Doctor Who Confidential (2005–2011): Season 2, Episode 3 - Friends Reunited - full transcript

GATISS: This new Doctor is already up to
speed with the adventures of time travel.

He's seen off the Sycorax.

Canoodled with Cassandra.

And wrestled with a werewolf:

But this is one encounter
he really didn't see coming.

Hello, Sarah Jane.

It's a massive universe but a small world.

We need to run.

To about there. Yeah.

-So it's just for that little moment?
-Yes, indeed...

GATISS: It's the 23rd of August 2005,

and Elisabeth Sladen is shooting her first
scene on Doctor Who for almost 30 years.

It's like my past life is running
through my mind at the moment.

And it's embarrassing with what clarity
it comes back actually.

And roll, please.

When I hear her voice, it's sort of 27 years ago
and I'm eating cheese on toast with the family,

watching Doctor Who, as a kid.


-Where's K9?
-We need to run.

Where is he? What have you done?

A lot of people will be quite amazed
to see her. It's like she hasn't aged.


The mood on set is just totally Doctor Who.

Liz, could you just let David slam the door
before your line?

Everyone is enjoying being here,
that feels totally the same.

David, can you squeeze a bit longer
on the sonicking for me?

It's just bigger.


-Where's K9?
-We need to run.

Where is he? What have you done?

Cut. And for Liz's first shot I think...

MAN: Welcome back, Sarah Jane Smith!

The main thing about bringing back Sarah
Jane is that we thought of a great story.

That's always the most important thing.

Never mind the past or never mind
what it means to other generations,

things like that,
there's a great, great story to be told.


-Hello, Sarah Jane.
-It's you.

Doctor. Oh, my God, it's you, isn't it?

One of the things about the Doctor is that
he goes through life picking people up

and moving on, you know, and that's never
really examined in the show.

Did I do something wrong?
'Cause you never came back for me.

You just dumped me.

Like an old girlfriend, you know, they
split up, you know, the Doctor dumped her.

And years later, they meet up again
and where are they left with that?

And how does that affect you if you've
been travelling through time and space?

You took me to the furthest reaches
of the galaxy,

you showed me supernovas,
intergalactic battles,

and then you just dropped me back on Earth.

How could any thing compare to that?

Sarah Jane's quite bitter.

She's not particularly pleased
about how her life turned out.

He really did love her but he really
has never been back to see her.

I waited for you.

I missed you.

And then you have to ask yourself why,
why does he live a life like that?

Oh, you didn't need me.
You were getting on with your life.

You were my life.

If you imagine that as a story about a man,
going from woman to woman to woman,

it's a very interesting emotional story.

-Who's she?
-Rose, Sarah Jane. Sarah Jane, Rose.

Hi, nice to meet you.

You can tell you're getting older,
your assistants are getting younger.

-I'm not his assistant.

Get you, tiger.

As ever, with any story, you're sort of looking
at what the Doctor and Rose's relationship is.

So some new slant
or some new light on that story,

and it's hard to think up new elements of
story, and so Sarah Jane brings in jealousy,

which we've never had before.

I don't mean to be rude or anything
but who exactly are you?

Sarah Jane Smith. I used to travel
with the Doctor.

Oh! well, he's never mentioned you.

Oh, I must've done. Sarah Jane.
I mention her all the time.

Hold on, sorry...never.


It is an interesting situation when Rose meets
Sarah Jane, it is, as Mickey, I think, says.

Oh, mate, the missus and the ex.
Welcome to every man's worst nightmare.

Which puts the Doctor in
a slightly awkward position at times,

and it's certainly a very
difficult position for Rose,

who hadn't, I don't think, until this point
really thought this through,

that there were other ones before her.

How many of us have there been
travelling with you?

-Does it matter?
-Yeah, it does, if I'm just the latest in a long line.

As opposed to what?

In School Reunion, there's the realisation that
possibly life with the Doctor is not forever.

I thought you and me were...
I obviously got it wrong.

The journey that Rose is taking,
Sarah has already done.

I've been to the year 5
billion, right, but this...

Now, this is really seeing the future.
You just leave us behind.

-Is that what you are going to do to me?
-No, not to you.

What Sarah Jane does for Rose in the story
is to give her a new perspective

on life with the Doctor and this time
it's not necessarily a good perspective.

It's the fact that this cannot last.

But Sarah Jane,
you were that close to her once and now...

you never even mention her.

This is the Doctor, this is what he does.
He will go on.

As the series goes on,

we see what Rose's resolve is,
how to deal with that.

You can spend the
rest of your life with me,

but I can't spend the
rest of mine with you.

I have to live on. Alone.

Life with a Time Lord cannot be forever.
He will outlive you, no matter what.

That's the curse of the Time Lords.

But in the meantime, the Doctor has problems
of his own, with the arrival of Mr Finch,

the ultimate bat out of hell.

The first scene we did together was
that scene at the swimming pool where,

you know, the two characters, it's the big
High Noon moment, it's the big confrontation.

I'd never met Tony Head before.

Obviously I've seen him in a million
things, and often the characters he plays

are often rather kind of stern,
slightly patrician characters.

And he himself is so unlike that, he's
so friendly and so... He's really good fun.

And then, of course, he turns it on as
Mr Finch and he's dripping malevolence.

No parents, no one to
miss you. Come inside.

It's nearly time for lunch.

I mean, having Anthony Head to play
the headmaster Finch was just inspired.

What is it now, Mr Finch?

I am now a Krillitane.

We're having an early lunch.

I think I sound a little
bit like a hair product.


He's a sinister creature in this.
You know bad is going to happen.


Villains are always fun. There's always got
to be some reason why they're villainous,

you know, they're not just pure evil for
the sake of it because, you know, who cares?

And it's nice with something like this

where there is an animalistic thing
kind of added to it

that you can play a little
without going widely over the top.

DOCTOR: This plan of yours, what is it?

-You don't know?
-That's why I'm asking.

Well, show me how
clever you are, work it out.

If I don't like it, then it will stop.


What you get there, off Anthony Head,
round that swimming pool is perfect pitch.

Your people were peaceful
to the point of indolence.

You seem to be something new.

It's so well judged. David's very
glittering at the centre of the screen.

Very hard to match him,
and Anthony Head absolutely does it.

Would you declare war on us, Doctor?

I'm so old now.

I used to have so much mercy.

When someone's that powerful and
that crazed, it's great to act opposite.

You get one warning.

-That was it.
-But we're not even enemies.

Soon you will embrace us.

Once they've discovered that
they are each other's match, as it were,

from then on, it's a dash
to the finish line, really.

Well, next time we
meet, you will join with me.

I promise you.

-Cut. That was fab.
-That was better.

It was the best yet by, on every
department. Terrific, thank you.

GATISS: At least there's the return
of one old friend to lighten the mood.


(CLAPPING) It's a robot dog.

Rose Tyler, Mickey Smith,
allow me to introduce K9.

Well, K9 Mark 3 to be precise.

The most fun you could possibly have
with a robot and with a dog.

Ooh, what's the nasty lady done to you?

It's not as messy as a dog.


DAVIES: It's not as boring as a robot.

Two brilliant words put together
to make something even better.

We're doing a scene here
where Mickey runs out of school

and tries to get the K9 working
'cause we need to break into the school

to save the Doctor and Rose.

-One more rehearsal then, please.

Come on, I need some help.

K9 did get a bit of ear
damage in the scene.

He's not used to the physical activity
we have to put in.

He broke K9.

-You know you're not insured...
-K9 was broken.

-He broke K9's ear.
-I would never break that dog.

Luckily, he was all
right after five minutes.

The guy that was helping him out came
and tweaked his ear and it was all better,

and he's fine now, he's fine now.

You're working. Okay, no time to explain.
We need to get inside the school.

Do you have, like, I don't know,
a lock-picking device?

K9: We are in a car.

Maybe a drill attachment?

We are in a car.

Fat lot of good you are.

Wait a sec, we're in a car.

Get back!

-And cut.

We had a good little scene there.

He got a bit diva-ish.
I had to conk him on his head.

You know, he did his job, and he's in for one
episode so I could tolerate the diva behaviour.

K9. Yeah, he's fine now, he's good.

GATISS: But there's one new arrival
to Doctor Who about to meet a sticky end.

This afternoon I will be getting glooped.

Can somebody tell me about
the spraying of the gunk please?

It will not be affecting me as it will
be affecting some of my accomplices.

Just wanted to remind you you are
incredibly powerful alien creatures.

HEAD: They're all going to get burnt
rather unpleasantly.

This is where B camera is going to play quite
heavily as well for moments of splatting.

HEAD: I have a feeling that
it'll be probably fairly messy.


When you find him, eat him if
you must, but bring me his brain.

The little dog with the nasty bite.

Not so powerful now, are you?



It's everyone's destiny to be glooped
by something one time in their life

and the Krillitanes are
glooped by their own oil.

-You bad dog.

It's a fitting end.