Doctor Who (1963–1989): Season 4, Episode 7 - The Tenth Planet: Episode 3 - full transcript

With the Doctor out of action, it is up to Polly, Ben and Barclay to stop Cutler using the Z-Bomb and devastating half the world.

Sincro: wyxchari

Yes sir, it's er, er... There are hundreds of them, sir!

Hundreds of what, man?

Spaceships sir. In formation!

Spaceships. That means only one thing, more Cybermen. Dyson, see if you can get hold of Zeus 5, I want to speak to my son.

Trying now, sir.

What's the matter, Doctor?

Doctor, what's the matter?

What's happened to him?

Ben, do something quickly.

Yeah, he needs medical help and quick.


Yes, what is it?

It's the Doctor, he's passed out, he's ill!

Look, I've got enough on my plate without worrying about him. Get him down to one of the cabins and look after him. You, give him a hand.

Yes, sir.

Coming through now, sir.


Snowcap to Zeus 5, Snowcap to Zeus 5, how do you read me?

Zeus 5 to Snowcap, reading you loud and clear, over.

Give me that. Hello, son. Zeus 5, are you experiencing any power loss?

Hey, that voice sounds familiar.

Repeat, any power loss?

You sound very het up down there. Yeah, there's some loss of power when I'm in orbit on the same side of this new planet but, er, it picks up again on the far side. I guess I'm shielded there. Er, what happened to Williams and Schultz?

Well, um, you won't be meeting up and docking with them now, there's been a little trouble. Er, what we have to do is get you down now.

Oh, a fine time he picks for a kip.

Come on Polly, we must get back to the control room.

We can't leave him.

He seems all right, his pulse and breathing are normal.

I don't understand it. He just seems to be worn out.

Well look, there's nothing we can do till the quack gets here anyway, come on.

All right.

Yes well, let me know if there's any change. Now look son, we're getting readings on our screens down here of a large formation of spaceships. Have you seen anything up there?

Sounds kinda spooky. No, I've nothing to report so far.

They're on your orbit about... 30 miles below you.

No, I can't see anything, but er, it's pretty dark down there.

Keep your eyes open and report any sightings immediately, OK?

Check, sir.

Now take care son. We'll get you down as soon as we can. Out.

What do we do now?

I hope I'm right. Now listen men, the situation as I see it is this: we've got three major problems on our hands. One, my son has been sent up on a foolhardy mission and we've got to get him down. Two, another visit from these creatures is almost a certainty. Three, the Earth is being drained of it's energy by this so-called planet Mondas whatever it's called.

Well there's nothing we can do about any of them.

That's where you're wrong, Mr Dyson, we can do something. We can destroy Mondas.

But that's impossible!

Impossible is not in my vocabulary, Dr Barclay.

And just how do you propose to do it?

By using the Z-bomb.

You can't do that!

I can and I will.

What about the radiation effects on Earth?

That's a risk we'll have to take.

But to use this bomb you'll have to get authority from Geneva.

I'll get authority fella, right now. Get me Geneva.

What is a Z-bomb?

What is it? It's a doomsday weapon mister, and rightly primed it could split that planet in half. There are two or three at strategic positions round the globe; we have one of them and the means of delivering it to Mondas.

Secretary Wigner, sir.


Yes, General?

The expected attack sir, they've been sighted in force.

Yes I know, we've just got reports, they are coming in from all over the world. And to make matters worse, the energy drain is increasing rapidly.

Cutler, you must hold on as best you can.

Yes sir. Request permission sir to take defensive action against this planet.

What action?

The Z-bomb, sir. Mounted in the warhead of the detonator rocket and fired at Mondas it could destroy it.

We can't take the risk. It might have disastrous effects, both on Earth and the atmosphere. We would have to consult our top scientists.

But there isn't time for consultation. Er, this is an emergency!

We must know exactly what we are doing.

But there isn't time, we'll have to take a chance!

No general, you must take no precipitous action. This is quite out of the question.

Yes sir. But you do give me authority to take any action necessary against the Cybermen?

Yes of course, you must do all you can.

Yes sir. Thank you sir.

Right gentlemen, prepare to start the countdown.

But surely you haven't got the authority to use that bomb?!

Secretary Wigner has given me authority to take any steps necessary to stop the Cybermen.

Yeah, but I bet that didn't include using the Z-bomb!

That is my order!

Look, tell him he can't use this bomb, Barclay, we'll all go up with it!

Now look you. Ever since you came into this base you and that old man have poked your noses into things that don't concern you. Well, you have just done it for the last time. You, take them out of here and lock them up with the Doctor.

But just a minute, are you sure there's only one way of dealing with the Cybermen?

As they are about to attack us, yes, I am sure.

But there is another way, to wait!

I don't follow.

Look, the Doctor said that it's not only Earth that's in danger but that Mondas itself is in far greater danger. Otherwise, why have they bothered coming here?

And just how did he figure that out? It's draining energy from the Earth, isn't it?

Yes, but he said eventually it would absorb too much energy and burn itself out. Well, shrivel up to nothing. So all we've got to do is wait!

Wait? Sure, wait until these Cybermen friends of yours get here and take over this planet. Oh no, mister, we're not going to wait. We're just going to accelerate the process a little. We're going to make it disappear just a little bit sooner, that's all.

But don't you see, general? A nuclear explosion on Mondas would deliver a terrific blast of radiation, enough to destroy all the life on the side of the earth facing it. It might even turn into a sun, a sort of supernova, and it would certainly destroy the space capsule.

That's a risk we'll have to take. So far as the capsule's concerned, Dr Barclay, you are going to program that bomb so that it hits Mondas at a time when my son's orbit has taken him to the far side of the Earth!

But there are no guarantees of success.

I'm not arguing, Dr.

They're coming in closer, sir.

I'm coming with you.

No love, you stay here.

But what about the Doctor?

Look, I'll look after him. You heard what Barclay said, I think he's scared, so work on him, get him on our side.

All right.

All right, Barclay, the bomb. Well?

You'll have to be present at the fusing, General. Dyson is not allowed to do it without you.

OK Dyson, let's get on with it.

Can I stay and help?

What do you think you could do?

Well, I could make some coffee or something.

Oh all right, I suppose we could do with some. Now, don't lose contact with my son and keep track of those Cybermen. Let me know the moment an attack is imminent.

Yes sir.

Doctor! Doctor! Oh, what's the use?

There must be a way out of here somewhere.

Oh, they didn't make locks like that in 1966.

Hey, wait a minute!

I wonder where this leads to?

Right, we'll fuse it now.

Yes sir.

Well, come on Barclay. What are we waiting for?

Last minute checks, sir.

This little baby's gonna solve all our problems.

Yes, sir.

Well at least you agree with me, Dyson.

If we get this away, do you think we stand any chance, sir?

What do you mean, there's no alternative?

The old man could be right, it might be better to wait.

Wait nothing. History is littered with guys who waited, and where did it get them? Nowhere.

There are the radiation effects. I mean, nothing is known, the results of this bomb could be quite fantastic.

Haha! You've never talked so much since you came to the base, Dyson. What's the matter, you scared?

No, not exactly.

Come on man, admit it. I am. I'm scared for that son of mine. That's why we've got to get this thing away.

Otherwise we'll never get him down. Well come on you fellas, time's short, let's get moving.

We can start now.


Ready? Right. Seven, two, four, six, eight, eight, two...

Hell. Still can't raise that Terry Cutler, sir.

Well keep trying man, keep trying.

Snowcap to Zeus 5, Snowcap to Zeus 5, come in please.

Let me know the instant you hear from him.

Yes sir.

How do you like your coffee?

Oh, as it comes.

Are you trying to get in touch with General Cutler's son?

Look, you just keep your mind on making coffee, will you.

I'm sorry, that was rude. You must be scared stiff with all this happening.

I am rather.

Well, try not to worry about it.

If Mondas turns into a sun and pours out deadly radiation, how much will it affect us?

I don't know, it may not affect us at all.

That's not what you said just now.

I know, but I'm not at all certain what would happen.

But what could happen?

Well, the radiation could affect us, and that means a certain loss of life. And the vegetation would, well suffer badly for many years.

And you're prepared to just let this happen?

Well what can I do, Cutler holds all the cards.

13 minutes to countdown, Dr Barclay.


Can't we wait, fight off the Cybermen until Mondas is destroyed? It would probably mean the end of Cutler's son, but that's one life against millions.

Yes, but what can I do? If I don't follow the general's orders he's bound to, well, carry on on his own without me. You know, he's a very ruthless man.

Can't we pretend to follow his orders, but in fact make sure the rocket doesn't go off?

Anything to report?

Yes sir, the signal on the screen is still there, 1500 miles north north-east.

It's been stationary for the last ten minutes.

Let me know the moment it starts to move.

Yes sir.

Any word from my son?

We can't seem to raise him, sir.


The signal sir, it's moving. Coming in fast, course 0-1-5.

Where's it heading?

Straight for here, sir.


Must be.

Anti missile battery?

No. No, I've got a better idea. We'll let them land and then ambush them with their own weapons.

Put the whole base on red alert.

Very good, sir.

Now hear this. All base to red alert, repeat, all base to red alert.

Security... Major, put section one under snow camouflage and issue them with the captured Cybermen weapons. Report to me on R/T when complete.

How long to countdown?

Ten minutes.

They'll be here by then. We'll have to hold them off, then proceed with the normal launching.


Bomb's in position, sir, will you check it now?


We've just got time before the battle commences.

Quick, now's our chance.

For what?

To go and see Ben, we need the others to help. Hurry, before it's too late.


Strewth, you gave me a turn then, duchess.

How is he?

Oh, he's just the same.

The quack's been to see him, he says he'll be all right, though.

Dr Barclay's going to help us.

Oh, good. Now look, is there anything we can do to stop this rocket?

Well, it can be immobilised quite simply if we can get into the rocket silo.

Well, can't you?

No, it's under constant guard. If I or anyone else tried to tamper with the controls we'd be discovered immediately.

Well, is there any other way in?

No... Wait a minute!


There is one way. I designed this part of the base. That ventilator shaft leads straight into the rocket silo. But I doubt if I could get into it, it would be a tight squeeze.

But I might! Though if it leads into the rocket silo, would I need a radiation suit?

No, that part is screened. But there's a guard outside and an engineer checking instruments inside.

Well couldn't we distract him, get him outside?

Perhaps. Now look, this is what you would have to do.


Along the side of the rocket...


Just level with the walkway, there is a panel marked Plug Servo Leads. You'll need a screwdriver.

Oh, well I've got this knife.

Oh, that will do. Now, unscrew the panel and inside you will see four small plugs. Take out any one of them and snip off a pin and put it back.

What'll that do?

Well, the fuel pump pressure will fall to zero at blast off.

You mean the engines won't work? But I mean, won't they discover it?

Not in six months! It's not the sort of fault they look for.

The Cybermen. Now look, this is what you have to do.

You come out of the ventilation shaft, down a ladder at the side...

I wish you'd wake up.

Well that's accounted for that lot.

Tell them to bring the captured weapons down to the guard room.



Where's Barclay?

I don't know sir, he wasn't here when I got back.

Know where he went?

Maybe to the rocket silo.


Mr Burns, check my figures on the second stage boosting.


What are you doing here, Dr Barclay?

General, I... I, I, I, was just checking these... with Haynes.


All right. Get him down to the tracking room.

You, check that rocket, see if he's done anything.

I can explain this, general.

Yes, I'm sure. Right now you're coming with me, I need you. We'll talk about this after that rocket's gone.

Now, listen, I am warning you. If that rocket doesn't take off for Mondas, if my son's life is in jeopardy because of him... I'll take the law into my own hands. That goes for you too, Dr Barclay. You'd just better make a good job on that launch. OK, start the countdown.

Preliminary checks are not complete, general.

See if you can get through to my son again.

Snowcap to Zeus 5, Snowcap to Zeus 5, come in please.

Zeus 5 to Snowcap, reading you loud and clear, over.

Give it to me.

Son... Son, have you seen any sign of those spacecraft yet?

No, I haven't seen a thing, there's ah, just me up here at the moment, ah, all on my lonesome.

Ah, well watch it. They move mighty fast.

Well, when are you going to bring me down?

Well we... can't do it just yet, you'll have to hold on. We have to deal with Mondas first.

Hey, wait a minute. The capsule's getting a little slow on the controls.

What about your power?

Ah, it ah, loses and then picks up again.

Yes, that's Mondas affecting it. Don't worry son, we'll get you down just as soon as we're able.

Well that can't be too soon for me.

Good luck, son. Out.

Luck. I'm gonna need it.

All systems ready to proceed with countdown, Barclay speaking. Check in please. Silo control.

Ben. Ben, please wake up.


Gantry team.

A1 OK.

Fire control.


Fuel control.

Lovely, check.

Search monitors.


Bomb fuse team.

Completed, check.

Booster guidance.


We are starting at T-minus two minutes starting from... now!

Ben, are you all right?

Oh, ohh! Who's that?

Shh, keep your voice down.

Oh, what happened?

I'll tell you later.

Radar sectors check. T-minus 1-50 and counting.


Did you manage it?

Ah, my head, it's splitting!

Did you, Ben? Try and remember.

I can't think.

T-minus 1-40 and counting. Clear silo. Booster giros... on.

Final clear... we have a fault on range computer. Check circuits.

Stop the countdown!

Does that mean they've found the fault?

I don't know!

What's the matter with those range computers?

Only a minor fault, general. Holding at T-minus 01-35.

It had better be minor, Dr Barclay.

All clear.

Proceed with countdown. Starting from... now.

It's going to fire after all you've done!

T-minus 01-25. Raise the missile.

T-minus 1-05. Everyone out of silo area. Land lines away.

T-minus 50 seconds. Switch firing circuits to auto action.

Will do.

Countdown timing to automatic.

We'll know if you succeeded in just a few seconds.

T-minus 40 seconds.

T-minus 30 seconds.

T-minus 20 seconds.

T-minus 10 seconds.

9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2...