El Internado: Las Cumbres (2021–…): Season 3, Episode 4 - Episode #3.4 - full transcript
Students are reminded
that personal hygiene is obligatory.
Lights out in 15 minutes.
Fuck, it won't open...
Why has he locked us in?
I don't know,
but we have to get out of here now.
Cecilio seems so nice.
I don't understand at all.
What are you doing?
Help me.
Run! It's gas! Watch it!
- Help!
- Help us!
Full of grace, the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death...
Zoe, hey...
Look at me. Hold on, OK?
Hold on... Paul!
Pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death, amen.
Hail, Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee...
Run! Let's go! Paul!
Let's go!
Father, protect us from wickedness
and the stalking of the Devil.
Students are informed
that due to a fault,
the school is currently without heating.
Hurry now!
Hey, Sofía, can you tell me
why the heating's off?
It appears there's a gas leak,
but my brother is trying to locate it.
Enough "trying", find the leak!
We're turning into penguins.
It seems we're cursed.
If it isn't one thing, it's another.
Ismael, you have to fix the heating.
That woman gives me the creeps.
Those on duty today
must come to the kitchens.
We remind all students
that helping with communal tasks
aids their personal development...
This one was returned.
The address was wrong.
"Inés Mendoza"?
I don't know her.
- Right... Thank you.
- See you later.
It was Cecilio
that set the trap for Amaia.
And then he threw her out the window,
that son of a bitch.
Finally a teacher I like...
Ends up being a psychopath.
Don't we have class with him now?
We'll take him by the balls
until he tells us what he did with Amaia.
Nice one, genius.
We'll rot in the cooler
and put Amaia in danger...
According to your brilliant conclusions,
she's not in danger, right, smart arse?
Are we really at it again
with this testosterone fest?
Everyone get to class.
Sit down.
Friar Cecilio...
...won't be taking this class.
He passed away last night.
He suffered a fatal heart attack.
Sure... Like fuck he did.
So you must pray for him.
They killed him
like the others on Amaia's list.
We did warn him though. Poor guy...
Poor guy? Poor guy, my arse.
He locked us in the boiler room.
- God knows what he was going to do to us.
- How did Amaia know they would kill him?
Why are the monks
still covering up crimes?
Why don't they call the police?
Who is killing them?
And now, how are we going to find Amaia?
I can't decipher this book.
There's a part of it that's written
in the old language of the witches.
My grandma taught it to my sisters,
but I...
While you were playing the piano.
They'd play at messaging each other
and found it funny I couldn't understand.
But now it isn't a game.
Our lives depend on translating this book.
Will Inés Mendoza
come to the headmistress' office.
I'm not in the mood to put up with Mara.
We have to buy time.
Time is what we don't have.
I've just thought of something. Trust me.
Come in.
Mr. Uribe.
I came here hoping to meet with Darío,
but the headmistress says
he's still travelling.
That's right.
Meanwhile, it's our pleasure
to look after his daughter.
I need to speak with her alone,
if you don't mind.
Of course.
How are you?
- Much better, thank you.
- I'm glad.
Your father and I are very hopeful
for your recovery.
As majority shareholder
at Corax Laboratories,
I want you to know that we're going to put
all our resources at your disposal.
With Fran's supervision,
we'll make a decisive step
in the treatment
towards recovering your memory.
A decisive step?
Students are reminded that
study period is necessary
for consolidating what you've learned.
So then what's your plan, genius?
Well, look, I'm torn between
searching Friar Cecilio's cell,
or looking for some old man
and breaking his legs.
What do we do, Manu?
What do we do?
Go! Go!
They impaled Cecilio.
It's the same medallion...
"God uses the Devil...
...to punish those who disobey."
It's the passage Amaia highlighted
in Jeremías' bible.
We can't let that Corax scum
lay a finger on you.
But Elvira? That's your solution?
You see a pretty face and that's it?
The game's over?
But what are you saying?
I like an older woman.
She's a hundred years too young
for my liking.
Elvira's a scientist.
She knows the old language.
She's studied it.
She's fascinated by the wisdom
of the Draco Musca and the Lodge.
Of course she's fascinated.
The science in those books
is so brilliant,
it's hard not to get blinded by greed.
It's our only option.
I was so alone here, you know?
Elvira was my only friend.
I trust her.
They impaled Cecilio on a pole.
The killers planned
the staging of it in detail.
As if it was some sort of show.
And the monks clean it all up
as though nothing has happened,
then don't call the police.
- Why?
- Doesn't make sense.
Hang on...
We could've gone to a school in Paris,
gone out every weekend...
We could've been a family.
A very special family.
Right, Paul?
Dysfunctional, I'd say.
I'll discuss it with Nicole.
We'll take you for dinner
one of these days, OK?
What are you up to, Adèle?
I'm sorry, Adèle.
There was no laptop in his briefcase.
Look, Paul, we have to find the proof
to help Mum, OK?
She's rotting in prison, and Darío is...
Marcel is the same as Darío, or worse.
He put Mum in prison.
His own brother's wife. You get that?
He's never cared about us.
Classes will resume in five minutes.
I'm just asking you to be careful.
All students,
proceed to class in an orderly fashion.
- You OK?
- Yes...
It's just sometimes I see you frozen,
I just really feel the cold.
Since I lived in Russia with my parents,
the cold has remained in my body, and...
Of course. Of course...
In Russia? What part of Russia was it?
Moscow? Saint Petersburg?
- The Siberian steppe?
- Well, I don't know.
It was a long time ago...
With that formula,
you get a metabolic regulator.
But what you want...
...is a bio stimulant.
It's much more effective.
My grandmother had a prizewinning garden.
And people would love to come
and see what she'd grown.
My sisters and I didn't like it.
In front of people, we had to pretend
to be very serious and formal.
But when no one was watching...
...we were wild and free.
Our favourite thing
was sledging downhill very fast.
One day, I cut my head.
And from the puddle of blood...
...flowers grew in the middle of winter.
What's going on?
This is Alicia Bernal.
Thanks to the Draco Musca,
Darío's made new a medication.
- No, but then...
- We don't have much time.
We need your help.
The second volume of the Draco Musca!
There are small valves in the wall
that can barely be seen.
I think when students relax on the sofa,
gas is used to send them to sleep.
They don't remember afterwards,
so nobody has realised.
Why do they make them sleep?
So they can take their blood.
Why do they want this blood?
What are they doing with it?
Ask him. He's the school doctor.
I hope this makes it clear
I have no involvement in what they do.
I had no idea. Something like this
would never have crossed my mind...
For now you've done a good job,
but we're not finished.
Let's see if we can warm it up
before lunchtime,
and wipe that sour face
off the headmistress.
I have a present for you.
It's so we can talk.
What's your name?
Well, my name is Adèle.
With an accent.
It's a French name,
because I used to live in Paris.
Have you been there?
"Always with my sister".
Don't you have friends?
They beat you
because you couldn't speak?
What happened to you?
"An accident".
Well, from now on,
I'm going to be your friend, OK?
Ismael, I need your help.
Come and have a cup coffee with me.
I don't know how else to handle this cold.
Why not go pray with the monks?
Or maybe... I should call Luis?
You were so right.
When he was here,
these things didn't happen.
Well, good luck with that.
He doesn't answer my calls.
What's this about?
I'm trying to apologise, Mario.
You're disillusioned with the project.
And it's my fault.
I had swallowed
the whole "We're a team" thing.
- How naïve, right?
- No.
Not naïve.
It's true that we're a team.
I trust you completely.
And you can count on me
if there's ever a problem.
A problem?
Like what?
You tell me.
Is something happening
I should know about?
It's all fine, Mara.
If a problem arises,
you'll be the first to know.
Excuse me.
No, no, no... I can't wait that long.
Listen, I know that we're
in the arse end of nowhere.
Right, and I have 400 students
with hypothermia, you hear me?
Psst! Alicia!
They've killed another monk.
And the killers use old torture methods
from the Holy Inquisition.
Drowning, impalement,
draining their blood.
Maybe your Crow's Nest colleagues
are settling scores?
- What do you mean her "colleagues"?
- We didn't kill anyone.
Two of them were wearing
the same medallion.
With the same inscription.
"God uses the Devil
to punish those who disobey".
The surgeon at the old sanatorium
wore one of those medallions.
Amaia mentioned him.
It's the saint in the church, no?
He's a killer.
I saw how he killed a girl in 1936.
Hang on...
My head is about to explode.
It's the same.
What's wrong, Zoe?
That Siberian cold again?
The staff...
It's in two parts.
Give me a couple of hairpins.
Manu, please be careful.
This has been here at least 300 years.
Well, I don't know, Paul.
Have your friend cast a spell,
see if it'll open by itself.
You can do spells?
What are you doing?
Martina, get out of here!
- Go away.
- Are you escaping? Let me come with you.
You'll give us away. Go to class.
No, don't leave me here alone.
It was all horrible and boring
before I knew you.
OK, come on.
Let's go.
With you to the end of the world.
It's hollow.
There's something inside.
What can it be?
Alicia Bernal!
Is it you?
Spawn of the Devil!
Where are you?
- Alicia Bernal is here!
- He has such good hearing.
It's because he's blind.
Friar Vicente, what's going on?
What's this shouting?
- Alicia Bernal is here!
- Now how do we get out of here?
I heard her! She's here!
Are you sure?
The Crow's Nest is stalking our monastery.
If she's here, I'm sure we'll find her.
Where are we going?
You'll see.
It's him! He's taking us into the forest!
He's taking us into the forest!
- I want to get out! Tell him to stop!
- Martina, listen to me! Martina!
Ismael, stop the car!
It's OK! Martina... OK... Martina, stop!
- No! Make him stop!
- Martina!
Don't worry, really. OK?
You're hysterical!
- That man is a pig.
- No.
No, it's not true. You don't know him.
Why didn't you tell me he was driving?
The problem is that
you weren't part of the plan.
So you're not happy
that I've come with you?
Martina, we're out, OK?
And we're together.
Come on, you have to help me.
I'm sorry.
Shall we go?
I'm telling you, Alicia Bernal is here.
Come out! Come out, spawn of Satan!
It's not Alicia.
It's me.
Hi, I'm Zoe.
Zoe, what are you doing here?
- Has she gone mad?
- She's saving our arses.
I've come here to pray a little,
for my mother.
I'm sorry.
It's just this monk
wouldn't stop shouting.
- And of course, I got scared.
- Always playing hide and seek...
I see you haven't lost that habit
since you lived with us.
You mean... I lived here with my mother?
- What are they talking about?
- For a while...
Anyone's guess.
Maybe she's telling him about Siberia...
Don't you remember?
What was she like?
She was an innocent soul.
Of the kind that attracts evil.
We couldn't stop her from ending
her suffering in the worst way.
And she didn't care
about leaving me all alone.
Let's go.
Let's go.
Martina, we're looking for a tablet,
or a computer or something, OK?
There's nothing here.
Let's go upstairs.
OK, it has to be in his things.
Hey, look in there.
We can live in Paris.
No one knows us there.
Martina, leave that. Help me.
It's just we're not always
going to wear this uniform.
I really love this.
When we live together,
we'll say we're cousins, OK?
So no one will insult us
or stick their noses in our business.
Martina, if people insult you,
just ignore them.
Adèle, they're here! Your uncle!
We have to go. Adèle, come on.
Let's go... Adèle, let's go!
- We don't have time...
- Martina, wait!
Adèle! Adèle! There's no time!
Who are you?
This is Martina.
Adèle? What are you doing here?
She's my girlfriend.
We're together.
Have you escaped?
Uncle, please.
- I don't ever want to go back...
- This is unacceptable.
You are supposed to be under the control
of the school at every moment.
Let's go! I'll make a complaint
to the headmistress...
No, please.
Please don't say anything to Mara.
She'll put us in the cooler for a month.
Do you have to?
I have the answer for getting you
out of the school for a bit.
I have a lot of work, Fran.
Marcel Uribe has asked us for drinks,
at the house in the forest.
I won't put in a formal complaint,
because my niece has begged me not to.
But next time I will report it,
Thank you, Uncle.
At least they're not going to punish us.
Martina, I've got it.
I've got the proof I need
to get my mum out of prison.
I've a copy of the documents
from my uncle's computer.
What are you doing here?
Get to class.
Go on!
You'd better hide that.
Thank you, Zoe.
What were you talking about with Arturo?
You're not going to believe it.
You see, I lived here with my mother,
when I was little.
Come on, shut up.
Shut up.
To the new Corax team.
Darío's absence has been a surprise.
But we must also see it as an opportunity.
An opportunity for what?
We have a fabulous project on our hands.
Don't you know?
I believe that certain limits
shouldn't be crossed.
Isn't that what the Lodge
of the Crow's Nest was up to?
Those women sought out
the frontiers of science.
They broke the rules.
We're going to be eternally young.
Who can object to that?
Goodbye to disease, old age...
It's a miracle.
And it will be possible
thanks to all of us.
Well, it's not so easy.
We haven't managed to get the person
who could help us to remember anything.
Darío didn't want to do it, but we do.
We can and we want to.
We want there to be a before and an after.
And for this new era to come
hand-in-hand with Corax.
To a new path.
Our own.
A path that is going
to make us extremely rich.
The Lodge of the Crow's Nest disobeys God,
and deserves divine punishment.
Two, the women
that defy death, defy God.
They will pay with
their daughters' suffering.
Three, innocent girls
will have their eyes torn out
and be hanged in the forest
for all to see.
Four, the executioners
are the armed hand of God.
Five, any member of the Lodge
that is discovered must die.
This is the desire of Malaquías...
"Faithful servant of God Almighty."
He founded this monastery.
I told you, the Crow's Nest killed no-one.
We've been persecuted for centuries.
But someone must be
taking these monks out...
Amaia Torres?
Do you know who that is?
A letter of hers was sent back.
It was for an... "Inés Mendoza".
I'm Inés.
All's well that ends well, right?
Now get to bed before they punish you
for being up at this time of night.
Come on!
- Are you okay?
- I'm fine...
- Do you want me to take a look?
- No, no, thank you.
I think it's time I went to bed.
Bonne nuit.
I'm sorry.
How do you say...
She has no tolerance for wine.
Well, anyway, it's very late
and I have a lot of work to do tomorrow.
Thanks very much for the wine, Marcel.
Shall we go?
We were just finalising some details
on where to go next.
Yes, and I don't have class
first thing tomorrow, so, I'll stay.
I'll bring her back later, Fran.
Don't worry, Fran.
I'll bring her back later.
Amaia must have written me this letter
before she disappeared.
"Inés, you've been gone a long time.
I miss you, you devious teacher's pet."
- And I miss Paz so much...
- It's not possible that she's dead.
It's not possible that she's dead.
"And Manuel can't look us in the eye."
It's my fault that
Paul has lost his best friend.
I don't know
if you'll ever receive this letter,
but I've found things out
that you need to know.
Inés, you are Alicia Bernal.
"You should be proud that you are
one of the sisters of the Crow's Nest."
- "I've met an old monk..."
- Friar Jeremías.
Friar Jeremías.
He knows all about the Lodge.
He told me that
they were very wise women...
"They had to hide
because they were persecuted.
They managed to stop
you and León from aging."
Just a minute.
My head's about to explode, seriously.
How old are you?
"Jeremías is now
just a repentant old man,
And together,
we're trying to stop something terrible
that will occur at the next blood moon.
The old monk confessed to me
that when he was young,
"he belonged to
a brotherhood of assassins."
...called the Executioners,
the followers of Malaquías.
Pelayo was only one of them.
There have always been Executioners,
and there always will be.
Sons of bitches.
Jeremías, Basiano, Cecilio...
- And Vicente.
- And Vicente.
"All Executioners,
and friars of the monastery."
As young men,
they took part in a massacre.
The women and children of the valley
went out on a pilgrimage once a year.
In reality, it was an excuse to cover up
the secret meetings of the Crow's Nest.
But that time,
no one ever saw them again.
No, no! Please! No!
No! Leave my brother alone!
Jeremías believes only two children
survived the massacre.
Those bodies that we found
in their meeting place...
"...were your mother..."
...your sisters...
"...your family."
I'm sorry.
- You ought to know this...
- "I'm sorry. You ought to know this."
- I love you...
- "Amaia."
That means those children who survived
are the ones killing the monks.
It's revenge.
Adaptation: Chris Smith
that personal hygiene is obligatory.
Lights out in 15 minutes.
Fuck, it won't open...
Why has he locked us in?
I don't know,
but we have to get out of here now.
Cecilio seems so nice.
I don't understand at all.
What are you doing?
Help me.
Run! It's gas! Watch it!
- Help!
- Help us!
Full of grace, the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death...
Zoe, hey...
Look at me. Hold on, OK?
Hold on... Paul!
Pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death, amen.
Hail, Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee...
Run! Let's go! Paul!
Let's go!
Father, protect us from wickedness
and the stalking of the Devil.
Students are informed
that due to a fault,
the school is currently without heating.
Hurry now!
Hey, Sofía, can you tell me
why the heating's off?
It appears there's a gas leak,
but my brother is trying to locate it.
Enough "trying", find the leak!
We're turning into penguins.
It seems we're cursed.
If it isn't one thing, it's another.
Ismael, you have to fix the heating.
That woman gives me the creeps.
Those on duty today
must come to the kitchens.
We remind all students
that helping with communal tasks
aids their personal development...
This one was returned.
The address was wrong.
"Inés Mendoza"?
I don't know her.
- Right... Thank you.
- See you later.
It was Cecilio
that set the trap for Amaia.
And then he threw her out the window,
that son of a bitch.
Finally a teacher I like...
Ends up being a psychopath.
Don't we have class with him now?
We'll take him by the balls
until he tells us what he did with Amaia.
Nice one, genius.
We'll rot in the cooler
and put Amaia in danger...
According to your brilliant conclusions,
she's not in danger, right, smart arse?
Are we really at it again
with this testosterone fest?
Everyone get to class.
Sit down.
Friar Cecilio...
...won't be taking this class.
He passed away last night.
He suffered a fatal heart attack.
Sure... Like fuck he did.
So you must pray for him.
They killed him
like the others on Amaia's list.
We did warn him though. Poor guy...
Poor guy? Poor guy, my arse.
He locked us in the boiler room.
- God knows what he was going to do to us.
- How did Amaia know they would kill him?
Why are the monks
still covering up crimes?
Why don't they call the police?
Who is killing them?
And now, how are we going to find Amaia?
I can't decipher this book.
There's a part of it that's written
in the old language of the witches.
My grandma taught it to my sisters,
but I...
While you were playing the piano.
They'd play at messaging each other
and found it funny I couldn't understand.
But now it isn't a game.
Our lives depend on translating this book.
Will Inés Mendoza
come to the headmistress' office.
I'm not in the mood to put up with Mara.
We have to buy time.
Time is what we don't have.
I've just thought of something. Trust me.
Come in.
Mr. Uribe.
I came here hoping to meet with Darío,
but the headmistress says
he's still travelling.
That's right.
Meanwhile, it's our pleasure
to look after his daughter.
I need to speak with her alone,
if you don't mind.
Of course.
How are you?
- Much better, thank you.
- I'm glad.
Your father and I are very hopeful
for your recovery.
As majority shareholder
at Corax Laboratories,
I want you to know that we're going to put
all our resources at your disposal.
With Fran's supervision,
we'll make a decisive step
in the treatment
towards recovering your memory.
A decisive step?
Students are reminded that
study period is necessary
for consolidating what you've learned.
So then what's your plan, genius?
Well, look, I'm torn between
searching Friar Cecilio's cell,
or looking for some old man
and breaking his legs.
What do we do, Manu?
What do we do?
Go! Go!
They impaled Cecilio.
It's the same medallion...
"God uses the Devil...
...to punish those who disobey."
It's the passage Amaia highlighted
in Jeremías' bible.
We can't let that Corax scum
lay a finger on you.
But Elvira? That's your solution?
You see a pretty face and that's it?
The game's over?
But what are you saying?
I like an older woman.
She's a hundred years too young
for my liking.
Elvira's a scientist.
She knows the old language.
She's studied it.
She's fascinated by the wisdom
of the Draco Musca and the Lodge.
Of course she's fascinated.
The science in those books
is so brilliant,
it's hard not to get blinded by greed.
It's our only option.
I was so alone here, you know?
Elvira was my only friend.
I trust her.
They impaled Cecilio on a pole.
The killers planned
the staging of it in detail.
As if it was some sort of show.
And the monks clean it all up
as though nothing has happened,
then don't call the police.
- Why?
- Doesn't make sense.
Hang on...
We could've gone to a school in Paris,
gone out every weekend...
We could've been a family.
A very special family.
Right, Paul?
Dysfunctional, I'd say.
I'll discuss it with Nicole.
We'll take you for dinner
one of these days, OK?
What are you up to, Adèle?
I'm sorry, Adèle.
There was no laptop in his briefcase.
Look, Paul, we have to find the proof
to help Mum, OK?
She's rotting in prison, and Darío is...
Marcel is the same as Darío, or worse.
He put Mum in prison.
His own brother's wife. You get that?
He's never cared about us.
Classes will resume in five minutes.
I'm just asking you to be careful.
All students,
proceed to class in an orderly fashion.
- You OK?
- Yes...
It's just sometimes I see you frozen,
I just really feel the cold.
Since I lived in Russia with my parents,
the cold has remained in my body, and...
Of course. Of course...
In Russia? What part of Russia was it?
Moscow? Saint Petersburg?
- The Siberian steppe?
- Well, I don't know.
It was a long time ago...
With that formula,
you get a metabolic regulator.
But what you want...
...is a bio stimulant.
It's much more effective.
My grandmother had a prizewinning garden.
And people would love to come
and see what she'd grown.
My sisters and I didn't like it.
In front of people, we had to pretend
to be very serious and formal.
But when no one was watching...
...we were wild and free.
Our favourite thing
was sledging downhill very fast.
One day, I cut my head.
And from the puddle of blood...
...flowers grew in the middle of winter.
What's going on?
This is Alicia Bernal.
Thanks to the Draco Musca,
Darío's made new a medication.
- No, but then...
- We don't have much time.
We need your help.
The second volume of the Draco Musca!
There are small valves in the wall
that can barely be seen.
I think when students relax on the sofa,
gas is used to send them to sleep.
They don't remember afterwards,
so nobody has realised.
Why do they make them sleep?
So they can take their blood.
Why do they want this blood?
What are they doing with it?
Ask him. He's the school doctor.
I hope this makes it clear
I have no involvement in what they do.
I had no idea. Something like this
would never have crossed my mind...
For now you've done a good job,
but we're not finished.
Let's see if we can warm it up
before lunchtime,
and wipe that sour face
off the headmistress.
I have a present for you.
It's so we can talk.
What's your name?
Well, my name is Adèle.
With an accent.
It's a French name,
because I used to live in Paris.
Have you been there?
"Always with my sister".
Don't you have friends?
They beat you
because you couldn't speak?
What happened to you?
"An accident".
Well, from now on,
I'm going to be your friend, OK?
Ismael, I need your help.
Come and have a cup coffee with me.
I don't know how else to handle this cold.
Why not go pray with the monks?
Or maybe... I should call Luis?
You were so right.
When he was here,
these things didn't happen.
Well, good luck with that.
He doesn't answer my calls.
What's this about?
I'm trying to apologise, Mario.
You're disillusioned with the project.
And it's my fault.
I had swallowed
the whole "We're a team" thing.
- How naïve, right?
- No.
Not naïve.
It's true that we're a team.
I trust you completely.
And you can count on me
if there's ever a problem.
A problem?
Like what?
You tell me.
Is something happening
I should know about?
It's all fine, Mara.
If a problem arises,
you'll be the first to know.
Excuse me.
No, no, no... I can't wait that long.
Listen, I know that we're
in the arse end of nowhere.
Right, and I have 400 students
with hypothermia, you hear me?
Psst! Alicia!
They've killed another monk.
And the killers use old torture methods
from the Holy Inquisition.
Drowning, impalement,
draining their blood.
Maybe your Crow's Nest colleagues
are settling scores?
- What do you mean her "colleagues"?
- We didn't kill anyone.
Two of them were wearing
the same medallion.
With the same inscription.
"God uses the Devil
to punish those who disobey".
The surgeon at the old sanatorium
wore one of those medallions.
Amaia mentioned him.
It's the saint in the church, no?
He's a killer.
I saw how he killed a girl in 1936.
Hang on...
My head is about to explode.
It's the same.
What's wrong, Zoe?
That Siberian cold again?
The staff...
It's in two parts.
Give me a couple of hairpins.
Manu, please be careful.
This has been here at least 300 years.
Well, I don't know, Paul.
Have your friend cast a spell,
see if it'll open by itself.
You can do spells?
What are you doing?
Martina, get out of here!
- Go away.
- Are you escaping? Let me come with you.
You'll give us away. Go to class.
No, don't leave me here alone.
It was all horrible and boring
before I knew you.
OK, come on.
Let's go.
With you to the end of the world.
It's hollow.
There's something inside.
What can it be?
Alicia Bernal!
Is it you?
Spawn of the Devil!
Where are you?
- Alicia Bernal is here!
- He has such good hearing.
It's because he's blind.
Friar Vicente, what's going on?
What's this shouting?
- Alicia Bernal is here!
- Now how do we get out of here?
I heard her! She's here!
Are you sure?
The Crow's Nest is stalking our monastery.
If she's here, I'm sure we'll find her.
Where are we going?
You'll see.
It's him! He's taking us into the forest!
He's taking us into the forest!
- I want to get out! Tell him to stop!
- Martina, listen to me! Martina!
Ismael, stop the car!
It's OK! Martina... OK... Martina, stop!
- No! Make him stop!
- Martina!
Don't worry, really. OK?
You're hysterical!
- That man is a pig.
- No.
No, it's not true. You don't know him.
Why didn't you tell me he was driving?
The problem is that
you weren't part of the plan.
So you're not happy
that I've come with you?
Martina, we're out, OK?
And we're together.
Come on, you have to help me.
I'm sorry.
Shall we go?
I'm telling you, Alicia Bernal is here.
Come out! Come out, spawn of Satan!
It's not Alicia.
It's me.
Hi, I'm Zoe.
Zoe, what are you doing here?
- Has she gone mad?
- She's saving our arses.
I've come here to pray a little,
for my mother.
I'm sorry.
It's just this monk
wouldn't stop shouting.
- And of course, I got scared.
- Always playing hide and seek...
I see you haven't lost that habit
since you lived with us.
You mean... I lived here with my mother?
- What are they talking about?
- For a while...
Anyone's guess.
Maybe she's telling him about Siberia...
Don't you remember?
What was she like?
She was an innocent soul.
Of the kind that attracts evil.
We couldn't stop her from ending
her suffering in the worst way.
And she didn't care
about leaving me all alone.
Let's go.
Let's go.
Martina, we're looking for a tablet,
or a computer or something, OK?
There's nothing here.
Let's go upstairs.
OK, it has to be in his things.
Hey, look in there.
We can live in Paris.
No one knows us there.
Martina, leave that. Help me.
It's just we're not always
going to wear this uniform.
I really love this.
When we live together,
we'll say we're cousins, OK?
So no one will insult us
or stick their noses in our business.
Martina, if people insult you,
just ignore them.
Adèle, they're here! Your uncle!
We have to go. Adèle, come on.
Let's go... Adèle, let's go!
- We don't have time...
- Martina, wait!
Adèle! Adèle! There's no time!
Who are you?
This is Martina.
Adèle? What are you doing here?
She's my girlfriend.
We're together.
Have you escaped?
Uncle, please.
- I don't ever want to go back...
- This is unacceptable.
You are supposed to be under the control
of the school at every moment.
Let's go! I'll make a complaint
to the headmistress...
No, please.
Please don't say anything to Mara.
She'll put us in the cooler for a month.
Do you have to?
I have the answer for getting you
out of the school for a bit.
I have a lot of work, Fran.
Marcel Uribe has asked us for drinks,
at the house in the forest.
I won't put in a formal complaint,
because my niece has begged me not to.
But next time I will report it,
Thank you, Uncle.
At least they're not going to punish us.
Martina, I've got it.
I've got the proof I need
to get my mum out of prison.
I've a copy of the documents
from my uncle's computer.
What are you doing here?
Get to class.
Go on!
You'd better hide that.
Thank you, Zoe.
What were you talking about with Arturo?
You're not going to believe it.
You see, I lived here with my mother,
when I was little.
Come on, shut up.
Shut up.
To the new Corax team.
Darío's absence has been a surprise.
But we must also see it as an opportunity.
An opportunity for what?
We have a fabulous project on our hands.
Don't you know?
I believe that certain limits
shouldn't be crossed.
Isn't that what the Lodge
of the Crow's Nest was up to?
Those women sought out
the frontiers of science.
They broke the rules.
We're going to be eternally young.
Who can object to that?
Goodbye to disease, old age...
It's a miracle.
And it will be possible
thanks to all of us.
Well, it's not so easy.
We haven't managed to get the person
who could help us to remember anything.
Darío didn't want to do it, but we do.
We can and we want to.
We want there to be a before and an after.
And for this new era to come
hand-in-hand with Corax.
To a new path.
Our own.
A path that is going
to make us extremely rich.
The Lodge of the Crow's Nest disobeys God,
and deserves divine punishment.
Two, the women
that defy death, defy God.
They will pay with
their daughters' suffering.
Three, innocent girls
will have their eyes torn out
and be hanged in the forest
for all to see.
Four, the executioners
are the armed hand of God.
Five, any member of the Lodge
that is discovered must die.
This is the desire of Malaquías...
"Faithful servant of God Almighty."
He founded this monastery.
I told you, the Crow's Nest killed no-one.
We've been persecuted for centuries.
But someone must be
taking these monks out...
Amaia Torres?
Do you know who that is?
A letter of hers was sent back.
It was for an... "Inés Mendoza".
I'm Inés.
All's well that ends well, right?
Now get to bed before they punish you
for being up at this time of night.
Come on!
- Are you okay?
- I'm fine...
- Do you want me to take a look?
- No, no, thank you.
I think it's time I went to bed.
Bonne nuit.
I'm sorry.
How do you say...
She has no tolerance for wine.
Well, anyway, it's very late
and I have a lot of work to do tomorrow.
Thanks very much for the wine, Marcel.
Shall we go?
We were just finalising some details
on where to go next.
Yes, and I don't have class
first thing tomorrow, so, I'll stay.
I'll bring her back later, Fran.
Don't worry, Fran.
I'll bring her back later.
Amaia must have written me this letter
before she disappeared.
"Inés, you've been gone a long time.
I miss you, you devious teacher's pet."
- And I miss Paz so much...
- It's not possible that she's dead.
It's not possible that she's dead.
"And Manuel can't look us in the eye."
It's my fault that
Paul has lost his best friend.
I don't know
if you'll ever receive this letter,
but I've found things out
that you need to know.
Inés, you are Alicia Bernal.
"You should be proud that you are
one of the sisters of the Crow's Nest."
- "I've met an old monk..."
- Friar Jeremías.
Friar Jeremías.
He knows all about the Lodge.
He told me that
they were very wise women...
"They had to hide
because they were persecuted.
They managed to stop
you and León from aging."
Just a minute.
My head's about to explode, seriously.
How old are you?
"Jeremías is now
just a repentant old man,
And together,
we're trying to stop something terrible
that will occur at the next blood moon.
The old monk confessed to me
that when he was young,
"he belonged to
a brotherhood of assassins."
...called the Executioners,
the followers of Malaquías.
Pelayo was only one of them.
There have always been Executioners,
and there always will be.
Sons of bitches.
Jeremías, Basiano, Cecilio...
- And Vicente.
- And Vicente.
"All Executioners,
and friars of the monastery."
As young men,
they took part in a massacre.
The women and children of the valley
went out on a pilgrimage once a year.
In reality, it was an excuse to cover up
the secret meetings of the Crow's Nest.
But that time,
no one ever saw them again.
No, no! Please! No!
No! Leave my brother alone!
Jeremías believes only two children
survived the massacre.
Those bodies that we found
in their meeting place...
"...were your mother..."
...your sisters...
"...your family."
I'm sorry.
- You ought to know this...
- "I'm sorry. You ought to know this."
- I love you...
- "Amaia."
That means those children who survived
are the ones killing the monks.
It's revenge.
Adaptation: Chris Smith