Early Edition (1996–2000): Season 1, Episode 6 - Hoops - full transcript
Gary tries to stop a popular basket-baller with a medical condition from risking his life on the court.
Everybody has a dream.
It comes with being alive.
Doesn't matter who you are
or what you do
or where you grew up.
If you're breathing,
you got one.
But the dreams
you dream when you're young--
those are the ones that count.
The ones you never give up.
When every second
lasts a lifetime.
And when you know
beyond a doubt
that you're different...
...and that you're gonna
live forever.
(theme music playing)
♪ ♪
Okay, what have we got?
"Peace Talks
in New Delhi."
Too big. Next.
Well, let's see.
"Food Poisoning
Cripples Cruise Ship
In Mid-Atlantic."
What kind of food?
Um... halibut.
♪ Just for the halibut. ♪
Anybody dead?
Uh, no, but they all
want their refunds.
Skip it. What else?
Here. "Congressman Denies
Corruption Charges."
Oh, how about this one?
"Transit Worker
Claims Abduction
By Alien Donut Ship."
Boy, talk about
a slow news day.
(knock at door)
You're telling me.
Gare, open up.
What I need is
something closer to home.
Something that matters.
Then I got what
you're looking for.
Man buys car of his dreams.
You didn't.
Well, what do you think?
Gee, you, uh, really
went all out.
Oh, yeah.
Got the mag wheels,
the racing package,
the phone, the
fax, the works.
I wish you could
see it, Marissa.
Can I
help you?
Somehow, Chuck,
I'm glad I can't.
Are you sure
you can afford this thing?
It's gonna be
a little tight,
but, uh, my ship is
about to come in.
I am not worried.
You sold some stocks?
He made a bet.
Yup. I know what
you're gonna say.
"Now, Chuck,
be sensible."
Wait a second.
This thing is
absolutely solid.
Blue chip.
Come on.
Where are you going?
Don't you want to
look under the hood?
Maybe later.
I'll come with you.
You touch it,
you're dead.
(car alarm chirps)
Okay, so what is it?
What's what?
This bet. Horses,
shuffleboard, what?
Uh-uh. Nothing
like that.
Hey, Mac, can I borrow
your paper for a second?
I'll give...
I'll give it right back.
You mind?
Thank you.
Top of the page.
Read it and weep.
High school basketball?
You got it.
Well, you can bet
on that?
That doesn't seem right.
Where you been,
You can bet on anything.
Believe me, I have.
Who's this guy Williams?
Gary, we have got
to get you a life.
Michael Williams,
the greatest scoring
high school basketball
player since Connie...
Connie Hooks.
MARISSA: He's the one
that set all the records.
Points, rebounds, blocks.
I didn't know you
knew basketball.
Well, there's a lot
about me you don't know.
I am impressed.
Here you go.
Thanks a lot.
Enjoy your
You're welcome.
Crane is playing
Lincoln Park tonight,
and there's a
six-point spread.
Well, with Michael Williams,
they'll massacre them.
There's no way they
won't cover the spread.
And then yours truly
takes home the cash.
Which pays for the car.
Go ahead, check it
out in your paper.
Go ahead! I already
placed the bet.
There's nothing
I can do about it now.
MARISSA: You know, Chuck,
you ought to be ashamed
of yourself.
You're betting on kids.
Very tall kids
with very large major
endorsement contracts
in their future.
Maybe, but it doesn't always
turn out that way.
Well, that's not my problem.
Maybe it is.
What do you mean?
What is it?
"Williams Collapses on Court;
Condition Uncertain."
Oh, my God.
"Potential tragedy struck
(whistle blows)
"at Crane High School
last night
"when celebrated point guard
Michael Williams collapsed
near the end
of a city tournament game..."
"Williams, considered
"the finest high school player
"in recent Chicago history,
"went down with no warning
"after playing the first
three quarters without a rest.
"By late last night,
the 17-year-old
"had not
regained consciousness.
"School officials
"had no explanation
for the cause of the collapse.
"Final score was...
Lincoln Park 60, Crane 56."
This is bad.
(hip-hop music plays)
(car engine revving)
♪ Hip-hop hooray ♪
♪ Oh ♪
♪ Hey, ho ♪
♪ Hey, ho... ♪
Maybe we should
have taken the bus.
I got major
security here.
(car alarm chirps)
Oh, great.
Hey, Mister,
nice car.
What is it,
a Volkswagen?
A Volkswagen?
It's more than you got,
I bet.
Check out those mags.
Pretty fly.
I could watch it for you.
Make sure nothing happens.
Yeah? And, uh, how much
is that gonna cost me?
How about five bucks?
♪ ♪
I'll handle this.
Tell you what.
I'll give you a dollar,
and you make sure
that nobody goes near my car.
$3.50. Final offer.
It's your move.
How about...
(coins jingling)
...a quarter?
And for your
those hubcaps are tamper-proof.
It'll take a blow torch
to get them off.
I'll remember that.
I told you I know how
to handle these kids.
Very fly.
(whistle blows)
All right, let's go.
There you go.
Keep it going.
Keep it moving.
All right.
Come on, gang,
you're doggin' it.
Get your butts in gear.
Hakeem, you're playing
like a freshman.
Use the elbow, damn it!
Excuse me,
Coach Phillips?
Um, we came by
to see one of your players.
You know the rules-- no
press during practice.
Beat it.
No, we're not
with the papers.
What are
you, scouts?
IRS agents.
No. Uh, we just
wanted to, uh,
talk to Michael Williams.
Get in line.
This is kind of
Fine. You tell
me, I'll tell him.
(players chatting,
ball bouncing)
I can't do that.
It's personal.
It's about
his health.
(overlapping chatter)
(whistle blows)
(blows whistle)
All right, hit
the showers.
get the game films ready.
You two, scram.
Listen, Coach,
if you could just give...
Maybe you
didn't hear what I said.
This is my team.
I catch you talking to anyone,
I guarantee
it'll be the last time...
everything okay?
I told you to
hit the showers.
I'll handle this.
Yeah, okay.
(indistinct chatter)
I mean it.
Keep away and stay away.
He's a sweetheart
of a guy.
He didn't even ask
about the kid's health.
Wouldn't you think
he'd be a bit curious?
Maybe he's fine.
He looked okay to me.
Maybe the
paper's wrong.
Maybe the paper screwed up,
and I'm gonna win my bet.
Now, let's go...
or not.
Come on.
I'm gonna talk to Michael.
Oh, I hope
we have insurance for this.
(locker door banging)
overlapping chatter)
That's him.
I don't need
your help.
(loud, overlapping chatter)
Hey, Michael?
Can I talk to
you a minute?
Hey, Michael,
hit him up
for a car.
Yeah, and a condo
while you're
at it.
Hey, look.
Michael's got
a new girlfriend.
overlapping chatter)
(Chuck laughs)
Funny. High school humor.
Oh, oh, oh, chill,
chill, chill.
Give these guys
a break, will you?
Come on, chill.
You know, you shouldn't
be in here, you know.
Coach won't like it.
It's kind of
Well, in-in that case.
You know, it's important.
Man, you know Mike
don't know how to write.
What you mean
I don't know how to write?
Yo? What
you mean?
It's about your health.
(laughter subsides)
Don't ask me how I know this,
but you can't go out there
and play tonight.
No, Mike. Come on,
what, are you serious?
What's he
talking about?
Look, I'm just trying to...
You let me tell you something.
You're misinformed.
You got it?
Hey, hey, hey, hey!
Did I not make
myself clear?
It's-It's all
right, Coach.
They were
just leaving.
Weren't you?
Yeah, uh, Coach, we were...
we were just leaving.
Weren't we,
Gare? Gare?
(clears throat)
(players chatting)
(locker door bangs)
Is there a problem?
Well, that was
He knows.
They both know.
I could tell.
Well, what I know is if we
don't get out of here fast,
that Coach Phillips is
gonna break our knees.
Who'd you talk to?
Dr. McPherson?
Never mind.
There's nothing wrong with me.
So, forget it, okay?
It's none of your business.
Hey, Michael?
Gary, let's go, hmm?
That kid's in trouble.
You heard him yourself--
he doesn't want your help.
So, what am I
supposed to do now?
Forget about it.
You did what you could.
It didn't work out.
Now, let's hit the road.
You're just worried
about your hubcaps.
Nah. They're absolutely
It would take an army
to get them off.
Excuse me.
(guys laughing)
Oh, no.
Hey, mister,
a boy asked me to give you
He said you could
have this back.
That's okay. You...
you can keep it.
(distant horns honking)
I told you we should
have taken a bus.
Dispatch to number four,
on Division,
746 Hubbard Street.
That's south of Ferdinand.
You gonna get this one?
All right,
here we are.
Look at this.
Look what they did
to my baby.
It's tragic.
Is he always like this?
Uh, some of
the time.
The rest of the time?
Pretty much
like this.
Let's see
what we got here.
Ten bucks
for the hookup,
50 bucks
for the tow.
50 bucks? You towed the car
three lousy blocks.
Three very difficult
Of course, I can always
take it back.
No. No. No.
The car stays
right here.
And I want fingerprints,
forensics and photographs.
And I want my
wheel back.
Hey, Connie?
Is that it?
Who brought it in,
Who else?
Put it back
on the car.
Who is this punk,
And don't scratch it.
He's driving me crazy.
Third time this month.
It's some kind
of game with him.
Never asks for money,
just likes to get
the reaction.
He did that.
Hey, you got a
business card?
It's too bad.
He's a good kid.
Good grades at school.
Ever since his parents died
a couple years ago,
he's turned into some kind
of trickster.
Gangster's more like it.
Sad to see.
Of course, the whole thing with
his brother doesn't help much.
His brother?
my God!
I knew I knew you.
Connie Hooks.
Greatest high school
basketball player
in the history of the city.
Held all the major
scoring records.
Till Michael Williams
came along.
Forget it.
Man, I used to go
to all your games.
Remember that game against Poly?
You scored
52 points. Amazing.
And then what?
Georgetown? I never forget
stuff like this.
And then you played
in the pros, a couple of years
with the Washington Bullets,
but you screwed
up your knees...
I don't talk basketball,
you got it?
Neither do I. Never.
Hey, Connie...
Okay, Robbie,
what's the deal?
What deal?
I'll tell you the deal.
Arrest this little fella.
Calm down,
will you?
You know, you keep
this up, you're gonna
get me busted for
dealing stolen parts.
I didn't steal it.
I just brought it here.
Instead of being in school.
Hey, I went to school.
Nothing was happening.
Besides, I don't
need that school.
I'm getting a new
one next year.
And where is that?
Don't know yet.
Someplace nice.
Gonna get a new house, too.
We're gonna be zillionaires
as soon as he gets
out of college.
Is that what your
brother's telling you?
None of your business!
(car horn honks)
Can I go now?
No, no, no,
you're staying right here.
You got your wheel back,
just forget it.
Now, get on
out of here.
(hip-hop playing)
Where you been?
You got homework.
That's his brother?
Michael Williams?
One and the same.
(tires squealing)
Someone should talk
to that kid.
Which one?
Somebody already has.
(fans cheering)
He scores again!
That's 43 points with the
fourth quarter just underway.
Williams keeps this pace up,
he'll break his own single game
scoring record.
He steals it.
From the key...
a long jumper.
Mike Williams is playing
like a demon...
Kid is good.
Inbound pass...
Where are they now?
It's the fourth quarter.
They're up by...
Man, I'm feeling
I don't get it.
You talked to him, right?
I tried. He
wasn't listening.
I should have talked
to him more...
Buddy, forget about it.
You did what you could.
Wait a minute.
Why are you so mellow?
You had money on him.
Not anymore. Changed my bet.
Wait a minute.
Something's wrong.
(whistle blows)
(buzzer sounds)
Time out.
(onlookers shouting)
Wait, wait,
what do you mean time out?
I didn't ask for any time out.
Work it out with
your player.
Get me a man in here.
He's taking himself out.
This is a bad break for Crane.
We're not sure what
the problem is.
Paper said he stayed in. Said...
Paper said he played
the whole quarter.
Said he never sat down.
But that was before
you talked to him.
...to be injured, so maybe he
just ran out of gas.
Maybe he changed
his mind, after all.
Maybe he's quitting.
He's resting.
has completely dominated
this semifinal matchup...
Can I have the phone, please?
...high 66 points.
I need a number
in Chicago.
Yeah, McPherson.
Uh, uh, Dr. McPherson.
You're going back there again?
Because the kid
needs my help.
Him? What about me?
I'm the one with the bookie.
I'm the one who's gonna be
wearing the cement boots.
I'm sorry.
I don't understand
He played last night, he rested
for a while, he was fine.
You already fixed it.
He thinks he beat
the odds. He's wrong.
It's gonna get worse.
According to who?
According to the doctor
he mentioned, McPherson.
I talked to him last night.
By the way, we're
gonna take your car.
Hello, Marissa.
Oh, no, no, you're
not taking my car.
I love my car.
And I love my wheels.
No way. That's
not happening.
I'll go with you.
I haven't been back
there for a while.
It's time I take a trip home.
Are you coming with
us or not?
Uh, no. I'm, uh...
I'm having sinus problems.
(sniffling) Spend
the whole day in bed.
Run it back, run it back.
(hip-hop plays)
All right!
Give me the ball.
"D" up, pal!
So, this is where you started?
Mm-hmm, till I was 17.
Just a couple of blocks
over that way.
Lots of memories here.
Hold on.
Protect the ball.
What is it?
That's Michael over there.
Protect the ball.
That's it.
You're getting good.
Hey, hotshot...
get over here, come on.
What are you doing here?
I'm teaching my
brother to shoot.
Did I say you
could do that?
Coach, come on.
I'm not breaking the rules.
I'm not even playing.
That's right, you're not,
and you won't
be tomorrow, unless
you get your head right.
What's the idea of pulling a
stunt like that last night?
No harm done.
I brought us back, didn't I?
Yeah, Mr. Hero.
Meanwhile, you make me
look like some kind of fool.
Hey, Michael,
watch this.
Keep working on it.
Look, I'm sorry
about last night.
It won't happen again.
That's right, it won't.
One more screw-up like that,
you're off the team.
You got it?
Coach, come on.
You're not gonna bench me.
I mean too much
to your career.
(tires squealing)
Heck of an individual.
What are you, The Green Hornet?
Afraid so.
Can we talk?
No, thanks.
I spoke to McPherson.
You took yourself out
of the game last night.
My shoelace broke.
No big deal.
I don't think it was
your shoelace.
I think you were
buying time.
Is that what
McPherson told you?
He says you stopped
by his office
before the season started
and you were worried.
He ran some tests.
The man's a quack.
All I wanted was an aspirin.
He told you about
your heart.
Like I said...
You told him
about your dad...
Hey, check it out.
Do I look sick?
Besides, I told the coach,
he sent me to one of our guys
and he said I was fine.
And you believe that?
Yeah, why not?
If I told you a guy
on Michigan Avenue
was gonna fall 20 stories
and land in a fruit cart
and walk away from it tonight,
would you believe that, too?
Hey, Mike,
are we playing or not?
Look, I got to go.
50-50 chance, Michael,
unless you stop playing ball.
Get off my case, Spiderman.
I'm gonna live forever.
I've got things to do.
Come on, shorty, let's go.
50-50, Michael.
I'll take it.
Well, you heard him.
He's gonna live forever.
Come on, let's go.
Let me show you around first.
Come on.
My old block.
I used to walk this way home
from school every day.
And the store owners would
come out and say hi.
And I always thought they were
just being friendly,
but it turns out, they were
calling out to my mom
to let her know I was
on my way home safe.
To my left there was, um,
Sally Brown's house.
Man, she used to make
the best cookies.
On Sunday mornings you
could smell them all
the way to the church.
She still live there?
Nah. She moved away.
Just about everyone moved away.
In the evening
when my mother was
making supper,
I'd climb the stairs
to my grandma's room.
She had a special place
for me to do my homework.
We'd talk...
about everything.
She'd say to me, "Marissa,
"there's nothing
you can't do,
"nowhere you can't go if
you follow your heart.
Don't let nothing stop you."
God, I loved that woman.
So, what do you think of it?
My old house.
I spent a lot of happy
years living there.
It's beautiful. It's...
You're a kind man,
you know that, Gary?
Come on.
I have one more stop.
This is the one
I've been dreading.
(drill whirring)
(metal tools clinking)
(footsteps approaching)
Connie Hooks?
You found him.
Maybe so, maybe not.
Is this the Connie Hooks
who tried to teach me
how to skate
when I was ten?
Might be.
Connie Hooks
who took me to
my junior prom
and spilled punch
all over my dress?
It's possible.
Who slept on
my sidewalk
when my father told him
not to step foot inside
the house again.
Sounds familiar.
And how about
those feet?
Are they still the
size of El Dorados?
Yeah, but they have
a few dents now.
How are you, Marissa?
I can't complain.
Wait. You mean,
you two used to...
A long time ago.
A long time ago.
Listen, uh,
maybe I should, uh, uh...
No, no, no, stay.
Um, I'll make us
some coffee.
Might even find a few
stale donuts lying around.
Why don't we just
grab some lunch?
I-I know a great place
down the street.
Just let me clean
this grease off my hands.
Connie, I-I didn't
come here for lunch.
I came to
ask a favor...
for old time's sake.
Uh, yeah, well, sure.
What is it?
I need you to talk
to Michael Williams.
You heard me. No.
I'm not playing nursemaid
to some hotshot kid.
Connie, he's
in trouble.
Who isn't?
This is different.
I can't tell you how,
but he needs to
know what you know.
About what?
About life.
About choices.
About dreams, Connie,
and what they cost.
He's 17. You think
he's gonna listen to me?
He might.
He won't.
You could at least
give it a try.
Oh, just let him find out
for himself.
You mean like you did?
Like we did?
You know, Connie,
what happened
between us happened.
There's nothing we
can do about that now.
But that boy needs help,
and I know you can help him.
You were a hero here once.
Be one again.
Sorry, I-I don't
talk basketball.
Come on, Gary,
let's go.
And this is why you show up?
After-After all this time?
This is why I stayed away.
At the Adamson Street Station
now arriving--
Red Line train number 102.
Please stand clear of the doors.
I'll walk you home.
I got some time.
No, thanks. I'll find my way.
I'm not sorry I went.
In case you think
I am, I'm not.
Yeah, okay. It's fine.
You were kind of hard
on him, you know that.
He does care
for you, Marissa.
It breaks, but
it doesn't bend.
Never did, never will.
You or him?
Both of us.
Come on, Spike,
let's go home.
So, are you gonna
take a shot
or are you just gonna stand
there and think about it?
What are you doing here?
Man's got a right
to some exercise.
Even an old man like me.
Well, old man,
this is my court
and that's my ball.
Used to be my court.
Not anymore.
You're pretty sure
of yourself, aren't you?
Look, man, who sent you?
And don't tell me you came
on your own, 'cause you
don't even like me.
And why is that, Michael?
I don't know.
'Cause I took your records?
It must kind of hurt.
And you're on top of the world?
And what about Robbie?
He on top with you?
What's my brother got
to do with...?
You're not watching, Michael.
That kid's in trouble,
or about to be.
He's fine.
Look, man, stay
out of my life.
I got it handled.
Hell, I bet you can't
even handle me.
Tell you what, Michael,
I'm gonna do you a favor.
I'm gonna look into your future.
Man, we gonna
play or not?
Here's how it works.
One day they love you,
the next day they don't.
You go from champ to chump in
a heartbeat, if you're lucky.
Speak for yourself, old man.
You walk on air
when you start.
You're the best
you ever saw.
College ball?
Yeah, they're okay,
but you're better.
Damn straight.
Hell, it's not even close.
Then you catch a draft
up to the pros, but
something's different.
These guys are good.
I mean, good.
But you think to yourself,
"I believe in myself.
And that's enough."
Only, it isn't.
That's enough.
Then you find yourself
picking up splinters.
Instead of playing, you're
cleaning up at garbage time
when nothing counts.
I said that's enough!
You don't understand
how it happened.
How you went from
so good to so bad.
Then one day,
your knees go bad
and you go packing
your bags
and that's when it hits you.
What you gave up
and what you got left.
And that dream you had,
some other guy--
some guy who's better--
took it away.
Like this?
Like this.
My game.
Oh, man. Damn. Damn.
I took you out, Connie Hooks.
I took you out.
No, you didn't.
You beat an old man.
Good morning.
It's 7:00 and here's the news.
The luck of the Irish
and a wayward fruit cart
saved the life of 40-year-old
Sean O'Flaherty last night.
After falling 20 stories
from a building rooftop,
he was pronounced fit
as a fiddle...
but smelling of lettuce
at Lincoln Hospital.
In sports, the Bulls
had the night off.
(phone ringing)
But the pressure is on at
Crane High School tonight,
where phenom Michael Williams
leads his team
to the final game of this
championship season.
This is Gary. Michael?
The Cougars have had the best
record of the season,
Hold on.
thanks to the talents
of senior Michael Williams.
All right. I'll be
there as soon as I can.
Williams' post-high school
career promises
to be one
of the best in Crane...
(man and woman shouting
in distance)
What do you want?
I came to see your brother.
He's not here.
Are your grandparents here?
At church.
I can't let you in.
Robbie, let the man in.
(distant shouting continues)
What's he doing here?
He owe you money
or something?
None of your business.
Eat your breakfast.
No, thanks.
I don't have to.
Believe me, you have to.
Now, go in the other
room and eat.
Kid's a handful.
Maybe it's 'cause
you're a terrible cook.
He-He misses his mom and dad.
Look, uh, thanks for coming
all the way down
here, but, uh...
I shouldn't have called.
I'm fine, really.
I talked to Connie.
He said you're not fine at all.
What? Because I played
a little tired?
I was giving
the old man a break.
Is that so?
Damn straight.
Well, in that case, there's
no sense in me being here.
Yeah. That's what I said.
All right, so I guess
I should go.
All right.
I saw on TV today
about the man falling off
the building...
hit the fruit cart.
Lucky guess?
Then it's true.
It's true.
Look, Michael, you got
to get some help.
I don't know,
but you got to talk
to someone.
Like who?
How about your grandparents?
They're old.
They'll just get scared.
Besides, what do they know?
What does anybody know?
They're not me.
Coach said...
Wake up, Michael.
He's gonna play you
till you drop.
This is great.
Man pops out of nowhere
and says to me
give up all you've worked for
and I'm supposed to listen?
This is my shot.
I've got a real chance here.
They're talking about
the pros, man.
Yeah, but you know
better, don't you?
How long do you think
you can play, Michael?
Long enough.
You see that kid in there?
Well, he's smart.
Smarter than me.
He deserves things.
A good school, books,
a yard to play in.
And he's not gonna have
none of that
unless I pull him up out
of here.
Playing ball's the only way.
Have you told him yet,
about your condition?
I can't.
It'll break his heart.
He depends on me.
Besides, I've promised
him things.
Tonight, Michael.
You play in that game tonight,
you know what's gonna happen.
What's he mean tonight?
N-Nothing important.
That some kind of magic
paper or something?
It's nothing.
So, you're playing
tonight, right?
You got to play.
Yeah. Don't worry.
I'm playing.
50-50, that's
what you said.
Yeah, that was then,
this is now.
That's... that's
what you said.
There're gonna be some
scouts there tonight.
I'll take my chances.
All right, now, listen up.
we got two options here tonight
and one of them
is not an option.
Let me make this clear-- you...
will win this game.
Everything you've done since
the day you were born
leads up to this day.
You win this game tonight,
you guys are golden.
You lose and you're nothing.
I repeat, nothing.
Tired? Tough.
You're hurt, you shake it off.
You're feeling sick,
I don't give a damn.
I want this game.
Do you want
this game?
I said do you want this game?
Yeah, we want this game!
All right, then.
Go out there
and get it for me!
Let's go!
Come on!
Let's do it!
(players shouting and grunting)
Very inspiring.
What are you doing here?
Well, I thought I'd come by
and see for myself.
See what?
How far a man would go
to advance his own career.
He's not gonna make it
through this game.
Get off it. He's fine.
Now, you'd like to believe that.
But you know it's not true,
don't you?
Take him out of the lineup.
Take him out of the lineup?
Are you out of your mind?
I send him home, that crowd out
there will tear me apart.
You're his coach.
You're supposed to be
watching out for him.
Not filling him full of a future
he's not gonna have.
(crowd cheering)
Do you hear that?
That's opportunity,
take it or leave it.
Me, I'm going.
And what about Michael?
Sorry, that's out of my hands.
(bangs locker)
(fans cheering)
Attaboy, Michael.
Keep it up. Keep it up.
So, what do we do now
about Michael?
What do you mean
what do we do?
We've done everything we can.
Wait a minute, Gary...
Look, I talked to him.
Connie talked to him.
He's made up his mind.
Connie talked to him? When?
Last night.
I don't know why
I'm looking at this--
it can't help him now.
Five. Number Five. Five.
That's it, I'm leaving.
I can't take this anymore.
Whoa, whoa,
where are you going?
I'm going to stop this.
I don't know how!
Wait, Marissa.
Wait a second now...
No, I can't wait.
That child is
killing himself
and I refuse to stand here
and let that happen.
Marissa, we've done
everything we can.
Don't tell me that.
There's got to be
something else we...
There isn't, Marissa.
He's got to find
his own way.
Like you did.
Robbie, you down here?
Is it true?
I think so.
Well, it's his heart, Robbie.
I don't know.
Change it back.
I got money. I'll pay you.
I'm sorry about your wheels,
but just change it back.
I can't.
It doesn't work that way.
Look, I didn't mean
for you to see this.
Why didn't you tell me?
I can make it better.
I know I can!
Look, Robbie, you can't.
We tried, I promise you.
You don't know me.
You don't believe in him...
Whoa, Robbie?
I gotta see him!
I gotta see him!
I don't believe it!
I got to see him!
Get him, Mike.
Mike, get up.
Shake it off.
Come on, get up.
Call time out! Time out!
No time out!
You can't go out there.
You can't go out there.
Shake it off.
(whistle blows)
Time out-- Crane.
Shorty, what you doing here?
You got to stop.
No, I'm straight.
No, you gotta stop.
I got to play.
No, not anymore.
I saw the magic paper.
We don't need this.
Yeah, we do.
Your house, the yard, man.
We don't.
We don't need those things.
We just need each other.
I just need you.
Can you stand?
Can you help me?
Yeah, I can.
All right.
You okay?
Nobody lives forever.
But try telling that
to the very young...
when the future's a road
that leads straight up
and hope is in your pocket.
And tomorrow's a promise
you can't wait to keep.
How you feeling?
Never better.
I went down to Washington
for some tests.
Yeah. So, I heard.
Robbie, how you doing?
All right.
He's back in school.
Wants to be a
journalist now.
Yeah. I want to publish one
of those magic newspapers.
Anything in there about
my college applications?
In the meantime,
I'm working for Connie.
Well, could be worse.
I got a feeling things
are gonna work out.
Me, too.
Like I said, everyone
has a dream.
Everybody has a dream.
It comes with being alive.
Doesn't matter who you are
or what you do
or where you grew up.
If you're breathing,
you got one.
But the dreams
you dream when you're young--
those are the ones that count.
The ones you never give up.
When every second
lasts a lifetime.
And when you know
beyond a doubt
that you're different...
...and that you're gonna
live forever.
(theme music playing)
♪ ♪
Okay, what have we got?
"Peace Talks
in New Delhi."
Too big. Next.
Well, let's see.
"Food Poisoning
Cripples Cruise Ship
In Mid-Atlantic."
What kind of food?
Um... halibut.
♪ Just for the halibut. ♪
Anybody dead?
Uh, no, but they all
want their refunds.
Skip it. What else?
Here. "Congressman Denies
Corruption Charges."
Oh, how about this one?
"Transit Worker
Claims Abduction
By Alien Donut Ship."
Boy, talk about
a slow news day.
(knock at door)
You're telling me.
Gare, open up.
What I need is
something closer to home.
Something that matters.
Then I got what
you're looking for.
Man buys car of his dreams.
You didn't.
Well, what do you think?
Gee, you, uh, really
went all out.
Oh, yeah.
Got the mag wheels,
the racing package,
the phone, the
fax, the works.
I wish you could
see it, Marissa.
Can I
help you?
Somehow, Chuck,
I'm glad I can't.
Are you sure
you can afford this thing?
It's gonna be
a little tight,
but, uh, my ship is
about to come in.
I am not worried.
You sold some stocks?
He made a bet.
Yup. I know what
you're gonna say.
"Now, Chuck,
be sensible."
Wait a second.
This thing is
absolutely solid.
Blue chip.
Come on.
Where are you going?
Don't you want to
look under the hood?
Maybe later.
I'll come with you.
You touch it,
you're dead.
(car alarm chirps)
Okay, so what is it?
What's what?
This bet. Horses,
shuffleboard, what?
Uh-uh. Nothing
like that.
Hey, Mac, can I borrow
your paper for a second?
I'll give...
I'll give it right back.
You mind?
Thank you.
Top of the page.
Read it and weep.
High school basketball?
You got it.
Well, you can bet
on that?
That doesn't seem right.
Where you been,
You can bet on anything.
Believe me, I have.
Who's this guy Williams?
Gary, we have got
to get you a life.
Michael Williams,
the greatest scoring
high school basketball
player since Connie...
Connie Hooks.
MARISSA: He's the one
that set all the records.
Points, rebounds, blocks.
I didn't know you
knew basketball.
Well, there's a lot
about me you don't know.
I am impressed.
Here you go.
Thanks a lot.
Enjoy your
You're welcome.
Crane is playing
Lincoln Park tonight,
and there's a
six-point spread.
Well, with Michael Williams,
they'll massacre them.
There's no way they
won't cover the spread.
And then yours truly
takes home the cash.
Which pays for the car.
Go ahead, check it
out in your paper.
Go ahead! I already
placed the bet.
There's nothing
I can do about it now.
MARISSA: You know, Chuck,
you ought to be ashamed
of yourself.
You're betting on kids.
Very tall kids
with very large major
endorsement contracts
in their future.
Maybe, but it doesn't always
turn out that way.
Well, that's not my problem.
Maybe it is.
What do you mean?
What is it?
"Williams Collapses on Court;
Condition Uncertain."
Oh, my God.
"Potential tragedy struck
(whistle blows)
"at Crane High School
last night
"when celebrated point guard
Michael Williams collapsed
near the end
of a city tournament game..."
"Williams, considered
"the finest high school player
"in recent Chicago history,
"went down with no warning
"after playing the first
three quarters without a rest.
"By late last night,
the 17-year-old
"had not
regained consciousness.
"School officials
"had no explanation
for the cause of the collapse.
"Final score was...
Lincoln Park 60, Crane 56."
This is bad.
(hip-hop music plays)
(car engine revving)
♪ Hip-hop hooray ♪
♪ Oh ♪
♪ Hey, ho ♪
♪ Hey, ho... ♪
Maybe we should
have taken the bus.
I got major
security here.
(car alarm chirps)
Oh, great.
Hey, Mister,
nice car.
What is it,
a Volkswagen?
A Volkswagen?
It's more than you got,
I bet.
Check out those mags.
Pretty fly.
I could watch it for you.
Make sure nothing happens.
Yeah? And, uh, how much
is that gonna cost me?
How about five bucks?
♪ ♪
I'll handle this.
Tell you what.
I'll give you a dollar,
and you make sure
that nobody goes near my car.
$3.50. Final offer.
It's your move.
How about...
(coins jingling)
...a quarter?
And for your
those hubcaps are tamper-proof.
It'll take a blow torch
to get them off.
I'll remember that.
I told you I know how
to handle these kids.
Very fly.
(whistle blows)
All right, let's go.
There you go.
Keep it going.
Keep it moving.
All right.
Come on, gang,
you're doggin' it.
Get your butts in gear.
Hakeem, you're playing
like a freshman.
Use the elbow, damn it!
Excuse me,
Coach Phillips?
Um, we came by
to see one of your players.
You know the rules-- no
press during practice.
Beat it.
No, we're not
with the papers.
What are
you, scouts?
IRS agents.
No. Uh, we just
wanted to, uh,
talk to Michael Williams.
Get in line.
This is kind of
Fine. You tell
me, I'll tell him.
(players chatting,
ball bouncing)
I can't do that.
It's personal.
It's about
his health.
(overlapping chatter)
(whistle blows)
(blows whistle)
All right, hit
the showers.
get the game films ready.
You two, scram.
Listen, Coach,
if you could just give...
Maybe you
didn't hear what I said.
This is my team.
I catch you talking to anyone,
I guarantee
it'll be the last time...
everything okay?
I told you to
hit the showers.
I'll handle this.
Yeah, okay.
(indistinct chatter)
I mean it.
Keep away and stay away.
He's a sweetheart
of a guy.
He didn't even ask
about the kid's health.
Wouldn't you think
he'd be a bit curious?
Maybe he's fine.
He looked okay to me.
Maybe the
paper's wrong.
Maybe the paper screwed up,
and I'm gonna win my bet.
Now, let's go...
or not.
Come on.
I'm gonna talk to Michael.
Oh, I hope
we have insurance for this.
(locker door banging)
overlapping chatter)
That's him.
I don't need
your help.
(loud, overlapping chatter)
Hey, Michael?
Can I talk to
you a minute?
Hey, Michael,
hit him up
for a car.
Yeah, and a condo
while you're
at it.
Hey, look.
Michael's got
a new girlfriend.
overlapping chatter)
(Chuck laughs)
Funny. High school humor.
Oh, oh, oh, chill,
chill, chill.
Give these guys
a break, will you?
Come on, chill.
You know, you shouldn't
be in here, you know.
Coach won't like it.
It's kind of
Well, in-in that case.
You know, it's important.
Man, you know Mike
don't know how to write.
What you mean
I don't know how to write?
Yo? What
you mean?
It's about your health.
(laughter subsides)
Don't ask me how I know this,
but you can't go out there
and play tonight.
No, Mike. Come on,
what, are you serious?
What's he
talking about?
Look, I'm just trying to...
You let me tell you something.
You're misinformed.
You got it?
Hey, hey, hey, hey!
Did I not make
myself clear?
It's-It's all
right, Coach.
They were
just leaving.
Weren't you?
Yeah, uh, Coach, we were...
we were just leaving.
Weren't we,
Gare? Gare?
(clears throat)
(players chatting)
(locker door bangs)
Is there a problem?
Well, that was
He knows.
They both know.
I could tell.
Well, what I know is if we
don't get out of here fast,
that Coach Phillips is
gonna break our knees.
Who'd you talk to?
Dr. McPherson?
Never mind.
There's nothing wrong with me.
So, forget it, okay?
It's none of your business.
Hey, Michael?
Gary, let's go, hmm?
That kid's in trouble.
You heard him yourself--
he doesn't want your help.
So, what am I
supposed to do now?
Forget about it.
You did what you could.
It didn't work out.
Now, let's hit the road.
You're just worried
about your hubcaps.
Nah. They're absolutely
It would take an army
to get them off.
Excuse me.
(guys laughing)
Oh, no.
Hey, mister,
a boy asked me to give you
He said you could
have this back.
That's okay. You...
you can keep it.
(distant horns honking)
I told you we should
have taken a bus.
Dispatch to number four,
on Division,
746 Hubbard Street.
That's south of Ferdinand.
You gonna get this one?
All right,
here we are.
Look at this.
Look what they did
to my baby.
It's tragic.
Is he always like this?
Uh, some of
the time.
The rest of the time?
Pretty much
like this.
Let's see
what we got here.
Ten bucks
for the hookup,
50 bucks
for the tow.
50 bucks? You towed the car
three lousy blocks.
Three very difficult
Of course, I can always
take it back.
No. No. No.
The car stays
right here.
And I want fingerprints,
forensics and photographs.
And I want my
wheel back.
Hey, Connie?
Is that it?
Who brought it in,
Who else?
Put it back
on the car.
Who is this punk,
And don't scratch it.
He's driving me crazy.
Third time this month.
It's some kind
of game with him.
Never asks for money,
just likes to get
the reaction.
He did that.
Hey, you got a
business card?
It's too bad.
He's a good kid.
Good grades at school.
Ever since his parents died
a couple years ago,
he's turned into some kind
of trickster.
Gangster's more like it.
Sad to see.
Of course, the whole thing with
his brother doesn't help much.
His brother?
my God!
I knew I knew you.
Connie Hooks.
Greatest high school
basketball player
in the history of the city.
Held all the major
scoring records.
Till Michael Williams
came along.
Forget it.
Man, I used to go
to all your games.
Remember that game against Poly?
You scored
52 points. Amazing.
And then what?
Georgetown? I never forget
stuff like this.
And then you played
in the pros, a couple of years
with the Washington Bullets,
but you screwed
up your knees...
I don't talk basketball,
you got it?
Neither do I. Never.
Hey, Connie...
Okay, Robbie,
what's the deal?
What deal?
I'll tell you the deal.
Arrest this little fella.
Calm down,
will you?
You know, you keep
this up, you're gonna
get me busted for
dealing stolen parts.
I didn't steal it.
I just brought it here.
Instead of being in school.
Hey, I went to school.
Nothing was happening.
Besides, I don't
need that school.
I'm getting a new
one next year.
And where is that?
Don't know yet.
Someplace nice.
Gonna get a new house, too.
We're gonna be zillionaires
as soon as he gets
out of college.
Is that what your
brother's telling you?
None of your business!
(car horn honks)
Can I go now?
No, no, no,
you're staying right here.
You got your wheel back,
just forget it.
Now, get on
out of here.
(hip-hop playing)
Where you been?
You got homework.
That's his brother?
Michael Williams?
One and the same.
(tires squealing)
Someone should talk
to that kid.
Which one?
Somebody already has.
(fans cheering)
He scores again!
That's 43 points with the
fourth quarter just underway.
Williams keeps this pace up,
he'll break his own single game
scoring record.
He steals it.
From the key...
a long jumper.
Mike Williams is playing
like a demon...
Kid is good.
Inbound pass...
Where are they now?
It's the fourth quarter.
They're up by...
Man, I'm feeling
I don't get it.
You talked to him, right?
I tried. He
wasn't listening.
I should have talked
to him more...
Buddy, forget about it.
You did what you could.
Wait a minute.
Why are you so mellow?
You had money on him.
Not anymore. Changed my bet.
Wait a minute.
Something's wrong.
(whistle blows)
(buzzer sounds)
Time out.
(onlookers shouting)
Wait, wait,
what do you mean time out?
I didn't ask for any time out.
Work it out with
your player.
Get me a man in here.
He's taking himself out.
This is a bad break for Crane.
We're not sure what
the problem is.
Paper said he stayed in. Said...
Paper said he played
the whole quarter.
Said he never sat down.
But that was before
you talked to him.
...to be injured, so maybe he
just ran out of gas.
Maybe he changed
his mind, after all.
Maybe he's quitting.
He's resting.
has completely dominated
this semifinal matchup...
Can I have the phone, please?
...high 66 points.
I need a number
in Chicago.
Yeah, McPherson.
Uh, uh, Dr. McPherson.
You're going back there again?
Because the kid
needs my help.
Him? What about me?
I'm the one with the bookie.
I'm the one who's gonna be
wearing the cement boots.
I'm sorry.
I don't understand
He played last night, he rested
for a while, he was fine.
You already fixed it.
He thinks he beat
the odds. He's wrong.
It's gonna get worse.
According to who?
According to the doctor
he mentioned, McPherson.
I talked to him last night.
By the way, we're
gonna take your car.
Hello, Marissa.
Oh, no, no, you're
not taking my car.
I love my car.
And I love my wheels.
No way. That's
not happening.
I'll go with you.
I haven't been back
there for a while.
It's time I take a trip home.
Are you coming with
us or not?
Uh, no. I'm, uh...
I'm having sinus problems.
(sniffling) Spend
the whole day in bed.
Run it back, run it back.
(hip-hop plays)
All right!
Give me the ball.
"D" up, pal!
So, this is where you started?
Mm-hmm, till I was 17.
Just a couple of blocks
over that way.
Lots of memories here.
Hold on.
Protect the ball.
What is it?
That's Michael over there.
Protect the ball.
That's it.
You're getting good.
Hey, hotshot...
get over here, come on.
What are you doing here?
I'm teaching my
brother to shoot.
Did I say you
could do that?
Coach, come on.
I'm not breaking the rules.
I'm not even playing.
That's right, you're not,
and you won't
be tomorrow, unless
you get your head right.
What's the idea of pulling a
stunt like that last night?
No harm done.
I brought us back, didn't I?
Yeah, Mr. Hero.
Meanwhile, you make me
look like some kind of fool.
Hey, Michael,
watch this.
Keep working on it.
Look, I'm sorry
about last night.
It won't happen again.
That's right, it won't.
One more screw-up like that,
you're off the team.
You got it?
Coach, come on.
You're not gonna bench me.
I mean too much
to your career.
(tires squealing)
Heck of an individual.
What are you, The Green Hornet?
Afraid so.
Can we talk?
No, thanks.
I spoke to McPherson.
You took yourself out
of the game last night.
My shoelace broke.
No big deal.
I don't think it was
your shoelace.
I think you were
buying time.
Is that what
McPherson told you?
He says you stopped
by his office
before the season started
and you were worried.
He ran some tests.
The man's a quack.
All I wanted was an aspirin.
He told you about
your heart.
Like I said...
You told him
about your dad...
Hey, check it out.
Do I look sick?
Besides, I told the coach,
he sent me to one of our guys
and he said I was fine.
And you believe that?
Yeah, why not?
If I told you a guy
on Michigan Avenue
was gonna fall 20 stories
and land in a fruit cart
and walk away from it tonight,
would you believe that, too?
Hey, Mike,
are we playing or not?
Look, I got to go.
50-50 chance, Michael,
unless you stop playing ball.
Get off my case, Spiderman.
I'm gonna live forever.
I've got things to do.
Come on, shorty, let's go.
50-50, Michael.
I'll take it.
Well, you heard him.
He's gonna live forever.
Come on, let's go.
Let me show you around first.
Come on.
My old block.
I used to walk this way home
from school every day.
And the store owners would
come out and say hi.
And I always thought they were
just being friendly,
but it turns out, they were
calling out to my mom
to let her know I was
on my way home safe.
To my left there was, um,
Sally Brown's house.
Man, she used to make
the best cookies.
On Sunday mornings you
could smell them all
the way to the church.
She still live there?
Nah. She moved away.
Just about everyone moved away.
In the evening
when my mother was
making supper,
I'd climb the stairs
to my grandma's room.
She had a special place
for me to do my homework.
We'd talk...
about everything.
She'd say to me, "Marissa,
"there's nothing
you can't do,
"nowhere you can't go if
you follow your heart.
Don't let nothing stop you."
God, I loved that woman.
So, what do you think of it?
My old house.
I spent a lot of happy
years living there.
It's beautiful. It's...
You're a kind man,
you know that, Gary?
Come on.
I have one more stop.
This is the one
I've been dreading.
(drill whirring)
(metal tools clinking)
(footsteps approaching)
Connie Hooks?
You found him.
Maybe so, maybe not.
Is this the Connie Hooks
who tried to teach me
how to skate
when I was ten?
Might be.
Connie Hooks
who took me to
my junior prom
and spilled punch
all over my dress?
It's possible.
Who slept on
my sidewalk
when my father told him
not to step foot inside
the house again.
Sounds familiar.
And how about
those feet?
Are they still the
size of El Dorados?
Yeah, but they have
a few dents now.
How are you, Marissa?
I can't complain.
Wait. You mean,
you two used to...
A long time ago.
A long time ago.
Listen, uh,
maybe I should, uh, uh...
No, no, no, stay.
Um, I'll make us
some coffee.
Might even find a few
stale donuts lying around.
Why don't we just
grab some lunch?
I-I know a great place
down the street.
Just let me clean
this grease off my hands.
Connie, I-I didn't
come here for lunch.
I came to
ask a favor...
for old time's sake.
Uh, yeah, well, sure.
What is it?
I need you to talk
to Michael Williams.
You heard me. No.
I'm not playing nursemaid
to some hotshot kid.
Connie, he's
in trouble.
Who isn't?
This is different.
I can't tell you how,
but he needs to
know what you know.
About what?
About life.
About choices.
About dreams, Connie,
and what they cost.
He's 17. You think
he's gonna listen to me?
He might.
He won't.
You could at least
give it a try.
Oh, just let him find out
for himself.
You mean like you did?
Like we did?
You know, Connie,
what happened
between us happened.
There's nothing we
can do about that now.
But that boy needs help,
and I know you can help him.
You were a hero here once.
Be one again.
Sorry, I-I don't
talk basketball.
Come on, Gary,
let's go.
And this is why you show up?
After-After all this time?
This is why I stayed away.
At the Adamson Street Station
now arriving--
Red Line train number 102.
Please stand clear of the doors.
I'll walk you home.
I got some time.
No, thanks. I'll find my way.
I'm not sorry I went.
In case you think
I am, I'm not.
Yeah, okay. It's fine.
You were kind of hard
on him, you know that.
He does care
for you, Marissa.
It breaks, but
it doesn't bend.
Never did, never will.
You or him?
Both of us.
Come on, Spike,
let's go home.
So, are you gonna
take a shot
or are you just gonna stand
there and think about it?
What are you doing here?
Man's got a right
to some exercise.
Even an old man like me.
Well, old man,
this is my court
and that's my ball.
Used to be my court.
Not anymore.
You're pretty sure
of yourself, aren't you?
Look, man, who sent you?
And don't tell me you came
on your own, 'cause you
don't even like me.
And why is that, Michael?
I don't know.
'Cause I took your records?
It must kind of hurt.
And you're on top of the world?
And what about Robbie?
He on top with you?
What's my brother got
to do with...?
You're not watching, Michael.
That kid's in trouble,
or about to be.
He's fine.
Look, man, stay
out of my life.
I got it handled.
Hell, I bet you can't
even handle me.
Tell you what, Michael,
I'm gonna do you a favor.
I'm gonna look into your future.
Man, we gonna
play or not?
Here's how it works.
One day they love you,
the next day they don't.
You go from champ to chump in
a heartbeat, if you're lucky.
Speak for yourself, old man.
You walk on air
when you start.
You're the best
you ever saw.
College ball?
Yeah, they're okay,
but you're better.
Damn straight.
Hell, it's not even close.
Then you catch a draft
up to the pros, but
something's different.
These guys are good.
I mean, good.
But you think to yourself,
"I believe in myself.
And that's enough."
Only, it isn't.
That's enough.
Then you find yourself
picking up splinters.
Instead of playing, you're
cleaning up at garbage time
when nothing counts.
I said that's enough!
You don't understand
how it happened.
How you went from
so good to so bad.
Then one day,
your knees go bad
and you go packing
your bags
and that's when it hits you.
What you gave up
and what you got left.
And that dream you had,
some other guy--
some guy who's better--
took it away.
Like this?
Like this.
My game.
Oh, man. Damn. Damn.
I took you out, Connie Hooks.
I took you out.
No, you didn't.
You beat an old man.
Good morning.
It's 7:00 and here's the news.
The luck of the Irish
and a wayward fruit cart
saved the life of 40-year-old
Sean O'Flaherty last night.
After falling 20 stories
from a building rooftop,
he was pronounced fit
as a fiddle...
but smelling of lettuce
at Lincoln Hospital.
In sports, the Bulls
had the night off.
(phone ringing)
But the pressure is on at
Crane High School tonight,
where phenom Michael Williams
leads his team
to the final game of this
championship season.
This is Gary. Michael?
The Cougars have had the best
record of the season,
Hold on.
thanks to the talents
of senior Michael Williams.
All right. I'll be
there as soon as I can.
Williams' post-high school
career promises
to be one
of the best in Crane...
(man and woman shouting
in distance)
What do you want?
I came to see your brother.
He's not here.
Are your grandparents here?
At church.
I can't let you in.
Robbie, let the man in.
(distant shouting continues)
What's he doing here?
He owe you money
or something?
None of your business.
Eat your breakfast.
No, thanks.
I don't have to.
Believe me, you have to.
Now, go in the other
room and eat.
Kid's a handful.
Maybe it's 'cause
you're a terrible cook.
He-He misses his mom and dad.
Look, uh, thanks for coming
all the way down
here, but, uh...
I shouldn't have called.
I'm fine, really.
I talked to Connie.
He said you're not fine at all.
What? Because I played
a little tired?
I was giving
the old man a break.
Is that so?
Damn straight.
Well, in that case, there's
no sense in me being here.
Yeah. That's what I said.
All right, so I guess
I should go.
All right.
I saw on TV today
about the man falling off
the building...
hit the fruit cart.
Lucky guess?
Then it's true.
It's true.
Look, Michael, you got
to get some help.
I don't know,
but you got to talk
to someone.
Like who?
How about your grandparents?
They're old.
They'll just get scared.
Besides, what do they know?
What does anybody know?
They're not me.
Coach said...
Wake up, Michael.
He's gonna play you
till you drop.
This is great.
Man pops out of nowhere
and says to me
give up all you've worked for
and I'm supposed to listen?
This is my shot.
I've got a real chance here.
They're talking about
the pros, man.
Yeah, but you know
better, don't you?
How long do you think
you can play, Michael?
Long enough.
You see that kid in there?
Well, he's smart.
Smarter than me.
He deserves things.
A good school, books,
a yard to play in.
And he's not gonna have
none of that
unless I pull him up out
of here.
Playing ball's the only way.
Have you told him yet,
about your condition?
I can't.
It'll break his heart.
He depends on me.
Besides, I've promised
him things.
Tonight, Michael.
You play in that game tonight,
you know what's gonna happen.
What's he mean tonight?
N-Nothing important.
That some kind of magic
paper or something?
It's nothing.
So, you're playing
tonight, right?
You got to play.
Yeah. Don't worry.
I'm playing.
50-50, that's
what you said.
Yeah, that was then,
this is now.
That's... that's
what you said.
There're gonna be some
scouts there tonight.
I'll take my chances.
All right, now, listen up.
we got two options here tonight
and one of them
is not an option.
Let me make this clear-- you...
will win this game.
Everything you've done since
the day you were born
leads up to this day.
You win this game tonight,
you guys are golden.
You lose and you're nothing.
I repeat, nothing.
Tired? Tough.
You're hurt, you shake it off.
You're feeling sick,
I don't give a damn.
I want this game.
Do you want
this game?
I said do you want this game?
Yeah, we want this game!
All right, then.
Go out there
and get it for me!
Let's go!
Come on!
Let's do it!
(players shouting and grunting)
Very inspiring.
What are you doing here?
Well, I thought I'd come by
and see for myself.
See what?
How far a man would go
to advance his own career.
He's not gonna make it
through this game.
Get off it. He's fine.
Now, you'd like to believe that.
But you know it's not true,
don't you?
Take him out of the lineup.
Take him out of the lineup?
Are you out of your mind?
I send him home, that crowd out
there will tear me apart.
You're his coach.
You're supposed to be
watching out for him.
Not filling him full of a future
he's not gonna have.
(crowd cheering)
Do you hear that?
That's opportunity,
take it or leave it.
Me, I'm going.
And what about Michael?
Sorry, that's out of my hands.
(bangs locker)
(fans cheering)
Attaboy, Michael.
Keep it up. Keep it up.
So, what do we do now
about Michael?
What do you mean
what do we do?
We've done everything we can.
Wait a minute, Gary...
Look, I talked to him.
Connie talked to him.
He's made up his mind.
Connie talked to him? When?
Last night.
I don't know why
I'm looking at this--
it can't help him now.
Five. Number Five. Five.
That's it, I'm leaving.
I can't take this anymore.
Whoa, whoa,
where are you going?
I'm going to stop this.
I don't know how!
Wait, Marissa.
Wait a second now...
No, I can't wait.
That child is
killing himself
and I refuse to stand here
and let that happen.
Marissa, we've done
everything we can.
Don't tell me that.
There's got to be
something else we...
There isn't, Marissa.
He's got to find
his own way.
Like you did.
Robbie, you down here?
Is it true?
I think so.
Well, it's his heart, Robbie.
I don't know.
Change it back.
I got money. I'll pay you.
I'm sorry about your wheels,
but just change it back.
I can't.
It doesn't work that way.
Look, I didn't mean
for you to see this.
Why didn't you tell me?
I can make it better.
I know I can!
Look, Robbie, you can't.
We tried, I promise you.
You don't know me.
You don't believe in him...
Whoa, Robbie?
I gotta see him!
I gotta see him!
I don't believe it!
I got to see him!
Get him, Mike.
Mike, get up.
Shake it off.
Come on, get up.
Call time out! Time out!
No time out!
You can't go out there.
You can't go out there.
Shake it off.
(whistle blows)
Time out-- Crane.
Shorty, what you doing here?
You got to stop.
No, I'm straight.
No, you gotta stop.
I got to play.
No, not anymore.
I saw the magic paper.
We don't need this.
Yeah, we do.
Your house, the yard, man.
We don't.
We don't need those things.
We just need each other.
I just need you.
Can you stand?
Can you help me?
Yeah, I can.
All right.
You okay?
Nobody lives forever.
But try telling that
to the very young...
when the future's a road
that leads straight up
and hope is in your pocket.
And tomorrow's a promise
you can't wait to keep.
How you feeling?
Never better.
I went down to Washington
for some tests.
Yeah. So, I heard.
Robbie, how you doing?
All right.
He's back in school.
Wants to be a
journalist now.
Yeah. I want to publish one
of those magic newspapers.
Anything in there about
my college applications?
In the meantime,
I'm working for Connie.
Well, could be worse.
I got a feeling things
are gonna work out.
Me, too.
Like I said, everyone
has a dream.