Dragon Ball (1995–2003): Season 6, Episode 6 - Devilmite Beam - full transcript

Goku faces the mummy who defeated Yamcha. He then faces Baba's fourth fighter, the Devil Man.

Now I present to you,
the third challenger...

[BABA] Rise again and be
restored once more!

Last time on Dragon Ball...

[chuckling menacingly]


[NARRATOR] The battle in
the Devil's Toilet began!

Yamcha fought valiantly
against Bandages the Mummy,

but with little success...

[YAMCHA yells]

[BANDAGES laughs,
YAMCHA groans]

I once made a man's head
touch his feet doing this.

[NARRATOR] Yamcha's defeat
left Goku the sole challenger

to the monstrous forces
of Fortuneteller Baba,

Master Roshi's older sister.

She has agreed to
reveal the whereabouts

of the last Dragon Ball,

provided Goku and his team
defeat her 5 gladiators.

Yamcha warned Goku

of the awesome power
his opponent possessed,

but the little fighter
was still determined

to test his strength against
the mummified warrior,

who has never lost a match.

We can start anytime you want.

Master Roshi,
Goku is our last hope.

What do you really think
his chances are out there?


I doubt any mortal
man could beat this mummy.


With Goku's recent
increase in power,

perhaps he does
possess the strength...

I hope.

Ready? You may begin.

No, no, no, no!

My eyes deceive me!

[BANDAGES] No one can
guard themselves that well.

No one!

Come on...
I'll let you go first.


What's wrong
with that creep now?

Why is he staring
at Goku like that?

What, d'ya think
he's wrapped too tight?

He's deciding
the best way to attack Goku.


That's easy, all he has
to do is pull Goku's tail.


Maybe it'd be a good idea

if you didn't yell out
Goku's one weakness.

Oh, yeah, sorry.

Master Roshi, check out
Goku's posture. It's amazing.

I don't see an unguarded spot!

His balance and focus are good.

But that will not be enough.

As you just learned,
the mummy's speed

is almost
impossible to overcome.

And that's only
a minor obstacle

compared to the creature's
biggest advantage...

...his immortality.

[YAMCHA and BULMA] What?!

He is an abomination,

brought back to life
from the ancient dead.

What are you talking about?

Is that possible?

Long ago, the dead
were wrapped in bandages

and mummified so the body
could live once more.

[BULMA] He's dead?!
I just thought he was a slob

with poor fashion
sense and bad skin.


He's a slob, dead
thousands of years!


So if he's already dead,
there's not a lot Goku can do?


[UPA crying]

Hey, what's the matter,
Upa, are you scared?

Yes, for Goku.

He's fighting
that terrible monster

so I can get my father back.

I don't know what I'd do if--

Oh, Dad, please look after Goku.
Help him to win.

[BABA] What's the matter
with you?! Attack him!

She's right.
Let's get this over with.

If you're too scared,
I'll be happy to start.

Foolish boy, I fear nothing!

He protects himself well,
but he is still a child.

I am stronger. I am superior.

You will regret this challenge!


Watch out!
Be careful, he's very fast!


Goku! Get out of there! Move!


[ALL gasp]


--[ALL yell]
--[UPA] Goku!

Come on, Goku! Get up!

--Come on! Get up!
--Goku! Come on, Goku!

I'm afraid the monster
is too strong.

That was easy...

And to think I was actually
nervous for a second...


You'd better not
be sleeping, kid!

If you can hear me,
say something.

[BABA] If you are
unconscious, you lose.



That was fun. I feel great.

Thanks for the warm-up.


Amazing... He's got the skills.

Look at him, Master!
Can you believe it?

After all that pounding,

he doesn't have
a scratch on him!

Mm-hmm. Astounding...

I bet that mummy's never
had to work this hard.

I don't know how
you're still walking,

but when I'm through with you,
you won't even be able to crawl.

[BANDAGES yells]

This is fun.

Maybe later we can
go play hide and seek.

I don't play silly games...
I destroy!


Uh, what is he doing?

What's that?!


[YAMCHA] His bandages are moving
like they're alive!

No! Goku!

Stay away from the bandages!

[GOKU] What's the big idea?
Get this off of me!

[BANDAGES laughs menacingly]


It's not everyday you get
to wear cloth of an emperor.

Thousands of years ago,
I controlled the world!

[GOKU struggling]

[BANDAGES] And now it
seems that I control you!

Leave him alone, you monster!


Stop struggling...
It's useless to resist.

Besides, you wrap
up rather nicely--

A welcome change in the wardrobe
from where I'm standing.

White is in, my friend.

I wouldn't be caught dead
in anything else.

[GOKU] You said you
didn't like games.

Stop playing and fight fair!

Maybe if you say squeeze!


[GOKU yells]


Two words... I surrender.
Say it!



Give up, child...

Your resistance only
tightens my grip on you.


Good, good...

It looks like that
about wraps this up.

Not yet!

Can't you do something?!

[ROSHI] Easy, Bulma.

We're all frustrated,
but no one can help Goku now.

Not even me.

A mummy's bandages are
virtually indestructible.

That cloth is like steel.

Unfortunately, it looks like
the only option Goku has

is to give up.

How can you say that, Master?

You know Goku
better than anyone.

He's never lost a fight yet.

This is far different.

Goku is fighting a force
he doesn't understand

and cannot possibly control.

Oh no!


Goku! Give up!

Master Roshi says the mummy
is too powerful to defeat!

[GOKU] I can't! I have to
get the last Dragon Ball

to save Upa's father...
I promised!

[BANDAGES snarling]

[GOKU grunts]

Goku, stop! Save yourself!

Don't worry about me.
This isn't right!


I want my father back
more than anything.

But not if it means hurting you!

[BANDAGES laughs]

You have a choice.
Give up... or fight...

Either way, I win!


[GOKU grunting]


It's getting hard
to breathe, isn't it?

Soon you won't even have
enough lung capacity to scream!

Goku! Give up! Now!

Upa, I--

[laughing evilly]

So do you surrender?

Upa, I... won't give up!

I'll never surrender!


I am surprised
that you would pay

for your insolent behavior
with your life.

[ALL gasp]

[BANDAGES laughing]

[BANDAGES laughing]

[BANDAGES] Now get over here!

[BANDAGES laughing]

[GOKU grunting]



Did you see that? He jumped!


if he falls in the pit,
he'll die!

Goku... oh no!

[YAMCHA] I never thought
Goku would--

Hold on!


[PUAR and BULMA gasp]

[UPA and KRILLIN gasp]



No way!


And that's the last time
I'm going to fall

for that trick.

Now we're going
to do this my way.

Are you ready?


I think he's asleep.

Hey... Can you hear me?

Baba? Did I win the match?

Yes, yes...
You won the match.

That's great!

Say, where do you want
me to put your mummy?

It's over.


I don't know how much
more I could stand.

Yeah! It was amazing.

I can't imagine the
courage it must have taken

to jump in the pot like that.

His ability is astounding.

True. I never thought
I'd see the immortal mummy

defeated with one punch.

[ROSHI] Goku's turning into
an exceptional warrior.

There's something very
different about that boy.

Really? What do you mean?

People become excellent fighters
through years of training,

but Goku's skill seems
to come naturally.

Goku is incredible, isn't he?

He sure is.
With moves like that,

it's no wonder he beat the
Red Ribbon Army all by himself.

[YAMCHA] Yeah.

You know, sometimes I take
his abilities for granted

because he makes
it look so easy.


[KRILLIN giggles]

Baba... there's only
two more to fight, right?

[BABA] Yes, yes.
But don't get excited.

The worst is yet to come.

So I have to
follow that hack mummy.

No wonder I never
get any fan mail.

[MASKED MAN giggles]

What? Do you
find something funny?

[MASK MAN] Are you kidding?
Look at me.

This costume is ridiculous.

Well, what did you expect?

The good ones
were taken long ago.

That's what you get
for ordering last minute.

[MASKED MAN] I don't know.
It's just not what I envisioned.

I was hoping for something
a little more impressive...

I think this mask
might make me look fat.

Your body makes you look fat.

The mask just
makes you look stupid.

Let the next match begin!

Spike! Come forth!

That doesn't make any sense.

Sure it does.

The last guy
was the third fighter.

[ROSHI] Baba usually
saves this guy for last.

What does it mean?

Do you think she's trying
to pull something?

Mmhmm. In my sister's court,
even the seats are crooked.

There's a reason she has
this creature going next.

Take the mask off and breathe.

It's my turn, which means
you won't even get to fight.

That's a scary outfit.

[GOKU] That sure is a
scary outfit you've got on.

Thanks... I made it myself.

Ready... Set, go!

[SPIKE chuckles]

Hey wait...

He can fly. That's not fair!

That's cheating!

I always give my opponents
the chance to surrender.

What do you say?

No, thank you.

You're going down.

Yes! Get him!

Lucky shot.

Really? I thought you
were just going easy on me.

Why you little--
You dare mock me?!

I'll have you know, I was
winning tournaments before...

[BABA] What are you doing?
This isn't a debate!

I don't pay
for your conversation!

Now get out there and fight!


You foolish whelp!
Do you think you can defeat me?

I am invincible!

That's a long name.
Can I call you Invy for short?

[SPIKE] Be quiet!

[KRILLIN] I don't know
why I was worried.

He's not so tough.

[ROSHI] That's not true, boy.

In fact, that winged devil
has twice won

the World Martial
Arts Tournament.


I don't doubt you, but how?

No! Not that guy.

I don't care what his
accomplishments are.

All I know is he's getting his
tail chewed off out there,

and personally, I'm loving
every minute of it.

She's right. Goku's gonna win!
I just know it!

Pasty face is going down!

Smile, Roshi.

Don't start celebrating yet.

Like all of Baba's warriors,
he, too, has his secrets.

What do you mean by secrets?

I don't... remember.

But I'm sure we'll
find out soon enough.

[ALL gasp]

Not to put any pressure
on you, but you'd better win!

Well the brat's been fortunate,

but his luck is
about to run out...

For no one can survive the power
of my Devilmite Beams.


The most destructive force
in the world is negativity.

It is true power.

[SPIKE] Negative energy
exists in all living things.

It is created from
emotions such as

fear, anger, hatred,
jealousy and aggression.

I can manipulate this
energy and convert it

into beams of destructive power

that annihilate
anything in its path.

And right now, my little foe,
I have you square in my sights!

That... sounds painful.

[ROSHI] That's it!

[BULMA] What do you mean?

Goku, get out of there!

He's going to use your
thoughts to destroy you!

Stop! What are you doing?
You're going too far!

[NARRATOR] Can Goku defeat
his two remaining opponents?

And how will he ever
combat the deadly power

of the mysterious
Devilmite Beams?

Find out on the next
unbelievable episode

of Dragon Ball!