Dry Bar Comedy (2017–…): Season 5, Episode 11 - Shayne Smith: Alligator Boys - full transcript

Ladies and gentlemen,

please welcome to the stage

Shane Smith!

Thank you!

Goodness gracious.

How's it going everybody?

All right.

You guys are wild, this is good.

Let's get right into it, huh?

It's 2019 and my look

is less ideal than ever.

This is real!

Here's the deal.

I am a Jewish man but

I look like an accountant

for the Arian Brotherhood,

and I know that.

It's not, I didn't do it on purpose.

But I do, I look like the nerdiest guy

in the worst prison gang,

it's a problem.

It's a serious problem.

They're just like,

"He doesn't kill people

"he does read a lot though, he

Oh man, it's fine though.

People are wild,

they surprise me all the time

with how wild they are.

Recently, I was in a shoe store

and I was just looking at shoes

and a dude comes up to me

and he goes,

"Oh, your face, that's crazy,

"I can't believe you did that!"

And then he goes,

"Dude, so what do you,

"like a tattoo artist?"

And I was like, "No man,

"I'm not good at art."

And he goes, "So just no job?"

Like there's no other options!

So it's like, "I can do work!"

He's like, "Oh, so what do you

And I was like, "Well
technically, no job,

"but still, come on man."

And then he goes,

"Well, if you need any help

"with anything, you let me

I was like, "You work here!"

So disrespectful!

People are crazy disrespectful.

I live in New York.

Dudes, this is a thing

that's happening often,

dudes who wanna get my attention

in public,

they will combine with a

think I look like with prison

and yell it at me.

The other day a guy was like,

"Hey you!"

And I was like.

And he goes, "Yeah you,

"Harry Potter but make it prison,

"come over here."

It's like, "What?

"I'll come over but I didn't
like that."

This is true, the other day

I was sitting on the subway,

I was sitting, minding my own business,

this guys is scooting past me,

he looked up at me and

he stops and he goes,

"Hey, Jim from The Office

"did 10 years in prison,

"look at you."

I was like, "Did not like that

I was like, "That one was accurate.

Like, "Come on man,

"I'm trying to grow my hair out,

"let me live my life!"

People on the train were laughing,

he was killing!

And he goes, "Oh, so Pam left

"and you just snapped, huh?"

He has follow-ups!

Come on!

Yeah, just going hard.

I've been doing this,

which I shouldn't do,

I've been reading comments

on my videos online.

What a nightmare online is,

just in general.

This is real,

I've been noticing this in comments,

this is a new thing,

a new trend I've been noticing,

people, usually older people,

will be annoyed withy my tattoos.

Now, this is completely new,

they will see me and then be like,

"Ugh, I remember when

"having your face

"or your throat tattooed meant

"that you were a criminal,

"meant that you were dangerous.

"Now it just means you're a

And I'm must like,

"Are you disappointed

"I'm not a murder right now?"

What is happening?

It's like you assume, firstly,

you're making assumptions

about who I am based on how I look.

And then when I don't

live up to them you're,

and like it makes no sense.

I'm furious,

I cannot win with these people.

And then, what's even crazier

is that I happen to have

gang tattoos on my face,

I used to be a criminal

when I was younger,

not always the case,

but in my case it is.

Sometimes I will tell people that

to stop them from being annoyed

with my tattoos

and then with so much confidence,

they'll just tell me, "No!

"No, you weren't a criminal.

"Listen, I've seen

"The Wire and Sons of Anarchy

"and you were not."

They're like experts now.

It's incredible,

I spent the entire first part of
my life

only wanting respect from

the scariest people you can imagine

and now I'm on Facebook arguing

with a 40-year-old woman named Joy.

She's just like,

"I bet you've never even

"stabbed anybody."


"I've stabbed two people in my

She's just like, "Not even three?

"I bet they both survived."

Oh my gosh.

These are the same people

who do stuff,

they'll be like,

"Aren't you worried

"about how you're gonna

"look when you're older?

"Look at all that,

"aren't you worried about

"how you're gonna look

"when you're older?"

And it's just like, "Okay, well,

"you're wearing dress socks

"with jean shorts,

"why don't you worry about

"how you look right now?

"How about that?"


Ah man, let's...

I've been traveling a lot,

I've been all over.

Recently I was in the south

and I was at a Denny's.

I was minding own business

and I looked over and

there's like a claw machine,

like one of those giant claw machines

you see, you know.

And I was like, "Ah man."

And then there was a lady

in front of the claw machine.

Okay, it was a big one,

where you win giant prizes,

and she was crying.

And I was like,

"Wow, that's seems like

"an over reaction

"to losing that game."

And my friends were like,

"No, you idiot, look."

And I paid more attention

and then she was crying

because her toddler

had crawled into the machine.

Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.

And he was stuck inside of it

and she was like,

"Come out for mommy."

And he was like,

"I live here now!

"I have all the prizes.

"Why would I ever leave?"

So she's hysterical

and she's just like,

"Someone call 911,"

like, "Someone call the police."

And I'm just like,

"Don't waste public resources, lady,

"now is your time,

"win him back, let's go!"


"The stakes have never been higher,

"let's do it!"

I was just like,

"Listen, I have $5, I can claw
your baby.

"Let me try, I can get him!

"I can get him."

She did not think it was

as funny as you guys did.

So, they called the police or whatever

and they brought the fire department

and they took the machine apart

and got the kid out.

And she was very snooty

about the whole thing.

But I was like,

"How funny would that have been

"if just some big,

"Italian firefighter showed up?"

And she was like,

"What are you gonna use

"the Jaws of Life

"to save my baby?"

And he's like,

"I have ten ones, let's do it!"

Cut to 40 minutes later,

he's like, "I'm out of money,

"I am so sorry for your loss.

"Will you take a life size

"Sonic the Hedgehog instead?"

It's good to be back here in the West,

I live in New York now,

I came back here for this

and to visit my family often.

It's also,

there's different challenges being here

than in the city.

Like for instance,

recently while I was here,

I hit a deer with my car.

Yeah, but it's not what

you guys think, okay.

I did it completely on purpose, now...

How that happened was,

I was driving,

minding my own business and

I'm going down the street

and I looked over and I saw

a dog and a deer in

a parking lot together, okay.

I was like,

"They're friends, like in

But I was wrong,

they were not friends,

they were enemies and

they were fighting pretty hard, okay.

All right, I don't,

and I didn't even know,

the deer was hooving the dog,

I didn't even know they did that,

all right.

And the dog hated it

so the dog goes running away

from the deer to escape

and the dog comes running across

the street I'm driving down

and the deer comes

chasing after the dog

and I had a decision to make.


Listen, it was an

Australian shepherd, okay,

it's crunch time!

I hit that deer so hard with my car.

I swerved and everything.

Listen, I hit that deer like

my stepdad was riding it.

Do you understand?

That is what I like,

a crowd that is not a

fan of my stepfather!

Nobody likes you Joe!

I shouldn't use his real name

but whatever.


by the way, I should not say this

but you guys seem cool,

so I'm gonna say it anyway.

Feels so good to hit something

that big with your car,

it was awesome!


Listen, I didn't want to have to do it

but if I'm gonna do it,

it might as well be cool.

I don't know it felt cool

to hit something that big,

I get what old people are up to

in farmer's markets,

I get it.

Like, I understand,

now when I'm on the couch and

I'm watching the news and they're like,

"An elderly gentleman

"ran over six people

"and slammed his car

"into Best Buy today."

I'm just sitting there like,

"Live your best life grandpa,

"get in there.

"Yeah, you didn't fight in World War II

"not to hit someone with your car,

"get it."

So, listen I feel some of you

in the audience

being worried about the deer

and that's fair

but don't be, okay.

The deer is fine,

I drive a 2001 Saturn,

the deer is fine, okay.


It seems like you guys might know

a thing or two about cars,

that is not a good car.

Yeah, my car is so bad

that when I bought it

I parked it on the street and
that night

I assume some kids

spray painted the word "Wow"

on the side of it,

and I did not care, okay.

Yeah so I'm in my 2001 Saturn,

the dog runs past,

the deer is coming,

I slam on the gas,

I gave it everything I had.

All that happened, okay,

was the deer rolled up

onto the side of my hood on its side,

rolled back onto it's hooves,

and then just looked at me

like, "What was that about,

And I'm just in my car awkward like,

"I'm trying to kill you!"

The deer's just like,

"I don't need this."

And it left to go do

deer stuff or whatever.

So the deer is gone.

I'm sitting in my car,

I can't believe this just happened

and I realized the dog

is nowhere to be found.

The dog escaped, yes,

I'm an American hero.

I deserve this!

I know, it's like the troops,

then me, then firefighters.

I'm feeling very good.

This is literally the most

onboard anyone has ever been

with that premise.

I used to put myself above the troops,

even as a joke,

people were like, "Pull it back,

"you gotta be behind."

So, I'm feeling good,

I'm in the street,

I just hit a deer with my car,

I'm a good person.

I'm feeling great.

I'm jazzed up,

I'm like pumped up on adrenaline,

I just can't believe it happened,

I'm like dancing in my car,

I was like, "Ah, that was

And I look over and I see a family,

they're wearing their Sunday best,

like a mom and a dad.

They're pushing a baby stroller

down the sidewalk.

And I was like,

they probably saw everything.

They definitely wanna talk to me.

So I do a U-turn,

I pull up to them.

Have you ever seen a guy

pick up a baby stroller

to get away from you faster?



I'm just in my car like,

"What is this guy's problem?"

And then I realize, "Oh no,

they have no context

for what just happened.

They probably didn't even see the dog!

They just see some guy

in the middle of the city

with his face covered in tattoos,

driving the world's worst car,

just clobber a deer for no reason.

Then, that guy sits in the street

and thinks about it

for a while,

spots your family,

does a U-turn,

revealing the fact that

he has the word "Wow"

spray painted

on the side of his car,

struggles to get his window down

'cause he drives a 2001 Saturn.

And then he looks out

at your wife and kid

and just goes, "I'm a hero!"

He left so fast.

He left his wife, he did not care,


Oh man.

I've been traveling a ton

this year for comedy,

which has been great.

I went to two places in particular,

I went to Austin and Portland.

Both places...

No, hold on.

Either way you're wrong,


If you've seen me before

and I bring up a place,

I will say nothing good

about that place.

I'm not here to be like,

"They were great and moving on."

No, so I went to Austin and Portland

and they're not so bad

but here is a thing,

Austin and Portland, both cities where

their whole motto is "Keep It Weird"

and they're, "We're weird, ugh."

And I showed and like I'm a weird guy.

I love weird stuff,

I cannot wait to see

what I'm gonna see.

Nothing weird at all, okay.

I'm talking to people like,

"When does the weird happen?"

And they're like, "It's around."

It wasn't.

There's nothing weird happening

in either of those places.

I was like, "You guys have to,

"the bar has to be higher."

I live in New York,

once on the subway

I saw a guy, this is real,

only wearing the top half of

a SpongeBob costume, okay.

Yeah, and what,

what was he doing you ask?

He was wrestling...


Another man, okay.

Who clearly didn't know him.

That guy he was wrestling

was just yelling out

over and over again, he goes,

"Sponge Bill, no!"


But no one on the train was helping,

there's everyone watching

like he seems like

he has it under control.

So if you're gonna be weird,

you gotta step it up.

Also, how dare Austin and Portland,

"Keep It Weird"

when, how dare they act

like they're weird

when they know Florida exists.

Yeah, it is just out there

doing what Florida does.

Last time I was in Florida,

this is real, by the way,

this is Googleable

information after the show.

I'm in Florida,

I'm walking past a newspaper stand,

I look into the stand,

the headline on the newspaper reads,

"Local man robs Wendy's with

"What did you just say to me?"

I read it, I still said that out loud,

it was incredible!

And also, oh yeah,

that's all you wanna say,

you don't wanna add

any more to that?

Like, I don't know, maybe tell us

if the aligator was an accomplice

or a weapon, how about that?

For real.

Did this guy rob a Wendy's

with an aligator

or did this guy rob

a Wendy's with an aligator?

There's a huge difference.

Did he start a gang with an aligator,

throw a bandana on it?

He's like, "We're the aligator
boys now.

Let's get to a Wendy's

and make this official.


So, this is happening,

I bought the paper

and I read the article and this
is real,

he used the aligator as a weapon, okay.

And when I read that I was like,

"Did he at least hold it like a


He didn't, he threw it

through a drive-thru window!


Didn't see that one coming, did ya?

You know who else didn't?

The lady

at the drive-thru!

So many things have to happen

before you can even throw an aligator.

You have to find it in the wild!

Also, by the way,

how horrible is Florida

that there is just

alligators available to you!

What was even his qualifying material?

Was he looking for a specific type?

Or are you just the first one he saw,

he was like,

"This is the one" and he took it,

that was it?

So this is real, this happened,

in Florida, a place connected

to the United States

where we are all living currently!

A grown man, with a driver's license

found an aligator that day.

He didn't even build a

relationship with it.

He takes this new aligator

and he seat belts it

into the backseat of his car.

I assume.

I just have no idea how else you
keep it

from getting into the front seat

and biting you, right.

I don't,

I don't

know if you guys know anything

about alligators but

they kinda just do whatever they want.

So he seat belts this

dinosaur into the back seat

and then he gets into

the front seat and he's like,

"Ugh, I gotta make some money

Staring at the wheel,

"Ah, I could get a job,"

and he goes, "No, no time.

"Spent most my day

"on that aligator thing,"


"I could rob someone."

He goes, "I could rob a place,

"'cause places have more

"money than someones.

"Rob a bank," and he goes, "No, no,

"they'll be expecting that."

He's thinking about it

and then he thought,

he comes to the conclusion, Wendy's.

They have money and chili,

that's the place.

So he drives his new aligator

to Wendy's, okay,

pulls up to the drive-thru,

and the lady at the drive-thru is like,

"Hello, how can I help you

And he goes, "Give me all the

And she just goes,

looks right at him and goes,

"Uh, no!

"You didn't even come inside?

"You failed at this robbery."

And the dude is so mad and he goes,

"Give me the money in the register

"or I'll kill you!"

And she's from Florida

so she's not afraid of death

or whatever.

She looks down at him

and she's like, "No,

"if you had a gun you would of

"showed it to me already,

"I call your bluff.

"Get outta here crazy guy, goo,
go, go!"

And he's seething mad

at this point, furious.

And he's like, you know what,

"I don't have a gun

"but hold on."

And then he palmed an aligator

through the drive-thru window!


He skipped so many steps

in that robbery.

If he had a list of things

he was supposed to do

he would of thrown the aligator,

looked down,

and just been like, "Oh no!

"I was supposed to threaten her

"with the aligator first."

By the way,

can you imagine being her?

Just telling this guy off and
he's like,

"You know what, I don't have a

And you're like, "Wow, nailed it,

"really doing it today."

And then he leans back

and starts unbuckling

the world's ugliest toddler.

Like "Ugh, hey,

"someone come and see, this is

And then you look back

and an aligator is flying.

Imagine being the car behind him!

Just, sitting there with your

like, "What takes so long

"to make burgers here?"

She's on her phone, you're like,

"Do you even care?"

You look back from her and

then an aligator soars,

whoop, from window to window!

"Honey, get off your phone,

"they're throwing alligators

"into Wendy's!

"This guy is crazy!"

She's on her phone like,

"That doesn't make sense,

"they don't even serve
alligators here."

"What, why am I with you?"

So, this dude is sitting there,


with no more alligators

left to play in the robbery.

Probably thinking to himself,

"Ugh, you think if I ask

"for my aligator back?"

Such a bad idea to throw it,

he didn't even put a

fanny pack on it like

maybe get some money

while you're in there,

I don't know.


he drives off.

Yeah, and he gets arrested immediately.

He didn't even wear a mask.

Yeah, he was like, "I'm in Florida,

"people throw alligators,

"I'll probably get lost in the

Um no, he didn't.

They remembered him,

they arrested him

pretty hard afterwards.

The end of the article,

this is true, it goes,

"No one was injured,

"the aligator was safely released

"back into the wild."

And the very end of the article
it read,

"No drug involvement suspected."

Oh yeah, Florida?

That was your sober plan?

What does the non-sober plan

look like?

Do you ride a horse and

the aligator throws you?

What happens?

I make fun of aligator guy

like I have my life together,

but I don't.

There's no easy way to say this

but my life is not, it's not together.

My personal life isn't as good

as you think it might be.

And some of you are like, "Shane,

"your life has to be going well,

"look at you on stage."

Yeah, I'm living my dreams

and that's nice but

also my personal life, tatters.

Let me tell you, okay,

there's no easy way to say this

so I'm just gonna open up

and say it, okay.

I am 32-years-old and I

pooped my pants recently, okay.

Yep, not supposed to do that!


I don't like the way some of you

are laughing, by the way.

If feel like you guys, just to clarify,

I didn't just do it like,

I wasn't just like watching Batman like

"Dah, this movie is good,

"I don't think I'm gonna make

I didn't poop my pants freestyle

for the love of the game.

I had a reason.

Here's what happened, okay.

I had food poisoning.

Yeah, it could happen to anybody.

I had food poisoning,

I was parallel parking my car,

that's not a part of this,

that's mostly a humble brag

but I can parallel park my car.

So, I'm parking my car,

I had food poisoning and I coughed.

Yep, and it happened to me.

It happened, I pooped my pants.

Listen, you know how

sometimes you fart

and you're like,

"That was pretty gross, but I'm

Not that one!


I pooped my pants so fast and so hard,

it was like somebody else

pooped my pants.

It was incredible.

By the way, didn't even know

that was one of the options

when you cough.

What, that can happen?

I've been pooping my pants

for 32 years.

Did I say pooping my pants?

I meant coughing.

Cut that one, cut that in post,


We're going to cut that one out, okay.


you guys don't know my life.

I've been coughing for 32 years.

Not once ever, after cough for 32 years

have I ever been like,


"What was that?"

One of my friends was like,

"What just happened?"

I was like, "I coughed,

"I almost pooped my pants."

He's like, "Yeah, that can happen,

"gotta watch out for those."

Not once ever!

Like, the cough waited 32 years

and then betrayed me.

Like, once I was in ninth grade

and I was giving talk

in front of the class

and I coughed and my body was like,

"Do we do it now?"

And then puberty was like,

"No, we will embarrass him.

"You, hold back, wait 20 years,

"then take him out,

"right before he has to do

Yeah, I was parking at a comedy club!

It was worse case,

so I get out of my car,

I can't get back into it,

it's not one of those.

I was like, "What do I, what do
I do?"

And I was like, my first plan was

to buy the pants off of a homeless guy.

But they are never there

when you need them, the homeless.

My second plan was to buy the shirt

off of a guy wearing two shirts.

But here's the thing, if you try
and buy

the shirt off of a guy wearing
two shirts

and you tell him you need it

'cause you pooped your pants,

he will run from you, so.

I was gonna wear it like a,

I don't know what I thought, anyway.

So I look across the street

and there's like a mall.

And I was like, I gotta get over there,

so I waddle over.

You know, yeah, it's a shameful walk.

People can tell, they can.

A kid tries to talk to me

and his dad is like,

"Get away from him!"

And this kid is like,

"Because of how he looks?"

And he's like, "No, other things, go!

"Get away."

So, I get into

the first clothing store I can get into

and the guy working there is like,

"Hello, how can we help you

I was like, "Come here,

"come here right now."

And he's like,

"Oh, what's going on, what is

And I was like, "Here's the deal man,

"I have fully pooped my pants."

And he just goes, "Excuse me!"

I was like, "Am I stuttering right now?

"Daniel, okay!

"I need you on team me right,

"there is no time.

"Do they not train you for

He's like, "What do I do?"

I was like,

"Go get me a pair of jeans this

So he runs off and

he comes back and he goes,

"I have mediums and I have

And I was like, "Give me the

And he looks right at me and he goes,

"Do you wanna try those on?"

I said, "Do you think

"this is a game Daniel?"

"I need the key

"to your employee bathroom

"and an undisclosed

"amount of time, man.

"How many times you gonna

"make me say it,

"I have pooped my pants!"

In a weird twist of fate,

I am wearing those pants currently.

Thank you so much everyone,

have a great night!