Doctor Who (1963–1989): Season 5, Episode 34 - Fury from the Deep: Episode 6 - full transcript
The Doctor and Jamie rescue Victoria from Robson and realise they can destroy the Weed Creature with sound waves.
Sincro: wyxchari
It's Robson!
Come in, Doctor. I've been waiting for you.
What do you want with me?
You are going to help our new masters. They need you.
They need me?
Jamie! Doctor!
You are going to help...
...with the conquest of the human planet.
Don't you realise what they've done to you? They're trying to control your mind, man!
The mind does not exist. It is tired. It is dead. It is obsolete. Only our new masters can offer us life.
Matter will never conquer mind! It's against the law of nature!
The body does not exist. Soon we shall all be one.
Jamie, hurry! Hurry, Jamie!
You cannot escape. You must join us. You must join us. You will join us.
Scream again, Victoria!
No... No... No... Stop... Stop! Stop! Stop!
Oh Doctor!
Come along, it's time we got out of here.
The door?
Yes, should we lock him in?
No, no. I think it's all right now. The helicopter's waiting, come along. Mind the stairs. They're slippery.
Well where's the helicopter then?
I can't see anything except this awful foam.
Don't worry, Victoria, it won't hurt you.
There it is!
Oh, can't he see us?
Probably not.
He's probably just too scared.
Oh Jamie, help me get this hatchway covered. We can't hang around here. The helicopter will never see us.
But we'll never get off the rig without it!
There's Robson's helicopter in there.
But it hasn't got a driver!
I've been dying to get my hands on one of those things. Come on. Come on.
Oh the foam, Doctor! I can't see!
Don't worry, Victoria, we'll soon be out of it.
I hope you know what you're doing.
Well we're airborne, aren't we Jamie? Anyway, ask Victoria. She got kidnapped by one of these things.
That's the only time.
Now don't worry, Victoria. It's a very primitive machine, you know. It should be easy to control.
Doctor, look out!
Oh, no!
Well, that's strange.
Well I was always... under the impression that you couldn't loop the loop in a helicopter.
Switch back. Switch back. Nose down a bit. Go on. Right pedal down.
Right pedal.
Right pedal down! Not too much, not too much. Try and keep the nose on the horizon. Okay... okay... now it's too much! Switch back! Switch back! Switch back, you want to come up now. Come on, you're getting too near the water. Much too near the water. Switch back... switch back... pull her up... switch back! Switch back quickly! You're about to hit the water. Now try and keep still and let me think for a while. Okay, now pull her up. Switch back! Switch back! quickly, switch back! Listen to me. Now try and keep the control central.
Yes, thank you so much. Oh, just one thing! I've got it up all right and it should be comparatively simple to propel it forward. However, how do I land it?
It's no good. We won't hear from the Doctor or any of them. We must evacuate the compound.
No! We said an hour. He's got... ten more minutes.
But even if he does come back, what good could he do? The only possible weapon we could have used against the weed has been destroyed.
That was your entire stock of oxygen, was it?
Right. Perkins, get onto London to the Defence Minister. I want a full red alert on this now. Tell him what's happened and ask him to arrange for as many tankers of oxygen as he can muster to be sent here immediately.
Yes, Miss Jones.
They won't be in time. We must evacuate the compound! The pipeline room is a mass of weed and foam. You've seen how rapidly it reproduces. It could swamp the entire compound at any moment.
It could! But it hasn't yet!
And when it...
And until it does, we stay here!
And when it does attack, how do you expect to fight it? With what weapons?
Perhaps I can answer those questions, Mr Harris.
Doctor! Oh, thank heavens you're alive.
What about Robson, did you find him?
Aye, we found him all right.
And my wife?
Well we didn't see her, no.
No! There's not much hope, is there? What can we do? How can we fight this hideous thing?
You say there's not much hope. I believe there is!
But even if we succeed in fighting off the weed, what about... what about those people already affected by it?
Well on our way back here we stopped of at the Medicare Centre. The man that Jamie fought with in the corridor has almost completely recovered.
Yes, the weed growth on his arm has disappeared and died. He's bemused, he's dazed, but he's alive!
How? Why? What killed the weed?
Noise! Sound vibrations.
How did you find out?
Victoria discovered it.
I did?
Well yes, you screamed.
I screamed?
It's her scream, her particular pattern of sound that does the trick!
So that's why the crews on the rigs spoke softly. The noise affected them.
Very possibly. Now, before you evacuate this compound, just give me one half hour.
Mr Harris, it is too great, sir. The entire compound is alive with seaweed.
Half an hour won't make that much difference. Doctor, what is it that we can do?
We make a noise, Miss Jones, we make an awful lot of noise!
It's too late, we'll never stop it now!
But we've got to, it may be too late!
It's impossible, I tell you. It's seeping in from every corner of the compound.
Yes, but if we can destroy the weed's nerve centre.
But you said yourself that you don't know where the nerve centre is.
But we do! It's here!
That's the Control Rig.
Precisely! We must generate enough sound to penetrate the Control Rig.
But how will you get it there?
That way! Through the pipeline. This is a habit. This is the only way to help your wife and all those other people.
I realise that, but there isn't time.
But please, just one half hour!
What's happening in the pipeline room?
Half an hour?
Yes, that's about all we've got. But you're right - we must try.
Oh, thank you. Now then, Mr Price, where do all these big leads go to, um?
The transmitters and loud speakers down below, sir.
I see.
What's this all about, Doctor?
Well if we can boost this equipment to transmit enough sound down the pipeline, we can destroy the weed's nerve centre.
But do you think this idea will work?
Have you got a tape recorder or some such thing?
Yes, I think so.
Victoria, I want you to scream.
He will record it. Make a loop of it so that we can repeat it endlessly.
Right, sir. What have we got here..?
I hope he knows what he's doing.
Of course he does - I think.
Mr Harris, the impeller shaft. You men, quick!
Oh come on, Doctor!
Look, there!
Take these magnetised speakers and attach them to the pipeline over there. Jamie, give me a hand.
Right, ready miss. Now, scream into this. Now.
What now?
Yes, yes. There's not a moment to lose.
I can't. It's silly.
No, no. Please... please do help a little.
Oh, Doctor!
What's the matter, Victoria?
She can't scream, sir.
Oh no! Oh Victoria, that's ridiculous!
Jamie, you can't scream just like that!
Everything depends upon you screaming!
There you are. I knew you could.
Run! Don't just stand there!
Get out of the way, Jamie! Keep away!
Jamie, keep away! Jamie!
All release valves open! Quick!
What are you doing, man?
I'm going to save the lives of an awful lot of people, Miss Jones. Close feed lines one to six! Come on, man!
You mean you're giving up? You're evacuating?
Open your eyes, Miss Jones, can't you see what's happening? We're gradually being strangled. I can't risk the lives of these men here any longer.
Just a few more minutes, please Mr Harris. The scream is ready.
And Mr Harris...
All right, all right, what do you want us to do?
Now then, I've attached the speakers to the pipeline. Victoria's scream will be put through this.
What... what does that do?
Well it's a little toy of my own. Together with the amplifiers, yes... it should produce a sonic laser sound wave.
You mean like a laser light beam?
Yes, passing through the pipes. It will destroy the nerve centre of the weed.
Will it destroy the weed here?
Well unfortunately no. No, we have to do battle with that ourselves.
With these, Mr Price.
With what?
If a weed's detected here, we simply point these at them and hope for the best. Now, for heaven's sake, don't get in the way of the speakers, the sound'll cut you to pieces! Look there!
Look at the other two. There's another one.
Chief! Chief, quick!
Doctor, how many is that? I thought that there was only one... monster.
Oh no!
I can't get the other two.
It's making for the corridor.
How many...
Chief! Chief, quick!
There you are, that's it.
Back, Chief.
Full Alert!
Close all doors!
Steady on.
I'm in charge! Close all doors!
Those doors won't hold!
Point this at the monster but don't get in the way of it.
Back, Everybody, Back! Onto the platform.
Switch it on, man, switch it on!
Hold that, Jamie.
Which is the connector switch? The connector switch! Come on! We've got to eliminate that creature.
Point it at the creature. Go on!
What's going on?
It's not working!
Give it a minute.
It's not working, I tell you! We're finished!
No! Look!
Behind you! Look behind you! The corridor!
It worked.
Doctor, it worked.
Switch off. Price! Switch off control!
Doctor, you've done it!
Price, I think you better switch off the pipeline link-up.
What about... the weed's nerve centre at the Control Rig?
What about...
Do you think we've destroyed that?
Why don't you go and see?
Mr Price.
Yes, sir.
Send out the company helicopters, right away, to the Control Rig. I want a full report, right away.
Very good, sir.
Well Doctor, I still quite don't know what to say - except thank you.
Miss Jones, that will be more than sufficient.
I still can't believe it.
What's the matter, eh?
I don't know. I'm always frightened...
Well of course.
Oh, Doctor, I can't...
It's all right.
I can't...
Doctor they're safe!
It's all right!
I can't...
They're all safe! We've won! Isn't it marvellous?
Come along Victoria. They're safe. Come and look for yourself.
Maggie! Maggie! Mr, Robson, can you hear me?
Yes, Mr Harris, we can.
Yes, darling, we can hear you.
Good, good. Are you all well? Has the weed gone?
The weed? Oh yes, yes, it's gone.
What about Van Lutyens? I don't suppose you...
He's fine. He's well.
Darling, we're all all right, I promise you.
Quiet everybody, quiet! Mr Robson, we're sending out one of the company helicopters to you right away. You'll be back with us in less than an hour!
Oh, I should have listened to you in the first place, Mr Harris.
Oh I doubt it would have helped. As it turned out, we were lucky we didn't tamper with the weed.
Oh yes.
Well the next time you ask me to get something from your desk, you can do it yourself.
To think I wanted to keep you locked up, Doctor.
Well, lots of people have tried.
They didn't want to.
That was a very splendid dinner, Mrs Harris. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm very tired.
Oh, really. Oh, dear.
See you in the morning, Doctor.
Well um, no. No, as a matter of fact, we must be on our way.
Oh, dear. Where are you going?
Well we haven't quiet decided yet.
Aye, even if we had it wouldn't make any difference. We wouldn't get there. Not with him...
If you're ever around here again, do drop in. And in the front gate this time, just to avoid any unfortunate incidents.
Yes, well.
Bye, Mr Robson.
Goodbye, Mrs Harris.
Goodbye to you, Mr Robson. Well I suppose I think it's time we went. Jamie... a... Victoria...
Hey Victoria. Wakey, wakey.
What's the matter?
You don't want to come with us, do you, Victoria?
I don't know. I don't really want to leave you.
Well, I suspected as much.
Would you mind?
Victoria, you can't...
Just a minute, Jamie. You mean you want to stay here and settle down, um? Well, if you want to, you must.
I'm sorry.
No that's all right.
Mrs Harris, I wonder if you'd mind if Victoria stayed with you for a little while. You see, she's got no parents or home and it is a bit difficult...
Well of course, we'd be delighted to have you for as long as you want to stay.
Oh, would you?
There. Thank you very much. Jamie and I will stay for another day, just in case you want to think again.
Look, we'll talk it over later...
Now, Jamie. She must make up her own mind. It's her own life. It's her decision.
Thank you Rig D. Normal function on all channels. Control checks positive. Closing down now. All communications remain on standby.
All right, Price?
Oh yes, thank you, sir. Back to normal.
Crew's on their way sir.
Bet you could do with a bit of shut-eye, eh?
Oh, I don't know, I think I'm a bit past it.
Go out like a light, eh?
Chief still here?
Yes, in the impeller room, sir.
Goodnight, Price.
Goodnight, sir.
Mr Robson.
Sound as a bell, eh?
Almost, sir.
Still half a point of capacity.
Is it?
The main control valve is slightly damaged. They're working on it now. Be up to our normal output in the morning. There's still one or two minor repairs to be done.
Not tonight, Chief.
Well why not?
Get some sleep. Don't argue. Leave it to the relief.
All right.
Where do you lot think you're going? There's another three minutes before your relief arrives.
Nice to know you're back to normal, sir.
If I didn't know you better, Chief, I would swear you were giving me lip.
Oh, I wouldn't dream of doing that, sir.
Wouldn't you? Goodnight, Chief.
Goodnight, sir.
Are you not tired?
No. No, I'm fine. I'm not tired at all.
Do you know what the Doctor's just gone and done?
He's only gone down the beach for a swim. He gets worse. You're still not sure, are you?
Yes. But it doesn't make it any easier leaving you and the Doctor.
Aye, we've been together a long time now. Has the Doctor said anything to you?
No. No. You know what he's like, he wouldn't. He believes in people making up their own mind.
Oh, Victoria. Do you think you'll be happy here?
Oh, I think so. The... The Harrises are very nice people.
Yes, I know that, but they're not from your time, are they?
I wouldn't be at ease back in Victorian times. I have no parents or family left there anyway.
Aye, that's true. Oh, well.
You wouldn't go... without saying goodbye, would you?
Of course not. That won't be till the morning anyway. Goodnight, Victoria.
Goodnight, Jamie.
We can't just leave her!
We're not leaving her, Jamie. It was her decision to stay.
She'll be perfectly all right with the Harrises. Now don't worry so much.
I'm not, I'm just... och, come on, let's go.
Well, where would you like to go?
Hmm? I couldn't care less.
I was fond of her too, you know, Jamie!
It's Robson!
Come in, Doctor. I've been waiting for you.
What do you want with me?
You are going to help our new masters. They need you.
They need me?
Jamie! Doctor!
You are going to help...
...with the conquest of the human planet.
Don't you realise what they've done to you? They're trying to control your mind, man!
The mind does not exist. It is tired. It is dead. It is obsolete. Only our new masters can offer us life.
Matter will never conquer mind! It's against the law of nature!
The body does not exist. Soon we shall all be one.
Jamie, hurry! Hurry, Jamie!
You cannot escape. You must join us. You must join us. You will join us.
Scream again, Victoria!
No... No... No... Stop... Stop! Stop! Stop!
Oh Doctor!
Come along, it's time we got out of here.
The door?
Yes, should we lock him in?
No, no. I think it's all right now. The helicopter's waiting, come along. Mind the stairs. They're slippery.
Well where's the helicopter then?
I can't see anything except this awful foam.
Don't worry, Victoria, it won't hurt you.
There it is!
Oh, can't he see us?
Probably not.
He's probably just too scared.
Oh Jamie, help me get this hatchway covered. We can't hang around here. The helicopter will never see us.
But we'll never get off the rig without it!
There's Robson's helicopter in there.
But it hasn't got a driver!
I've been dying to get my hands on one of those things. Come on. Come on.
Oh the foam, Doctor! I can't see!
Don't worry, Victoria, we'll soon be out of it.
I hope you know what you're doing.
Well we're airborne, aren't we Jamie? Anyway, ask Victoria. She got kidnapped by one of these things.
That's the only time.
Now don't worry, Victoria. It's a very primitive machine, you know. It should be easy to control.
Doctor, look out!
Oh, no!
Well, that's strange.
Well I was always... under the impression that you couldn't loop the loop in a helicopter.
Switch back. Switch back. Nose down a bit. Go on. Right pedal down.
Right pedal.
Right pedal down! Not too much, not too much. Try and keep the nose on the horizon. Okay... okay... now it's too much! Switch back! Switch back! Switch back, you want to come up now. Come on, you're getting too near the water. Much too near the water. Switch back... switch back... pull her up... switch back! Switch back quickly! You're about to hit the water. Now try and keep still and let me think for a while. Okay, now pull her up. Switch back! Switch back! quickly, switch back! Listen to me. Now try and keep the control central.
Yes, thank you so much. Oh, just one thing! I've got it up all right and it should be comparatively simple to propel it forward. However, how do I land it?
It's no good. We won't hear from the Doctor or any of them. We must evacuate the compound.
No! We said an hour. He's got... ten more minutes.
But even if he does come back, what good could he do? The only possible weapon we could have used against the weed has been destroyed.
That was your entire stock of oxygen, was it?
Right. Perkins, get onto London to the Defence Minister. I want a full red alert on this now. Tell him what's happened and ask him to arrange for as many tankers of oxygen as he can muster to be sent here immediately.
Yes, Miss Jones.
They won't be in time. We must evacuate the compound! The pipeline room is a mass of weed and foam. You've seen how rapidly it reproduces. It could swamp the entire compound at any moment.
It could! But it hasn't yet!
And when it...
And until it does, we stay here!
And when it does attack, how do you expect to fight it? With what weapons?
Perhaps I can answer those questions, Mr Harris.
Doctor! Oh, thank heavens you're alive.
What about Robson, did you find him?
Aye, we found him all right.
And my wife?
Well we didn't see her, no.
No! There's not much hope, is there? What can we do? How can we fight this hideous thing?
You say there's not much hope. I believe there is!
But even if we succeed in fighting off the weed, what about... what about those people already affected by it?
Well on our way back here we stopped of at the Medicare Centre. The man that Jamie fought with in the corridor has almost completely recovered.
Yes, the weed growth on his arm has disappeared and died. He's bemused, he's dazed, but he's alive!
How? Why? What killed the weed?
Noise! Sound vibrations.
How did you find out?
Victoria discovered it.
I did?
Well yes, you screamed.
I screamed?
It's her scream, her particular pattern of sound that does the trick!
So that's why the crews on the rigs spoke softly. The noise affected them.
Very possibly. Now, before you evacuate this compound, just give me one half hour.
Mr Harris, it is too great, sir. The entire compound is alive with seaweed.
Half an hour won't make that much difference. Doctor, what is it that we can do?
We make a noise, Miss Jones, we make an awful lot of noise!
It's too late, we'll never stop it now!
But we've got to, it may be too late!
It's impossible, I tell you. It's seeping in from every corner of the compound.
Yes, but if we can destroy the weed's nerve centre.
But you said yourself that you don't know where the nerve centre is.
But we do! It's here!
That's the Control Rig.
Precisely! We must generate enough sound to penetrate the Control Rig.
But how will you get it there?
That way! Through the pipeline. This is a habit. This is the only way to help your wife and all those other people.
I realise that, but there isn't time.
But please, just one half hour!
What's happening in the pipeline room?
Half an hour?
Yes, that's about all we've got. But you're right - we must try.
Oh, thank you. Now then, Mr Price, where do all these big leads go to, um?
The transmitters and loud speakers down below, sir.
I see.
What's this all about, Doctor?
Well if we can boost this equipment to transmit enough sound down the pipeline, we can destroy the weed's nerve centre.
But do you think this idea will work?
Have you got a tape recorder or some such thing?
Yes, I think so.
Victoria, I want you to scream.
He will record it. Make a loop of it so that we can repeat it endlessly.
Right, sir. What have we got here..?
I hope he knows what he's doing.
Of course he does - I think.
Mr Harris, the impeller shaft. You men, quick!
Oh come on, Doctor!
Look, there!
Take these magnetised speakers and attach them to the pipeline over there. Jamie, give me a hand.
Right, ready miss. Now, scream into this. Now.
What now?
Yes, yes. There's not a moment to lose.
I can't. It's silly.
No, no. Please... please do help a little.
Oh, Doctor!
What's the matter, Victoria?
She can't scream, sir.
Oh no! Oh Victoria, that's ridiculous!
Jamie, you can't scream just like that!
Everything depends upon you screaming!
There you are. I knew you could.
Run! Don't just stand there!
Get out of the way, Jamie! Keep away!
Jamie, keep away! Jamie!
All release valves open! Quick!
What are you doing, man?
I'm going to save the lives of an awful lot of people, Miss Jones. Close feed lines one to six! Come on, man!
You mean you're giving up? You're evacuating?
Open your eyes, Miss Jones, can't you see what's happening? We're gradually being strangled. I can't risk the lives of these men here any longer.
Just a few more minutes, please Mr Harris. The scream is ready.
And Mr Harris...
All right, all right, what do you want us to do?
Now then, I've attached the speakers to the pipeline. Victoria's scream will be put through this.
What... what does that do?
Well it's a little toy of my own. Together with the amplifiers, yes... it should produce a sonic laser sound wave.
You mean like a laser light beam?
Yes, passing through the pipes. It will destroy the nerve centre of the weed.
Will it destroy the weed here?
Well unfortunately no. No, we have to do battle with that ourselves.
With these, Mr Price.
With what?
If a weed's detected here, we simply point these at them and hope for the best. Now, for heaven's sake, don't get in the way of the speakers, the sound'll cut you to pieces! Look there!
Look at the other two. There's another one.
Chief! Chief, quick!
Doctor, how many is that? I thought that there was only one... monster.
Oh no!
I can't get the other two.
It's making for the corridor.
How many...
Chief! Chief, quick!
There you are, that's it.
Back, Chief.
Full Alert!
Close all doors!
Steady on.
I'm in charge! Close all doors!
Those doors won't hold!
Point this at the monster but don't get in the way of it.
Back, Everybody, Back! Onto the platform.
Switch it on, man, switch it on!
Hold that, Jamie.
Which is the connector switch? The connector switch! Come on! We've got to eliminate that creature.
Point it at the creature. Go on!
What's going on?
It's not working!
Give it a minute.
It's not working, I tell you! We're finished!
No! Look!
Behind you! Look behind you! The corridor!
It worked.
Doctor, it worked.
Switch off. Price! Switch off control!
Doctor, you've done it!
Price, I think you better switch off the pipeline link-up.
What about... the weed's nerve centre at the Control Rig?
What about...
Do you think we've destroyed that?
Why don't you go and see?
Mr Price.
Yes, sir.
Send out the company helicopters, right away, to the Control Rig. I want a full report, right away.
Very good, sir.
Well Doctor, I still quite don't know what to say - except thank you.
Miss Jones, that will be more than sufficient.
I still can't believe it.
What's the matter, eh?
I don't know. I'm always frightened...
Well of course.
Oh, Doctor, I can't...
It's all right.
I can't...
Doctor they're safe!
It's all right!
I can't...
They're all safe! We've won! Isn't it marvellous?
Come along Victoria. They're safe. Come and look for yourself.
Maggie! Maggie! Mr, Robson, can you hear me?
Yes, Mr Harris, we can.
Yes, darling, we can hear you.
Good, good. Are you all well? Has the weed gone?
The weed? Oh yes, yes, it's gone.
What about Van Lutyens? I don't suppose you...
He's fine. He's well.
Darling, we're all all right, I promise you.
Quiet everybody, quiet! Mr Robson, we're sending out one of the company helicopters to you right away. You'll be back with us in less than an hour!
Oh, I should have listened to you in the first place, Mr Harris.
Oh I doubt it would have helped. As it turned out, we were lucky we didn't tamper with the weed.
Oh yes.
Well the next time you ask me to get something from your desk, you can do it yourself.
To think I wanted to keep you locked up, Doctor.
Well, lots of people have tried.
They didn't want to.
That was a very splendid dinner, Mrs Harris. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm very tired.
Oh, really. Oh, dear.
See you in the morning, Doctor.
Well um, no. No, as a matter of fact, we must be on our way.
Oh, dear. Where are you going?
Well we haven't quiet decided yet.
Aye, even if we had it wouldn't make any difference. We wouldn't get there. Not with him...
If you're ever around here again, do drop in. And in the front gate this time, just to avoid any unfortunate incidents.
Yes, well.
Bye, Mr Robson.
Goodbye, Mrs Harris.
Goodbye to you, Mr Robson. Well I suppose I think it's time we went. Jamie... a... Victoria...
Hey Victoria. Wakey, wakey.
What's the matter?
You don't want to come with us, do you, Victoria?
I don't know. I don't really want to leave you.
Well, I suspected as much.
Would you mind?
Victoria, you can't...
Just a minute, Jamie. You mean you want to stay here and settle down, um? Well, if you want to, you must.
I'm sorry.
No that's all right.
Mrs Harris, I wonder if you'd mind if Victoria stayed with you for a little while. You see, she's got no parents or home and it is a bit difficult...
Well of course, we'd be delighted to have you for as long as you want to stay.
Oh, would you?
There. Thank you very much. Jamie and I will stay for another day, just in case you want to think again.
Look, we'll talk it over later...
Now, Jamie. She must make up her own mind. It's her own life. It's her decision.
Thank you Rig D. Normal function on all channels. Control checks positive. Closing down now. All communications remain on standby.
All right, Price?
Oh yes, thank you, sir. Back to normal.
Crew's on their way sir.
Bet you could do with a bit of shut-eye, eh?
Oh, I don't know, I think I'm a bit past it.
Go out like a light, eh?
Chief still here?
Yes, in the impeller room, sir.
Goodnight, Price.
Goodnight, sir.
Mr Robson.
Sound as a bell, eh?
Almost, sir.
Still half a point of capacity.
Is it?
The main control valve is slightly damaged. They're working on it now. Be up to our normal output in the morning. There's still one or two minor repairs to be done.
Not tonight, Chief.
Well why not?
Get some sleep. Don't argue. Leave it to the relief.
All right.
Where do you lot think you're going? There's another three minutes before your relief arrives.
Nice to know you're back to normal, sir.
If I didn't know you better, Chief, I would swear you were giving me lip.
Oh, I wouldn't dream of doing that, sir.
Wouldn't you? Goodnight, Chief.
Goodnight, sir.
Are you not tired?
No. No, I'm fine. I'm not tired at all.
Do you know what the Doctor's just gone and done?
He's only gone down the beach for a swim. He gets worse. You're still not sure, are you?
Yes. But it doesn't make it any easier leaving you and the Doctor.
Aye, we've been together a long time now. Has the Doctor said anything to you?
No. No. You know what he's like, he wouldn't. He believes in people making up their own mind.
Oh, Victoria. Do you think you'll be happy here?
Oh, I think so. The... The Harrises are very nice people.
Yes, I know that, but they're not from your time, are they?
I wouldn't be at ease back in Victorian times. I have no parents or family left there anyway.
Aye, that's true. Oh, well.
You wouldn't go... without saying goodbye, would you?
Of course not. That won't be till the morning anyway. Goodnight, Victoria.
Goodnight, Jamie.
We can't just leave her!
We're not leaving her, Jamie. It was her decision to stay.
She'll be perfectly all right with the Harrises. Now don't worry so much.
I'm not, I'm just... och, come on, let's go.
Well, where would you like to go?
Hmm? I couldn't care less.
I was fond of her too, you know, Jamie!