ER (1994–2009): Season 6, Episode 13 - Be Still My Heart - full transcript

Dr. Greene and Dr. Corday bond with their parents, Lucy cares for a patient with a psychotic break, and Valentine's Day celebrations in the ER end tragically.

Dad, what are you doing?

I thought I'd weed through

your mother's
record collection.

You mean the one
we schlepped all the way back

from San Diego
along with that old turntable

so now you can
throw it out?

She did go through some strange
musical phases, bless her heart.

Uh...the dance phase,

Tango, and, uh,
the lounge lizard phase.

You know, Tom Jones.

I like
a good show tune myself.

Remember Oklahoma?

Oklahoma? How could I not?

She played it for me when
I was a kid a thousand times.

Well, then I guess
you won't mind one more.

As long as it means
no more cha‐cha‐cha.

I got to shave.

Go ahead.
Don't want to be late.

I thought surgeons
were supposed to have

horrible hours,
up very early.

We do. I was
up very late.

I see your
father's been here.


Crown Essential Bouquet.

Oh...over a year ago.

God, I don't think
I've even used it.

Well...I must be off.

‐ What time's your angioplasty?
‐ What?

You mentioned you were doing
a laser angioplasty.

I thought perhaps
I would come and observe.

Why would you want to do that? work
with lasers is so..



Wandering through
the atmosphere

watching the stars twinkle.

I thought perhaps I'd come and
see the practical approach. Hmm.

I don't think
it's even allowed.

Well, I'm sure
as associate chief of surgery

you could make arrangements.

Anyway, I'll call
and check

or perhaps I'll just drop by.

Wait, mother!

Mother, I don't think that's..

...such a good idea!

♪ Chicks and ducks and geese
better scurry ♪

♪ When I take you
out in the surrey.. ♪

Hey, Mark, I was hoping
to get by a pharmacy today

to pick up some refills
on those prescriptions.

Dad, I told you I'm not going
to give you any scripts.

I‐I just need the
Combivent and Vanceril.

I've still got plenty
of the theo‐dur.

Dad, you have Emphysema.

I haven't needed my oxygen
for over two months.

And you haven't seen
a doctor in over six

and you need to see
a Pulmonologist here in Chicago.

Damn, doctors...
ask a million questions

when all you need's
the medicine.

It's not good medicine‐‐

For one family member
to look after another.

So what the hell good is it

to have a son for a doctor
when he can't

write you a

It's not that I can't, dad.

No,'s just that
you won't.

♪ If you're thinking
that I'd care to swap ♪

♪ For that shiny little surrey ♪

♪ With the fringe on the top ♪

Could you give these charts
to Dr. Weaver?

She's off today.
You're tall. Hold this.

‐ What's this?
‐ Hearts. Valentine's day?

You know when you give people
flowers, candies

cards telling them
how much you love them.

‐ Happy Valentine's day!
‐ Oh, thank you, Yosh.

That is so sweet.
You see?

Don't they have Valentine's
day in Croatia?

Oh, yes, we do.

We even have these little
hearts. "Be mine."

I don't recommend
you eating that.

‐ "Dear one."
‐ I got to get to Radiology.

‐ "Cutty pie."
‐ That's cutie pie.

Oh, thank you.

I'm Abby Lockhart,
Mrs. Connelly.

We're going to help you.

Could you find
that young doctor?

He‐e took care of my husband
Barry after the fire.

‐ Oh, what was his name?
‐ Malucci?

‐ No.
‐ Uh, Carter?

‐ Yes, that's it. Dr. Carter.
‐ Okay.

We'll try to find him for you.

Do you have a cough,
Mrs. Connelly?

‐ No.
‐ Pulse is thready.

Any pain in your belly?

No, not too much.

Any aching?

Oh, I'm 81 years old, dear.

I ache all over.

One, two, three.

‐ Here you go.
‐ Any pain when you urinate?

No, but I seem to go
all the time.

Okay, well, we're going
to run some tests.

BP is still low, 80/50.

And I'll see if
I can find Dr. Carter for you.

‐ Oh, thank you.
‐ It's probably Urosepsis.

Let's, uh, start her
on a liter of saline

and send out a CBC,
a chem panel

blood cultures, UA
and a urine culture.

How about antibiotics?

Um, dip a urine to
confirm the diagnosis

and I'll see what Carter wants
to start her on.



We have to stop meeting
like this.

Just tell me we're going out
for dinner tonight alone.

Valentine's day?
I wouldn't miss it.

Fun morning
with your mother?

Oh, she's actually

to come visit me at work.

Oh, good, I'll finally
get to meet her.

Yeah, don't hold your breath.

This is the woman
who didn't even

phone me when
she got into town.

So remind me again

why it is you invited her
to stay with you?

Don't go there or I'll have
to throw you into that snowbank.

Could you remind me again?


I can't believe...
you actually did.

You asked for it!
You asked for it!

‐ Paul Sobriki?
‐ Yeah.

Watch out. Watch out.

Stop it! Stop it!

‐ Truce.
‐ You promise?

‐ I promise.
‐ You promise?

‐ I promise.
‐ Scout's honor?

Scout's honor.
I'm done.

‐ Promise?
‐ Yeah, yeah.

Just the snowballs,
I guess, huh?


‐ So you've got a bad headache.
‐ Uh‐huh.

‐ And have you had them before?
‐ I take Aspirin.

Why don't we?
Where exactly is the pain?

It's around
my right eye.

‐ Are you nauseated?
‐ Yeah.

And does light sometimes
bother your eyes?

‐ Yeah.
‐ Alright.

Well, why don't we find you a
room and get you checked out?

Did you hit your head?

‐ 'Loss of consciousness?'
‐ Let him answer my question.

He's supposed to be my patient.

‐ You weren't around.
‐ I'm here now. Okay?

‐ Your face looks flushed.
‐ This collar's pretty tight.

Good morning, one and all.
Who's running this?

‐ I am.
‐ I am.

Dr. Chen, why don't
you give me the bullet?

George Hudson, 55,
rear‐ended at a red light.

Complains of neck pain
and mild headache.

‐ Mr. Hudson, I'm Dr. Greene.
‐ Actually, it's Dr. Hudson.

Has anybody asked Dr. Hudson
what his specialty is?

'Oh, family medicine.'

I'm from Philadelphia.

I'm just here a couple days
taking a CME course.

I see I've landed myself
a couple of eager residents.

That you have.

'So far they're asking
the right questions.'

uh, I'm glad to hear it.

But they don't exactly wait
to hear the answers.

‐ My apologies.
‐ That's all right.

‐ Let them continue.
‐ You sure you don't mind?

No, it's kind of amusing.

I was a house officer
once myself.

Dr. Chen, Dr. Malucci,
continue your evaluation.

'I'll be back
to go over your workup.'

Scream if
you need me.

'June Connelly?'

You saw her husband
a few months ago.

Oh, well, I probably saw

a couple hundred
patients since then.

‐ Carter, do you have a minute?
‐ Going to see a patient.

This won't take long.

I'll be there.

I have a 23 year old
law student

with two days of right
periorbital throbbing headache

associated with nausea
and photophobia.

No fever, no stiff neck,
no history of migraines

but this one seems classic.

I'm thinking a six
of imitrex, sub‐q?

‐ Yup, sounds good.
‐ You don't want to examine him?

No, I trust you.
Let me know how he does.

There. Is that
a little more comfortable?

Yes, thank you, dear.

'Mrs. Connelly.'


Oh, here you are.

Oh, you probably
don't remember me.

Yes, I do.
How are you feeling?

Well, not too bad.

They're taking
very good care of me.

I'm sure they are.
You're in very good hands.

Pressure's up to 85 systolic.

Dipped four‐plus positive
for nitrates and leukocytes.

Which antibiotic
do you want?

Um, I was thinking
amp and gent?

Try 500 milligrams
of levaquin IV piggyback.

That's once a day dosing,
a little less nephrotoxic.

Um, could I talk to you
for a second?

‐ Mm‐hmm. Mrs. Connelly.
‐ 'Oh, yes.'

I'm going to stop
back and see you later, okay?

‐ Oh, yes, thank you.
‐ You're very welcome.

‐ Bye.
‐ 'Bye.'

Her pressure's
dangerously low.

Yeah, she's septic. She has
bacteria in her bloodstream.

So we need to get
her pressure up

using fluids
and inotropic support?

Are you sure that
she wants all that?

Well, she came to the hospital.
We should do everything we can.

Well, we should do everything
that she wants us to do.

That may not include
machines and tubes.

Well, when I worked in OB

doing everything
was pretty much automatic.

This isn't OB.
Talk to her.

Carter, you following
Lucy's patient?

Kid with the migraine?
Yeah, she presented him.

If you're going to supervise,
do it more closely.

‐ What's going on?
‐ I was coming to get you.

‐ What's his name?
‐ Paul Sobriki.

How you feeling, Paul?

My wife doesn't like the diner,
either, and I‐I..

‐ Uh‐huh.
‐ He suddenly started babbling.

'Now he's puking.'

He's altered.
Why didn't you come and get me?

'I was on my way.'

This could be encephalitis
or meningitis.

Damn it, Lucy,
you should have told me

this when you presented him.

He seemed fine
and I was coming to get you.

Alright, Malik, give him
two of ativan, IV push.

Lucy, check his electrolytes

calcium, thyroid panel
and tox screen.

I'm going to go get an LP kit.

Got your page.
What've we got?

Gretel was having seizures.

Gretel? The patient?

I thought it
was neurological

but the workup
was negative

except for low
blood glucose.

Which suggested
an insulin‐producing adenoma.

CT of the abdomen shows
a nodule in the pancreas.

I hope to god
it's not malignant.

Well, that's very caring
of you, Robert.

Well, I am capable
of that, Lizzie

on occasion,
this being one of them.

Let's go. I want to see her
before they put her under.

Wait, I haven't even‐‐

You can finish up later.
Come on, let's go.

She's ready for you,
Dr. Romano.

There, there, Gretel.
There, there.

There, there. Good girl.

Robert, this is a dog.

Correction, Lizzie,
this is my dog.

Ativan put him right out.

Shh...okay, draw up
the lidocaine.

One and four for cell counts,
protein and glucose in two

and gram stain
and culture in three.

'You got it.'

Change over to a
27‐gauge needle.

‐ I always do.
‐ Very good.

Okay, I'm ready.

‐ Hold him!
‐ What do I do? What do I do?

What are you putting
into me? Stop!

Paul, relax, it's okay,
just calm down.

Calm down,
it's alright.

You're sticking me in my back!

Malik, give him another
two of ativan. Lucy, keep going.

No, it'll be a traumatic tap.

We'll get blood
in the spinal fluid.

It won't get any easier.

‐ Okay, I feel some resistance.
‐ Just keep advancing.

'Alright, I'm not getting
any fluid.'

Did you feel a pop?

‐ No.
‐ Keep going.

‐ I can't.
‐ Yes, you can.

Stop, please!

You're hurting me!
Please stop!

Alright, check the stylet.

Alright, we got it.

'Paul, Paul, just relax.'

Just relax. Just relax.

Hey, crystal clear. Good job.

Guess I have my
breeds mixed up.

I always thought
they were wiry little runts.

More like that
Australian silky thing.

Nope. Alex,
the bouvier is robust

squarely built, well muscled.

A hardy dog, then,
you could say, Dr. Romano.

Except for
the pancreas.

Lizzie, Alex,
how's Gretel's BP?

Uh, I don't know.
We don't have a dog cuff.

Then start an arterial line

and hook her
to a monitor.

An arterial line.

Just pretend
you're in dog lab.

That's what I'm doing.

‐ Lizzie.
‐ I'm sorry.

But I just
don't think it's proper

to be operating
on your dog.

I'm chief of staff.
Is that proper enough for you?

Besides, what would
you have me do?

Leave her
to some poodle surgeon?

Curved crile
to clamp off that bleeder.

Dr. Hudson
has oat cell carcinoma?

Yeah. We asked him
about previous hospitalizations.

Had six cycles
of chemotherapy.

Been in remission
15 months.

Now presents with
a mediastinal mass

which is why
he's flushed.

It's superior
vena cava syndrome.

The prognosis for which is‐‐

A 25 percent one‐year survival.

Which is exactly why
we should blast him

with radiation therapy
to shrink the tumor

before he gets elevated
intracranial pressure.

But recent literature
shows that chemotherapy

can reduce the tumor
in two to three days.

I think we should treat him
with platinum and VP‐16.

Which does Dr. Hudson want?

Did you even ask him?

Alright, stop it,
both of you.

Listen, I'm going
to check in on another patient

and then I'm going
to go see Dr. Hudson

and I'm going to present
him with his options.

What are we
going to do?

You are going
to watch me and say nothing.

How are you feeling,
Mrs. Connelly?

Oh, pretty darn
good here.

Pressure's 100/70.

Let's see, the
fluids we're giving you

are making you
feel better.

Oh, no. I think
it's this young man here

who is making me
feel better.

He gave me
a Valentine's day card.

Oh, that was very...
thoughtful of Yosh.

Can we get
you anything?

Um...well, I am
a little thirsty.

‐ Okay.
‐ I'll get some ice chips.

O‐oh, I‐I'm
a little bit chilly.

Maybe you could help
get my sweater.

‐ Sweater? Sure.
‐ Yes, it's down there.

I didn't expect
a card this year

what with Barry gone.

I'm sorry about your husband.

Well, he‐he was awfully sweet

about these
little celebrations

and anniversaries
and things.

He always remembered.

Some of my lady friends

had to remind
their husbands.

I had to remind mine
he was married.

Oh, no.
Th‐that's not good.

No. It definitely wasn't.

Well...d‐did you,
uh, see this pin?

Barry gave that
to me last year.

I didn't bother
to tell him

that he'd given me
the exact same pin

the year before.

Well, that was
very kind of you.


It's, uh, it's lovely, isn't it?

Yes, it is.


"Be still, my heart."

That's what Barry would say.

And I..

I still am.

I tried calling
your wife again

but I got the machine.

Yeah. Well, when she
goes shopping with her friend..

I think she's getting me
something for Valentine's day.

Paul, your spinal
tap was negative.

What? You stuck me
for nothing?

We had to rule out


Okay, um, I have
to go back to the diner.

‐ What diner?
‐ That's where I study.

I left my books there.

Do other students
study there?

but usually they go

to the library
because we had those muggings

a couple weeks ago.

Yeah. I think
I read about that.

Yeah. It could happen again.

Someone tried to mug you?

Could have.

It's a long way
from where I park

and there're a lot of bushes
that they could hide.

I tell you, I'd like..
I'd like to go soon.

We still have to do
a catscan of your head.

That's an X‐ray, right?

Isn't that bad?

They shoot radiation
through you‐‐

It's a low dose. It's really
not enough to do any harm.

Lucy, CT's ready.

Okay. Thanks, Malik.
We'll be right there.

I did a hernia
on a gorilla once.

‐ Med school.
‐ Dear god.

Funny you should mention that.
Gretel's brother had a hernia.

Let me guess, Hansel?

Oh, ho, I'm sure you all
find it quite amusing

that I would care
so much about a dog.

There's so much about you
that we don't know, Robert.

What's going on?
She's tachycardic.

I think she's having a seizure.

‐ She's lost her IV.
‐ It's making her hypoglycemic.

I can't get the line in.

Give me an amp
of 50 percent glucose, now!

Get out of the way!

ET tube's come out.
She's hypoxic.

Well, tube her again,
damn it!

She's in V‐fib.
Shirley, get me the paddles.

‐ Stand back, Robert.
‐ Hold on.

I said stand back.


Superior vena cava

That gives me, what?
A year?

Radiation therapy
is the standard of care.

Oh, chemotherapy's
an option.

But it could take
two or three days

to resolve your symptoms.

I'm worried that the headache
you're experiencing

could indicate elevated
intracranial pressure.

I think it's more likely
a product of listening

to your residents argue.

That was a joke.

We can begin the radiation
therapy right away.

I had a patient
with SVC syndrome.

Went with radiation

and developed a terrible

'Pain, bleeding'

'couldn't eat
for two months.'

Well, if I've only got a year

I at least want
to be able to eat.

I'll go with
the chemotherapy, Dr. Greene.

He had told the waitress
at the diner he was coming here.

Is that where
you study?

No, we're in a group
that meets at the library

but the last couple of months,
I don't know.

‐ Well, did something happen?
‐ He's just gotten so weird.

I'd swear he's wearing
the same clothes all the time.

And what about
his grades?

We went to college together,
too, and he did really well

but he's been cutting classes
right and left since September.

So, do you socialize
with him and his wife?

Not so much anymore.

He keeps picking fights
with me about nothing.

He keeps accusing me
of stealing his parking place.

Stupid stuff like that. it
something serious?

We don't know
enough yet.

Should I go in
and see him?

Let him sleep.
You can see him later.

Yosh, what is it?

Pressure's down to 75.
I paged Dr. Carter.

‐ Mrs. Connelly?
‐ Mm..

Mrs. Connelly!

What do you want to do?

Abby, what do you want to do?

‐ Carter.
‐ Not now, Lucy.

Paul Sobriki, he doesn't have
a CNS infection.

I think it might be

Alright, I just said
not now, okay?

What happened?

Her pressure dropped
to 75 systolic.

I started her on dopamine,
10 mikes per kilo per minute.

She's still
not making urine.

I thought you said

she didn't want
any heroic measures.

She's in septic shock.
I had to get her pressure up.

Dopamine's a
resuscitation drug.

She said no tubes
or machines.

Dopamine's okay.

What if it's
not enough?

I'm giving her
more fluids.

She's on her third liter
of saline.

You're going to put her
into congestive heart failure.

Flood her lungs.

Then what?
Are you going to intubate?

Are you going
to intubate?

I'll watch her closely and
stop the fluids if I have to.

She'll have to be
admitted to the ICU.

Pressure's up to 90
on 10 mikes of dopamine.

She's starting
to make some urine.

Good, good, good!

‐ It's working.
‐ Yeah. Maybe.

I don't, I don't know
what it is that you want‐‐

I don't know
what you're talking about‐‐

Stop following me anymore.

That's enough, guys.
What's going on?

He's trying to mess with me.

I was just sitting there.

‐ It's Lucy's patient.
‐ Right, you're supervising.

He followed me
down here.

No, I didn't,
I was just concerned

when I heard
he was here.

What's he
doing up?

‐ I don't know.
‐ I wanted a drink of water.

‐ Okay, Paul, we'll get you one.
‐ 'Dr. Greene.'

Chen and Malucci need you.
Dr. Hudson's going South.

Go ahead, I'll
take care of this.

Malik, see if you can get Paul
back into his bed, alright?

I‐I don't want him
to come.

He's not coming,
don't worry.

‐ You alright?
‐ Yeah.

Yeah, but I‐I got to get
back to school.

You'll tell that
other doctor?

Yeah, sure.

'Dr. Hudson?'

'He's altered, unarousable.'

Elevated ICP.

Connie, get radiation oncology
fellow down here right away.

I'll call them.

You're gonna give him
the radiation?

He wanted chemotherapy.

He's not going
to make it to chemo.

20 of etomidate, 100 of sux,
we need to intubate.

I'll do it.

Why don't I do it?

‐ Feeling better, Paul?
‐ Kind of tired.

‐ Lucy?
‐ I'll be right back.

What is going on
with your patient?

I was trying
to tell you‐‐

Dr. Greene just had to pull him
out of a fight with his friend.

Dr. Carter, Abby Lockhart's
looking for you.

‐ Thanks.
‐ He might be Schizophrenic.

He meets the DSM.
four criteria‐‐

Did you page a psych consult?

I was waiting
to present him to you.

Alright, fine, page them

get them down here,
hand this guy off.

You got medical
patients waiting.

It's so hard to breathe.

'How's she doing?'

Pressure's down to 85/55
on maximum dopamine.

She's got rales all
the way up to the apices.

Pulmonary edema from all the
fluid you flooded her lungs.

She was hypotensive.

Still is.

Her BP's too low
for nitroglycerin or morphine.

You could try
40 of lasix.

Pulse ox is down
to 79 on 100 percent oxygen.

‐ I'm going to intubate.
‐ No.

She has an infection
we can treat.

She only needs
to be intubated

for a day or two
until it clears up.

You don't know that.

She's an elderly woman

with multiple organ failure.

You may never
be able to extubate.

And then what? She spends the
next two months up in the ICU.

Hooked up to every machine
known to man?

Yeah, I know, but I just
want to make sure that‐‐

Abby, it's not about
what you want.

What happened? Why'd
she stop breathing?

It's called cheyne‐stokes

It's associated
with heart failure.

‐ You change your shirt?
‐ Yeah.

I saw four

I think maybe they
ate too many

of those little hearts
you warned me about.

All over me everywhere.

Welcome to the ER
on Valentine's day.

Luka, Carol,
multiple trauma coming in.

‐ Five minutes out.
‐ Okay, prep the trauma room.

I'll meet you there.

Watch out for the rebound
phenomenon with the glucose.

Don't you worry.
We'll monitor her closely.

Does Gretel
have insurance?

I think we've had enough
jokes for one day, Elizabeth.

I wasn't joking. I understand
certain vets offer..

Oh, my god.

Oh, Elizabeth, there you are.

I've visited nearly every
department looking for..

Good heavens.

Mother, this is
Dr. Robert Romano.

Um, Robert, this is my mother
Isabelle Corday.

She's visiting
from London. Briefly.

Lizzie never mentioned
a thing.

‐ It's a pleasure.
‐ Likewise.

Well, this, I take it, is not
the laser angioplasty.

No, no, this is Gretel

who has been suffering
from an insulinoma.

But thanks to a brilliant
assist by your daughter

she's going to be just fine.

Yes, well, I know how
hard Elizabeth trained.

Mother, perhaps we‐‐

How are you enjoying
your trip to Chicago?

I'm here for a
series of lectures.

Adaptive optics,
wave‐particle duality.

I don't know why you'd want
to tax your mind

with all that gobbledygook.

We have a wonderful city,
great shopping.

I'm giving the lectures.

Well, I should probably get
Gretel settled in recovery.

‐ Very nice meeting you.
‐ And you.

Please don't ask
about the dog.

Wouldn't dream of it.
Was it an old English?


Uh, I'm being paged
to the ER.

Oh, I don't think
I've seen that yet.

Good. Good.

Did I hear multiple trauma?

Yeah, MVA,
mom, dad, two kids.

Help me with this one.

38‐year‐old woman,
front seat passenger

in high‐velocity MVA.

Ejected 20 feet from vehicle.
Pulseless and apneic.

Tubed her, two liters
of saline en route.

Robby Edelstein, 11, rear‐seat
passenger, restrained

complains of
left wrist pain.

Alert and oriented,
no LOC.

BP is 110/68, pulse 110.

Here we've got
Julia Edelstein, five

also rear‐seat passenger,
no head trauma, no LOC.

Multiple facial abrasions.
BP is 104/60, pulse is 96.

What was your
name, sweetie?

Julia. Where's mommy?

Come on, baby,
come on.

‐ What is it?
‐ Multiple trauma, MVA.

Hey, Peter, this is my mother.

‐ Hey, how're doing?
‐ How do you do?

‐ You'd better stay here.
‐ Oh, yes, of course.

Aren't they
bringing my dad?

I'm sure they are, Robby.

Where did they take mommy?

They're helping her,
don't worry.

Let's go help
the two of you.

'Let's go, let's go!'

On my count.
One, two, three.

Driver needed

‐ Was that the husband?
‐ I think so.

‐ Hold compressions.
‐ Heart rate at 40.

There's no pulse in there.
She's in PEA.

Pulse ox 82,
she's pretty dusky.

Resume compressions. Set up
for bilateral chest tubes.

‐ Your wrist sore?
‐ A little.

Can you tell me
what happened?

A‐A car hit us. It was
going really fast.

Robbie, Robbie, let's make
sure you're okay.

Come back.

I was sitting
behind mommy

and I hit my face
on a broken window.

We'll get those scrapes
cleaned right up.

‐ Hit your head or pass out?
‐ No.

What about you, Julia?

Can I go see my mom?

Got a 41‐year‐old man,
restrained driver

with significant
passenger‐space intrusion.

Fire department had
to extricate him.

Lost his pulse about a minute
out started compressions

no time to tube him.

'Here we go, one, two, three.'


Looks like tension
pneumo on the left.

Let's get a
14 gauge needle.

‐ Betadine.
‐ I'll intubate. 8 ET tube.

Why don't you sit down
so I can examine you.

No, thank you.

‐ Ow.
‐ It's probably just a sprain.

And how about you?
Is this sore?

Aren't they going
to let us see dad?

They'll let
us know, honey.

I'll clean up these
abrasions with saline

and put on some
antibiotic ointment.

Thanks. Let's get a left wrist
film for Robbie

and keep him in a splint.

And order a right
knee film for Julia.

My knee's okay.
I want to go see my mom.

1200cc's out the chest tube.

Run in two units of O‐neg
and set me up on the left.

‐ Pulse ox is down to 73.
‐ What's on the monitor?

‐ V‐fib.
‐ Charge the paddles to 200.

Stand by with epi.

‐ And clear.
‐ 'Clear.'

‐ Charge to 300.
‐ What's your plan?

Two chest tubes and
a pericardiocentesis.


Good rush of air.
Hold on compressions.

I've got a pulse.

Let's try for
a pressure.

Lily, chest tube tray.

Let's prep
the left side.

Get some sterile
gloves, let's move.

‐ Systolic 60 palp.
‐ That's a start.

Keep the O‐neg coming.

Let's get four units
of type specific.

Ten blade.

‐ Call for a vent.
‐ 32 French.

‐ How are they doing?
‐ Doesn't look so good.

Just keep your elbow at
a right angle like this.


‐ Ow.
‐ That hurts?

A little.

'Let's start him on 100 percent'

AC of 14, 800 tidal volume.

Whoa, whoa,
he's bleeding out.

'I've lost the pulse!'

‐ 'Start compressions again.'
‐ Julia.

Where are you going?

We've still got
to fix you up.

Why don't you
come back with me?

‐ 60cc's out.
‐ Another liter out the chest.

You want to keep


Hold compressions.

‐ Asystole.
‐ That's it.

Time of death, 15:35.

Please be sure she's cleaned up.

How's he doing?

He's bleeding out
through his chest.

His wife's dead.

Should we prep
for a thoracotomy?

It's a full arrest
from blunt trauma

thoracotomy won't help.

Isn't there something
else we can try?

He probably
tore his aorta.

We can't save him, you
can stop compressions.


Time of death, 15:37.

What should we do
about the children?

I'll tell them.

I'll go with you.

‐ Lily, can you make sure..
‐ Yeah.

Both their parents
are dead.

Oh, God, uh.

Well, what are we
going to do?

We need to let them know.

Cleo, that little
asthma boy

Neal Hartford, his stats
are dropping

and he's starting
to have retractions.

Thanks, Lydia.

It's okay.

Robbie and Julia.


Hello, Robbie, Julia.

I'm Dr. Kovac and this
is Nurse Hathaway.

I'll wait outside.

No. Please stay.

We need to talk to
you for a minute

about your mom and dad.

As you know, the accident
was pretty bad.

The car was going
really fast.


We and the other doctors
worked really hard

to help your parents but..

...their injuries
were very, very serious.

And despite everything
we tried to do

we were not able
to save them.

And they died.

But I know they would be
so relieved

to know that you're both okay.

I wanna see them.

Okay. Then I'll tell you what to
expect when we go in the room.

To help them breathe
we put a tube in their mouth

and that will
still be there.

You will see other tubes
under the collarbone

and in the arm
that we used

to give them medicine.

And they had
a lot of scrapes

and bruises
from the accident.


Okay, it's alright.

It's alright.


You're early.

I didn't want to miss the
Valentine's day parties.


Seeing as how you missed
the decorating.

Look at the schedule.

At least she's willing
to answer the phones.

Dr. Hudson's starting
to make purposeful movements.

That's a good sign.

Well, doctors Chen and
Malucci are with him.

Doing nothing, I hope.

Dr. Greene,
he's starting to make‐‐

I know,
purposeful movements.

Dr. Hudson, could you take
a deep breath in

and then exhale?

‐ Dr. Malucci?
‐ Good NIF and tidal volume.

Okay, Dr. Hudson,
we can extubate you

if you're ready.

Alright, take another
deep breath in..

...and exhale.

Very good.

‐ What happened?
‐ Dr. Chen?

You had papilledema and elevated
intracranial pressure.

We did radiation.

They'll take you upstairs
and take you from there.

I guess I owe you my thanks

for going against my wishes.

It did set a bad example
for my residents

but, you're welcome.

So, looks like radiation
was the right call after all.

would've worked

if he hadn't had
increased ICP.

Dr. Chen, Dr. Malucci, you know
why I only had one child?

Because I didn't want
to listen to two them

arguing in the back seat
of the car.

I know you don't know
what she looks like

but I don't suppose
you've seen my mother?

As a matter of fact,
I do know what she looks like.

I met her,
we had a nice little chat.

She's delightful. And we're all
going out to dinner tonight.

‐ We?
‐ Yeah.

You, me, your mother
and my father.

‐ How did that happen?
‐ I'm not sure.

She kind of has a
certain way about her.

But I'm going in a few minutes
to pick up my dad.

I think she's over at
Doc Mcgoo's having a coffee.


‐ I thought I'd lost you.
‐ No.

By now I know this place
like the back of my hand.

I met your Mark.

Yeah, so I understand.


He has a way about
him, doesn't he?

Arranging this
dinner tonight.

He seems to want me
to meet his father.

Don't be silly.

Oh, that's alright.
I don't mind.

By the way, Elizabeth,
I had no idea.

About what?

About what you do,
I had no idea.

This coffee is
a bit weak.

You can have some more
after dinner.

Oh, I'm sure by then,
I'll be on to the gin.

Paul, what are
you doing in here?

I‐I wanted a cup coffee

and the nurse guy wasn't

Let's get you back
to your room.

‐ You're having a party here.
‐ Yeah, for Valentine's day.

Let's go.

Shouldn't it
be bigger?

Shouldn't it be red?

Come on, dad,
they are waiting.

I don't like being
set up, Mark.

You're not
being set up.

It is freezing out here.

I imagine this was
Elizabeth's idea.

Not that I don't like her.

Dad, it's just dinner.

Mark, this is not
my first barbecue.

For god's sakes, your mother
hasn't been gone

but for five months.

Okay, fine.
You stay here.

I'm going in.

She's a Brit, too, huh?

Yeah, dad, she's British.

We should've had them over
to our house.

We could have played
that Tom Jones album.

Would you rather
just go home?


I'll be right back.

What happened
to psych?

I called them twice,
they're backed up.

Listen, I don't want to
be on your case

but you've got
to pick up some other patients.

I just found him
in the lounge‐‐

Have you sutured
the leg lac yet?

I've got the chart
right here‐‐

Good. Let Malik
stay with this guy.

Malik...just forget it, Carter.

You know, my father's convinced
that this was your idea.

My mother thinks
it was yours.

I tell you, she was

straddling the patient.

‐ Pumping on his chest.
‐ That's nothing.

Mark saved this chopper pilot
down in San Diego last year.

Kid had a tension
pneumatic something.

Shoved a tube right
inside of his chest.

I saw Elizabeth put a tube
right down a man's throat.

I should think
that's more difficult

than putting it
into his chest.

‐ How's it going?
‐ Yeah.

But we're talking about
a whole corps of navy pilots‐‐

Elizabeth was trying to save
an entire family.

So, you're
getting on well?

‐ Oh, absolutely.
‐ Couldn't be better.

♪ My kind of town.. ♪

What the hell?

It's one of those places
where people sing along.

You mean, like
a karaoke thing?

Well, uh, not really. Kind of.

It's too bad they couldn't
get someone good.

She seems
to be doing well.

Yeah, already chasing
rabbits in her sleep.

Yeah, yeah.
So tell me, Shirley.

Does everyone think
I'm completely nuts?

Of course not, Dr. Romano.

Only those of us who
were in the surgery.


Well, you know,
I live alone.

When I come home,
it's just Gretel.

Right? Right? Right?

Perhaps if you showed the same
compassion for people

that you show for..

Never mind.

She's NPO,
Dr. Romano.

No food till
she's passed gas.

Yeah, yeah, give me a break,
she's a dog.

Has she passed gas?

Dr. Romano, the biscuit?

‐ Thank you.
‐ You're welcome.

Come here, Gretel.

♪ A way out here
they got a name ♪

♪ For wind and rain and fire ♪

♪ The rain is Tess
the fire is Joe ♪

♪ And they call
the wind Mariah.. ♪

He has a really
lovely voice.

Can you sing, Mark?

Nope.. No.

I think it's rather brave.

♪ The mountain sound like.. ♪

When I was a kid, he used
to do this kind of thing

just to embarrass me.

Parents don't try to embarrass
their children.

It's too easy
to do by accident.

♪ Mariah.. ♪

He is pretty fearless.

♪ Blow my love to me ♪

She's not in any pain.

I know.

And I know
you were right.

She was right.

Let me know
if you need anything.



Time of death 19:19.

Be still, my heart.

♪ We met at nine ♪

♪ We met at eight ♪

♪ I was on time ♪

♪ No you were late.. ♪

I can't believe
that your mother knows

all the words to this.

Are you kidding,
we watched this movie

a hundred times
when I was a girl.

‐ You liked it that much?
‐ Oh, no, no.

She saw it as an object lesson.

Women shouldn't define
themselves through men.


Well, Gigi.
Gigi, was in love with Gaston.

But, Gaston only wanted her
to be his courtesan.

Now, at first she agreed,
and her great aunt

and her grandmother
gave her lessons.

But then Gigi
was unhappy

so she told Gaston‐‐

Elizabeth, please, stop.

I, I don't think
I can handle this evening

getting any more bizarre.

Alright, then.

You know, there's
warmer places to be alone.

There's a furnace room
in the basement.

And, uh, the incubators
up in the NICU.

I'd like to see you in
an incubator in the NICU.

I'd be happy to try.


You‐you know, all those years
as an OB nurse..

98% of what you see
is just pure joy.

You know, it's the happiest day
of most people's lives.

And, um, the tragedy
is horrible..

it's a life cut short

and it's a mom
with a baby.


Today was the first day
I saw an old person die

and I guess I'm just
not used to it.

Well, you want the good news
or the bad news?

Give me the bad.

You never get used to it.

The good news is,
you never get used to it.

At least, I haven't.

So, you may have
come up here to be alone.'re not.

So, they're having
a Valentine's day party.

You think
they started without us?

I certainly hope not.

Heads will roll.

♪ Hey Mr. Policeman
Is it time for getting away ♪

♪ Is it time for driving down
the mother fuckin' road.. ♪

So, this is your
Valentine's day party?

Don't ask me, man.
It's my first one.

I think we have a bigger knife
in the lounge.

Couldn't find it.

Wow, it's a lot more fun
than OB.

Yeah, we like to party
down here in the ER.

Oh, Lucy didn't suture
that leg lac yet?

That guy's been
here for four hours.

Where is she?

Still waiting
on psych consult.

Her patient's
in curtain three.

I wasn't sure
you'd make it.

Yeah, well,
who can resist blue cake?


The patients
don't mind this music?

‐ What?
‐ What?

♪ Come on baby tell me ♪

♪ Come on baby tell me.. ♪


♪ Come on baby tell me ♪

♪ Yes we aim to please ♪

♪ Come on baby tell me ♪

♪ Come on baby tell me ♪

♪ Come on baby tell me.. ♪

♪ Come on baby tell me ♪

♪ Yes we aim to please ♪

♪ Come on come on ♪

♪ Come on baby tell me ♪

♪ Yes we aim to please
oh yeah ♪

♪ Come on baby tell me ♪

♪ Yes we aim to please ♪

♪ Come on come on.. ♪
