Doctor Who (1963–1989): Season 8, Episode 16 - Colony in Space: Episode Two - full transcript
The Doctor discovers an Interplanetary Mining Corporation ship has landed on the planet in order to mine its duralinium, while Norton begins causing trouble at the colony.
Sincro: wyxchari
You can get up now.
Thank you very much. You know, you really ought to keep this thing of yours under better control.
Yeah, I'm sorry. He's only a mark three servo-robot. He's not very bright.
What happened in here?
Well, I only wish I knew. Something attacked this place late last night.
Is it your place?
No. No, it belonged to two colonists.
Colonists? According to Earth control, this planet hasn't been colonized.
It appears they we wrong, doesn't it?
May I ask what you're doing here?
IMC - Interplanetary Mining Corporation. We're doing a mineral survey.
How long have you been here?
We've just arrived. Colonists, eh? Well now we've got trouble.
Why? Presumably you'll be moving to another planet?
Well, it isn't up to me. They'll have to sort that out at Earth control. Erm, what are you up to?
Erm, I, err, I'm, just making a few tests.
Are you some kind of scientist?
I'm every kind of scientist. Now, if you'll excuse me.
Look, I'm... on my way back to my spaceship. How about you coming back with me?
Well, I'd like to, but erm... I haven't really got the time. In any case, I ought to get back and tell the colonists that you've arrived.
You have got plenty of time, you know.
Yes, well, I suppose I could spare you a few moments.
You know, it's lucky no one was hurt.
What gave you that impression?
Well, surely, didn't you say...?
No, I didn't say anything of the sort. The two colonists that were living here have been killed!
Two people killed?
That's right.
Erm, we'd better get moving.
What are you doing?
Programming Charlie to go back to the spaceship.
Well, how far is your ship?
Only a few kilometers.
So no one from your colony survived?
The lizards killed most of them. The primitives finished off the rest.
The primitives attacked you as well?
Well, after the lizards there were only a few survivors. When the primitives saw how weak we were, they... they turned on us. They killed my family, m... my friends - everyone!
Your primitives don't seem too hostile?
Mmm so did we - till we were defenseless.
Maybe now Robert Ashe will listen to me! We must move on to another planet.
You're not just gonna give up, are you? After all the work you've done here?
Well, there's a time to cut your losses! We can't even grow our own food.
I'm sure the Doctor will be able to help you.
What Doctor?
They turned up out of nowhere - this girl and a man.
Who are they? Where do they come from?
Well? We don't really know much about you, you know?
We told you! We're explorers!
But just the two of you? With a spaceship all to yourselves?
That's right.
You work for the government?
No, we don't work for anybody, we just...
What are you doing?
They killed the survivors! All of them! Get out of the way! He'll kill you.
All right. Put that gun down!
Y... y... you don't understand! You... you can't trust them!
I said put that gun down! We have a truce with the primitives! We mustn't be the first to break it!
We have a truce all right, Robert. But only because you give them our food.
You need rest. Show him where he can lie down, somebody.
One day you'll wish you'd listened to me.
Wait outside - I will bring you food.
Robert, we can't keep feeding these savages!
We've got to keep on good terms with them - for our own safety!
While I'm leader of this colony, we'll treat the primitives in my way.
Even if we starve?
Get out of my way, David.
He's right, you know. You ought to listen to him - he is your leader, isn't he?
Maybe that's been my mistake.
The TARDIS - it's gone!
I've just got the first survey results.
The computer predicts there's enough duralinium here to build one million living units on Earth.
The thing I can't understand is why this planet was assigned for colonization!
Does it matter?
Look - Caldwell's found us a colonist. Huh, I wonder why he's wearing fancy dress?
All colonists are eccentric, Morgan, otherwise they wouldn't be colonists.
Hmm, and what are you going to say to this "eccentric"?
The usual story - that we've just arrived and we're surprised and shocked that the place has been colonized.
Suppose they don't believe us?
It doesn't matter what they believe - they won't be here for long.
Thank you.
And would you mind staying in here, please, while I let my colleagues know?
Yes, of course.
Erm, look make yourself at home.
That's the entertainment console. I shan't be long.
I've just brought a man in here.
So I saw.
He was at the wrecked dome and he tells me that two people have been killed!
Now, he's only supposed to scare people off - not slaughter them!
Do you know about this, Morgan?
Yes - it was an accident.
What do you mean - "accident"?!
They found me! They started shooting! What was I supposed to do - let myself get killed?
You acted very foolishly, Morgan. You should never have let yourself be seen.
Foolishly? Dent, is that all you've got to say?
Believe me, Caldwell, I regret this just as much as you do.
Oh, he...
Look, there's no point in arguing about it! Besides, once these colonists have left this planet, there will be no more "regrettable incidents".
Look, two people are dead and I want to know...
You may care to look at this report...
I want to know for certain...
Look at it!
It's going to make you rich. This planet has enough duralinium to double the company's profits next year. Your bonus will be big enough to retire on.
If we get rid of the colonists.
Yes, well all right, we can go ahead. But there's no need for anyone else to be killed.
I think I'll have a chat with this colonist of yours. Be interesting to know the state of morale.
Scientists have turned to new means for providing accommodation for our ever-increasing population. These floating islands, rising to three hundred stories, will make living space for five hundred million people.
I'm Captain Dent - in charge of this survey team. A great pleasure to meet you, Mister?
Not Mister - Doctor. How do you do?
Well Doctor, it seems a most unfortunate mistake has been made.
I'm glad you admit it. I take it you're preparing to leave at once.
It's not necessarily out mistake. As things have turned out, this planet doesn't seem very suitable for colonization.
Oh, why?
I understand it's still infested with hostile animal life?
The hostile animals - if they exist - can be found and destroyed, sir.
I admire your optimism. Is it shared by the other colonists?
Hmm! I'm not a colonist. I'm a visitor.
I see, then you're not really concerned?
I'm very much concerned!
The colonists shouldn't be here. My corporation has been assigned the mineral rights on this planet. Our preliminary survey indicates a... very rich concentration of duralinium. You know how the Earth needs that mineral.
Earth - or your corporation's profits?
What's good for IMC is good for Earth. There are... one hundred thousand million people back on Earth and they desperately need all the minerals we can find.
What those people need my dear sir, are new worlds to live in like this one! Worlds where they can live like human beings - not battery hens!
That's not my concern. Minerals are needed - it's my job to find them.
Even if it means turning this planet into a slagheap?
I can see we're on opposite sides, Doctor.
Your health, sir.
Now, if you'll excuse me. I've lost some very valuable equipment. Perhaps one of your colleagues told you about it - a tall blue box.
He's probably enquiring about it now. I'll go and check. If you wouldn't mind waiting here, Doctor? I'll detail someone to escort you back to your friends.
Air-sey prediction on section four-eight.
Where's Caldwell?
Oh, he's chasing up some lost equipment for your colonist friend.
He isn't a colonist... or at least, so he said.
Then what's he doing here?
I don't know, but I think he's dangerous.
Do you think he's been sent by Earth government, checking up on us?
What do you propose to do about it?
You're going to take him back to his colonist friends.
You're not serious?
When Caldwell found him, he was investigating the wrecked dome.
If he were found in the ruins, it would be obvious the monsters had returned and killed him.
Leave it to me.
Oh by the way, you, erm... you will send the necessary machine?
It'll be waiting when you arrive.
Whatever that Doctor's lost, no one seems to have found it.
You'd better break the sad news, Morgan.
Who the blazes are you?!
My name's Morgan.
Well, why was this door locked?!
Was it? Must have jammed. I've been sent to take you back to your friends.
Well, where is the man who brought me here - and what happened to Captain Dent?
I'm sorry, the Captain's busy. You've been handed over to me.
Oh, I see. Well I take it that your Captain is coming to see Ashe?
The leader of the colonists!
Oh, yes, yes! I'm to arrange the meeting.
How very formal.
Well shall we go?
After you... sir.
By the way...
...Captain Dent wanted you to show me the dome that was wrecked.
Well, we're just as interested in these creatures as you are. Who knows - they might attack us too?
Yes, that's a point.
Get out of the way!
Let's drive slowly, shall we?
Can you get these ready, please Jo?
Yes, of course. What do I do with them?
Just add water and serve... but be careful.
What do they taste like?
All exactly the same!
Hello, Mary, my dear. How's it going?
She's getting on very well.
Have you seen the Doctor yet?
No, I haven't.
He's been gone a long time.
Now, don't worry. If he's not back soon, I'll go and look for him. Have you seen Winton?
Mmm, he's showing Norton round the dome.
Well, when you see him, tell him I want him. I'll be in my quarters.
Norton's made a remarkable recovery.
This is our power supply junction box.
What's he doing?
Don't worry about him. He's my assistant.
See what I mean? He gets the right one every time. Seems to know what's in my mind. Weren't your primitives like that?
No. We weren't so friendly with ours. Where do you get your power from?
Well we tap the ships nuclear generator and then beam the power through to the domes, as they need it. More trouble?
Naturally. This stuff should have been junked years ago.
Don't worry, you'll manage. You always do! Must be that sunny nature of yours.
Thanks very much.
Well, shall we go back to the dining area?
Got you working, I see? And what time's dinner?
Not long now. How are you feeling?
Oh, much better. Still hungry.
What do you think of our colony?
I think you're managing very well.
You mean considering how old the equipment is?
Well, some of it is getting on a bit.
Was your colony better equipped?
Yes. Didn't do us much good. Err, that junction box of yours - it, err, looks dangerous.
That's what Jim Holden says. But he manages to keep it going.
Is he your only electrician engineer?
He's the only one we could get to come with us. We'd be lost without him.
Oh, my father was looking for you. He said he'd be in his quarters.
Oh. Err, look, can you look after yourself.
Well, yes, I... I feel a bit tired. I'll just go and lie down until dinner.
All right. See you then.
I'm looking forward to this. After a year of living off roots, you don't know how good that looks.
There. That should hold it for another few days. Put the tools away, will you? I just want to check the circuit relay.
Are you crazy?
What do you think you're doing? No!
Dinner's ready, father.
Oh, here we go again.
Don't worry, Jim'll fix it.
You've got to come with me!
Don't worry. It was only a power failure.
No, you don't understand. Please, come with me!
What happened?
I was just coming by. I saw it all! He didn't have a chance.
The primitive killed him?
He... he went for me too. I grabbed a spanner and hit him. It was self-defense - I had to.
I don't understand it. They were such friends.
They're all the same - treacherous. They get your confidence and then they turn on you.
The relay circuits have been destroyed!
Your man must have caught him messing about with the controls.
But unless we get this repaired, the whole colony will come to a standstill! He was the only one who could fix it!
Warp this message direct to IMC headquarters, Earth. Put it on scramble. Code two-nine-three.
Survey ship four-three to IMC headquarters, Earth. Captain Dent speaking. Preliminary survey confirms rich deposits of duralinium on this planet. Complications occasioned by previously arrived colonists can be dealt with.
I've been checking out the survey results.
Well, you were right. This is a big strike.
This biggest we've ever had... and I want you to radio Earth your requirements for radio equipment.
Right. What about the colonists?
Oh, they'll have left by the time it gets here.
You can't be sure. That Doctor seemed pretty determined, didn't he?
He can be dealt with.
How do you mean? Where is he?
On his way back to his friends - with Morgan.
You're the Captain, why didn't you go?
He isn't going to get back to his friends, is he?
Morgan's completely reliable.
Yes, that's what I mean.
Where do you think you're going?
Look, scaring people is one thing and I don't my lying to Earth government but murder...
Stay where you are.
Now, get out of my way!
May I remind you that I am Captain of this ship and we are on an alien planet. If you strike me, I can have you executed without trial.
We can persuade these people to go. We've done it before.
That man you brought here was some kind of government spy. He was suspicious.
Well, it's still murder!
Back on Earth, tens of thousands of people die every day - traffic accidents, suicides, pollution, epidemics...
They are not the same thing and you know it!
Caldwell! The exploitation of this planet can make us both rich. You can enjoy luxury for the rest of your life if you go along with the corporation.
I could exist without IMC.
You get on our blacklist, you'll never work again - for anyone. You're up to your ears in debt - I checked. Don't worry about the colonists, Caldwell. Just get on with your work - and let Morgan get on with his.
Well, here are are. Though I must say I still don't quite understand why you wanted to come here.
I wanted to see how much damage these creatures can cause.
Well, you'll find some claw marks over there and some more over there.
And you say these same marks were found on the two colonists?
That's right. Oh yes, it was all very efficiently done.
What do you mean?
Well, I think the whole thing was faked by somebody who wanted to frighten the colonists away.
These claw marks, I mean, something made them.
Yes, they could have been faked by some sort of mechanical device.
You mean with something like this?
Yes, yes - exactly like this!
By the time they've found you, the monster will have claimed another victim.
Keep back! Purely business, you understand. Nothing personal...
You can get up now.
Thank you very much. You know, you really ought to keep this thing of yours under better control.
Yeah, I'm sorry. He's only a mark three servo-robot. He's not very bright.
What happened in here?
Well, I only wish I knew. Something attacked this place late last night.
Is it your place?
No. No, it belonged to two colonists.
Colonists? According to Earth control, this planet hasn't been colonized.
It appears they we wrong, doesn't it?
May I ask what you're doing here?
IMC - Interplanetary Mining Corporation. We're doing a mineral survey.
How long have you been here?
We've just arrived. Colonists, eh? Well now we've got trouble.
Why? Presumably you'll be moving to another planet?
Well, it isn't up to me. They'll have to sort that out at Earth control. Erm, what are you up to?
Erm, I, err, I'm, just making a few tests.
Are you some kind of scientist?
I'm every kind of scientist. Now, if you'll excuse me.
Look, I'm... on my way back to my spaceship. How about you coming back with me?
Well, I'd like to, but erm... I haven't really got the time. In any case, I ought to get back and tell the colonists that you've arrived.
You have got plenty of time, you know.
Yes, well, I suppose I could spare you a few moments.
You know, it's lucky no one was hurt.
What gave you that impression?
Well, surely, didn't you say...?
No, I didn't say anything of the sort. The two colonists that were living here have been killed!
Two people killed?
That's right.
Erm, we'd better get moving.
What are you doing?
Programming Charlie to go back to the spaceship.
Well, how far is your ship?
Only a few kilometers.
So no one from your colony survived?
The lizards killed most of them. The primitives finished off the rest.
The primitives attacked you as well?
Well, after the lizards there were only a few survivors. When the primitives saw how weak we were, they... they turned on us. They killed my family, m... my friends - everyone!
Your primitives don't seem too hostile?
Mmm so did we - till we were defenseless.
Maybe now Robert Ashe will listen to me! We must move on to another planet.
You're not just gonna give up, are you? After all the work you've done here?
Well, there's a time to cut your losses! We can't even grow our own food.
I'm sure the Doctor will be able to help you.
What Doctor?
They turned up out of nowhere - this girl and a man.
Who are they? Where do they come from?
Well? We don't really know much about you, you know?
We told you! We're explorers!
But just the two of you? With a spaceship all to yourselves?
That's right.
You work for the government?
No, we don't work for anybody, we just...
What are you doing?
They killed the survivors! All of them! Get out of the way! He'll kill you.
All right. Put that gun down!
Y... y... you don't understand! You... you can't trust them!
I said put that gun down! We have a truce with the primitives! We mustn't be the first to break it!
We have a truce all right, Robert. But only because you give them our food.
You need rest. Show him where he can lie down, somebody.
One day you'll wish you'd listened to me.
Wait outside - I will bring you food.
Robert, we can't keep feeding these savages!
We've got to keep on good terms with them - for our own safety!
While I'm leader of this colony, we'll treat the primitives in my way.
Even if we starve?
Get out of my way, David.
He's right, you know. You ought to listen to him - he is your leader, isn't he?
Maybe that's been my mistake.
The TARDIS - it's gone!
I've just got the first survey results.
The computer predicts there's enough duralinium here to build one million living units on Earth.
The thing I can't understand is why this planet was assigned for colonization!
Does it matter?
Look - Caldwell's found us a colonist. Huh, I wonder why he's wearing fancy dress?
All colonists are eccentric, Morgan, otherwise they wouldn't be colonists.
Hmm, and what are you going to say to this "eccentric"?
The usual story - that we've just arrived and we're surprised and shocked that the place has been colonized.
Suppose they don't believe us?
It doesn't matter what they believe - they won't be here for long.
Thank you.
And would you mind staying in here, please, while I let my colleagues know?
Yes, of course.
Erm, look make yourself at home.
That's the entertainment console. I shan't be long.
I've just brought a man in here.
So I saw.
He was at the wrecked dome and he tells me that two people have been killed!
Now, he's only supposed to scare people off - not slaughter them!
Do you know about this, Morgan?
Yes - it was an accident.
What do you mean - "accident"?!
They found me! They started shooting! What was I supposed to do - let myself get killed?
You acted very foolishly, Morgan. You should never have let yourself be seen.
Foolishly? Dent, is that all you've got to say?
Believe me, Caldwell, I regret this just as much as you do.
Oh, he...
Look, there's no point in arguing about it! Besides, once these colonists have left this planet, there will be no more "regrettable incidents".
Look, two people are dead and I want to know...
You may care to look at this report...
I want to know for certain...
Look at it!
It's going to make you rich. This planet has enough duralinium to double the company's profits next year. Your bonus will be big enough to retire on.
If we get rid of the colonists.
Yes, well all right, we can go ahead. But there's no need for anyone else to be killed.
I think I'll have a chat with this colonist of yours. Be interesting to know the state of morale.
Scientists have turned to new means for providing accommodation for our ever-increasing population. These floating islands, rising to three hundred stories, will make living space for five hundred million people.
I'm Captain Dent - in charge of this survey team. A great pleasure to meet you, Mister?
Not Mister - Doctor. How do you do?
Well Doctor, it seems a most unfortunate mistake has been made.
I'm glad you admit it. I take it you're preparing to leave at once.
It's not necessarily out mistake. As things have turned out, this planet doesn't seem very suitable for colonization.
Oh, why?
I understand it's still infested with hostile animal life?
The hostile animals - if they exist - can be found and destroyed, sir.
I admire your optimism. Is it shared by the other colonists?
Hmm! I'm not a colonist. I'm a visitor.
I see, then you're not really concerned?
I'm very much concerned!
The colonists shouldn't be here. My corporation has been assigned the mineral rights on this planet. Our preliminary survey indicates a... very rich concentration of duralinium. You know how the Earth needs that mineral.
Earth - or your corporation's profits?
What's good for IMC is good for Earth. There are... one hundred thousand million people back on Earth and they desperately need all the minerals we can find.
What those people need my dear sir, are new worlds to live in like this one! Worlds where they can live like human beings - not battery hens!
That's not my concern. Minerals are needed - it's my job to find them.
Even if it means turning this planet into a slagheap?
I can see we're on opposite sides, Doctor.
Your health, sir.
Now, if you'll excuse me. I've lost some very valuable equipment. Perhaps one of your colleagues told you about it - a tall blue box.
He's probably enquiring about it now. I'll go and check. If you wouldn't mind waiting here, Doctor? I'll detail someone to escort you back to your friends.
Air-sey prediction on section four-eight.
Where's Caldwell?
Oh, he's chasing up some lost equipment for your colonist friend.
He isn't a colonist... or at least, so he said.
Then what's he doing here?
I don't know, but I think he's dangerous.
Do you think he's been sent by Earth government, checking up on us?
What do you propose to do about it?
You're going to take him back to his colonist friends.
You're not serious?
When Caldwell found him, he was investigating the wrecked dome.
If he were found in the ruins, it would be obvious the monsters had returned and killed him.
Leave it to me.
Oh by the way, you, erm... you will send the necessary machine?
It'll be waiting when you arrive.
Whatever that Doctor's lost, no one seems to have found it.
You'd better break the sad news, Morgan.
Who the blazes are you?!
My name's Morgan.
Well, why was this door locked?!
Was it? Must have jammed. I've been sent to take you back to your friends.
Well, where is the man who brought me here - and what happened to Captain Dent?
I'm sorry, the Captain's busy. You've been handed over to me.
Oh, I see. Well I take it that your Captain is coming to see Ashe?
The leader of the colonists!
Oh, yes, yes! I'm to arrange the meeting.
How very formal.
Well shall we go?
After you... sir.
By the way...
...Captain Dent wanted you to show me the dome that was wrecked.
Well, we're just as interested in these creatures as you are. Who knows - they might attack us too?
Yes, that's a point.
Get out of the way!
Let's drive slowly, shall we?
Can you get these ready, please Jo?
Yes, of course. What do I do with them?
Just add water and serve... but be careful.
What do they taste like?
All exactly the same!
Hello, Mary, my dear. How's it going?
She's getting on very well.
Have you seen the Doctor yet?
No, I haven't.
He's been gone a long time.
Now, don't worry. If he's not back soon, I'll go and look for him. Have you seen Winton?
Mmm, he's showing Norton round the dome.
Well, when you see him, tell him I want him. I'll be in my quarters.
Norton's made a remarkable recovery.
This is our power supply junction box.
What's he doing?
Don't worry about him. He's my assistant.
See what I mean? He gets the right one every time. Seems to know what's in my mind. Weren't your primitives like that?
No. We weren't so friendly with ours. Where do you get your power from?
Well we tap the ships nuclear generator and then beam the power through to the domes, as they need it. More trouble?
Naturally. This stuff should have been junked years ago.
Don't worry, you'll manage. You always do! Must be that sunny nature of yours.
Thanks very much.
Well, shall we go back to the dining area?
Got you working, I see? And what time's dinner?
Not long now. How are you feeling?
Oh, much better. Still hungry.
What do you think of our colony?
I think you're managing very well.
You mean considering how old the equipment is?
Well, some of it is getting on a bit.
Was your colony better equipped?
Yes. Didn't do us much good. Err, that junction box of yours - it, err, looks dangerous.
That's what Jim Holden says. But he manages to keep it going.
Is he your only electrician engineer?
He's the only one we could get to come with us. We'd be lost without him.
Oh, my father was looking for you. He said he'd be in his quarters.
Oh. Err, look, can you look after yourself.
Well, yes, I... I feel a bit tired. I'll just go and lie down until dinner.
All right. See you then.
I'm looking forward to this. After a year of living off roots, you don't know how good that looks.
There. That should hold it for another few days. Put the tools away, will you? I just want to check the circuit relay.
Are you crazy?
What do you think you're doing? No!
Dinner's ready, father.
Oh, here we go again.
Don't worry, Jim'll fix it.
You've got to come with me!
Don't worry. It was only a power failure.
No, you don't understand. Please, come with me!
What happened?
I was just coming by. I saw it all! He didn't have a chance.
The primitive killed him?
He... he went for me too. I grabbed a spanner and hit him. It was self-defense - I had to.
I don't understand it. They were such friends.
They're all the same - treacherous. They get your confidence and then they turn on you.
The relay circuits have been destroyed!
Your man must have caught him messing about with the controls.
But unless we get this repaired, the whole colony will come to a standstill! He was the only one who could fix it!
Warp this message direct to IMC headquarters, Earth. Put it on scramble. Code two-nine-three.
Survey ship four-three to IMC headquarters, Earth. Captain Dent speaking. Preliminary survey confirms rich deposits of duralinium on this planet. Complications occasioned by previously arrived colonists can be dealt with.
I've been checking out the survey results.
Well, you were right. This is a big strike.
This biggest we've ever had... and I want you to radio Earth your requirements for radio equipment.
Right. What about the colonists?
Oh, they'll have left by the time it gets here.
You can't be sure. That Doctor seemed pretty determined, didn't he?
He can be dealt with.
How do you mean? Where is he?
On his way back to his friends - with Morgan.
You're the Captain, why didn't you go?
He isn't going to get back to his friends, is he?
Morgan's completely reliable.
Yes, that's what I mean.
Where do you think you're going?
Look, scaring people is one thing and I don't my lying to Earth government but murder...
Stay where you are.
Now, get out of my way!
May I remind you that I am Captain of this ship and we are on an alien planet. If you strike me, I can have you executed without trial.
We can persuade these people to go. We've done it before.
That man you brought here was some kind of government spy. He was suspicious.
Well, it's still murder!
Back on Earth, tens of thousands of people die every day - traffic accidents, suicides, pollution, epidemics...
They are not the same thing and you know it!
Caldwell! The exploitation of this planet can make us both rich. You can enjoy luxury for the rest of your life if you go along with the corporation.
I could exist without IMC.
You get on our blacklist, you'll never work again - for anyone. You're up to your ears in debt - I checked. Don't worry about the colonists, Caldwell. Just get on with your work - and let Morgan get on with his.
Well, here are are. Though I must say I still don't quite understand why you wanted to come here.
I wanted to see how much damage these creatures can cause.
Well, you'll find some claw marks over there and some more over there.
And you say these same marks were found on the two colonists?
That's right. Oh yes, it was all very efficiently done.
What do you mean?
Well, I think the whole thing was faked by somebody who wanted to frighten the colonists away.
These claw marks, I mean, something made them.
Yes, they could have been faked by some sort of mechanical device.
You mean with something like this?
Yes, yes - exactly like this!
By the time they've found you, the monster will have claimed another victim.
Keep back! Purely business, you understand. Nothing personal...