Dragon Ball (1995–2003): Season 1, Episode 23 - Monster Beast Giran - full transcript

After a rain delay and a bar fight involving several tournament participants, the last quarter-final match of the World Martial Arts Tournament, Goku vs. Giran, gets underway.

[CROWD cheering]

Today, on Dragon Ball,

the World Martial Arts
Tournament continues,

even as the skies
darken overhead...

A storm is brewing, but an
angry sky won't distract

this crowd from the
action on the arena floor!

The next bout of the
Tournament is moments away,

and after the excitement
of the previous matches,

none of these hungry spectators
is going to miss it!

[NARRATOR] Krillin
dominated the first match

with a come-from-behind
knock out blow!

[NARRATOR] Jacky Chun
also used a strong wind

to win his bout!

This time Yamcha was the
victim of the sudden gust!

[NARRATOR] Next it was
Nam who was victorious

after resisting the feminine
wiles of the alluring Ranfan!

[NARRATOR] And now the match

to determine the last
semifinalist is about

to take place between
Goku and Giran,

today on Dragon Ball.

Now, let's get the
next match started!

Without further ado,

let me introduce the
last two quarter-finalists!

The winner of
this match will go on

to face Nam in the semifinals!

Ladies and gentlemen,
I give you...

Goku and Giran!!

Oh yeah,
that's our boy!

Do it, Goku!!

Giran...? I wonder
who that is...

Come on, Goku!

You can beat him!

[GIRAN chuckles]


Oh, good...

He's just a monster.

And to think I was worried...

Hi everyone...!
My name's Goku!

Yeah! Hey!

We know your name,
you big ham!

[GIRAN snickers]

Now, fighters ready?

Beeeegin! Hm?

[thunder rumbles]

[BULMA and CROWD cheer]

[panicked cries]

So what do you think?

[DIRECTOR] Woof...

Ladies and gentlemen,

the Director has not
postponed the fight as of yet!

The match is still in progress!

[ANNOUNCER] Wait a minute!

I have a new ruling
from the Director.

The match has been
postponed and will resume

when there's a
break in the weather!

[ANNOUNCER] Apparently
the fighters didn't hear

the announcement over the storm!

Ahem! Goku! Giran!

Your match has been
postponed until a later time!


[YAMCHA] Well, I'm glad
it started raining!

I've got a bad feeling
about that Giran guy, Goku!

I don't think he deals
from a straight deck!

I'd keep my eye on him!

[GOKU] Hm? You mean he cheats!

[YAMCHA] Mm, hm!

That's what I heard some guys

saying during the
elimination round!

Just don't let your guard down!

I would expect the
unexpected if I were you!

You're real strong!

But it's not always the
strongest one who wins!

Save your breath, buck-o.

My kid's taking
that ugly monster down!

Aren't you, kid?!

I'm definitely gonna try!

Hey, you know what,
I just realized?!

Master Roshi's not here!

Where the heck
did he run off to?!

For a second I thought
that was him there!

[YAMCHA] Hm? There is a
resemblance, isn't there?!

[OOLONG] Yeah!,
they're both old geezers!

[YAMCHA thinking]
No, it's more than that!

It's him alright!

Jackie Chun and Master Roshi
are one and the same--

I know it!

[stomping feet]

Yikes! It's him!

[GIRAN quietly snickers]

[scared murmuring from diners]

[GIRAN] Hey, got milk?


Milk, fool!

Uh?! Milk?! Yes, of course!

We've got milk! Coming right up!
Here you go, milk.

Big monster want milk!

[FIGHTER 2] What a whimp...

Hey, you guys!

You started without me!

[FIGHTER 1] Hm?!

Hey you rhinoceros
or whatever you are!

Watch that stupid tail of yours!

[GIRAN] Hmm?

Don't act like you
didn't hear me!

You creep!

Cool your jets!

This is one of the guys trying
to fight in the semi-finals!

It's hard to believe
just by looking at him!

That's for sure!

Yeah, No kidding!

He must have gotten all
the easy guys in the draw!


Aren't those some of the
guys you used to train with?

Uh, huh!

It's a shame that the
tournament has come down

to two kids, a guy old enough
to be their grandfather,

a peasant, and a
monster who likes milk!

Yeah! This
championship's a sham!

I could beat them...! Easy...

Alright, you big goon!

You're asking for it!

Watch that tail, guys!

It's lightning fast!

[FIGHTER 1] There's only one
tail, and there's four of us!

I like these odds!

[GIRAN] That's pretty good.

You know I kinda like you.

I think I'm gonna
kill you last...


[GIRAN] You! Bartender...


[GIRAN] Fill me up!

Pour the milk! Now!

Aaaah! Yes, sir!

One glass of cold, Vitamin D
milk coming right up!

Did you see that?!

Yeah! He's strong!

I know! I get to fight him!

[GIRAN snickers quietly]

Knock it off!

[GIRAN] Hmm?

I think they
got the message!

Now back off! Enough is enough!

Who the heck are you?!

Whoa! Yamcha!

[GIRAN] Uh, oh! It's
happening! The rash.


Oooh! Man, that itches!

This darn rash never fails!
Fake heros!

They make me break out!

Ouch! Ooh! Stop it!
Please! You're killing me!

Very funny!

[GIRAN] Wait! Don't go!


What's the deal, pal?!

My rash is very rare!

The only cure is to stomp out
the pretender causing it!

[GIRAN] Come here,
mister handsome hero!

Take care of the
big bad monster!

Hey! What's going on?!

We're supposed
to fight in the match!

Shut up!
We're busy here, kid!


This guy's built
like a mountain!

Haaa! He means, pebble!

I'm gonna squish
you like a pancake!


Ahh!! Hey!
How did you do that?!

Not bad!
This is going to be fun!

Fun, huh?! We'll see!


[JACKIE CHUN] Stop it!!

Don't you realize this
is against the rules?!

Fighting outside the arena
is a serious infraction

that will get you both kicked
out of the tournament!

I don't care about the
stinking rules, gramps!

you don't care about

the prize money either!


[JACKI CHUN] If you beat
the kid now you get nothing!

If you beat him in the arena,

you're well on your
way to becoming rich!

It's your choice, friend!

Uhhh, yeah! Money is good!

I'm going to beat you in
the arena instead of here!

You got lucky!

Fat chance! I won't lose!

[GIRAN chuckles] Dream on, kid!

[GOKU] Are you okay, Yamcha?

I'm fine...

I guess I didn't know what
I was getting myself into...

[WOMAN] I can't believe
they let monsters like that

in the tournament!

Be careful of him, Goku!


[FIGHTER 1] Uhhh!
Remind me never to attack

any ten-foot monsters again!

[FIGHTER 2] Yeah, me too!

[ANNOUNCER] Alright,
alright, alright, alright!

Yeah! And now, introducing
for the second time

the last two quarter-finalists:
Goku and Giran!!!


[ANNOUNCER] Wait a second!
Where's Goku?!

Maybe he high-tailed
it out of here!

No! Goku would never run!

[ANNOUNCER] Goku... Hey Goku...!

If you're back there, we uh,

we need you to
come on out now...

He chickened out!

Come on! Call the match, I won!

Goku! Hey!
Where are you?! Come on!

You're gonna have to
forfeit if you don't hurry!

What's going on?!

I just saw him
a few minutes ago!

I don't think he's here...


What's that kooky little
nut doing this time?!

Attention! Goku!

Report to the
arena in two minutes

or your match will be forfeited!

Hahaha! Come on!
Give me the match!

He ran away!

Well, I guess I can't
really blame him... Huh?

I already told you!

Goku wouldn't run away!

He's not scared of anything!

[RANFAN] Hey, guys! I found him!

He's over here!

Huh?! Yamcha! Come on!

[YAMCHA] Goku!

[KRILLIN] Hey, Goku!


What are you doing, Goku?!

Wake up, you idiot!

Oh... hi, guys!

Are you crazy?

Oops, I'm sorry!

I was sitting in the sunshine

with that cool breeze
and I just conked out!


What are you doing?! Come on!

Well! He's back!

Certain circumstances
prevented him

from hearing the announcement!

I was taking a nap!

[GIRAN thinking]
He's mocking me...

Let the last
quarter-final match begin!

[CROWD ecstatically cheering]

I'm going to
pound you into the dirt,

you no good little brat!

Alright! Yeah, Goku!

Look at that itty-bitty
guy warm up!.

He's not even scared!


Look what I have!


It's a secret!

Wow! A secret!

Really? What is it?!

Come on! Aren't you
going to show me?!

Uh, huh! Here! Check it out!

What an awesome attack!

I hope Goku's alright!

It's hard to compete against
a powerful blow like that!

Let's give him credit
for making it this far!

What a fighter!
Don't worry, folks!

The tournament doctor
is on the way!

Here comes the doctor now.

Please let him through!

I hope Goku isn't hurt!

Me too!

This is terrible!


[ANNOUNCER] I-it's unbelievable!

Goku is back on his feet
and back in the match!

And he's acting as if he
didn't even feel that blow!

I don't know what

you were going to show me,

but I don't even
want to see it now!

I knew he was okay!

How could a concrete wall get
the best of that thick head?!



Young Goku has thrown
Giran out of the ring

and practically
into the next town!

It looks like he's won!

What an incredible
feat of strength!

[CROWD gasps]

Too bad, kid...

Guess I forgot to
mention I could fly...

Aw, man...

[ANNOUNCER] This is too
fantastic to believe!

After being thrown a hundred
yards out of the arena,

Giran is flying back in!

And since no part
of his body actually

touched the ground,
the match is still on!

Well! If I can't throw you out,
I'll have to take you down!


What's this?!
I... can't move!

How do you like
Giran's Merry-go-round Gum?!

Oh, no! Rrrgh!

]That's right...

Go ahead and struggle, kid.

The harder you try,
the tighter it gets...!

Face it--you are stuck,
right where I want you.

Hey! What are you doing?!

What do you think...?

I'm throwing you out of the
ring, just like you did to me.

Hey! That's no fair...!

You weren't all tied up
when I threw you!


It doesn't look good for Goku!

Giran has ejected some
sort of rubbery substance

form his mouth that
has Goku hog-tied!

There's no way he can
avoid hitting the ground

if he's thrown out!

Sayonara, kid!


Darn! It's all over!


Wait! The Flying Nimbus!

Flying Nimbus!! Come to me!!

That was close...

Thanks, Flying Nimbus...!

I wasn't sure if you were going
to be able to get to me in time!

What?! You've
gotta be kidding...

Alright, Goku! Yeah!

Goodness! Your little
friend is very resourceful!

[GOKU] Did you miss me?!

[ANNOUNCER] The fighters
can't seem to stay out

of the ring today, folks!!

Hey! Look! That's
cheating isn't it?

Using any kind of outside tool
is against the rules, right?!

Look who's talking!

What do you call this
stuff you tied me up with?!

Isn't that a tool...?!

That's not classified
as an outside tool!

The Merry-go-round Gum is

from inside my body,
so it's fair!

Ladies and gentlemen,

the match has
come under protest!

Giran has objected to Goku's
use of the mysterious cloud

but the judge has
ruled in Goku's favor!


The judge has
declared that the cloud

was part of the natural
setting of the arena

since his feet never
touched the ground!

However, Goku is forbidden
to use the cloud again!

Heh! Sounds good!
I can live with that!

Uh, oh!!

Yeah, the next time he

throws Goku out of
the ring, he's done for!


I'm gonna knock the
living hoo-haa out of you,

you little nuisance of a kid!

Time's up!
Just close your eyes,

this is only going
to hurt for a second!

Bomb's away!

What?! He's gone!

But how?!
This just isn't possible!

Where'd he go?!

[CROWD] He's right there,
you doe-doe bird!

[CROWD] No, not there!

Hanging from your arm! There!

[GIRAN] Huh?! Mm?!


Goku seems to be
hanging by a... by a tail?

Yay! My tail
grew back, alright!

Oh, no! It's back!

After all this time,
it finally grew back!

Anyone for a moonlight
stroll tonight?!

No. thanks,
I think I'll pass!

Saved by the tail!

But, I still can't beat
him with this stuff on me!

Fool! That gum
can't be broken!


Huh?! He did it!!

[laughs] Alright!
I'm free! Yay! Wow!

I always feel so much
stronger when I have my tail!

Hmm! I better give
it a quick test run...

[GOKU] Yeah!
With a little work it'll

be even better than the old one!

Mmm! Now!
Let's finish this thing!

Wait! I give up!!

[ANNOUNCER] Amazing!
Giran's throwing in the towel!

He's quitting the match!

Which makes Goku the winner!

Goku is going to the
semi-finals! Spectacular!

Whoa! How does he do it?

Man! He's too much!

[NARRATOR] With a lot of
courage and determination--

and a little help from
a very special cloud,

Goku has won his match

and advanced to the semi-finals!

Join us next time,
for Dragon Ball!