Doctor Who Confidential (2005–2011): Season 4, Episode 4 - Send in the Clones - full transcript

And action.

NARRATOR: An old friend is back.

-Martha Jones.

NARRATOR: And she's not alone.

She will be terminated.


NARRATOR: join Doctor Who Confidential

as we do a double take on
the Sontaran world of cloning.

NARRATOR: The Doctor Who crew
have successfully navigated themselves

to the edge of Cardiff docks.

And for tonight's filming,
a usually buoyant team

have that sinking feeling.

This is a big, big number for us.
A, location, finding locations,

to have hard standing near water.
It's a night shoot,

so quite a lot of setting up,
finding the location.

And the car that you see behind you
is a double.

This one's been with Any Effects
for the past week.

Something different for Doctor Who.

This is the first time since Doctor Who
has been back on the screens

that we've done a car cannon.

So it's quite a biggie
for all departments, including myself.

This vehicle here arrived at
our workshop about a week ago,

and since then we've been
stripping out the car,

taking all the seats out, the fuel tank,

and putting in this special
high-pressure system,

which is what we call a “car cannon”.

NARRATOR: The car cannon consists of
a long metal tube

which is pumped full of gas
at high pressure,

ready to be fired off like a rocket.

towards the end of the week,

we were then testing at a lower pressure
to make sure the whole system's working.

We didn't have any leaks
or anything like that.

MAN: Three, two, one!

By the time it's leaving the bank,
it's probably doing about

60 miles an hour,
so it will be flying into the water.


558, take 1. A camera mark.

A set. Camera B set.

C set.

-Everyone ready? Clive, ready?

-In five...
-There's gonna be a loud whoosh.

...four, three, two, one.



NARRATOR: A familiar face at
UNIT base today is UNIT's finest.

Hello? Hi!

Hello, morning.

It is great to be back.

It, in many ways, feels like
I've not gone anywhere.

Little bit nervous. Don't know
who I'm gonna be sitting next to.

And yet, it does kind of feel like
the first day of school.

It really does. You are sort of ...

-Hi, Freema.

But it's nice
'cause you're seeing everybody

that was here last year.

Um, so I'm gonna go and get changed now.

But I think we're gonna take pictures,
which you should come along and see.

NARRATOR: And when you have two hearts,
clearly three is not a crowd.

I think the Doctor's nervous
about seeing her again.

It's always nerve-wracking
meeting up with an ex, isn't it?

Especially if it's one that

it didn't end entirely happily with.

Maybe he didn't behave
as well as he might have done,

-when he starts looking back on it.

Martha Jones.

It could be awkward,
it could be strange.

What I think is lovely about that script

is that all the tension
has just disappeared.

When she meets him again,
it is very much on a professional level,

in a professional capacity, I would say.

MARTHA: Doctor.

There is a different
dynamic between them.

She doesn't have that need

for the Doctor that she had before,
in terms of, you know,

having her love reciprocated.

But of course she's overwhelmed
to see him,

because they've got
this amazing friendship.

-You haven't changed a bit.
-Neither have you.

That's not gonna just have disappeared.

But at the same time,
it has moved on to a different place.

-How's the family?
-You know, not so bad. Recovering.

What about you?

He's bringing the new girl along,

and he's nervous that
that's gonna cause ructions.

All right. T should've known.

When Donna and Martha meet,

you know, there is that moment
in that silence where there's probably

a million things going through
Martha's head,

but she does
start by saying to the Doctor...

Didn't take you long to replace me then.

She's comfortable enough
with where she is in her life,

and where she knows
their relationship is,

to make a joke about that.

I mean, his initial impulse is,
"Come on, girls."

"Time out, round one."

Martha, Donna. Donna, Martha.

Please don't fight.
I can't bear fighting.

You wish.
I've heard all about you.

It's a lovely scene when
the three of them come together,

and you can sort of see
the Doctor standing on guard

getting ready to
break up this massive cat fight,

which, of course, doesn't happen,
'cause they're both mature ladies.

-He talks about you all the time.
-I dread to think.

No, no, no. He says nice things.

Donna wouldn't see her as a rival

because she doesn't look at the Doctor
in a romantic way.

Didn't take you long
to get over it, though.

-Who's the lucky man?
-What? Man? Lucky what?

She's engaged, you prawn.

And then, of course,
Martha's got over the Doctor as well.

So he suddenly finds himself
being ganged up on.

He is too skinny for words.
You give him a hug, you get a paper cut.

-Oh, I'd rather you were fighting.
-Speaking of which.

Dr Jones, report to base, please. Over.

This is Dr Jones.
Operation Bluesky is go, go, go.

I repeat, this is a go.

We should head back.
There's not much down there.

It should be
just boiler rooms, generators.

NARRATOR: But what is down there
spells double trouble.

The Sontaran cloning room.

Aye, aye.

MAN: You get that?

And action.

There's a classic Doctor Who spooky
sequence of going into a dark room...

What the hell?

...discovering a tank.
There's a knock inside.


Opening it and revealing the monster.

I hope everyone's expecting
something Sontaran in there,

and it's not.

It's this great, big, weird,
mysterious, vile clone,

and all the green gloop.

Identify yourself! Identify!

I think that clone is vile, actually.

I think it's one of
our scariest monsters.

It's the mouth, isn't it?

SOLDIER: I don't even think
it's properly alive.

MAN: Cut. Cut there. Thank you.

The prosthetic took about
two hours to put on,

so you needed somebody quite Zen,

and Ruari Mears is somebody that

is one of our regular, kind of main,
kind of monster, creature guys.

And I've known him very well
from Cybermen, being a Cyberman.

It completely covers all of your head,
and your ears and your nose.

The only holes being a little...
A few little holes for the mouth,

and for your nose
so you can actually breathe.

-Can you actually open your mouth?
-Uh, yeah...

Oh, you can. Lovely.

It's quite a bit like
sensory deprivation,

so you can imagine it's...
It's quite comfortable.

You're just sitting there,
so it's easy to just quite...

Just chill out and... 'Cause you haven't
got all the other senses around you

distracting you about things.
You just zone out.

SOLDIER: Is someone in there?


If you could open your hand now,
I'm right in front of you.

-You can feel my face here.

That's the shape that
you go with your hand.

-If you go this way...

...then the chances are
you might poke him in the eyes.

If you come flat-handed...

-Come flat, okay.
-And then there's no chance of any...

-That makes sense.
-...damage to him happening.

I'm sure you wouldn't

-want to do anyway.
-Of course not.

Everything you have to do,
you have to be guided.

Walking around everywhere,
taken here, taken there.

Guide him round.

-You're getting in that side.

I knew he would be okay
with the claustrophobia,

and also we were gonna have to
wax everything on

whoever was gonna do it.
So, hands, arms, chest, head.

Full shave from the kind of waist up.

And Ruari, I kind of knew,
wouldn't mind being waxed

to go with his piercings, so...

-I've got it.

Well done, mate.
You're sat nearly in the middle

-of the bath at the moment now.

The monitors are behind you
and the cameras are in front of you.

Ruari, will you sit up for me,
as if you are sitting up in the scene?

Lift up your left arm and hand
directly to your side.

Keep going higher and backwards.
So, it's right there.

Bring your hand
a bit higher, please, Ruari.

-Now, that's where his face is, there.

Now, what I'd like to do is
for you to do a rise up

and see if you can find that position,
where his face is.

Okay, for Ruari's sake,
I'm gonna go straight away, guys.

MAN: 60, 40.

Get ready, Ruari. Are you ready?

And action.

What the hell is that stuff?

Finding the mark with my hand
was quite difficult.

But it is literally a matter
of confidence.

You put your hand into the position
where they want the end position to be.

And then you visualise the space
and, like, remember where it is,

and just put your hand there.

Identify yourself!

Not too slowly because obviously

the actor needs to be able to
react to it.


But then not so fast that
I'm gonna knock him out.

So, that was challenging.

I've got a nosebleed.
He put his finger right up my nose.

-I'm sorry.
-It's all right, it wasn't your fault.

But you've just gotta do it confidently,
and hope you get it right.


SOLDIER: Identify!

Greyhound 16
declaring absolute emergency, sir.

Repeat, absolute emergency. Over.

Can you hear me? Can you understand me?

Look at his neck.
It looks like an umbilical cord.

-Well, don't get too close.
-I think it's harmless.

I don't even think it's properly alive.

Right, Ruari.

Thank you very much.
Let's get him out, please.

Let's get Ruari out, please.

Do you want to come over
towards me, Ruari?

-You all right there?
-Thank you.

I've never been submerged in goo before.

It was quite entertaining.

-INTERVIEWER: Not want to do again?
-No, I'd do it again.

I'd do it again.
It was the full body wax that was...

The bit that
I wouldn't be too enthusiastic

about doing too soon again.

The goo bit, that was great.
I enjoyed it. Nice one.