El Internado: Las Cumbres (2021–…): Season 3, Episode 5 - Episode #3.5 - full transcript
Hey! You two!
This is silly. Okay, okay...
Are you okay?
This place creeps me out.
Well, it is a bit morbid.
"The spirits are watching us!"
"Rotten bodies full of maggots..."
Isn't that your second aunt from Russia?
We've passed by here
a thousand times already.
I'm sorry, Paul.
How are we going to find Amaia now?
If she isn't here, where is she?
Let's go. This way.
Quickly, brothers. We're late.
Fuck! You scared me!
You two are looking lovely this evening.
What are you doing?
Watching the monks.
Yeah, that.
Wait. There are four coffins.
The first Christians
compared the Church to the moon...
I'm sure they killed Friar Vicente.
The one with the burnt face.
The last one on Amaia's list.
...as the Church receives its light
from God.
Tomorrow, when the long-awaited blood moon
rises and illuminates mankind...
...a new era will begin for us.
Did he say "blood moon"?
That's the blood moon
Amaia was talking about in her letter.
Paul, I have the proof we need
to get Mum out of prison.
What proof, Adèle?
What have you done?
I stole it from Uncle Marcel.
It's all recorded on my phone.
Paul Uribe!
Are you still asleep?
Continue your exercises.
Let's go!
Now we just have to get it to a judge.
- It's not that simple.
- What's wrong? Aren't you happy?
Amaia is still missing.
...And bow.
- I was waiting for you, León.
- We're running out of time.
Tell me you've found something
in the Draco Musca.
Excuse me, León. I need to talk to Elvira.
Fran, now's not a good time.
Is that it? That's all?
I waited all night for you, Elvira.
You reek of booze.
I need an explanation.
I never promised you anything.
I'm sorry.
I need some fresh air.
I've searched through the book.
In the second Draco Musca,
there's no remedy to save you.
If we had the third volume...
Do you know where it could be?
It's lost.
Nobody's seen it in over 500 years.
You're going to die.
You should never
have taken that medication.
Why did you do it?
Because spending even a few days
with Alicia Bernal...
has been worth it.
Will you miss me?
The secret of the Crow's Nest
is too important to be lost forever.
Imagine the possibility
of never, ever growing old.
Talk to Inés. To Alicia.
No. Never.
Forget it.
Officer, I told you.
I don't know who Marcel Uribe is.
I've never met him.
How am I meant to find this "evidence"?
Are you blackmailing me? Is that legal?
I've proven that I have nothing to do with
the abuse taking place at the school.
"The Nazi"?
No, I've never been called that.
I'm a decent person.
Martina, people don't care what we do.
Still, some people are scumbags.
I don't like being insulted.
Well, they can go fuck themselves.
Fuck off, scumbags!
They won't get away with this.
No, my Uncle Marcel...
He's going to shit a brick!
Let's see...
Uncle Marcel...
You're going to rot in jail.
I've got it all recorded here.
Classes will resume in five minutes.
All students proceed to your classrooms
in an orderly fashion.
Students are reminded that punctuality
is a sign of respect
for teachers and classmates.
Please, sir! Don't shave our heads.
We'll do as you say.
We'll be your slaves.
- We'll never misbehave again...
- Enough!
Get to class.
Thank you.
God exists, Adèle.
We escaped being shaved by the Nazi.
Shut up! Shut up!
I don't give a shit
about your hair or mine.
Don't you realise I've lost the evidence
to get my mother out of jail?
For Aristotle,
rhetoric was an exercise in persuasion.
"A blood moon occurs when
the Earth's shadow is cast on the moon.
This astronomical phenomenon was feared
and venerated by ancient peoples..."
Remember, these exercises
will count towards your grade.
I found a legend that says...
that the blood moon brings to life
demonic and criminal instincts.
That's why we're seeing murders
and strange disappearances.
And Jeremías and Amaia knew this.
Together, they were trying to stop it.
Do you think they had a plan?
I'm sure they did, but when?
And how'd they come up with it?
If we want to find Amaia...
we have to think like her.
Okay, I think they would have met here.
Jeremías oversaw the monastery's wine,
and he arranged to meet us here.
And now he's dead.
And Amaia disappeared.
And all of this
is because of the blood moon?
My head is about to explode.
It's not bad.
I'm going to take a couple of bottles.
This is where they keep the bottles.
What are these?
Bingo! The good stuff.
"Most Holy Father..."
As you receive brother Salvador
on his visit to the Vatican,
I am sending you
a selection of our finest wines.
"Signed, Friar Jeremías."
Well, what a treat! One bottle each.
Fuck you, Your Holiness.
What the fuck are you doing?
The bottle was too light.
Adèle Uribe.
What are you doing here?
I was waiting for Elvira.
I wanted to ask her something.
You're not allowed in here,
and you know that.
Go on.
Move it!
The phone you are calling is either
switched off or has no service.
Please leave a message after the tone.
Darío, where are you?
Just pick up your phone.
Please, pick up your phone.
They're pages from a very old book.
Look, it's the blood moon.
But why did Jeremías
hide this in a bottle?
Salvador was going to give it to the Pope.
Wow, that looks like a tasty snack.
It's a sacrifice.
Maybe Jeremías wanted to warn the Pope
about what was going to take place here.
That's crazy.
Darling, hide! Hide!
Go on, go!
What's wrong?
- Nothing.
- What do you mean, "nothing"?
I'm fine.
I'm fine, it's just...
It's just all of this...
Those pictures bring back bad memories.
Yeah, it's just...
My father had to have open heart surgery.
And it was a difficult time.
Guys, look...
Amaia and Jeremías
wanted to stop the sacrifice.
Now we know they relied
on help from Friar Salvador.
Poor brother Vicente...
He knew they were coming for him,
and we couldn't protect him.
This bloodbath must come to an end.
Did you find something in the book?
I'm sorry.
I've always wanted to help you.
But actually...
You are the one
who has something that can help us...
ma chérie.
I'm not talking about potions
to create a garden
as beautiful as your grandmother's...
Alicia Bernal.
Share the secret of the Crow's Nest
with the world.
You have to understand.
The formula is too important
to be lost to mankind forever.
It's far too important
to fall into your hands.
Do this as a tribute to your people.
To the Crow's Nest.
I would never betray my people.
Are you sure about that?
I don't think...
that León would appreciate this.
Are you going to spend
your final hours without León?
Doesn't the school teach you
that you can't come in here?
God be with you, brother.
We're looking for...
For Friar Salvador, the one-armed monk.
That poor man.
We can't find him,
and we need to speak to him.
He's our professor, you know?
This is his office.
Sit here and wait. He won't be long.
In this photo, he still had two arms.
- What are you doing?
- Passing Latin class.
I'm just changing this zero to a six.
Oh yeah, what a great idea.
Instead of helping us,
Salvador makes things harder.
Does this guy not have a pen, or what?
What's wrong?
- Amaia's hearing aids.
- She had them when she disappeared.
It can't be.
It can't be...
I keep calling, but he doesn't answer.
And he still hasn't turned up.
We're going to have a problem.
Well, I am anyway.
You don't need Darío Mendoza.
You're doing great. The school is fine.
Listen to me, Salvador.
There are things going on at this school.
And I don't know what to do.
And then there's you...
Ever since I named you deputy head,
you never have time for anything.
I had other options, you know?
And I chose you.
You can always dismiss me. Your choice.
We'll wring his fucking neck
until he tells us where Amaia is!
For a start, calm down.
We can't fuck up now we know he has her.
Exactly! We know he has her.
- We'll smash him until he tells us...
- No, Manu. We do things my way, okay?
- Because you say so?
- Yes!
What are you doing here?
It's so unfair that you failed us.
Two sleepless nights,
studying "Rosa, rosae"
and then the Gaelic Wars...
For nothing. We want to review the exam.
Right, I see.
But I don't understand the rush.
We'll go through the exam in class.
Come on, back to school.
Go on!
My grandmother told me...
that her grandmother had told her...
that her great-grandmother had told her...
that the secret was in the dragonfly.
In the distant past...
the Crow's Nest had observed
that the cycles of the dragonfly
were linked to the four elements.
Water, fire, earth, and air.
Four elements preserved
in the ice of the glacier,
throughout the centuries.
My ancestors in the Crow's Nest
built a wall in a secret place
deep within the forest.
A place where the earth remains warm.
A place which melts the glacial ice.
This secret wall...
is the source.
The Crow's Nest discovered,
through studying the dragonfly...
that death could be defied.
That time...
could be frozen.
Classes, prayer, dinner.
Then he takes a leak and goes to bed.
How the hell are we going to find Amaia?
I knew it.
Fuck! Damn it!
I've been through here a thousand times!
- How was I meant to know it was a door?
- On three, we all push.
- One, two...
- Wait, wait!
It's an executioner's medallion.
- Yes, Salvador's one of those killers!
- It's backwards.
It's an imprint.
It's made to fit around the medallion.
- What?
- What if it's a key?
Fuck... Come on, man.
- What are you doing?
- There's no time.
- I'm reporting you!
- Okay, we do it your way.
There are students in the Saint's Hall!
This is unacceptable!
It's Mara!
- Go, go...
- No, you...
No, what's unacceptable
is keeping that rotting mummy here.
It makes me retch.
Did you just say "retch"?
You're a delinquent, Villar.
How dare you!
The cooler will put an end
to all your "retching".
And you?
What do you find so amusing?
I don't like mummies either,
truth be told.
Take them away.
- Are they still there?
- Yeah.
I heard that it wasn't just
the maths teacher who died.
Apparently there's like
10 or 15 dead monks.
They buried them,
and someone desecrated their tombs.
There are rotting bodies in the ground...
- Why are you saying this crazy stuff?
- Shall I go now?
Okay... Now.
Mara said to go to her office urgently.
Thank you.
Now! Let's go.
Ismael, I need your help.
The Nazi stole my phone
with the evidence...
What have you done?
What did they do to you
to make you want to kill them?
Those monks killed our entire family.
We were only children.
We've spent our lives
learning to live with this pain.
But when we saw
they'd started killing again...
Killing those girls...
Ripping out their eyes and hanging them...
We knew we had to stop them
from doing it again.
We had to make those bastards
feel the same fear, pain, and horror...
that we felt when we saw
the bodies of our family.
It's what those heartless
criminals deserve.
Are you going to report us?
I've got it.
It's ready for testing.
I need the address of the lab
so I can send the sample.
No, there's no time.
You have 400 students at your disposal.
Select whomever you like.
- And if it goes wrong?
- What could go wrong?
You're giving some kid
the gift of eternal youth.
I won't be able to finish my work
for tomorrow.
Recently, I've been having problems...
But I will do it, I promise.
I'll do it, I promise.
So, can I hand it in late?
Ismael, tonight I'll need you to...
Uncle Marcel...
You're going to rot in jail.
I've got it all recorded here.
Who are you? Where is my daughter?
Where is Adèle?
What's wrong?
No, please...
Ismael... No...
Talk to me, please.
I don't want to die, León.
I don't want you to die.
Can you forgive me?
I wouldn't trade these last few days
with you for anything in the world.
Did you really tell them
the secret of the Crow's Nest?
The devil is in the details...
My grandmother ingrained that into us.
Verti mortui quid nomina morientu...
Verti mortui quid nomina morientu...
Where's Paul?
Do you think he made it there?
- Zoe!
- ...quid nomina morientu.
Verti mortui quid nomina morientu...
Zoe, what are you saying?
Are you listening to me?
I've seen them before.
Seen what?
Those old pictures.
The beating heart
and all those words in Latin.
What? What words?
I was here when I was a kid, Manuel.
Seriously? This again?
I was here with my mother.
What I saw was horrible.
It was just like those pictures
that we found in the bottle.
No, Zoe, just no. Stop with this.
Enough with the lying.
I read your file, you know?
Your mother committed suicide, and...
I don't think you've ever met your father.
It's fucking shit, I know.
It really is shit.
But we all have our own shit.
If you want, I'll tell you about mine.
But I just can't stand it when you lie.
Believe what you want.
Remember that grave we saw last night?
The grave of María Cruz?
That's my mother, Manuel.
That's my mother's grave.
Amaia! Amaia!
- I'm here. I'm here...
- Paul?
I'm with you now. I'm with you.
It's okay. It's okay.
I'm with you now.
Adaptation: Chris Smith
Hey! You two!
This is silly. Okay, okay...
Are you okay?
This place creeps me out.
Well, it is a bit morbid.
"The spirits are watching us!"
"Rotten bodies full of maggots..."
Isn't that your second aunt from Russia?
We've passed by here
a thousand times already.
I'm sorry, Paul.
How are we going to find Amaia now?
If she isn't here, where is she?
Let's go. This way.
Quickly, brothers. We're late.
Fuck! You scared me!
You two are looking lovely this evening.
What are you doing?
Watching the monks.
Yeah, that.
Wait. There are four coffins.
The first Christians
compared the Church to the moon...
I'm sure they killed Friar Vicente.
The one with the burnt face.
The last one on Amaia's list.
...as the Church receives its light
from God.
Tomorrow, when the long-awaited blood moon
rises and illuminates mankind...
...a new era will begin for us.
Did he say "blood moon"?
That's the blood moon
Amaia was talking about in her letter.
Paul, I have the proof we need
to get Mum out of prison.
What proof, Adèle?
What have you done?
I stole it from Uncle Marcel.
It's all recorded on my phone.
Paul Uribe!
Are you still asleep?
Continue your exercises.
Let's go!
Now we just have to get it to a judge.
- It's not that simple.
- What's wrong? Aren't you happy?
Amaia is still missing.
...And bow.
- I was waiting for you, León.
- We're running out of time.
Tell me you've found something
in the Draco Musca.
Excuse me, León. I need to talk to Elvira.
Fran, now's not a good time.
Is that it? That's all?
I waited all night for you, Elvira.
You reek of booze.
I need an explanation.
I never promised you anything.
I'm sorry.
I need some fresh air.
I've searched through the book.
In the second Draco Musca,
there's no remedy to save you.
If we had the third volume...
Do you know where it could be?
It's lost.
Nobody's seen it in over 500 years.
You're going to die.
You should never
have taken that medication.
Why did you do it?
Because spending even a few days
with Alicia Bernal...
has been worth it.
Will you miss me?
The secret of the Crow's Nest
is too important to be lost forever.
Imagine the possibility
of never, ever growing old.
Talk to Inés. To Alicia.
No. Never.
Forget it.
Officer, I told you.
I don't know who Marcel Uribe is.
I've never met him.
How am I meant to find this "evidence"?
Are you blackmailing me? Is that legal?
I've proven that I have nothing to do with
the abuse taking place at the school.
"The Nazi"?
No, I've never been called that.
I'm a decent person.
Martina, people don't care what we do.
Still, some people are scumbags.
I don't like being insulted.
Well, they can go fuck themselves.
Fuck off, scumbags!
They won't get away with this.
No, my Uncle Marcel...
He's going to shit a brick!
Let's see...
Uncle Marcel...
You're going to rot in jail.
I've got it all recorded here.
Classes will resume in five minutes.
All students proceed to your classrooms
in an orderly fashion.
Students are reminded that punctuality
is a sign of respect
for teachers and classmates.
Please, sir! Don't shave our heads.
We'll do as you say.
We'll be your slaves.
- We'll never misbehave again...
- Enough!
Get to class.
Thank you.
God exists, Adèle.
We escaped being shaved by the Nazi.
Shut up! Shut up!
I don't give a shit
about your hair or mine.
Don't you realise I've lost the evidence
to get my mother out of jail?
For Aristotle,
rhetoric was an exercise in persuasion.
"A blood moon occurs when
the Earth's shadow is cast on the moon.
This astronomical phenomenon was feared
and venerated by ancient peoples..."
Remember, these exercises
will count towards your grade.
I found a legend that says...
that the blood moon brings to life
demonic and criminal instincts.
That's why we're seeing murders
and strange disappearances.
And Jeremías and Amaia knew this.
Together, they were trying to stop it.
Do you think they had a plan?
I'm sure they did, but when?
And how'd they come up with it?
If we want to find Amaia...
we have to think like her.
Okay, I think they would have met here.
Jeremías oversaw the monastery's wine,
and he arranged to meet us here.
And now he's dead.
And Amaia disappeared.
And all of this
is because of the blood moon?
My head is about to explode.
It's not bad.
I'm going to take a couple of bottles.
This is where they keep the bottles.
What are these?
Bingo! The good stuff.
"Most Holy Father..."
As you receive brother Salvador
on his visit to the Vatican,
I am sending you
a selection of our finest wines.
"Signed, Friar Jeremías."
Well, what a treat! One bottle each.
Fuck you, Your Holiness.
What the fuck are you doing?
The bottle was too light.
Adèle Uribe.
What are you doing here?
I was waiting for Elvira.
I wanted to ask her something.
You're not allowed in here,
and you know that.
Go on.
Move it!
The phone you are calling is either
switched off or has no service.
Please leave a message after the tone.
Darío, where are you?
Just pick up your phone.
Please, pick up your phone.
They're pages from a very old book.
Look, it's the blood moon.
But why did Jeremías
hide this in a bottle?
Salvador was going to give it to the Pope.
Wow, that looks like a tasty snack.
It's a sacrifice.
Maybe Jeremías wanted to warn the Pope
about what was going to take place here.
That's crazy.
Darling, hide! Hide!
Go on, go!
What's wrong?
- Nothing.
- What do you mean, "nothing"?
I'm fine.
I'm fine, it's just...
It's just all of this...
Those pictures bring back bad memories.
Yeah, it's just...
My father had to have open heart surgery.
And it was a difficult time.
Guys, look...
Amaia and Jeremías
wanted to stop the sacrifice.
Now we know they relied
on help from Friar Salvador.
Poor brother Vicente...
He knew they were coming for him,
and we couldn't protect him.
This bloodbath must come to an end.
Did you find something in the book?
I'm sorry.
I've always wanted to help you.
But actually...
You are the one
who has something that can help us...
ma chérie.
I'm not talking about potions
to create a garden
as beautiful as your grandmother's...
Alicia Bernal.
Share the secret of the Crow's Nest
with the world.
You have to understand.
The formula is too important
to be lost to mankind forever.
It's far too important
to fall into your hands.
Do this as a tribute to your people.
To the Crow's Nest.
I would never betray my people.
Are you sure about that?
I don't think...
that León would appreciate this.
Are you going to spend
your final hours without León?
Doesn't the school teach you
that you can't come in here?
God be with you, brother.
We're looking for...
For Friar Salvador, the one-armed monk.
That poor man.
We can't find him,
and we need to speak to him.
He's our professor, you know?
This is his office.
Sit here and wait. He won't be long.
In this photo, he still had two arms.
- What are you doing?
- Passing Latin class.
I'm just changing this zero to a six.
Oh yeah, what a great idea.
Instead of helping us,
Salvador makes things harder.
Does this guy not have a pen, or what?
What's wrong?
- Amaia's hearing aids.
- She had them when she disappeared.
It can't be.
It can't be...
I keep calling, but he doesn't answer.
And he still hasn't turned up.
We're going to have a problem.
Well, I am anyway.
You don't need Darío Mendoza.
You're doing great. The school is fine.
Listen to me, Salvador.
There are things going on at this school.
And I don't know what to do.
And then there's you...
Ever since I named you deputy head,
you never have time for anything.
I had other options, you know?
And I chose you.
You can always dismiss me. Your choice.
We'll wring his fucking neck
until he tells us where Amaia is!
For a start, calm down.
We can't fuck up now we know he has her.
Exactly! We know he has her.
- We'll smash him until he tells us...
- No, Manu. We do things my way, okay?
- Because you say so?
- Yes!
What are you doing here?
It's so unfair that you failed us.
Two sleepless nights,
studying "Rosa, rosae"
and then the Gaelic Wars...
For nothing. We want to review the exam.
Right, I see.
But I don't understand the rush.
We'll go through the exam in class.
Come on, back to school.
Go on!
My grandmother told me...
that her grandmother had told her...
that her great-grandmother had told her...
that the secret was in the dragonfly.
In the distant past...
the Crow's Nest had observed
that the cycles of the dragonfly
were linked to the four elements.
Water, fire, earth, and air.
Four elements preserved
in the ice of the glacier,
throughout the centuries.
My ancestors in the Crow's Nest
built a wall in a secret place
deep within the forest.
A place where the earth remains warm.
A place which melts the glacial ice.
This secret wall...
is the source.
The Crow's Nest discovered,
through studying the dragonfly...
that death could be defied.
That time...
could be frozen.
Classes, prayer, dinner.
Then he takes a leak and goes to bed.
How the hell are we going to find Amaia?
I knew it.
Fuck! Damn it!
I've been through here a thousand times!
- How was I meant to know it was a door?
- On three, we all push.
- One, two...
- Wait, wait!
It's an executioner's medallion.
- Yes, Salvador's one of those killers!
- It's backwards.
It's an imprint.
It's made to fit around the medallion.
- What?
- What if it's a key?
Fuck... Come on, man.
- What are you doing?
- There's no time.
- I'm reporting you!
- Okay, we do it your way.
There are students in the Saint's Hall!
This is unacceptable!
It's Mara!
- Go, go...
- No, you...
No, what's unacceptable
is keeping that rotting mummy here.
It makes me retch.
Did you just say "retch"?
You're a delinquent, Villar.
How dare you!
The cooler will put an end
to all your "retching".
And you?
What do you find so amusing?
I don't like mummies either,
truth be told.
Take them away.
- Are they still there?
- Yeah.
I heard that it wasn't just
the maths teacher who died.
Apparently there's like
10 or 15 dead monks.
They buried them,
and someone desecrated their tombs.
There are rotting bodies in the ground...
- Why are you saying this crazy stuff?
- Shall I go now?
Okay... Now.
Mara said to go to her office urgently.
Thank you.
Now! Let's go.
Ismael, I need your help.
The Nazi stole my phone
with the evidence...
What have you done?
What did they do to you
to make you want to kill them?
Those monks killed our entire family.
We were only children.
We've spent our lives
learning to live with this pain.
But when we saw
they'd started killing again...
Killing those girls...
Ripping out their eyes and hanging them...
We knew we had to stop them
from doing it again.
We had to make those bastards
feel the same fear, pain, and horror...
that we felt when we saw
the bodies of our family.
It's what those heartless
criminals deserve.
Are you going to report us?
I've got it.
It's ready for testing.
I need the address of the lab
so I can send the sample.
No, there's no time.
You have 400 students at your disposal.
Select whomever you like.
- And if it goes wrong?
- What could go wrong?
You're giving some kid
the gift of eternal youth.
I won't be able to finish my work
for tomorrow.
Recently, I've been having problems...
But I will do it, I promise.
I'll do it, I promise.
So, can I hand it in late?
Ismael, tonight I'll need you to...
Uncle Marcel...
You're going to rot in jail.
I've got it all recorded here.
Who are you? Where is my daughter?
Where is Adèle?
What's wrong?
No, please...
Ismael... No...
Talk to me, please.
I don't want to die, León.
I don't want you to die.
Can you forgive me?
I wouldn't trade these last few days
with you for anything in the world.
Did you really tell them
the secret of the Crow's Nest?
The devil is in the details...
My grandmother ingrained that into us.
Verti mortui quid nomina morientu...
Verti mortui quid nomina morientu...
Where's Paul?
Do you think he made it there?
- Zoe!
- ...quid nomina morientu.
Verti mortui quid nomina morientu...
Zoe, what are you saying?
Are you listening to me?
I've seen them before.
Seen what?
Those old pictures.
The beating heart
and all those words in Latin.
What? What words?
I was here when I was a kid, Manuel.
Seriously? This again?
I was here with my mother.
What I saw was horrible.
It was just like those pictures
that we found in the bottle.
No, Zoe, just no. Stop with this.
Enough with the lying.
I read your file, you know?
Your mother committed suicide, and...
I don't think you've ever met your father.
It's fucking shit, I know.
It really is shit.
But we all have our own shit.
If you want, I'll tell you about mine.
But I just can't stand it when you lie.
Believe what you want.
Remember that grave we saw last night?
The grave of María Cruz?
That's my mother, Manuel.
That's my mother's grave.
Amaia! Amaia!
- I'm here. I'm here...
- Paul?
I'm with you now. I'm with you.
It's okay. It's okay.
I'm with you now.
Adaptation: Chris Smith