Downton Abbey (2010–2015): Season 6, Episode 4 - Episode #6.4 - full transcript

Anna and Mary face a crisis and a figure from the past surprises those above and below stairs.



You didn't quarrel, then?

No. My cousin was good to me.

But in the end it
was another country

and I'd moved away
one time too many.

And besides, I'd taken Sybbie away
from you.

What right had I to do that?

You had every right.
But it did seem a shame.

I wish we had a photograph of all our
faces when you walked in.

I hope I didn't steal their thunder.
Oh, no.

I think it gave it an added lift.

How was Sybbie this morning?

But glad to be here.

What will you do, Mary,
now that Tom's home?

Exactly what I was doing.

Well, surely he'll go back to being
the agent.

Can't we allow Tom a few days to
settle in before we start fighting?

You'll get no fight from me. I want
to do what's right for everyone.

Come down to the office later
and I'll bring you up to date.

Any word from Carson?

He rang to say they'd arrived
safely, m'lord, but that's all.

He could have managed something a
little better than Scarborough.

I offered, but that's what they

When do we expect Rosamund?
Tomorrow, for dinner.

Why's she coming?
She says just to see us

but I'm sure she wants to get stuck
in with the row about the hospital.

At least she'll be reinforcements for
Cora and Isobel.

Do you think she'll take their side?
Against Granny? Every time.

Miss Baxter, Sergeant Willis rang
earlier. He wants to look in.

What's this?
The sergeant is coming in later.

What for?
To see Miss Baxter.

Oh, that's her Ladyship.

I must go.

What do the police want
with Miss Baxter?

Makes a nice change.
Good to know we can joke about it.

Well, it's no joke to Miss Baxter.

Who spoke to him?
Sergeant Willis?

Me, I did. Next time run it past me,
Mrs Patmore,

before you issue an invitation.
I am the butler now.

For the next five minutes.

Until Mr Carson gets back.

And don't let's forget it.

When did this arrive?

Mr Spratt walked up with it first
thing this morning, m'lady.

Lady Grantham wants to bring
Lady Shackleton

when she comes for dinner tomorrow.
That's nice.

Is it? It's only so dear Mama has an
ally when we start fighting.

She thinks Lady Rosamund and
Mrs Crawley are on my side.

Hey-ho. I'll telephone
when I go down.

Now we're out of Edith's earshot,
what do you really want?

To be joint agents?
I wouldn't mind.

Maybe. But if I am to live out my
life here,

I need to find something to do that
isn't just about the estate.

How enterprising. I've changed since
I've been away.

I'm still not a traditionalist. The
King should not rely on my support.

Which wouldn't surprise Papa.

But I don't feel the same about

Not American capitalism, anyway.

Where a hardworking man can go right
to the top

all the way in a single lifetime.

Which still isn't true here.
Not yet.

But I have a sense it's going to
change and in the not-too-distant

I hope that doesn't worry you.
Tom, you're my brother.

I want what you want. In your work,
in your life.

No more Miss Buntings
if you have any pity.

But even in that, don't please us.
Please yourself.

What about you? Have you regretted
dismissing your suitors?


Come in here. Mr Carson won't mind.

Thank you, Mrs Patmore.

Good morning, Miss Baxter.
Is this about the Bates?

No, no, no. It's not about the

They're off the hook.

Then what's Miss Baxter done
if it's not to do with them?

Would you rather I questioned you
alone, Miss Baxter?

Mrs Hughes wouldn't like it.

I've asked Mr Molesley to be with me
if I'm allowed. He's outside.

Oh. Well, of course.
If I'm not wanted...

It's not -
I understand.

I understand.

Go on.

I won't beat about the bush,
Miss Baxter.

You'll know who I mean
by Mr Peter Coyle.

Yes, I do.

He's currently on bail for theft.
That doesn't seem to surprise you.

Correct. He's accused alongside a
young woman

who worked in the same house,

and I'm afraid that most of the
evidence will count against her.

Again, you do not surprise me.

Well, this is it.

He's pleading innocence but our
records show

that while he's never been

he's been close to several crimes in
the past.

Always carried out by women and he's
escaped prosecution every time.

We know he worked in the same house
as you

and that he left on the day that you
stole the jewels from your mistress.

That's true.
And those jewels were never found

and you've kept silent.

But we believe he profited
from the theft.

We want you to testify to that
effect as a character witness.

We're only trying to protect
vulnerable young women

from him in the future.

He's ruined several lives.

I'll leave you now, Miss Baxter.
Please consider my request.

Of course she will, Sergeant Willis.

Then I'll er, take the liberty
of calling again.


I dare say this...Mr Coyle was a
handsome devil.

He was a devil all right.

I know it's not my decision, but I
think you should do it.

You don't know what you're asking.

"All that's needed for evil to

is that good men do nothing."

You won't believe this,
except you will.

Lady Shackleton would love to come,
but can she bring her nephew?


He's in Yorkshire for some reason
and he's only staying one night.

What did you say? I didn't want to
put Mama's back up.

Things are bad enough without that.

Mama is an old intriguer.

She will use tears or terror with
equal facility.

Who is this man?

I don't know. Her sister's son.

Mrs Cobb is going to live with her
daughter in Oswaldkirk

so Mary's going to give the cottage
to the Carsons. Excellent news.

Can we discuss Yew Tree Farm?

What about it? I don't see why we
can't get a new tenant

when the Drewes are gone.
No, Mary's right.

It makes more sense for us to take
it over.

We could let the house, of course.
But we will have some tenants.

Which reminds me, I want to see
Fairclough's new planting.

Tom, do you fancy a walk? Let me make
a call and then I'll be with you.

You're happy he's back, aren't you?

I really am.
Funny, isn't it?

What are the new maids like?
Nice. Hard-working.

But they don't live in.

And they go home before we have our
tea so we don't really know them.

Not in the old way.

Miss Baxter and I turn the beds down
in the evenings.

I hope you're not working too hard.

I feel quite well, m'lady.
Though I'm thickening up.

I saw Mr Bates eyeing
me the other day.

He'll think I ate all the pies.

So you still haven't told him?
When I know it'll be fine,

he can celebrate without worrying.

Ah, we were just talking about you.

Good things I hope, m'lady.

I wanted Molesley and Andrews to
take the cases down.

They've both gone into the village.

Carson wouldn't allow that.
When the cat's away, m'lady.

Can you manage?

Anna and I can take one each.

No, they're too heavy
for Anna to lift.

Then I'll make a double journey.

Rather a bore for you. The car's
waiting in the stableyard.

It was sweet of them
to let me bring Henry.

Though why couldn't he stay behind
with a tray on his lap?

Don't be unkind. I never see him.

He's only up here now to look at some
horrid racing car.

Does he get on with Philip?
They were friends as boys.

I'm afraid she doesn't like my

Oh, dear.
Who does?

Now, you understand the job on hand?

We're to persuade Lady Grantham
to oppose all change at the hospital.

No, no, not quite.

To oppose change that takes control
away from us.

It would be so bad for the village.

Forgive me, but why, if it means more
modern and varied treatment?

How could the interests of the
village be protected

if every decision is made in York?

I see that, my dear -

Are you...are you here to help or

To help, of course. Then there's no
more to be said.

I'd like some volunteers to clean
Mrs Cobb's cottage for the Carsons.

His Lordship wants it done before
they get back.

I don't mind. I could go up with the
maids in the morning.

It's a shame they can't live in their
own home.

The builders are still in it.

And they can't get there and back
without a car

which is a bit revolutionary
for Mr Carson.

"The Carsons."

Are we gonna have to call
her "Mrs Carson"?

I wish I knew how long Mr Mason's got
to wait for his farmhouse.

Is this Yew Tree Farm
you're talking about?

Mr Mason's taking over the lease.

I don't believe so. They're going to
farm the land themselves.

They may let the house,
but that's it.

What are you talking about? I heard
them discussing it yesterday

at breakfast.
Don't say it.

They couldn't turn around like that,
could they?

But they've not said they'll do it.
They implied it.

She implied it.

I might go to Mrs Cobb's cottage
when they're changing.

I'll come with you.
No need.

I expect he's got something
to think through.

Keep your pity, Mr Molesley.
You need it more than I do.

You don't have to tell me your
mother's in the right.

We can't have a public quarrel

or they'll both be asked to resign
from the board

and even I don't want that.
Which means I'm not to make Granny

any angrier than she is already.

So how are you?
What's the news?

I do have some as a matter of fact.

Have you heard of a place called
Hillcroft? It's in Turperton.

What sort of place?
A college.

For women from modest backgrounds.
But clever women with potential.

I'm a trustee.
How interesting.

I knew you'd think so.

So I'm going to suggest you
as a trustee, too.

Oddly enough, our treasurer lives up

It's one of the reasons I've come,

so I can meet him while I'm at
Downton. We'll ask him over.

What's his name?

John Harding. I like the sound of

Self-made, clever, successful.

And nearer your age than mine.

Might I have a word, m'lady?

You'll have to be quick, I'm late.

It's about Miss Baxter.

I hope this isn't gossip.

I don't believe it is, m'lady.

You couldn't be harder on those

if you wanted them to confess to

I feel so let down.

They've got Mr Mason's hopes up,
let him think he had a future

and now what?
To be honest, Daisy,

wasn't it you that put his hopes up?

Only because I was sure
that's what she intended.

She's led me on. Maybe it just
wasn't possible.

Not possible? Don't give
me 'not possible'.

All right, Madame Defarge, calm down
and finish that mash.

The Dowager Lady Shackleton
and Mr Henry Talbot.


Nobody told me the nephew was you.

Oh, is that what I am? "The nephew".

You never said your aunt
was Lady Shackleton.

Did you know she was bringing you

One must be allowed some secrets.

Of course we'll invite Mr Harding.

He has a wife. We must ask her, too.

It's marvellous for ordinary women
to aim at rich and fulfilling

They talk about making a difference
but this could actually change

Why are you in Yorkshire?
Mainly looking at a car

I might be racing at Brooklands.
So you really are a car man?

I wasn't sure how much you meant it.

Oh, I really am a car man.

That's not a claim you often hear in
this neck of the woods.

Did you say you race at Brooklands?
Yes, I've driven there quite a lot.

I don't envy much, but I envy that.

What sort of Talbot is he?

Shrewsbury. But he's nowhere near
the earldom.

About 40 strong men would have to
drop dead.

Well, nothing is impossible.

Without it, what are his prospects?

Adequate, but not overwhelming.

Honestly, listen to yourselves.

Lady Shackleton is quite right.

Mary needs more than a handsome
smile and a hand on the gear stick.

I'm surprised you know
what a gear stick is.

I know more than you think.

It's very kind of you to let me and
Henry push into a family party.

In return, please don't let Mama pull
you into the fight.

Really, Robert? You paint me as such
a schemer.

No-one has sharper eyes
than a loving son.

You read that somewhere.

Why do you never think
I can make anything up?

Didn't you trust your own powers of

What? Don't pretend. Who else would
her Ladyship have heard it from?

I think you'll regret being silent.

Come along, Mr Molesley.

Just because Mr Carson's away...

You look very preoccupied.



Can I help?
I'm fine.

Just carry on, as they say in the

The treatments available
to the village

would be vastly superior to
anything we can lay claim to now.

You are making a grave mistake

and impoverishing the village by
doing so.

Prudence, tell them.

I expect there's a good deal to be
said on both sides.

Don't be so feeble!

How can I present myself as an
expert when I don't know the facts?

It's never stopped me!

She's still on cracking form.
If she were 20 years younger,

you'd just call her a tyrant.

Have you thought more about what
you're going to do now you're back?

Before dinner, Mr Talbot was saying
he works with cars.

I wonder if that mightn't be right
for me.

Not as a racing car driver?
Maybe not.

But in that world.
Which is a long way from Downton.

ROBERT: Your attitude is hardly
conducive to a peaceful settlement.

I won't explain, since every village
argument is the same.

Really? I'm not a village boy.

My father was in Parliament
so we lived in London.

Except for the summer
and then we'd shelter

with various hunting, shooting and
fishing relations. That's us.

Yes, but it's not all you are. So do
you make a living out of cars?

Yes, I suppose I do, yes.
I race on a team.

Does that seem very odd?
Quite odd.

Although people do such odd things
nowadays. Mm.

I once met a man who spent his time
importing guinea pigs from Peru.

(CHUCKLES) Don't hide behind
Lady Shackleton, Mama.

You're quite capable of landing your
own punches.

The question is which system is more
likely to deliver modern treatment

to the local population?
That is not the point.

I should have thought that was
exactly the point.

You've muddled your priorities!

I suppose cousin Isobel is entitled
to put up an argument.

Of course she is, she's just not
entitled to win it.


I'm afraid I've been rather a
disappointment to your mother.

Not to me. You could have made things
even worse.

So, do you ever make it up to

Sometimes. Would you think it
terribly common

if I gave you my card?
Fairly common.

But I'll take it anyway.

Telephone me. We'll have lunch
or a drink.

Or something.

Do you know, I couldn't be less
interested in cars

if I took a pill to achieve it.

Well, that's because you haven't
been taught about them.


The main thing I want to avoid is
Granny being kicked off the board

of the new arrangement.
We'll all be kicked off

with the fuss we're making.
Supporting her wrong thinking
won't help.

Can I put in a word for trying to
remain friends?

Tom the peacemaker is back.

That's really the purpose of it -

Aunt Prudence.
We're outstaying our welcome.

Indeed. Goodnight, Robert.

Goodnight, Mary.
Goodnight. Mr Talbot.

Lady Mary.


Not that pain again?

I can't drink port any more.

Oh, darling...

I don't think I've ever felt such a
lack...of reason.

What do you mean, reason?

Why am I here?
What am I doing?

What are we all doing?

Trying to get through life as best
we can.

Yes, but you, you make friends.

People like you.
Her Ladyship likes you.

Mr Molesley more than likes you.

Don't be silly.

It's true.
I'm quite envious.

Not of Mr Molesley,
but the rest of it.

And I envy you. You don't care what
people say.

While I tremble at the mere idea of
public ridicule.

I should be used to it by now,

You are stronger than you think.

And you're wrong about me.

I mind what people say.

It's no use talking as if you can
force me. We both know you can't.

We can make you attend the trial.

Come on. Sergeant Willis
is not the enemy.

Mr Coyle is the enemy
and here's your chance.

Chance for what? Revenge?
Much good that will do.

Not for revenge. To stop other girls
being tricked into a life of crime.

Two of the women he used are
prostitutes now.

At least one is dead.
Do you want him to go on?

If I say yes, what happens next?

We send a list of witnesses to the

It's not a Penny Dreadful with
confessions from the box.

They see who will testify
on our side.

If he won't change his plea,
he'll go to the trial.

Very well.
Thank you, Miss Baxter.

I'll keep you informed
at every step.

What changed your mind?

The thought of the girls he ruined.

Like he ruined me.

Oh, but he hasn't ruined you,
has he?

And the proof is you're standing


But he changed me.

I've just seen the Hardings' car.
We'll be in the drawing room.

Certainly, m'lady.

I believe we're expected.

Of course, Mr and Mrs Harding.

Would you like to leave your coats?


It is you, isn't it?

Why didn't you telephone
and say you were coming?

I didn't know we were until this
morning or I would have.

He said we were visiting somebody
called Painswick.

Lady Rosamund Painswick.
His Lordship's sister.

I'd forgotten that.

I'll see you later if I can.

She hasn't got time to greet
her old friends, then.

When were you a friend of Gwen's?

We're so pleased to see you. I want
to hear all about Hillcroft.

Why did you first get involved?

Naturally I'd be happy to take as
much of the credit as possible,

but it was really Mrs Harding's

What was it that drew you to the
work they were doing?

Forgive me, but have we met?

Er, I don't think we've met exactly.

Tell us more about Hillcroft.

You see, I never had
any higher education and so -

Who did? All we were taught was
French prejudice and dance steps.


Who's Gwen? She was housemaid here
before the war.

She got away to be a secretary.

Now she's having lunch upstairs
while we're still stuck down here.

What does his Lordship think?
They won't recognise her.

They don't look us in the face
enough. I wonder if Karl Marx

might finish the liver pate (?) I
don't think his Lordship will mind.

He's not uncomfortable about that
sort of thing.

It won't bother him that she used to
work here.

Well, his daughter ran off with a
chauffeur in the interim.

And Mrs Harding was a supporter
when Hillcroft first opened in 1920.

Then later they needed a treasurer,
so she suggested me.

And how do you manage from

It's not hard. I go there twice a

But the telephone's really changed

I want to hear Mrs Harding's story.

It was the telephone that changed
everything for me, too.

You see, I was a secretary
before I was married

for a telephone company back when
everyone was getting connected

at the start of the war. Then she
moved into local government

and that's where we met.

But if I'd had more education,
I might have gone further.

If that doesn't sound too vain.

No. Many women from all backgrounds
feel that. I know I did.

I was a nurse, but why couldn't I be
a doctor?

Barrow, is that luncheon?
It is, m'lady.

Shall we go in? I hope we'll have a
chance to continue this


Look at you.
I don't mean to pretend.

I didn't know we were coming to

until we turned into the drive.
Does he not know you worked here?

He knows I was a housemaid,
so there's no pretence.

But by the time we met
that was all in the past.

I'm one to talk.
I married the boss's daughter.

So is she going to come down?

I don't know, she didn't say.

No, she's too important to speak to
the likes of us.

Take those up now.

We have to find ladders to help them
achieve their potential.

I do so agree.

We can't afford to
waste working women

by not educating them.
It's lucky Carson isn't here.


Our butler.
He's a traditionalist.

You recall Mr Carson, madam, surely?

What do you mean, Barrow?

Mrs Harding used to work here.

She used to be a -
Thank you, Mr Barrow.

I can tell it.

I used to be a housemaid here for a
couple of years before the war.

Here? In this house?

I knew I'd seen your face.

Why didn't you say?

I don't know. Well, I was going to.

You had every opportunity.

You can take the pudding
and Andy can carry the cream.

How's it going?

Mr Barrow just landed her in it.

He only told the table she used to
work here as a maid.

I knew he'd do something like that.

Of course. How could he resist?

We've been hearing that you spoiled
Gwen's luncheon. Good work (!)

I couldn't have known
she was planning

to lie her way through it.
That's not it though, is it?

You resent her luck.
You're jealous.

Jealous? Why?

Because I dedicated my life to

and I'm about to be thrown out
on my ear

when she scarpered first chance
she got

and now she's lunching
in the dining room?

Why would that make me jealous,
Mr Bates?

His Lordship won't like it,
your trying to wrongfoot her.

Well, we'll see.

I know Lady Mary didn't like being
made a fool of.

Now in case I have to remind you
all again, I am the butler.

So please get on.

Seems marvellous to me you leave
service, go into government.

Now you're married
to a prominent man.

20th century story.
I agree. Welcome back.

I just feel stupid for not
recognising you.

Why should you? We never spoke.

You worked here for two years
and we never spoke to you.

We're the ones in the wrong.
No, I didn't mean it like that.

It was a good job. But not good
enough to stay.

I didn't want to be in service my
whole life.

That's all. So you found an
opportunity and took it.

I didn't find it.

Lady Sybil found it.

Sybil helped you?


She did everything.

She looked out for the jobs,
lent me clothes,

drove me to the interviews.

One time I remember
the horse went lame

and we both got stuck in the mud.

Oh, the talking we had to do
when we got back!

I remember we were so worried. But
she never said a thing about you.

It was our secret pact.

And then one day
she cornered the man

who was installing
the telephone here

and er, that's how I got
my first job in business.

She wouldn't let me enter the library
while you met him.

So that was you?

Did you keep in contact?

Christmas cards and such.

And then I heard the news.

I'll never forget her.
Her kindness changed my life.

What a lovely way to remember her.

She was a lovely person.

Darling Sybil.

Thank you, Barrow, for reminding us
of Mrs Harding's time here.

My pleasure, m'lady.

They're coming now!

I just wanted to come and say hello.

Oh, Mrs Hughes will
be sad to miss you.

Now, tell us about your children.

We want to know every detail.
Where are you living now?

All right. Well, let's begin at the

But afterwards, I'd like to hear all
about you.

Mr Branson, I wouldn't bother you
but now you're back

and now you're the agent again -
Lady Mary's the agent.

But still, you'll know what they're
planning for Yew Tree Farm.

I suppose so.

Only, Mr Mason was
in the running for it

but now it seems they've had second

It's not quite as simple as that.

Well, it's as simple as this.

His son, my husband, left this house
to die for his country.

Shouldn't we help him now if we can?

I'll have a word.

I've an idea that when you mentioned
Mrs Harding's connection with us

you were trying to catch her out.

Well, I - I don't like to see such
things, Barrow.

I don't care for a lack of
generosity. Do you understand me?

Yes, m'lord.

You are your own worst enemy.

If I am, I've got competition.

Mrs Harding rather put me in my
place when she was here.

I'm sure she didn't mean to.

No. But when she was talking about
Lady Sybil

I had one of those moments
where you look at your life

and I realised how much better Sybil
was than I am.

It was quite chastening. You're hard
on yourself, m'lady.

Why did I have to be so pettish?
She'd made something of her life,

why shouldn't she?


Now, don't panic.
Are you in pain?

I was then.
A sharp pain.

I had it earlier.

I'm losing it.
It's happening again.

We don't know that. Right, we're
going up to London.

I'll ring Dr Ryder, there'll be a
night telephone line.

But we've missed the last train.

We'll drive into York.
There may be a late train.

What do I tell Mr Bates? I don't
want to frighten him,

but I mustn't get his hopes up.

Tell him it's me, I need to see a
doctor double-quick.

What if I lose it on the way?

Then we'll be no worse off
than we are now.

But we'll make him see you when we
get there.

I don't care what time it is,
he'll come to Belgrave Square.

Now go, and meet me at the front.

Why the suitcase?
I'm racing up to London.

Whatever for? What's happened?

Don't tell anyone, but it's Anna.
She may be having a miscarriage.

How will you get there?

We've missed the last train from

but if we drive into York
there may be a late one.

If not, we'll get the milk train
at dawn. I'll take you to York.

Remember, not a word to anyone.
Not even Bates.

She should tell him.
But anyway, I'll get the car.

Can I stay in Belgrave Square?

Of course. I'll telephone Mead.

Haven't you missed the last train?
Tom's driving us into York.


May we ask why?
Something medical.

Oh my lord. I'm not in any danger,
but I need to go now.

I'll be back in a day or two.

But what time will you get there?
I'll get there when I get there.

Goodbye. I'll telephone tomorrow.

Carson and Mrs Hu - Mrs Carson will
be back on Friday.

It'd be nice if you were to welcome
them. I'll try.

That's it, I must fly.

I don't understand the urgency.
Lady Mary didn't seem ill earlier.

Do you want her medical history?
No, but it seems so sudden.

Sometimes these things are sudden.

So you're not hiding anything?

You've lived with suspicion too
long. It's got under your skin.

I should get in. I mustn't keep
Mr Branson waiting.

Before her Ladyship?
Here she is now.

Good evening, Bates.

Don't worry, we'll be back before
you know it.

What's Lady Mary's emergency?

It's none of our business.
Very true, Miss Baxter.

For once I agree with you.

Daisy, what is it?

I've had enough. I don't care what
Mrs Patmore says.

Her Ladyship has cheated Mr Mason
of his farm

and I'm going to have it out with
her. Daisy, don't.

You'll lose your job and then what?

Look at Gwen. She's thrown off the
yoke of service to make a good life.

What am I doing with my mine?

Why aren't you two up there now?
They wanted to be alone.

We gave them coffee and they sent us

You can't go barging in when they're
discussing something private. I'll
wait for her.

I wish you wouldn't.

Poor Tom, racing across the county.
It's just Mary being dramatic.

She didn't look at all ill.

Well, why else would she have gone?

We'll ask her tomorrow morning.

I'd like to take advantage of her
absence to settle Yew Tree Farm.

I want to offer it to Mr Mason.

I know you do. But he's quite old.

He'll have Daisy to help him.
Can we afford it?

We'd make more money if we farmed it
ourselves and let the house.

Shouldn't we wait for Tom to get
back before we decide?

I'll ask him what Sybil would do?
Is that fair?

Daisy, I beg of you.

You're a trained cook, you could get
work anywhere.

But you'll have to manage without a
reference if you do this!

She's right, Daisy. Have you
forgotten what happened

when you let off steam at the
auction? No. I've had it up to here.

I've come to the end.
I must do it.

Well, I'm coming with you.

Please yourself. I'm going.
Why? It won't help Mr Mason.

Listen to him, Daisy. Listen to him,
if you won't listen to me!

I'm sorry, but I've made up my mind.

You're back.
You made good time.

We made the last train so they're on
their way south.

I wish I knew what it was about.

Nothing to concern you, I promise.
You missed a jolly good dinner.

I bought some sandwiches at the
station and ate them in the car.

You're a braver man than I am,
Gunga Din.

We've been settling some business
while you were away.

Oh? Yes? Mama wants Mr Mason
to have Yew Tree Farm.

I see.

Of course, it's not a business-like

and Cora has been using some
emotional blackmail on us.

I asked them what they felt Sybil
would want us to do.

Well, we all know the answer to

But is it enough to convince you?

I was reminded recently of William's

And I suppose I do feel old Mason's
in our charge.

That's what I say.

Shouldn't we wait for Mary?
No. I'll handle Mary.

It'd be better if it's
a fait accompli.

We don't have to do everything Mary
says. Not when we're all agreed.

Maybe it's underhand
to go behind her back.

But it's much too important to me to
let scruples get in the way.


Your Ladyship.

Yes, it's me. And I have to speak to

Daisy... What are you doing here,

I was a little worried about Daisy,
m'lady. She's been very upset.

I have been upset.
I'm sorry to hear it,

but I don't understand
what you're doing here.

Daisy, there you are.
That was quick.

Will you tell Mr Mason the news
or should we?

Tell him what?

He's got the farm
if he still wants it.

Isn't that why you're here?

What wonderful news. Daisy...


She's going downstairs now, m'lady,
and I'll see you in your room.

That was rather peculiar.

I have a feeling I've just dodged
something and I don't know what.



Don't start.


How is she?

Sleeping, I hope by now.

Has she lost the baby?

We got there in time.

I've put in the stitch I spoke of and
as they say in medical novels,

I'm cautiously optimistic.

And what shall I do now?
Can you stay a day or two?

We could go back on Friday.

Good. Make her rest
when she gets there

but don't fret too much.

I'm so grateful to you for coming
out here at dawn.

Don't worry.
It'll be reflected in my bill.

Of course.
And now I'll say goodbye.

I feel so...I don't know, dazed.

Yesterday I thought I hated her and
today she saved our lives.

It never does good to hate anyone.

So is this true? Your Mr Mason got
the farm after everything you said?

Seems like it.
I envy him.

Ooh, high praise from a city boy.

Not me. Country life
is what I'm after.

I don't care where I started,
this is where I want to end up.

When will Carson get here tomorrow?

6:00, m'lord,
if the train's on time.

Is anything planned as a welcome?

We're having a bit of a do
in the servants' hall to say hello.

Well, we'll come down.

And please tell Mrs Patmore
we can have a cold dinner

if that would be easier.
Very good, m'lord.

Back to normal at last! I've enjoyed
my time as butler.

I hope you've learned something
from it.

You see, Barrow,
Carson is a kind man.

Don't overlook that. It's why people
are loyal to him.

I'll bear it in mind, m'lord.

Do. It should be helpful when you -
That is, when the hour strikes.

To move on.
Yes, m'lord.

Welcome to the Royal Automobile

Do you know it?

No, but I like to be surprised.

I'm sorry if I look rather shabby.

I didn't bring any clothes, so I've
stolen this from my aunt.


You are the opposite of shabby.


I can't think why, but I've never
been here before.

When was it built?


The temple of car lovers.

Your love is not fickle,
I'll admit.

But I'm afraid for me, a car
is simply to get from A to B.

Nothing more.

What is your enthusiasm?

No. I ride, I even hunt, but I don't
see horses in my dreams.

What then?
I like my work.

Do you work?

It's rather shocking, isn't it?

My father and I co-own the estate.

But I really function as the agent.

So many estates are
going under these days

and I'm just determined that Downton
won't be one of them.

Far from shocked, I am extremely

And you have a son?
Yes. George.

He'll take over eventually,
I assume,

and when he does,
I want to make sure

he's the master of a
modern going concern.

He's also heir to his grandfather's

for reasons too complicated
to bore you with.

So it's very neat and tidy.

Neat and tidy-ish.

But aren't you rather
at a loose end?

I hope this means you're boiling up
to make a pass before we're done.



But will you accept?

No. But I shall enjoy
the process enormously.

I can't believe it. I feel like I'm
standing at the gates of paradise.

I don't think it's any nicer than
your old farm.

But it's safe, Daisy. They'll not
sell this estate in my lifetime.

Lady Mary wouldn't allow it.

So I know now where
I can lay my bones.

And it's down to you.
You've used your credit to rescue me.

I don't think I have got much

Well, that's where you're wrong.

And here's the proof of it.

They'll be here in a minute.
Is that straight?

Down a bit on the left.

We're not striving for a setting
by Diaghilev.

The point is we've made an effort.

Are you finished? I've unpacked
and then they're changing tonight

so they can come down and say hello.

And the trip went well?
I think so, yes.


Because I believe I know
what you're hiding.

And I feel sure I know what it is
that took you to London in a rush.

And I hope I'm wrong.

You're not wrong in all of it.

But you're wrong if you think I'm
hiding something sad.

What I've been hiding
is very, very happy.

Oh, God...

Are you sure?


MRS PATMORE: They're here!

ALL: Aw!

Home again at last. I feel I've been
away for months.

Very flattering, I don't think!

Oh, thank you.

Oh, there you all are. Plotting!

You're the one who's plotting.

Is it really so important to keep
the Crawleys in command, Mama?

That is my sole motive, is it?

Isn't it?
No. No, it is not.

For years, I've watched governments
take control of our lives.

And their argument is always the
same -

fewer costs, greater efficiency.

But the result is the same, too -

less control by the people,
more control by the state.

Until the individual's own wishes
count for nothing.

That is what I consider my duty
to resist.

By wielding your unelected power?

You see, the point of a so-called
'great family'

is to protect our freedoms.

That is why the barons made
King John sign the Magna Carta.

I do see that your argument was more
honourable than I'd appreciated.

But, Mama, we're not living in 1215.

And the strengths of great families
like ours is going,

that's just fact. Your
great-grandchildren won't thank you

when the state is all-powerful
because we didn't fight.

Well, I won't have any,
so I can live with that.

They've arrived, so we should go down
as soon as Mary gets here.

Have you told her about Mr Mason?

I have.
How'd she take it?

She's annoyed. But it seems London
went well

so she's less cross than she might
be. Good of you to come, Isobel.

We couldn't miss Carson's return.
And Mrs...Carson, of course.

I can't get my tongue round it.

We've simply got to learn.

We ought to go down. I could hear
them shouting from my bedroom.

I haven't been into the kitchens for
at least 20 years.

Have you got your passport?

Make sure his Lordship has a drink,

Hello, Molesley. Has it changed much
since your day?

I only know I shall need Ariande's
thread to find my way out.

When are you going to appoint your
new editor?

Why can't it be you?

Well, I'd like to be a sort of

but no man will put up with that so
I'm going to try and find a woman.

A woman editor? I applaud you.

Of course you do.

Presumably we may now look forward
to women field marshals

and a woman pope!

Nonsense, Granny.
I think it's a good idea.

It is a magazine for women.

Well, we should congratulate them.

That was nice of you,
to praise Edith's plan.

A monkey will type out the Bible if
you leave it long enough.

Carson, Mrs Carson.

I'm so sorry I missed the wedding
but I'm delighted to be here

Thank you.

(QUIETLY) "Mrs Carson..."

It's like Jane Eyre asking to be
called Mrs Rochester.

I'll never get used to it.
None of us will.

When will the trial be?

I don't know yet. No doubt I'll find
out when the time comes.

At least he can't hurt you now.

Can't he?

Mama's slipped away. She was tired,
so I told her to go.

Quite right. I'm afraid she won't
give up. About the hospital.

I shan't think that at her funeral.

Who says she won't be at yours?

Oh, thank you.

Thank you.
Anything to report, Mr Barrow?

Only that being a butler is more
complicated than I'd realised.

If you've learnt that,
you've used your time well.

Your cottage is ready and your
things have been taken there.

That's very considerate, m'lady.
Thank you.

You must let us know if anything
needs to be done, Mrs...Mrs Carson.

Well, now, m'lord,
this is the thing.

Won't it be confusing if we're to be
called Carson and Mrs Carson?

Rather as we resisted Anna
being Mrs Bates,

would it be very irregular

if we continued to be Carson
and Mrs Hughes?

Oh, hallelujah! You've made me a
happy man.

Let us raise a glass and drink
the health of the newly-weds.

Still to be known in this house at
any rate as Carson and Mrs Hughes.

ALL: Carson and Mrs Hughes.

Good heavens, there really is a God.

What a relief. To no-one more than
his Lordship.


I just want to go and check my room.
Make sure they've taken everything.

Right you are.

The Minister of Health
is paying us a visit.

Mr Chamberlain?
So now that you've settled in

have you decided what your next task
will be?

Good day to you. A wonder you've got
the nerve to speak to me.

Edith has a date.
No, I don't.

Do other butlers have to contend
with the police arriving every ten

What are we doing this evening?
Mr Rogers is a good driver.

I know, but they take such risks.

There's no such thing
as slow motor racing.

When we unleash the dogs of war we
must go where they take us.

subtitles by Deluxe