Doctor Who (1963–1989): Season 14, Episode 17 - The Robots of Death: Part One - full transcript
The Tardis materializes aboard a mining ship on a desert planet, inhabited by a human crew and their robot servants. While Leela adjusts to life travelling with the Doctor, one of the ship's robots mysteriously kills a member of the crew.
(ROBOT): Turbulence
Centre, Vector 7.
(ROBOT): Scan commencing now.
There was a Voc therapist in
Kaldor City, specially programmed,
equipped with vibro-digits,
subcutaneous stimulators, the lot.
You know what happened, Borg?
Its first client wanted treatment
for a stiff elbow.
The Voc therapist felt carefully
all around the joint,
then suddenly twisted his arm off
at the shoulder. Schoompf!
All over in two seconds.
- I've never heard that.
- Kaldor City.
- What was the reason?
- Reason? It was haywire.
I wouldn't let a robot work on me
for all the zelanite in the ship.
Shut up, Chub.
Thank you, V.16.
A Voc class robot has over a million
multi-level constrainers in its circuitry.
All would have to malfunction
before it could do that.
That's your trouble, Dask.
You take all the magic out of life.
They go wrong, my friend. It's been known.
Only when there's an error in programming.
- Each case on record...
- This was a case. Tore his arm off.
We're turning, has anyone noticed?
(ZILDA): I heard it was a leg.
- (ROBOT): Mate in eight moves, Commander.
- Never!
(ROBOT): I will check, Commander.
(ROBOT): The computation is confirmed.
- Damn!
- They're unbeatable, Commander.
- (ROBOT): 3-14 Tracer, sir.
- Yes?
(ROBOT): Storm, scale 3. Range: 10.52.
- (ROBOT): Timed 3-0-6. Vector 7-1.
- (UVANOV): Full crew alert, 14. Out.
(UVANOV): Full crew alert!
Full crew alert!
- (UVANOV): Break out an instrument pack.
- Right, sir.
- Let's hope this one's worth chasing.
- And we finally had some luck.
- Doctor?
- (WHO): Mm?
- Can I stop now?
- If you want to.
- It will not affect this?
- Affect this? No, it's a yo-yo.
It's a game. I thought you were enjoying it.
Enjoying it?! You said
I had to keep it going up and down.
- I thought it was part of the magic.
- Magic, Leela? Magic?
I know, there's no such thing as magic.
Mm? Alright, I'll show you.
It's because insides and outsides
are not in the same dimension.
Which box is larger?
That one.
- Now which is larger?
- That one.
- But it looks smaller.
- That's because it's further away.
Exactly. If you could keep that exactly
that distance away and have it here,
the large one would fit inside the small one.
That's silly.
That's transdimensional engineering,
a key Time Lord discovery.
- (WHO): This is the exciting bit.
- (LEELA): What's exciting?
Seeing what's outside.
(WHO): I don't...
It's metal. We've landed inside
something metal.
But how can we? How can
the TARDIS be inside something metal?
One box inside another. I just explained it.
- No, not very clearly.
- Well, it's a rather dull subject, anyway.
- (WHO): I wonder where we are.
- You mean you don't know?
Not precisely, no.
You mean you can't control this machine?
Well, of course I can control it!
Nine times out of ten...
Well, seven times out of ten.
Five times, look...
Never mind, let's see where we are.
You won't need that.
- How do you know?
- (WHO): I never carry weapons.
If people see you mean them
no harm, they never hurt you.
Nine times out of ten...
- How does it look, Toos?
- In a moment...
- Right tracking?
- Clear and running, Commander.
- Left tracking?
- And running.
It's small. Scale 3.4, not building.
What have you done with all the big ones?
Range: 4.12.
Running time: 3.30.
(TOOS): That's something.
We won't have to chase this one.
(ROBOT): No instrument pack report yet, sir.
- Chub, get after him.
- It's alright, I'll go.
(UVANOV): Scientists!
- How can I run a mine with amateurs?
- Chub's alright.
Because he's from one of the founding families?
- I didn't mention his family.
- One of the 20?
It's amazing the way you people stick
to... No, it's not amazing, it's sickening.
- I hope you're watching the crevices.
- Please, don't worry about my job, Zilda.
- What's she blowing, Toos?
- The spectre is muddy.
Could be some zelanite,
some keefan, traces of lucanol.
(UVANOV): Money in the bank!
Cheer up, Zilda! I'll make you rich again.
Where in the seven suns is that robot?
Robot, robot?
(ROBOT): Yes, sir.
Where have you been?
Get that instrument package.
Get a move on, I've got to launch it
before the hatches are locked.
- Did you hear what I said?
- (ROBOT): Yes, sir. I heard what you said.
Get on with it, then!
There, you electronic moron!
What are you doing?
Stop, stand still!
No, get back. Get away from me!
This is the Commander. All checks complete,
all systems clear and running.
Security robots stand by to commence
hatch-lock sequence now.
- (TOOS): Running time: 0.43.
- Stand by for switch to motive power.
Coming right down so we can really
suck the pay stream out of this one.
(ROBOT): Monitors indicate obstruction
on forward scoop deck.
Then get it cleared V.32, get it cleared!
- What is it?
- It's basically a hardened alloy.
Scored all over.
Must come in under great pressure.
- What must?
- Whatever it is they fit it up with.
- Doctor?
- This is very interesting.
- Back there, I heard something.
- It comes in here...
- What does?
- Whatever it is.
(TOOS): Range: 0.87.
Running time: 0.13. Ground centre 093.
It's veering away! Mover, where's that power?
- (BORG): It's coming, sir.
- So is old age, Borg.
I don't want to spend mine here
waiting for you to do your job!
(BORG): Switching to motive units.
(UVANOV): We may just catch the egg,
but we have to chase to stay there.
- Commander!
- What is it?
- Chub's dead.
- Dead?
- Are you sure?
- (POUL): Of course I'm sure!
Alright, then, first things first.
We can't do anything for him now.
- He was murdered!
- How do you know?
- People don't strangle themselves.
- Strangled?
(POUL): Yes, he's in the forward storage locker.
- You have to abort this one!
- And lose this storm?
- We're almost on to it!
- Poul's talking about murder!
- I'm talking about money!
- You have no choice!
This time.
Close scoops, trim vents. Crew, stand down.
- (LEELA): What is it?
- Desert.
Either that or the tide's gone out.
- Where are the trees?
- There's no water, so nothing grows.
- (WHO): Nothing at all, by the look of it.
- (LEELA): It's beautiful!
(WHO): Mmm... A bit garish for my taste.
(LEELA): What's that white thing on the horizon?
(WHO): Looks like dust.
(WHO): It's a sandstorm. Come on.
(WHO): Come on, let's get out of here. Come on!
(WHO): This is a sandminer. We're in a scoop.
- What?
- The storm could be travelling at 1,000 mph.
The sand will cut us to pieces if we
don't get back to the TARDIS. Come on!
- We've been robbed!
- I said I heard something!
- The shutters!
- What?
If there are no manual controls we're dead!
Somebody must have heard.
- Was he like this when you found him?
- Just a little fresher.
- You said you heard screams.
- Yes.
- He was strangled.
- The screams stopped.
- (UVANOV): What's this?
- (POUL): I've no idea.
- Crew all assembled?
- They should be.
Let's get this thing settled, then.
The sooner we solve this, the sooner
we get back to making our quota.
Scientists! I never should have let him on board.
He'd probably agree with you!
- Poul!
- Coming, Commander.
- There must be a way out!
- I don't like this metal world, Doctor!
We can't get out till we find the TARDIS.
Watch it!
- All present?
- Kerril's not here, yet.
He's on his way from the rear section.
It'll take a while.
- Right, we'll make a start, then.
- Right.
Now, you all know that Chub is dead.
- One of you killed him.
- One of us, surely?
- That's what I said.
- You did say ''one of you''.
Alright, one of us. The question is which one.
- And why.
- Well, this is a two-year tour.
Maybe Chub was beginning to get
on somebody's nerves.
- Me?
- He was getting on yours.
- Yes, but we know where I was.
- I was on the power deck.
- Was Dask with you?
- Yes.
Not all the time.
I went to check the synchro-relays.
I had nothing against Chub.
He talked too much, but...
The time Poul heard the scream...
Says he heard the scream.
Let's keep the point open.
- Why should I lie?
- Now, you interrupted Zilda.
Founding Family people don't
interrupt each other. Right, Zilda?
Somebody interrupted Chub, with both hands.
Please, Poul! We're all waiting for Zilda.
I was simply going to say that
the screams could have been arranged.
- A communicator recording.
- But why?
To give somebody an alibi, Commander.
You sent Poul to look for Chub.
You could have arranged it all.
So he was dead when Poul heard the scream?
Nice try, Zilda.
Now, does anybody know what this is?
- (DASK): It's a corpse marker.
- (UVANOV): What?
Robot deactivation disk. They use them
in the construction centres.
If ever we used the stop circuit
and turned off all our robots,
they'd have to go back to
a construction centre for reactivation.
On arrival, each would be marked
with a disk to show it's deactivated.
The technicians call them ''corpse markers''.
- It's sort of a joke.
- Our murderer has a sense of humour.
(UVANOV): That was
on the back of Chub's hand.
Not just a murderer, then.
Seems like one of us is a maniac.
Use your brain, Borg.
We would know, wouldn't we?
But we don't.
(BORG): Do we?
(ROBOT 1): Storm scale 16.
Range: 9.8. Time: 201.
Vector 7-2 and holding.
(ROBOT 2): Alright, 14. Full crew alert.
All of the humans in the rear section
are accounted for.
Store mine 4 is now
under complete robot control.
Begin the check sequence.
Doctor, how do you know they're not hostile?
Because robots are programmed
to help people, not hurt them.
- You won't hurt us, will you?
- (ROBOT): Please wait here.
What's all this for?
Mineral extraction. The surface
of this planet is a sea of sand,
probably several miles deep
and constantly moving,
and I imagine contains
valuable metallic elements.
Otherwise they wouldn't
go through this trouble.
- But those creepy mechanical men...
- Yes.
I've seen a similar sort of thing
on Korlano-Beta.
The mine passes over the surface
searching for useful ores.
Naturally, the heavier elements
tend to sink into the substrata,
so a really good sandstorm is a bonus.
It stirs things up.
- Sometimes you talk like a Tesh.
- Thank you.
It was not well meant.
Are the mechanical men friendly?
Robots don't have feelings.
It's the people they serve
we must hope are friendly.
- Perhaps there are no people here.
- What?
Robots don't need chairs,
certainly not padded ones.
Because they have no feelings?
(ROBOT): Please identify yourselves.
Well, I'm the Doctor and that's Leela.
Is it possible to speak to the person in charge?
I'd like to thank him for saving our lives.
- (ROBOT): I command.
- Well, thank you for saving our lives.
- (ROBOT): What are you doing here?
- The other mechanical man told us to wait.
- (ROBOT): What were you doing in the scoop?
- (WHO): Trying to get out.
(ROBOT): Please wait here.
No, Doctor! He said we must wait here.
First we find the TARDIS,
then we have a little scout around.
- We'll be back before they know.
- (LEELA): Doctor!
Right, hold them there!
Well, that settles that, then!
I told you, didn't I say so?
Mania... Come on, let's all get back to work.
- Just a minute!
- What do you mean by ''get back''?
You heard S.V.7.
There are intruders, a man and a woman.
They're the murderers
and we've got them locked up.
- I don't see why they are the murderers.
- You just don't like to be wrong.
Nobody's proved that I am.
Who are these people?
- Ore raiders?
- There's no such thing.
We're in the middle of the biggest storm
we've come across: we're wasting time!
- The robots are mining.
- (UVANOV): Robots do not have instinct.
(UVANOV): They'd be lucky to get half
of what we can get.
We're not out in this desert for pleasure.
We are here to make money, so get
on your feet and get back to work!
That is an order!
Give it to a robot!
- What did you say?
- Commander!
We've got to find out about those two.
There may be more of them.
That makes sense!
If there are more of them, they'll be caught.
In the meantime, as the Commander suggests,
we should return to our posts.
- Why? Nothing's changed.
- (UVANOV): Alright. 7?
- Yes, Commander.
- Bring the man and the woman here.
I was about to inform you
that they have escaped.
- You see?
- (UVANOV): Escaped?
Find them quick. Put every spare robot on it.
Hello, my dear old thing.
(WHO): The ore comes in
under pressure from the separators.
I wonder what it is, Leela. What do you think...
Leela, Leela?
I wish that girl wouldn't wander off like that...
(ROBOT): Turbulence
Centre, Vector 7.
(ROBOT): Scan commencing now.
There was a Voc therapist in
Kaldor City, specially programmed,
equipped with vibro-digits,
subcutaneous stimulators, the lot.
You know what happened, Borg?
Its first client wanted treatment
for a stiff elbow.
The Voc therapist felt carefully
all around the joint,
then suddenly twisted his arm off
at the shoulder. Schoompf!
All over in two seconds.
- I've never heard that.
- Kaldor City.
- What was the reason?
- Reason? It was haywire.
I wouldn't let a robot work on me
for all the zelanite in the ship.
Shut up, Chub.
Thank you, V.16.
A Voc class robot has over a million
multi-level constrainers in its circuitry.
All would have to malfunction
before it could do that.
That's your trouble, Dask.
You take all the magic out of life.
They go wrong, my friend. It's been known.
Only when there's an error in programming.
- Each case on record...
- This was a case. Tore his arm off.
We're turning, has anyone noticed?
(ZILDA): I heard it was a leg.
- (ROBOT): Mate in eight moves, Commander.
- Never!
(ROBOT): I will check, Commander.
(ROBOT): The computation is confirmed.
- Damn!
- They're unbeatable, Commander.
- (ROBOT): 3-14 Tracer, sir.
- Yes?
(ROBOT): Storm, scale 3. Range: 10.52.
- (ROBOT): Timed 3-0-6. Vector 7-1.
- (UVANOV): Full crew alert, 14. Out.
(UVANOV): Full crew alert!
Full crew alert!
- (UVANOV): Break out an instrument pack.
- Right, sir.
- Let's hope this one's worth chasing.
- And we finally had some luck.
- Doctor?
- (WHO): Mm?
- Can I stop now?
- If you want to.
- It will not affect this?
- Affect this? No, it's a yo-yo.
It's a game. I thought you were enjoying it.
Enjoying it?! You said
I had to keep it going up and down.
- I thought it was part of the magic.
- Magic, Leela? Magic?
I know, there's no such thing as magic.
Mm? Alright, I'll show you.
It's because insides and outsides
are not in the same dimension.
Which box is larger?
That one.
- Now which is larger?
- That one.
- But it looks smaller.
- That's because it's further away.
Exactly. If you could keep that exactly
that distance away and have it here,
the large one would fit inside the small one.
That's silly.
That's transdimensional engineering,
a key Time Lord discovery.
- (WHO): This is the exciting bit.
- (LEELA): What's exciting?
Seeing what's outside.
(WHO): I don't...
It's metal. We've landed inside
something metal.
But how can we? How can
the TARDIS be inside something metal?
One box inside another. I just explained it.
- No, not very clearly.
- Well, it's a rather dull subject, anyway.
- (WHO): I wonder where we are.
- You mean you don't know?
Not precisely, no.
You mean you can't control this machine?
Well, of course I can control it!
Nine times out of ten...
Well, seven times out of ten.
Five times, look...
Never mind, let's see where we are.
You won't need that.
- How do you know?
- (WHO): I never carry weapons.
If people see you mean them
no harm, they never hurt you.
Nine times out of ten...
- How does it look, Toos?
- In a moment...
- Right tracking?
- Clear and running, Commander.
- Left tracking?
- And running.
It's small. Scale 3.4, not building.
What have you done with all the big ones?
Range: 4.12.
Running time: 3.30.
(TOOS): That's something.
We won't have to chase this one.
(ROBOT): No instrument pack report yet, sir.
- Chub, get after him.
- It's alright, I'll go.
(UVANOV): Scientists!
- How can I run a mine with amateurs?
- Chub's alright.
Because he's from one of the founding families?
- I didn't mention his family.
- One of the 20?
It's amazing the way you people stick
to... No, it's not amazing, it's sickening.
- I hope you're watching the crevices.
- Please, don't worry about my job, Zilda.
- What's she blowing, Toos?
- The spectre is muddy.
Could be some zelanite,
some keefan, traces of lucanol.
(UVANOV): Money in the bank!
Cheer up, Zilda! I'll make you rich again.
Where in the seven suns is that robot?
Robot, robot?
(ROBOT): Yes, sir.
Where have you been?
Get that instrument package.
Get a move on, I've got to launch it
before the hatches are locked.
- Did you hear what I said?
- (ROBOT): Yes, sir. I heard what you said.
Get on with it, then!
There, you electronic moron!
What are you doing?
Stop, stand still!
No, get back. Get away from me!
This is the Commander. All checks complete,
all systems clear and running.
Security robots stand by to commence
hatch-lock sequence now.
- (TOOS): Running time: 0.43.
- Stand by for switch to motive power.
Coming right down so we can really
suck the pay stream out of this one.
(ROBOT): Monitors indicate obstruction
on forward scoop deck.
Then get it cleared V.32, get it cleared!
- What is it?
- It's basically a hardened alloy.
Scored all over.
Must come in under great pressure.
- What must?
- Whatever it is they fit it up with.
- Doctor?
- This is very interesting.
- Back there, I heard something.
- It comes in here...
- What does?
- Whatever it is.
(TOOS): Range: 0.87.
Running time: 0.13. Ground centre 093.
It's veering away! Mover, where's that power?
- (BORG): It's coming, sir.
- So is old age, Borg.
I don't want to spend mine here
waiting for you to do your job!
(BORG): Switching to motive units.
(UVANOV): We may just catch the egg,
but we have to chase to stay there.
- Commander!
- What is it?
- Chub's dead.
- Dead?
- Are you sure?
- (POUL): Of course I'm sure!
Alright, then, first things first.
We can't do anything for him now.
- He was murdered!
- How do you know?
- People don't strangle themselves.
- Strangled?
(POUL): Yes, he's in the forward storage locker.
- You have to abort this one!
- And lose this storm?
- We're almost on to it!
- Poul's talking about murder!
- I'm talking about money!
- You have no choice!
This time.
Close scoops, trim vents. Crew, stand down.
- (LEELA): What is it?
- Desert.
Either that or the tide's gone out.
- Where are the trees?
- There's no water, so nothing grows.
- (WHO): Nothing at all, by the look of it.
- (LEELA): It's beautiful!
(WHO): Mmm... A bit garish for my taste.
(LEELA): What's that white thing on the horizon?
(WHO): Looks like dust.
(WHO): It's a sandstorm. Come on.
(WHO): Come on, let's get out of here. Come on!
(WHO): This is a sandminer. We're in a scoop.
- What?
- The storm could be travelling at 1,000 mph.
The sand will cut us to pieces if we
don't get back to the TARDIS. Come on!
- We've been robbed!
- I said I heard something!
- The shutters!
- What?
If there are no manual controls we're dead!
Somebody must have heard.
- Was he like this when you found him?
- Just a little fresher.
- You said you heard screams.
- Yes.
- He was strangled.
- The screams stopped.
- (UVANOV): What's this?
- (POUL): I've no idea.
- Crew all assembled?
- They should be.
Let's get this thing settled, then.
The sooner we solve this, the sooner
we get back to making our quota.
Scientists! I never should have let him on board.
He'd probably agree with you!
- Poul!
- Coming, Commander.
- There must be a way out!
- I don't like this metal world, Doctor!
We can't get out till we find the TARDIS.
Watch it!
- All present?
- Kerril's not here, yet.
He's on his way from the rear section.
It'll take a while.
- Right, we'll make a start, then.
- Right.
Now, you all know that Chub is dead.
- One of you killed him.
- One of us, surely?
- That's what I said.
- You did say ''one of you''.
Alright, one of us. The question is which one.
- And why.
- Well, this is a two-year tour.
Maybe Chub was beginning to get
on somebody's nerves.
- Me?
- He was getting on yours.
- Yes, but we know where I was.
- I was on the power deck.
- Was Dask with you?
- Yes.
Not all the time.
I went to check the synchro-relays.
I had nothing against Chub.
He talked too much, but...
The time Poul heard the scream...
Says he heard the scream.
Let's keep the point open.
- Why should I lie?
- Now, you interrupted Zilda.
Founding Family people don't
interrupt each other. Right, Zilda?
Somebody interrupted Chub, with both hands.
Please, Poul! We're all waiting for Zilda.
I was simply going to say that
the screams could have been arranged.
- A communicator recording.
- But why?
To give somebody an alibi, Commander.
You sent Poul to look for Chub.
You could have arranged it all.
So he was dead when Poul heard the scream?
Nice try, Zilda.
Now, does anybody know what this is?
- (DASK): It's a corpse marker.
- (UVANOV): What?
Robot deactivation disk. They use them
in the construction centres.
If ever we used the stop circuit
and turned off all our robots,
they'd have to go back to
a construction centre for reactivation.
On arrival, each would be marked
with a disk to show it's deactivated.
The technicians call them ''corpse markers''.
- It's sort of a joke.
- Our murderer has a sense of humour.
(UVANOV): That was
on the back of Chub's hand.
Not just a murderer, then.
Seems like one of us is a maniac.
Use your brain, Borg.
We would know, wouldn't we?
But we don't.
(BORG): Do we?
(ROBOT 1): Storm scale 16.
Range: 9.8. Time: 201.
Vector 7-2 and holding.
(ROBOT 2): Alright, 14. Full crew alert.
All of the humans in the rear section
are accounted for.
Store mine 4 is now
under complete robot control.
Begin the check sequence.
Doctor, how do you know they're not hostile?
Because robots are programmed
to help people, not hurt them.
- You won't hurt us, will you?
- (ROBOT): Please wait here.
What's all this for?
Mineral extraction. The surface
of this planet is a sea of sand,
probably several miles deep
and constantly moving,
and I imagine contains
valuable metallic elements.
Otherwise they wouldn't
go through this trouble.
- But those creepy mechanical men...
- Yes.
I've seen a similar sort of thing
on Korlano-Beta.
The mine passes over the surface
searching for useful ores.
Naturally, the heavier elements
tend to sink into the substrata,
so a really good sandstorm is a bonus.
It stirs things up.
- Sometimes you talk like a Tesh.
- Thank you.
It was not well meant.
Are the mechanical men friendly?
Robots don't have feelings.
It's the people they serve
we must hope are friendly.
- Perhaps there are no people here.
- What?
Robots don't need chairs,
certainly not padded ones.
Because they have no feelings?
(ROBOT): Please identify yourselves.
Well, I'm the Doctor and that's Leela.
Is it possible to speak to the person in charge?
I'd like to thank him for saving our lives.
- (ROBOT): I command.
- Well, thank you for saving our lives.
- (ROBOT): What are you doing here?
- The other mechanical man told us to wait.
- (ROBOT): What were you doing in the scoop?
- (WHO): Trying to get out.
(ROBOT): Please wait here.
No, Doctor! He said we must wait here.
First we find the TARDIS,
then we have a little scout around.
- We'll be back before they know.
- (LEELA): Doctor!
Right, hold them there!
Well, that settles that, then!
I told you, didn't I say so?
Mania... Come on, let's all get back to work.
- Just a minute!
- What do you mean by ''get back''?
You heard S.V.7.
There are intruders, a man and a woman.
They're the murderers
and we've got them locked up.
- I don't see why they are the murderers.
- You just don't like to be wrong.
Nobody's proved that I am.
Who are these people?
- Ore raiders?
- There's no such thing.
We're in the middle of the biggest storm
we've come across: we're wasting time!
- The robots are mining.
- (UVANOV): Robots do not have instinct.
(UVANOV): They'd be lucky to get half
of what we can get.
We're not out in this desert for pleasure.
We are here to make money, so get
on your feet and get back to work!
That is an order!
Give it to a robot!
- What did you say?
- Commander!
We've got to find out about those two.
There may be more of them.
That makes sense!
If there are more of them, they'll be caught.
In the meantime, as the Commander suggests,
we should return to our posts.
- Why? Nothing's changed.
- (UVANOV): Alright. 7?
- Yes, Commander.
- Bring the man and the woman here.
I was about to inform you
that they have escaped.
- You see?
- (UVANOV): Escaped?
Find them quick. Put every spare robot on it.
Hello, my dear old thing.
(WHO): The ore comes in
under pressure from the separators.
I wonder what it is, Leela. What do you think...
Leela, Leela?
I wish that girl wouldn't wander off like that...