Doctor Who (1963–1989): Season 1, Episode 36 - A Desperate Venture - full transcript
While the City Administrator's schemes reach their climax, the Doctor and Ian venture into the tunnels under the city to discover the real cause of the Sensorite plague.
A desperate venture.
Why are you doing this?
Pay attention to me! You will
write a letter to the man John.
I certainly will not!
Argument is a waste of time!
Two of your friends have
gone up into the spaceship
they cannot help you;
two of the others have
gone down into the aqueduct.
The Doctor and Ian?
Yes. They cannot help you.
The other two, the man
John and the girl Susan
are waiting innocently in
the laboratory for you.
Your party is divided.
What do you want me to do?
Write to the man John.
Tell him that you have gone
up into the spaceship,
in this way he will not
suspect your disappearance.
You can't force me to do this!
I can see that you stay alive.
Your life means nothing to me,
let us make a bargain:
you will write the note, I will see you live.
Very well.
Be wary of her, we cannot
read her thoughts. She may be...
Be quiet!
You will stay here and guard her.
She will guarantee the success of all my plans.
And I shall be given high office?
I shall reward those who
are faithful to me.
John, Have gone up
to space ship,
She couldn't have gone
up to the spaceship.
I should have seen her
or passed her on the way.
She was obviously forced
to write this,
and whoever did it had no idea that
I was being brought down here.
Oh I bet that the City Administrator
had something to do with it.
But why kidnap her?
I should think the why is
fairly obvious, wouldn't you?
No I don't think it is Barbara.
We're on good terms with the first Elder,
the Doctor's discovered an antidote
for the poison and now he and Ian
are tracking down the cause of the trouble.
Look, I've been away in the ship,
so maybe I can see things more clearly,
and I think we're being used by one
of the Sensorites who wants to gain power.
You mean we're not just being
attacked because we're from
other planets?
I greet you.
Thank you.
Your friends expressed so
much concern about you,
I agreed to have you brought
down to the sense sphere.
I'm afraid we
must ask for your help.
If I can.
The Doctor and Ian are missing,
have you any idea where they are?
Well please, tell me.
There is a quality in human
beings which intrigues me,
your concern for each other.
I assure you the two men are safe.
You know where they are?
Yes, but they asked me
not to tell you what
their plans were.
Oh, that's Grandfather.
Look, would you mind
reading this letter?
I gave no such order.
No, we didn't think you did.
Then why did your friend
write what is not true?
Because someone
made her write it.
She could not travel without my ordering it.
Where did you see...receive this?
Well, it was given to us in the
courtyard, where all the arches are.
She is being held prisoner.
Not by any Sensorite.
Of course she is!
Quietly, John.
Look, whatever she wrote
this with wasn't dry,
I-I put my thumb on it and smudged it.
And this is her writing?
And that smudge must
have means that it was
written just before we got it.
Are you implying that your
friend Carol is being held prisoner
in this Palace?
I assure you she is not.
Are there any other buildings in vicinity?
None. Except the
disintegrator room.
Where's that?
Below the courtyard,
it is rarely used now.
I cannot allow this mystery,
but I can see that it worries you.
As to your other friends
I must tell you, they have gone
down into the aqueduct.
Oh, they were given light and a good map
- also they were armed.
They can be in no danger.
There's no doubt about it Doctor,
the inside filament's been removed.
These weapons are useless.
Yes, It's only one of our troubles
dear boy, look at this map.
It's no use to us, look!
All the lines have been altered.
Someone's been jigging around with it!
We'll get out of here somehow Doctor.
Yes, in time; but have
we got that time?
Remember we've brought no
food with us, and the only water available
is that poisoned water out there,
with deadly nightshade. That's a
charming outlook, hah!
How long are you going
to keep me here?
That is not for me to say.
Look, I've had nothing to
eat and I'm very thirsty.
It is of no consequence.
But I wrote the letter!
But surely you didn't think
you would be released? all human
creatures are na?ve.
They live while they have a purpose,
as soon as that purpose is achieved
their life has no value left.
Stop! I've only to cut her
with this and she will die!
Don't be foolish, put it down!
No Sensorite should be humbled before a human creature!
Throw it down. Throw it down!
Take him to the first Elder.
I have already imprisoned you once,
this time you will not escape.
Oh, John!
This is very serious.
That Sensorite was
imprisoned on my order,
now I find that he has escaped
and kidnapped one of the human beings.
He is a menace to society!
I agree.
Let him be punished!
He shall be! We must
also find who his accomplice is.
Ah, so you believe that another
Sensorite is working with him?
Obviously. He had to girl
that..guard the girl Carol.
Who then, delivered the letter
she was forced to write?
What I cannot tolerate is
accusation, I must have
clear and definite proof.
Yes sir. Clear and definite proof.
Come in my friends.
You have been questioning
this Sensorite who has acted
so treacherously?
Yes, and what he
told us is terrifying.
Has he identified his accomplice?
Not yet.
But he did say that the maps and
the guns given to the Doctor and
Ian were quite useless.
Outrageous! This Sensorite
will die for this!
Oh yes, but what about
Grandfather and Ian?
What can I say?
Lost and unarmed
in the aqueduct...
I'm afraid that answer
isn't good enough!
Do not be insolent
to the first Elder!
Look, you must decide who your
friends are and save them.
There is nothing I can do.
Is there an authentic
map to the aqueduct?
Well if Susan and I can find
a way to rescue them,
will you help us?
I am suspicious of these creatures
sir, they ask too much.
That other human being, the Doctor,
he has found a cure for our people.
He has placed his life in danger for
the sake of the Sensorite Nation.
Yes, I will give you all the help I can.
Well whatever's out
there hasn't attacked us yet.
Courage my boy,
both hands. Come on.
Something moved
slightly up ahead of us.
Doctor, it was a man!
I know it was!
Are you sure?
Yes! Look, this came
away in the struggle.
It looks like a shoulder
flash. I-N-E-E-R.
Yes, just as I suspected!
It must be one of those survivors from
that spaceship that exploded.
Well why should they come here?
To hide and poison the water.
Yes, but why poison the
water in the first place?
Let's go and ask him!
This is the entrance to the aqueducts?
Tell me, can I use one of
your mind-transmitters?
You have my permission to try.
But how will it help you?
Well, John and I will go down
to the Aqueduct, Susan will
stay here and direct us.
Yes, and we can both guide...
guide them both out.
My Scientists tell me that you
do not require the use of
our mind transmitters.
Well, I've always been able to
read your mind, but only
when you allowed me too.
Your mind must be finely tuned,
the frequencies covering the
surface of the Sense-Sphere are numerous.
You must be able to
break in on the major ones.
Well I can't, do you
mind if I try your invention?
Hold it to your forehead,
and try to close your mind to
everything but the person to whom
you wish to communicate.
It is safe, provided you do not
allow your concentration to slip.
Alright. Susan, let's
try a little experiment.
The entrance to the
aqueduct is there.
It works!
Well there's no point in delaying,
as soon as John and I reach
the entrance you start
directing us. Alright?
Right. Carol'll be here to help me.
Oh by the way, I would like
one of your warriors left here with Susan.
Yes, one that you
trust implicitly.
I trust all Sensorites, you
will be guarded safely.
Thank you. Please find
them Barbara.
A very capable human being.
Yes, she is.
Gentle, yet with strong
determination and courage.
I was about to...
I was going to...
I... I-I was going to say:
why do you trust your people?
Why do you want to make
me doubt them?
But trust can't be taken for
granted, it must be earned.
I trust you, but only because
I know you.
But Susan, our whole life is
based on trust.
Yes, and that might
be your downfall.
Look, you don't trust the ground
you walk on until you know
it is firm, do you?
So why trust your
people blindly?
When I listen to you, you who
are so young among your own kind,
I realise that we Sensorites
have a lot to learn from
the people of Earth.
Well Grandfather and I don't
come from Earth.
Oh, it's ages since we've
seen our planet.
It's quite like Earth, but at night
the sky is a burnt orange;
and the leaves on the
trees are bright silver...
My mind tells me that wish
to see your home again,
and yet there is a part of you
which calls for adventure.
A wanderlust.
Yes. Well, we'll all go home
that's if you'll let us.
I think I will. I hope all of you will be able to.
Could be going around in
circles you know.
Oh no, my boy. No no-no-no.
It's so quiet.
Perhaps they're preparing
an ambush?
And you're a cheerful soul, I must say.
I assure you my dear boy,
my spirits couldn't be higher!
Collecting evidence,
circumstantial and otherwise.
Calculating it, pursuing it until
it's inevitable end
- it's fascinating!
Oh don't interrupt my dear boy,
it's most irritating!
I know, I've been
trying to tell you.
Yes... It's alright, let's back
up the passage and jump out
on them.
You were right about
the ambush weren't you?
Yes. Don't do anything to
alarm them.
You have come at last!
We came to find you.
That's right.
Watch them number One!
We have been waiting for you.
Are they all dead?
The Sensorites, you mean?
Yes, the Sensorites.
Do you have a spaceship?
Are there more of you?
No others in the channels
at all? You...
You haven't brought the
Sensorites with you?
Wouldn't you like to leave these
tunnels and go out into
the sunshine again?
No, they would hear our minds
talking! Follow me, he is
going to talk to you!
Yes, I thought
there'd be a third.
Yes, the Commander
you'll have to talk to him.
Follow me.
They're entering to the aqueduct now.
Oh, she's a little indistinct.
Well tell her to speak to
you, you do the same.
Barbara, speak
the words as you think them.
Oh that's better.
Yes alright Susan.
We're to go straight ahead to start with,
and then keep turning to the right.
Right, I'll lead.
They're beginning now.
You give us your word
you are alone?
Oh yes, definitely.
There's something here.
This is the Doctor's map alright.
I remember the senior Scientist
drawing it in the labo...laboratory.
But it's all screwed up, they must
have realised it was useless.
Let's move on. Shall we
take it with us?
Yes, we'll need it as proof that
the maps were tampered with.
How are they progressing?
Oh they haven't found them yet.
Well at least they
found the maps.
Oh, Barbara's talking to me again.
No doubt about it.
John says this is a fresh mark,
probably made by the Doctor.
We're going to try and follow these
marks Susan, so instead of you
directing us,
we're going to tell you what route
we're going to take.
Let's hope they were made
by the Doctor, that's all.
In case we have to make a
run for it, my dear boy.
I'm glad you're on my side, Doctor.
That's right Barbara.
She's going down this channel now.
And no harm has come
to them yet?
Oh no.
Perhaps the Doctor and Ian
are chasing the creatures
in the aqueduct?
Or they've been captured.
Wait here.
The new arrivals are here
This is the best news I've
had in quite some time,
I'm very glad to see you both.
Did you have a rough journey?
Yes, I'm sure you must have done.
Let us have something to sit
down on number One.
They are very rough quarters here,
you'll have to excuse that,
but I'm sure you are both used
to battle stations by now.
Excuse me.
Number Two, you can take over
ammunition detail now,
you'll find the new ammunition
supplies all ready. Pipe it into
number seven this time.
Alright? Carry on.
Number One, organise a lecture
for number Two will you?
Saluting isn't for me you
understand, it's the uniform.
Yes sir.
Have to keep the discipline up,
you know. But they're all
good men, very fine.
Morale's very high here. Sit down.
Well you... Have a very well
ordered base here sir.
It's very good of you to say so.
We have a surprise for you.
The war with the Sensorites is over.
Is that true?
Oh yes.
And the planet's ours now
is it? Completely?
Well this is absolutely wonderful!
We nearly lost, you know.
I had the command of a fine
spaceship, very fine.
Two of my men deserted;
pretended they had to go back to
Earth to get reinforcements.
So you had to blow up
your spaceship?
Yes. Still, I'll be able to get
another one.
I'll be able to afford it now,
planet's very rich you know.
Yes, molybdenum.
Oh. You know about
that do you?
You do realise that this war has been
fought by me and my men here?
Any treasure trove is ours.
That's quite understandable
isn't it Chester...
And I'm prepared to back that
statement up with force if necessary!
I have good supplies here,
loyal men.
Of course, but we're just
discussing this, but you
are alone aren't you?
hardly in a position to fight me.
And I have my men,
and my organisation.
Commander, warning
in route two.
Have you been telling me lies? You've
brought other people with you,
haven't you?!
Perhaps they're really allies
of the Sensorites!
No, number One, not allies
- spies!
The war isn't over
at all is it?
I thought it was a bit
too good to be true.
Now just a minute, we knew nothing
about this warning signal of yours...
No, of course you didn't,
and it's tripped you up hasn't it?!
Number One! There'll be a
Court Martial immediately.
What on Earth are
you doing here?
The first Elder
allowed me back.
What's going on?
Who are these people?
I'm afraid you've
misjudged us, sir.
These people are part of the
committee, here to welcome you.
We all came down here to
welcome you onto the surface.
To celebrate your success, sir.
What's going on?
Play it cool.
And who is this?
Er this, this is our navigator.
She is going to lead us back.
Well... I'm glad
the fighting's over.
Look forward to a bit
of a rest now, for a while.
Yes, you deserve it sir,
and so do your men.
And I think that the sooner
we take you all out into the
sunshine, the better.
Number One, assemble
the men please.
We'll be leaving immediately.
It seems we have a...
victory to celebrate.
You might pass on my
congratulations to the men,
number One.
Thank you very much sir.
Shall we move then?
They are coming. You will take
up your position just by the
entrance there.
When they have all come through
you will step out and prevent anyone
from escaping back into the aqueduct.
Now take your place.
It is useless to resist.
Don't worry, I think we can
handle these two. Come on Barbara.
Well come back here you men!
It's all over now.
Pitiful fellow.
Oh, I know he did your
people incalculable harm...
I could have killed him.
I wanted to,
but that would not be
the way, would it?
He could have destroyed
the entire Sensorite Nation.
Yes, but the fact is
you didn't kill him.
Shows great promise for
the future of your people.
Captain Maitland has agreed
to take the others back to Earth.
They were completely insane.
They really believed they
were at war with you.
At some time they must have opened
their minds, or experimented with
the mind-transmitters.
Every really rational thought was
crushed out, and all they had left
was the game they played;
the game of war.
What about the Second Elder?
You finding the map
proves his treachery.
He will be banished
to the outer wastes.
Well, I think we must go
back to the ship sir.
Yes you must go. The lock has
already been sealed back in
it's proper place.
So go your way now, and take the
gratitude of the Sensorites with you.
Thank you.
Where are those other two, Hmm?
Oh, they're coming.
What's the matter my child?
I had a talk with the senior Scientist
just before we left.
It seems that the Sense-sphere
has an extraordinary number of
ultra-high frequencies,
so I won't be able to go on using
thought transference.
Hoh-ho, it's rather
a relief I think.
After all, no-one likes an
eavesdropper about do they?
No I think you obviously have
a gift in that direction
and when we get home to our
own place I think we should
try and perfect it, mm?
When will we get back
I don't know my dear,
this old ship of mine seems
to be an aimless thing.
However, we don't worry
about it do we? Do you?
Sometimes I feel I'd like to
belong somewhere;
not just be a wanderer...
Still, I'm not unhappy.
Good, good.
Well, here we are.
Oh at last! I very nearly
went off without you!
We were saying
goodbye to John and Carol.
Hah, let's have a look at Maitland
and see him off shall we?
Well, at least they
know where they're going.
Implying I don't?
I didn't mean anything
of the sort!
So, you think I'm an
incompetent old fool do you?
Now Doctor, I
never said that!
Since you are so dissatisfied my boy,
you can get off this ship.
And the very next place we
stop I shall take you off myself,
and that is quite final!
Carry on!
- Subt?tulo no traducido -
A desperate venture.
Why are you doing this?
Pay attention to me! You will
write a letter to the man John.
I certainly will not!
Argument is a waste of time!
Two of your friends have
gone up into the spaceship
they cannot help you;
two of the others have
gone down into the aqueduct.
The Doctor and Ian?
Yes. They cannot help you.
The other two, the man
John and the girl Susan
are waiting innocently in
the laboratory for you.
Your party is divided.
What do you want me to do?
Write to the man John.
Tell him that you have gone
up into the spaceship,
in this way he will not
suspect your disappearance.
You can't force me to do this!
I can see that you stay alive.
Your life means nothing to me,
let us make a bargain:
you will write the note, I will see you live.
Very well.
Be wary of her, we cannot
read her thoughts. She may be...
Be quiet!
You will stay here and guard her.
She will guarantee the success of all my plans.
And I shall be given high office?
I shall reward those who
are faithful to me.
John, Have gone up
to space ship,
She couldn't have gone
up to the spaceship.
I should have seen her
or passed her on the way.
She was obviously forced
to write this,
and whoever did it had no idea that
I was being brought down here.
Oh I bet that the City Administrator
had something to do with it.
But why kidnap her?
I should think the why is
fairly obvious, wouldn't you?
No I don't think it is Barbara.
We're on good terms with the first Elder,
the Doctor's discovered an antidote
for the poison and now he and Ian
are tracking down the cause of the trouble.
Look, I've been away in the ship,
so maybe I can see things more clearly,
and I think we're being used by one
of the Sensorites who wants to gain power.
You mean we're not just being
attacked because we're from
other planets?
I greet you.
Thank you.
Your friends expressed so
much concern about you,
I agreed to have you brought
down to the sense sphere.
I'm afraid we
must ask for your help.
If I can.
The Doctor and Ian are missing,
have you any idea where they are?
Well please, tell me.
There is a quality in human
beings which intrigues me,
your concern for each other.
I assure you the two men are safe.
You know where they are?
Yes, but they asked me
not to tell you what
their plans were.
Oh, that's Grandfather.
Look, would you mind
reading this letter?
I gave no such order.
No, we didn't think you did.
Then why did your friend
write what is not true?
Because someone
made her write it.
She could not travel without my ordering it.
Where did you see...receive this?
Well, it was given to us in the
courtyard, where all the arches are.
She is being held prisoner.
Not by any Sensorite.
Of course she is!
Quietly, John.
Look, whatever she wrote
this with wasn't dry,
I-I put my thumb on it and smudged it.
And this is her writing?
And that smudge must
have means that it was
written just before we got it.
Are you implying that your
friend Carol is being held prisoner
in this Palace?
I assure you she is not.
Are there any other buildings in vicinity?
None. Except the
disintegrator room.
Where's that?
Below the courtyard,
it is rarely used now.
I cannot allow this mystery,
but I can see that it worries you.
As to your other friends
I must tell you, they have gone
down into the aqueduct.
Oh, they were given light and a good map
- also they were armed.
They can be in no danger.
There's no doubt about it Doctor,
the inside filament's been removed.
These weapons are useless.
Yes, It's only one of our troubles
dear boy, look at this map.
It's no use to us, look!
All the lines have been altered.
Someone's been jigging around with it!
We'll get out of here somehow Doctor.
Yes, in time; but have
we got that time?
Remember we've brought no
food with us, and the only water available
is that poisoned water out there,
with deadly nightshade. That's a
charming outlook, hah!
How long are you going
to keep me here?
That is not for me to say.
Look, I've had nothing to
eat and I'm very thirsty.
It is of no consequence.
But I wrote the letter!
But surely you didn't think
you would be released? all human
creatures are na?ve.
They live while they have a purpose,
as soon as that purpose is achieved
their life has no value left.
Stop! I've only to cut her
with this and she will die!
Don't be foolish, put it down!
No Sensorite should be humbled before a human creature!
Throw it down. Throw it down!
Take him to the first Elder.
I have already imprisoned you once,
this time you will not escape.
Oh, John!
This is very serious.
That Sensorite was
imprisoned on my order,
now I find that he has escaped
and kidnapped one of the human beings.
He is a menace to society!
I agree.
Let him be punished!
He shall be! We must
also find who his accomplice is.
Ah, so you believe that another
Sensorite is working with him?
Obviously. He had to girl
that..guard the girl Carol.
Who then, delivered the letter
she was forced to write?
What I cannot tolerate is
accusation, I must have
clear and definite proof.
Yes sir. Clear and definite proof.
Come in my friends.
You have been questioning
this Sensorite who has acted
so treacherously?
Yes, and what he
told us is terrifying.
Has he identified his accomplice?
Not yet.
But he did say that the maps and
the guns given to the Doctor and
Ian were quite useless.
Outrageous! This Sensorite
will die for this!
Oh yes, but what about
Grandfather and Ian?
What can I say?
Lost and unarmed
in the aqueduct...
I'm afraid that answer
isn't good enough!
Do not be insolent
to the first Elder!
Look, you must decide who your
friends are and save them.
There is nothing I can do.
Is there an authentic
map to the aqueduct?
Well if Susan and I can find
a way to rescue them,
will you help us?
I am suspicious of these creatures
sir, they ask too much.
That other human being, the Doctor,
he has found a cure for our people.
He has placed his life in danger for
the sake of the Sensorite Nation.
Yes, I will give you all the help I can.
Well whatever's out
there hasn't attacked us yet.
Courage my boy,
both hands. Come on.
Something moved
slightly up ahead of us.
Doctor, it was a man!
I know it was!
Are you sure?
Yes! Look, this came
away in the struggle.
It looks like a shoulder
flash. I-N-E-E-R.
Yes, just as I suspected!
It must be one of those survivors from
that spaceship that exploded.
Well why should they come here?
To hide and poison the water.
Yes, but why poison the
water in the first place?
Let's go and ask him!
This is the entrance to the aqueducts?
Tell me, can I use one of
your mind-transmitters?
You have my permission to try.
But how will it help you?
Well, John and I will go down
to the Aqueduct, Susan will
stay here and direct us.
Yes, and we can both guide...
guide them both out.
My Scientists tell me that you
do not require the use of
our mind transmitters.
Well, I've always been able to
read your mind, but only
when you allowed me too.
Your mind must be finely tuned,
the frequencies covering the
surface of the Sense-Sphere are numerous.
You must be able to
break in on the major ones.
Well I can't, do you
mind if I try your invention?
Hold it to your forehead,
and try to close your mind to
everything but the person to whom
you wish to communicate.
It is safe, provided you do not
allow your concentration to slip.
Alright. Susan, let's
try a little experiment.
The entrance to the
aqueduct is there.
It works!
Well there's no point in delaying,
as soon as John and I reach
the entrance you start
directing us. Alright?
Right. Carol'll be here to help me.
Oh by the way, I would like
one of your warriors left here with Susan.
Yes, one that you
trust implicitly.
I trust all Sensorites, you
will be guarded safely.
Thank you. Please find
them Barbara.
A very capable human being.
Yes, she is.
Gentle, yet with strong
determination and courage.
I was about to...
I was going to...
I... I-I was going to say:
why do you trust your people?
Why do you want to make
me doubt them?
But trust can't be taken for
granted, it must be earned.
I trust you, but only because
I know you.
But Susan, our whole life is
based on trust.
Yes, and that might
be your downfall.
Look, you don't trust the ground
you walk on until you know
it is firm, do you?
So why trust your
people blindly?
When I listen to you, you who
are so young among your own kind,
I realise that we Sensorites
have a lot to learn from
the people of Earth.
Well Grandfather and I don't
come from Earth.
Oh, it's ages since we've
seen our planet.
It's quite like Earth, but at night
the sky is a burnt orange;
and the leaves on the
trees are bright silver...
My mind tells me that wish
to see your home again,
and yet there is a part of you
which calls for adventure.
A wanderlust.
Yes. Well, we'll all go home
that's if you'll let us.
I think I will. I hope all of you will be able to.
Could be going around in
circles you know.
Oh no, my boy. No no-no-no.
It's so quiet.
Perhaps they're preparing
an ambush?
And you're a cheerful soul, I must say.
I assure you my dear boy,
my spirits couldn't be higher!
Collecting evidence,
circumstantial and otherwise.
Calculating it, pursuing it until
it's inevitable end
- it's fascinating!
Oh don't interrupt my dear boy,
it's most irritating!
I know, I've been
trying to tell you.
Yes... It's alright, let's back
up the passage and jump out
on them.
You were right about
the ambush weren't you?
Yes. Don't do anything to
alarm them.
You have come at last!
We came to find you.
That's right.
Watch them number One!
We have been waiting for you.
Are they all dead?
The Sensorites, you mean?
Yes, the Sensorites.
Do you have a spaceship?
Are there more of you?
No others in the channels
at all? You...
You haven't brought the
Sensorites with you?
Wouldn't you like to leave these
tunnels and go out into
the sunshine again?
No, they would hear our minds
talking! Follow me, he is
going to talk to you!
Yes, I thought
there'd be a third.
Yes, the Commander
you'll have to talk to him.
Follow me.
They're entering to the aqueduct now.
Oh, she's a little indistinct.
Well tell her to speak to
you, you do the same.
Barbara, speak
the words as you think them.
Oh that's better.
Yes alright Susan.
We're to go straight ahead to start with,
and then keep turning to the right.
Right, I'll lead.
They're beginning now.
You give us your word
you are alone?
Oh yes, definitely.
There's something here.
This is the Doctor's map alright.
I remember the senior Scientist
drawing it in the labo...laboratory.
But it's all screwed up, they must
have realised it was useless.
Let's move on. Shall we
take it with us?
Yes, we'll need it as proof that
the maps were tampered with.
How are they progressing?
Oh they haven't found them yet.
Well at least they
found the maps.
Oh, Barbara's talking to me again.
No doubt about it.
John says this is a fresh mark,
probably made by the Doctor.
We're going to try and follow these
marks Susan, so instead of you
directing us,
we're going to tell you what route
we're going to take.
Let's hope they were made
by the Doctor, that's all.
In case we have to make a
run for it, my dear boy.
I'm glad you're on my side, Doctor.
That's right Barbara.
She's going down this channel now.
And no harm has come
to them yet?
Oh no.
Perhaps the Doctor and Ian
are chasing the creatures
in the aqueduct?
Or they've been captured.
Wait here.
The new arrivals are here
This is the best news I've
had in quite some time,
I'm very glad to see you both.
Did you have a rough journey?
Yes, I'm sure you must have done.
Let us have something to sit
down on number One.
They are very rough quarters here,
you'll have to excuse that,
but I'm sure you are both used
to battle stations by now.
Excuse me.
Number Two, you can take over
ammunition detail now,
you'll find the new ammunition
supplies all ready. Pipe it into
number seven this time.
Alright? Carry on.
Number One, organise a lecture
for number Two will you?
Saluting isn't for me you
understand, it's the uniform.
Yes sir.
Have to keep the discipline up,
you know. But they're all
good men, very fine.
Morale's very high here. Sit down.
Well you... Have a very well
ordered base here sir.
It's very good of you to say so.
We have a surprise for you.
The war with the Sensorites is over.
Is that true?
Oh yes.
And the planet's ours now
is it? Completely?
Well this is absolutely wonderful!
We nearly lost, you know.
I had the command of a fine
spaceship, very fine.
Two of my men deserted;
pretended they had to go back to
Earth to get reinforcements.
So you had to blow up
your spaceship?
Yes. Still, I'll be able to get
another one.
I'll be able to afford it now,
planet's very rich you know.
Yes, molybdenum.
Oh. You know about
that do you?
You do realise that this war has been
fought by me and my men here?
Any treasure trove is ours.
That's quite understandable
isn't it Chester...
And I'm prepared to back that
statement up with force if necessary!
I have good supplies here,
loyal men.
Of course, but we're just
discussing this, but you
are alone aren't you?
hardly in a position to fight me.
And I have my men,
and my organisation.
Commander, warning
in route two.
Have you been telling me lies? You've
brought other people with you,
haven't you?!
Perhaps they're really allies
of the Sensorites!
No, number One, not allies
- spies!
The war isn't over
at all is it?
I thought it was a bit
too good to be true.
Now just a minute, we knew nothing
about this warning signal of yours...
No, of course you didn't,
and it's tripped you up hasn't it?!
Number One! There'll be a
Court Martial immediately.
What on Earth are
you doing here?
The first Elder
allowed me back.
What's going on?
Who are these people?
I'm afraid you've
misjudged us, sir.
These people are part of the
committee, here to welcome you.
We all came down here to
welcome you onto the surface.
To celebrate your success, sir.
What's going on?
Play it cool.
And who is this?
Er this, this is our navigator.
She is going to lead us back.
Well... I'm glad
the fighting's over.
Look forward to a bit
of a rest now, for a while.
Yes, you deserve it sir,
and so do your men.
And I think that the sooner
we take you all out into the
sunshine, the better.
Number One, assemble
the men please.
We'll be leaving immediately.
It seems we have a...
victory to celebrate.
You might pass on my
congratulations to the men,
number One.
Thank you very much sir.
Shall we move then?
They are coming. You will take
up your position just by the
entrance there.
When they have all come through
you will step out and prevent anyone
from escaping back into the aqueduct.
Now take your place.
It is useless to resist.
Don't worry, I think we can
handle these two. Come on Barbara.
Well come back here you men!
It's all over now.
Pitiful fellow.
Oh, I know he did your
people incalculable harm...
I could have killed him.
I wanted to,
but that would not be
the way, would it?
He could have destroyed
the entire Sensorite Nation.
Yes, but the fact is
you didn't kill him.
Shows great promise for
the future of your people.
Captain Maitland has agreed
to take the others back to Earth.
They were completely insane.
They really believed they
were at war with you.
At some time they must have opened
their minds, or experimented with
the mind-transmitters.
Every really rational thought was
crushed out, and all they had left
was the game they played;
the game of war.
What about the Second Elder?
You finding the map
proves his treachery.
He will be banished
to the outer wastes.
Well, I think we must go
back to the ship sir.
Yes you must go. The lock has
already been sealed back in
it's proper place.
So go your way now, and take the
gratitude of the Sensorites with you.
Thank you.
Where are those other two, Hmm?
Oh, they're coming.
What's the matter my child?
I had a talk with the senior Scientist
just before we left.
It seems that the Sense-sphere
has an extraordinary number of
ultra-high frequencies,
so I won't be able to go on using
thought transference.
Hoh-ho, it's rather
a relief I think.
After all, no-one likes an
eavesdropper about do they?
No I think you obviously have
a gift in that direction
and when we get home to our
own place I think we should
try and perfect it, mm?
When will we get back
I don't know my dear,
this old ship of mine seems
to be an aimless thing.
However, we don't worry
about it do we? Do you?
Sometimes I feel I'd like to
belong somewhere;
not just be a wanderer...
Still, I'm not unhappy.
Good, good.
Well, here we are.
Oh at last! I very nearly
went off without you!
We were saying
goodbye to John and Carol.
Hah, let's have a look at Maitland
and see him off shall we?
Well, at least they
know where they're going.
Implying I don't?
I didn't mean anything
of the sort!
So, you think I'm an
incompetent old fool do you?
Now Doctor, I
never said that!
Since you are so dissatisfied my boy,
you can get off this ship.
And the very next place we
stop I shall take you off myself,
and that is quite final!
Carry on!
- Subt?tulo no traducido -