neighbor's daughter.

Your theory was correct.

I'm gonna go talk to her. I'll
come find you when I'm done.

(cell phone ringing)


BELL: Hey. I'm at the scene
of a murder, and it looks like

you might have some kind
of connection to the victim.


Well, this guy's computer--

his wallpaper's a picture of you
wearing a dress?

Victim's name is Erroll White.

No sign of forced entry,
so maybe he let his killer in.

As far as the
murder weapon goes,

I'm thinking it was
a little samurai sword.

Well, those stab wounds
are deep.

And those displays always have
two swords on them, right?

Big one and a little one.

The wakizashi is missing.

Well observed.

Obviously, this guy spent a lot
of time in front of computers,

so our tech guy has
been digging around.

I guess he posts
to a lot of Web sites

using the name "Species"?

You've heard of him.

He's a member of the hacker
collective Everyone.

They occasionally force me
to humiliate myself

in exchange for information.

Hence, the wallpaper you saw.

You find something?

We have a suspect.

I can give you a description.

I could also give you a name,

after a fashion.

The young man that we seek

calls himself
Sucking Chest Wound.

(video winding,
footsteps approaching)

(sighs) Hey. Thought this
place was camera-free now.

Inside, not out.

I'm looking for footage
of Sucking Chest Wound

that I can send to the police.

Well, you could send
it to Mason, right?

I mean, he's got that
facial-recognition software.

Mason is currently grounded
from the Internet.

So, why would
this guy come here,

ask you to find someone
named Species,

and then murder him
at the end of the day?

Perhaps it wasn't
a planned killing.

Perhaps he doesn't really
want to hire me.

He just wanted someone
affiliated with the police

to think that he didn't know
who Species was.

Why are those guys bringing
a python into the house?

It's gone now.

(phone chimes)


No, it's nothing.

It's just my friend Marnie
from medical school.

She's getting married, and
even though none of us are 22,

she's having a
bachelorette party.

She says it's just an excuse
for us to get together,

so we're gonna meet
tomorrow and plan.

(phone chimes)

It involves a
lot of texts.

Sounds like you'd rather
do anything else.

No. She's a friend.

It'll be good
to see her.

I'll get in the
spirit eventually.

Oh. Is that him?

What are you looking for now?


So you want to I.D.
him through his gum.

Don't you already
have a DNA sample?

The hair I found
yielded no matches in CODIS,

but if we can match it
to the gum, then we'll be able

to confirm that both

came from Sucking Chest Wound.

"Boys In the Woods."
"Cable TV." What are these?

Look at the last phrase.

"Encore-- IOU."

They're names of songs.
It's a set list.

Oh, so what are
these in the margins?

Not a clue.

But we may have more than
a second DNA sample here.

If we can attribute
these songs to a musician,

we might be able
to identify our man

by means other than genetic.

¶ ¶

Hey. What are you
doing down here?

(turns music down)

But how can you tell

if Clyde likes
it or not?

It's really obvious
if you know what to look for.

This particular song is
by a group called Fol Chen.

And its title is "I.O.U."

Oh, that's the encore
on the set list

that Sucking Chest
Wound threw away.

After you went to bed last
night, I realized that the notes

on this paper refer to
volume knobs on a sound board.

The one song--
the bass needs to be louder.

For another, it's the drums.

Sucking Chest Wound
works as a sound engineer.

So, if we can
find a club

where Fol Chen played
this set recently,

we can figure out
where he works.

These songs were played
in this order

at a club in Williamsburg
three days ago.

The proprietor gave me the name
of their sound engineer.

Petros Franken.

Sucking Chest Wound.

(phone chimes)
I gave his name
to Detective Bell, and...

Mr. Franken has just been
taken in for questioning.

I didn't kill Species!
Of course I didn't.

I didn't even know who he was
until you guys arrested me.

Works out pretty well for you
if we believe that.

Come on, Petros.

He had your hair on his clothes.

I told you.
I never even met him.

You sent him death threats.

"I wish I could put cancer
and Ebola into a cannon

and shoot them at you
and your whole family."

That's just how we talk.

I got 40 more pages
of this stuff.

(phone chimes)

Quote: "I will
disembowel you

and your entire life.

Your friendships continue
to present a nuisance?

Turns out,
an ironic bachelorette party

requires just as much
back-and-forth as a real one.

I'm just gonna turn it
on silent.

BELL: We're going through
all your stuff right now.

If we find anything else
that ties you to the murder,

you lose your window
to cooperate.

How can I cooperate?
I didn't do it!


When did Species die? Exactly.

The M.E. puts the time of death

between 7:00 and 8:30
last night.

Oh, thank God.

I was with Mockingbird.

She left my place
at, like, 7:30.

Let me guess.

She's in Everyone, too?

Her real name

is Rachel Carter.

She hangs around
the chat boards.

I'm... a big deal in the group.

I think
she was impressed by that.

We traded private messages,
started flirting.

She came over for a while
last night.

Mm, we were...

You know?

You can say "having sex."
We're both adults.

She works on Wall Street.

Go see her. She'll tell you.


No, I'm not
sleeping with Petros.

Come on. (scoffs)

So he wasn't with you
last night?


Look, he's a funny guy.

We've exchanged a few messages--
some of them were even flirty.

Maybe he thought I'd say we were
together because of that.

Ms. Carter,
you're an investment banker,

and yet you're a member
of Everyone.

I'm not a member.

I go to the boards
where they hang out sometimes.

It's fun. You get
to be somebody else for a while.

Surely your employers would
take issue with your affiliation

to an activist group
which sometimes espouses

an anticapitalist agenda.

What's your point?
Do you think that I'm lying?

Well, in my experience,
investment bankers

are very good
at concealing untruths.
(phone chimes)

You already know
that I post to the boards.

You can tell my boss
if you want.

If I was with Petros,
why not just admit it?

CSU just finished processing

Petros Franken's car.

They found some
blood in the trunk.

Looks like it's a
match for the victim.

Can I go?

So I guess that's that.

You did. And she showed up
with no pants on. I remember.

Okay, wait, Marnie,
on a scale of one to ten,

how dumb are we gonna get
with this?

Oh. Um, what's ten?

I don't even know. I feel
like the scale's probably moved

since the last time
I did this.

Okay, let's say strippers?




Well, what's five?

Five would be, like,

a nice dinner.

A couple extra drinks.

Five sounds about right.

Okay, but we have to

embarrass Marnie
at least once.

(phone chimes,
chatter continues)

You have it coming.
MARNIE: Girls. Mm.

Everything okay?

Uh, yeah. I just got a text
from Sherlock.

He just found a suspect
in this case we're working.

Kind of can't let this go.

No problem.

I'm so sorry.


I'll call you guys later, okay?

Okay, good luck.
Have fun.


(door closes)

You're home earlier
than I expected.

Yeah. I ducked out.

I wasn't really
in the spirit.

What are you doing?

Just awaiting a visitor.


Ms. Carter.

Please come in.

I wasn't entirely satisfied

with Ms. Carter's
flat denial

of Petros Franken's alibi.

Didn't make any sense.

Why was he so genuinely
relieved to send us

to talk to her?

A bit of digging revealed
that Ms. Carter only goes

by the name Rachel Carter
in her professional life.

In her private life, she goes
by the name Rachel Eddings.

Her married name.

WATSON: You denied you were
with Petros not to save face

with your employers but
to save face from your husband.

Telling the truth meant you had
to admit to having an affair...


I was going
to tell you people anyway.

I lied because I was panicked.

But I can't let
Petros rot in prison.

I was at his apartment
that night.

I left around 7:30.

So he's innocent.

He didn't commit the murder.

I'm inclined to agree
with you, Watson.

Petros was framed.

I told you I didn't do it.

When can I get out of here?

Mockingbird's recantation
of her earlier lie

is not enough to overcome the
physical evidence against you.

In order to secure your release,
we must prove your innocence.

Better still, prove
someone else's guilt. So...

who had motive and opportunity
to kill Species and frame you?

You got to understand,

I've helped hack some
pretty dangerous people.

Uh, the CIA, the KKK.

Hell, we went after ISIS.

If those groups wanted you dead,
then you would be dead.

But you are alive.

Erroll "Species" White
is the one lying

in a refrigerated drawer.

He was the target.
You're a patsy.

A patsy?
You're a well-known
philosophical rival of Species.

The question is not
who wants to hurt you,

but rather who had motive
to kill him.

You know, there are several
principal lines of inquiry

when it comes to determining
the motive for a murder.

There's cherchez la femme--
look to the woman.

Do you remember
him posting anything

about any toxic
romantic entanglements?

Rule 57 of the Internet:
you will never have sex.

I'm the exception.

Pretty sure Species
wasn't getting any.

Like, ever.

Another line of inquiry
is cui bono.

Who benefits, hmm?
A.K.A. follow the money.

Could anyone profit
from Species' death,

financially or otherwise?

Species' Stash.

It's something he mentioned
in Inner Sanctum.

That's a chat room for, like,
Everyone's top people.

Serious hackers, people who
control big-time botnets.

We act as, like, a steering
committee for Everyone.

Species' Stash?
He said that he
had this stash

of data he'd snagged over the
years just to prove he could,

stuff that would
blow our minds.

He said he had millions
of credit card numbers,

complete with
passwords and Socials.

On the Dark Web, those
numbers would sell

for eight figures, easy.

That's motive, right?

Follow the money.

JOAN: (sighs)
Is that a rainbow

coming out of that
unicorn's butt?


That is the online profile
picture of Pony Pyew Pyew,

member of
Everyone's Inner Sanctum

and one of the finest hackers

in the world. He is also,
according to my analysis

of his online profile,

a resident of Goiânia, Brazil,

who has never traveled more than
50 miles from his home.

So not our killer.

I've also ruled out Twithead,

Adramelech and Coldcomfort,

none of whom has ever set foot
in New York.

Droopsnout suffers
from Duchenne muscular dystrophy

and is incapable of having
stabbed Erroll White to death.

What about Killspree?

Uniquely, he doesn't keep
his identity a secret.

Maynard Lim lives
in Kuala Lumpur and is

the billionaire creator
of a popular phone game

called Flutter Crow.

To him, a collection of credit
card numbers would mean nothing.

Which leaves us

with eight unidentified members
of Everyone's Inner Sanctum.

All of whom are proving
extremely difficult to unmask.

What's up
with Munkey Versus Shark?

Munkey Versus Shark,
I suspect, has ADHD.

He changes his profile picture

sometimes up
to three times a day.

Look at this last one.

Some kind of motorcycle.

That's a Ducati
1199 Superleggera.

And he's put the word
"mine" on top of it.

Well, could be
a kid's fantasy.

Or maybe someone made
a lot of money

and bought themselves a
treat. I'll call Marcus,

see if he can track down
recent purchases

of limited edition
Italian motorcycles.

Caleb Hill? NYPD.

You guys here about the guy
who cut me off?

'Cause I'm totally gonna sue.

You drove your
brand-new Ducati

through a red light at
triple the speed limit.

The guy whose truck
you broadsided

is more likely
to sue you.

It's a good thing you
just made all that cash

off of Species' Stash.

I don't know
what you're talking about.

BELL: Come on.
That bike,

top-end computer,

new smartphone,
flat screen TV.

Been spending a lot of money
the last few days

for an unemployed
computer science student.

And all from selling

only a fraction of the Stash.

And before you lodge
any further protests,

you're currently chatting
on Everyone's Inner Sanctum.

Which only confirms what the
NYPD's Computer Crimes Division

already uncovered.

BELL: You're the
hacker known as

Munkey Versus Shark,
you're in possession of

credit card numbers
illegally obtained by

Erroll "Species" White,
and you're in the process of

auctioning them off
on Dark Web Internet sites.

I want a lawyer.

That's a good idea.
Murder is a serious charge.

Hey, I didn't kill Species.
That was the CIA or whatever.

Play it how you want,
but this can go two ways.

You tell us your story, maybe
you get off light for the theft

and the credit card sales; or
we go at you for White's death,

and you get to trade this
private room for a shared cell.

Now, that's a pretty nasty
tib-fib fracture you've got.

Looks like they did
a double fasciotomy.

You know, non-union fractures

are common with
that type of injury.

You're gonna have to be
very careful with your rehab.

It's tough to do that
at Rikers Island.

Look, it wasn't that big a deal.

After Species spilled about
his Stash, I got dox on him.

I found out his real name,
where he lived,

and I went by,
I scoped the place out.

The security in his building
was crap,

so I waited for him
to go to work and then...

You broke and entered?
How old-fashioned.

I learned how to pick locks
on YouTube.


I got in, took his laptop,

every memory stick I could find,
and got out.

But that was three weeks ago.

In all that time,
Species never came after me.

He had no idea
who ripped him off.

Look, I got
what I wanted.

I had no reason to go back
and kill the guy.

Let's say that we believe you.

Who did it?

Surely you and the rest
of the Inner Sanctum

must have a theory--
beyond the CIA.

Nobody knows anything solid.

Well, except maybe Species.

Explain that.

Species' Stash
wasn't just credit card numbers.

He had records
of every hack he'd ever done.

A list of flaws
in government

and corporate Web sites,
and chat logs

of every online conversation
he ever had.

Even the ones
from Inner Sanctum.

Cut me loose...

I'll hand over the entire thing.

police radio chatter)


Species' Stash.

I was expecting a thumb drive
or an e-mail link.

Well, our tech guys say
the Stash included

some pretty nasty computer
viruses and hacking tools.

The FBI and the NSA
aren't excited

about letting them out
into the wild.

Paper distribution
is standard policy

for this sort of evidence.



There must be thousands
of pages here.

26 boxes, approximately
4,000 sheets a box--

that's roughly 104,000 sheets.

The search will be

exceedingly tedious;
but one must, from time to time,

outwork criminals
as well as outthink them.

(sighs): All right,
we may as well get started.

Aren't you supposed
to be dining

with your bachelorette
planning committee tonight?

No, I told them
I was busy.

Your behavior has been
troublingly incongruous of late.

Has it?

You avoided

at the library the other day.

And now you've come up
with a feeble excuse

to extricate yourself
from a potentially enjoyable

social engagement.

We have work to do.

Your rededication
to the detective lifestyle

has been admirable.

But on more than one occasion,
I have been forced

to initiate conversation
with you.

You've been unsympathetic
to witness and suspect alike.

And now you are withdrawing
from longtime friendships

because they are inconvenient
to your mood.

That doesn't work for me.

That doesn't work for you?

Our relationship is predicated

on one Holmes and one Watson.

It's a delicate homeostasis,

and it doesn't function properly
if there are

two Holmeses
and no Watsons.

So while I am sensitive that
this is likely a ripple effect

from the tragedy,

turning yourself
into me in response

is not good for our partnership.

I am not
turning myself into you.

I am finding my way
through my situation.

Whether or not that works
for you is irrelevant.

This is where I am right now,
and this is how I need to be.

(Morse code beeping)

(beeping continues)

What are you doing?

I'm tapping "Wake up, Watson"
in Morse code.

(groans softly)
At around 4:00 a.m.,

I noticed an odd detail in
Species' chats with his fellow

Inner Sanctum members.
There's nothing but odd,

the way they talk to each other,

what they think
is funny...

Are you familiar
with the concept

of a telegraph operator's fist?


A "fist" is the technical term

for each telegraph operator's
idiosyncratic style.

How long are their dashes?
How fast are their dots?

During the Second World War,
Allied intelligence was able

to identify specific
German telegraph operators

by their fists.

So while they couldn't
necessarily decode

the messages,
they could, for example,

determine at any given time
where General Rommel was

by searching for the fist
of his telegraph operator.

So you think
there's something odd

about the way that Species
types his chat messages.

Species has two fists.

Note the carriage returns.

Well, he presses send more
often in this conversation

than that one.

1.5 times more often.

And this acceleration of sends

a fairly regular schedule.

For approximately 12 hours
on any given day,

Species hits send
about every 15 words.

Then, suddenly,
for the next 12 hours,

he hits send every ten words.

Two different fists.

You think there are
two different Species?

Species served as a kind
of hall monitor for Everyone.

He kept an eye out
for over-the-line behavior.

But protecting a collection
of computer-addicted narcissists

from itself is
a 24-hour-a-day endeavor.

So he split the labor.

More precisely...

...Errol White shared
the Species persona

with this person.


Tessee has the exact same fist

as the second Species.

Moreover, Tessee is never online
when Species Two is active.


I noticed her...
uh, him.


Tessee was all over
the Everyone chat rooms

after Species' death.

Tessee's political,
like Species,

but when she posts as Tessee,
she's way more radical.

She wants Everyone
to avenge Species,

and she's been pushing something
called Operation Right Nut.

No one stood to gain more
from Species's death

than the faction which looked
to politicize Everyone.

They gain support;
their pet causes

become the pet causes
of the entire group.

It's classic false flag.

The death of Species strengthens
his side of the schism,

while Sucking Chest Wound's
anarchist faction

is utterly destroyed.

So, in other words, you think
Species was killed by Species.

You think Tessee's
the one who killed Species?

Cui bono.

With Species dead,
Tessee benefits.

His death helps her
advance her agenda

and pit Everyone against targets
more political in nature.

Framing you
helps, too.

You didn't want
to politicize the group;

you wanted more anarchy.

So with you in jail, she has
one less voice against her plan.

Tessee's always been
a little edgy.

Do you know anything about her
in real life?

I mean, I don't even know
if Tessee's a her.

She says she's 16
and lives in Manitoba,

but I never bought that.

I mean, none of us tells
the truth about that stuff.

She's pushing something called
Operation Right Nut.

She wants to hit
the Atherton Foundation.

The Atherton

is a think tank.

Conservative in the extreme.

Tessee, as Tessee,
has been trying

to stir up a hack
against Atherton for months.

Operation Right Nut.

Species came out against it.

I'm guessing that's when...
Errol was at the wheel.

He didn't like Atherton
either, but...

thought a hack against them
would be too dangerous.

You said
you're with the NYPD.

We're big supporters
of law enforcement.

You're partisan hacks who
twist facts until they cohere

into a preexisting viewpoint,
all whilst hiding behind

the seemingly academic
label of "think tank."

I despise you
and people of your ilk

on both sides
of the aisle.
That said,

we're here to warn you
that your foundation

may be the target of
the hacker collective Everyone.

You might want to get

your cyber house in order.

We would hate for your
carefully concealed donor lists

to become public knowledge.

Thank you for your concern.

I'll walk you out.

Wait, you're not worried?

We've seen
what Everyone can do.

We have top flight security
in place--

virtual and otherwise.

We can handle some...
computerized mob.

You know, I couldn't
help but notice

that many of your staff
are discreetly armed.

They also seem to be
in very good shape.

What exactly is it
that you do here again?

As I said, uh,
thank you for your concern.


Just got off the phone
with our frenemy,

Agent McNally at the NSA.

He refused to discuss
the Atherton Foundation.

But the way in which
he refused to discuss it

leads me to believe
that they do, in fact,

have some government

Sounds like Everyone

might be biting off
more than they can chew.


I owe you a bit of an apology.

I attempted to express my
concern for you last night,

but my thoughts were distorted
by the lens of my own needs.

It was not optimally done.

Oh, that's okay.

What I was trying to say
was that one of the things

I've gained
from our collaboration

is a working definition
of the word "friendship."

Friendship, I've
come to believe,

is most accurately
defined as two people

moving towards the best
aspects of one another.

It is a relationship of
mutual benefit, mutual gain.

Another thing
I've learned

is that my isolationist
tendencies are decidedly...

not my best quality.

I am not a
better person

because of a lack
of connection.

So I think the
healthy thing

is for you not to move
in my direction.

I-In fact...
quite the opposite.

That's worth thinking about.


Once we find Tessee, of course.

Species' murderous protégé
is proving elusive.

Then I say we make
Tessee come to us.

Now, Tessee uses
this catchphrase

whenever he or she enters
or leaves a chat.


I dug around a bit,
and found a post

where it was explained.

It means: "Ariel! Ookla! Ride!"

And those words are supposed
to mean something?

It's the battle cry
of Thundarr the Barbarian.

He's a cartoon character
from the '80s.

My brother was
a huge fan.
As is Tessee.

Not just a fan,
but a serious collector

of Thundarr memorabilia.

Now, look at this user

on this Thundarr
fan board.

Now, MokPrincess uses the same

profile picture as Tessee
and has the same fist.

MokPrincess is Tessee.

And, from what I've read,
is obsessed with obtaining

a limited edition
Ookla the Mok lunch box.

You have a plan?

On the Everyone sites,

they're always talking about
how the most powerful hack

is social engineering-- tricking
people into doing what you want.

So all I have to do
is post on this fan board

how I found my childhood Ookla
the Mok lunch box while I was

cleaning my parents'
place out.

I'll say that
I don't want it,

but I'm willing to give it away

to the first person who meets me
and asks me for it.

Do you, in fact, have
an Ookla lunch box?

I don't need one.

The promise will lure people
to a public place,

where I can get
a good look at them,

maybe even sneak a picture.

I'll tell them I already

gave the lunch box away,
but that I think

my brother
might still have his.

All they have to do is
leave me their contact info,

and I'll get in touch.

So the question is:

how bad does Tessee
want that lunch box?

Brady Dietz. 29
years old, single,

and fond of cartoon barbarians--
but you knew that already.

You forgot socially awkward
and vaguely creepy.

Dietz studied
information technology

at Binghamton Polytechnic
until he was expelled

for hacking their
computer system

and altering his
friend's grades.

One of a handful of infractions,
all involving computers,

none of which
has stopped him

finding steady work as
a freelance programmer.

He fits the profile.

Mm, to a T.

He also works from
his home, in Brooklyn.

Excuse me, Brady.

You're the
lunchbox lady.

Who's he?

Oh, you and I are old friends.

You once had me
defend the romantic

interests of
a fictional werewolf.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Oh, I think
you do, Tessee.

Or do you prefer
MokPrincess or Species?

Anything other than Brady Dietz,

I imagine.
Leave me alone.

We're with the NYPD.
You're gonna have to speak

with us eventually.
No. Go away.

Why did you kill
Erroll White? Hmm?

Was it as simple
as a philosophical gap?

You must've been
friends at some point.

You shared
the Species handle.

Did you meet to discuss
your differences in person?

WATSON: You're not
very good in person,

are you?

Maybe he
intimidated you,

got physical, so you
grabbed the sword.

Where were you on
Thursday night?

Uh, I-I was... on-online,
video chatting

with my girlfriend;
she's from Manitoba.

What did you do with
the Japanese short sword?

Is it in your apartment, hidden
under the mattress perhaps?

I don't have it.
(tires screech)

FBI. Please step away
from Mr. Dietz.

We're with the NYPD.

I know who you are,
Ms. Watson, Mr. Holmes.

You seem to have us at
a disadvantage, Agent...


Did he just
text you?

Get in the car, Brady.

He is a murder suspect.
We need to talk to him.

I can't allow that.

Mr. Dietz is part
of an ongoing FBI investigation.

He's an informant...
against Everyone.

Your pet rat has just
killed a man, Erroll White.

They shared an online identity,
right up until the murder.

And when did this happen?

Thursday night
between 7:00 and 8:30.

Brady was with me from
6:00 to 9:00 on Thursday.

He was giving me an update.

I'm sorry.
You're done with him.

The hell was that?

That was the FBI
alibiing our best suspect.

The FBI agent, Branch--

you think she
lied to you?

In order to alibi Brady Dietz.

Most likely 'cause she doesn't
want to give up a key asset

in her investigation
into Everyone.

Yeah. We were hoping you could
call someone at the Bureau,

put pressure
on Branch.

It's not that simple.

You're asking me
to accuse a federal agent

of covering up a murder.

'Cause she did.

Brady Dietz
killed Erroll White.

We're certain of it.

Why? So he could
sic Everyone

on some think tank
no one's ever heard of?

As I mentioned,
we have reason to believe

that Atherton has some
covert government connection.

Look, you bring me
solid evidence,

establish probable cause,
I'll put cuffs on God himself.

But until then, there's
nothing I can do.


Well, he has a point.
I mean, why would an FBI agent

let Everyone
hack into a government front?

Maybe she didn't
know about it.

No, she must.

It's no secret that
Dietz, as Tessee,

has been agitating for
Operation Right Nut.

If Branch is
letting it proceed,

it's 'cause she
wants it to proceed.

Question is: why?

Hey, I'm gonna call out

for Thai.
Do you want anything?

Oh, hi. I didn't realize
we had company.


Forensic accounting.

Okay. Do you want Thai?

You've met Briggs.

Very good. There
is no one better

at digging into the
marrow of a company.

I asked him to have a look
at the inner workings

of the Atherton Foundation.

Well, did he
find anything?

The long and short of it is

much of the money to fund
Atherton came from Wayne Vachs.

As in Vachs Geological?

Miner of rare earth,
fracker of oil

and champion
of conservative politics.

Now, Vachs founded Atherton.

Atherton, in turn,
helped forge

the Domestic Security
Alliance Council,

or D-SAC. It's a federal
office which helps

coordinate FBI and Homeland
Security investigations

with the internal
security departments

of major U.S. corporations.

Well, that sounds
vaguely sinister.

Observe the flow of funds

from Atherton to D-SAC
and vice versa.

You can read this?

While Atherton
initially advocated for

and helped
fund D-SAC,

it seems in the last year

the flow of funds
has reversed itself.

So you think D-SAC is paying
Atherton for something.

D-SAC, and by extension,
the FBI and Homeland Security,

have contracted Atherton
for classified data analysis

related to counterterrorism,

hence the armed agents
I observed at their offices.

So, if Everyone breaks into
Atherton's computers,

steals their data
and puts it on the Net...

It won't just be embarrassing
a group of right wing

intellectuals, they will be
publishing government secrets.

You think this is
what Branch wants?

Everyone's bursts of hacktivism
have become quite the thorn

in the side of various
powerful entities.

Unfortunately for Agent Branch,
Erroll "Species" White

made sure that
the collective's crimes

never amounted
to more than misdemeanors.

Now White is dead
and Brady Dietz

is leading Everyone
off a cliff.

If Everyone hacks Atherton,

they will fall under the purview
of the government's

RICO statutes, and the group
will be broken asunder.

And Branch will get credit
as the FBI agent

who brought them all down.

Thus reaping the governmental
and corporate benefits

of same.

Meteoric rise at the Bureau,

lucrative private sector job--
she'll have her pick.

Apparently she's willing
to protect a killer

to make that happen.

Too bad this is all conjecture.
We can't prove anything.

Agent Branch's obstructionism
has served its purpose.

We cannot tie Brady Dietz
to Erroll White's murder.

Unless Agent Branch
does it for us.

But why would she do that?

That's why Mr. Briggs
is still here.

His next task

is to look into Ms. Branch's
personal finances.

Agent Branch, there's
something you and I

need to discuss: your agenda
with regards to Everyone.

BRANCH: You think
I'm helping a killer

just so I can pad my résumé?

That's a hell of a theory.

Well, it's the only
explanation that supports

all the discernable facts.

Must be frustrating.

Knowing that you can't
prove any of it.

I might never be able
to bring to light

your machinations
against Everyone,

but that's not my
primary concern.

I wish to bring
Brady Dietz to justice.

And that I can achieve.

Once you provide me
with the murder weapon.

Now you're living
in fantasy land.

I'm quite certain
that you've got

the wakizashi
stashed somewhere.

It's the only way to ensure
your mole's cooperation

and protect him long enough
to complete his mission.

Surrender it,

and I won't tell the FBI
about your nanny.

My nanny?

She's Tibetan, is she not?

What does that
have to do with anything?

Well, Tibetan nannies
are all the rage

with well-heeled New Yorkers.

But they are rather pricey
for a federal employee.

A forensic accountant,
however, informs me

that you have found
a discount alternative.

You hire one without the legal
right to work in the U.S.,

and you pay her
a fraction of the price.

Now, that's just the kind
of detail that could derail

a promising career
in law enforcement.

So instead,
I'm just supposed to admit

to obstruction of justice?

Tip the police anonymously
to the weapon's whereabouts.

No doubt Dietz, once arrested,
will cry cover-up,

but I'm confident that's gonna
be dismissed as ranting.

There's really no point
in protecting him, anyway.

I've warned Everyone
that hacking Atherton

would be their
death knell.

They're moving on to
more amusing targets.

Surrender the weapon,
you could still

come out of this with
your career intact.

You could still
fulfill your ambitions.

You just won't
be able to do it

by duping Everyone
into committing treason.

Today, NYPD investigators

arrested Brady Dietz
of Brooklyn Heights

in the so-called
Hacker Killer murder

of Erroll White.
White, a hacker

and a member of the online force
known as Everyone...

It's done?

The bloodstained
short sword

bearing Brady Dietz's prints
was delivered

to the NYPD
by an anonymous source

two hours ago.

Initially, Dietz claimed
he'd been framed by the FBI,

but when he realized it wasn't
gonna work, he confessed.

Did he say
what actually happened

the night of the murder?

Erroll White grew suspicious

that Dietz was conspiring

with outside forces
to bring down Everyone.

There was a confrontation,
things turned violent.

Dietz claims he acted
in self-defense.

And Agent Branch just walks.

Maybe she'll find being
on the wrong side of Everyone

to be its own special
kind of punishment.

Going out?

Uh, yeah. I called Marnie.

I told her I would
rejoin the bridal party.

I mean, I still think it's silly
that we're all acting

like we're in college, but...

I thought it would be
good for me

to connect with
my fellow humans.

Well, enjoy yourself,


I'll try.
