Downton Abbey (2010–2015): Season 5, Episode 3 - Episode #5.3 - full transcript

Mary wakes up in bed with Tony Gillingham after their tryst and returns to Downton, where she learns that a building firm want to buy land for a housing estate, to which Robert objects. ...

- Did you sleep well?
- Very. Ripped By mstoll

It hasn't taken me long
to get used to sharing a bed again.


- Who is it?
- MAID: Breakfast, madam.

One moment.

Thank you so much. I can manage.

Have you ordered something for yourself?
You can't have mine.

It'll be here any second.

Well, you've worked up a good appetite.

I can't bear vulgar jokes.

I'll make note of that.
I've made note of everything.

How you look in the morning, how you dress,

how you put on your makeup.

Why, particularly?

Because I want to acclimate myself

with the routines and rituals
that will govern the rest of my life.

Are you governed by ritual and routine?
I don't think I am.

Do we really have to leave today?

I'm afraid so.

Surely there are some delights of Liverpool
we have yet to share.

We've driven round Cheshire
and dined in public for almost a week.

By some miracle
we've managed to get away with it.

Let's not push our luck.

Does it matter if we get found out?

We're going to be down the aisle
before you can say Jack Robinson.

No, we won't, and, yes, it does matter.

I've been tarnished once,
and I won't be tarnished again.

Nothing is going to happen
that isn't properly announced,

organised and executed.


Isn't that your breakfast?

Miss Bunting says I have quite
a gift for it, now I've got started.

I left school when I were 11.
What were I supposed to learn by then?

If I were at school now,
I'd be there at least until I were 14.

What's the matter?

Sorry, love. What were you saying?


Before he heft, Mr Brisker was saying

he wants to show us the della
Francescas in the National Gallery

when we're next in London.

You go. Actually, I wouldn't mind
knowing if ours is any good.

We don't often see you for breakfast.

We've got a meeting this morning
to organise the church flowers.

The rota seems to have gone wrong.

Is Mary back today?

- Supposed to be.
- Good.

We've been sent an intriguing proposition
from a man in Leeds.

What's that?

Let's wait till Mary gets home,
then we can all talk about it.

Do you have any plans today?

I might walk down to Yew Tree Farm.

I'll give you a lift, if you'd like.

- Has Rose left already?
- I think so.

She planned to get an early train to York.

She wanted to spend all day
with her Russians, which is nice to see.

Are you ready to go?

Edith is getting so fond
of that little girl.

I only hope she isn't
driving the mother mad.

Mr Carson, please may I
make a telephone call?

Don't make it a habit.

I'm sorry to ask, but I wonder
if I might be alone?

If you wish.

Hello. I've been reading your
advertisement in The London Magazine.

"Choose Your Own Path."

This is me. We'll talk soon.

We're settled now,
we just have to get organised.

Oh, what is the latest
from your ageing Romeo?

If it's of interest, I haven't heard
anything from him since you and I last met.

- Oh, how disappointing.
- To you, perhaps.

Not especially to me.

By the way, how is Spratt?

Well, I think. Why do you ask?

He wasn't there to open the door.
I wondered if he might be ill.

Oh, no, he's not ill. He's in Liverpool.

His niece got married yesterday,
and Spratt had to take her down the aisle.

Oh. It seems rather unlikely
to think of Spratt with a private life.

Mmm. Yes, unlikely
and extremely inconvenient.

But you can't begrudge him that, surely.
Servants are human beings, too.

Yes. But preferably only on their days off.

Oh, yes. (BELL RINGS)

So they want to take
this witness business further?

I'm afraid so. It's a
young woman, apparently.

She was on her way to meet a friend
by the statue of Eros in Piccadilly.

Now, she swears she heard
Green speak as she walked by.

There was clatter from the traffic,
but she heard him say,

"Why have you come?"

- Who was he talking to?
- She couldn't see.

She's quite short,
and she was behind his back.

She looked up when he spoke, but it was
only to see him fall into the road.

Well, she kept very quiet about it.

Well, it was in the paper and, of course,
they said it was an accident,

but that phrase haunted her.
"Why have you come?"

Until at last she felt
she had to report it.

I still don't see what brings you here.

Green complained of a quarrel
while he was staying at Downton.

He felt badly treated, he was angry about it,
and he told Lord Gillingham's other servants.

Why didn't they report it before?

Because everyone thought
his death was an accident.

Until now.

I'm sorry, but, as I remember,
he was in high spirits while he was here.

Rather too high, if you get my meaning.

He had the maids and the footmen
playing Racing Demon

and screaming the house down.

So you've no reason to believe
he fell out with anyone?

None at all. I mean,
he was rather a bumptious type,

but if anyone objected to that, it was me.

Isobel was asking about your travels.

She's coming for dinner,
so you can tell her yourself.

- Another cup of tea, my lord?
- Thank you, no.

You can show her your sketches.

Where are they, anyway? Can't we see them?

Now that you're back,
a building company has been in touch.

They want to put up 50 houses.

- Fifty?
- Modest ones.

He's got his eye on Pip's Corner.

He wants to widen the lane to the green to
give access to the centre of the village.

They want to buy Pip's Corner?

They want to build on Pip's Corner.

We would take a percentage
of their sales. It's a good offer.

I won't have 50 ugly, modern houses
built over a field of mine.

Well, we don't have to make a decision now.

MARY: Hello, darling.

TOM: Hello, Sybbie.

MARY: Now, let's go and sit by the fire.

TOM: I want to hear all about your day.


The police must have muddled Downton
with some other place.

I expect they did.

You don't remember any bad feeling
involving Mr Green, do you?

- No.
- Hmm.

Well, better get moving.

They'll be down in a minute.


Oh, Mr Carson, there's
a telephone call for Mr Barrow.

Then go and find him, Mr Molesley,
seeing as you're the first footman now.

Are you free for a moment?

- I've not got long.
- No. Well, it won't take long.

I've had a letter from my sister,
the mother of my nephew, Archie.

He was shot, wasn't he? Poor boy.

Yes, he was shot. For cowardice.

His parents live in Farsley, near Leeds.

Now, the Farsley people are putting up
their own memorial, like we are.

That's nice.

Well, it is and it isn't.

You see, the locals only know
that Archie died in the war.

They'll expect to see his
name among the rest.


But the committee won't
put him on the list.

He's not worthy, apparently.

So says the War Office.

I am sorry.
That must be terribly upsetting for her.

Well, it brings it back for us, you see.

It brings it back,
and it makes his death nothing at all.

I wish I could do something.

Well, I did just wonder.

I mean, if she were able to say
he'd been included in our memorial

because of a family connection,

well, then no one would wonder why
he was missing from the one in Farsley.

- Have you spoken to Mr Carson?
- No.

- I was hoping you might do that.
- Me?

Everyone knows you can
twist him round your little finger.

Then everyone is wrong.

Well, will you have a go? Please.


We've got to start the hollandaise,
so we've got time if it curdles.

Right, right. I'm coming.


I hope you're not too tired
after your exertions.

Oh, m'lady, I'm not tired exactly.

Oh, good. I'm glad
if the wedding was a success.

Oh. The wedding was a success, yes.

Spratt, I have told you before,
I do not appreciate a man of mystery.

If you have something to say, say it.

I would, Your Ladyship.

But it may not be quite
right for me to tell.

Well, if that is the case,
then do not say it.

Do you have some other business?

Only that it may not be mine to tell,

but it is, in a way, yours.

You are testing me, Spratt.

And I warn you, being tested
does not bring out the best in me.

- No, Your Ladyship.
- I will not repeat myself.

Either impart this piece of information,

if you can empower
yourself to do so, or go.

Very well.

I hope Lady Mary
enjoyed her time in Liverpool.


I was standing outside
the Grand Hotel this morning, m'lady,

when I saw her come out with her suitcases.

She was accompanied by Lord Gillingham,

who had clearly
also been staying in the hotel.

Well, yes, they were both staying there.

They were attending an informal conference
Of northern landowners.

Lord Gillingham thought Lady Mary
might derive some benefit from it.

So you knew about it?

Of course I did.


What did you imagine you were witnessing?


Nothing vulgar, I hope.

Nothing beneath the dignity
of a butler of this house.


Nothing of that sort, m'lady.


I am glad to hear it.

Now, if you will be good enough
to let me drink my brandy in peace.

Your Ladyship.

You don't think Mr Bates ever knew
it was Mr Green, do you?

What are you asking me for?

I don't know anything you don't know.

Anyway, Mr Carson wasn't impressed
by the sound of the witness.

But they could make out he was
in London that day, couldn't they?

He left at dawn, he was back late.

They'll say he could've managed it.

Even if Mr Bates was in London,

we've no reason to suppose
he had anything to do with it.

What do you mean,
even if he was in London?

Do you think he was?

I don't know if he was there or not.

Why would I, if you don't?

They'll find out.

About Mr Green.

They'll find out what he did.


There's no one in this house knows,
except you, me and Lady Mary.

And she won't give it away.

No, I don't think she will.

There you are, then.

But they'll find out somehow.

Of course you must bring them,
if you want to.

Oh, they do so love an excursion.

Well, it'll be fun, and I'll come and help.

What are you going to do in London?

I have a fitting with Mr Molyneux.

He's over from Paris.

The Dowager Lady Grantham
is on the telephone for you, m'lady.

- Thank you.
- Will you stay at Rosamund's?

If she'll have me.

Robert, any chance you could come, too?

I'm afraid I can't.
I've a dreary meeting all afternoon.

What about you, Edith?

I'm going to take Mr Bricker up on his
offer to show me the National Gallery.

I'm watching little Marigold.

Mrs Drewe is taking the youngest boy
to the dentist in Thirsk.

Can't someone else step in?

- I said I'll do it.
- Rose?

We're taking my Russians to Haworth
to see where the Brontes lived.

What will they make of the Brontes?

Oh, good things, surely. Hopeless lovers
wandering over a desolate moor.

If it wasn't Emily Bronte,
it could be Tolstoy or Gogol.

ROSE: Oh, that's why I want
to bring them to Downton,

so they can compare the old Chekhovian vie
de château with the way the English do it.

Won't that make them unhappy?

A little nostalgic, maybe,
but they seem to enjoy that.

We have some Russian things here, from
when Papa and Mama went there in 1874.

I should look them out.

What did your grandmother want?

She wondered if I'll have time
to look in tomorrow. That's all.

I hope your flurry
of telephonic communication

does not involve bad news, Mr Barrow?

My father's ill, Mr Carson.

Oh, I am sorry.

Will you need time off?

Well, I ought to leave in the morning.


If you want me to see him alive.

Oh, my heaven. Of course I do.
Of course you must go.

I'm sorry to hear it.
I remember your father very well.

Don't pretend you could care less.

I've known your family
for a good long time.

I may not want to be your spy,
but nothing changes that.

If you say so.

Your dad was always kind to me.

Was he? Because he was
never very kind to me.

- You're quiet.
- Am I? I don't mean to be.

I was thinking we might get out
for a night, when we're due time off.

Somewhere peaceful, away from here.

Do you ever wonder what it would be like
to go to a place where no one knows us

and just start again?

Why do you say that?

I'm being stupid. That's why.

I hear you're getting on well
with your mathematics, Daisy.

An extra feather in your cap.

Yes, it is. But now I wonder...

You wonder what?

Well, should I stop there?

That's enough, Daisy.
Come and carry the spotted dick!

Good night, Baxter.

M'lady, I hope you don't mind, but I would
like to know whether I'm staying or going.

You're right. I have made you wait
an unreasonable time.

I just feel I need to plan.
If you've come to a decision.

I have. I think I have.

Tomorrow, I want you to tell me
the missing element of your story.

If you do, I'll give you a decision.

Is everything planned for the trip?

It is. I'm looking forward to it.

Really? I'm afraid I find those journeys
more of a slog, these days.

Do you ever think of the war?

What do you mean?

How it was.

When the girls were
working with the officers,

and I was running everything with Barrow.

I don't remember Mary doing much.

Sometimes I find myself thinking
how busy we were, how useful.

You can't wish those days back again?

Well, I wouldn't admit
it outside this room.

What was that business about
building houses at Pip's Corner?

Nothing to trouble you with.

So, you had fun?

Don't ask me to elaborate.

Have you set the date?
For the wedding, m'lady?

- No.
- He's not trying to get out of it?

No. But there's no hurry.
We don't have to rush into it.

By the way, would you do me
the greatest possible favour?

I will if I can.

Would you hide this in the cottage?

- You mean the thing?
- Well, I can't leave it here.

Suppose Mrs Hughes found it,
or Edith, or Mama?

Please, take it. And the book.

There must be some corner cupboard
in the cottage where nobody ever goes.

Very well, m'lady.

Thank you.

But I do feel I'm aiding and abetting sin,

and I just hope I won't be made to pay.

I gather the local bobby was here today.

Carson said a witness had turned up
who'd seen that man die.

But wasn't it a crowded pavement?

Surely there were hundreds of witnesses.

This one says she heard Mr Green talking
just before he fell.

Sergeant Willis was asking if he'd quarrelled
with anyone when he was at Downton.


Mr Green had told the people he worked with

that he'd been treated badly
while he was here.

- He was treated badly?!
- I know.

But we have to be on our guard.

I mean, I'm sure Mr Bates
never knew it was him, but...

If they find out what Mr Green did, then...

There can't be any evidence against Bates.

They'd have found it by now.

What are you doing?


Is this a mysterious present for me?

No. It's something of Lady Mary's.

What is it?

That's private. For her.

Then why has she given it to you?

Because she wants me to keep it.

Why are you putting me off?

I'm not doing any such thing.

Add the name of a coward to our memorial?

Are you quite well?

Mr Carson, surely by now we know enough
about shell shock to be more understanding

than we were at the start of the war.

Look, I don't mean to sound cruel.

The lad was obviously troubled
and off his head, for all we know.

I'm sorry for him, I'm sorry for his
family, I'm sorry for Mrs Patmore...

Well, then...

But is it fair to the millions of men
who stood by their posts,

up to their waists in mud, terrified
out of their wits, yet determined

to do their best for King and country?

What do you mean?

Is it fair to say to them, "Your sacrifice
weighs just the same as the man

"who abandoned his duty and ran for it"?


I'm sorry, Mrs Hughes.

But I don't think it's right to make so
little of the gift those young men gave us

when they died.

I see.

I hoped I'd catch you before we go.

Oh, yes?

She's given me an ultimatum.

What's she said?

That I must either tell her
the rest of my story, or leave.

And if you do tell her,
does that mean you can stay?

She wouldn't commit herself.

- So what will you do?
- I don't know.

There is a story,
and maybe she has a right to hear it,

but once it's told, I want it back
in the ground and buried.

Then make that your condition.

- What?
- She's made conditions, so can you.

The worst that can happen
is that she refuses and you go,

which'll happen anyway
if you say nothing. Oh!

You don't think he'll relent?

I'm afraid not.

I just wanted to be sure you knew
there will only be four for dinner.

She's told you, then?

I have.

They'd never have allowed it.

Is that so?

But I don't want you to think
that I'm unsympathetic.

Yes, well,

sympathy butters no parsnips.
I'd better get on.

What's the matter with her?

She's had bad news.

- Oh, by the way, Mr Carson.
- Yes, Daisy?

You wouldn't mind if I were
to sit an examination, would you?

I mean, not now, but when I'm ready for it.

That's a question
for Mrs Patmore or Mrs Hughes.

But you don't object?

Well, since you ask, I am not convinced
that any of this extra work

is necessary for your place
in the scheme of things.

Mr Carson, Sergeant Willis is here.

My advice, Daisy, is to go
as far in life as God and luck allow.

Are you sure about this?

I'm never convinced that surprises
are all they're cracked up to be.

Don't be silly.

I'll give her a real treat.
I thought we might go dancing.

I've heard the new band
at Claridge's is marvellous.

Does Aunt Rosamund know you're coming?

I'll tell her when I get there.
She won't mind.

They were just going to have
supper together and go to bed.

Ah, Bates.

Mr Carson said you were
looking for me, m'lord.

My meeting's been cancelled. I've decided
to run up to London for the night.

Would you make up a bag for me?
Black tie, I think, not white.

- Would you like me to come with you?
- No need.

I'll be back tomorrow.

- Mr Bates?
- That's it.

He didn't like Mr Bates, not at all,

and we know now that he said so
to Lord Gillingham's butler.

Well, I don't remember that.

He mentioned Mr Bates by name?

Well, he called him "the valet",
and there isn't another, is there? Not now.

You do surprise me.

Mr Bates keeps himself to himself.

You won't mind if I talk to him?

Not at all. Be my guest.
Take a seat and I'll send for him.

Thank you, Spratt.

I trust you enjoyed your stay
in Liverpool, m'lady?

You found it extremely interesting,
didn't you, dear?

Yes, I did.

I think we'll have some tea.
Thank you, Spratt.

Very good, Your Ladyship.

Obviously it's very shocking
to someone of your generation.

Don't let us hide behind
the changing times, my dear.

This is shocking to most people in 1924.


Can we be confident that
there will be no unwanted epilogue?

You can be quite sure.

Well, I must say, that makes a nice...

A nice what?

A nice kettle of fish.

Is there any chance of a proposal?

Every chance.

He already has.

He wants to set the date.


Oh, I see.

Well, I'm not saying I approve,
because I don't.

But it does put things
in rather a different light.


When will you announce it?

I'm not sure.

- We haven't decided.
- Then you'd better get on with it.

If I were seduced by a man,

I would not let any grass grow under his
feet if he'd offered to do the decent thing.

I wasn't seduced, Granny.

A young woman of good family
who finds herself in the bed of a man

who is not her husband
has invariably been seduced.

She couldn't have gone to bed with him
of her own free will?

Not if she was the daughter of an earl.

Oh, there you are, Spratt.

Lady Mary has been telling me
all about her conference.

I hope you found it interesting, m'lady.

I learned a great deal
that I never knew before.

Thank you, Spratt.

I've had the journey to think about it,
Baxter, and I accept your condition.

We have plenty of time.
I don't have to be anywhere until later.

At the house in Ovington Square,
there was a footman.

His name was Coyle. Peter Coyle.

He was very handsome and...

after a while, I could do nothing
but by his permission.

He was a cruel man,
although I couldn't see it then.

At least,

I could see it, really.

He was nasty, and he made me nasty,

and I embraced it.

Tell me about the robbery.

He handed in his notice and,
on his last night, I took the jewels.

He wanted them all, but I only took some.

And you gave them to him and he left.

He said where to meet him the next day,
and I thought he'd be there.

But he never came.

I never saw him after. He got clean away.

And you took the blame. But why?

I was ashamed. I'd let him change me.

I'd abandoned everything I believe
to please a worthless man.

Surely, if you told the police now...

No, m'lady.

I won't bring it back to life.

Leave him be.

As it is, he'll never know a day's
happiness, for there is nothing good in him.

So what might you have done in York
that would place you there?

Let me think. I posted
a letter, I remember,

to an old army pal.

Would he still have it?

That I couldn't tell you.

Anything else?

I made enquiries at a shoe shop.

Do you recall which one?

Browns in Queen Street.
They were opening up.

Then I had a cup of
coffee at the Royal York,

and I went back there for a drink later on,
before I caught the train home.

And the middle Of the day?

I walked around, really.

I had a sandwich at lunchtime
in some pub or other.

Let me think.

Don't worry. I've got enough.

Thank you for your time.

No need to frown, Mrs Bates. Just routine.

But why would Mr Green
say such things about Mr Bates?

Who knows? Anyway,
everything seems to be in order.

Good day to you.

I don't know why Mr Green
would want to make trouble for you.

Well, I never liked him,
so I suppose he never liked me.

Yes, but to invent a quarrel,
then tell the world about it?

It's as if he were expecting me
to make trouble first,

and so he was covering
himself in case I did.

It does seem like that, doesn't it?

I have to get a mark
out of His Lordship's tails.

Go. Of course.

You go.

Every figure shows
a different kind of reverence,

some eager,

some contemplative, some amazed.

Even the magpie
seems to have been struck dumb.

You're very sharp.

Umbria was full of magpies,

so della Francesca
chose a bird known for its chatter

and made it silent in wonder.

How beautiful it is.

I think your picture
may be a study for this angel.

There are elements common to both.

It was painted at the end of his life.

I envy him.

To have been able to create something
like this when death was closing in.

I'd love to think that I could still
do something that people talk about

more than four centuries later.

You don't sound very confident.

I doubt they'll remember anything
I've done by the time my body's cold.

I'm sure that's not true.

You're not, but I like you for saying it.

Come and look at this one.

I'm afraid I'm taking up
far too much of your time.

Not true. I'm enjoying myself.



Are you there?


Wait here.

Wait here.

I didn't know where you were.

Oh, you're back.

She's been no trouble at all.

You should have gone
when Tim got home, m'lady.

- I was enjoying myself.
- Very kind, I'm sure.


I suppose I should be off.

Unless you'd like me to stay
whilst you settle Billy?

That's generous, m'lady,
but there's no need.

Good. Right.

I'll be off, then.

Can I look in tomorrow?

You must be so busy.

Why don't I come, and then
you can turn me out if you like?

Goodbye, darling.


- Bye.
- Honestly, Tim...

She'll hear you. Let her get away.

I can't manage it much longer.

I'm sorry if she's lonely.
I'm sorry she wants a child,

but she can't have ours, and that's flat!

You're not being reasonable.

Just now, I thought she'd taken her.

I did, truly.

I wish we'd never started it.

But think what she could do
for the girl, if she's a mind to.

In 10 years, or 15!

And are we all to live together
in a happy threesome until then?

- Is that what you want?
- Me?

I thought she was soft on you,
but maybe it's the other way around.

You're the one who's soft.
Soft in the head!

She keeps being engaged.
I wonder if there's a fault on the line.

- I'll send a telegram.
- I don't know.

I probably should go back.
I'm in quite the wrong clothes for dinner.


You said yourself she wouldn't mind,
and as for your clothes,

you'll be the best-looking woman in the
Ritz dining room whatever you're wearing.


- That's cheered me up.
- I mean it.

I so want to hear
what you have to say about it all.

I can't think why. I don't know anything.

Nonsense. You have an instinct
for the key elements of every picture.

They speak to you. I envy that.

Well, I probably shouldn't,
but I guess I will.

- I won't stay out late, though.
- Don't worry.

You will be home and safe
ere the clock strikes 12.

A lot sooner than that, please.

But surely if Bates convinced Willis
that he was in York that day...

I only said it may not be over.

But why not?

The Sergeant's a nice man, but he's
not the brightest button in the box.

According to Mr Carson,
Mr Bates told the Sergeant

he visited a shoe shop as it was opening.

The shoe shop is in Queen Street,
ten minutes' walk from the station.


He also had a cup of
coffee at the Royal York,

which operates as the station hotel.

You mean he still had time
to get to London and back.

Do you think Carson registered any of this?

I doubt it, and he wouldn't
give Mr Bates away if he did.

But there's a danger that Sergeant Willis,
or someone he talks to,

may put two and two together.

- They'd still have to prove it.
- Yes.

They would still need proof.

Let's keep a hold of that.

- I had such a nice evening.

Me, too.

I love London.
Sometimes I forget how much, but I do.

I remember when I first arrived...

Oh, you don't want to hear about all that.

But I do.

London scared me at first.

I'd only been in a schoolroom
a few months before.

But my mother was eager.

Why, especially?

We weren't really
in the first rank in Cincinnati,

still less when we moved to New York.

My father was Jewish
and the money was new.

But there was a lot of
it, and I was pretty.

I suppose I can say that,
now I'm an old lady.

And she thought you'd make
a better match this side of the Atlantic.

And suddenly, here I was
in these vast ballrooms,

and all the other girls seemed to know what
to do and what to wear and how to flirt.

I bet you were more beautiful
than all of them,

more original, more real.

I certainly got a lot of names
on my dance cards.

Listen to me, bragging.

Please forgive me, I
never talk about myself.

Why did I say all that?

Because I'm interested.

Well, it's time for me to stop.
We're nearly there.

Can't we pretend we're not,

and walk round the square again?

The truth is, I am quite light-headed.

Going out for a night on the town.

It seems more my daughters'
territory than my own.

You can't know what a good time I had.

Please, may we do it again?

I doubt it.

But I hear the offer as a compliment.


I hope you got my cable.

But I've had such a...

- You've had such a what?
- Such a nice time.

Robert! I didn't know
you were coming up to London!

You never gave me a clue.

It was meant to be a surprise.

I got a table at Claridge's,
so we could make a night of it.

I am sorry. Should we telephone?

Don't worry. I cancelled everything
when we got Mr Bricker's telegram.

Where's Rosamund?

Upstairs. She gave me
your dinner and went to bed.

I'm dreadfully sorry.

So you said.

Wait a minute. I don't see that
I've done anything to make you angry.


I travel to London
in order to give my wife a treat,

only to find she is out
dining with another man.

Mr Brisker wanted to discuss the paintings.

Rosamund had said
she needed an early night.

Why was it so wrong
for me to accept his invitation?

Bricker was interested
in discussing the pictures with you?

Yes. Is that so difficult to believe?

That an art expert
would find your observations

on the work of Piero della Francesca
impossible to resist?

Yes. It is hard to believe!

I'm going to bed.


It's quite all right. You
said what you think,

and you have every right to do so.

Tell me, does Edith seem
very distracted to you?

I'm not sure I'd notice.

Well, she does to me.

As if she were always
thinking about something else.

I might say the same of you.

It can be hard to know
what to do for the best.

You don't want to hurt people,
but you may have to.

I know exactly what you mean.

Sorry. That just slipped out.

Are you talking about Tony?


I don't know. I'm not sure.

I was beginning to think
you'd settled on him.

I had, I think.

But now I seem to have unsettled.

Goodness. I haven't said
it out loud before.

So what's he done wrong?


We'd never spent
much time together until recently.

And when we did,

I began to wonder
how much we really had in common.

How recent was this time
you spent together?

Very recent.

Are we talking about
your so-called sketching trip?

Because I never believed
in that for a moment.

The point is, I wasn't seeing him clearly,
but now I do.

He's a nice man, a very
nice man, but not...

I mean, of course we'd talked about things,

but I think my judgment
was rather clouded by...

By what Miss Elinor Glyn
likes to write about in her novels.


But I seem to have got over that now.

Well, I won't ask how.

Please don't.

Well, I'll back you up, if you support me.

Are we talking about Miss Bunting
or your move to America?

I'm not sure. Either or both.

Well, you're asking a lot.

I'm not very keen on Miss Bunting,

and I can't bear the
thought of your leaving.

If you love me, you'll support me.

Then I suppose I'll have to.

I was wondering about Rose's
Russian tea. Shall we go together?

- Well, when is it?
- This afternoon.

Oh, good heavens. I'd forgotten all about
it. Well, I'm not sure I have the energy.

But you must come. You've been to Russia.

None of us have.

Did you get to know any
when you were there?

Oh, yes, oh, yes.

Well, did you keep up with them?

Oh, I'm afraid not.

No, an unlucky friend is tiresome enough,
an unlucky acquaintance is intolerable.

You're all heart.

- We're back.
- Oh, phew!

I was terrified you were going to miss it.

Not likely.

By the way, before I left,

I asked Pattinson to look out the Russian
things from my father's visit there.

- Did it happen?
- Oh, it did.

And they'll be so thrilled.

Ah. Well, if we're going to do it,
we might as well do it properly.

- Don't you agree, Mrs Patmore?
- Yes, m'lord.

What's the matter with her?

Nothing for you to worry about.

I'm not worried, but what is it?

Something beneath Your Lordship's
notice. She'll get over it.

Well, there's not nearly enough lemon.

Shall I go down and tell them?

No, I'll do it.

Tony? I don't believe it.

- What's going on?
- Don't ask.

Rose wanted to invite
some Russians for tea,

and it's turned into a Jubilee celebration.

How was London?

How is it always? Large and noisy.

Lady Grantham, Isobel.

Well, I wanted to see you.

You spent a day in a car for that?


I didn't want to nag you
over the telephone

when, if I drove up,
we could make our plans together.

Good afternoon, my dear.


Now, Granny, there's something
I'd love to show you.

Hello, Lord Gillingham.
It's very nice of you to come for this.

Well, I came to see Mary, really.

Of course you did.

And so you should.

You're always very kind to me,
Mrs Crawley. Thank you.

- I don't think I am.
- Yes, you are.

And I want you to know
that I appreciate it.

I'm sorry to add to your labours.

Don't worry, m'lady.
I'll have them sliced in no time.

- Daisy? Are you ready?
- Daisy's busy, I'm afraid.

- I've got too much on.
- Why? What's happening?

There's a big tea
for the Russian refugees I help.

Your displaced Tsarist aristos?

Of course, you could
always stay, if you like.

Lots to eat.

I hope his arrival means
you intend to make it public.

Darling Granny, you know
how much I value your advice.

Which means you intend to ignore it.

The point is, I won't be
hurried into anything.

Not by you, or by him.

But if you weren't certain,

why on earth did you go to bed with him?

Well, in my day, a lady was incapable
of feeling physical attraction

until she'd been instructed
to do so by her mama.

I don't believe that.

Seriously, my dear,

you have to take control of your feelings,

before they take control of you.



I've thought a lot about
what you told me yesterday,

and I still think you
should report Mr Coyle.

I won't, m'lady.

- And if that makes a difference...
- It won't.

You may stay.

Thank you.

Thank you so much.

Have you seen
what we've dug out for the Ruskies?

I say "we",
of course it was Pattinson who did it.

Does it matter? We both know
you place no value on my opinions.

Cora, I was cross.

I had travelled the length of England
to spend the evening with you,

and you had gone out.
Aren't I allowed to be cross?

You're allowed to be cross,
but you're not allowed to be unjust.

Now, would you excuse me?
I think they're here.

M'lady, Mr Drewe
is at the back door downstairs.

He's asking for you.
Should I ask him to come up?

No, no. I'll go down.

They told me you were here.

I didn't know you were entertaining.

It doesn't matter. What is it?

Tell me there's nothing wrong. Please.

There's nothing wrong with Marigold.

Thank God.

No. What's wrong is Margie.

I know I've annoyed her...

I'm afraid you must stay away, m'lady.
That's all.

Not forever.

But for now, you must stay away.



Do you have Russian connections,
Miss Bunting?

No. I'm here under false pretenses.

Nonsense. You're very welcome.

What is that woman doing here?

Rose found her in the kitchen
and asked her to join us.

- Why?
- Don't be silly. She had to.

Why do you let her irritate you so?

- How dare you say such things to me!
- I don't think she meant any...

She curses the name
of our holy father, the Tsar!

I said he was misguided in his policies...

No, no, no, I can't listen to this!

Lady Rose, would you please arrange
for us to return to York immediately!

Oh, but before you go,

won't you come and see the mementos of
the wedding of Tsar Alexander H's daughter?

Lord Grantham had them put out
especially for you to see.

You have Romanov relics here?

My parents went to St Petersburg in 1874.

When Queen Victoria's son, Prince Alfred,
married the Grand Duchess Maria.

“Grand Duchess Maria."

Those words,

they already make me weep.

Oh, dear. We can't have that.

Thank you.

Now do you see why she irritates me?

- Tom, keep her under control.
- She only wants...


I feel rather guilty.
I thought they'd enjoy the things we found.

Oh, no, no, they are enjoying them.

ROSE: What were you doing in Russia?

Oh, Lord Grantham was
in the household of Prince Alfred,

and we went to St Petersburg
for their wedding.

ROSE: I suppose it was very splendid.

Oh, you've no idea.

Receptions and balls,

glittering parades,
rides in a horse-drawn sleigh,

flying across the snow at midnight.

Excuse me. Make way. Make way.

Oh! Oh, how funny.
I wondered what had happened to that fan.

It wasn't given to your father,
it was given to me.

Who by? The Tsar?

No, no. Not by the Tsar, no.

No, no, we were at a ball
in the Winter Palace, and it was so hot.

There were icicles outside the window,
but the rooms were as hot as the tropics.

And I was wearing pale-blue velvet
trimmed with silver lace.

When I gave you this fan,
you hid it in your reticule

in case Lord Grantham should be angry.

Good heavens.

I hope you can forgive me,

but when I knew the others are coming,

I could not resist the temptation.

This is amazing.

You know each other?
You met in St Petersburg?

We did.

Allow me to present my son, Lord Grantham.

Prince Kuragin.

I'm flattered to be remembered.

How is the Princess? Well, I hope?

I don't know.

Why don't we go back to the hall
and have some more tea?


Thank you.

Thank you.

Granny has a past.

Thank heavens Papa
and Aunt Rosamund were already born,

or we could spin all sorts of fairytales.

How's it going?

There seems to be a good deal of emotion being
vented among the guests in the library.

But then, they are foreigners.

Right, now I must get on.

Stop giving me such knowing looks.

I met the Prince when
I was travelling with your grandfather.

Nothing could have been more respectable.

Whatever you say.

Away with your impertinent conclusions.

My only conclusion is this:

I know now you understand my predicament
far better than you let on.


Have you made plans
to see your admirer again?

Drive on.
Ripped By mstoll