Dom (2021-2024): Season 2, Episode 5 - O Evangelho Segundo Pedro Dom - full transcript
Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
This program contains strong scenes
of violence and drug use involving minors.
If you suffer from substance abuse
and need help,
contact a local support organization
such as Narcotics Anonymous.
This series is loosely inspired
by real events.
Some characters, events, dialogue,
and other narrative elements
were created for dramatization purposes.
Any similarities between
fictional characters
and real people is mere coincidence.
Fuck! We're gonna die!
Let's get the fuck out of here!
- What about Alcione?
- Swallowed by the earth.
Smarten up. The riot squad is in the jail!
And you? What the fuck was that all about?
Fuck off! You motherfucker!
Fuck you, you fucking rat!
Who are you calling a rat?
If I could,
I'd kill you right here and now!
Josias, come over here!
This is the rat that messed up our plan.
Take him to the hole!
- Let me go! No!
- Fuck you, rat!
Let me the fuck out of here!
Let me out...
wait, Dad.
Don't do anything. I'm coming.
she's really tough.
We don't even know if this bitch
is from another cartel or from the police.
Bring her here.
Hit her again!
That's it.
Is this necessary?
It's not. Look.
You better start talking,
you fucking bitch!
Easy. Just tell me who the fuck you are.
I told you. I'm Consuelo.
Talk to Diego in Colombia.
I'm here for your campaign.
They found Diego dead.
- Just go ahead and kill the bitch.
- Yes, sir.
Let's go, princess.
Hey, wait here! Protect my father.
If you scream, I'll kill you!
Come on.
Stay quiet. Go.
Calm down!
Or I'll fucking kill your son!
I'm just here for her!
No one needs to get hurt!
- Hand over the gun!
- Give it to him!
- Now, let her go!
- Go! Do as he says!
- You fucking liar...
- Shut the fuck up!
I helped you!
- Think carefully about this, lad.
- Shut up! Don't move!
Don't try anything, kid.
How are you? Are you okay?
- Paloma!
- Dad! My God, Dad!
Don't die with me...
Get him!
We are here again in his blessed house,
a house that was built
to praise the Lord's word
and find a bit of mercy within it.
Brother José, Brother Ismael,
help lead our song.
Wake up, people, Jesus is coming
Tired of the weight of the cross
Wake up, people, Jesus is coming
Tired of the weight of the cross
He walks through the fields
He walks through the street
To save your soul
Which can't be blamed
Wake up, people, Jesus is coming
Shut up!
Tired of the weight of the cross
Shut up!
Wake up, people, Jesus is coming
Stop it! Shut up!
Tell them to shut up.
The evangelicals' cell is next door.
Get used to it.
Come on, Josias.
Can you get me some blow?
I'll pay you later. I swear!
- I can't!
- Please...
Let go of me!
- Get a hold of yourself!
- Come on, Josias!
- For fuck's sake!
- Please, Josias! Fuck!
Come back...
What the fuck!
Keep going, kariwa.
I've been in this mess for too long.
Try to understand...
Look! My brother is here!
Far too long.
Too far away.
How are things in Rio?
Is my child born yet?
Has the Golden Men issue cooled down?
Stop gossiping, you fuckers!
Paycheck time!
Everything is different here.
Can I have a pack of cigarettes, Arandir?
There's conflict everywhere you look.
Loggers, drug dealers, evangelicals...
You're special! You're from here!
We still have no idea
who runs the organization.
This gift is for you.
The devil's powder! Go have fun!
Cocaine always leaves
a large trail of destruction.
The impact
on the natives' culture is devastating.
There are pieces missing in this puzzle.
To find them,
I must get a lot closer to the natives.
"Uainambi," what is that?
Hummingbird? I love hummingbirds.
They can teach us so much.
Arandir, bring me another bottle, please.
Our Father, who art in heaven
hallowed be Thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
No blow, but I got you a rock.
- Is this crack?
- Crack.
You don't want it?
No, wait! Josias, give it to me!
It's on your tab, playboy!
Praise the Lord!
Praise our Lord,
Jesus Christ, in all his glory!
Praise the Lord!
The Lord's word...
who art in heaven,
hallowed be Thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive
those who trespass against us.
Praise the Lord!
- Amen, Jesus! Amen!
- Hallelujah!
Only the Lord's word can save us!
And today, his word will tell us
about the original sin.
Man, woman,
and all the creatures lived in harmony
obeying our Father,
the Lord of all creatures!
- Glory, Lord!
- Glory!
But the snake was smarter
than all the other animals
the Lord had created.
And so, it asked the woman,
"Was it not the Lord who said"
"that you can eat
all the fruits in the Garden?"
And the woman replied to the snake,
"We can eat all the fruits in the Garden"
"except for the fruit of the tree
in the center of the garden."
"The Lord said, 'Thou shall not touch it!"
"'Thou shall not eat it!"
"'Because if you do, you will die!'"
And so, the snake replied to the woman,
"For sure you won't die!"
"Because when you eat this fruit,
you will become like God!"
"And you will know about good and evil."
My name is Nawá.
That's my birth name.
It suits you better.
And then the woman saw
that the tree pleased her eyes.
Sounds like a fruit.
We can't speak it.
And the woman took its fruit and ate it.
Okay, I won't.
And then she took the fruit
to her husband, who ate it as well.
But I do prefer Nawá!
They both opened their eyes...
And they realized they were naked.
- Glory!
- Glory to God!
Only the Lord's word can save us!
- Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!
- Hallelujah!
The origin of sin:
Don't close your eyes! Stay with me!
Take care of my son.
Professor, stay with me!
Please, take care of my family!
Shit, you're not gonna die!
Don't close your eyes!
Professor! Open your damn eyes!
Open your fucking eyes!
Professor! Stay with me, damn it!
The white man medicine won't heal him.
He needs the shaman!
What are you doing with your life, son?
Get me out of here!
You must find the light, Pedro.
Find the light...
My ancestors, come see this white man.
Victor, our daughter
will be born soon. Come back!
Our daughter will be born soon.
You're up.
- What happened?
- It's the shaman.
He didn't make it.
He died healing you.
Are they burning the shaman's belongings?
The dead must be forgotten.
Longing is a disease.
Mourning is dangerous.
We must let go.
Fuck, Pedro! You're fucking high, bro!
What the fuck, man?
Is it really you, Lico?
See? You're so high
that you can even see me.
It's really you, man!
It's you, bro!
What's up, man?
What's up?
The place you're at must be dope!
- Dope?
- Tell me about it!
There's only harp music up there.
The angels' vibe sucks!
Saint Peter's tougher than your dad.
We have a curfew
and can't go out when it's raining.
And it rains a lot. It sucks.
I hear you, man!
Are you in a hurry
to go join me up there, bro?
Living is good, Dom!
Living is very good, man!
But with crack?
With rock, man?
That thing's gonna get you killed.
Stop doing that shit!
I'm a ghost that's come back to haunt you.
I'm gonna be a father.
You see? That's it, man!
Don't you wanna see your kid's smile?
Don't you, bro?
Let's go. The punishment's over.
After Alcione's death,
this place became a powder keg.
The CDC gang is now the majority.
Vandame's taking over the prison.
There's nothing we can do.
You're on your own now.
You'll reap what you have sowed.
As we were discussing,
who was this man, this preacher?
He was persecuted, like an outlaw.
He spent his life
defending the poor, prostitutes, lepers...
Do you know who that man was?
- None other than Jesus Christ!
- Hallelujah!
Glory, brothers!
He was blunt and spoke the truth.
His actions bothered a lot of people
and they had him killed.
But Jesus didn't die
beside two bandits. No, sir.
He was executed
as a criminal by the state.
- Hallelujah, Lord!
- Hallelujah, brothers!
The same state,
which up to this day, keeps killing.
Instead of building proper houses,
offering a decent
public health system, schools.
Now, I'll ask for brother José
and brother Ismael to present our song
to those who are here
for the first time today.
You must find the light, Pedro.
How many days locked inside?
I was high on crack.
I saw my father.
He looked like Jesus.
I asked him
to get me out of here and he vanished.
Do you want my opinion?
You had a calling...
from Jesus, God, call Him what you will.
I can't die here. I'm gonna be a father.
So, that's it.
He's offering you a chance to change.
To be better.
For your son.
A real father never abandons.
Are you okay? You seem different.
Yeah, everything will be fine.
"Everything will be fine." Come here.
Do you still love your father?
Loving you is exhausting.
It's so much work.
Just like with Pedro.
Did he reach out to you?
No. But I have something to tell you.
Jasmin was here.
Pedro's going to be a father.
We took her to the doctor
and everything is fine!
I want to apologize to you, Jasmin.
It's fine. Really.
I just don't like people meddling
in my life that much.
Of course.
You're a strong, brave woman.
You'll be an incredible mother.
Your attitude will change, you'll see.
We'd do anything for our children.
I never imagined
going to your daughter's house
and asking for help.
But Pedro said that...
Have you heard from Pedro?
I haven't heard from him in a while.
I really need to see my son.
The desperation of not knowing
where he is, how he's doing...
I don't wanna take up
more of your time. I'm leaving.
I appreciate the diapers.
Thank you.
Take care of yourself and the baby.
I can't save Pedro.
You can't either, but...
maybe the baby can.
Take care.
- Bye, Jasmin.
- Bye.
I know where Pedro is.
You do?
Yes. I promised I wouldn't tell anyone,
but I can't take it anymore.
Tell me.
- Tell me, Jasmin.
- He's in prison
- under a different name in Espírito San to.
- What?
And I saw something on TV about a riot...
People died there and I haven't been able
to talk to him since.
I don't know what to do.
"For by You I can run against a troop,"
"and by my God I can leap over a wall."
That's good for today.
Let's get ready for lights out.
How was it?
It felt good, reading to them.
You read well, Carlos.
You speak well,
and have an angelic face.
There's work for you here at the church.
I really need a job
to help keep my mind busy.
To stay clean, you feel me?
I don't want to see any drugs again.
I know what you're talking about.
Good night.
May I stay here with you guys tonight?
Not yet.
The Bible is not a hideout, Carlos.
First, you need to prove
that you've changed.
Have faith.
I have faith in you.
Lights out.
I came in peace.
Peace, my ass!
I was waiting for you. Grab him.
I'm your friend.
You're gonna pay
for what you did to Alcione.
I'm on your fucking side.
The CDC are the majority.
Kill me and it's one less on your side.
Do you think your blue eyes
are gonna save you here?
Let me negotiate with them.
Negotiate what?
You're in deep shit here,
you need to buy fucking time.
Let me talk to them.
What have you got to lose?
Hi, I have a reservation
under Victor Dantas.
- Here's your card, Mr. Victor.
- Okay.
We'll call you when it's ready.
Sure, thank you.
Hey. What do you want?
- I'm here to talk to Vandame, peacefully.
- Why?
Tell him it's Carlinhos.
Arrested under a different name...
Ironically, my son
also ended up undercover.
Sometimes, in order to survive,
you have to become someone else.
The important thing
is that you believe the character.
Let the kid in.
Like an actor
that can never get his lines wrong.
So, it was you, playboy?
You did me a big favor
by killing that fucking tranny.
This place has switched hands.
It's under our rule now, understand?
I do.
But with more power,
you'll need more money.
We have a scheme down at the Phalange,
we clear 20 grand a month
with the cell phones alone.
That's nothing. I make way more with blow.
- I'm gonna put an end to those fuckers.
- May I finish?
That's what we made
with just six cell phones.
If you use ten devices,
I can make 100
to 115 grand a month.
No joke.
Why go to war when you can have
everyone working for you instead?
We take 80%.
That can't be done. It would ruin us.
Let's find a number
that works for both sides.
Hey, Neguete, he's trying to negotiate.
You are excused.
He's done a sixth
of his sentence, Mr. Clécio.
Perfect. Have a seat, sir.
Please, don't mind the mess.
Sit here, please.
Thank you.
So, all we need to do is proceed
with the semi-open regime
progression request?
Only if he gets a job.
Of course.
What was your name again?
Mr. César.
I'll try to find a job for him.
That's a good idea.
Tell me something, sir,
why didn't you take this case?
I thought it best to use someone local,
someone who knows
the prosecutors, judges...
You know what I mean?
Here you go.
I'll need to have
a detailed look at the case file.
- Is the young man related to you?
- No.
I'm a friend of the family.
Perfect, let's get the boy out.
Here. An upfront payment.
We can pay you on a weekly basis.
Does that work for you?
Excellent, sir.
I like your style. I think we clicked.
- I'll be waiting then.
- I'll be in touch.
No fucking way.
I'm not gonna be their little employee.
- I'd rather die.
- If we don't take this, we're fucked.
Fuck them!
- I'll go down, but I'll take ten with me.
- Think, damn it.
They accepted the deal,
so we're gonna be cool for a while.
Once we gather our strength,
we'll turn the tables.
Listen up, guys.
The war has been delayed.
You're a fucking rat son of a bitch.
That's what you really are, playboy.
Your time will come.
Wake up, playboy.
I said, wake the fuck up, playboy!
Grab him.
Come on, fucker.
- You said there wasn't going to be a...
- Shut the fuck up!
This is your chance to work for us.
Are you on our side?
There's plenty of coke.
Release him.
You want some?
You fucker!
- You're killing me!
- Not yet!
We own you, playboy.
Hey, preacher!
You can take your lamb.
Good morning, Francisco.
Wake up, José.
Thank you.
Thank God.
And yourself.
I saw.
You said "no" to cocaine.
I knew you'd make the right choice.
To convict someone,
concrete evidence is needed.
But to save someone,
what you need is faith.
I believe my son will get better.
Being a father requires the ability
to believe in the invisible,
the unlikely, the impossible...
This is your bed from now on.
Carlos, we keep our shirts on here.
My bad.
We don't wear shorts either
and avoid playing soccer.
After all that's happened, this is like...
heaven, you know?
And only accept visits
from your wife, okay?
Can I use a cellphone?
I need to call her,
to check up on her and my baby.
Write her a letter.
Cellphones are contraband
and we can't get mixed up in those things.
There's a lot of rules.
Swearing is also forbidden.
Carlos, we have to be careful,
act decently, and focus on your mission.
The Devil is sneaky.
Carlos Juscelino.
You have a visitor.
- Who is it?
- Your lawyer.
There. That booth.
Remember me, Carlinhos?
I'm Mr. César,
your mother's friend, the lawyer.
Thank you for coming.
I'm here to help you.
How did you end up here?
Are you okay? Are they treating you well?
It's a bit better now.
I'm in the evangelicals wing.
The evangelicals?
This could be good for your case.
I know it's tough in there,
but are you managing to stay clean?
I'm doing my best to get you out of here.
Are you going to get me out of here?
In a few weeks.
Will I see my son's birth?
You'll see him grow up,
but you can't go back to Rio.
- It's dangerous. You're too famous there.
- I can't abandon my wife...
Jasmin is fine.
Your mother and sister
are taking care of her.
Right now, you must stay alive.
You'll get to start
your life over from scratch.
But you must stay away from Rio.
Just endure this hell
for a few more weeks.
That's it.
Time's up.
Love is my strategy.
To form a family.
Family is the result of divine math.
Now, back to the Bible.
"Children are a heritage from the Lord,
offspring a reward from him."
"Like arrows in the hands of a warrior."
"Blessed is the man
whose quiver is full of them."
"They will not be put to shame
when they face their enemies in court."
Children are a blessing from God.
Take care of your children,
of your arrows...
Mr. César, are you okay?
- Is everything all right?
- Mr. Clécio.
- It's the heat.
- Hell is supposed to be hot, right?
I felt a bit sick.
- Did you come to see the kid?
- Yes.
I've gotta go.
Of course. But if you need anything,
I'm good friends with warden Lacerda.
I just talked to him today.
Relax, everything's gonna be fine.
It appears the boy
has found Jesus. Hallelujah!
That'll help his case a lot.
That's great.
My love,
Dad was here. He told me you were fine.
I was very relieved.
I'm not able to call you,
so I decided to write.
If it's a boy, I guess...
Pedro is a nice name.
When you receive this letter,
read it out loud so our baby can listen.
I want to remember that which brings me...
I want to remember that which brings me...
Son, it's my own fault
I'm so far away from you and your mother.
Your father is a flawed man.
I did a lot of bad things for a long time.
But for you, I really want to change.
I'm in God's hands now.
Every time I pray, I ask for you
to become a better man than I am.
"Be wise, my son,
and bring joy to my heart,"
"then I can answer anyone
who treats me with contempt."
We'll be together soon.
And I promise to never abandon you.
Believe in me.
I love you more than anything.
Carlinhos, your lawyer is here.
Booth one.
Good morning, Carlos Juscelino.
Finally, I get to meet my famous client.
Clécio Couto, at your service.
I was hired by Mr. César.
- Did he send you here?
- I bring you good news.
In one week, you'll be free.
Well, not free, semi-open.
You must come back to this hole to sleep.
That's good.
Please, sit down.
Have a seat.
you walk out that door
and you never come back.
I'm not following...
Nobody cares about the fate
of Carlos Juscelino.
Isn't that right, Pedro Dom?
This program contains strong scenes
of violence and drug use involving minors.
If you suffer from substance abuse
and need help,
contact a local support organization
such as Narcotics Anonymous.
This series is loosely inspired
by real events.
Some characters, events, dialogue,
and other narrative elements
were created for dramatization purposes.
Any similarities between
fictional characters
and real people is mere coincidence.
Fuck! We're gonna die!
Let's get the fuck out of here!
- What about Alcione?
- Swallowed by the earth.
Smarten up. The riot squad is in the jail!
And you? What the fuck was that all about?
Fuck off! You motherfucker!
Fuck you, you fucking rat!
Who are you calling a rat?
If I could,
I'd kill you right here and now!
Josias, come over here!
This is the rat that messed up our plan.
Take him to the hole!
- Let me go! No!
- Fuck you, rat!
Let me the fuck out of here!
Let me out...
wait, Dad.
Don't do anything. I'm coming.
she's really tough.
We don't even know if this bitch
is from another cartel or from the police.
Bring her here.
Hit her again!
That's it.
Is this necessary?
It's not. Look.
You better start talking,
you fucking bitch!
Easy. Just tell me who the fuck you are.
I told you. I'm Consuelo.
Talk to Diego in Colombia.
I'm here for your campaign.
They found Diego dead.
- Just go ahead and kill the bitch.
- Yes, sir.
Let's go, princess.
Hey, wait here! Protect my father.
If you scream, I'll kill you!
Come on.
Stay quiet. Go.
Calm down!
Or I'll fucking kill your son!
I'm just here for her!
No one needs to get hurt!
- Hand over the gun!
- Give it to him!
- Now, let her go!
- Go! Do as he says!
- You fucking liar...
- Shut the fuck up!
I helped you!
- Think carefully about this, lad.
- Shut up! Don't move!
Don't try anything, kid.
How are you? Are you okay?
- Paloma!
- Dad! My God, Dad!
Don't die with me...
Get him!
We are here again in his blessed house,
a house that was built
to praise the Lord's word
and find a bit of mercy within it.
Brother José, Brother Ismael,
help lead our song.
Wake up, people, Jesus is coming
Tired of the weight of the cross
Wake up, people, Jesus is coming
Tired of the weight of the cross
He walks through the fields
He walks through the street
To save your soul
Which can't be blamed
Wake up, people, Jesus is coming
Shut up!
Tired of the weight of the cross
Shut up!
Wake up, people, Jesus is coming
Stop it! Shut up!
Tell them to shut up.
The evangelicals' cell is next door.
Get used to it.
Come on, Josias.
Can you get me some blow?
I'll pay you later. I swear!
- I can't!
- Please...
Let go of me!
- Get a hold of yourself!
- Come on, Josias!
- For fuck's sake!
- Please, Josias! Fuck!
Come back...
What the fuck!
Keep going, kariwa.
I've been in this mess for too long.
Try to understand...
Look! My brother is here!
Far too long.
Too far away.
How are things in Rio?
Is my child born yet?
Has the Golden Men issue cooled down?
Stop gossiping, you fuckers!
Paycheck time!
Everything is different here.
Can I have a pack of cigarettes, Arandir?
There's conflict everywhere you look.
Loggers, drug dealers, evangelicals...
You're special! You're from here!
We still have no idea
who runs the organization.
This gift is for you.
The devil's powder! Go have fun!
Cocaine always leaves
a large trail of destruction.
The impact
on the natives' culture is devastating.
There are pieces missing in this puzzle.
To find them,
I must get a lot closer to the natives.
"Uainambi," what is that?
Hummingbird? I love hummingbirds.
They can teach us so much.
Arandir, bring me another bottle, please.
Our Father, who art in heaven
hallowed be Thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
No blow, but I got you a rock.
- Is this crack?
- Crack.
You don't want it?
No, wait! Josias, give it to me!
It's on your tab, playboy!
Praise the Lord!
Praise our Lord,
Jesus Christ, in all his glory!
Praise the Lord!
The Lord's word...
who art in heaven,
hallowed be Thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive
those who trespass against us.
Praise the Lord!
- Amen, Jesus! Amen!
- Hallelujah!
Only the Lord's word can save us!
And today, his word will tell us
about the original sin.
Man, woman,
and all the creatures lived in harmony
obeying our Father,
the Lord of all creatures!
- Glory, Lord!
- Glory!
But the snake was smarter
than all the other animals
the Lord had created.
And so, it asked the woman,
"Was it not the Lord who said"
"that you can eat
all the fruits in the Garden?"
And the woman replied to the snake,
"We can eat all the fruits in the Garden"
"except for the fruit of the tree
in the center of the garden."
"The Lord said, 'Thou shall not touch it!"
"'Thou shall not eat it!"
"'Because if you do, you will die!'"
And so, the snake replied to the woman,
"For sure you won't die!"
"Because when you eat this fruit,
you will become like God!"
"And you will know about good and evil."
My name is Nawá.
That's my birth name.
It suits you better.
And then the woman saw
that the tree pleased her eyes.
Sounds like a fruit.
We can't speak it.
And the woman took its fruit and ate it.
Okay, I won't.
And then she took the fruit
to her husband, who ate it as well.
But I do prefer Nawá!
They both opened their eyes...
And they realized they were naked.
- Glory!
- Glory to God!
Only the Lord's word can save us!
- Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!
- Hallelujah!
The origin of sin:
Don't close your eyes! Stay with me!
Take care of my son.
Professor, stay with me!
Please, take care of my family!
Shit, you're not gonna die!
Don't close your eyes!
Professor! Open your damn eyes!
Open your fucking eyes!
Professor! Stay with me, damn it!
The white man medicine won't heal him.
He needs the shaman!
What are you doing with your life, son?
Get me out of here!
You must find the light, Pedro.
Find the light...
My ancestors, come see this white man.
Victor, our daughter
will be born soon. Come back!
Our daughter will be born soon.
You're up.
- What happened?
- It's the shaman.
He didn't make it.
He died healing you.
Are they burning the shaman's belongings?
The dead must be forgotten.
Longing is a disease.
Mourning is dangerous.
We must let go.
Fuck, Pedro! You're fucking high, bro!
What the fuck, man?
Is it really you, Lico?
See? You're so high
that you can even see me.
It's really you, man!
It's you, bro!
What's up, man?
What's up?
The place you're at must be dope!
- Dope?
- Tell me about it!
There's only harp music up there.
The angels' vibe sucks!
Saint Peter's tougher than your dad.
We have a curfew
and can't go out when it's raining.
And it rains a lot. It sucks.
I hear you, man!
Are you in a hurry
to go join me up there, bro?
Living is good, Dom!
Living is very good, man!
But with crack?
With rock, man?
That thing's gonna get you killed.
Stop doing that shit!
I'm a ghost that's come back to haunt you.
I'm gonna be a father.
You see? That's it, man!
Don't you wanna see your kid's smile?
Don't you, bro?
Let's go. The punishment's over.
After Alcione's death,
this place became a powder keg.
The CDC gang is now the majority.
Vandame's taking over the prison.
There's nothing we can do.
You're on your own now.
You'll reap what you have sowed.
As we were discussing,
who was this man, this preacher?
He was persecuted, like an outlaw.
He spent his life
defending the poor, prostitutes, lepers...
Do you know who that man was?
- None other than Jesus Christ!
- Hallelujah!
Glory, brothers!
He was blunt and spoke the truth.
His actions bothered a lot of people
and they had him killed.
But Jesus didn't die
beside two bandits. No, sir.
He was executed
as a criminal by the state.
- Hallelujah, Lord!
- Hallelujah, brothers!
The same state,
which up to this day, keeps killing.
Instead of building proper houses,
offering a decent
public health system, schools.
Now, I'll ask for brother José
and brother Ismael to present our song
to those who are here
for the first time today.
You must find the light, Pedro.
How many days locked inside?
I was high on crack.
I saw my father.
He looked like Jesus.
I asked him
to get me out of here and he vanished.
Do you want my opinion?
You had a calling...
from Jesus, God, call Him what you will.
I can't die here. I'm gonna be a father.
So, that's it.
He's offering you a chance to change.
To be better.
For your son.
A real father never abandons.
Are you okay? You seem different.
Yeah, everything will be fine.
"Everything will be fine." Come here.
Do you still love your father?
Loving you is exhausting.
It's so much work.
Just like with Pedro.
Did he reach out to you?
No. But I have something to tell you.
Jasmin was here.
Pedro's going to be a father.
We took her to the doctor
and everything is fine!
I want to apologize to you, Jasmin.
It's fine. Really.
I just don't like people meddling
in my life that much.
Of course.
You're a strong, brave woman.
You'll be an incredible mother.
Your attitude will change, you'll see.
We'd do anything for our children.
I never imagined
going to your daughter's house
and asking for help.
But Pedro said that...
Have you heard from Pedro?
I haven't heard from him in a while.
I really need to see my son.
The desperation of not knowing
where he is, how he's doing...
I don't wanna take up
more of your time. I'm leaving.
I appreciate the diapers.
Thank you.
Take care of yourself and the baby.
I can't save Pedro.
You can't either, but...
maybe the baby can.
Take care.
- Bye, Jasmin.
- Bye.
I know where Pedro is.
You do?
Yes. I promised I wouldn't tell anyone,
but I can't take it anymore.
Tell me.
- Tell me, Jasmin.
- He's in prison
- under a different name in Espírito San to.
- What?
And I saw something on TV about a riot...
People died there and I haven't been able
to talk to him since.
I don't know what to do.
"For by You I can run against a troop,"
"and by my God I can leap over a wall."
That's good for today.
Let's get ready for lights out.
How was it?
It felt good, reading to them.
You read well, Carlos.
You speak well,
and have an angelic face.
There's work for you here at the church.
I really need a job
to help keep my mind busy.
To stay clean, you feel me?
I don't want to see any drugs again.
I know what you're talking about.
Good night.
May I stay here with you guys tonight?
Not yet.
The Bible is not a hideout, Carlos.
First, you need to prove
that you've changed.
Have faith.
I have faith in you.
Lights out.
I came in peace.
Peace, my ass!
I was waiting for you. Grab him.
I'm your friend.
You're gonna pay
for what you did to Alcione.
I'm on your fucking side.
The CDC are the majority.
Kill me and it's one less on your side.
Do you think your blue eyes
are gonna save you here?
Let me negotiate with them.
Negotiate what?
You're in deep shit here,
you need to buy fucking time.
Let me talk to them.
What have you got to lose?
Hi, I have a reservation
under Victor Dantas.
- Here's your card, Mr. Victor.
- Okay.
We'll call you when it's ready.
Sure, thank you.
Hey. What do you want?
- I'm here to talk to Vandame, peacefully.
- Why?
Tell him it's Carlinhos.
Arrested under a different name...
Ironically, my son
also ended up undercover.
Sometimes, in order to survive,
you have to become someone else.
The important thing
is that you believe the character.
Let the kid in.
Like an actor
that can never get his lines wrong.
So, it was you, playboy?
You did me a big favor
by killing that fucking tranny.
This place has switched hands.
It's under our rule now, understand?
I do.
But with more power,
you'll need more money.
We have a scheme down at the Phalange,
we clear 20 grand a month
with the cell phones alone.
That's nothing. I make way more with blow.
- I'm gonna put an end to those fuckers.
- May I finish?
That's what we made
with just six cell phones.
If you use ten devices,
I can make 100
to 115 grand a month.
No joke.
Why go to war when you can have
everyone working for you instead?
We take 80%.
That can't be done. It would ruin us.
Let's find a number
that works for both sides.
Hey, Neguete, he's trying to negotiate.
You are excused.
He's done a sixth
of his sentence, Mr. Clécio.
Perfect. Have a seat, sir.
Please, don't mind the mess.
Sit here, please.
Thank you.
So, all we need to do is proceed
with the semi-open regime
progression request?
Only if he gets a job.
Of course.
What was your name again?
Mr. César.
I'll try to find a job for him.
That's a good idea.
Tell me something, sir,
why didn't you take this case?
I thought it best to use someone local,
someone who knows
the prosecutors, judges...
You know what I mean?
Here you go.
I'll need to have
a detailed look at the case file.
- Is the young man related to you?
- No.
I'm a friend of the family.
Perfect, let's get the boy out.
Here. An upfront payment.
We can pay you on a weekly basis.
Does that work for you?
Excellent, sir.
I like your style. I think we clicked.
- I'll be waiting then.
- I'll be in touch.
No fucking way.
I'm not gonna be their little employee.
- I'd rather die.
- If we don't take this, we're fucked.
Fuck them!
- I'll go down, but I'll take ten with me.
- Think, damn it.
They accepted the deal,
so we're gonna be cool for a while.
Once we gather our strength,
we'll turn the tables.
Listen up, guys.
The war has been delayed.
You're a fucking rat son of a bitch.
That's what you really are, playboy.
Your time will come.
Wake up, playboy.
I said, wake the fuck up, playboy!
Grab him.
Come on, fucker.
- You said there wasn't going to be a...
- Shut the fuck up!
This is your chance to work for us.
Are you on our side?
There's plenty of coke.
Release him.
You want some?
You fucker!
- You're killing me!
- Not yet!
We own you, playboy.
Hey, preacher!
You can take your lamb.
Good morning, Francisco.
Wake up, José.
Thank you.
Thank God.
And yourself.
I saw.
You said "no" to cocaine.
I knew you'd make the right choice.
To convict someone,
concrete evidence is needed.
But to save someone,
what you need is faith.
I believe my son will get better.
Being a father requires the ability
to believe in the invisible,
the unlikely, the impossible...
This is your bed from now on.
Carlos, we keep our shirts on here.
My bad.
We don't wear shorts either
and avoid playing soccer.
After all that's happened, this is like...
heaven, you know?
And only accept visits
from your wife, okay?
Can I use a cellphone?
I need to call her,
to check up on her and my baby.
Write her a letter.
Cellphones are contraband
and we can't get mixed up in those things.
There's a lot of rules.
Swearing is also forbidden.
Carlos, we have to be careful,
act decently, and focus on your mission.
The Devil is sneaky.
Carlos Juscelino.
You have a visitor.
- Who is it?
- Your lawyer.
There. That booth.
Remember me, Carlinhos?
I'm Mr. César,
your mother's friend, the lawyer.
Thank you for coming.
I'm here to help you.
How did you end up here?
Are you okay? Are they treating you well?
It's a bit better now.
I'm in the evangelicals wing.
The evangelicals?
This could be good for your case.
I know it's tough in there,
but are you managing to stay clean?
I'm doing my best to get you out of here.
Are you going to get me out of here?
In a few weeks.
Will I see my son's birth?
You'll see him grow up,
but you can't go back to Rio.
- It's dangerous. You're too famous there.
- I can't abandon my wife...
Jasmin is fine.
Your mother and sister
are taking care of her.
Right now, you must stay alive.
You'll get to start
your life over from scratch.
But you must stay away from Rio.
Just endure this hell
for a few more weeks.
That's it.
Time's up.
Love is my strategy.
To form a family.
Family is the result of divine math.
Now, back to the Bible.
"Children are a heritage from the Lord,
offspring a reward from him."
"Like arrows in the hands of a warrior."
"Blessed is the man
whose quiver is full of them."
"They will not be put to shame
when they face their enemies in court."
Children are a blessing from God.
Take care of your children,
of your arrows...
Mr. César, are you okay?
- Is everything all right?
- Mr. Clécio.
- It's the heat.
- Hell is supposed to be hot, right?
I felt a bit sick.
- Did you come to see the kid?
- Yes.
I've gotta go.
Of course. But if you need anything,
I'm good friends with warden Lacerda.
I just talked to him today.
Relax, everything's gonna be fine.
It appears the boy
has found Jesus. Hallelujah!
That'll help his case a lot.
That's great.
My love,
Dad was here. He told me you were fine.
I was very relieved.
I'm not able to call you,
so I decided to write.
If it's a boy, I guess...
Pedro is a nice name.
When you receive this letter,
read it out loud so our baby can listen.
I want to remember that which brings me...
I want to remember that which brings me...
Son, it's my own fault
I'm so far away from you and your mother.
Your father is a flawed man.
I did a lot of bad things for a long time.
But for you, I really want to change.
I'm in God's hands now.
Every time I pray, I ask for you
to become a better man than I am.
"Be wise, my son,
and bring joy to my heart,"
"then I can answer anyone
who treats me with contempt."
We'll be together soon.
And I promise to never abandon you.
Believe in me.
I love you more than anything.
Carlinhos, your lawyer is here.
Booth one.
Good morning, Carlos Juscelino.
Finally, I get to meet my famous client.
Clécio Couto, at your service.
I was hired by Mr. César.
- Did he send you here?
- I bring you good news.
In one week, you'll be free.
Well, not free, semi-open.
You must come back to this hole to sleep.
That's good.
Please, sit down.
Have a seat.
you walk out that door
and you never come back.
I'm not following...
Nobody cares about the fate
of Carlos Juscelino.
Isn't that right, Pedro Dom?