Doom Patrol (2019–…): Season 3, Episode 10 - Episode #3.10 - full transcript

Hey Buddy?
You okay?

It's okay.

You're gonna be okay--

I'm good. We're good.

Are you all right?

This is bad.

We've been here before,
Battered, bruised.

But we lick our wounds
and rise from the ashes,

stronger than ever before.

Are you seriously
trying to give us
a rally speech right now?

I am. Because that's exactly
what we're going to do.

Rally and march to Florida,
and save Cliff.

Oh, I get it.
You've flipped your pancake.

Have you not been
paying attention?

The bus is totaled.

Larry's worm is going haywire.

Look at Jane!

Jane will spring back.
She always does.

Everything will be fine.

It's gonna be fine.
She screamed.

Kids scream all the time



She's back, like a spring lily.

Not a moment too soon.

These two were of the mind
that we should turn around

instead of continuing
to Florida. Can you believe it?

Yeah, I don't think
I'm in any shape
to help anyone right now.

So, that's it?

Are we really just
going to abandon Cliff?

We can fix this.

We have to fix this.

Don't you get it?

We didn't crash because
Jane screamed or Larry
lost control of that thing.

He's right.
We're not built for this.

Not anymore, no.

Since I've known you all,
we've always argued this point.

but now, I finally see
your side. Crystal clear.

We're not a super team.

Oh, no!

I thought we were
done with all this.

No. Whatever you're up to,
I want no part of it.

You were unsatisfied
with the results
of The Flagellation.

But if only you could see
the effect it had on people
across the globe,

The only thing I saw
was Laura de Mille

waltzing off completely
unscathed and unrepentant.

You don't know that.
Nor do you.

So, I'm going to do
with my bare hands

what you couldn't
with song and dance
and masked fucking birds.

Is this what Malcolm
would've wanted for?

We'll never know.

She betrayed
us all, Rita.

But I know
she isn't completely lost.

And neither are you.

Oh, fuck!
Bonjour, madame.

Where the fuck am I?

This is where
the Brotherhood
deposits its garbage.


on the bright side.

I've spent the better part
of an evening debating
whether or not to toss you over

and you're still alive.

Well, you best get on with it
because when I get out of these

I am going to rip you apart.
I will have your hand
for an ashtray.

We had it good here.

But you have ruined everything

Now The Brain
has his new body

and the cycle of conquest
will begin anew.

I realize I must put
this business of "Evil"

behind me and move on.

And so, I thank you,

for being the catalyst
for my change.

Well, you could
thank me by getting me
off this fucking gurney!

You are every bit
as cunning and devious
as The Brain.

Cut from the same awful cloth.

I have no doubt
you'll figure it out.


Uh, you can't just leave me.

You fucking son
of a simian whore!



Oh shit!

Look, I don't know
what you have in mind,
but I'm not ready for "this".

We heard your distress.

And it was high time
we find you anyway

Hey, Hammerhead?

Oh, you're gonna eyefuck me?

Hey. You bag of shit!


Wait up!

God damn!
What the hell is that thing?

It's trying to kill me!

It hates me.
It fucking hates me.

Keeg doesn't hate you.

You can talk
to this thing?


I am fluent
in most languages.

light and color.

He needs to merge with you.

That's not
gonna happen.
That's not who I am.

Not anymore.

Then he will die. Soon.

I hope
you assholes are happy.

The Girl is fucked
because of you.

The Girl made it
plain as day she doesn't
want us around anymore.

So, field trip's over.
We need to get everyone
out of here now.

Dr. Harrison says
we are safer in The Fog.

And when exactly did you become
Dr. Harrison's little bitch?

We only exist
because of The Girl.


There's something
you need to see.



Gary, you dog!

It's a good day
to be The Brain.

You going somewhere,
you little shit?

Holy Mother of God!

Where am I? I feel weird.

Yeah, well, you're
a giant robot now

and we're about to exact
revenge on the little shit

that stole your body
and tried to kill us.

and you're welcome!

This isn't fair.
I don't deserve this.
I'm The Brain--

You're what? Dog shit
on the bottom of my shoe?

Uh, question. Was that
the sound of my one and only
body being pancaked?

Yeah, it was phenomenal.

Next stop? Doom Manor
and Rita fucking Farr.

Remember when
we all thought you were
an Ottoman?

Oh, my God!

Are they all sick?


I'm sorry.

I was scared.

I didn't want to be alone.

It's going to be okay.

We'll fix this.

Now is not the time
for you to burst in
and rile everyone up.

Something's happened
to The Girl.
I heard.

Good thing we got out
when we did.

The Underground crumbled
and collapsed.

Just like everyone in here.
It's connected.

That's certainly a theory.
Cut the shit.

What's it going to take for you
to come back and get the others
to go with you?

You're angry. I get it.
But can't you just leave me
out of your shit?

Sorry. This thing
runs on brain power.
Even the dimmest of bulbs.

So you're shit out of luck.

Come on. I've known you
for a couple of days.

But that's been long enough
to know you're not really
all the way, next level "evil."

Yeah, well,
I am who I am.

Bull. Fucking. Shit.
There's always
a chance to change.

Take me for example.
I'm every bit the dickhead
you are.

But back in that pickle jar,
with my brain cut off
from all sensation,

I had a revelation
or whatever.

I'm going to do
everything I can,
work as hard as possible,

to try and change myself.
And if I can do it,
I know you can too.

So stop this thing now.




What did you do?



Check it out, Shitbird.

Look who's in control now!


Change it back.

What? You'll kill me?
Go ahead. I'm already
fucking dying.


What are you doing?

Not to say every moment
is a teachable moment.

But let's pause
and celebrate the fact
that you didn't murder me.

Which means there's
a non-fuckwad person
deep in there.


Fuck. What do I do now?
I'm trapped in a robot body.

Wait. I'm always trapped
in a robot body.

Reel it in, man.

He's not looking
too good.

In other words, time to shit
or get off the pot.

Oh, I'm so sorry.

Am I being too contemplative
how I just parted ways with
the previous alien creature

who made me his home
for 60 absolutely
shitty years?

Look, I get it.

My uncle has
a Golden Retriever named Bo.

I loved playing with Bo
every time I'd visit.

But as I got older,
Bo always stayed
fit as a fiddle.

Then, at a certain point
I finally realized it.

The Bo I was playing with
at 14 was not the same Bo that
I played with when I was eight.

Every time Bo gets old
and he dies

my uncle couldn't
handle the pain,
so he gets another Bo.

Let Keeg be your Bo.
Oh, God.

That's kind of
fucked up, right?

To keep naming it Bo.

Yeah, it's also a gross
of what I'm going through.

Look, until this moment,
every major event in my life
was forced on me.

Society forced me
into my marriage.

The Chief pulled the strings
to have me cross paths
with the Negative Spirit.

But if I let him in,
it will be my choice.

And if it goes sideways,
which it always does,
then I'm the only one to blame.

Maybe I should've
just left him in the woods.
To the elements.

All I've really done
is just drawn
this experience out.


Forget who you were
and the choices
you didn't make.

You chose not to leave
Keeg in the woods

and you're not about to
abandon him here now because
that's not the person you are.

Do you remember
the conversation that you
had with your subconscious

during the Flagellation?

You told yourself that
you needed to let love in.

This is your chance.

The Spirit was closer to you
than anyone else.

It chose you.

Let it in.


What did they do to you?

Take a guess.

You're The Brain.

And you're Rita Farr.
Fucking Garguax.

Love me.

Love me.

You're new.

Rita, you clever
pain in the ass.

Madame Rouge
powered up the vessel,

ready to burrow
through space and time.

But then the question
came to her.

Burrow to where
and when exactly

Anywhere but here.
Any time but now.

I need to stop myself from ever
working with The Brotherhood.

Wait. What am I thinking?
I need to go back farther.
I can...

stop myself
and save the others.

I can save Malcolm.

She suddenly found herself
awash in humanity.

Grasping the gilded handle
of a noble cause.

No. Further.
Before I was me.

Before Rouge.
Before Laura De Mille.

But then,
she had to ask herself,

who was Madame Rouge before
she was Laura De Mille?

I'm not sure,
but not this.

I just want to start over.

She mused. Not yet aware
that the past could
not be changed.

Oh, go and shit in your
fucking your hat.

She tried to play it off.
But she knew the machine
was quite correct.

What has happened
will always be.

What do you mean?
How do I make things
right then?

How do I make
myself right? I...

I need to change.
Enough with the "where"
and the "when"!

I just need
some fucking answers!

Why am I talking to
another fucking robot?

So, where and when
would you like to go?

Kay needs us.
And I need you
to make that happen.

The others respect you.
They listen to you.

Why would we give up our
freedom? We can go anywhere
The Fog goes.

I could just have The Fog
give you all the boot.

She likes me.
But she'll do whatever I say,
if need be.

I want you to ask yourself,
If the roles were reversed

and we were on
the other side of the rocks,

do you think that girl
would dig us out?

I know Kay
well enough to know
that she would never let

any of us crumble away
to nothing,

which is what happens
as long as we stay here.

Do you realize
what you're asking us
to give up?

We've only just begun
to embrace our freedom.

Holy shit.

You don't care
about freedom.

What you love
is control.

You'd rather die,
and kill all of us,
than give that up.

Or maybe we can do
something about that.

Go on.

Hurry up.
I'm trying.

Something's not right.

It just keeps swiping
at your bandages.

They're designed
to be radiation proof.

Maybe they're too
strong for him.

Let me carry him.
What? No.

Are you insane?

Just until we get back
to the house and we can
use your room.

It's radiation proof.
Vic. It could kill you.

That's my choice.
Rita was right.

I was afraid to go after
the Brotherhood of Evil

because I don't have
my powers anymore.

I let Cliff down.
I'm not about to make
the same mistake with you.

All right.

Now, we don't
know each other,
but I'm here to help.

We're hearing reports
of a giant robot

wandering the suburbs
of Panama City, Florida.

Ah, jeez.
Where's the Justice League
when you need 'em?

Hey, Clara.
What the fuck?

So, your dad popped by.
Hi, honeybun.

It's me!

Dad? What the fuck happened?

Are you in that thing?
I guess I kind of am
this thing now.

I assumed you'd be worried
and I wanted to swing by
and let you know that I'm okay.

I even have central A/C!

And I know this is, like,
my ninth second chance,

but I came because I know

you want me to change,
and I'm ready to.

I didn't mean like this.

I know you meant
"real" change.

I thought I'd start
with the good old-fashioned
"apologies-in-advance" tour.

And, you had to be
the first stop.

Okay, You don't need to worry
about the credit card stuff.

We just need
to get your meds checked.

This is beyond that.

I've been a shitty dad.

Way before Parkinson's,
before becoming dumb robot.

I pulled shit when you were
too young to remember,

but I can't forget. I guess...

I always wanted to be special.
You know? I wanted to be
"the man."

I was so focused
on being great,
I forgot to be good.

It's okay, Dad.
No, it's really not.

But I know now,
the only people
I need to be special to

are you and Rory.

I don't need you be special.

I need you to get healthy.

I can do that, too!
You'll see!

But I should go.

We'll have to make things right
for my friends.

And before the cops come.

I accidentally
stepped on a Prius
a couple of streets over.

"I want you to know
that I cherish
our time spent together

as well as our friendship,
which was one for the ages.

In the interest of offering
both of us a fresh start,

I have left behind anything
connecting me to you.

And the Brotherhood of Evil.

Best, Mallah."

Can you believe this?

A lifetime as friends
and partners,

leader and acolyte,
and he skidoos on me.

I taught him
everything he knows,

and all I have to show for it
is a bandolier

an extremely temperamental
ray gun,

his teleporter,
and my Alanis Morissette CD

that he assured me was stolen
from our car years ago.

Less than 24 hours ago,
I had the world
by the short hairs.

And now--
No legs.

Life's a bitch, right?

The good news is
that I still have
the blueprints for this body.

You do?
I can rebuild.

But I need some help.

Come on.

It's obvious you've been
dancing around the darkness.

How 'bout this?
You help me rebuild,

and I'll help you kill Rouge.

And then,
you will truly know evil.

You can... guarantee this?

That I'll get Rouge?

Miss Farr, if you team with me,
We could kill Madame Rouge,

Colonel Mustard
and Professor fucking Plum
for all the shits I give.


There we go.
That's a good girl.

I suppose
Rouge and I are alike.

However, we are different
in one regard.

And what's that?

Rouge is driven by one thing.


She couldn't get enough.

I am motivated

by love.

My love for a very sweet,
brave man she destroyed.

And my love for my friends.

I think I'm done
dancing around in the dark.

I'm ready to take that plunge.

Right now.
Please. I can give you
anything you want.

I can give you the world!

All right.

We're almost there.

I got you.

Here we are. Home again.

Partially safe.

Mostly sound.

Were you really just...

helping the others?

Or were you trying
to draw me in?

Which answer
might get you to come
and search for me again?

Fuck me sideways.

This is bad.

Finally, it's my time to shine.

From here on,
we're ants.

We're going to start at the top
of this mess and dig down.

Ants, motherfuckers!

We made it. Touchdown.

Shut up.

Thank you, Vic.

I swear...
I will try my best

to do right by you.


It's okay.

Go on.



It's all right, everyone.

It's happening up above.

Let's focus
on the task at hand.
Come on.

What the fuck did you give up
to get Harrison
to come back down?

What does she love
more than anything else?


Are you fuck...
Is she primary now?

Can you even give that away?

What's Kay
going to say about this?

I'll worry about that
once I know she's safe.

That rumbling have anything
to do with your moron buddies?
What do you think?

Come on.
Get back to work, everyone.

I'm no one's bitch.

Now get back up there.

Come on, get back to work.

What in the hell?

What the fuck
are you doing here?

Okay. Who exactly are you?
'Cause, I know I know you.

A note.

For me.

"You are Madame Rouge.
You are a terrible person,
but trying to change.

You will come across people
who despise you.

Jane dresses like a...

deranged sock puppet."

"And Larry...

Boris Karloff."

No, no, Larry?
He's indisposed.
He just had a baby.

It's Larry's story to tell.

"And Vic. Track suit,
stick up ass."

Oh, it's you.

"And everyone hates you
especially, Rita.

You killed her greatest love."

Oh my God, am I that horrible?

Bitch, you turned
into a killer baby, so, yeah.

Oh, you've got to be kidding me
with this shit.

Hey, guys! It's me.

Oh. "A drug addled android."

Please don't hate me.
I've come to make amends.

I even brought back
most of the shit
I stole from you.


You're scuffing my sneakers!
You're breaking my vinyl!

Fuck me!
What's going on?

Slow down, asshole!

I can't stop!

Fucking Parkinson's disease!

He's headed straight for town.

Jane! You're here!
Does that mean things
are all good with us?

Shut up and tell me
how to stop this thing.

Uh, I'm not sure.

Sort of took control
from Rouge, but I'm still
figuring it out.

And I fucked up.
And I have Parkinson's.
So, there's that.

Why can't you stop yourself?

I thought you were taking
fistfuls of meds.

Well, that? That went
out the window
when I got kidnapped.

and shoved
into a fucking transformer.

Can you transform?



So, do you do
anything heroic, or?

I'm still figuring that out.

Got it.

You're a useless person.


If you're in there,
we need you to help stop Cliff.

He's the big ass robot.

That was rubbish.

Wait here.


"These people you will meet
are morons.

If they get into trouble,
and they will,
you can and should help.

This is the key
to your redemption."

Wait, I can help!

You're not
doing anything.

You must be Rita.

It's okay.
Just Flit outta here
and save yourself.

Fuck that!
I am not leaving you.

Okay, okay.

One of these buttons
or switches should shut
your sorry ass down.


What's that?

What's happening?

Uh, pretty sure
you just pulled
the self-destruct lever.


You fucker!

I'm the fucker?
You're the fucking one--

Fuck you!
That was a very
important detail!

You don't
remember me, do you?

Don't look at your notes!

Look at my face.

I want you to remember.

Malcolm! Malcolm!

How could you
do this to us?

We were a family.

I destroyed it.

You built a beautiful life
with Malcolm

and I destroyed it all.

I'm sorry, Rita.

You have every right
to kill me.

But what?

I'm not worth it.

So, we explode,
destroy a baseball game,

maybe take out a mini mall.

Then NORAD scrambles the jets.

Cool! Maybe some
of those stealth bombers.

Yeah. Silent but deadly.

Well, I just wanted
to say thank you.

for always calling me
on my bullshit,

and for always forgiving me
for my bullshit.

Yeah, well, you're pathetic.

So it makes you
easy to forgive.

That's it?
That's all I get?



Cliff, stop!

We should have waited
another minute
to say goodbye.

I'm uncomfortable.

Please, just shut up.

Let's explode
in peace and quiet.

Cliff. Are you alright?

I want to go home.

We can do that.

Reports say the
menacing robot's
path of destruction

stretched all the way
from Florida,

until it was halted
by a group of
super-powered eccentrics

before it could destroy
the small suburb of Cloverton.

As many will recall...


That's an
upgrade from "misfits".

We're lucky. We could have
caused serious damage
to Cloverton. Again.

Or maybe
there was no damage

because we are different
from the careless,
clueless people

who strolled
into town the last time.

Am I the only one who is tired
of letting the world label us?

"Misfit", "Eccentric",
"Good", "Evil", "Weapon".

It's time we choose
to label ourselves.

Who are we?

What are we?

Why are we?

Maybe we are weapons,

but a weapon is only a tool
as dangerous as
the hand that wields it.

What if we choose
to become weapons for good?

Are you saying you want us
to become super fucking heroes?

So you wait until after
I ditch my gear
to come around to this?

We did something great today.
We were of service.

We saved a town.
From us.

We're not perfect, but...

we're trying
to be good,

which is more than most.

I'm in.


Keeg and I will give it a try.

Hell yeah! I'm all in.

I'll do it.

If you'll have me.

Are you honestly expecting me
to believe that you've changed?

I haven't.

But I want to try.

Like the rest of you.
I'll vouch for her.


I suppose this is
the easiest way
to keep an eye on you.

Yeah. Up, up and away
or whatever.

Fuck yeah! I got
our team name.
Doom Force.

It'll be sweet.

We'll get
costumes with a bunch
of pockets and shit...

Wait, shh. Hold on.

We take you live
to the Suez Canal, where
moments ago, a creature

has emerged from
the Mediterranean Sea
and caused utter devastation.

Witnesses on the ground...

What kind of monster is that?

That's not a monster.

That's a big nut sack
with demon pubes.


that sack is fate.

Are we not a super team?

Do we not need a super foe?

And how do we even
get to the Suez?

Oh, any chance Flit could...

I have an idea.

Where's Kay? Is she alright?

We'll get
to that soon enough.

But first, we had a deal, Jane,

And it's time for you
to make good.

This has to be
the most people
I've ever had inside me.

Came close at an infield party
in Talladega back in the day,

but, yeah, this is the record.

It looks
slightly less scrotal
in black and white.

That about covers it, right?

Looks good to me.

Everyone ready?

Hey, don't worry, buddy.

Okay. Well, I think
I'd feel more comfortable
if I was driving.

You'll pilot nothing.

You are lucky to be here.

You have yet to earn the trust
it takes to steer us
through space and time.

How is everything
looking down there, Rita?

We're set to arrive
at the Suez Canal
three minutes into the future.

Are we maybe rushing into this?


Now then, shall we?

Let's kick those balls
in the nuts!

♪ Speak about destruction ♪

♪ Speak about destruction ♪

♪ The Democratic-Communist
Relationship ♪

♪ Won't stand in the way
Of the Islamic force ♪

Doom Force!


♪ Brainwash mentalities
To control the system ♪

♪ Using TV and movies
Religions of course ♪

♪ Yes, the world is
Headed for destruction ♪

♪ Is it a nuclear war?
What are you asking for? ♪

♪ This is a world destruction
Your life ain't nothing♪

♪ The human race
Is becoming a disgrace ♪

♪ The rich get richer
The poor are getting poorer ♪

♪ Fascist, chauvinistic
Government fools ♪