East West 101 (2007–2011): Season 2, Episode 6 - Another Life - full transcript
Inspector Wright and the Major Crime team unite to track down the men behind the attempt on her brother's life, at the same time trying to prevent Wright's father from seeking vigilante justice. Meanwhile, a respected transplant surgeon is murdered. Malik's wife, fed up with his obsession with work, makes a startling decision.
What was he really
doing in Indonesia?
It was classified.
It was a secret.
Disruption used to be a word,
but then it became
government policy.
SKERRITT: She did this to him.
As soon as Sophia
turned up on his doorstep,
he knew we'd be onto him.
SOPHIA: Do you know where
Edward got these photos from?
DEO: I think some of them
came from a photojournalist
in Indonesia.
ZANE: Do you know
anything about these photos?
All I know is people
lost their lives.
Zane, I have feelings for you.
You be careful, Zane.
Her grief is not your burden.
Sophia needs to accept
that maybe her husband
wasn't the perfect man
she thought he was.
He was always a problem
kid. Bastard of a teenager.
Oh, and you don't think you
had anything to do with that?!
There's blokes out
there that want to kill you.
Do you understand?
They want to kill you!
[Man chanting in Arabic]
[Siren wailing]
[Up-tempo Middle
Eastern music plays]
Peter saw the cat
creeping towards the bird,
so he warned the bird to fly.
And he did, all the way
to the top of the trees.
And then grandfather came
storming out of the gate.
"Come inside, Peter.
The outside world
is a dangerous place.
A wolf could spring out
of the forest," he said.
But Peter wasn't
afraid of wolves.
Keep going.
[Cellphone vibrates]
[Keypad beeps]
Well, I should, um...
Sorry. I-I won't be long.
instrumental music plays]
You don't need to be here.
It's all right. What
have we got?
Seriously, it's
fine. I'm here now.
- How is he?
- He's not good.
I wouldn't have called
you on this if I'd known.
That's okay. It's all okay.
Just tell me what
we've got here.
- Lim, what have we got?
- LIM: A 50-year-old male.
He's got bruising to the cheek,
swollen lips, chipped tooth.
KANE: He was in a fight.
Led to a fractured skull.
Wallet's still in his
jacket. Uh, "Jutty Nepal."
It's Juti Naipul.
- Juti Naipul the surgeon?
- KANE: That's right.
Is this his car?
So he's pulled up
quickly, given the angle.
He's got some light damage
to the rear of the vehicle.
Looks like some
blue duco residue.
I think you're
looking at road rage.
- Witnesses?
- LIM: Not so far.
Okay, Kane. You
run this with Lim.
You'll need to get in
touch with the family
as soon as you can, okay?
The press'll be all over it.
Just so you know, I
spoke to the Mascot D's,
and they're happy for us
to take over on Craig's case,
if that's what you want.
- Thanks.
- Just hang in there, all right?
WRIGHT: When the nurses
stop looking you in the eye,
you know it's...
You can't blame yourself.
Just tell us what
you want us to do.
I want the bastards who
did this put behind bars.
So they get...
They never get a
chance to do this again.
SKERRITT: Emile Wong.
Made all his money
through drugs,
laundering via apparently
legit businesses through Asia.
Craig was working on a
resort development for him.
ZANE: So Craig knew too much?
Craig borrowed
some of their capital.
He thought he'd
invest it in shares.
The market crash
last year wiped him out.
He tried to gamble it back.
- We're talking a lot of money.
- Mm-hmm.
So Wong wants Craig to
pay one way or the other.
SKERRITT: This is Caesar Mendez.
He does all Wong's dirty work
through Australia
and the Philippines
He also runs a martial arts gym
in Sydney called the Red Tiger.
WRIGHT: These men
wouldn't have been the shooters.
Mendez would have hired
the gunman. He's got form.
KOA: I'll start the paperwork
for the listening devices.
ZANE: Anything
else from last night?
- No.
- I'll talk to your dad first up.
Just don't show him the
photos or give him any names.
He'll go after them.
LIM: Did your husband
have any enemies,
anyone who held a grudge?
He gave people their lives.
They were so grateful.
He didn't argue with anyone.
In the last couple of days,
has he received any
unusual phone calls,
been worried about
anything in particular?
Only his patients.
He was a giant.
We're going to do
everything we can
to try and find the
person who did this.
Can you talk us through
what happened last night?
Remember when you
first saw he vehicle?
We thought we'd given
them the slip miles back.
We both thought that.
Craig was in the backseat,
sitting behind his sister.
Car pulls up alongside, shooter
was sitting next to the driver.
Driver, he leans back,
shooter leaned forward and
shot Craig through the window.
Driver must have
copped some glass
so he might have taken some
of the crime scene with him.
Anything else?
Not that I can remember, no.
All right, well...
You blokes are
onto this, aren't you?
Doing everything
we can to find them.
Think of anything,
give us a call.
I'd like a dollar for
every time I've said that.
I mean anytime, all right?
You find these two
blokes, you call me first.
No worries.
Away you go.
Yeah, right.
ZANE: So the shooter, what
we've got, is possibly Anglo,
lean, fit guy.
He might be a
martial arts student
that Mendez has recruited.
ZANE: We've got to
get listening devices
into Wong's hotel
room, Mendez's gym.
Guys, keep going through the
RTA footage from last night, right?
Cameras in both
directions from the airport.
Any questions?
- Boss?
- Ah, Dr. Juti Naipul?
The only real evidence we've
got is this blue paint mark
on the rear of
Dr. Naipul's vehicle.
CSE are onto it.
And we found his car keys
over here in some bushes.
One neighbor reported
arguments between the father
and his eldest daughter
over the last few weeks.
Find out what that was about.
Have you spoken to the
hospital where he worked?
LIM: Yeah, admin said they
were shocked losing a saint.
But one of his
colleagues describes him
as a stubborn, arrogant
man who alienated people.
Apparently, Dr. Naipul was
attacked three weeks ago
in the hospital car park,
but nobody seems to know
why, or they're not saying.
- Okay, talk to security.
- Yeah, will do.
And, ah, thank you.
WOMAN: As you know, earlier
this morning we conducted
the first clinical assessment
of all brain stem reflexes.
Now, since then we have
been monitoring Craig
for any clinical inconsistencies
with the diagnosis
of brain death.
We'll conduct
another set of tests
in approximately 12 hours
but the results from
this current tests
do indicate the
very strong likelihood
that Craig is
currently brain dead.
I am sorry.
Do you have any questions?
No, no.
No, we understand.
[Door opens]
[Door closes]
I remember the...
day your mother and I
brought your brother home
from the hospital.
It was a beautiful day.
Mum didn't want to
go inside straightaway.
She just...
She walked around the
backyard with him in her arms.
Said, "This is
where you'll play."
"This is where you'll play."
She wanted to be
such a good mother.
She did. She...
Are you up for a confession?
Go for it.
I keep wishing that it
was my father lying there
and not Craig.
Hey, 7:00.
[Engine starts]
What are you doing home?
Doing a double shift.
The boss's brother's been shot.
- That's terrible.
- Yeah, it is.
What, shot dead?
We don't know yet.
You never know when
it might be your turn.
You be careful.
Don't get caught up in it.
ZANE: So far we've got
very few leads, all right?
Now we just want to keep
track of the two people
we suspect to be involved...
Wong and Mendez.
We haven't got anything on
the gunman that they hired.
If Wong and Mendez say anything
about cars, payments,
or weapons... anything...
That may give us
the break we need.
Wong's hotel's covered
in listening devices,
but he's hardly ever there.
Why aren't we inside this
Mendez martial arts place?
I've tried every
trick in the book.
There's always
some meathead there.
- KOA: Fire alarm?
- It's Chinatown. No one moved.
How much do you
know about martial arts?
Me? Kidding, right?
ZANE: Come on, guys,
this one's for the boss.
We do what we can, when we can.
I don't care if we've got to
work every night for a week.
I don't want her finding out,
so no one's putting
in for overtime.
Sorry, but she's
going through enough.
Hey, guys. How you doing?
Hey, um, we were just wondering
if we could see Mr. Mendez
about joining the club?
Oh, well, I can
help you with that.
Do you guys already
practice wing chun?
No, but, um, we
like the sound of it.
- In what way?
- Oh, getting fit, flexibility.
To be able to have more
control over my thoughts.
The physical thing,
the mental thing.
Yin and yang. Zen.
Do you guys have
a toilet? Sorry.
No, yeah, sure. It's just there.
Yeah, but see, I'm not too sure
if my body's cut
out for this stuff.
You'd be able to judge.
For instance, my knees.
I've had surgery on my knees.
- MAN: Surgery?
- Yeah, keyhole laser.
[Cellphone rings]
- ZANE: Wong's here.
- Yeah, I'm nearly done.
[Speaking Chinese]
[Speaking Chinese]
ZANE: So the bugs are
in, the phones are tapped.
So far Wong and Mendez
have just been talking accounts.
Apparently a few
unfortunate drug busts
have knocked his
fortunes around a bit.
My heart bleeds.
- Right, priorities.
- Sorry?
I don't want you to
think that I'm ungrateful.
Because I am grateful,
and Dad is, incredibly.
What I'm going to
say might sound harsh,
but it's about being practical.
My brother knew
what he was doing.
He was playing with fire.
Well, actually, he was a
child playing with wolves
and may not have
completely understood.
But in the public's eyes, my
brother was a ne'er-do-well.
And then we have a surgeon
who is lying in that morgue,
a much admired, much
venerated man, so...
I want you to
prioritize his murder.
Craig, well, he...
He can wait. He
will have to wait.
Okay, well, um,
there's a tradie in there
with Callas who
threatened Naipul.
We're about to interview him.
Okay, good. I'll come in.
Boss, Callas and
Lim can deal with that.
I told you I'm fine.
You know what
the lawyers will say.
If we charge that man and
you're sitting in the room
dealing with the
aftermath of Craig...
Mr. Johnson, three
weeks ago hospital security
reported that you were
involved in an altercation
with Dr. Naipul
outside the hospital.
trying to talk to him.
You pushed him a number of
times until he stumbled and fell.
You then pinned
him to the ground
and a security guard
had to pull you off him.
When's your baby due?
Can you tell me about what
happened that day, please?
My daughter died because of him.
For, um, six months, I did
these tests to give her my kidney,
and, ah, they said
that I was a match,
and a good match at that.
I was four out of six.
And she, uh...
She started losing
weight. And, um...
Anyway, I finally got in to
get the results of all my tests
and to see him, to
see Naipul, and, um...
You know, he might
be brilliant at his job.
I don't know. Everybody
told me that he was.
But he didn't know Katie.
He didn't know...
how much life she had,
how much we
loved her, and, um...
So he says to me, um...
He says to me, uh...
He says to me, um, "Forget it.
Your kidneys
aren't up to the job,
so she'll have to wait.
Forget it."
"Forget it."
Why would he say that to me?
After she died,
I-I had to tell him.
Tell him that I'd
never forget her.
Not "it."
That I could never forget.
That he should never, ever
speak to anyone
in that way again.
Okay, so can you tell
me where you were
at 7:00 a.m. this morning?
- I was working on a house.
- Where was it?
Was anyone with you at the time?
The owner let me in about 7:00,
and, um, then he left for work.
I didn't kill him.
But I can understand
whoever did.
MICK: I was talking with
an ex-copper mate of mine.
He breeds finches.
They're nomads in
the wild, apparently.
Funny the things
you learn, isn't it?
Most of Craig's life, you
could barely look at him.
I used to watch you, Dad.
You had to force
yourself to look at him.
You took so little notice of us.
The only way we
knew you were home
was whether we saw
your gun on the sideboard.
[Cellphone rings]
ZANE: Hey, so Wong and
Mendez have started arguing.
It's possibly about the
man who shot your brother.
Wong's saying he doesn't
want to pay until the job's done,
and he's not gonna
pay until there's proof.
Mendez is pretty pissed.
WRIGHT: Did he
mention any names?
Craig's or...
No, no, no. Wong's
way too smart for that.
Well, we don't have
enough to bring him in.
The other thing is, have
Lim listen to the tape,
but I'm pretty sure Wong's
booked a flight out of Sydney.
Oh, shit. When?
LIM: Yeah, it's tomorrow night.
- She's not happy.
- What'd you expect?
Hey, those initials we
found in Naipul's diary?
They match a website he
went to about five weeks ago.
Australian Private
This is your husband's
desk diary, Mrs. Naipul.
There are these initials, J.S.,
and the letters API
with a question mark.
API is a firm that hires
out private investigators.
Your husband didn't
ever actually hire one,
but he was definitely
thinking about it.
Jake Santor is my fiancé.
You are not officially
engaged to him.
Don't say that.
Boyfriend, then.
My father wants me to...
Wanted me to marry a
family friend from Mumbai.
MRS. NAIPUL: A lovely doctor.
But she just wants to marry
this second-rate musician
with a nightclub.
TAMA: He's not second-rate.
And if Daddy had ever taken
the time to get to know Jake,
he would know
that, but he didn't.
He just closed his mind
against him from the start.
This is just normal
family conflict.
He never contacted
the private investigator.
Can I... Can I grab
a glass of water?
Of course. Tama.
LIM: No, no, um,
I'll get it myself.
Where's a glass?
So when was the
last time you saw him?
About three days ago.
Has he called you today?
Sent some flowers.
Some men don't know
what to say. I understand that.
It's not a nightclub.
It's a cabaret venue.
A few weeks ago he called
Daddy to set up a meeting.
That probably why Daddy
has his initials in his diary.
- Did it actually happen?
- No.
What sort of car
does Jake drive?
A Hyundai.
- What color?
- Blue.
- What kind of blue?
- Navy blue.
Is it the same color as the
car you thought ran into Daddy?
- Look, I can't talk about it.
- I'm not a moron, okay?
I have seen "CSI."
He'll give you his car for
checks. He didn't do this.
Tama, do you find it surprising
that your father was considering
hiring a P.I. to
investigate Jake?
You know the last thing
my father ever said to me
was that I'd broken his heart?
How am I supposed
to live with that?
LIM: My father would
get a P.I. onto me as well
if I was gonna marry
a nightclub owner.
Jake Santor, I'm Detective Lim.
This is Detective Kane.
Speak to you,
if that's all right?
They're driving to Queensland.
They could be anywhere.
How often do you
lend friends your car?
Can you tell me what my
car's got to do with anything?
How did you get on
with Tama's father?
Average. What's my
car got to do with it?
How long have you and
Tama been engaged for?
I don't know. Four months,
five. Something like that.
You don't even know
when you proposed?
I didn't really propose.
It's just something that
we, you know, decided.
How did you and Tama
meet? Just out of interest.
Doing a meditation course.
Three years ago you were
charged with possession of cocaine.
And I've learned
the error of my ways.
Is that why Dr. Naipul
objected to you and Tama?
- He didn't know.
- Maybe he found out.
Why do you think he
objected to your relationship?
He wanted her to marry an
Eskimo. What do you think?
Do you want to think again
about where your
car is, Mr. Santor?
Look, if I knew, I
would tell you. I promise.
I told you, I loaned
it to some friends.
Let's start with
their full names,
addresses, and phone numbers.
- Sure.
- And the car rego, please.
And where were you
yesterday morning at 7:00?
Asleep in bed.
- Alone?
- Yeah.
What were you and Tama gonna do
if Dr. Naipul forbid
her from marrying you?
Maybe after we had
kids, he'd come around.
I don't know.
That's it?
Talk to him? You
know, sure, all that.
I mean, that's what
Tama was trying to do.
[Cellphone rings]
SOPHIA: I've just driven
back from Kirkbride's funeral.
All right. How'd it go?
Some of my NSO
colleagues were there.
They hadn't come
to John's funeral,
and they just avoided me
like I had a contagious disease.
ZANE: I'm sorry.
SOPHIA: These are
people I used to call friends.
For them to
just... I don't know.
Not a single word.
It's just unbelievable.
Strangely enough, no
one from immigration came.
ZANE: If he'd been
stealing visa forms,
maybe they felt betrayed.
SOPHIA: I spoke to Deo.
Kirkbride was never
interested in money.
I don't know, he was
adamant he was ethical.
Yeah, but come on, Sophia.
The facts indicate otherwise.
Facts can be manufactured.
Deo thinks the photographer
who took the shots
works for a defunct magazine
called Indonesia Today.
Maybe there's an Indonesian
number on Kirkbride's list.
I asked the feds for
his phone records,
and they were very protective.
What, you mean they said no?
What about Khoder, the cleaner?
I left a message. He
hasn't called me back.
I haven't had time
to chase him up.
So don't you go and do it.
What, you think I'm
getting too involved?
Look, I have to know what
the connection is with Khoder,
Separta, and my husband.
Look, I'm on the job.
I've got to go, okay?
[Cellphone rings]
[Speaking Indonesian]
WOMAN: Brain death
is the irreversible loss
of all brain stem functions.
During our tests, the
ventilator was turned off
and spontaneous
breathing did not occur.
Is there anything
more you need to know
about the process, Mr. Deakin?
No, I just need more time.
[Door opens]
- [Door closes]
- All organs?
Or are there organs and
tissues you wish to exclude?
Come on, Patricia,
we can do this.
We? What's this "we"?
He's my son.
You want to grieve losing Craig,
you should have
done it years ago
'cause that's when you lost him.
All. All of the
available organs.
All of them.
- I'm sorry I snapped, Dad.
- It's all right.
I think this is what
you should do. Hop up.
Okay, I want you to
go home. Come on.
I want you to go home,
you get some rest,
and I'll give you a call when
we're needed back here.
Okay, you promise me?
These blokes could
be anywhere by now.
My team are taking
care of this right now,
right this very minute,
and they'll stay on it, okay?
- Just go.
- All right.
instrumental music plays]
ZANE: Let me explain this photo.
A man we knew
had just killed himself.
A man "we" knew.
This reporter, I've never
heard of her before.
A crime scene reporter's
never gonna write
this kind of garbage.
It's a beat-up just to
discredit me. That's all it is.
We're exactly where
we were one year ago.
- I'll fix it.
- Except it says where we live.
Why have you got
so many of them?
It was all I could think to do.
- Habibti, I'm sorry.
- Sorry for what, Zane?
Do you know?
Do you have
feelings for her, Zane?
Because that's
what this looks like.
- Just tell me.
- No.
[Cellphone rings]
I can't talk.
This is how they tell
me I'm suspended.
Someone set us up.
I've got to go.
[Cellphone beeps]
[Cellphone beeps]
[Cellphone ringing]
[Speaking Arabic]
[Engine starts]
ZANE: It's rubbish.
Yes, well, the minister
and acting premier
certainly think so.
But probably not in
the way you mean.
Was she accessing
intelligence on your behalf?
Are you having
an affair with her?
- Of course not.
- That's what it looks like.
SKERRITT: She's resentful
because she feels NSO
left her husband unprotected.
She's making stupid mistakes.
For all we know, she
orchestrated this whole thing.
Why would she make
up being suspended?
She was told
yesterday afternoon.
I know that for a fact.
And I'm sorry, she's
jeopardized her career
and you've been caught up in it.
WRIGHT: I need to speak to
you and Koa alone, and Lim,
in one of the interview rooms.
My brother is now,
um, officially brain dead.
Until the operation begins
to harvest his organs,
he remains on life support.
We have a situation where
Wong is under the impression
that the killers
did not do their job,
so he needs to save face
and continue what they started.
But Wong is
planning to leave town,
and if he does, we've
lost the man I want to get.
So my idea is this...
We make it easy for
the killers to do their job.
You call Wong... In
Cantonese so he gets it.
Say that you met him in the
casino last time he was in town
and you have some information
someone has
asked you to pass on,
that Craig Deakin is
recovering in hospital,
he's sitting up, talking,
in a private room
under the name
of Geoffrey Black.
ZANE: Boss, you sure
you want to do this?
Thank you. I've dialed
his number for you.
[Speaking Cantonese]
Craig Deakin.
They won't get away with this.
Wright's idea of the hospital
isn't exactly a
controlled situation.
It's gonna have to work.
If these guys want their
money, they've got no choice.
Hey, we've got action.
Anglo guys. Fit.
Injury to the left side of the
head makes him the driver.
The one on the left
must be the shooter.
ZANE: They look
pretty pissed off.
He's not gonna pay
them until the job's done.
They don't have a gun.
They tossed it after the job.
Mendez will take care of that.
- Okay, mate.
- Our turn to move.
Let's go.
ZANE: This isn't the
way to the hospital.
KOA: No.
[Camera shutter clicks]
KOA: What do you
think they're doing?
Probably buying a gun.
How did Amina
like the photograph?
She loved it.
She cut it out and
stuck it on the fridge.
Ah. Here we go.
[Car alarm chirps]
[Car door opens]
[Camera shutter clicking]
What are they doing?
There's only three of them.
Where's the fourth guy?
ZANE: I can see Wong,
Mendez, and the driver.
Hey, these guys
aren't going anywhere.
They're staying here.
The fourth guy could be
on his way to the hospital.
Shit. Call the boss.
Where is he? Where's my son?
- Where's Craig Deakin?
- [Cellphone rings]
Where is my boy? Where
have you put my son?
- Where...
- Calm down!
You told me if something
was gonna happen...
Dad, he's okay. Look,
just come outside. God.
[Siren wailing]
[Tires screeching]
He couldn't have
got there that fast.
Right, Dad, just
calm down, okay?
Craig is in here. Nothing
has happened to him.
He's been moved, that's all.
All right? You just sit down.
This is a sting, and you're
gonna get in the way,
so you just relax, okay?
Hey, there's a
man on his way up.
He's downstairs asking
for Geoffrey Black.
- MICK: Who's Geoffrey Black?
- Okay, thank you. Stand by.
You just stay there,
all right? Do not move.
You keep this door
shut and do not move.
Just stay there.
[Shouting indistinctly]
Put the hospital
in lockdown now!
[Siren wailing]
[Tires screeching]
[Door closes]
Police! Stop!
Police! Don't move!
Put down the weapon!
Put your weapon down now!
I said put your fucking
weapon down now!
I'll go the stairs.
You step back.
Step away from the gun.
I had one brother and now
he's gone, you piece of shit.
I don't know what
you're talking about.
You think I don't recognize you?
See, I can't think
of any reason,
none at all, actually,
why you should live.
You killed my brother.
You killed my brother.
You right?
Arrest him, Malik.
[Handcuffs clinking]
[Handcuffs ratcheting]
Families ain't what
they're cracked up to be.
Mine is just cracked.
He was a man of his
times. Work was his duty.
No, sorting out my
brother was his duty.
What, are you gonna
keep punishing him?
- I am not punishing him.
- That's what it looks like.
What happens if I transgress?
The same fate?
Your father made choices.
Choices that you
don't approve of.
But from where I'm standing,
you're walking in
the same shoes.
Why don't you ever
talk about your family?
Now you know why.
Pat, it's just you
and your father now.
My father never told
us that he loved us.
I never told Craig, either.
Patrol just called
in Jake Santor's car,
and it wasn't in Queensland.
So, what have you got?
Wallet with cash, no I.D.,
jammed in the driver's side.
So it looks like he's panicked.
He's killed Naipul, he's
dumped the car, and he's run.
But who is it? The boyfriend?
Or his mates who are
supposed to be in Queensland?
LIM: In your previous statement,
you said you were
in bed at 7:00 a.m.,
and that your car was up in
Queensland with your friend.
Would you care to revise that?
See, we've got
your car downstairs.
Your friend says that on the
morning Dr. Naipul was murdered,
you gave the car to him,
and you said you had
a fight with the doctor.
What's that on your hand?
Hit something, maybe?
He refused to meet me.
I stopped him.
I had to talk to him about
Tama and me getting married.
He said never.
And that was it. No discussion.
I was not for his daughter.
I just lost it. I...
I hit him.
I heard the crack as
his skull hit the ground.
Why didn't you
call an ambulance?
I knew it was over.
I just...
I just ran.
I feel sick about it.
Just sick.
TAMA: Daddy and Jake.
Both stubborn and hot-tempered.
How could you talk about
them in the same breath?
I'm sorry, Mum.
But you know, if you and
Daddy had just accepted Jake,
this might never have happened.
TONY: I don't know Craig Deakin.
ZANE: Got a witness says
you came in looking for him.
You had a bunch of flowers,
said you were best mates.
I guess that's before you
figured out he was dead.
Got nothing against the bloke.
Why would I want to kill him?
Because you were
getting paid for it.
- I got nothing to say.
- Okay, don't say anything.
As it stands, you're
gonna be charged
with Craig Deakin's murder,
just so you understand.
Possessing a firearm.
That's all you got.
We're very happy
with the murder brief.
For your information,
that's the crime scene.
The glass fragments has
your mate's blood all over them.
Where is your mate?
Botches the gig
and chickens out?
ZANE: We had a case recently,
a person was in a very
similar situation to yourself.
The letter we forwarded to the
judge made a massive difference.
How much difference?
In his case, about a
third of the sentence
with an early plea.
- KOA: Depends.
- On?
On how much you're
willing to assist us
and how much we
want to nail Wong.
- How much do you?
- Quite a bit. You follow?
All right, what do I have to do?
Just tell us how Wong
was gonna pay you.
We'll go from there.
I was supposed to call him,
tell him the job was done,
and then arrange
a meeting place.
Do another radio
check, will you?
Kane, copy Malik. Radio check.
Got you loud and clear.
Lim here. Got you
loud and clear too.
Stand by, stand by.
We've got our man.
He's just driven
up in a gold Camry,
Yankee November Zulu 716.
Okay, Tony's out of the car.
Stand by, stand by, we have
our target vehicle on approach.
Commodore alpha
tango 96 delta Zulu.
Hold your positions.
Wong's getting out of
the car. Mendez is out too.
TONY: It's done.
You should have done
it properly the first time.
- It's done now.
- Ten grand only.
- No, no, no, the full amount.
- MENDEZ: No, no, no.
Mr. Wong thinks you're
lucky to be getting that.
TONY: Nobody
goes until I count this.
LIM: I've got a maroon Falcon
that's coming
towards you at speed.
I can't identify the driver.
Wait. Hold your positions.
Shit! It's my father.
[Tires screeching]
ZANE: Shots fired, shots fired.
Get against the car!
- Police!
- Get against the car!
Get against the car!
Get against the car,
you pan-headed mongrel!
Put your weapon down!
Down on the ground!
Get down! Get down!
Put your gun down!
Put your gun down!
Get on the ground!
How dare you put
my team at risk?!
KOA: On your knees.
One, two, three!
You mongrel, rice-eating
pan-headed mongrel bastard!
Let's go.
I'll arrest you.
You go right ahead.
You do what you like.
I loved your mother.
No matter what you think,
I loved your mother
and I loved your brother.
You understand?
I've always loved you.
You're me.
Whether you like
it or not, you're me.
- Hi.
I tracked down Hafid, the
photographer who took the shots.
Come in.
I lose my job and you cut me
off when I'm trying to talk to you.
I'm sorry. I couldn't
talk at the time.
We're work colleagues.
That's all it can be.
I'm sorry you lost your job.
I think you've got good
grounds for appeal.
If we find the truth,
maybe that'll help.
So, what do you know
about Angleton and Khoder?
Just come in.
Separta's ordering
refugees on a boat
he knew would probably sink.
The boat was
called the Sea Rose.
360 drowned.
The list.
There were seven
who survived it.
Amin Khoder, he's one of them.
And here's the kicker.
My husband's in the
background just watching
while Separta's herding
them all onto the boat.
Why? Monitoring?
When I went into the files, most
of them had been blacked out.
The government was concerned
about the influx of refugees.
So Khoder was one
of these refugees?
Why wouldn't he want
revenge against my husband?
And the NSO.
Khoder lied to me.
ZANE: What, he's
left the country?
- Where'd he go?
- MAN: Not sure.
Indonesia, Pakistan,
Did he say when
he was coming back?
He's a very quiet man.
He tells us nothing.
Except that he has
an important job to do.
[Speaks Arabic]
[Conversing in Arabic]
[Up-tempo Middle
Eastern music plays]
[Engine revving,
tires screeching]
Its cargo was stolen. Six
tons of ammonium nitrate.
That's enough to make the bomb
that took out the Bali nightclub
look like a firecracker.
Paradise is our destination.
Paradise? You're gonna go to
heaven for murdering people?
You leave my son out of this!
- SOPHIA: Zane!
- ZANE: Let me go!
Got a family just like you.
You teach these young men.
Some of them are teenagers.
What you teach is
offensive. Offensive jihad.
doing in Indonesia?
It was classified.
It was a secret.
Disruption used to be a word,
but then it became
government policy.
SKERRITT: She did this to him.
As soon as Sophia
turned up on his doorstep,
he knew we'd be onto him.
SOPHIA: Do you know where
Edward got these photos from?
DEO: I think some of them
came from a photojournalist
in Indonesia.
ZANE: Do you know
anything about these photos?
All I know is people
lost their lives.
Zane, I have feelings for you.
You be careful, Zane.
Her grief is not your burden.
Sophia needs to accept
that maybe her husband
wasn't the perfect man
she thought he was.
He was always a problem
kid. Bastard of a teenager.
Oh, and you don't think you
had anything to do with that?!
There's blokes out
there that want to kill you.
Do you understand?
They want to kill you!
[Man chanting in Arabic]
[Siren wailing]
[Up-tempo Middle
Eastern music plays]
Peter saw the cat
creeping towards the bird,
so he warned the bird to fly.
And he did, all the way
to the top of the trees.
And then grandfather came
storming out of the gate.
"Come inside, Peter.
The outside world
is a dangerous place.
A wolf could spring out
of the forest," he said.
But Peter wasn't
afraid of wolves.
Keep going.
[Cellphone vibrates]
[Keypad beeps]
Well, I should, um...
Sorry. I-I won't be long.
instrumental music plays]
You don't need to be here.
It's all right. What
have we got?
Seriously, it's
fine. I'm here now.
- How is he?
- He's not good.
I wouldn't have called
you on this if I'd known.
That's okay. It's all okay.
Just tell me what
we've got here.
- Lim, what have we got?
- LIM: A 50-year-old male.
He's got bruising to the cheek,
swollen lips, chipped tooth.
KANE: He was in a fight.
Led to a fractured skull.
Wallet's still in his
jacket. Uh, "Jutty Nepal."
It's Juti Naipul.
- Juti Naipul the surgeon?
- KANE: That's right.
Is this his car?
So he's pulled up
quickly, given the angle.
He's got some light damage
to the rear of the vehicle.
Looks like some
blue duco residue.
I think you're
looking at road rage.
- Witnesses?
- LIM: Not so far.
Okay, Kane. You
run this with Lim.
You'll need to get in
touch with the family
as soon as you can, okay?
The press'll be all over it.
Just so you know, I
spoke to the Mascot D's,
and they're happy for us
to take over on Craig's case,
if that's what you want.
- Thanks.
- Just hang in there, all right?
WRIGHT: When the nurses
stop looking you in the eye,
you know it's...
You can't blame yourself.
Just tell us what
you want us to do.
I want the bastards who
did this put behind bars.
So they get...
They never get a
chance to do this again.
SKERRITT: Emile Wong.
Made all his money
through drugs,
laundering via apparently
legit businesses through Asia.
Craig was working on a
resort development for him.
ZANE: So Craig knew too much?
Craig borrowed
some of their capital.
He thought he'd
invest it in shares.
The market crash
last year wiped him out.
He tried to gamble it back.
- We're talking a lot of money.
- Mm-hmm.
So Wong wants Craig to
pay one way or the other.
SKERRITT: This is Caesar Mendez.
He does all Wong's dirty work
through Australia
and the Philippines
He also runs a martial arts gym
in Sydney called the Red Tiger.
WRIGHT: These men
wouldn't have been the shooters.
Mendez would have hired
the gunman. He's got form.
KOA: I'll start the paperwork
for the listening devices.
ZANE: Anything
else from last night?
- No.
- I'll talk to your dad first up.
Just don't show him the
photos or give him any names.
He'll go after them.
LIM: Did your husband
have any enemies,
anyone who held a grudge?
He gave people their lives.
They were so grateful.
He didn't argue with anyone.
In the last couple of days,
has he received any
unusual phone calls,
been worried about
anything in particular?
Only his patients.
He was a giant.
We're going to do
everything we can
to try and find the
person who did this.
Can you talk us through
what happened last night?
Remember when you
first saw he vehicle?
We thought we'd given
them the slip miles back.
We both thought that.
Craig was in the backseat,
sitting behind his sister.
Car pulls up alongside, shooter
was sitting next to the driver.
Driver, he leans back,
shooter leaned forward and
shot Craig through the window.
Driver must have
copped some glass
so he might have taken some
of the crime scene with him.
Anything else?
Not that I can remember, no.
All right, well...
You blokes are
onto this, aren't you?
Doing everything
we can to find them.
Think of anything,
give us a call.
I'd like a dollar for
every time I've said that.
I mean anytime, all right?
You find these two
blokes, you call me first.
No worries.
Away you go.
Yeah, right.
ZANE: So the shooter, what
we've got, is possibly Anglo,
lean, fit guy.
He might be a
martial arts student
that Mendez has recruited.
ZANE: We've got to
get listening devices
into Wong's hotel
room, Mendez's gym.
Guys, keep going through the
RTA footage from last night, right?
Cameras in both
directions from the airport.
Any questions?
- Boss?
- Ah, Dr. Juti Naipul?
The only real evidence we've
got is this blue paint mark
on the rear of
Dr. Naipul's vehicle.
CSE are onto it.
And we found his car keys
over here in some bushes.
One neighbor reported
arguments between the father
and his eldest daughter
over the last few weeks.
Find out what that was about.
Have you spoken to the
hospital where he worked?
LIM: Yeah, admin said they
were shocked losing a saint.
But one of his
colleagues describes him
as a stubborn, arrogant
man who alienated people.
Apparently, Dr. Naipul was
attacked three weeks ago
in the hospital car park,
but nobody seems to know
why, or they're not saying.
- Okay, talk to security.
- Yeah, will do.
And, ah, thank you.
WOMAN: As you know, earlier
this morning we conducted
the first clinical assessment
of all brain stem reflexes.
Now, since then we have
been monitoring Craig
for any clinical inconsistencies
with the diagnosis
of brain death.
We'll conduct
another set of tests
in approximately 12 hours
but the results from
this current tests
do indicate the
very strong likelihood
that Craig is
currently brain dead.
I am sorry.
Do you have any questions?
No, no.
No, we understand.
[Door opens]
[Door closes]
I remember the...
day your mother and I
brought your brother home
from the hospital.
It was a beautiful day.
Mum didn't want to
go inside straightaway.
She just...
She walked around the
backyard with him in her arms.
Said, "This is
where you'll play."
"This is where you'll play."
She wanted to be
such a good mother.
She did. She...
Are you up for a confession?
Go for it.
I keep wishing that it
was my father lying there
and not Craig.
Hey, 7:00.
[Engine starts]
What are you doing home?
Doing a double shift.
The boss's brother's been shot.
- That's terrible.
- Yeah, it is.
What, shot dead?
We don't know yet.
You never know when
it might be your turn.
You be careful.
Don't get caught up in it.
ZANE: So far we've got
very few leads, all right?
Now we just want to keep
track of the two people
we suspect to be involved...
Wong and Mendez.
We haven't got anything on
the gunman that they hired.
If Wong and Mendez say anything
about cars, payments,
or weapons... anything...
That may give us
the break we need.
Wong's hotel's covered
in listening devices,
but he's hardly ever there.
Why aren't we inside this
Mendez martial arts place?
I've tried every
trick in the book.
There's always
some meathead there.
- KOA: Fire alarm?
- It's Chinatown. No one moved.
How much do you
know about martial arts?
Me? Kidding, right?
ZANE: Come on, guys,
this one's for the boss.
We do what we can, when we can.
I don't care if we've got to
work every night for a week.
I don't want her finding out,
so no one's putting
in for overtime.
Sorry, but she's
going through enough.
Hey, guys. How you doing?
Hey, um, we were just wondering
if we could see Mr. Mendez
about joining the club?
Oh, well, I can
help you with that.
Do you guys already
practice wing chun?
No, but, um, we
like the sound of it.
- In what way?
- Oh, getting fit, flexibility.
To be able to have more
control over my thoughts.
The physical thing,
the mental thing.
Yin and yang. Zen.
Do you guys have
a toilet? Sorry.
No, yeah, sure. It's just there.
Yeah, but see, I'm not too sure
if my body's cut
out for this stuff.
You'd be able to judge.
For instance, my knees.
I've had surgery on my knees.
- MAN: Surgery?
- Yeah, keyhole laser.
[Cellphone rings]
- ZANE: Wong's here.
- Yeah, I'm nearly done.
[Speaking Chinese]
[Speaking Chinese]
ZANE: So the bugs are
in, the phones are tapped.
So far Wong and Mendez
have just been talking accounts.
Apparently a few
unfortunate drug busts
have knocked his
fortunes around a bit.
My heart bleeds.
- Right, priorities.
- Sorry?
I don't want you to
think that I'm ungrateful.
Because I am grateful,
and Dad is, incredibly.
What I'm going to
say might sound harsh,
but it's about being practical.
My brother knew
what he was doing.
He was playing with fire.
Well, actually, he was a
child playing with wolves
and may not have
completely understood.
But in the public's eyes, my
brother was a ne'er-do-well.
And then we have a surgeon
who is lying in that morgue,
a much admired, much
venerated man, so...
I want you to
prioritize his murder.
Craig, well, he...
He can wait. He
will have to wait.
Okay, well, um,
there's a tradie in there
with Callas who
threatened Naipul.
We're about to interview him.
Okay, good. I'll come in.
Boss, Callas and
Lim can deal with that.
I told you I'm fine.
You know what
the lawyers will say.
If we charge that man and
you're sitting in the room
dealing with the
aftermath of Craig...
Mr. Johnson, three
weeks ago hospital security
reported that you were
involved in an altercation
with Dr. Naipul
outside the hospital.
trying to talk to him.
You pushed him a number of
times until he stumbled and fell.
You then pinned
him to the ground
and a security guard
had to pull you off him.
When's your baby due?
Can you tell me about what
happened that day, please?
My daughter died because of him.
For, um, six months, I did
these tests to give her my kidney,
and, ah, they said
that I was a match,
and a good match at that.
I was four out of six.
And she, uh...
She started losing
weight. And, um...
Anyway, I finally got in to
get the results of all my tests
and to see him, to
see Naipul, and, um...
You know, he might
be brilliant at his job.
I don't know. Everybody
told me that he was.
But he didn't know Katie.
He didn't know...
how much life she had,
how much we
loved her, and, um...
So he says to me, um...
He says to me, uh...
He says to me, um, "Forget it.
Your kidneys
aren't up to the job,
so she'll have to wait.
Forget it."
"Forget it."
Why would he say that to me?
After she died,
I-I had to tell him.
Tell him that I'd
never forget her.
Not "it."
That I could never forget.
That he should never, ever
speak to anyone
in that way again.
Okay, so can you tell
me where you were
at 7:00 a.m. this morning?
- I was working on a house.
- Where was it?
Was anyone with you at the time?
The owner let me in about 7:00,
and, um, then he left for work.
I didn't kill him.
But I can understand
whoever did.
MICK: I was talking with
an ex-copper mate of mine.
He breeds finches.
They're nomads in
the wild, apparently.
Funny the things
you learn, isn't it?
Most of Craig's life, you
could barely look at him.
I used to watch you, Dad.
You had to force
yourself to look at him.
You took so little notice of us.
The only way we
knew you were home
was whether we saw
your gun on the sideboard.
[Cellphone rings]
ZANE: Hey, so Wong and
Mendez have started arguing.
It's possibly about the
man who shot your brother.
Wong's saying he doesn't
want to pay until the job's done,
and he's not gonna
pay until there's proof.
Mendez is pretty pissed.
WRIGHT: Did he
mention any names?
Craig's or...
No, no, no. Wong's
way too smart for that.
Well, we don't have
enough to bring him in.
The other thing is, have
Lim listen to the tape,
but I'm pretty sure Wong's
booked a flight out of Sydney.
Oh, shit. When?
LIM: Yeah, it's tomorrow night.
- She's not happy.
- What'd you expect?
Hey, those initials we
found in Naipul's diary?
They match a website he
went to about five weeks ago.
Australian Private
This is your husband's
desk diary, Mrs. Naipul.
There are these initials, J.S.,
and the letters API
with a question mark.
API is a firm that hires
out private investigators.
Your husband didn't
ever actually hire one,
but he was definitely
thinking about it.
Jake Santor is my fiancé.
You are not officially
engaged to him.
Don't say that.
Boyfriend, then.
My father wants me to...
Wanted me to marry a
family friend from Mumbai.
MRS. NAIPUL: A lovely doctor.
But she just wants to marry
this second-rate musician
with a nightclub.
TAMA: He's not second-rate.
And if Daddy had ever taken
the time to get to know Jake,
he would know
that, but he didn't.
He just closed his mind
against him from the start.
This is just normal
family conflict.
He never contacted
the private investigator.
Can I... Can I grab
a glass of water?
Of course. Tama.
LIM: No, no, um,
I'll get it myself.
Where's a glass?
So when was the
last time you saw him?
About three days ago.
Has he called you today?
Sent some flowers.
Some men don't know
what to say. I understand that.
It's not a nightclub.
It's a cabaret venue.
A few weeks ago he called
Daddy to set up a meeting.
That probably why Daddy
has his initials in his diary.
- Did it actually happen?
- No.
What sort of car
does Jake drive?
A Hyundai.
- What color?
- Blue.
- What kind of blue?
- Navy blue.
Is it the same color as the
car you thought ran into Daddy?
- Look, I can't talk about it.
- I'm not a moron, okay?
I have seen "CSI."
He'll give you his car for
checks. He didn't do this.
Tama, do you find it surprising
that your father was considering
hiring a P.I. to
investigate Jake?
You know the last thing
my father ever said to me
was that I'd broken his heart?
How am I supposed
to live with that?
LIM: My father would
get a P.I. onto me as well
if I was gonna marry
a nightclub owner.
Jake Santor, I'm Detective Lim.
This is Detective Kane.
Speak to you,
if that's all right?
They're driving to Queensland.
They could be anywhere.
How often do you
lend friends your car?
Can you tell me what my
car's got to do with anything?
How did you get on
with Tama's father?
Average. What's my
car got to do with it?
How long have you and
Tama been engaged for?
I don't know. Four months,
five. Something like that.
You don't even know
when you proposed?
I didn't really propose.
It's just something that
we, you know, decided.
How did you and Tama
meet? Just out of interest.
Doing a meditation course.
Three years ago you were
charged with possession of cocaine.
And I've learned
the error of my ways.
Is that why Dr. Naipul
objected to you and Tama?
- He didn't know.
- Maybe he found out.
Why do you think he
objected to your relationship?
He wanted her to marry an
Eskimo. What do you think?
Do you want to think again
about where your
car is, Mr. Santor?
Look, if I knew, I
would tell you. I promise.
I told you, I loaned
it to some friends.
Let's start with
their full names,
addresses, and phone numbers.
- Sure.
- And the car rego, please.
And where were you
yesterday morning at 7:00?
Asleep in bed.
- Alone?
- Yeah.
What were you and Tama gonna do
if Dr. Naipul forbid
her from marrying you?
Maybe after we had
kids, he'd come around.
I don't know.
That's it?
Talk to him? You
know, sure, all that.
I mean, that's what
Tama was trying to do.
[Cellphone rings]
SOPHIA: I've just driven
back from Kirkbride's funeral.
All right. How'd it go?
Some of my NSO
colleagues were there.
They hadn't come
to John's funeral,
and they just avoided me
like I had a contagious disease.
ZANE: I'm sorry.
SOPHIA: These are
people I used to call friends.
For them to
just... I don't know.
Not a single word.
It's just unbelievable.
Strangely enough, no
one from immigration came.
ZANE: If he'd been
stealing visa forms,
maybe they felt betrayed.
SOPHIA: I spoke to Deo.
Kirkbride was never
interested in money.
I don't know, he was
adamant he was ethical.
Yeah, but come on, Sophia.
The facts indicate otherwise.
Facts can be manufactured.
Deo thinks the photographer
who took the shots
works for a defunct magazine
called Indonesia Today.
Maybe there's an Indonesian
number on Kirkbride's list.
I asked the feds for
his phone records,
and they were very protective.
What, you mean they said no?
What about Khoder, the cleaner?
I left a message. He
hasn't called me back.
I haven't had time
to chase him up.
So don't you go and do it.
What, you think I'm
getting too involved?
Look, I have to know what
the connection is with Khoder,
Separta, and my husband.
Look, I'm on the job.
I've got to go, okay?
[Cellphone rings]
[Speaking Indonesian]
WOMAN: Brain death
is the irreversible loss
of all brain stem functions.
During our tests, the
ventilator was turned off
and spontaneous
breathing did not occur.
Is there anything
more you need to know
about the process, Mr. Deakin?
No, I just need more time.
[Door opens]
- [Door closes]
- All organs?
Or are there organs and
tissues you wish to exclude?
Come on, Patricia,
we can do this.
We? What's this "we"?
He's my son.
You want to grieve losing Craig,
you should have
done it years ago
'cause that's when you lost him.
All. All of the
available organs.
All of them.
- I'm sorry I snapped, Dad.
- It's all right.
I think this is what
you should do. Hop up.
Okay, I want you to
go home. Come on.
I want you to go home,
you get some rest,
and I'll give you a call when
we're needed back here.
Okay, you promise me?
These blokes could
be anywhere by now.
My team are taking
care of this right now,
right this very minute,
and they'll stay on it, okay?
- Just go.
- All right.
instrumental music plays]
ZANE: Let me explain this photo.
A man we knew
had just killed himself.
A man "we" knew.
This reporter, I've never
heard of her before.
A crime scene reporter's
never gonna write
this kind of garbage.
It's a beat-up just to
discredit me. That's all it is.
We're exactly where
we were one year ago.
- I'll fix it.
- Except it says where we live.
Why have you got
so many of them?
It was all I could think to do.
- Habibti, I'm sorry.
- Sorry for what, Zane?
Do you know?
Do you have
feelings for her, Zane?
Because that's
what this looks like.
- Just tell me.
- No.
[Cellphone rings]
I can't talk.
This is how they tell
me I'm suspended.
Someone set us up.
I've got to go.
[Cellphone beeps]
[Cellphone beeps]
[Cellphone ringing]
[Speaking Arabic]
[Engine starts]
ZANE: It's rubbish.
Yes, well, the minister
and acting premier
certainly think so.
But probably not in
the way you mean.
Was she accessing
intelligence on your behalf?
Are you having
an affair with her?
- Of course not.
- That's what it looks like.
SKERRITT: She's resentful
because she feels NSO
left her husband unprotected.
She's making stupid mistakes.
For all we know, she
orchestrated this whole thing.
Why would she make
up being suspended?
She was told
yesterday afternoon.
I know that for a fact.
And I'm sorry, she's
jeopardized her career
and you've been caught up in it.
WRIGHT: I need to speak to
you and Koa alone, and Lim,
in one of the interview rooms.
My brother is now,
um, officially brain dead.
Until the operation begins
to harvest his organs,
he remains on life support.
We have a situation where
Wong is under the impression
that the killers
did not do their job,
so he needs to save face
and continue what they started.
But Wong is
planning to leave town,
and if he does, we've
lost the man I want to get.
So my idea is this...
We make it easy for
the killers to do their job.
You call Wong... In
Cantonese so he gets it.
Say that you met him in the
casino last time he was in town
and you have some information
someone has
asked you to pass on,
that Craig Deakin is
recovering in hospital,
he's sitting up, talking,
in a private room
under the name
of Geoffrey Black.
ZANE: Boss, you sure
you want to do this?
Thank you. I've dialed
his number for you.
[Speaking Cantonese]
Craig Deakin.
They won't get away with this.
Wright's idea of the hospital
isn't exactly a
controlled situation.
It's gonna have to work.
If these guys want their
money, they've got no choice.
Hey, we've got action.
Anglo guys. Fit.
Injury to the left side of the
head makes him the driver.
The one on the left
must be the shooter.
ZANE: They look
pretty pissed off.
He's not gonna pay
them until the job's done.
They don't have a gun.
They tossed it after the job.
Mendez will take care of that.
- Okay, mate.
- Our turn to move.
Let's go.
ZANE: This isn't the
way to the hospital.
KOA: No.
[Camera shutter clicks]
KOA: What do you
think they're doing?
Probably buying a gun.
How did Amina
like the photograph?
She loved it.
She cut it out and
stuck it on the fridge.
Ah. Here we go.
[Car alarm chirps]
[Car door opens]
[Camera shutter clicking]
What are they doing?
There's only three of them.
Where's the fourth guy?
ZANE: I can see Wong,
Mendez, and the driver.
Hey, these guys
aren't going anywhere.
They're staying here.
The fourth guy could be
on his way to the hospital.
Shit. Call the boss.
Where is he? Where's my son?
- Where's Craig Deakin?
- [Cellphone rings]
Where is my boy? Where
have you put my son?
- Where...
- Calm down!
You told me if something
was gonna happen...
Dad, he's okay. Look,
just come outside. God.
[Siren wailing]
[Tires screeching]
He couldn't have
got there that fast.
Right, Dad, just
calm down, okay?
Craig is in here. Nothing
has happened to him.
He's been moved, that's all.
All right? You just sit down.
This is a sting, and you're
gonna get in the way,
so you just relax, okay?
Hey, there's a
man on his way up.
He's downstairs asking
for Geoffrey Black.
- MICK: Who's Geoffrey Black?
- Okay, thank you. Stand by.
You just stay there,
all right? Do not move.
You keep this door
shut and do not move.
Just stay there.
[Shouting indistinctly]
Put the hospital
in lockdown now!
[Siren wailing]
[Tires screeching]
[Door closes]
Police! Stop!
Police! Don't move!
Put down the weapon!
Put your weapon down now!
I said put your fucking
weapon down now!
I'll go the stairs.
You step back.
Step away from the gun.
I had one brother and now
he's gone, you piece of shit.
I don't know what
you're talking about.
You think I don't recognize you?
See, I can't think
of any reason,
none at all, actually,
why you should live.
You killed my brother.
You killed my brother.
You right?
Arrest him, Malik.
[Handcuffs clinking]
[Handcuffs ratcheting]
Families ain't what
they're cracked up to be.
Mine is just cracked.
He was a man of his
times. Work was his duty.
No, sorting out my
brother was his duty.
What, are you gonna
keep punishing him?
- I am not punishing him.
- That's what it looks like.
What happens if I transgress?
The same fate?
Your father made choices.
Choices that you
don't approve of.
But from where I'm standing,
you're walking in
the same shoes.
Why don't you ever
talk about your family?
Now you know why.
Pat, it's just you
and your father now.
My father never told
us that he loved us.
I never told Craig, either.
Patrol just called
in Jake Santor's car,
and it wasn't in Queensland.
So, what have you got?
Wallet with cash, no I.D.,
jammed in the driver's side.
So it looks like he's panicked.
He's killed Naipul, he's
dumped the car, and he's run.
But who is it? The boyfriend?
Or his mates who are
supposed to be in Queensland?
LIM: In your previous statement,
you said you were
in bed at 7:00 a.m.,
and that your car was up in
Queensland with your friend.
Would you care to revise that?
See, we've got
your car downstairs.
Your friend says that on the
morning Dr. Naipul was murdered,
you gave the car to him,
and you said you had
a fight with the doctor.
What's that on your hand?
Hit something, maybe?
He refused to meet me.
I stopped him.
I had to talk to him about
Tama and me getting married.
He said never.
And that was it. No discussion.
I was not for his daughter.
I just lost it. I...
I hit him.
I heard the crack as
his skull hit the ground.
Why didn't you
call an ambulance?
I knew it was over.
I just...
I just ran.
I feel sick about it.
Just sick.
TAMA: Daddy and Jake.
Both stubborn and hot-tempered.
How could you talk about
them in the same breath?
I'm sorry, Mum.
But you know, if you and
Daddy had just accepted Jake,
this might never have happened.
TONY: I don't know Craig Deakin.
ZANE: Got a witness says
you came in looking for him.
You had a bunch of flowers,
said you were best mates.
I guess that's before you
figured out he was dead.
Got nothing against the bloke.
Why would I want to kill him?
Because you were
getting paid for it.
- I got nothing to say.
- Okay, don't say anything.
As it stands, you're
gonna be charged
with Craig Deakin's murder,
just so you understand.
Possessing a firearm.
That's all you got.
We're very happy
with the murder brief.
For your information,
that's the crime scene.
The glass fragments has
your mate's blood all over them.
Where is your mate?
Botches the gig
and chickens out?
ZANE: We had a case recently,
a person was in a very
similar situation to yourself.
The letter we forwarded to the
judge made a massive difference.
How much difference?
In his case, about a
third of the sentence
with an early plea.
- KOA: Depends.
- On?
On how much you're
willing to assist us
and how much we
want to nail Wong.
- How much do you?
- Quite a bit. You follow?
All right, what do I have to do?
Just tell us how Wong
was gonna pay you.
We'll go from there.
I was supposed to call him,
tell him the job was done,
and then arrange
a meeting place.
Do another radio
check, will you?
Kane, copy Malik. Radio check.
Got you loud and clear.
Lim here. Got you
loud and clear too.
Stand by, stand by.
We've got our man.
He's just driven
up in a gold Camry,
Yankee November Zulu 716.
Okay, Tony's out of the car.
Stand by, stand by, we have
our target vehicle on approach.
Commodore alpha
tango 96 delta Zulu.
Hold your positions.
Wong's getting out of
the car. Mendez is out too.
TONY: It's done.
You should have done
it properly the first time.
- It's done now.
- Ten grand only.
- No, no, no, the full amount.
- MENDEZ: No, no, no.
Mr. Wong thinks you're
lucky to be getting that.
TONY: Nobody
goes until I count this.
LIM: I've got a maroon Falcon
that's coming
towards you at speed.
I can't identify the driver.
Wait. Hold your positions.
Shit! It's my father.
[Tires screeching]
ZANE: Shots fired, shots fired.
Get against the car!
- Police!
- Get against the car!
Get against the car!
Get against the car,
you pan-headed mongrel!
Put your weapon down!
Down on the ground!
Get down! Get down!
Put your gun down!
Put your gun down!
Get on the ground!
How dare you put
my team at risk?!
KOA: On your knees.
One, two, three!
You mongrel, rice-eating
pan-headed mongrel bastard!
Let's go.
I'll arrest you.
You go right ahead.
You do what you like.
I loved your mother.
No matter what you think,
I loved your mother
and I loved your brother.
You understand?
I've always loved you.
You're me.
Whether you like
it or not, you're me.
- Hi.
I tracked down Hafid, the
photographer who took the shots.
Come in.
I lose my job and you cut me
off when I'm trying to talk to you.
I'm sorry. I couldn't
talk at the time.
We're work colleagues.
That's all it can be.
I'm sorry you lost your job.
I think you've got good
grounds for appeal.
If we find the truth,
maybe that'll help.
So, what do you know
about Angleton and Khoder?
Just come in.
Separta's ordering
refugees on a boat
he knew would probably sink.
The boat was
called the Sea Rose.
360 drowned.
The list.
There were seven
who survived it.
Amin Khoder, he's one of them.
And here's the kicker.
My husband's in the
background just watching
while Separta's herding
them all onto the boat.
Why? Monitoring?
When I went into the files, most
of them had been blacked out.
The government was concerned
about the influx of refugees.
So Khoder was one
of these refugees?
Why wouldn't he want
revenge against my husband?
And the NSO.
Khoder lied to me.
ZANE: What, he's
left the country?
- Where'd he go?
- MAN: Not sure.
Indonesia, Pakistan,
Did he say when
he was coming back?
He's a very quiet man.
He tells us nothing.
Except that he has
an important job to do.
[Speaks Arabic]
[Conversing in Arabic]
[Up-tempo Middle
Eastern music plays]
[Engine revving,
tires screeching]
Its cargo was stolen. Six
tons of ammonium nitrate.
That's enough to make the bomb
that took out the Bali nightclub
look like a firecracker.
Paradise is our destination.
Paradise? You're gonna go to
heaven for murdering people?
You leave my son out of this!
- SOPHIA: Zane!
- ZANE: Let me go!
Got a family just like you.
You teach these young men.
Some of them are teenagers.
What you teach is
offensive. Offensive jihad.