Dragon Ball (1995–2003): Season 6, Episode 15 - The Rampage of InoShikaCho - full transcript

Goku meets a family who has fled its village, which is being rampaged by a monster called InoShikaCho. Goku goes to the village to fight the beast, but two other mysterious fighters get there first and defeat it, for a fee. Later, Goku learns that they are working together with InoShikaCho to scam villagers out of money, and he confronts them. Meanwhile, Roshi continues to train Krillin and Yamcha, and he tells the story of InoShikaCho.

Previously on Dragon Ball,

in preparation for the upcoming
World Martial Arts Tournament,

Goku embarked on a journey to
encounter real-world challenges

to increase his
strength and endurance.

[GOKU grunts]


That's impossible!

[NARRATOR] With unwavering

Goku has followed
his path by land, sea...

...and air.



[GOKU grunts]

[NARRATOR] Goku's great
adventure continues

today on Dragon Ball!


I'm starving. I need some food.

What's that? Thunder?

[MAN] I can't stop!
Somebody help me!

[WIFE] Pin! Slow down!



Uhh... Hello?


Hey! What's the matter?!

No brakes! No brakes!

Help us! Please help!

Hang on!


[PIN] Whew...

That was close!

Is everything alright, sir?

Yes. Thank you for your help...

Thank you very much.


When I first heard
you screaming,

I thought you were
being attacked.

We were!
By the evil InoShikaCho!

InoShikaCho? Huh? What's that?

You mean you've never
heard of the InoShikaCho?!

[GOKU] I don't think so.

You would remember
if you had seen it.

It is a savage, hideous monster.


[whimpering, screaming]


[GOKU] Hmmm. Sounds like
this monster is very strong!

Strong?! That's an

It could destroy
our whole village!

It would be a great
challenge to fight him.

[PIN] That's nuts!
No one can defeat InoShikaCho!

I've heard that a lot lately.

Can you please take me
to your village?

[PIN groans]

I appreciate what
you've done for us,

but you don't know
what you're asking.

InoShikaCho isn't a fighter,
it's a killer!

[GOKU] Don't worry. I've fought
plenty of those before.

[YAMCHA growls]


[KRILLIN growls]



I don't know much
about training,

but shouldn't you be
out there guiding him?

Ya know, blowing a whistle
or something?

Hmph. No. My job is to teach,
and theirs is to sweat.

Well, by the looks of it,
you'll soon be unemployed.

Whoa! He's handsome. Who is he?

[ROSHI] That's me!

Nuh-uh... That's impossible.
He has hair.

I wasn't born bald, ya know!
I had a full head of hair once!

Someone's touchy.



That's Crane and me
when we were young.

Your friend's a
nice-looking guy,

but what's with the
ugly creature he's holding?

[ROSHI] Ugly?! I think the word
you're looking for is "unique!"

InoShikaCho was a rare,
special creature.

A boy couldn't ask
for a better friend...

At least in the beginning.

As he grew, so did his temper.

It's scary how fast
cute becomes dangerous.

Wow... So where's this
big bundle of joy now?

Well... With any luck,
he's far from civilization.

When he's around people,
they usually get hurt.

[GOKU groans]

I'm so hungry!

--[VILLAGER A] InoShikaCho!
--[GOKU gasps]

[VILLAGER B] He went that way!


[VILLAGER A] We've got him!

They did it!
They trapped the monster!

Who are those guys?

Martial Artists.

The Village Chieftain hired
them to defeat InoShikaCho.

Martial Artists!

Whoaaa! They sure move fast!

[VILLAGERS cheering]

you. Thank you all!

Your praise is
greatly appreciated.

Our job is now complete.

All that remains
is the matter of payment.

Yes. Here is the
100,000 as promised.

Not a bad price
when you consider

we were risking our lives.

Yes! In fact,
we would be honored

if you would stay the night
as our guests.

Your hospitality is appreciated,

but we must be going.
We'll take our mess with us.

You are thorough.

In exchange,
take whatever you need.

We could use this food.

It will help sustain us
on our long journey.

For the saviors
of our village,

we can spare a few ears of corn.

[VILLAGERS cheering]

I caught something...

More green stuff.
I guess the fish are asleep.



Smells like dinner!

InoShikaCho, I rate that
your best performance yet.


He didn't really die after all!

Why don't we hit
a couple more villages,

then lay low for a while?

Sounds good.

I also think we
should double our fee.

--[GOKU] Hello!

[GOKU] Smells great!

[TALL FIGHTER] Who are you?!

Did you make friends with them
after your fight in the village?

You don't seem very angry.

--[TALL FIGHTER] Hands off!
--[GOKU grunts]

What's the matter?

you know our secret,

I can't let you live.

Uh, what secret?

Die, spy!


Wait! Let me take care of this.

I need the exercise
after that meal.

I'd love some food.
I'm starving.



He moves like a fighter.

You little nuisance,
what's your name?!

Goku. I'm hungry.

Goku... I've heard
that name before.

--[tree crackling]


[TALL FIGHTER] For a kid,
he's quite skillful.

He was.

Our work here is done.

It's time to save
another village.

[BULMA shrieks]

Oh no!

Bulma, what's wrong?
Are you okay?

Master, don't mean to pry,

why do you wear your
sunglasses at night?

That's none of your business!

It was a monster...

In my dream, it attacked Goku
and stabbed him with its horns.

[ROSHI] Hmm? InoShikaCho?


[BOTH] Hm?


How can we make sure he's safe?

They say a kiss
is good for luck...

[BULMA grunts]

[ROSHI] Ow! What was that for?!




No, Tan-Men...


I'm surprised you can speak.

I found you underneath
a tree in the forest.

What happened to you anyway?

I was hungry...

Those guys!

[TAN-MEN] Whoa,
slow down. What guys?

I don't know their names, but
I saw them with InoShikaCho.

They were all eating
corn together

and acting very friendly.

Wait! InoShikaCho eating corn?!

How is that possible?
I'd heard he was destroyed!

He's alive.

Those guys who were supposed
to hunt him are his friends!

If they were all friends...

... then we were
cheated! Robbed!

[GOKU] They took
something from you?

Rrgh! Mm! I'm gonna--fall down.

You need to rest.
You haven't recovered yet.

I'll be fine if I can
just get... some food!

Oh, is that all?

[TAN-MEN] I wasn't sure
what you liked.

Oohhh! Everything! Thank you!


[INOSHIKACHO snarling]

[FARMERS screaming]

He's really outdoing
himself this time.

He is an "it".
Remember that.

Don't let yourself
get too attached.

[GOKU] Where are they?!

[PIN] Get out of the way!
Look out! Coming through!


[brakes squealing]

Boy, you guys
sure do travel a lot.

We moved to another village

where we thought
we would be safe,

ah, but InoShikaCho showed up
and is after us again!

He's relentless!
He won't stop 'til we're dead!


I won't let him
get away this time!

InoShikaCho is dead.

Kind sirs, you have no idea the
joy you've brought to my people.

How can we ever repay you?

The 200,000 we
discussed should do.

Yes, of course.

We have secured your payment.

And I must say,
it was worth every zeni.


[GOKU] Stop!

You don't have to
pay them anything!


Hello again.

You're alive!

Yes, and so is InoShikaCho...

Here, I'll show you.

Tickle, tickle! Heh!
Tickle, tickle, tickle!

Tickle, tickle, tickle!
Tickle, tickle!


It's moving!

It's alive!

I thought you said
you killed it?


[GOKU] They're in this together.

InoShikaCho acts crazy and
then they pretend to stop him.

[VILLAGERS murmuring]

Wait! It is the boy, not us,
who befriends the monster!

Wh-What? Who, me?

Don't be fooled. Watch.
I'll prove it to you.

[INOSHIKACHO whimpers]

If they are not friends,
then the boy will let him burn!

That's true.

This isn't fair!
Why are you doing this?!

He's hurting!

How could you do this
to your own friend?!

I just proved to you
that thing isn't my friend.

[INOSHIKACHO whimpers, yells]


What are we
going to do now?



No one deserves to be
treated like this!

[GOKU] Isn't either one of you
going to help him?!

[INOSHIKACHO moans, whimpers]





Are you okay?
That was close.

You should choose
your friends better.

[INOSHIKACHO grunts, growls]


He doesn't look
happy to see us.

Maybe we should be leaving.

Now you've seen
where the boy's loyalties lie!

You have all been deceived!
He means to destroy you!

I knew there was something
fishy about you, boy!

How dare you try to trick us?!

[VILLAGER C] Let's get 'em!



InoShikaCho, come back!

I'd say this party
is about over.

[GOKU thinking] If InoShikaCho
keeps this up,

he might really hurt somebody.
I've got an idea.

Hey, look, the beast
is running away!

He's weak, chase him!


[VILLAGERS yelling]

[VILLAGER D] They went this way!

[yelling continues]

This looks like a
safe place to hide.

Something tells me
these villagers

aren't interested in talking.


[GOKU] Your back is burned bad.

Are you going to be all right?

[groans, whines]

[GOKU] Hm... Yes!

Don't you worry, InoShikaCho.

There's a nice girl
I know in the next village.

And she can help you get better.

And she's got
lots of food to eat.

Hey! We're here!

[GOKU gasps]

Did you really think
you could get away

with cheating my village?!

I didn't do anything.

Those two guys are the ones
who took your money.

I believe you. Hmph!



I didn't want to
have to do this--

[TAN-MEN] Stop!

Whoa! Hold your fire!

Tan-Men and Chieftain!
They could get hurt!

Cease your fire!

[laughs] Tan-Men!

Goku is innocent! He had
nothing to do with this mess!

She's telling the truth!

It was those two hunters!

Huh? Those nice boys?!

InoShikaCho... I think
you owe them an apology.


[GOKU] There now,
don't you feel better?


All things considered, I'd say
that turned out rather well.

How about you?


There you go, Ino,
you're all done.

The medicine I applied will help
your wound heal much faster.

You'll be up and running
in no time.

See, I told you she was good!

[grunts happily]

Y'know, I still wish we
could have found out

who those two guys were.

I overheard them talking about

the World Martial
Arts Tournament.


I'm in training right now to
compete in the tournament.

That's great!

With your strength, you should
have no problem winning!

There are a lot of people
tougher than me.

That's why
I'm out here training.

The more I fight,
the stronger I'll get.


Ino! What are you doing?!
He saved your life!

[GOKU] Oh, I get it now...


I think this is his way
of saying "Thank You."

He wants to fight me
so he can help my training.



Show me what you got!


[NARRATOR] As Goku fights
his latest training match,

he realizes he has more than

just a challenging sparring
partner in InoShikaCho;

he also has a
valuable ally and friend.

However, there are still many
unanswered questions

for our hero, including the
identity of the mysterious duo

and their connection to the
World Martial Arts Tournament.

[NARRATOR] As Goku heads
out on yet another leg

of his training journey, he
leaves behind a happy community

and its new-found... "helper."

Yes, it's been a successful end
to an exciting day for Goku,

with many more to come.

Join us next time,

as the adventure continues
on Dragon Ball!