Earth: Final Conflict (1997–2002): Season 4, Episode 11 - Lost Generation - full transcript

A CVI malfunctions and kills a soon-to-be father. The investigation leads Liam and Renee to a fertility clinic. Renee finds out she is infertile and suspects that Taelon technology is affecting worldwide fertility.

Previously on Gene Roddenberry's

Take a look at this.

Traces of radiation identify as those

derived from taelons interdimentional travel
we're found in the headers?

You used interdimentional surgery...

to remove the babies from their mothers.

And then taelon technology to
accelerate their growth.

- You are the victim here.
- Victim?

We have been given the greatest
gift we could have ever asked for.

Our scientists believe that the function
of the CVIs maybe breaking down.

The agents serving as companion protectors
do so because they're committed to the Taelons.

That may be true,
but the CVIs are insurances.

Is your CVI functioning agent Sandoval?

Uh... I...

hope it's eatable honey.

If not, I order in anything you want.

- Ho! you're ok?
- He's *** all of a sudden

Come over here, and sitting up.

Why is a pregnant women
always look so damn sexy?

Why is it you
always find the exact right thing to say?

Oh God, he's feisty!

Let me have a word with him.


listen to me little guy.

You know, it's hard enough for your mother
to carry you around all the time.

Now listen, you don't have...

Talk Bob! What was that?

It's my head, it's the implant, my CVI.

- God, Bob, BOB!
- Please... need help.

911, this is an emergency.

They have come to Earth
with the promise of peace.

An alien race called the Taelons.

But there are those who resist
these alien Companions.

For the Taelons' true mission...

the secrets they hide...

will forever alter our world.

Synchro by Shann'auc.

VO transcription by: Team Trad EFC

The fate of humanity now relies...

on those who dare challenge the future...

of Earth.

Pretty quiet here for a friday night,
what's up?

Check it out.

"Lost generation"

Robert G. Brody, age 35.

Retired from the companion Protectors service
a year ago...

- full pension for medical.
- What happened to him?

Well, the official Volunteer investigation
report says brain aneurysm.

That may be a weather smoke.

- Obviously his head was burned.
- I think his CVI short it down on him.

Bob was a good man
I met him a few times.

He just landed at this pretty cushy job.

Yeah, with "New Life" a family planning group.
He was head of security.

For the all operation?

No, for the new D.C. center.
They call it the "Shannon Door Center"

So why do you call me Sam?

They close the file Major.

They expedited Bob to crematorium
before the postmortem.

- That's ridiculous, this needs to be investigate.
- Tell me about it,

but I've been with I.U.
long enough to smell a cover up.

- Long enough to look the other way.
- But not this time.

His wife was 8 months pregnant,
she went into labour trying to help him.

The baby is in neonatal ICU.

She's still in a coma.


I figured since he was one of your own.
You wanna check it out.

Thanks Sam, I appreciate it.

I'm on it.

And officially, I'm not.


I can't afford a delay.

Don't we have lobbies on the hill?
why are we paying them for?

- I take care of it Miss Palmer.
- Yeah, you do that.

- Hi!
- Hi, can you take a time out?

You bet.

- You wanted to hear about
those new life centers, right?
- Right, fire away.

Well! The good news is:

They made it possible for thousands of couples
who infertile to have children.

The first one opened up about 5 years ago,
they're now 600 at the worldwide.

And a bad news?

There is no bad news.

It's not a Tealon co-venture, so no patent claims
or whatsover take, no advisory role.

After the Tealons gave them a jump start,
they built out.

So now it's strictly human to human
and the compagny is posted in Salador
and even has a solid track record.

Bob Brody, had a solid track record too.

Take an early out when his companion
ran low on core energy.

- It's getting more and more common.
- So what do you looking for here?

I don't know!

What about this
Shannon Door Center he worked for.

That's their flag ship operation,
the next generation.

They hired Brody,
right around the time they opened.

Their P.R campain told they're offering
the latest in genetic screening,
embryonic enhancements.

Brody's wife just delivered prematurely...

shock of his death I guess.

Now his records noted
that she had two previous miscarriages.

Were they client at Shannon Door?

Uh, let's check...


Brody, Robert and Sue,
they had invitro fertilization,
she stayed at the center for three weeks.

She was expecting next month.

What could be sader than becoming
a new mom and a widow at the same time.

Not many things.

You think there's something for us here?

The Taelons created Volunteer Investigations.

Sam Nepps as an inside track.

If he thinks Brody's death is a cover up...

then so do I!

You telling me that you've never had
a CVI malfunction

In the early stages
of implantation and adaptation, yes.

There were a number of anomalies
so however we have eliminated those.

You forgot to mention the human immune system
has made them inaffective.

Yes, they are past the usefulness.

But we believe the technology
served its purpose...

smoothed the unification of our species.

Ex-protector Robert Brody's CVI
just killed him.


- I received no report.
- And you won't.

It's been written off, as a burst blood vessel.

However the CVI. burn a hole through his head.

Protector Brody was implanted with
XR2010 the most recent generation.

We have received no reported problems with it.

I saw his body Da'an it happened.

I cannot imagine how,
each CVI is unique...

they adapt to the users
inherent brain chemistry.

- No two are alike, I know, so...
- He could not happen.

This damage suggest an overdrive loop.

- Feedback?
- Yes.

Which can only mean an energy lock
with an identical CVI.

Identical, ok.

- So what if it was a clone of Brody implant?
- Again impossible.

Every CVI is counted for, Liam...

and even if a duplicate was made,
it would conform to its host neuro-matrix,
it too it become unique.

Every picture tells a story.

- And you telling me it can't happen.
- I admit it is perplexing.

However we must take ***

that the retrieval program
is moving toward conclusion on schedule.

Not soon enough.

The IU plant close guards around the clock.

Looks like they don't want anyone
talking to Sue Brody.

She's a witness, if the IU wants to burry
the case that make sense.


Frank Tate.

Well, that can't be good.
Where Tate goes, so does Sandoval.

What don't you see what you could find out
about Sue Brody's condition.

I'll see what Frank Tate's up to.

Everything here is cool.

I have got new neo and all
the general level five lock down.

Three shifts.

So search back to the VIU overturn found.

I've got a guard at the elevators,
four on the stairway.

Hold on...

I have to call you back.

Hi, I'm Louise Jacoby senior birth consultant.

Welcome to Shannon Door a "New Life center".

- Mister and Mrs...?
- Carter...

Liam Carter, my Wife Renée.

- Nice to meet you.
- Please sit.

An old college buddy of mine, Bob Brody
said you do wonderful work here.

- I hope you heard that...
- Yes, yes, but only when we read
the newspaper this morning it's...

- just awful.
- Tragic.

I should explain Bob and I hadn't been in touch
much since school but we knew he worked here...

- so we called when we...
- When we decided to have a family...

Thank God their baby's out of danger.

Oh Sue is almost full term.

- So you and Bob were at Notre Dame together?
- Painstead.

Oh, right!

Liam and I've been trying for a while,
but it just hasn't been happening
even we're both perfecly healthy.

And God knows we've given at
the old college try.

Anyway Sue told me that after two miscarriages
you and the staff you were a godsend.

Ho, that's very kind.

Then they're maybe many contributing factors
to why you're not pregnant...

environement, stress, hormone levels.

So lets begin, shall we?


do you have a test kit?

We start with a simple fertility test.

It only requires a small pin break...

and while we wait for your results, I'll give you
a tour and explain our in-residence program.

Sound good?

- It sounds great, right honey?
- Great, honey.

Most of our couples,
who experience difficulty conceiving,

opt for a maximised fertilization method.

- It's an in vitro technic.
- You mean test tube conception?

Yes, eggs are procured from the mother,
sperm from the father...

we factor out disease, select your best
physical and emotional traits...

creating what we call
a geneticaly maximised embryo.

And is there taelon technology involve?

We took what they gave us,
thank them and said goodbye.

In five years we've built on it
and made it not only human but safe.

This is our common room.

We hold a number of instructional
seminars here but...

it's also a good place
for a nice cup of tea and read.


Oh, excuse me for moment, will you?

- Your lab results are back.
- Sure.

Seems on the open up.

Brody's CVI may have killed him,
but it is not to relate to his job.

It relates to his wife and child
or Tate wouldn't be all over that hospital.

Mr and Mrs Carter.

I'm use to telling couples
all sorts of things so you might wonder
why I don't find this so difficult.

But from where I stand
it's absolutly manageable.

Your lab results confirm it.

You're unfertile.



what does that mean?
I mean, I know what that means but...

What it means the reason
you haven't been able to conceive is organic.

But luckily you fall right
on the main sucess curve of our methods.

So, if you wanna have a baby...

we can get you pregnant, no problem.

How long does that take to steep.

- Been holding it for about an hour.
- You care.

Maybe because I do.

But you can check it, can't you?

I had a check-up,
just six weeks ago.

I know, I'm healthy.

It's gonna take a better ---,
than Louise Jacoby to convince me
I need taelon technology to have a baby.

What reminds me,
I've something I want to show you.

Intensive care unit at Baltimore
general uses a metrax system
I spied it while we were over there.

Sue Brody is connected
to a central processing unit.

I have a Doors' technician
to have it on line for me.

- That's great we can monitor
her vital signs from here.
- Yeah.

What about that list of Shannon Door clients,
Nepps gave you?

Right now the centre had 71 prespective
mothers as clients but...

you see this, only 8 are in residence
waiting for a maximised embryo.

Eight? It cannot be right,
I mean...

we saw maybe six in that yoga class
another three in the *** group...

and it had to be at least a dozen or so
who were lounging on the grounds.

I know, that's why I'm going back
to take a look. Do you wanna come?

I don't think so, I think I could restrain
myself with Louise.


- You sure you're alright?
- Yeah, fine. Go. bye.

The malfunction of Brody's CVI was a fluke,
which could not have been foreseen.

Fortunately the baby was unharmed
and can go home with its mother.

- If she survives.
- If not...

we will find a suitable adoptive parent.

The elegance of this program
is that from this point foward:

There is no need for the parent
to be aware of the child's...

unique qualities, or...

- for any supervision from us, whatsoever.
- I know.

- I devised the methodology, did I not?
- Yes, indeed.

And we anticipate a birth rate
of seventy children per week,

once the next generation of
New Life Centers are fully operational.

Which is why it is foolish
to risk the outcome for this one child.

Please eradicate it and begin again.

A needless waste of time
and resources Zo'or.

There is no chance that Brody's death
can compromise the program.

As our first...

as the prototype,

the baby has value,
as a long term study.

A cogent argument,
but not persuasive enough.

You have my orders.

I will act on them Zo'or...

as events dictate.

According to this results,
you're infertile.

I'm infertile!

I know, how you feel Renée.

Well at least I can sympathize,
and I'm sorry.

But look,
it really isn't the end of the world.

Bad choice of metaphor Doctor.

In this case
it really isn't alien technology.

When the Taelons gave it to us,
it was advanced genetic analysis...

but we've surpassed that technology
on our own already.

It's perfectly tested.

- I'd use it myself if I had no other option.
- But you do.

So please don't preach to me 'cause
I just... I don't wanna hear it.

I'm talking as your physician.

Global birth rate have been on a down turn
for decades, before the Taelons arrived.

It's partly a desire for smaller families...

partly polution and crowding.

It puts you
in a lot of company, good company.

- I can give you the latest stat...
- wai.. wai.. wait! Go back!

What kind of pollution?

hormones used in live stock.

What about taelon technology?

No, no data on that.

Alright, what about your gut instincts,
what did they tell you?

What if we don't have a way to measure it yet
but it's somehow killing us.

Portals, data streams...

I'm on that mothership twice a week.

I've commumed with Da'an,
carry these energy inside me

maybe that why
I can't have children anymore.

I don't know... Renée.

I don't know...

but I read a paper in the
"American journal of medecine".

There may be,
and I stress "may"...

be a trend for new infertility spikes
in some major US cities.

- But we can't assumed it.
- Is D.C. one of them?

Is it?

They take the woman down
for doing a neural scan this morning.

Some progress but
she's still taking a big nap.

If she comes around I want either you or me
to be first person she talks to.

- I need her to understand that silence is gold.
- Copy that.

How much silence are we talking about?

I want her to raise her own child, Tate.

The child itself should be **** enough
for her to find off any curiosity.

- When can I be believe the near natal would?
- Day, or two.

Might have to be sooner.

Give me some privacy, please.


Louise where am I?

My baby! Where is my baby?

Everything's fine, you're at Baltimore general.
You're in good hands.

And the best news of all...
you're a mummy!

A son, he's in the nursery,
he's stable.

- You just get some rest alright?
- Ok.

Congratulations Mrs Brody,
you gave birth to a healthy babyboy.

You could take him home today if you'd like.

My husband?

Where is my husband?

That's something I need
to talk to you about.

Unfortunatly your husband
suffered a brain aneurism

about the same time you went into labour.

- I'm afraid he never recovered.
- No! I don't believe you! That can't be true.

It wasn't a brain aneurismen.
It was something else, something...

He said is was the CVI, his implant.

I felt it too, right here.
It was like right inside full on fire, and...

I believe you Mrs Brody, I do.

Now, I want you to forget about everything
that happened the other night.


Then you can leave here with your baby.

Do you understand?

You're not a Doctor.

Who are you?

I'm a friend of the family.

A very good friend.

I know where you live.

What time you stop at that little bakery
on your way to work.

I even know that you won a portrait contest
in a fifth grade Mrs Brody.


- This little guy has got the same eyes as you.
- My God he's so beautiful.

He's a special little boy.

I'll be watching
over both of you Mrs Brody...

every day, every night.

Please don't do anything that would force me
to take him away from you.

Because if I have to...

I will...

You don't answer your global?

Maybe I didn't want to.

Can I get a beer?

What's the matter?

I'm gonna need some time
to sort this out.

Sorry to say, but we don't have time.

Tapping into the metrax system paid off.

Sue Brody's vitals return to
normal this morning.

They just discharged her with her baby.

That's good, that's good.
She could talk to you.

- I'm gonna need your help.
- I just told you, I'm gonna need some time.

Look, I haven't been sick a day in my life.

- And all of a sudden out the blue I'm defective
- It's not irreversible. Doctor Duprée told you...

- there's a way to treat this.
- I don't want to be treated. Don't you get it?


Alright, now,...

you won't stall me there.

You didn't even know,
if you'd ever have kids...

'cause you aren't sure you want
to bring them into a world like this.

I want the option!

I want the decision to be mine, I want...

I want a be able to...

choose the way I want to do it.

I could never let the Taelons,
help me, it would be like...

letting them win.

I want them off the planet.

I want them to stop infecting our lifes.

I want them dead.

Just leave me alone.


Fair enough.

Ho, I almost forgot...

Nepps got me Louise Jacoby dossier...

before she took over at New Life
she was a biotech engineer.

She was involved in early CVI research
as a Taleon coventure.

Why am I not surprised?

Da'an said that the only thing
that would burn a hole in Brody's brain...

is a feedback from another CVI
tune to the same frequency as his own.

We've been through of this.

Brody was alone with his wife when it happened,
she doesn't have a CVI.

They were three of them in the house remember:
husband, wife...

an unborn child.

Now, I heard Tate say something about
the baby having had neurological kicks.

An unborn baby with a CVI!

She's a specialist in CVI technology
and she runs a fertility clinic.

She's implanting foetuses with built-in CVI,
the technology doesn't even exist.

You know that for a fact?

Hi, Sue!

I'm Liam Kincaid.

- Is this a bad time?
- No, no I'm...

I'm glad you came. I'm just waiting
for the visiting nurse from the hospital.

We met at Quantico
Bob and you were in the same group right?

That's right!

- Ho! This is Renee Palmer.
- Hello!

I, I heard about your husband
from Liam, so sorry

- we don't take up your time?
- No, really

so many of Bob's old friends are calling and...

it's gratifying, see them all at the funeral

Please, come on in.

It is Bob's son, Robert junior.

- He's gorgeous.
- Specialy when he isn't crying.

I'm doing enough of that for both of us.

We just wanted to pay our respects,
we should leave.

Forgive me I didn't fix anything.

The doctor wants me to stay off of my feet.

Is there anything we can do for you?

As long as my baby is alright...

I'll be fine.

Mrs Brody...

I know this isn't right to talk about,

do you remember what happened to your husband,
the night you went into labour?

He had a caesura I guess.

The doctors tell me I was so upset,
that I went into early labour.

I passed out when I woke up,
I was at the hospital.


I'm still a little weak.

I hate to cut this short but...

Are you sure there isn't

- anything else than we can do for you?
- No, not...

well, my wedding ring. I...

promise Bob I never take it off,

with all that's happened I've looked...
I can't find it anywhere.

What about your things from hospital
they should put them in a bag for you?

They're in the kitchen,
I haven't had the strength to unpack.

- Do you like me to go take a look?
- Would you, thanks. It's right over here.

It's gonna be ok.

Did you find it?

Yes I did.


If you need to talk...

I'll be fine.

Alright, you know where to reach me.

Alright. Bye.

There was an identical CVI in the room
the night Bob Brody's head caved in.

It was in the brain of his unborn child.

That's why Brody's CVI
run into a failure feedback loop.

I scanned Sue Brody's baby.

He's three days old...

and emitting a CVI frequency
identical to his father's.

This is what she was wearing
the night it happened.

It's burned from the feedback.
Burned out from her body through the cloth.

- And this evidence suggest what?
- Don't play games Da'an.

You're putting CVIs in unborn children.

You found a way...

to sterilize a vast number of women
including myself...

just to get us into your birth centers.

New Live is no longer ours.

We once did the research with genes
from a human cerebral cortex.

They were altered
to include a CVI pulse.

You're saying you found a way
to give our brains organic CVIs.

CNI would be a more apt term.

Cerebral Neural Implants.

The new DNA would be passed
to the next generation, and the next.


we abandoned the project as incompatible
with our core mission on earth.

Humans breeding humans with neural implants
generation after generation.

It's requires maximizing the embryo
in an incubation chamber,
it has not been done.

We didn't seen any incubation
chamber at Shannon Door.

Maybe we did, but we didn't know it.

- I shall make discrete inquiries
to ascertain our involvement.
- Forget discrete.

This is an unspeakable crime.

And you better be able to undo
whatever it is you have done to us.

These two aren't on Nepps' list.

Wich mean they never registred.

They're human, but they have no brain activity
in the frontal lobes.

- They carrying human babies?
- Yeah.

So they're what? Androids?

No, androids have primitive thoughts,
these are only humanoids.

Flesh and blood but...

operating totally on their *** systems.
- Living incubators...

and not a trace of tealon technoly in sight.
What could be more natural to put an embryo in a womb.

And who'd know it's only a fake human.

It's a DNA scan tech lock.

I might be able to override it with
the reading, I took of the humanoid.

I' picking up something in the new corridor.
Must control the basement.

I've got two bio targets
but no acces transponders. Advise?

I have unauthorized personnel here,
do you copy?

Hi! We're a little lost.

- Where are we?
- You're in restricted area Ma'am.

Where is your access transponder?

- He'll be out for a while.
- Come on, they'll find him soon.

Any idea what that is?

Some kind of feeder scanner...

energy emerging system.

Still not getting any thought with readings.

Space *** singularity functions.

What's up?

Hope it's ***

Purification system activated.

10% argon.

Argon, it's inert. We'll suffocated.
We got to get out of here.

Security breach.

Countainment measures activated.

Up there.

Come on.

20% argon.



It's the only way out of here.

30% argon.

Chamber access initiated.

Authorization granted.

Shutting down all purification
and energy systems.

Liam look out!

I got you.

I got you. Alright. That's it.

Swing, hold.

Emerging terminated.

Unsealing chamber.

Security breach still in effect.

- It seems there has been a series
of radiation leaks.
- Inadvertent leaks.

Leaks nonetheless during the purging
of our main drive coolant.

Which occurs every fifth orbit.

Well call it what you want,
it was aimed at the a eastern seaboard.

Aimed implies intend...
there was none.

The purge of coolant simply occured
once a day over the same part of North America.

- The mistake has been corrected.
- The mistake...

has made thousand of women infertile.
Thousand, correct that!

A gravous result.

No Tealon would intentionally
wish this to happen.

- Do you agree?
- Indeed.

But I have it on good medical authority...

that the effect will naturally
reverse itself in time.

Meanwhile your New Life centers
will be doing a booming business, won't they?

I suppose that's not intentional either.

They are not ours.
They belong to humanity.

Unlike our unfortunate species...

humanity is blessed with an abundance
of new lives.

Then for once I guess the news isn't all bad.

Is it?

Miss Palmer.

- Renée a moment.
- I don't care.


I don't care what the company line is.

That radiation was blasted down
from this infernal ship.

You wanted more women in those centers
so you could implant them with CNI. Period.

I believe you are right.

Though I was not involved.

But I am asking you to trust me now.

It has stopped.

I don't have to trust you Da'an.

You must accept this from me.

As the only way that I...

that we ***.

It is a rejuvenation lattice
which will restore your fertility.

More tealon voodoo.

It is the one sure way
to cleanse your system. Please, take it.

Do you have enough for everyone?

Regrettably no.

Then keep it, I'll take my chances.

And if it turns out I'm unlucky,
I never have children of my own.

At least I'll know...

I never took a favor from a Taelon.

- Thanks again for comming.
- You're welcome. Take care.

We've got to make a decision Liam.

Is it in the best interest of the mother
and child to know everything?

About the Cyber Neural Implant
normally I'd say no, but...

you'll have to weight the medical risk.

I didn't mean the CNI.

- It's the other thing.
- What other thing, you've lost me.

I did a standard genome search.

That baby has two strands of inserted DNA.

A Cyber Neural Implant and what's known
as the persona suede of genes.

A predisposition to things like...

violence, aggressiveness,
criminal tendency.

- Gene modification of behaviour?
- Exactly.

- I match it against global DNA data for an ID.
- And you find a match.

And how can that boy's DNA belong
to somebody else?

It's been cloned Liam.

And put into every baby maximized
at the Shannon Door Center.

It was isolated from the persona suede
of a living individual...

Ronald Sandoval.

- Do they all accounted for?
- Yes...

and I did find enough host mothers
in developing countries for all the embryos.

Here are the names.


But our orders are to eradicate
the entire program.

- We won't need the humanoids, correct?
- Correct.

Zo'or is concerned with public reaction
overexpose, once all the embryos destroyed.

Shame really,
but I suppose that's best.

What will you do with them?

Same thing I'm going to do with you Louise.

Shut them down.

But first I'm taking the embryos with me.