Doctor Who (1963–1989): Season 2, Episode 38 - A Battle of Wits - full transcript
The Doctor manages to escape from his cell and get the upper hand on the Monk but his plans are derailed when Sven and Ulf arrive at the monastery.
Doctor, wake up. We're here.
He's gone. He's gone.
Make him comfortable here, my son.
I'll return soon and tend his wounds.
Oh, thank you, Father.
Well, this is definitely his cloak.
Yes, he was in here all right, Vicki.
What's happened to him?
-The door was locked, wasn't it?
-Of course it was.
You saw me open it myself.
The Monk thought he was in here, too.
What, because the clothes on the bed
hadn't been moved?
Well, it makes sense, doesn't it?
How did he get out?
There's only one possible answer.
-A secret passage.
A secret... Oh, no!
Listen, they always have them
in castles and monasteries and things
in case of siege or fire, or something.
Well, don't just sit there.
Help me look!
Hey, Steven. Come and look at this.
Steven? A loose stone!
What did I say?
Who's a clever girl, then?
WULNOTH: Father? Father, where are you?
(CLEARS THROAT) Coming, my son! Coming!
-How much longer does this thing go on?
-It must go on for quite a way, Vicki,
if only to get clear
of the monastery up there.
It's so damp.
Yes, well,
we'd better get out of here quickly.
You know, we could find
the Doctor at the end of this.
If I know the Doctor,
it's not going to be as simple as that.
Well, from what you've just said,
you've saved me quite a journey.
-To meet your friends, you mean?
-Yes, indeed so.
I told them quite specifically
to meet me outside the Tar...
(STAMMERING) The arranged place.
I was going along to tell them
that I'd come to no harm
whilst I was making investigations,
as we might say.
But, well now,
now you tell me they came here
and they've gone on to the monastery.
I can't think how you missed them.
Oh, it's all perfectly simple.
I left through the rear entrance.
That reminds me, I really think
I ought to be wending my way. Hmm.
It's a good thing I saw the smoke
rising from your fire.
I'm becoming
quite a regular visitor, I think.
-You'll be my only visitor tonight.
But you don't know.
My husband and the men from the village
have gone after the Vikings.
You've seen them and their fleet?
Oh, no, no, not a fleet,
this was just a small band of men.
They must have come from one ship.
Yes, I see. Yes, I see. Hmm.
You speak of a fleet
as though you knew it existed?
What? What was that?
I've already told you, my dear,
that I've learned of varied plans
from all the places
that I've visited before.
-Plans of a Viking invasion?
-Yes, yes, I'm afraid so.
So that's why Harold Godwinson's
struck on forming an army.
Our men have travelled south
already to join it.
I thought it was William of Normandy's
invasion across the Channel,
not a Viking invasion he feared.
Mmm. The Monk in this situation
just can't be a coincidence.
The Monk? Did you say the Monk?
Yes, I must face him.
I realise that I've got far shorter
time than I thought I had.
I'm always leaving you in a hurry,
I'm afraid,
but the matter has some urgency.
Well, won't you stay
and have some venison?
Oh, no, thank you, thank you indeed.
It's very kind of you.
I must go. Yes, goodbye.
Oh, and don't worry, don't worry.
The Vikings will land south of here,
in the Humber.
And King Harold will defeat them.
And then in a few weeks' time,
he loses the battle of Hastings
to William the Conqueror.
Well, at least that's what
the history books said happened.
No, you were right, Vicki.
The Doctor wouldn't wait for us here.
-He must have gone back to the Tardis.
-Yes, probably. You know...
You know, there's something
very peculiar going on.
I've got to accept something,
so, all right,
I accept you've got a time machine...
-Ha! Hooray!
-But the watch,
the gramophone, the Saxons,
it doesn't add up.
It must be something
to do with that Monk.
I think we should
go back to the monastery.
Oh, no.
Because the Doctor will want to
investigate just as much as you,
probably more.
Let's find him
and all three do it together, hmm?
Okay. Go on, you lead the way.
Eldred, you need to swallow these.
-What are those, Father?
-Oh, it's just some penicillin.
It's's a sort of herb.
Wulnoth, I wish you'd take that outside.
This is a monastery. Can't you see
I'm trying to tend a sick man?
Oh, I'm sorry, Father.
Eldred? Eldred?
Eldred? Eldred?
Listen. The Vikings you met,
now if they were a scouting party,
how soon would it be
before the other ships arrived?
If they...
If they were part of the main fleet,
two or three days, Father.
Thank you, thank you, my son.
Two or three days...
I'm on schedule. I'm on schedule.
He'll have to stay here for a while,
Father. He's very weak.
Yes, of course he's weak.
He's lost a lot of blood.
I'd like to give him
a blood transfusion, but...
Blood trans...?
all we can do now for Eldred
-is to wait and pray.
-But, Father...
Now, listen to what I have to say now,
my son.
This is what I want to say.
Take your friend home
and give thanks that
within these sacred walls...
He'll have to stay for a day or two,
Father. He's very weak.
-Stay here?
-Oh, don't worry, Father.
My wife, Edith, will call regularly
and attend to any additional work
and I will come, too, if work permits.
-Now, look here, my son, I...
-Yes, Father?
No, nothing. Nothing, nothing, nothing.
Oh, goodbye and thank you, Father.
Goodbye, my son.
As soon as it's light,
every Saxon for miles around
will be looking for us.
We'll rest here a while,
then travel south.
Why go south?
If we put enough distance between
the Saxons and ourselves,
we can still complete our task.
Sven, we have failed!
Leave it to Radnor.
Let us think of our own safety.
-We were landed here for a reason.
-What good can the two of us do now?
If we meet up with the Saxons again,
they will kill us easily.
And what would you have us do?
We could hide.
-Kill me!
Go on, kill me!
If you don't, the Saxons will.
And you'll be dead, too,
if you don't listen to what I say.
Nothing has changed.
Our army will still land.
Then think what will happen
when we come before the King.
We can meet up with him
once he is inland.
Say we were attacked and held.
Don't pretend that it is only me.
I'm saying what we both think.
Our army will still land,
even if we'd all been killed
back in the forest.
I suppose you've already thought
of a place to hide.
Yes. The monastery.
-And ask for what? Sanctuary?
-They can't refuse us.
And even if they do,
you'd rather do battle
-with a band of monks than with Saxons?
-They'll hide us.
Once inside, we can take hostages.
If you thought as much of our task
as you did of your own safety...
And yours, Sven. And yours.
Sight Vikings, ah, we're up to date,
we're up to date.
Now then, light beacon fires.
I can get the villagers
to help me with that.
(CHUCKLES) Everything's going on
According to plan!
Now to convert this ridiculous thing
into miles.
Absurd measurement, miles, kilometres...
I don't know where they are.
Oh. Oh, no more visitors.
It's getting so
you can't call a monastery your own!
All right! All right! I'm coming!
I have a Winchester '73
right in the middle of your spinal cord.
I thought I'd seen
the last of you, Doctor.
Oh, did you now? Well, as it happens,
I happen to be a very curious fellow.
Yes, very curious.
Now then, I have some questions for you
and I want them answered. Continue, hmm?
It was somewhere about here.
I can't tell for certain,
but I think this is an easy way down.
-The tide. Steven, the tide's come in.
-Yes, well, it usually does.
Yes, but the Tardis was down there.
Oh, no, the tide.
Nobody thought of that.
-It's a bit late to think of it now.
-Yes, but what shall we do?
Look, if the Doctor came back here,
he'd have moved it.
He wouldn't have left it on the beach.
The only way the Doctor could move
the Tardis would be to dematerialise.
If the Doctor left here in the Tardis,
he couldn't get back.
Oh, it can't be that, it can't be.
Look, there's no point
in us sitting here.
I think we should go back
to the monastery.
The monastery.
What's the point of that now?
At least we'd be doing
something practical.
Whatever's happened down there,
has happened.
-There's no point in moping about it.
-I'm not moping!
You don't know what the Tardis meant.
Come on.
What's this?
-Vicki, come and take a look at this.
Just come and look!
-What do you make of that?
-It's a...
It's a gun of sorts.
Trained out to sea,
hidden by the bushes.
Look, in Saxon times,
they used swords and bows and arrows,
not things like this, didn't they?
Yes, you're right.
The Monk, it must be.
You still say there's no point
in going back to the monastery? Come on.
All right. That will do.
You know, I believe we've come through
this corridor twice already.
It's no use you playing for time,
you know. I want some answers.
Uh-uh. Now, I wouldn't do that
if I were you.
This may not be a gun, but I can still
do you a considerable amount of harm.
Oh, a man of violence.
I'm surprised at you.
Never mind about all that. What is it
you're doing here. What are you up to?
-The door. I must go.
-Just leave that, shall we? Hmm?
-If I don't go, they'll get suspicious.
-Then we'll both go.
I'll open the door,
then I can keep an eye on you, hmm?
You open the door?
No, Doctor, that's not a very good idea.
Oh, isn't it? Why not?
Because you're not wearing
the right sort of clothes.
Oh, yes, I see, I see.
First, you want to open the door,
then you want the chance
to reverse the position
with the help of whoever it is outside.
Secondly, you want to get me
into a monk's habit,
so that whoever that is,
would recognise me as an impostor.
Dear me, dear me, what
an untrusting nature you have, my son.
Yes, and you can drop the monk's act.
I'm only trying to help.
Whoever it is, it's probably
a traveller knocking for shelter.
Who else could it be?
Doctor, I must remind you
this is a monastery,
a place of refuge, sanctuary.
Yes. Very well, if you have another
cloak with the same type of cowl?
-Proceed, hmm?
-Of course.
And remember, no more monkery.
Wait there and be quiet.
It suits you.
What is the meaning of this, sir?
-Silence, you old fool.
This is no way to treat
a man in my position.
Quiet, old man.
This cell will do. Lock him in here.
There's no key. You guard him.
I'll give our terms
to the rest of the monks.
Hide us or he dies.
It all looks so different in daylight.
Aha! Here it is.
Oh, don't tell me we have to
crawl down that thing again.
Well, we can hardly go
and knock on the front door now, can we?
-I suppose not.
-Come on.
Ulf? Ulf?
(CHUCKLING) My dear man,
you had me quite worried.
I thought you were never coming in.
Wulnoth? Wulnoth, are you there?
Oh, it's you, Father.
I'm sorry to call so early, my child,
-but I must speak to your husband.
-Is anything wrong with Eldred?
-No, no. No, Eldred is splendid.
No, Wulnoth, I've come here
to ask for your help
-and that of the men of the village.
-Oh, we'll help if we can, Father.
Oh, you can, Wulnoth,
you most certainly can.
I'd have come here a bit later,
but it seems I'm going to be
rather busy up at the monastery.
What is it you want us to do?
Prepare beacon fires on the cliff tops.
Beacon fires?
Oh, don't worry, don't worry, Wulnoth.
I'm expecting some building materials
for reconstructing the monastery.
They're coming by sea and I promised
I'd give the ship our exact location.
Well, when are you expecting the ship?
It'll take a little while
to prepare a beacon.
In a day or two, maybe three.
Now, Wulnoth, you will light the fires
when I ask, won't you,
and keep them burning?
If you say so, Father.
Splendid. Splendid.
Now I must go back to the monastery.
Eldred needs rather special care.
Good day, my children.
-Good day, Father.
-Good day, Father.
What did the old man say of the Vikings?
He spoke of a planned invasion
of many hundred ships.
Beacon fires on the cliff tops.
A Viking?
Well, whoever he is,
he's lost an argument with somebody.
Anyway, we can't bother about it.
Let's go and have a look around.
What are we looking for anyway?
Oh, we'll know when we find it,
won't we?
You're still here, are you? Good.
All I've got to do now
is to take care of you,
your friend and the Doctor.
Oh, by the way,
you'll be pleased to know
I've arranged the fires
for your colleagues.
There you are, my dear fellow.
I knew you'd come back.
Now which fires? What are they for? Hmm?
It's going to take us hours
to search this place properly.
Hey, Steven. Look at this.
I think it's a cable.
It is.
Well, that's strange.
What's it doing coming out of here?
-A door!
-Let me have a look.
We can get inside.
It's a Tardis! The Monk's got a Tardis.
Doctor, wake up. We're here.
He's gone. He's gone.
Make him comfortable here, my son.
I'll return soon and tend his wounds.
Oh, thank you, Father.
Well, this is definitely his cloak.
Yes, he was in here all right, Vicki.
What's happened to him?
-The door was locked, wasn't it?
-Of course it was.
You saw me open it myself.
The Monk thought he was in here, too.
What, because the clothes on the bed
hadn't been moved?
Well, it makes sense, doesn't it?
How did he get out?
There's only one possible answer.
-A secret passage.
A secret... Oh, no!
Listen, they always have them
in castles and monasteries and things
in case of siege or fire, or something.
Well, don't just sit there.
Help me look!
Hey, Steven. Come and look at this.
Steven? A loose stone!
What did I say?
Who's a clever girl, then?
WULNOTH: Father? Father, where are you?
(CLEARS THROAT) Coming, my son! Coming!
-How much longer does this thing go on?
-It must go on for quite a way, Vicki,
if only to get clear
of the monastery up there.
It's so damp.
Yes, well,
we'd better get out of here quickly.
You know, we could find
the Doctor at the end of this.
If I know the Doctor,
it's not going to be as simple as that.
Well, from what you've just said,
you've saved me quite a journey.
-To meet your friends, you mean?
-Yes, indeed so.
I told them quite specifically
to meet me outside the Tar...
(STAMMERING) The arranged place.
I was going along to tell them
that I'd come to no harm
whilst I was making investigations,
as we might say.
But, well now,
now you tell me they came here
and they've gone on to the monastery.
I can't think how you missed them.
Oh, it's all perfectly simple.
I left through the rear entrance.
That reminds me, I really think
I ought to be wending my way. Hmm.
It's a good thing I saw the smoke
rising from your fire.
I'm becoming
quite a regular visitor, I think.
-You'll be my only visitor tonight.
But you don't know.
My husband and the men from the village
have gone after the Vikings.
You've seen them and their fleet?
Oh, no, no, not a fleet,
this was just a small band of men.
They must have come from one ship.
Yes, I see. Yes, I see. Hmm.
You speak of a fleet
as though you knew it existed?
What? What was that?
I've already told you, my dear,
that I've learned of varied plans
from all the places
that I've visited before.
-Plans of a Viking invasion?
-Yes, yes, I'm afraid so.
So that's why Harold Godwinson's
struck on forming an army.
Our men have travelled south
already to join it.
I thought it was William of Normandy's
invasion across the Channel,
not a Viking invasion he feared.
Mmm. The Monk in this situation
just can't be a coincidence.
The Monk? Did you say the Monk?
Yes, I must face him.
I realise that I've got far shorter
time than I thought I had.
I'm always leaving you in a hurry,
I'm afraid,
but the matter has some urgency.
Well, won't you stay
and have some venison?
Oh, no, thank you, thank you indeed.
It's very kind of you.
I must go. Yes, goodbye.
Oh, and don't worry, don't worry.
The Vikings will land south of here,
in the Humber.
And King Harold will defeat them.
And then in a few weeks' time,
he loses the battle of Hastings
to William the Conqueror.
Well, at least that's what
the history books said happened.
No, you were right, Vicki.
The Doctor wouldn't wait for us here.
-He must have gone back to the Tardis.
-Yes, probably. You know...
You know, there's something
very peculiar going on.
I've got to accept something,
so, all right,
I accept you've got a time machine...
-Ha! Hooray!
-But the watch,
the gramophone, the Saxons,
it doesn't add up.
It must be something
to do with that Monk.
I think we should
go back to the monastery.
Oh, no.
Because the Doctor will want to
investigate just as much as you,
probably more.
Let's find him
and all three do it together, hmm?
Okay. Go on, you lead the way.
Eldred, you need to swallow these.
-What are those, Father?
-Oh, it's just some penicillin.
It's's a sort of herb.
Wulnoth, I wish you'd take that outside.
This is a monastery. Can't you see
I'm trying to tend a sick man?
Oh, I'm sorry, Father.
Eldred? Eldred?
Eldred? Eldred?
Listen. The Vikings you met,
now if they were a scouting party,
how soon would it be
before the other ships arrived?
If they...
If they were part of the main fleet,
two or three days, Father.
Thank you, thank you, my son.
Two or three days...
I'm on schedule. I'm on schedule.
He'll have to stay here for a while,
Father. He's very weak.
Yes, of course he's weak.
He's lost a lot of blood.
I'd like to give him
a blood transfusion, but...
Blood trans...?
all we can do now for Eldred
-is to wait and pray.
-But, Father...
Now, listen to what I have to say now,
my son.
This is what I want to say.
Take your friend home
and give thanks that
within these sacred walls...
He'll have to stay for a day or two,
Father. He's very weak.
-Stay here?
-Oh, don't worry, Father.
My wife, Edith, will call regularly
and attend to any additional work
and I will come, too, if work permits.
-Now, look here, my son, I...
-Yes, Father?
No, nothing. Nothing, nothing, nothing.
Oh, goodbye and thank you, Father.
Goodbye, my son.
As soon as it's light,
every Saxon for miles around
will be looking for us.
We'll rest here a while,
then travel south.
Why go south?
If we put enough distance between
the Saxons and ourselves,
we can still complete our task.
Sven, we have failed!
Leave it to Radnor.
Let us think of our own safety.
-We were landed here for a reason.
-What good can the two of us do now?
If we meet up with the Saxons again,
they will kill us easily.
And what would you have us do?
We could hide.
-Kill me!
Go on, kill me!
If you don't, the Saxons will.
And you'll be dead, too,
if you don't listen to what I say.
Nothing has changed.
Our army will still land.
Then think what will happen
when we come before the King.
We can meet up with him
once he is inland.
Say we were attacked and held.
Don't pretend that it is only me.
I'm saying what we both think.
Our army will still land,
even if we'd all been killed
back in the forest.
I suppose you've already thought
of a place to hide.
Yes. The monastery.
-And ask for what? Sanctuary?
-They can't refuse us.
And even if they do,
you'd rather do battle
-with a band of monks than with Saxons?
-They'll hide us.
Once inside, we can take hostages.
If you thought as much of our task
as you did of your own safety...
And yours, Sven. And yours.
Sight Vikings, ah, we're up to date,
we're up to date.
Now then, light beacon fires.
I can get the villagers
to help me with that.
(CHUCKLES) Everything's going on
According to plan!
Now to convert this ridiculous thing
into miles.
Absurd measurement, miles, kilometres...
I don't know where they are.
Oh. Oh, no more visitors.
It's getting so
you can't call a monastery your own!
All right! All right! I'm coming!
I have a Winchester '73
right in the middle of your spinal cord.
I thought I'd seen
the last of you, Doctor.
Oh, did you now? Well, as it happens,
I happen to be a very curious fellow.
Yes, very curious.
Now then, I have some questions for you
and I want them answered. Continue, hmm?
It was somewhere about here.
I can't tell for certain,
but I think this is an easy way down.
-The tide. Steven, the tide's come in.
-Yes, well, it usually does.
Yes, but the Tardis was down there.
Oh, no, the tide.
Nobody thought of that.
-It's a bit late to think of it now.
-Yes, but what shall we do?
Look, if the Doctor came back here,
he'd have moved it.
He wouldn't have left it on the beach.
The only way the Doctor could move
the Tardis would be to dematerialise.
If the Doctor left here in the Tardis,
he couldn't get back.
Oh, it can't be that, it can't be.
Look, there's no point
in us sitting here.
I think we should go back
to the monastery.
The monastery.
What's the point of that now?
At least we'd be doing
something practical.
Whatever's happened down there,
has happened.
-There's no point in moping about it.
-I'm not moping!
You don't know what the Tardis meant.
Come on.
What's this?
-Vicki, come and take a look at this.
Just come and look!
-What do you make of that?
-It's a...
It's a gun of sorts.
Trained out to sea,
hidden by the bushes.
Look, in Saxon times,
they used swords and bows and arrows,
not things like this, didn't they?
Yes, you're right.
The Monk, it must be.
You still say there's no point
in going back to the monastery? Come on.
All right. That will do.
You know, I believe we've come through
this corridor twice already.
It's no use you playing for time,
you know. I want some answers.
Uh-uh. Now, I wouldn't do that
if I were you.
This may not be a gun, but I can still
do you a considerable amount of harm.
Oh, a man of violence.
I'm surprised at you.
Never mind about all that. What is it
you're doing here. What are you up to?
-The door. I must go.
-Just leave that, shall we? Hmm?
-If I don't go, they'll get suspicious.
-Then we'll both go.
I'll open the door,
then I can keep an eye on you, hmm?
You open the door?
No, Doctor, that's not a very good idea.
Oh, isn't it? Why not?
Because you're not wearing
the right sort of clothes.
Oh, yes, I see, I see.
First, you want to open the door,
then you want the chance
to reverse the position
with the help of whoever it is outside.
Secondly, you want to get me
into a monk's habit,
so that whoever that is,
would recognise me as an impostor.
Dear me, dear me, what
an untrusting nature you have, my son.
Yes, and you can drop the monk's act.
I'm only trying to help.
Whoever it is, it's probably
a traveller knocking for shelter.
Who else could it be?
Doctor, I must remind you
this is a monastery,
a place of refuge, sanctuary.
Yes. Very well, if you have another
cloak with the same type of cowl?
-Proceed, hmm?
-Of course.
And remember, no more monkery.
Wait there and be quiet.
It suits you.
What is the meaning of this, sir?
-Silence, you old fool.
This is no way to treat
a man in my position.
Quiet, old man.
This cell will do. Lock him in here.
There's no key. You guard him.
I'll give our terms
to the rest of the monks.
Hide us or he dies.
It all looks so different in daylight.
Aha! Here it is.
Oh, don't tell me we have to
crawl down that thing again.
Well, we can hardly go
and knock on the front door now, can we?
-I suppose not.
-Come on.
Ulf? Ulf?
(CHUCKLING) My dear man,
you had me quite worried.
I thought you were never coming in.
Wulnoth? Wulnoth, are you there?
Oh, it's you, Father.
I'm sorry to call so early, my child,
-but I must speak to your husband.
-Is anything wrong with Eldred?
-No, no. No, Eldred is splendid.
No, Wulnoth, I've come here
to ask for your help
-and that of the men of the village.
-Oh, we'll help if we can, Father.
Oh, you can, Wulnoth,
you most certainly can.
I'd have come here a bit later,
but it seems I'm going to be
rather busy up at the monastery.
What is it you want us to do?
Prepare beacon fires on the cliff tops.
Beacon fires?
Oh, don't worry, don't worry, Wulnoth.
I'm expecting some building materials
for reconstructing the monastery.
They're coming by sea and I promised
I'd give the ship our exact location.
Well, when are you expecting the ship?
It'll take a little while
to prepare a beacon.
In a day or two, maybe three.
Now, Wulnoth, you will light the fires
when I ask, won't you,
and keep them burning?
If you say so, Father.
Splendid. Splendid.
Now I must go back to the monastery.
Eldred needs rather special care.
Good day, my children.
-Good day, Father.
-Good day, Father.
What did the old man say of the Vikings?
He spoke of a planned invasion
of many hundred ships.
Beacon fires on the cliff tops.
A Viking?
Well, whoever he is,
he's lost an argument with somebody.
Anyway, we can't bother about it.
Let's go and have a look around.
What are we looking for anyway?
Oh, we'll know when we find it,
won't we?
You're still here, are you? Good.
All I've got to do now
is to take care of you,
your friend and the Doctor.
Oh, by the way,
you'll be pleased to know
I've arranged the fires
for your colleagues.
There you are, my dear fellow.
I knew you'd come back.
Now which fires? What are they for? Hmm?
It's going to take us hours
to search this place properly.
Hey, Steven. Look at this.
I think it's a cable.
It is.
Well, that's strange.
What's it doing coming out of here?
-A door!
-Let me have a look.
We can get inside.
It's a Tardis! The Monk's got a Tardis.