ER (1994–2009): Season 7, Episode 8 - The Dance We Do - full transcript

Maggie's emotional instability worsens. She refuses her medication, becomes combative and flees the hospital. Abby finds solace with Kovac. The gang member girlfriend of Benton's deceased nephew knows who killed the dead boy who was hated for his antigang stance.

Previously on "ER.."

You can't throw me out.
I'm your mother.

'I'll keep taking
my medication.'

I‐I won't be a burden.

Oh, we got some
leaking fluid.

It's just irrigation

‐ It's ten to six.
‐ I know.

I thought procedure
had gone smoothly.

Oh, well, it was a screaming
success if your desired

outcome was paralysis.

Oh, my God.

I'm being sued
for malpractice.

Get out!
I don't want you here.

You stay away from my son!

'What's my prognosis?'

You need to talk to a
neurosurgeon right away.

Hold on.



Sorry. Did I wake you?

Uh, yeah, kind of.

Dr. Kovac ordered breakfast.

Oh, I'm sorry.

‐ Have a good day.
‐ You, too.

Sorry. I told him
to leave it outside.

That's okay.
I had to get up.

‐ Have some if you want.
‐ No, thanks.

You want to take a shower?
I'm almost done.

No. I have to stop home.

‐ Working today?
‐ Yeah.

Are you?



See you later then.

‐ Morning.
‐ Morning.

How was your night?

What's all this?

Um. I borrowed
a sewing machine from Marge.

Who's Marge?

Marge is your neighbor
in 2A. An adorable woman.

I'll introduce you to her.


Coffee's fresh.


You've been up
all night?

No. I got up early
just to finish this.

I have a big interview today.

Where did you get
all that fabric?

Sale at the Yardage Store.
A big sale.

And then I talked him
into a bit more of a discount.

Honey, I'm sorry. I used the
money you gave me for bus fare.

I know it wasn't my money.

I will pay you back
just as soon as I get this job.

It's a fabulous place.

Very high‐end.
Big commissions.

I'll buy us all
new furniture.


Tell me what you think.

I copied it from something
I saw in a magazine

you know,
the skirt and everything.

'I shortened the jacket,
I changed..'

You don't like it.

No, I do.

Do you?

Oh, you know what I got you?

'Something great. Knit jersey
fabric. I love jersey.'

Where is it? I'm gonna
make you something.

Make that Euro‐doctor stand up
and take notice.


I've been here long enough
to know what's happening.

As far as I'm concerned,
he's very handsome

but too old
to be playing hard to get.

Well, I thought I had him.

You do. You just
don't know you do.

When you're not looking,
he stares at you all the time.

Uh, here it is.
Come here.

'Come here, come here,
come here, come here.'

We're gonna make one
of those wraparound dresses

with the plunging neckline.

There we go.

‐ He stares at me?
‐ All the time.

I'm gonna take some

Oh, no, no. I have
to jump in the shower.

I have to work
this morning.

Uh, honey, my‐my interview
isn't until noon.

Maybe we could have breakfast.

Okay. If there's time.

Well, hurry up.

Honey, have you got any..

What are you doing?

Counting your pills.

‐ Why?
‐ Just checking.

‐ I told you I'd take them.
‐ I know.

Did I pass inspection?

You taking any Prozac?

I'm normal.
I'm normal.

I'm a little nervous
about this interview..

Prozac, Zoloft, Effexor?

‐ I gave them all to you.
‐ Did you get more?

‐ How would I get more?
‐ Mom.

I told you,
I promised you.

You don't believe me?

‐ Can you do me a favor?
‐ Anything.

Come to the hospital
with me.

‐ What for?
‐ A blood test.

‐ A blood test?
‐ Yes.

Would you do that for me?

Sure. Sure,
I'd do anything for you.

'There was no epidural.'

I was the only one
remotely close to the dura.

Answer the questions

‐ You'll do fine.
‐ I had to have punctured it.

It's a known risk. It does not
constitute negligence.

Mark, missing
a leak does.

I don't even remember looking
before I removed the endoscope.

You've done a hundred of these.
You know the procedure.

There was a bad outcome. They're
looking for someone to blame.

It doesn't mean
you did anything wrong.

Do you want me
to ride with you there?

No. Go to work.

‐ Are you sure?
‐ Mm‐hmm.

Hey, don't go jogging
into any more street signs.

‐ Hard as a rock.
‐ Apparently not.

How long do these depositions
usually last?

Call me if it goes
past midnight.


I'm just kidding.

I hate to go on an interview
with a big Band‐Aid on my arm.

What will
they think?

You have
a suit jacket.


I hope I don't have
to take it off

if the room gets warm
or something.

‐ Tell them you gave blood.
‐ Yeah.

I don't want
to be late, though.

Rule number one is, do not be
late for an interview.

Well, this will just take
a minute, I promise.

I'd actually like
to leave early.

What if I go there
and then come back

and then if you still
want to do this?

Okay. Hold still.

I‐I just don't
understand, Abby.

I mean, you've let me
in your home.

We're getting
along so well.

This is an absolute gift.

I mean, what will taking
my blood accomplish?

‐ Nothing‐‐
‐ Wait, wait. Stop, stop, stop.

Stop, stop.
Listen to me, honey. Listen.

When this test comes back
negative or positive

or whatever
it's supposed to be

then you're going to feel
foolish and I'm going to be hurt

and then you're
gonna feel bad.

You can't touch the vein
after I've cleaned it.

‐ That can't be what you want.
‐ It's not.

Then, honey,
let's just not do this.

Need some help in here?

No, we're fine.

Hi, Dave.

Hey. Hello,
Miss Lockhart.

Oh, it's Wyczenski.

Right, right.
Are you not feeling well?

‐ No. Why, do I look sick?
‐ 'No. No.'

Actually, you look great.

Oh, thank you.
You look good, too.

'Well, thank you.'

Uh, what's the draw for?

I'm giving blood.

What? That's what
you told me to say.

‐ Just go. Go ahead.
‐ What?

Just go, I don't want
you to be late. Go ahead.

‐ Really?
‐ Yes.

‐ Honestly?
‐ Yes.

Sweetie, I love you.

Okay. Thank you.

‐ Bye, Dave.
‐ It's good to see you, Miss W.

Miss W. Oh, I like that.

Miss W. I'll call you.

'Let you know
how it goes.'


'Must be nice having
such good genes.'

Knowing that you're going to
grow up looking like that, huh?

You got a..

‐ Is this about a patient?
‐ No.

Bye, Randi.
Hi, Maggie.

Oh! Love that top.

Oh, thanks.

He's supposed to be working.

Abby, have you
seen Dr. Malucci?

He's around here somewhere.

Just tell him
Stephanie stopped by.

‐ Your last name?
‐ He knows my last name.

‐ Uh‐huh.
‐ I don't get it.

He had some other girl in here
looking for him yesterday.

You fire enough shots,
you're gonna hit something.

Or catch something.

Yeah, don't knock it
till you try it.


Abby, Abby! A girl
out here needs help!

She's bleeding! Some kids,
they just threw her from a car!

Honey? Honey,
here you are, take this.

‐ What happened?
‐ They hardly stopped the car.

I'm okay.

‐ No, you're not okay.
‐ Mom, step back.

Okay, let's sit down.
Come on. Careful.

‐ No! Oh, God.
‐ Okay, okay.

‐ What's your name?
‐ Kynesha.

Okay, Kynesha, lean back.

‐ Let me take a look.
‐ Did someone beat you up?

‐ I fell.
‐ Nonsense.

‐ Honey, who did this to you?
‐ Mom, we got this.

‐ Go to your interview.
‐ Do you have any tenderness?

‐ I'm just tryin' to help.
‐ What about consciousness?

Did you have a loss
of consciousness?

I don't know. Ah.

‐ Any trouble breathing?
‐ Ah.

'Get a gurney
and page X‐ray.'



'Mr. Resnick called
from the garage.'

‐ He's on his way up now.
‐ Thank you.

We'll wait another five minutes
and then we'll leave.

I can stay. I've taken
the whole day off.

No. We shouldn't have to play
these kinds of game.

'Gordy, good to see you.'

‐ Bruce.
‐ Sorry to keep you waiting.

There was a pileup
on the expressway.

‐ A real mess.
‐ I'm sure.

You must be Dr. Corday.

‐ Yes.
‐ Bruce Resnick.

‐ Pleasure to meet you.
‐ And you.

They didn't tell me
you were so stunning.

That's okay.
You don't have to respond.

Uh, is the court reporter
set up, Fran?

‐ 'In the library.'
‐ Let's get goin'.

After you.

Hey, Irene, how are
you this morning?

‐ Fine, Mr. Resnick. Yourself?
‐ Can't complain.

‐ Hey, how are you?
‐ Fine, thank you.

Please, have a seat.

Ignore the camera.

'Thank you.'

Everyone was rubbernecking
past this accident.

'I waited my turn. So,
of course, I take a look.'

You know, human nature.

And these firemen are
using one of those

big steel, um,
things to cut.

What do you call them?

‐ Uh, jaws of life.
‐ Jaws of life!

'Right. They looked
pretty dangerous to me.'

‐ You ever use one of those?
‐ No, not personally.

It was cutting into the car
like a can opener.

‐ Anyway, should we start?
‐ Certainly.

Please raise
your right hand.

Sit down.

‐ There's no Bible?
‐ No.

'Do you swear to tell
the truth in this matter'

so help you God?


We are on the record
in a deposition

on the behalf of the plaintiff,
Al Patterson.

Plaintiff's attorney's
Bruce Resnick.

Gordon Price,
for the defense.

Doctor, could you state and
spell your name for the record?

Elizabeth Corday.

Doctor, how long
have you been a surgeon?

Including residency?

‐ Yes.
‐ Ten years.

Have you ever had
a‐a deposition taken before?

No. This is the first.

After ten years.
That's pretty good.

Well, only three
have been in America.


'Extraocular movements
are intact.'

Okay, Kynesha,
we need to remove your pants

so I can check
for injuries, okay?

It's just my face.

I know, but we still
need to check.

I'll be right back.

‐ Hey, Peter.
‐ Hey.

There's an inguinal hernia
in Curtain Three.

‐ Could you take a look?
‐ Yeah.

‐ After the assault victim.
‐ We've got it.

Probably just
a facial fracture.

Well, then,
I'll clear the belly.

She's stable.

There's blood in her underwear.
She says it's her period.

Get a rape kit.

Peter, wait.

You shouldn't take
this one.


It's Jesse's girlfriend.

I can take care of her.

Oh, man.

‐ Good. No hemotympanum.
‐ And what's that?

That means you didn't
crack your skull.

‐ I'm Dr. Benton.
‐ I know.

'Is there anyone you want us
to call? Mother, father?'

She won't be home.

The ring enhancing lesion

'and central necrosis
on MRI was, um, suspicious.'

'The biopsy confirms it.'

Another pathologist
should take a look.

It could be an astrocytoma.

'Two neuro specialists
have reviewed the slides'


They concur.

It's a GBM.

What's the survival rate?

Untreated, eight weeks.

'But with radiation therapy'

'the average increases
six to nine months.'

'So you need to go see a
radiation oncologist today.'

W‐w‐what about surgery?

Uh, I'm afraid
the tumor is inoperable.


'It looks like it
invaded Broca's area.'

'Uh, the speech arrest
that you were experiencing'

was probably the result
of a‐a focal seizure.

Even if we remove
the entire tumor

you'd most likely be left
with the inability to speak

'and understand language.'

‐ Communication.
‐ 'More than communication.'

'You'd‐you'd lose all
ability to comprehend'

'interact with the
world around you.'

'Essentially, what makes
you human.'

'Even if you consented..'

'...I wouldn't even
consider operating.'

We'll keep you on Dilantin,
uh, 300 milligrams daily.

'Do you have disability

Dr. Greene?


What's going on, Carter?
Why are we so backed up?

Uh, I‐I just got here.

Weaver's not on
until tonight.

This always happens
when she's off.

What happened
to your head?

Oh, jogging.
I ran into a street sign.

She left you a note.

I'll take the shoulder pain
and the vertigo.

Dr. Greene, guy
with palpitations.

Tachycardic at 300.
BP is 100/70. Normal mentation.

Well, six of Adenosine.
I'll be right there.

Whoa, did you say
heart rate was 300?


If it's Wolff‐Parkinson‐White

Adenosine could
put him into V‐fib.

Oh, yeah, right.
100 milligrams Procainamide.

IV every ten minutes.
Thanks, Carter.

‐ Sure. You're okay?
‐ Yeah.

It's just, uh,
it's been a long morning.

Listen, we have to do a blood
and urine test on you.

‐ It's your three month mark.
‐ Right now?

Uh, sometime in
the next six hours.


Listen, if you want privacy,
I'll do the stick.

Otherwise, you can
ask a nurse.

Um, yeah,
I'll ask Abby.

‐ Randi, what's open?
‐ Exam One.

Alright. Meet you there.

Liver and spleen are good.
No peritoneal free fluid.

No lacerations
or contusions.

Kynesha, when's the last time
you had intercourse?

I don't remember.

Wood's lamp.

I'll get the lights.

‐ 'What's that do?'
‐ Hold on.

‐ There's no semen.
‐ What?

'We got some abrasions,
but no stridor.'

I need to do a pelvic exam,

‐ Do you know what that is?
‐ No, I'm on my period.

‐ I told you.
‐ I still need to check.

‐ Let me go! Listen..
‐ Hey, hey. C'mon. C'mon.

Come on.
Hey, calm down.

Kynesha, it's important
we give you an exam.

Not down there.
Just fix my face.

Look, we know it's hard but if
someone sexually assaulted you

we have to check.

I didn't get raped.
I got beat up, that's all.

‐ Who beat you up?
‐ I got jumped out.

No big thing.

‐ Of a gang.
‐ I did okay.

Some girls get
real messed up.

I did okay.

So you concede Mr. Patterson's
surgery started at 5:17 p. m.

'According to the chart, yes.'

And you sent Mr. Patterson
to pre‐op at 2:15 p. m.?

Approximately, yes.

Expecting to operate
within the hour?

Expecting to operate

But you didn't. You didn't start
Mr. Patterson's operation

for another three hours,
did you?

‐ No.
‐ 'Why not?'

I'm on emergency call.

A life‐threatening
gunshot wound

to a 14‐year‐old
boy came in.

I had to respond.

'And were you able
to save this boy?'


And this Jesse Robbins..

Uh, did you know him?

By association, yes.

And that association
was through a colleague

Dr. Peter Benton?

He was Dr. Benton's nephew.

And Dr. Benton
is your former lover?

'Don't answer that.'

Was the young boy
you were unable to save

the nephew of
your former lover?

'Move it along, Bruce.'

That has no probative value
and she's not answering it.

Are you refusing
to answer that‐‐

She's not answering
the question.

Fine. She'll answer
in front of a judge.

So the death of his nephew
was upsetting to you?

Of course.

How long did
it upset you?

I'm not sure.

Well, losing a young boy,
a boy you knew

a boy close to someone
you cared about.

It must have been
quite overwhelming.

Is that a question?

‐ Was it overwhelming?
‐ At that moment.

So overwhelming
and tragic, in fact

that it was still on your mind
while you operated on my client

wasn't it, Dr. Corday?

'Guess I should have had
that blood transfusion'

'this morning, huh?'

Come on, that was funny.

This is kind of ironic,
isn't it?

Check my cholesterol
while you're at it?

Hey, you. You're supposed to be
watching this. You better watch.

You think I want
to be doing this, Carter?

I don't have
better things to do?


‐ What should I do with this?
‐ Give it to me.

‐ Are we done?
‐ Yeah.

Abby, paramedics called.
Your mom's hurt.

‐ 'She's asking for you.'
‐ What happened?

I don't know. She's outside a
clothing store on Oak Street.

She wants to give names,
I'll check it out. Sure of that.

She's afraid. She's not
going to give names.

Dr. Benton.

'She wants
to talk to you.'

If she changes her mind,
give me a call.

Peter, I said
I'd take care of her.

I got it.

Looks like you broke
your cheek bone.

I'm gonna have to do
a CAT scan of your face.

So you're really gonna
protect the girls

who did this to you, huh?

Protecting myself.

If they find out I said
somethin', they gonna kill me.

Like they did Jesse?

You don't know that.

I know he wasn't
a gang member.

‐ And you are.
‐ Was.

I know that the only reason
he was in that neighborhood

is because of you.

He only came there twice.

Said he didn't like
me banging.

Kept telling me that
I was better than all that.

That he loved me.

'He was gonna get me out.'

You're telling me
that's why they killed him?

He ditched school.

Tried to get me
to come over.

He told me that his mom
was gonna figure things out.

We had a fight.

I was walkin' away
when it happened.

You‐you saw
who shot him?

That's why I don't want
to be a part of it no more.

I loved him, too.

Who shot him, Kynesha?

'You just said
you loved him.'

You'd tell the cops
if I told you.

‐ No.
‐ 'Then why are you asking?'

'Cause I got to know.

You swear you ain't
gonna say nothing?


Who murdered my nephew?

'You need to hold
still, ma'am.'

'My daughter is a doctor.'

'I don't need you to do
any of this, alright?'

I don't want you to touch me.
She's a doctor.

She will be here.
She can do this.

Abby, Abby, Abby.
This wasn't my fault.

‐ This man came after me.
‐ You her daughter?

I didn't even
know who he was.

‐ 'She was shoplifting.'
‐ I was not shoplifting.

Why would I shoplift
a ten dollar scarf?

It's a $300 scarf.

Well, it looks like
a ten dollar scarf.

‐ I'll tell you that right now.
‐ She ran straight into my door.

Shattered glass

You don't want
to arrest her, okay?

Believe me, it's not
worth your trouble.

‐ I'm a nurse at County..
‐ What's wrong with her?

Nothing's wrong with me.
Nothing's wrong with me.

‐ What's wrong you, huh?
‐ She has a mood disorder.

‐ She was stealing.
‐ She wasn't stealing.

‐ She was confused.
‐ You weren't there.

She walked into the store,
demanded a job. And when I‐‐

Let me tell you
something, dearie.

I have better retail skills
than you do any day of the week.

Be quiet, mom.

Common courtesy and politeness
being two of them.

I just..
You know what

can I‐can I give you
my phone number?

And then I'll
pay for the glass.

Is that cool with you?

What if she comes back?

I mean, I have customers
in there.

She's not gonna come back.

‐ You'll take care of it?
‐ 'Yes, I promise.'

Alright, fine.
Just get her out of here.

Up to five of Haldol PRN.

‐ You got it?
‐ Yeah, yeah, yeah.

‐ What?
‐ Huh?

‐ You wanted to see me?
‐ Yeah.

Carter, your naltrexone level
was non‐detectable.

‐ My naltrexone level.
‐ The blood test.

You're supposed
to be on 50 migs a day.

I just thought
it was a drug screen.

I didn't know you were
screening for naltrexone.

It's in your contract.

Well, my prescription
ran out

and I haven't
had time to refill it.

You know that it's part
of the agreement.

And I'm taking it.

I don't need it
and I'm taking it.


You're not the only one with
something at stake here, Carter.

We put ourselves on the line
to give you a fresh start.

In any other circumstance,
you'd either be dead or in jail.

Fresh start, huh?

You really think this
has been a fresh start?


I think that I've done
absolutely everything

that you've asked of me

'and I think I've done it
without complaint.'

I think that I've obeyed
all these arbitrary

and arcane rules and regulations
about what patients

I can treat
and what patients I can't

and when I can treat them
and when I can't.

'I think I've peed into cups.'

'I think you've taken
my blood and I think'

at some point
it's gonna have to be enough.

I think, at some point
you're actually

gonna have to trust me.

Hey, Mark!
I need some help in here.

Chuny, get in here
and give me some Ativan.

'Oh, my God, what happened?'

‐ Get the Ativan.
‐ How much?

'Four milligrams, now.'

‐ Mark?
‐ 'Did he hit his head?'

‐ No
‐ Does he have a fever?

I don't know.
He just started seizing.

Hold him still.

'Alright, start him on..'

Start him on 15 liters of O2.

Get a line going.

And then I need a pulse ox
and a set of vitals.

'Get a tox screen.'

'Finger stick of glucose.'

What do you want for labs?

CBC and a CHEM‐20.


Dr. Greene.

Hey, hey, Mark.
Can you hear me?

Squeeze my hands,
right and left.

‐ What happened?
‐ You had a seizure.

But your vitals have been stable
and you didn't drop your sats.

We're gonna take you
for a head CT.

See if you can follow
my finger with your eyes.

‐ Come on, Mark, just lay back.
‐ No.

Dr. Greene, we need
to work this up.

I don't want
to work it up.

Neuro's coming down
for a consult.

‐ That's not necessary.
‐ Yes, it is.

‐ You had a new‐onset seizure.
‐ I just need a Dilantin level.

I can go to the
outpatient lab for that.

'You need to sit down
and relax.'

'Come on, I called Kovac
in to cover.'

You've got a hep‐lock
on your arm.

‐ I'll handle it.
‐ Mark, Mark‐‐

I'll handle it.

‐ Dr. Greene, are you okay?
‐ I'm fine.

Hey, boss, what are you doing?
I heard you had a seizure.

You heard wrong.

Mr. Patterson's condition

needed immediate surgical
attention, did it not?

'It depends on what you
mean by immediate.'

'You had to operate
that day.'

Within the next 24 hours.

'And the endoscopic surgery'

is certainly the fastest
procedure, correct?

Among other benefits.

'So it was more convenient
for you.'

I base my surgical
opinions on what

I perceive to be in the best
interests of the patient.

‐ The recovery, how‐‐
‐ 'Let me try again.'

Perhaps you didn't hear
the question.

The endoscopic surgery
was faster

and therefore easier
on your schedule

than the alternate
open procedure.

‐ Of course, but that's‐‐
‐ Thank you.

How long does
the endoscopic procedure take?

My schedule had nothing
whatsoever to do

with my advice
to Mr. Patterson.

Please strike that
as nonresponsive.

Dr. Corday, how long
does the endoscopic procedure

'take to perform?'

About an hour.

But you performed
Mr. Patterson's

endoscopic discectomy
in 42 minutes, correct?

I don't know. I'd have to check
the operative report.

Well, if the
operative report stated

that you were in the OR
with Mr. Patterson

less than 43 minutes,
would you say that's correct?

It could be.

Do you have any reason
to doubt the veracity

of the operative report?


Would it you surprise you
that of the 87

endoscopic discectomies you
performed before November 16th

your fastest time
was 54 minutes.

Twelve minutes
slower than Mr. Patterson?

You're testifying, Bruce.

‐ 'It's a question, Gordy.'
‐ Well, she can count.

'Would that surprise you,
Dr. Corday?'

Let's move on.

Did you know
that the fastest

you had ever performed
this procedure

was 12 minutes slower
than Mr. Patterson's surgery?

I do now.

You don't time yourself?

It's not a race.

Then why did
the circulating nurse

remind you it was
ten to six?

Assumes facts not in evidence.

Do you recall the
circulating nurse reminding you

that it was ten to six

while you were operating on
Mr. Patterson?

‐ Yes.
‐ Why'd you need to be reminded?

To keep me on schedule.

And what did you have scheduled
after Mr. Patterson's surgery?

I had an engagement.

Some place more important
that you had to be?

‐ No and I resent the inference.
‐ What inference is that?

That I rushed
Mr. Patterson's surgery

in order to satisfy
a personal obligation.

Okay, that's it.
We're taking a break.

‐ Did you? Did you rush?
‐ Don't answer that.

Did the nurse remind you
it was ten to six

'because you needed
to leave by 6:00?'

‐ Yes!
‐ 'We're taking a break.'

‐ Did you get that?
‐ No, we're off the record.

Stop typing.

Now, I said
we're taking a break.

'Let's go.'

All I wanted to do was talk
to the owner.

I know if I could
just talk to the owner

'he'd want to hire me.'

What happened?

I don't know.

‐ Dr. Greene had a seizure?
‐ Yeah.

'I've never understood people'

'who try to make themselves
feel big'

by making other people
feel small.

Let me tell you something.
I've got plenty of experience.

‐ Plenty. You know what?
‐ Sit down. Sit down.

She was threatened, is what she
was. She was threatened.

She knew I could outsell her,
she knew it.

So she‐she sent
that neanderthal in on me.

You know why?
'Cause she was threatened.

Did you even
have an interview?

Of course I had an interview

until she chased me
into the window.

Ow. Ow! Oh, God, this is bad.
This is bad.

You need stitches.
Here, sit down.

I'm gonna get an X‐ray to make
sure there's no glass in there.

Keep some pressure on it
and I'll be right back.

Abby. Abby.

‐ Yeah?
‐ You're mad at me.

No, mom, I'm not mad at you.

‐ I thought you would be mad.
‐ Sit down.

'I have plenty of experience.'

'Plenty of experience.'

'Do you think I'm going
to put up with that?'

'Well, I'm not.
I'm not.'

'I'm not gonna
put up with that.'

'See if I don't.'

I hate people.

I have so much more
experience than you.

You can try, but I don't think
she's gonna say anything.

She wouldn't have told you
if she didn't want us

to pick this girl up.

Right. I gave you the name.
Why don't you pick the girl up?

I need to get it from her.
She's the witness.

What if she doesn't
say anything?

It depends.
We could bring her to the DA.

Maybe a judge.

There's fluid
in the maxillary sinus

but no depressed fracture.

Good, good.

There are a couple of guys out
here that need to talk to you.

No. No way!

I told you
I don't know nothing!

'Looks like
you're feeling better.'


I got my prescription refilled.
Do you want to see me take it?


Thanks for helping me out.


You want to tell me
what happened?

Not particularly.

You know, I did treat you.
Technically, I am your doctor.

Anything you tell me
is confidential.

Okay, doctor,
it's quite simple.

I have a brain tumor.

‐ What?
‐ Glioblastoma multiformae.

Bummer, huh?
It gets better.

I found out
that it's inoperable.

Oh, Mark, I'm sorry.

Yeah. Well..'re up.

What are you gonna do?

Die, I guess.

After today, I probably won't be
able to work anymore.

Did you get
a second opinion?

They double‐checked
the biopsy.

No, by another neurosurgeon.

I mean, there's got to be
a clinical trial

going on someplace, right?

Yeah. Looking into it.

Well, looks like
they need you.

Are you gonna be okay?

Stupid question, Carter.

Do me a favor.

Try and keep the rumors
from spreading around here

before I get a chance
to talk to Elizabeth.


Do you know what time it is?

Uh, 2:47.

Correct, but it's
not the right answer.

It's not?

No, the right answer
is yes or no.

Yes or no when possible.
Don't elaborate.

Not all questions have
a yes or no answer.

I understand. Yes or no when
possible. Don't elaborate.

We don't win cases in deposition
but we can lose them.

'Now at best, this is a
stain that follows you'

'for the rest of your career.'

At worst,
you lose your license.

'We're not here
to win an argument.'

'This is about information.'

He's looking to gain information
to use against you in court.

We're looking
to limit that information.

You mean hide the truth?

I didn't say that.

'How many do you think?'


Four. Five.


You're so good at this.

You're so gentle.

Thank you.

It's hard to believe

'cause you have such great
big masculine hands.

Oh‐oh, sit still.

Don't move, don't move,
don't move.

Eyelash. See?

Okay, now you have
to make a wish and blow.

That's alright.

Okay. I'll blow for you.

What did you wish for?
Don't tell me.

Don't tell me,
don't tell me.

'I'm sorry.'

You're sorry for what?

It's, uh, part of the disease.


Oh, yes, we're going
to now apologize

for your diseased mother,
are we? Are we?

She's always misbehaving.

You know, Abby never wanted me
around her friends.

‐ She was always ashamed.
‐ Stop it, mom.

Ashamed and embarrassed.
You think, I don't know that?

‐ Sit down. Sit down, mom.
‐ I know that.

You'd walk right by me
and pretend you didn't know me.

You‐you'd pretend
I didn't even exist.

Sit down and let me
finish your hand.

‐ I didn't‐‐
‐ Shut up.

Don't you sass me.
I'm your mother.

Not by choice.

Okay, Okay.
Okay. Alright.

Okay, do you want
a five of Haldol?

‐ No! Abby. Abby, I'm sorry.
‐ Do you want five of Haldol?

I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
I don't want Haldol!

Sit still and behave and we
won't need to give you anything.

You let me go!

I'm leaving. I'm leaving.

I'm leaving.
I'm leaving.

I'm leaving. I'm leaving.

No! No! No!

'No! No! No!'

‐ 'No!'
‐ Do you want five of Haldol?

Leather restraints now!

Start with
two of Droperidol, IV.


Abby, no. Don't let them
do this to me, Abby!

Abby! Abby, don't let them
do this to me.

Here, hard restraints.

Don't let them do this to me!

Okay, both sides.
Put her on the monitor.

Please! Please, don't let them
do this. Please.

Come on, Maggie,
calm down.

No! No!


‐ 'Maggie.'
‐ No.

You, you're my daughter,
you little bitch!

Make them stop!

'No! No!'


'They're ready to start again.'

You okay? You look
a little peaked.

Oh, I'm fine.

Look, we're getting
to the critical stage here

so if you don't feel like you
can maintain your composure‐‐

No, no, I want
to get this over with.


‐ What he's doing here?
‐ It's his deposition.

He has a right to be here
just like you have a right

to be at any
of our depositions.

Don't they
have to tell us?

He's been brought in
to rattle you.

Just stay calm,
pretend he's not there.

"Pretend he's not there."

Don't let it affect
your testimony.

Are we ready
to start again, Gordy?



'You removed the restraints?'

I can admit her voluntarily

but she doesn't meet
a criteria for a hold.

Ran through a plate
glass window.

An accident.

She's not gravely disabled.

She's not a danger
to herself or others.

‐ That's debatable.
‐ She's rapid cycling.

Probably experiencing
a drug‐induced mania.

Blood alcohol is .092.

That'll do it.

So do you want me
to admit her?

‐ I don't care.
‐ Okay, I'll do it.

She wants to talk to you.
She's remorseful.

‐ She wants to apologize.
‐ No, thank you.


‐ Abby, I'm sorry.
‐ Hey, Maggie.

I'll go in the hospital.
I'll get better.

You have to go back inside
the room.

‐ Go back to bed.
‐ It's alright.

‐ 'Come on, Maggie.'
‐ 'I'll get better.'

'I'll get better.'

'Get some frozen peas.'

Reuse them every four hours
on your face for 20 minutes.

Take some Ibuprofen
for the pain.

I want you to come back
for a recheck.

Hey, he was my nephew.

You know I had
to do something.

'LOL, complains of weakness..'

Yeah, good luck.

'Ma'am, were you having
any chest pain'

'or shortness of breath?'

No, dear, the dryer
was just set too high.

Okay, EKG, CBC, CHEM‐7,
and get a chest.

I'll be right with you,
Mrs. Fruhman.

Thank you, dear.

I think they're going
to find the shooters.

The ones who killed Jesse.

Good. I hope it helps.

Yeah. Cleo.

I got angry, you know,
and I got you angry.

You're the only thing in my life
that makes sense right now.

You know I'm trying to say,

You know, sorry.

Buy me some dinner.
I'll consider your apology.

'Well, then
in your medical opinion'

what caused the meningocele
to cut off the blood supply

to Mr. Patterson's
spinal cord?

A leak of CSF,
cerebrospinal fluid

from the dura which
covers the spinal canal.

'Which means you must
have punctured the dura'

'during the procedure?'

That seems evident now, yes.

It wasn't evident
during the procedure?


It was apparently evident
to the anesthesiologist.

Objection. Argumentative.

According to
the operative report

Dr. Babcock,
the anesthesiologist

'drew your attention
to spinal fluid'

in the surgical field
at ten to six, correct?


The note says ten to six,
doesn't it?


So the report is wrong?

No. He did draw
my attention to fluid.

Fluid, we now know
to be spinal fluid.


What could it
have been, doctor?


But you understood
that the anesthesiologist

was concerned
it might be spinal fluid?


How did you satisfy yourself
that it wasn't?

I suctioned
the irrigation saline

and did not see
any persistent CSF.

Did you look?

I can't operate
without looking.

'Well, given that
it was ten to six'

that you were in a hurry

the nurse simultaneously
reminding you of your date.

Objection. Can we get
to a question, Bruce?

Did you perform a complete
and competent inspection

of the field to ensure
there were no CSF leaks?

Sometimes leaks are so small
you cannot detect them visually.

Nevertheless, did you perform
a thorough inspection?

That's procedure.

And you followed procedure

by performing
a thorough inspection?

Asked and answered.

It's been asked,
it has not been answered.

What was the question?

Did you perform a thorough
and competent inspection

specifically looking
for possible CSF leaks

before you closed?


‐ Hey.
‐ Hey.

Where did you go?
I was looking all over for you.

I took a walk,
got a cup of coffee.

You didn't get my page?

I knew what it was about.

Legaspi was trying
to find a bed for your mom

and she just took off.

I figured. Thanks.

I thought you'd want
to check your apartment.

She's not there.

‐ You checked?
‐ No.

Uh, this is the end
of the cycle.

Our cycle. She disappears.

And then for months,
I don't know where she is

or what she's doing,
or if she's alive

and then eventually
she'll turn up somewhere

and I'll have to
deal with it.

I'm sorry.

Don't be.

I knew how it would end
when she showed up.

It's the dance we do.

We get lost in it
for a little while

but it always
ends the same.

‐ Do you‐‐
‐ You ready?


Carter, I forgot
to tell Weaver.

Enzymes are pending
on Mr. Aube in four.

‐ I'll tell her.
‐ Thanks.

Goodnight, Carter.

‐ You coming in?
‐ I don't want to intrude.

They're probably
just eating. Come on.

Jackie always makes
so much food anyway.

They need some time
to themselves.

I'll wait for an invitation.

Alright, I'll just grab
some stuff for tomorrow.

‐ Be right back.
‐ Okay.

Dr. Benton.

What are you doing here?

I went to the store
like you said.

‐ Jackie see you?
‐ No.

‐ You can't be here.
‐ The cops was there.

Hooking up the cousins.
They gonna think it was me.

‐ 'Have you been home yet?'
‐ 'No.'

They're going to kill me,
I'm dead.

Shh! Come on, come on.
Get in the car.

I talked to the cops.
I can't go home.

I told you this
was going to happen.

Alright, just get in the car.
I'll figure out something.


I'm up here.

What are you doing?

Just thinking.

How'd it go?


What happened?

What? What is it?

I lied.

I lied.

The fact is I rushed.

I rushed through
and didn't inspect

the entire surgical field.

That man will never
walk again

because I wanted to get out
early for the weekend.

And I‐I couldn't even
claim responsibility.

I sat there
and I‐I swore to God

and I lied to save myself.

God owes us one.

I think you're allowed
to be selfish for a while.

I didn't run
into a street sign.

I had a biopsy.

Those, uh, headaches.

They weren't from hockey.