Early Edition (1996–2000): Season 2, Episode 7 - Redfellas - full transcript
Gary must reunite a father and daughter who were torn apart in Russia many years ago. The father is now a taxi driver, and the daughter is grown and touring America as a violin prodigy.
(violin playing somber melody)
There are some things in life
that transcend time
and national boundaries.
Music, love,
the bond between parent
and child.
Things like these
have no language.
They exist in the heart,
in the memory, and nothing
can erase them.
(speaking Russian)
Sometimes, though,
it takes a kind of miracle
to bring things back to light.
(pounding at door)
MAN: Yuri Rosanova!
(men shouting
in Russian)
WOMAN (over radio):
Good morning.
It's 6:30 in the city
of broad shoulders,
and here's the new...
(cat meows)
(paper thuds against door)
(cat meows)
Yeah, morning to you, too.
What the...?
(Russian folk music playing)
(theme music playing)
CHUCK: What if you knew,
beyond a doubt,
what was going
to happen tomorrow?
What would you do?
There's no easy answer
for a guy
who gets tomorrow's news today.
All right, come on,
now just consider it before
you toss it in the trash.
Okay. It's a bad idea.
It is not a bad idea.
We are dying
on Thursday nights.
We need a new angle.
Angle, yes.
Gimmick, no.
Look, it is
not a gimmick.
Gimmicks are cheap.
I am not cheap.
What about
last week?
Free meals for
gay divorcees?
Come on!
That was a brilliant idea!
That was innovative!
And this is a gimmick.
Uh-uh-uh... let's ask
a true connoisseur.
A man with vision.
A man with taste.
Okay, what do
you think?
Thursday nights,
Thursday night karaoke?
I think that's
a terrible idea.
Thank you.
CHUCK: What the hell does he know?
This guy puts ketchup on his filet.
Look at this, would you?
What is it?
Well, I don't know.
It's-it's-it's different.
It's... what?
It's Russian.
It's written in Russian.
You know Russian?
Yeah. I gavareet
a bit of Rooskee.
You gotta be kidding me? No.
Why should I be
kidding you?
What do you think
Fishman is? Irish?
Comes from Fishniak.
My grandparents are
from Moscow.
Russian's practically
my second language.
What does that say?
puchees neokee..."
In English.
Okay. Don't rush me.
It's written
in Cyrillic.
Maybe you ought to try
singing it.
Something about...
Stop while you're behind, Chuck.
Okay, so I'm a little rusty!
What do you think I am?
I gotta get this
translated now.
What's the hurry?
I don't know if there is a
hurry, but I do know that
that article's not in there
for any accident.
This wasn't here
What? What is it?
GARY: "A 32-year-old mother-to-be
died yesterday morning
"after being struck by a taxi
cab in downtown Chicago.
"The cab driver,
"involved in an argument
with his passenger,
reportedly never saw
the victim."
(car horn honking)
When is it gonna
Wait a minute.
"Meeer pajalsta
Hey, Gar, remember...
think karaoke.
Oh, finally something simple.
(violin playing
classical melody)
(indistinct chattering)
You gotta be kidding me.
(music continues)
Driver, can you turn it down?
It's too loud.
What's too loud?
The music.
It's supposed
to be loud.
It's Shostakovich.
Look out!
(tires screeching)
Slow down!
What was that?!
Concerto in A Minor.
What, are you nuts?!
You could get hurt running
out like that!
Oh, yeah, yeah,
you tell me about it.
I had to stop you.
You were about to hit someone...
Oh, yeah?
Oh, well, next time
try yelling "Taxi"
from the curb,
like everybody else.
what are you doing?
Smelling roses.
No damage. Oh, boy,
are you a lucky guy.
I'm lucky?!
Look, let me tell you
something, pal...
I practically just
saved your life!
Oh, yeah?
Well, how do you figure that?
How do I figure that?
I'll tell you how I figure that.
I figure that because...
because I'm a good figurer,
that's how.
Well, let me give you
a bit of advice
from someone who knows
absolutely nothing...
always watch out for
your own life.
Nobody else will.
Back in Russia, we
got a saying...
That's it.
I'm walking.
You can forget
about your fare.
Dos Vadanya.
Dos Vadanya...
You say you're
from Russia?
Who wants to know?
I want to know.
Listen, you read
that to me?
Ignore it.
It's nothing.
Pay no attention.
Yeah, well,
just tell me what it says,
would you?
It says there was a fire
at the consulate.
At the consulate.
Which consulate?
The Russian consulate.
But this is not true.
I drove by there this
morning... no fire.
Take me there.
Because I want
to go there.
I can't drive today.
What do you mean,
you can't drive today?
It's your job!
(blows raspberry)
All right.
Hey, that's my cab! Uh...
You can't do this!
(engine turns)
You crazy American!
(tires squeal)
(chamber music playing)
(indistinct murmuring)
Ladies and gentlemen, may I have
your attention, please?
May I have your attention,
If you would all
take your places,
we would like
to begin.
I know you're all anxious
to meet our guests.
Once we've completed
the introductions,
there will be
plenty of time
for questions
from the press.
Thank you for joining us.
Good to see you again.
Thank you very much.
Ladies and gentlemen,
it is my great pleasure
as Consul General
to welcome today two most
distinguished visitors
from our homeland.
(applause) The distinguished
Russian ambassador...
Welcome, sir.
And on her first
international concert tour,
our own national
Paulina Rosanova.
(murmuring and applause)
Thank you.
It is my great pleasure
to finally be in the country
I've heard so much about.
I look forward to playing
for all of you.
I hope I live up
to my reputation.
Nice driving!
You have maybe
Russian blood?!
Come on.
I might need your help.
Me? No, sorry.
I can't. Not today.
Personal reasons.
Look, get on the radio.
You get the fire department
over here now.
Why? I told you
it was nonsense.
Besides, it happened yesterday.
Yeah, yeah.
Mister, wait.
Take care of the girl.
The one with the violin.
Go! Go, go!
Da, da.
(reporters clamoring)
WOMAN: Miss Rosanova, is it true
the violin you'll be playing
on this tour is
the one your father
gave you when you
were a child?
I only wish he could
have been here today
to see how far it
has brought me.
(clamoring continues)
Uh, excuse me.
Uh, excuse me, uh...
There, uh...
Hi. How do you do?
There... there's gonna
be a fire here.
There's supposed to...
uh... there's-there's gonna
be a fire here, and I,
Well... There!
(reporters gasp)
(fire alarm ringing)
My violin!
Sir, come with me.
What, are you crazy?!
Get away from there!
PAULINA: I can't! My...
My violin!
I got it!
Are you all right?
I think so.
My violin...
You saved my life.
No, I-I don't think
I saved your life.
I just, uh...
Well, how did you know?
Well, I-I didn't know.
I, I didn't...
I... uh...
Who are you?
Uh... Gary Hobson.
I'm Gary Hobson.
How do you do?
Don't be such a baby.
Keep still
and it won't hurt.
You sure you know
what you're doing?
Why shouldn't I?
Well, I...
I'm a musician,
Mr. Hobson,
not a porcelain doll.
How is he?
Oh, it's a little burned
around the edges,
but I think I'll live.
Thank you.
You're lucky.
Real lucky.
Security thinks it was
an incendiary device.
They set the fire?
Perhaps as a diversion
for something else.
Diversion by who?
In our country
we call them cherke.
Here you say "mafia."
The Russian variety.
They control many things
in the old Soviet Union
and wish to control
more now.
We need to be careful
with you and the ambassador.
Once again, my thanks.
Do you feel anything?
Oh, yeah.
I mean, it's, uh, feels fine.
Thank you.
Well, it's the least I could do.
You saved something
very precious to me.
I don't think I could have done
the tour without my violin.
Why not?
It was a gift from my father.
Many, many years ago.
Everything I am I owe to him.
When he died, I vowed I would
dedicate my life
and music to him.
It's crazy, huh?
No, I don't... I don't
think it's crazy.
It's just, uh...
Well, I'd better be going.
Wait, but you... you
didn't answer my question.
How did you know?
How did I know?
I wish I knew.
Perhaps another time.
Paulina Rosanova, huh?
The concert violinist.
I believe Newsweek called her
the "Mournful Angel of Moscow."
Yes, they did that.
The one with
the cheekbones.
This is perfect.
This what?
Well, you saved
her violin, right?
So, now she owes you.
MARISSA: You know, I hate
to ask, but, uh, owes
She plays here
Thursday nights.
Oh! You gotta be
out of your mind!
No, imagine:
Black tie, fine crystal,
we dim the lights.
She comes out wearing
something very sexy.
She starts with the standards:
Shostakovich, Rastapovich,
all of the "iches."
And then, she segues into,
you know, the old stuff
like, uh, hillbilly
music, bluegrass!
MARISSA: She's a concert
violinist, Chuck.
Okay, okay,
forget the bluegrass.
What do you think, Gare?
What do I think?
Well, I think, uh,
I think I agree with her.
(phone ringing)
You know what?
You guys have
no imagination.
(phone continues ringing)
CHUCK: Oh, don't worry,
I'll get it.
You got something to say?
You got a thing
for her, don't you?
What makes you say that?
Well, after all, she is the
"Mournful Angel of Moscow,"
isn't she?
I got things to do.
You still don't want to
talk about her, do you?
No, I don't want to talk
about her. You know why?
'Cause there's
nothing to talk about.
These were addressed
to you, Matilda.
I told you not to call me that.
GARY: "How about dinner?"
Mmm! Roses.
How Russian.
Need a lift, Mister?
What do you want?
You owe me six bucks.
For the cab fare
this morning.
Lucky for you,
I'm a generous man.
How long you
been waiting out here?
No time at all.
Purely coincidence.
Nice clothes.
Men's Wearhouse?
Look, if it's all right with
you, I'm late for a dinner.
With who? That's none of
your business, with who.
All right, forget the six bucks.
We'll start fresh.
From zero, huh?
Well, thank you very
much, but I'll walk.
So, how did things go
today at the consulate?
Fine, thank you.
She's okay?
She's not hurt?
No, she...
Why are you so
interested in Paulina?
Have you ever heard her play?
Then what's the use explaining?
She lets you call her Paulina?
Well, yeah, she let me call...
What do you care what
she let me call her?!
Whoops, the radio's beeping.
Gotta go.
Now, wait a second, hey!
Hey! Hey!
Nice talking to you!
To America, land
of tall buildings.
And to baseball.
And traffic.
who rescue violinists
from fiery deaths.
That, too.
(romantic jazz playing)
You know, when one is famous,
especially in my country,
it's hard to find people
who will just be themselves.
The way you rushed
in today I thought,
"This man is special."
His own person.
Yet there is something else.
What might that be?
I was hoping you would tell me.
How did you know?
About the fire?
It's, uh, some kind of
gift you have, isn't it?
Well, it's...
that's, uh, that's, uh...
That's hard to explain,
actually. Uh...
I understand.
You do?
Sometimes, when I'm playing
that violin...
the one that
my father gave me...
the strangest thing happens.
I can be on stage in front
of a thousand people,
and just for a moment,
it's as if I'm all alone,
and he is standing
right beside me.
Not a ghost, but real.
Right nearby.
Can you explain that?
No. No.
You see?
We are connected.
(Paulina laughing)
Thank you.
I had a lovely time.
I hope you did, too.
You didn't give me
a chance to say it.
Perhaps I didn't dare.
Perhaps it's a good thing
that you didn't dare.
But all the same, I did have a
good time and thank you.
I play tomorrow
at the consulate.
I hope you can come.
But no fire this time, huh?
No fire.
Let me get that.
This is you?
Yes. It's me
on my tenth birthday.
And this is...?
My father.
Was my father.
Oh, I'm sorry.
No, it's okay.
Take care of the hand.
I'll see you tomorrow.
MAN (over dispatch):
Got a customer at...
Yes, mon?
Where you want to go?
Wherever these things
go at night...
take me there.
No problem.
(garbled radio transmission)
(garbled radio transmissions)
Excuse me.
(Russian accent):
Where to?
No, no, I don't
need a cab.
I'm looking for someone.
He's, uh,
he's Russian.
So is everyone else here.
Yuri, and, uh, I didn't get
his last name.
Is he here?
I'm afraid not.
Perhaps I can help you.
Victor Choledenko.
You're, uh,
you're in charge?
I am in charge, yes.
Yeah, well, is he here?
It's pretty important
I talk to him.
May I ask,
uh, what about?
No, it's kind of
personal, actually.
Of course.
I understand.
But there is a problem.
He no longer works here.
I just saw him today.
You see how
things happen
so near and yet so far?
Yuri quit this evening.
Left town, no address.
Can you imagine?
Huh. Just got up
and left town, huh?
Of course, if you would wish
to leave a message,
perhaps he will contact me,
and then I could pass it along,
but only if you like.
Yeah, yeah.
Well, why don't you tell, uh,
Yuri that I came by
to give him a ticket to
a concert that I think he might
want to go to.
And your name?
My name is Gary Hobson.
He'll remember me.
He took me
to the consulate today.
Well, why don't you leave
the ticket with me?
Why would I want to do that?
He left town.
May I call you a cab?
(door opens and closes)
You took him to the consulate?
What else
haven't you told me?
Perhaps I should
be asking you this.
The fire at the consulate...
people could
have been killed.
Was that you?
My friend, I'm surprised.
I thought we agreed
we would never speak
of these things.
In any event,
no harm was done.
Everything is fine.
Just be sure
and stay away from this man.
He could cause you
great trouble.
And that would
grieve me, truly.
(door opens)
(door closes)
(light switch clicks)
GARY: I got a feeling you're
looking for this, Yuri.
I figured you'd get the message.
Do I get it or not... the ticket?
Oh, yes, yes,
after you tell me one thing.
Which is?
You're her father, aren't you?
Except for one thing.
And what's that?
Her father is dead.
Why do you want to hear this?
Last night I listened
to a woman tell me
about her father,
who she made out to be one of the
most important men in the world.
The only thing is, she thinks
that her father's
been dead for 15 years,
but he isn't.
Now, you tell me, Yuri, or
I'm gonna call the cops.
Yuri Rosanova.
A great man.
A musical genius.
A moral giant.
That's what she said,
isn't it?
Pretty close.
I want you to look all around
this room, Mr. Hobson.
Do you see such a man
standing here?
The answer is no.
He doesn't exist.
Well, she's walking around
on this planet,
so he must have, once.
Ah... who can remember?
Such a long time ago.
Things were different then.
You were a musician.
A journeyman,
a hack.
I was lucky to work once
or twice in a year.
But Paulina, oh...
From the time she was six...
(violin playing somber melody)
...she had the gift.
Oh, she could play
like an angel.
The first time I heard,
I knew this was a miracle.
She needed schooling.
She needed an instrument.
These things cost money,
so I took a job with a friend.
I asked no questions.
After all,
what could possibly go wrong?
He had connections.
(two gunshots)
But something did go wrong.
That night I became an enemy
of the party, a criminal.
So long as I lived,
my daughter would suffer.
Her gift would be lost.
I had no time, so I did
what I thought was best.
If I died,
her life might be spared,
so that night
I ceased to exist.
So now you know.
Any questions?
Yeah, about a hundred
of 'em,
but let me start
with this one.
Look, the Soviet Union
is broken up.
Have you thought
about going back?
Uh, maybe if...
Maybe, maybe not.
What about my daughter?
What would she think when
her father the martyr shows up
on her doorstep
after 15 years in the grave?
Well, I don't know.
I would imagine
she'd be thrilled.
Are you sure?
Are you really sure?
I don't understand.
Yes, I know.
You never saw me.
Now, wait a second.
Well, just hang on
a second here, would you?
Let me get
this straight.
Now, you've got a daughter
on the other side of the city
who thinks you've been dead
for 15 years,
and you're not even going
to let her know you exist?
She wouldn't
believe me if I did.
Wait a minute, would you?
Just, just wait
a minute now.
Yuri, take the ticket and
go see your daughter play.
Thank you.
(cat meows)
(paper thuds against door)
DEEJAY: ...rise and shine.
It's morning in Chicago,
and there's plenty happening
out there
for you to do today.
Not already.
You know, driving into work
this morning, the freeways...
All right.
...the sun was breaking...
(cat meows)
(Russian folk music plays)
Not again.
Okay, I got it this time.
"Rabbit Marinates
in Melatonin."
That's wrong,
that's wrong.
"Rabbit Beats Little Boy."
Oh, gosh, this is
hopeless, Chuck.
All right,
I'm sorry, okay?
I haven't spoke Russian
since I was seven,
since my Grandma Olga died, okay?
I can read two of the
words... "Lincoln Park."
Let's go.
Come on,
I might need a translator.
Auf Wiedersehen.
See you.
God, it's such
a beautiful day.
I wish we didn't have to
spend it rescuing people.
Come on, get out.
And do what?
Oh, do what?
Just look around.
(car door closes)
Yeah, excuse me, can
you take me to the, uh...?
Sorry, off duty.
But I got to get to...
You want to ride in the trunk?
So what's this all about?
I think I know
what it is.
(tires screeching)
Are you all right?
Yes, I think so.
I thought you were going to be...
I-I had to do something.
You're not hurt,
are you?
Gary, what are you doing here?
Are you following me? No,
I'm not following you.
(in Russian accent):
Paulina, hello.
I am Chuck Fishniak.
I am a manager of
McGinty's Restaurant.
Uh, maybe you've
heard of it.
But who is this?
Him? I know not.
Do I know you?
Yuri Rosanova.
It's your father.
Is this some kind of a joke?
Let me explain.
No, let me explain.
My father
was a musician,
not a cab driver.
He died
in Russia 15
years ago.
I-I know that's what you
believe, but the...
I know it to be so.
She's right.
I'm sorry I lied to you.
I may bear a resemblance
of Rosanova,
but the fact is
I never even met the man.
I've never even been
to Moscow.
I just thought...
Well, anyway,
I am ashamed of myself.
I misled you, both of you.
I hope you can find it
in your hearts to forgive me.
(kegs clanking)
Never... never.
Paulina, w-wait.
She's not going
to talk to you.
Well, I've got to talk to her.
Well, then I'd start
with flowers.
Here it is.
Morris Hotel.
You believe
this guy's story?
It sounds like something
out of a Pushkin novel.
I saw the picture.
A picture,
an old one.
I mean, don't you think she'd
know if he
were her father?
Well, maybe she does.
(man speaking Russian on phone)
Uh, hello.
Uh, Paulina Rosanova, please.
One moment.
Hello, Paulina.
(phone clicks, dial tone)
It's good to see
you still got the touch, kid.
Listen, there's got to be a
reason for these headlines here.
it's trying
to tell you something.
L-Like what?
Stay away from musicians.
Remember Doctor Zhivago.
(classical music playing)
VICTOR: This is not
like you, my friend.
Something wrong?
Wrong? W-What could
be wrong, eh?
Everything is wonderful.
This is America.
And I am Yuri Rosanova,
taxicab driver, invisible man.
I see.
I saw her today.
I even spoke to her.
You were right.
It was a mistake.
I never should have tried.
I'm sorry.
Hmm, life happens,
huh, what can you do?
It's like you always say...
know where you stand, huh?
Trust your friends,
no one else.
And the concert today...
what will you do?
I assume you
won't be going.
No, no...
Very wise.
It would only be painful.
Well, if you like,
you could give the ticket to me.
The concert ticket.
Oh, of course.
But who would you give it to?
No one... I'm going by myself.
But you hate music.
Why on Earth
would you want to...
But my daughter will be there.
As will the ambassador.
May I have it, please?
This is me.
Your old friend.
Would I let something happen
to one of yours?
Trust me.
It's just business.
No one will get hurt.
That's what you said
15 years ago.
And now I am here.
No, Victor.
Not this time.
I can make you, you know.
With what, a gun?
A word to the authorities
about your involvement
in certain activities.
It would break Paulina's heart.
(music ends, record crackles)
Look, just let me get
a bite to eat, will you?
(Russian folk music plays)
What's this?
Something big
is happening, isn't it?
GARY: Something
big is happening.
I got a front-page headline
in Russian.
Well, we know it has to do
with one of two people.
Yeah, well, the question is,
which one and why?
All right, I'll
tell you what.
Just this once, I'm going
to do this for you
'cause I think
you're cute.
Yeah, thanks a lot,
but I don't need to know
about pigs with melanoma
or Spam.
I need to know
what this headline says.
YURI: Maybe I can help you.
They are going to kill him.
The Russian ambassador,
today at the consulate.
Does he get one
of these, too?
No... what are you
talking about?
I need
your help.
I've done too much
running away in my life.
Too much being nobody
to be somebody.
Too busy thinking
of how I failed
instead of how I might succeed.
Because of that,
I lost my daughter.
She is in danger.
I could not bear
to lose her again.
Will you help me?
How are you going
to do that?
It's a consulate... you
can't just walk in.
Oh, hold it.
Who are you?
Uh, I'm with the band.
A substitute.
What kind of
Uh, the, uh,
bass guitar
and, uh, tenor sax.
Where's your ticket?
Well, uh... the reason
I'm substituting
is the guy who usually plays
got very sick
and he puked
all inside the case,
and that's where
the ticket is, too.
But if you want me
to get it, I can show...
Thank you.
No wonder
the whole country collapsed.
Perfect day.
It's lovely.
The ambassador
has asked
if he might sit
nearby when you play.
He's entranced
by your music.
Miss Rosanova?
In Moscow, if one wanted
to research old records,
uh, locate reports,
uh... from local deaths,
traffic accidents...
Why on Earth would you think
of such a
depressing thing?
Where would one start?
Better not to.
In Moscow, what was not
labeled "top secret"
was most often thrown
into boxes.
Or used as fuel.
What are you searching for?
Nothing important.
It was just a thought.
It's okay.
Let him through.
Thank you.
Don't mention it. Listen,
something's happened.
Look, I'm sure it has, but
I'm really not interested.
I thought I made
that quite clear.
Then, why did you
let me through?
Is it true?
Tell me it was
just a hoax.
Listen, what if I can't do that?
Then my life has been a lie.
What are you
talking about?
Look, you share
a God-given talent.
How can that be wrong?
Because I believed in him.
And you say my
father abandoned me?
My father was
not such a man.
You were ten years old.
How do you know?
He was brave and noble.
And human.
Brave and noble,
they make mistakes.
Maybe he was doing all he could.
Is everything
all right?
No, it's not.
Listen, Paulina...
Look, I've said all
I have to say.
Miss Rosanova?
No, Paulina...
Pa... ow.
Where are you guys
taking me, huh?
Hey, what's wrong?
Don't you speak English?
Thank you.
On behalf of my country,
I welcome each of yours.
It is through cultural
exchanges like this
that we hope
to forge
a greater international
I'm sorry.
These things are murder,
aren't they?
I don't think so.
Yeah, that's easy
for you to say.
Where the hell is this guy?
Hey, listen, you guys.
Wait, listen.
Listen, Boris.
Headline-ski, huh?
How am I supposed to read that?
It's in Russian.
And now, ladies and gentlemen,
I give you Paulina Rosanova.
(applause, murmuring)
What a wonderful greeting.
Thank you.
How long
I have dreamt
of this day,
to play here in America.
I feel both happy
and sad.
Happy to feel so free
and sad for what
I have learned.
Sometimes, I guess
it is easy
to fool ourselves
about who we are.
Sometimes, it's easier
to pretend than to just be.
Especially when we are young.
...said I would play
this violin today...
the one that my father gave me...
but I won't.
I no longer believe.
No, you must believe.
(speaking Russian)
(speaking Russian)
Hey, he's got a gun!
(murmuring, gasping)
(grunting, groaning)
Perhaps, now we are even.
Excuse me.
You drop this?
Oh, th... hey.
Can you tell me
what this says?
"Hero Cab Driver
Saves Violinist."
Hell, uh, I could
have told you that.
(violin playing somber melody)
Me, I never played the violin
or the tenor sax.
Got a drum set when I was 12,
but my dad put an end to that.
I know this
about music, though.
Even though playing solo
is okay,
it always helps
to have someone backing you up.
(second violin joins in)
As for falling in lust
with a beautiful
Russian virtuosas,
well, that can be complicated.
Especially for a corn-fed
American boy.
Maybe sometimes it's safer
to stick with the music
you already know.
On the other hand,
when it comes to tomorrow's
newspaper, there's a new tune
every day. (cat meows,
paper thuds against door)
(door opens, cat purrs)
Oh, no.
(Asian music plays)
You got to be kidding me.
There are some things in life
that transcend time
and national boundaries.
Music, love,
the bond between parent
and child.
Things like these
have no language.
They exist in the heart,
in the memory, and nothing
can erase them.
(speaking Russian)
Sometimes, though,
it takes a kind of miracle
to bring things back to light.
(pounding at door)
MAN: Yuri Rosanova!
(men shouting
in Russian)
WOMAN (over radio):
Good morning.
It's 6:30 in the city
of broad shoulders,
and here's the new...
(cat meows)
(paper thuds against door)
(cat meows)
Yeah, morning to you, too.
What the...?
(Russian folk music playing)
(theme music playing)
CHUCK: What if you knew,
beyond a doubt,
what was going
to happen tomorrow?
What would you do?
There's no easy answer
for a guy
who gets tomorrow's news today.
All right, come on,
now just consider it before
you toss it in the trash.
Okay. It's a bad idea.
It is not a bad idea.
We are dying
on Thursday nights.
We need a new angle.
Angle, yes.
Gimmick, no.
Look, it is
not a gimmick.
Gimmicks are cheap.
I am not cheap.
What about
last week?
Free meals for
gay divorcees?
Come on!
That was a brilliant idea!
That was innovative!
And this is a gimmick.
Uh-uh-uh... let's ask
a true connoisseur.
A man with vision.
A man with taste.
Okay, what do
you think?
Thursday nights,
Thursday night karaoke?
I think that's
a terrible idea.
Thank you.
CHUCK: What the hell does he know?
This guy puts ketchup on his filet.
Look at this, would you?
What is it?
Well, I don't know.
It's-it's-it's different.
It's... what?
It's Russian.
It's written in Russian.
You know Russian?
Yeah. I gavareet
a bit of Rooskee.
You gotta be kidding me? No.
Why should I be
kidding you?
What do you think
Fishman is? Irish?
Comes from Fishniak.
My grandparents are
from Moscow.
Russian's practically
my second language.
What does that say?
puchees neokee..."
In English.
Okay. Don't rush me.
It's written
in Cyrillic.
Maybe you ought to try
singing it.
Something about...
Stop while you're behind, Chuck.
Okay, so I'm a little rusty!
What do you think I am?
I gotta get this
translated now.
What's the hurry?
I don't know if there is a
hurry, but I do know that
that article's not in there
for any accident.
This wasn't here
What? What is it?
GARY: "A 32-year-old mother-to-be
died yesterday morning
"after being struck by a taxi
cab in downtown Chicago.
"The cab driver,
"involved in an argument
with his passenger,
reportedly never saw
the victim."
(car horn honking)
When is it gonna
Wait a minute.
"Meeer pajalsta
Hey, Gar, remember...
think karaoke.
Oh, finally something simple.
(violin playing
classical melody)
(indistinct chattering)
You gotta be kidding me.
(music continues)
Driver, can you turn it down?
It's too loud.
What's too loud?
The music.
It's supposed
to be loud.
It's Shostakovich.
Look out!
(tires screeching)
Slow down!
What was that?!
Concerto in A Minor.
What, are you nuts?!
You could get hurt running
out like that!
Oh, yeah, yeah,
you tell me about it.
I had to stop you.
You were about to hit someone...
Oh, yeah?
Oh, well, next time
try yelling "Taxi"
from the curb,
like everybody else.
what are you doing?
Smelling roses.
No damage. Oh, boy,
are you a lucky guy.
I'm lucky?!
Look, let me tell you
something, pal...
I practically just
saved your life!
Oh, yeah?
Well, how do you figure that?
How do I figure that?
I'll tell you how I figure that.
I figure that because...
because I'm a good figurer,
that's how.
Well, let me give you
a bit of advice
from someone who knows
absolutely nothing...
always watch out for
your own life.
Nobody else will.
Back in Russia, we
got a saying...
That's it.
I'm walking.
You can forget
about your fare.
Dos Vadanya.
Dos Vadanya...
You say you're
from Russia?
Who wants to know?
I want to know.
Listen, you read
that to me?
Ignore it.
It's nothing.
Pay no attention.
Yeah, well,
just tell me what it says,
would you?
It says there was a fire
at the consulate.
At the consulate.
Which consulate?
The Russian consulate.
But this is not true.
I drove by there this
morning... no fire.
Take me there.
Because I want
to go there.
I can't drive today.
What do you mean,
you can't drive today?
It's your job!
(blows raspberry)
All right.
Hey, that's my cab! Uh...
You can't do this!
(engine turns)
You crazy American!
(tires squeal)
(chamber music playing)
(indistinct murmuring)
Ladies and gentlemen, may I have
your attention, please?
May I have your attention,
If you would all
take your places,
we would like
to begin.
I know you're all anxious
to meet our guests.
Once we've completed
the introductions,
there will be
plenty of time
for questions
from the press.
Thank you for joining us.
Good to see you again.
Thank you very much.
Ladies and gentlemen,
it is my great pleasure
as Consul General
to welcome today two most
distinguished visitors
from our homeland.
(applause) The distinguished
Russian ambassador...
Welcome, sir.
And on her first
international concert tour,
our own national
Paulina Rosanova.
(murmuring and applause)
Thank you.
It is my great pleasure
to finally be in the country
I've heard so much about.
I look forward to playing
for all of you.
I hope I live up
to my reputation.
Nice driving!
You have maybe
Russian blood?!
Come on.
I might need your help.
Me? No, sorry.
I can't. Not today.
Personal reasons.
Look, get on the radio.
You get the fire department
over here now.
Why? I told you
it was nonsense.
Besides, it happened yesterday.
Yeah, yeah.
Mister, wait.
Take care of the girl.
The one with the violin.
Go! Go, go!
Da, da.
(reporters clamoring)
WOMAN: Miss Rosanova, is it true
the violin you'll be playing
on this tour is
the one your father
gave you when you
were a child?
I only wish he could
have been here today
to see how far it
has brought me.
(clamoring continues)
Uh, excuse me.
Uh, excuse me, uh...
There, uh...
Hi. How do you do?
There... there's gonna
be a fire here.
There's supposed to...
uh... there's-there's gonna
be a fire here, and I,
Well... There!
(reporters gasp)
(fire alarm ringing)
My violin!
Sir, come with me.
What, are you crazy?!
Get away from there!
PAULINA: I can't! My...
My violin!
I got it!
Are you all right?
I think so.
My violin...
You saved my life.
No, I-I don't think
I saved your life.
I just, uh...
Well, how did you know?
Well, I-I didn't know.
I, I didn't...
I... uh...
Who are you?
Uh... Gary Hobson.
I'm Gary Hobson.
How do you do?
Don't be such a baby.
Keep still
and it won't hurt.
You sure you know
what you're doing?
Why shouldn't I?
Well, I...
I'm a musician,
Mr. Hobson,
not a porcelain doll.
How is he?
Oh, it's a little burned
around the edges,
but I think I'll live.
Thank you.
You're lucky.
Real lucky.
Security thinks it was
an incendiary device.
They set the fire?
Perhaps as a diversion
for something else.
Diversion by who?
In our country
we call them cherke.
Here you say "mafia."
The Russian variety.
They control many things
in the old Soviet Union
and wish to control
more now.
We need to be careful
with you and the ambassador.
Once again, my thanks.
Do you feel anything?
Oh, yeah.
I mean, it's, uh, feels fine.
Thank you.
Well, it's the least I could do.
You saved something
very precious to me.
I don't think I could have done
the tour without my violin.
Why not?
It was a gift from my father.
Many, many years ago.
Everything I am I owe to him.
When he died, I vowed I would
dedicate my life
and music to him.
It's crazy, huh?
No, I don't... I don't
think it's crazy.
It's just, uh...
Well, I'd better be going.
Wait, but you... you
didn't answer my question.
How did you know?
How did I know?
I wish I knew.
Perhaps another time.
Paulina Rosanova, huh?
The concert violinist.
I believe Newsweek called her
the "Mournful Angel of Moscow."
Yes, they did that.
The one with
the cheekbones.
This is perfect.
This what?
Well, you saved
her violin, right?
So, now she owes you.
MARISSA: You know, I hate
to ask, but, uh, owes
She plays here
Thursday nights.
Oh! You gotta be
out of your mind!
No, imagine:
Black tie, fine crystal,
we dim the lights.
She comes out wearing
something very sexy.
She starts with the standards:
Shostakovich, Rastapovich,
all of the "iches."
And then, she segues into,
you know, the old stuff
like, uh, hillbilly
music, bluegrass!
MARISSA: She's a concert
violinist, Chuck.
Okay, okay,
forget the bluegrass.
What do you think, Gare?
What do I think?
Well, I think, uh,
I think I agree with her.
(phone ringing)
You know what?
You guys have
no imagination.
(phone continues ringing)
CHUCK: Oh, don't worry,
I'll get it.
You got something to say?
You got a thing
for her, don't you?
What makes you say that?
Well, after all, she is the
"Mournful Angel of Moscow,"
isn't she?
I got things to do.
You still don't want to
talk about her, do you?
No, I don't want to talk
about her. You know why?
'Cause there's
nothing to talk about.
These were addressed
to you, Matilda.
I told you not to call me that.
GARY: "How about dinner?"
Mmm! Roses.
How Russian.
Need a lift, Mister?
What do you want?
You owe me six bucks.
For the cab fare
this morning.
Lucky for you,
I'm a generous man.
How long you
been waiting out here?
No time at all.
Purely coincidence.
Nice clothes.
Men's Wearhouse?
Look, if it's all right with
you, I'm late for a dinner.
With who? That's none of
your business, with who.
All right, forget the six bucks.
We'll start fresh.
From zero, huh?
Well, thank you very
much, but I'll walk.
So, how did things go
today at the consulate?
Fine, thank you.
She's okay?
She's not hurt?
No, she...
Why are you so
interested in Paulina?
Have you ever heard her play?
Then what's the use explaining?
She lets you call her Paulina?
Well, yeah, she let me call...
What do you care what
she let me call her?!
Whoops, the radio's beeping.
Gotta go.
Now, wait a second, hey!
Hey! Hey!
Nice talking to you!
To America, land
of tall buildings.
And to baseball.
And traffic.
who rescue violinists
from fiery deaths.
That, too.
(romantic jazz playing)
You know, when one is famous,
especially in my country,
it's hard to find people
who will just be themselves.
The way you rushed
in today I thought,
"This man is special."
His own person.
Yet there is something else.
What might that be?
I was hoping you would tell me.
How did you know?
About the fire?
It's, uh, some kind of
gift you have, isn't it?
Well, it's...
that's, uh, that's, uh...
That's hard to explain,
actually. Uh...
I understand.
You do?
Sometimes, when I'm playing
that violin...
the one that
my father gave me...
the strangest thing happens.
I can be on stage in front
of a thousand people,
and just for a moment,
it's as if I'm all alone,
and he is standing
right beside me.
Not a ghost, but real.
Right nearby.
Can you explain that?
No. No.
You see?
We are connected.
(Paulina laughing)
Thank you.
I had a lovely time.
I hope you did, too.
You didn't give me
a chance to say it.
Perhaps I didn't dare.
Perhaps it's a good thing
that you didn't dare.
But all the same, I did have a
good time and thank you.
I play tomorrow
at the consulate.
I hope you can come.
But no fire this time, huh?
No fire.
Let me get that.
This is you?
Yes. It's me
on my tenth birthday.
And this is...?
My father.
Was my father.
Oh, I'm sorry.
No, it's okay.
Take care of the hand.
I'll see you tomorrow.
MAN (over dispatch):
Got a customer at...
Yes, mon?
Where you want to go?
Wherever these things
go at night...
take me there.
No problem.
(garbled radio transmission)
(garbled radio transmissions)
Excuse me.
(Russian accent):
Where to?
No, no, I don't
need a cab.
I'm looking for someone.
He's, uh,
he's Russian.
So is everyone else here.
Yuri, and, uh, I didn't get
his last name.
Is he here?
I'm afraid not.
Perhaps I can help you.
Victor Choledenko.
You're, uh,
you're in charge?
I am in charge, yes.
Yeah, well, is he here?
It's pretty important
I talk to him.
May I ask,
uh, what about?
No, it's kind of
personal, actually.
Of course.
I understand.
But there is a problem.
He no longer works here.
I just saw him today.
You see how
things happen
so near and yet so far?
Yuri quit this evening.
Left town, no address.
Can you imagine?
Huh. Just got up
and left town, huh?
Of course, if you would wish
to leave a message,
perhaps he will contact me,
and then I could pass it along,
but only if you like.
Yeah, yeah.
Well, why don't you tell, uh,
Yuri that I came by
to give him a ticket to
a concert that I think he might
want to go to.
And your name?
My name is Gary Hobson.
He'll remember me.
He took me
to the consulate today.
Well, why don't you leave
the ticket with me?
Why would I want to do that?
He left town.
May I call you a cab?
(door opens and closes)
You took him to the consulate?
What else
haven't you told me?
Perhaps I should
be asking you this.
The fire at the consulate...
people could
have been killed.
Was that you?
My friend, I'm surprised.
I thought we agreed
we would never speak
of these things.
In any event,
no harm was done.
Everything is fine.
Just be sure
and stay away from this man.
He could cause you
great trouble.
And that would
grieve me, truly.
(door opens)
(door closes)
(light switch clicks)
GARY: I got a feeling you're
looking for this, Yuri.
I figured you'd get the message.
Do I get it or not... the ticket?
Oh, yes, yes,
after you tell me one thing.
Which is?
You're her father, aren't you?
Except for one thing.
And what's that?
Her father is dead.
Why do you want to hear this?
Last night I listened
to a woman tell me
about her father,
who she made out to be one of the
most important men in the world.
The only thing is, she thinks
that her father's
been dead for 15 years,
but he isn't.
Now, you tell me, Yuri, or
I'm gonna call the cops.
Yuri Rosanova.
A great man.
A musical genius.
A moral giant.
That's what she said,
isn't it?
Pretty close.
I want you to look all around
this room, Mr. Hobson.
Do you see such a man
standing here?
The answer is no.
He doesn't exist.
Well, she's walking around
on this planet,
so he must have, once.
Ah... who can remember?
Such a long time ago.
Things were different then.
You were a musician.
A journeyman,
a hack.
I was lucky to work once
or twice in a year.
But Paulina, oh...
From the time she was six...
(violin playing somber melody)
...she had the gift.
Oh, she could play
like an angel.
The first time I heard,
I knew this was a miracle.
She needed schooling.
She needed an instrument.
These things cost money,
so I took a job with a friend.
I asked no questions.
After all,
what could possibly go wrong?
He had connections.
(two gunshots)
But something did go wrong.
That night I became an enemy
of the party, a criminal.
So long as I lived,
my daughter would suffer.
Her gift would be lost.
I had no time, so I did
what I thought was best.
If I died,
her life might be spared,
so that night
I ceased to exist.
So now you know.
Any questions?
Yeah, about a hundred
of 'em,
but let me start
with this one.
Look, the Soviet Union
is broken up.
Have you thought
about going back?
Uh, maybe if...
Maybe, maybe not.
What about my daughter?
What would she think when
her father the martyr shows up
on her doorstep
after 15 years in the grave?
Well, I don't know.
I would imagine
she'd be thrilled.
Are you sure?
Are you really sure?
I don't understand.
Yes, I know.
You never saw me.
Now, wait a second.
Well, just hang on
a second here, would you?
Let me get
this straight.
Now, you've got a daughter
on the other side of the city
who thinks you've been dead
for 15 years,
and you're not even going
to let her know you exist?
She wouldn't
believe me if I did.
Wait a minute, would you?
Just, just wait
a minute now.
Yuri, take the ticket and
go see your daughter play.
Thank you.
(cat meows)
(paper thuds against door)
DEEJAY: ...rise and shine.
It's morning in Chicago,
and there's plenty happening
out there
for you to do today.
Not already.
You know, driving into work
this morning, the freeways...
All right.
...the sun was breaking...
(cat meows)
(Russian folk music plays)
Not again.
Okay, I got it this time.
"Rabbit Marinates
in Melatonin."
That's wrong,
that's wrong.
"Rabbit Beats Little Boy."
Oh, gosh, this is
hopeless, Chuck.
All right,
I'm sorry, okay?
I haven't spoke Russian
since I was seven,
since my Grandma Olga died, okay?
I can read two of the
words... "Lincoln Park."
Let's go.
Come on,
I might need a translator.
Auf Wiedersehen.
See you.
God, it's such
a beautiful day.
I wish we didn't have to
spend it rescuing people.
Come on, get out.
And do what?
Oh, do what?
Just look around.
(car door closes)
Yeah, excuse me, can
you take me to the, uh...?
Sorry, off duty.
But I got to get to...
You want to ride in the trunk?
So what's this all about?
I think I know
what it is.
(tires screeching)
Are you all right?
Yes, I think so.
I thought you were going to be...
I-I had to do something.
You're not hurt,
are you?
Gary, what are you doing here?
Are you following me? No,
I'm not following you.
(in Russian accent):
Paulina, hello.
I am Chuck Fishniak.
I am a manager of
McGinty's Restaurant.
Uh, maybe you've
heard of it.
But who is this?
Him? I know not.
Do I know you?
Yuri Rosanova.
It's your father.
Is this some kind of a joke?
Let me explain.
No, let me explain.
My father
was a musician,
not a cab driver.
He died
in Russia 15
years ago.
I-I know that's what you
believe, but the...
I know it to be so.
She's right.
I'm sorry I lied to you.
I may bear a resemblance
of Rosanova,
but the fact is
I never even met the man.
I've never even been
to Moscow.
I just thought...
Well, anyway,
I am ashamed of myself.
I misled you, both of you.
I hope you can find it
in your hearts to forgive me.
(kegs clanking)
Never... never.
Paulina, w-wait.
She's not going
to talk to you.
Well, I've got to talk to her.
Well, then I'd start
with flowers.
Here it is.
Morris Hotel.
You believe
this guy's story?
It sounds like something
out of a Pushkin novel.
I saw the picture.
A picture,
an old one.
I mean, don't you think she'd
know if he
were her father?
Well, maybe she does.
(man speaking Russian on phone)
Uh, hello.
Uh, Paulina Rosanova, please.
One moment.
Hello, Paulina.
(phone clicks, dial tone)
It's good to see
you still got the touch, kid.
Listen, there's got to be a
reason for these headlines here.
it's trying
to tell you something.
L-Like what?
Stay away from musicians.
Remember Doctor Zhivago.
(classical music playing)
VICTOR: This is not
like you, my friend.
Something wrong?
Wrong? W-What could
be wrong, eh?
Everything is wonderful.
This is America.
And I am Yuri Rosanova,
taxicab driver, invisible man.
I see.
I saw her today.
I even spoke to her.
You were right.
It was a mistake.
I never should have tried.
I'm sorry.
Hmm, life happens,
huh, what can you do?
It's like you always say...
know where you stand, huh?
Trust your friends,
no one else.
And the concert today...
what will you do?
I assume you
won't be going.
No, no...
Very wise.
It would only be painful.
Well, if you like,
you could give the ticket to me.
The concert ticket.
Oh, of course.
But who would you give it to?
No one... I'm going by myself.
But you hate music.
Why on Earth
would you want to...
But my daughter will be there.
As will the ambassador.
May I have it, please?
This is me.
Your old friend.
Would I let something happen
to one of yours?
Trust me.
It's just business.
No one will get hurt.
That's what you said
15 years ago.
And now I am here.
No, Victor.
Not this time.
I can make you, you know.
With what, a gun?
A word to the authorities
about your involvement
in certain activities.
It would break Paulina's heart.
(music ends, record crackles)
Look, just let me get
a bite to eat, will you?
(Russian folk music plays)
What's this?
Something big
is happening, isn't it?
GARY: Something
big is happening.
I got a front-page headline
in Russian.
Well, we know it has to do
with one of two people.
Yeah, well, the question is,
which one and why?
All right, I'll
tell you what.
Just this once, I'm going
to do this for you
'cause I think
you're cute.
Yeah, thanks a lot,
but I don't need to know
about pigs with melanoma
or Spam.
I need to know
what this headline says.
YURI: Maybe I can help you.
They are going to kill him.
The Russian ambassador,
today at the consulate.
Does he get one
of these, too?
No... what are you
talking about?
I need
your help.
I've done too much
running away in my life.
Too much being nobody
to be somebody.
Too busy thinking
of how I failed
instead of how I might succeed.
Because of that,
I lost my daughter.
She is in danger.
I could not bear
to lose her again.
Will you help me?
How are you going
to do that?
It's a consulate... you
can't just walk in.
Oh, hold it.
Who are you?
Uh, I'm with the band.
A substitute.
What kind of
Uh, the, uh,
bass guitar
and, uh, tenor sax.
Where's your ticket?
Well, uh... the reason
I'm substituting
is the guy who usually plays
got very sick
and he puked
all inside the case,
and that's where
the ticket is, too.
But if you want me
to get it, I can show...
Thank you.
No wonder
the whole country collapsed.
Perfect day.
It's lovely.
The ambassador
has asked
if he might sit
nearby when you play.
He's entranced
by your music.
Miss Rosanova?
In Moscow, if one wanted
to research old records,
uh, locate reports,
uh... from local deaths,
traffic accidents...
Why on Earth would you think
of such a
depressing thing?
Where would one start?
Better not to.
In Moscow, what was not
labeled "top secret"
was most often thrown
into boxes.
Or used as fuel.
What are you searching for?
Nothing important.
It was just a thought.
It's okay.
Let him through.
Thank you.
Don't mention it. Listen,
something's happened.
Look, I'm sure it has, but
I'm really not interested.
I thought I made
that quite clear.
Then, why did you
let me through?
Is it true?
Tell me it was
just a hoax.
Listen, what if I can't do that?
Then my life has been a lie.
What are you
talking about?
Look, you share
a God-given talent.
How can that be wrong?
Because I believed in him.
And you say my
father abandoned me?
My father was
not such a man.
You were ten years old.
How do you know?
He was brave and noble.
And human.
Brave and noble,
they make mistakes.
Maybe he was doing all he could.
Is everything
all right?
No, it's not.
Listen, Paulina...
Look, I've said all
I have to say.
Miss Rosanova?
No, Paulina...
Pa... ow.
Where are you guys
taking me, huh?
Hey, what's wrong?
Don't you speak English?
Thank you.
On behalf of my country,
I welcome each of yours.
It is through cultural
exchanges like this
that we hope
to forge
a greater international
I'm sorry.
These things are murder,
aren't they?
I don't think so.
Yeah, that's easy
for you to say.
Where the hell is this guy?
Hey, listen, you guys.
Wait, listen.
Listen, Boris.
Headline-ski, huh?
How am I supposed to read that?
It's in Russian.
And now, ladies and gentlemen,
I give you Paulina Rosanova.
(applause, murmuring)
What a wonderful greeting.
Thank you.
How long
I have dreamt
of this day,
to play here in America.
I feel both happy
and sad.
Happy to feel so free
and sad for what
I have learned.
Sometimes, I guess
it is easy
to fool ourselves
about who we are.
Sometimes, it's easier
to pretend than to just be.
Especially when we are young.
...said I would play
this violin today...
the one that my father gave me...
but I won't.
I no longer believe.
No, you must believe.
(speaking Russian)
(speaking Russian)
Hey, he's got a gun!
(murmuring, gasping)
(grunting, groaning)
Perhaps, now we are even.
Excuse me.
You drop this?
Oh, th... hey.
Can you tell me
what this says?
"Hero Cab Driver
Saves Violinist."
Hell, uh, I could
have told you that.
(violin playing somber melody)
Me, I never played the violin
or the tenor sax.
Got a drum set when I was 12,
but my dad put an end to that.
I know this
about music, though.
Even though playing solo
is okay,
it always helps
to have someone backing you up.
(second violin joins in)
As for falling in lust
with a beautiful
Russian virtuosas,
well, that can be complicated.
Especially for a corn-fed
American boy.
Maybe sometimes it's safer
to stick with the music
you already know.
On the other hand,
when it comes to tomorrow's
newspaper, there's a new tune
every day. (cat meows,
paper thuds against door)
(door opens, cat purrs)
Oh, no.
(Asian music plays)
You got to be kidding me.