Downton Abbey (2010–2015): Season 4, Episode 4 - Episode #4.4 - full transcript

Anthony Gillingham returns to Downton to propose to Mary, Edna tries to coerce Tom into marrying her, and Anna will not tell Bates what's bothering her.

Why didn't you wait for me?

I wanted to finish these before
breakfast. Is it something I've done?

No, not anything.

Nobody's done anything.

Blimey. What happened to you?

Leave her alone. I fell. I cut my

Now, if either of you need help to
carry things down just ask.

Alfred and James will be glad to
help. That's good to know.

What was that, James? Nothing, Mr

I'd better go up. Lady Mary hasn't
rung yet.

I've things to do.

How was Anna when you lent her that
dress last night?

How should she be? She told me she'd
fallen and cut her lip,

but I wondered if it might be more

She always minimises things. I'm sure
I don't know anything you don't know.

What's the matter with everyone this
merry morn?

I think there's something rather foreign
about high spirits at breakfast.

I shall be supervising the departure
if anyone wants me.

Well, Mr Gillingham, I hope you
haven't forgotten anything.

On the contrary, Mr Carson. I shall
remember this visit for a long time.

Goodbye, Lord Grantham, and thank
you for everything. Oh, nonsense.

I'm the one who should be thanking

You look as if you're glad to see
the back of us.

No. You've been kind to me.

I'm afraid I haven't been much fun
to be with.

Grief's odd, Tom. When the Duke died
it made me terribly clumsy.

I kept dropping and breaking things.

It was because it felt disloyal...

to manage anything properly without
him, do you see?

But you could manage. Yes, I could.

And so can you. I wonder.

The trouble is that I'm not really out
and all that. But it should be possible.

I don't think people care about those
rules like they used to. Well, I don't.

The luggage is loaded, m'lord.

It's nice to see you're well looked

It seems rather ungrateful, but I
can't pretend I like him.

But I'm lucky to have anyone

You said it.

I'll say goodbye to Tony Gillingham.
Don't interrupt them yet.

You're sure we can't meet?

I'm sure you're much too busy and
I'll be chasing my tail.

In other words, no.

I'm afraid you'll have to get
started. They won't hold the train.

Not even for you?

Not for me, nor for you either,
Duchess. Not these days.

You look very earnest.

I'm on my way to convince the board
of the merits of an out clinic,

so people can come early for

I don't suppose... Don't suppose

I could do with some help. I know you suspect
me of trying to get you back into harness.

But, well, it would leave a nurse
free for other duties.

I'll think about it.

I will.

I promise.

The tax people have had a cancellation,
so they can see us on Wednesday at noon.

But we should go up tomorrow. I
wouldn't like to risk being late.

And you don't want me to come? No
point in you all going.

Are you afraid I might put the case
for selling? It's not a question of that.

They don't care how they get the
money so long as they get it.

I'll ask how long they can give us and
what scale of payment they'll accept.

Then I'll report back. And we'll make
a decision together.

But I will try to persuade you.

Even though you'd be dragging a debt
behind you for 20 years? I don't care.

Not if Downton is self-sufficient by
the end of it.

I can see I'll spend the rest of my
life paying by instalments.

Papa, you always say we're not the
owners of Downton but the caretakers.

Very well. Let's take care of it.

Aunt Rosamund said we can stay with

Do you mind keeping an eye on the
children, Mama?

Is this London? When are you going?
Can I come?

Tomorrow, and I don't see why not.
Nor me.

Will you meet Tony Gillingham while
you're there?

I don't think so. Why should I?

Just thought you might.

Don't be transparent, Mama. It
doesn't suit you.

I thought you might come down to see

After last night. Look, Edna,

I blush to admit it, but I was very

So you're not going to deny it? Of
course not.

And if I behaved badly, I am sorry.

We'll have to put it down to our low
spirits and self indulgence.

I suppose you're so cold because
you're ashamed of what you did.

I'm neither cold nor ashamed. But,
as I say,

if I made a mistake, then I'm sorry.

I dare say we both are.

What are you making
there? Feuilletes.

What's that? Puff pastry layers with

I'm doing the hollandaise. Do they really like
that stuff or do they order it to show off?

We don't all have to live off
battered fish and meat pies.

It's the first thing Mrs Patmore's
trusted me with. First big thing.

I'm quite nervous. So you should be.

Mess it up and it's back to

What are you doing?

You can't treat a poor girl like

Like what? To use her one minute and
to cast her aside the next.

I've said I'm sorry - Yes, you're
sorry. I know.

But suppose I'm pregnant.

What will you do then?

Don't be ridiculous. You can't be
pregnant. It's not as easy as that.

But it is. Just as easy.

Why talk about it now? You won't
know for weeks.

I must be sure that you'll marry me
if I'm carrying your child.

I need to know that you won't cast
me off, that you'll be a man of honour.

And don't say I'm not good enough.

If you were good enough for Lady
Sybil Crawley, I'm good enough for
you. Don't speak her name.

You weren't so severe last night.

All I need is your word that you'll
marry me if there's a baby.

Don't worry. If it happens, I mean
to make a go of being your wife.

I won't hold you back.

You won't have any regrets.

I am already full of regrets.

There is nothing but regret in me.

Did you enjoy the concert? I did.

It was a great treat to hear Melba in

Hm. And the evening generally?

You mean did I find it hard to see
Mary come alive again?

Yes, I did, I confess it.

But I don't think my feelings are at
all defensible.

They are defensible to me. But it's

to react in such a jealous and
selfish way.

Well, if we only had moral thoughts,

what would the poor churchmen find
to do?

I'm fond of Mary.

I love her.

I don't want her to be alone and

It makes no sense, even to me.

I don't criticise either you or her.

But I hope you find a way to make
friends with the world again.

When we get to London, would you mind
helping Lady Rose?

We can't take Madge off Lady Edith.

Anna, are you all right? Yes.

Only you've been very quiet.

Will that be all, m'lady?

Yes, I suppose so. Very good, m'lady.

I telephoned Rosamund.

I thought Mary was doing that. Yes,
but I wanted to speak to her.

That's a first. She'll give a little

What about Tom? She said she won't
mind if he wants to be included.

Who could resist such a love call?

She'll ask that young man for Rose,
so it won't be too obvious.

It'll be pretty obvious. Do you
think something might come of it?

Probably not but I wouldn't mind if
it did.

After all, being a family means
welcoming new members.

Don't you agree, Braithwaite?

I think anyone would be lucky to be
a part of this family, m'lady.

That's nice. Thank you.

Aren't we encouraging a nation of
hypochondriacs if they rush to a
doctor at every twinge?

I think it encourages people to look after
themselves and not become a burden.

So you mean to help? A little.

Just to provide some free labour. No
more than that.

I wish someone would provide me with
some free labour. Oh.

Lloyd George would never allow it.

Rosamund is so looking forward to
seeing you. Poor Aunt Rosamund.

We use her like an hotel.
She enjoys it.

It gives her a surrogate real life.

What do you think, Tom? Do you think
she minds?


I'm sorry. What were you saying?

I'd far rather know what you were

Let me taste it. Go on, then.

It's like eating paper. Thank you.

I mean it. Do you really care about
this stuff?

I want to be a good cook. I want a

Why shouldn't I? You sound like

Well, what do you want?

To have a good time. To see the

To meet beautiful women and spend
money and drink champagne.

You can't make a career out of that.

Some people do. I want a life that's

I wish I was more like you.

I should report you to Mrs Patmore.

Report me for what? You know.

No, he does not know and nor do I.
What don't you know?

Why everyone's making a fuss over my

Because you did well, Ivy. They're
not very hard.

They're hard enough for a beginner,
as you ought to remember.

Yes, but Ivy moves so fast for a
beginner, don't she?

Just one night. We'll be back for
dinner on Wednesday.

I'll miss you. Don't.

I'm sorry.

I'm just tired.

Before you ask, you've done nothing
wrong. I must have done something.

You won't talk to me, you won't look
at me. I can't come near you.

We're in each other's pockets.

We live together, we work together.

Sometimes I think it's just too much.

There's not a lot to say.

We worked in a few theatres

She had a singing act with her

The Lark and the Dove they were

Which was she? The dove, I suppose.

Her sister had the voice...

but Alice was a gentle soul,

a sweet and a gentle soul.

And you were courting?

Well, you know how it was then.

Not like today. You were lucky if
you got to walk them to the corner.

But you wanted to marry her.

So much I could taste it.

I know, where is that young man now
so full of passion?

Anyway, she chose Charlie and that
was that.

But what's changed?

He told me that she regretted it.

That she wished she'd chosen me.

She's dead now, so it doesn't
matter, but that's what she said.

I disagree. It matters a lot.

The woman you loved... loved you.

But it doesn't change anything.

It changes you from where I'm

You're busy. No, no, no.

I'll say goodnight. Goodnight, Mr

What is it?

When I get back from London I want to
move back upstairs.

What? Why, for heaven's sake?

Because I can't...

..I can't let him touch me.

But whatever happened was not Mr
Bates's fault, surely?

Of course not.

He is without fault and that's the

I'm not good enough for him. Not now.

Why say that? Because I think that
somehow I...

..I must have made it happen.

Stuff and nonsense. You were
attacked by an evil, violent man.

There is no sin in that. But I feel

I can't let him touch me because I'm

Anna, I've been thinking.

We must go to the police. No.

But suppose you're with child. What
will you do then?

I'll kill myself. I won't listen to

No man should be able to do what he
did and get away with it.

And when Mr Bates has killed him,

will you come with me to the prison
when my husband is hanged?

But the poor man's heart is breaking
for not knowing.

Better a broken heart than a broken

So can I have a room, please?

You can.

You must wait until there's some
reason for you to give Mr Bates,

but I wish you would decide that
honesty is the best policy.

In the meanwhile, try to take a
break from it...

..while you're in London.

There can be no break from it.

Come and talk to me while I'm cleaning
them. I've got work to do. Five minutes.

Ivy can make the savoury. There's
only three of them, it'll be good practice.

What about me? Collect the trays
from the nursery and make the
pancakes for pudding.

Put them in the steam warmer. Have
you seen this?

What? They're setting up a training
school at the Ritz Hotel in London

in honour of Monsieur Escoffier.

Just for a few candidates. How much
will it cost? Nothing.

If they pass the test they get free training,
a basic wage and the chance of a job after.

They have two examinations a year.
You could do that, Daisy.

Are you trying to get rid of me?
Where's Ivy? She ought to see it.

She's around here somewhere.

She's in the boot room.

Sorry to keep you waiting, but Anna
couldn't find -


I hope I'm a surprise and not a

Well, you're certainly unexpected.

I thought I'd get up a small party,
just an informal one.

You remember Sir John Bullock?

He and Lord Gillingham have just been
staying with us.

Cora said it had been a success.
How clever of you both to be free at
such short notice.

They brought your message to my

I had an evening of cards and whisky
ahead so it was a welcome change of plan.

And what about you? Well, I cancelled
what I was supposed to be doing.

I hope Miss Lane Fox didn't mind.

Don't punish me for wanting to see
you again.

John's got a marvellous idea for
later on, haven't you?

After dinner I could take you all to
hear the new band at the Lotus Club.

You and Mary can be my chaperones, so
what could be more proper?

It isn't too jazzy, Lady Rosamund.
Just a club with a good dance band.

We can keep the young in order.

That's if you like the sound of it.

Please say yes, Mary, do.

It's such eons since we've had any

What about you, Tom?

I'll stay here with Lady Rosamund.
Oh, I was thinking I might go, too.

That settles it. Tom can come as
Aunt Rosamund's partner.


I give in.

Some more champagne over here. I
don't need any more.

Nonsense. How can we keep going if we're
not properly fuelled? I can keep going.

His evening of cards and whisky had already
begun when he got your aunt's invitation.

♪ Still it holds a goodly share of

I hope you don't mind my ambushing
you like this.

It was Mama and Aunt Rosamund who
ambushed me.

And I'm glad you came.

Really? Absolutely.

When I'm at Downton I feel so weighed

as if I were stuck at school for the
rest of my life.

But tonight you've made me play

And I like it.


♪ That bloom in May

♪ So if it's raining...

Can I see you again before you go?

How? The meeting's at noon and then
we go straight to the station.


♪ It's raining violets...

And, anyway, you've told me you're
engaged to be married.

Almost engaged.

Almost is good enough for me.

And even if you weren't the truth

..I'm not ready

and I won't be for some years.

I don't believe that.

Don't misunderstand me.

It's been lovely, here and at

I feel quite refreshed.

But now it's time to go back to real
life again.

And that's doesn't include me.

How could it?

♪ Whenever April showers
come along ♪

When I go through these I can tell
I've got some big gaps.

Make a list and we'll see what we
can do.

You'll help, won't you? Course.

I just think it's a shame if Alfred
has to go.

They might not even test me, let
alone offer me a place.

I couldn't go to London, me. Oh, you

if London was right for the next
step in your journey.

Are you sure you want to be a chef?
Not this chef business again.

Oh, just because you have no dreams.
I have dreams.

But they don't involve peeling

That's it, I'm off to bed. Me, too.
Goodnight, Mrs Patmore.

You must help him, Daisy.

Although it'll be hard,

it'll be better if you part friends,
I promise.

One moment of nastiness, and I'll be
paying for the rest of my days?

Maybe it's good if he goes.

Sometimes you can spend too long on
a one-sided love.

♪ I see a light in your eyes...

So, how are you enjoying it? What?

Being a member of the family

They've been kind to me. Kinder than
I deserve.

Oh, I'm sure that's not true. It is
true. Too true.

Oh! Oh, dear! Er...

should we sit down?

Aunt Rosamund's gone back to the
table. Should we go?

Absolutely not.

Um... please.

We're making a show of ourselves.
Then let's put on a great show.

People are looking at us. Good. Let
them see how it's done.

John. Oh, my -

Are you all right? Oh, um...

He's not normally like that.

Oh, Mary.

I don't think he is. I don't know
him that well.

I should keep it that way.

I really am all right now.

Thank you, you've saved my face.
Jack Ross at your service.

I'm Rose MacClare.

How do you do? Rose.

I've been sent to fetch you.

Well, if your friends are waiting...

I'm so sorry. This is my cousin, Tom

This is Mr Ross. He rescued me from
deep humiliation.

We should be going.

There was no need to be rude. I
wasn't rude.

Where's John? I should think he's
gone home.

Well, have we all had enough? I hope
he paid the bill before he left.

Honestly. If it hadn't have been for
Mr Ross...

You were having quite an adventure
with your gallant band leader.

He was terribly nice. And...

..John had made me look such a fool.

♪ A violet renamed but still blue

♪ The dappled dew will form in

♪ No matter what you call the thing

♪ So what's in a name?

♪ The grass is always greener

♪ On the other side... ♪

I'm going up. I'll come with you.
I'm whacked.

I'm assuming Sir John Bullock has
blotted his copybook for you.

Oh, I don't know. Doesn't everyone
deserve a second chance? Not everyone, no.

Things have come to a pretty pass when you
have to be rescued by a black bandleader.

I was jolly pleased anyone wanted to
rescue me and so would you have been.

What's the matter? You've been in a
glump all day.

If I told you, you'd despise me.

It may surprise you to hear that I
said that to someone once.

But I did confess in the end and it
made things a lot better.

Well, I couldn't say it. Not to you.

Then find someone you can tell.

It will help more than you know.

And on that modest note... goodnight.


I'm glad someone's cheerful.

Although I'm surprised it's you.


You were very down in the mouth when
you were talking to Mr Branson.

You think you can read me like a
book, don't you?

I pride myself on keeping my eyes
open, yes.

You'll need to keep your eyes open
and your ears too where I'm concerned.

Meaning? Meaning there'll come a day
when you'll be glad you kept in with me.

Hello, James, Alfred.

Rose, Anna needs to use your curling
irons. All right. Mine are broken.

Of course.

You're back.


How was it?

All right.

Lady Mary seemed quite pleased. Come

Better get on. Kiss me.


Or tell me what's happened. One or
the other. Don't bully me.

Anna, you're upset. You're unhappy
and I don't know why.

You say it's not me. I hope that's
true. But there is a reason and I
need to find out what it is.

I won't press you now if it makes things
worse but in the end I will find out.

Anna, could you tell Lady Mary, Lord
Gillingham is here?

Lord Gillingham?

But we just saw him in London.
Well, he's come back.

Is his valet with him?

I mean, is he staying? She'll want
to know.

He doesn't seem to be.

Now, will you give her the message,

Well, this is a sorry tale.

Damn right it is. And it's all my

Not all but it is partly your fault.
There's no point in denying that.

And you expect me to help you with

I couldn't think of anyone else to
turn to.

Not the most flattering invitation
I've ever known.

The question is, what's to be done?

Should I speak to her again? Should
I beg?

We've not quite come to that.

It is you.

When Anna told me I thought there
must be a mistake.

How did you get here? On the same
train as you.

But I was travelling in third.

Why? Because I didn't want to speak
to you in a railway carriage

with, you know, Tom and everyone
else listening.

Would you like some tea? Yes, if I

I assume you're going to give me an
explanation at some stage.

It's not complicated.

I have made a long journey to ask a
short question.

Will you marry me?

Tony, you don't know me.

How can you say that? We've known
each other since we were children.

Yes, but with a very long gap in the

We only met properly a few days ago

and now you want to spend the rest of
your life with me?


That's exactly what I want.

I love you, Mary, and there must be
a way to convince you.

Ah, James, could you bring us some

Very good, m'lady.


I never met Matthew but I'm sure he
was a splendid chap.

He was. But he's dead and I'm alive.

We're good together, Mary.

We could be so very happy if you'd
let us.

And Miss Lane Fox?

I like Mabel... a lot.

I even think that I could come to
love her.

But I'm not in love with her as I am
with you.

You fill my brain.

I see you when I close my eyes.

I can't stop thinking about you -

where you are, what you're doing.

You're very persuasive. Then be

I only wish I could.

Not now, if you don't want to.

You take as long as you need -

two years, three.

Just so long as I know that you'll
marry me in the end.

Tony! Why on earth are you here? Did
you leave something behind?

No, I had some business nearby, so I
thought I'd look in.

Are you staying? Er, yes, if, if you
don't mind.

I brought a bag on the off chance.
And your man?

I didn't want to make a fuss. It's
only one night.

I can't stay much longer. Nanny's
bringing down Sybbie in a moment.

It won't take long. She's coming

I see.

What do you see?

Well, I know now why you sent for

You're going to gang up on me and
try to pay me off.

Why would we pay you off?

Well, if I'm pregnant.

I want my baby to have a father and
I won't change my mind about that,

however much you offer.

I wasn't planning to make an offer.

Because there is no child.

What? You can't know that.

Nobody can. But I do know that,

Edna's not pregnant.

Do you think she would have let herself
get pregnant before she was sure of you?

And she knew how to prevent it.

Why else would you buy this book of

Marie Stopes. Married Love.

Though in your case it was unmarried
love, wasn't it, dear?

You've been through my things. What if I'd
agreed to marry her and there was no baby?

Once you'd agreed she would have got

I don't know whom she would have
selected as the father,

but no doubt she had a candidate in

What proof have you got? Oh, none at
the moment.

But if you persist in your lie

I'll summon the doctor and have him
examine you.

You can't force me. Oh, yes, I can.

I'll lock you in this room and when
he's arrived

I'll tear off your clothes and hold
you down, if that's what it takes.

You can't stop me from speaking to
her ladyship.

No, you're right.

That I cannot do.

But if you want a reference...

or another job during your natural
lifetime, you'll hold your tongue.

This is yours, I think.

But even with the book, how did you
know she wasn't pregnant?

I didn't. And the doctor couldn't
have told a thing yet, either.

But at least we know the truth now.

What's the matter with you? Never

I thought we were all about to be
dancing to your tune.

Do you ever wonder why people
dislike you so much?

It's because you are sly and oily
and smug.

And I'm really pleased I got the
chance to tell you before I go.

Well, if we're playing the truth

then you're a manipulative little

and if your schemes have come to
nothing, I'm delighted.

Are you leaving Downton then? What's
it to you?

Oh, plenty.

It's plenty to me.

You won't believe what's happened.

Braithwaite's handed in her notice.
What? Why?

Family troubles. Or so she says.

Are we living under a curse, doomed to
lose our lady's maids at regular intervals?

Anna, did you know about this?

Is anything the matter?

No, m'lord. You seem very quiet

I hope Bates is behaving himself.

He never does anything else.

Will that be all, m'lady? Yes, thank

Did they tell you Tony Gillingham's
asked himself for the night? They have.

We must try not to read too much
into it.

Why are you in your rompers?

Tony only brought black tie.

He didn't think we'd be changing if
no-one was staying.

So another brick is pulled from the

Why is Lord Gillingham back so soon?

That's the big question. But we're
very glad he is.

Not all of us, I imagine.

Are you ready to go? Carson says the
car's outside. Oh, yes, I think so.

So, you're off in the morning? I am.
Pity we didn't get Edith to wait a day.

Why did she go to London, anyway?

I asked but she assumed an air of

Honestly, Papa. Edith's about as
mysterious as a bucket.

She's gone to see Michael Gregson.

Ooh, that's the next thing to look
forward to. I don't dislike him.

Oh, what a recommendation.

Goodnight, dear. Goodnight, Granny.

Goodnight, Lord Gillingham.
Goodnight. Goodnight, Isobel.

Goodnight, Lord Gillingham.

I hope we see you up here again
before too long. I hope so, too.

That was nobly done. Mm-hm.

She is a good woman

and, while the phrase is enough to
set one's teeth on edge,

there are moments when her virtue
demands admiration.

I agree, although I'm rather
surprised to hear you say it.

Not as surprised as I am.

Ah, Monk's left the coffee.

He's cleared off till the morning.

Does that mean we have to do the
washing up? No, he'll do that tomorrow.

He comes back at eight. That's quite
a discipline.

Why do you say that?

It reminds me of Lady Warwick

having the stable bell at Easton
rung at six,

so everyone had to time to get to the right
beds before the maids and valets arrived.

Isn't that apocryphal? No, actually.

Papa and Mama stayed there once and
said it was quite true.

Of course they already were in the
right bed.

I don't know why I said all that. I
hope I do.

Don't be silly.

Will you miss me? Of course.

Is it really only a week until you
leave? Mm.

Is there anything I can do to keep
things running whilst you're in Munich?

Well, as a matter of fact I've got
something I want you to sign.

It will give you some authority over
my affairs.

Come here.

What'll you do when you get there?

Well, I thought I'd write a novel.

Or try to. I always fancied myself a
novelist and never had the time.

Now I've got nothing but.

How long is it going to take? I'm
not sure.

I'll set the wheels in motion when I

and we'll stop when and if we hit a

But the lawyers are quite

I thought lawyers were never

That's why it's a good sign.

Are we going out tonight?

Rose was talking about the new band
at the Lotus Club.

Hm. Well, no, I hadn't planned on
going anywhere.



Michael, I... Oh, my darling.

So I can move back in? Edna's room
will be empty now

and if I'm to dress her ladyship and
Lady Mary, I think it makes sense.

If that's what you really want.

I'm sorry it didn't work out with
Miss Braithwaite.

Not that I care much for her.

I'm sorry about the disruption for
her ladyship.

One day I'll tell you the whole
story. Then you'll be less sorry.

The truth is we were mad as hatters
to let her back in the house.

I've got a present for you.

It's for your desk.

What made you think of that?

It's good for you to be reminded you
once had a heart.

And it'll reassure the staff to know
you belong to the human race.

This frame looks expensive.

She was pretty though, wasn't she?

She was. Very pretty.

And I'm sure she was very nice.

And now you can look at that and
remember her.

You're right, Mrs Hughes. I will.

The business of life is the
acquisition of memories.

In the end that's all there is.

Thank you.

Bates, do you know anything about
why Braithwaite left?

I don't, m'lord.

They say she had some troubles at

I hope it's not too much for Anna.


She wants to move back into the
house, m'lord.

She says she needs to if she is to
perform her duties properly.

Is something wrong between you?


But I don't know what it is.

She says it's nothing I've done but
I can't believe that.

It must be my fault because she is
incapable of fault.

I don't know what to do.

There is no such thing as a marriage
between two intelligent people

that does not sometimes have to
negotiate thin ice.

I know.

You must wait until things become

And they will.

The damage cannot be irreparable

when a man and a woman love each
other as much as you do.

My goodness, that was strong talk
for an Englishman.

I don't really want to go back
to London,

but I suppose I have to. Hm.

That's after I get your answer, that

I was wondering how long it would
take you to get to the point.

Are you ready?

What happens if I refuse?

We both know I must marry.

I don't need to explain to you how
the system we're trapped in works.

Please, don't rush into anything.

I won't make a fool of Mabel. It
wouldn't be fair.

I'd break up with her for you and I will
credit her by saying that she'd understand.

She sounds rather fine.

If you don't want me then...

I think I'm honour-bound to go
through with it.

It's no good, Tony.

I can't.

I'm not free of him.

Yesterday you said I fill your

Well, Matthew fills mine.


And I don't want to be without him.

Not yet.

Can I ask one favour?

And then I really will go and leave
you in peace.

What is it? Will you kiss me?


I will never love again as I love
you in this moment.

And I must have something to

Goodbye, Mary.

My darling Mary.

My prayers go with you for
everything that you do.

May I have a word, your lordship?

If Miss Braithwaite is not coming

I wondered if her replacement had
been decided on. Not yet.

I have a candidate I'd like to put forward who I
know very well and is more than qualified.

You must discuss it with her
ladyship but I've no objection.

She's a little older than Miss
Braithwaite. That won't hurt.

Why do you say that? No reason.

Where's Tony? Has he gone? He
thought he'd said all his goodbyes

and he wanted to catch the half past

Are you ready? Where are you going?

York. For estimates to re-equip the
saw mill.

So, will we be seeing Tony
Gillingham again?

I'm sure we will... eventually.

He was telling me about Mabel Lane

Apparently, they're getting engaged.

I imagine he'll be very taken up
with that.

Yes, I dare say.

Right, I'll get my hat.

There you are.

Well, you don't look too bad.

I thought you might be a little the
worse for wear.

Why should I be? After only two
hours' sleep.

My maid saw you come in. Aren't you
going to tell me what kept you out
until six in the morning?

Well, we...

Please don't say you were talking
and you lost track of time.

Quite apart from the morality - or
lack of it in this situation -

you do realise you are taking a
great risk?

You're trusting this man with your
name and your reputation.

He wants to marry me. Of course I
trust him.

As you trusted Sir Anthony Strallan?

That was rather unkind.

Are you going to tell Mama?


You're a grown woman and I'm not a

But you're gambling with your
future, my dear.

Be under no illusions.

A lot may be changing, but some
things will stay the same.

I'm not a bit sorry. No, you don't
look sorry.

But you may find yourself feeling
very sorry later.

You seem more cheerful than you were
in London. I am.

I took your advice. I talked it over
and I'm off the hook.

So whatever it was, it's gone away?

I think so.

I envy you.


Because I've just done something which
I have a sneaking fear I may regret...

for a long time to come.

My life is perfect and then, in the
space of one day, it is nothing.

Good morning, Miss Baxter. Hello, Mr

What do you make of her? She's nice.

How are you getting on with her
ladyship? That is so considerate.

She'll be eating out of your hand.
That's the intention.

You owe your place to Mrs Crawley.
She would not let me go until I'd promised.

You make me sound very fervent. Wars
have been waged with less fervour.

His forebears have been tenants
since the reign of George III.

Be that as it may the rent's not
been paid for ages.

We gave your father a long time. You
want to farm the land yourself.