Doctor Who (2005–…): Season 7, Episode 1 - Asylum of the Daleks - full transcript

The Doctor, along with Amy and Rory who are headed for divorce, are kidnapped by the Daleks. They find themselves before the Dalek Parliament and the Doctor is quite surprised when he learns why: they want him to save them. A ship has crashed on the one place they will not go - the Asylum, where mad Daleks are sent to spend the rest of their days. Once there, they are assisted by the only survivor of the crash, Oswin, who has been there for a year awaiting rescue and making soufflés to pass the time. Which leads the Doctor to ask the most important question of all: where does she get the milk?

First, there were the Daleks,

and then, there was
a man who fought them.

And then, in time,

he died.

There are a few, of course,

who believe this man
somehow survived

and that, one day,
he will return.

For both our sakes,
dearest Hannah,

we must hope

these stories are true.

I got your message.

Not many people can do that,

send me messages.

I have a daughter,


She's in a Dalek prison camp.

They say you can help.

Do they?

I wish they'd stop.

Hell of a choice of meeting place.

They said I'd have to intrigue you.


the original planet of the Daleks.

Look at the state of it.

Who told you about me?

Does it matter?

Maybe not.

But you're very well-informed.

If Hannah's in a Dalek
prison camp, tell me,

why aren't you?

I escaped.


Nobody escapes

the Dalek camps.

You're very cold.

What's wrong?

It's a trap.

What is?

You are.

And you don't even know it.


The Doctor is acquired!

I'll just be a minute.

Um, y-your husband is here.

Hmm. I don't have a husband.

Oh, well, apparently, you still do.

You have to sign these.

And then we're not married?

Just like magic.

Can't chat. Working.

Really? I thought you were just

pouting at a camera.


Sorry, love. Am I interrupting?


Gosh, look at you. You've gone so pale.

Come on, take a seat.

We'll soon sort that out.

Amelia Pond is acquired!


Rory Williams is acquired!

Where are we?

So how much trouble are we in?

How much trouble, Mr. Pond?

Out of 10?


Where are we?

Spaceship, right?

Not just any spaceship.

The parliament of the Daleks.

Be brave.

What do we do?

Make them remember you.

Well, come on, then.

You've got me.

What are you waiting for?

At long last,

it's Christmas!

Here I am!

Save. Us.

You. Will. Save us.

I'll what?

You will save the Daleks.

Save the Daleks!

Save the Daleks!

Save the Daleks!

Save the Daleks!

Save the Daleks!

Save the Daleks!

Save the Daleks!


Save the Daleks!

This is new.

# Dr. Who 7x01 #
Asylum of the Daleks
Original Air Date on September 1, 2012

Day 363.

# Si tu ne m'aimes pas #

The terror continues.

# Je t'aime

Also, made another souffl?.

# Si je t'aime

Very nearly.

# Prends garde

# à toi! #

Checked defenses.

They came again last night.

Still, always at night.

Maybe they're vampires.

# Battit de l'aile et s'envola #

Oh, and it's my mum's birthday.

# L'amour est loin,
tu peux l'attendre #

Happy Birthday, mum.

I did make you a souffl?,

but it was too beautiful to live.

You will

let us enter!

We will enter!

We will enter!

# Tor?ador

let us enter! # en garde

# tor?ador, tor?ador #

What's he doing?

He's chosen the most
defendable area in the room,

counted all the Daleks,
counted all the exits,

and, now, he's calculating

the exact distance we're standing apart

and starting to worry.

Oh, and look at him frowning now.

Something's wrong with Amy and Rory

and who's going to fix it?

And he straightens his bowtie.

We have arrived.

Arrived where?


The prime minister
will speak with you now.

Do you remember who you were

before they emptied you out

and turned you into their puppet?

My memories are only reactivated

if they are required to facilitate

deep cover or disguise.

You had a daughter.

I know. I've read my file.


What do you know
of the Dalek Asylum?

According to legend,
you have a dumping ground,

a planet where you lock up

all the Daleks that go wrong --

the battle-scarred, the insane,

the ones even you can't control.

It's never made any sense, to me.

Why not?
Because you'd just kill them.

It is offensive to us

to extinguish such divine hatred.


Does it surprise you
to know that Daleks

have a concept of beauty?

I thought you'd run out of ways

to make me sick.

But hello again.

You think hatred is beautiful?

Perhaps that is why

we have never been able

to kill you.

The asylum.

It occupies the entire planet,

right to the core.

How many Daleks are in there?

A count has not been made.

Millions, certainly.

All still alive?

It has to be assumed.

The asylum is fully automated.

Supervision is not required.


The Daleks are always armed.

What color?

Sorry, there weren't
any good questions left.

This signal is being received

from the very heart of the asylum.

# mais si je t'aime

# si je t'aime

what is the noise?

Explain! Explain!

It's me.

Sorry, what?

It's me, playing the triangle.

Okay, I got buried in the mix.

"Carmen"! Lovely show.

Someone's transmitting this.

Have you considered
tracking back the signal

and talking to them?

"He asked the Daleks."

Hello. Hello, Carmen!



Come in. Come in. Come in, Carmen.

Hello! Yes! Yes! Sorry!

Do you read me?

Yes, reading you loud and clear.

Identify yourself
and report your status.


Are you real?

Are you actually, properly real?

Yeah, confirmed:
Actually, properly real.

Oswin Oswald, junior
entertainment manager,

starship Alaska. Current status:

Crashed and shipwrecked somewhere...

Not nice.

Been here a year.
Rest of the crew missing.

Provisions good, but keen to move on.

A year?

Are you okay? Are you...

Under attack?

Some local life forms.

Been keeping them out.

Do you know what
those life forms are?

I know a Dalek when I hear one, yeah.

What have you been doing on your own

against the Daleks for a year?

Making souffl?s?


against the Daleks.

Where do you get the milk?

This conversation is irrelevant.

No, it isn't!

No! Hello! Hello!

Because a starliner's
crashed into your asylum

and someone's got in.

And, if someone can get in,

then everything can get out,

a Tsunami of insane Daleks.

Even you don't want that.

The asylum must be cleansed.

Then why is it still here?

You have enough firepower on this ship

to blast it out of the sky.

The asylum forcefield is impenetrable.

Turn it off.

It can only be turned off
from within the asylum.

A small taskforce could
sneak through a forcefield.

Send in a couple of Daleks.



Ah, that's good. That's brilliant.

You're all too scared to go down there.

Not one of you will go, so tell me --

what do the Daleks do
when they're too scared?

The predator of the Daleks

will be deployed.

You don't have a predator
and, even if you did,

why would they turn off
a forcefield for you?

Because you will have

no other means of escape.

May I clarify?

"The Predator" is
the Dalek's word for you.



You will need this.

It will protect you from the nanocloud.

The what? The nano-what?

The gravity beam will convey
you close to the source

of the transmission. You must find a way

to deactivate the forcefield from there.

You're going to fire me at a planet?

That's your plan?

I get fired at a planet
and expected to fix it.

In fairness, that is
slightly your M.O.

Don't be fair to the Daleks

when they're firing me at a planet.

What do you want with them?

It is known the Doctor

requires companions.

Oh, brilliant! Good-o!

Don't worry. We'll get through this.

I promise. Don't be scared.

Scared? Who's scared?


Oi! Oi! Oh!




Wrong way up! Wrong way up!

Long way down!









No. Hello. Who are you?

Are you okay?



I'm Harvey.

Who's Rory?

Where are you going?!


Oh. Hey. Huh?

# mais si je t'aime #

# si je t'aime


Sorry. Pressed the wrong switch.

Souffl? girl?

You can always call me Oswin,

seeing as that's my name.


You okay?

Ooh. How are you
doing in there, eh?

This is Dalek technology.

Well, it's very easy to hack.

No, it isn't. Where are you?

Ship broke up when it hit.

I'm somewhere underground, I think.

Are you coming to get me?


Eh! Oi!

Souffl? girl!


Come back!




Where's Rory?

There was another beam.


Over there.

Are you the rescue team?







We came down two days ago.

There's 12 other escape pods.

I don't know what happened to them.


That's the same ship as souffl? girl.


Except, she's been here a year.

Here, we should have

some climbing rope

long enough for that hole.

Won't you introduce us to your crew?

Ah, yeah, sorry.

Guys, this is the Doctor and Amy.


Oh, my God.

They're dead. All of them.

That's not possible.

I just spoke to them.

Two hours ago, we were
doing engine repairs.

You're sure about that, are you?

Because I'd say they've all been dead

for a very long time.

But they can't have been.

Well, they didn't get
in this state in 2 hours.

Oh, of course.

Stupid me.

"Of course" what?

I died outside.

And the cold preserved my body.

I forgot about dying.

Ah. Ahahahahah!

Amy, the door!

Come on, come on, come on!

Explain. That's what you're good at.

How'd he get all Daleked?

Because he wasn't wearing one of these.

Oh oh oh! That's clever!

The nanocloud:

Microorganisms that
automatically process

any organic matter, living or dead,

into a Dalek puppet.

Ha ha! Anything attacks this place,

it automatically becomes part

of the onsite security.

Living or dead?

These wristbands protect us.
The only thing

stopping us going exactly
the way he did --

Doctor, shut up! Living or dead?

Yes, exactly, living or -- or --


Oh, dear.




Is it bad that I've
really missed this?


Good. I know.

Unauthorized personnel
may not enter the cockpit.

Shut up.

Oh! Mr. Grumpy.

Bad combo: No sense
of humor and that chin.

Is that her again,
the souffl? girl?

Yeah, she -- oi, what is
wrong with my chin?

Careful, dear, you'll
put someone's eye out.

I'm scanning you. You're
in another of the escape pods

from the Alaska, right?
Same ship I was on.

How can you hack in
to everything?

It should be impossible.
You're in a crashed ship!

Long story.

Is there a word for
"total screaming genius"

that sounds modest and a tiny bit sexy?

"Doctor." You call me "the Doctor."

See what you did there.

Check the floor. I'm picking up a breach

at floor level --
there could be a way out.

See you later.

Aha! Hatch.

Looks like it's been used already

and they tried to block
it off behind them.

Can't imagine why.

Well, the lower part
of the pod is buried,

so this must go straight
down to the asylum.

Where Rory is.

Yeah. Speaking of Rory --

Is there anything that
you want to tell me?

Are we going to do this now?

Well, what happened?

Oh...stuff! You know.

We split up. What can you do?

What can I do?


It's not one of those things

you can fix like you fix your bowtie.

Don't give me those big,
wet eyes, raggedy man.

It's life.

Just life, that thing that goes on

when you're not there.



Okay, so someone else
got out this way, then.

Yeah, let's go and find them.

Oh, hello hello hello.

What are they up to?

What's that?

One of these.

But where did they get it?


They got it from me.

Oh, Amy.

Doctor, what's going to
happen to me, seriously?

Tell me, what?







Sorry, what?

Egg-egg-egg-egg- egg-eggs.


You mean those things?


I don't -- I don't know what you want.

Uh -- those things.

Are those things eggs?


You want this?











Exterminate! Exterminate!


The door at the end. Run for it!

They're waking up,
but they're slow.

The door at the end. Just run.

Now now now!

Exterminate! Extermina...Te!






So! Anyway,

I'm Oswin. What do I call you?

Uh...I can't remember.


Lovely name, Rory.

First boy I ever fancied
was called Rory.


Actually, she was called Nina.

I was going through a phase.

Just flirting
to keep you cheerful.


Exterminate! Exterminate!


Uh, okay, anytime you want

to start flirting again is fine by me.

So tell me -- what's going to

happen to me? And don't lie.

Because I know when you're lying to me

and I will definitely fall on you.

The air all around is
full of micromachines,

robots the size of molecules.


Now that you're unprotected,

you're being rewritten.

So what happens? I get one of those

things sticking out of my head?

Physical changes come later.

Well, what comes first?
How does it start?

With your mind, your feelings,

your memories -- and I'm sorry,

but it's started already.

How do you know?

Because we've had this
conversation four times.

Okay. Scared now.

Hang on to scared.

Scared isn't Dalek.

Hey, there, beaky boy.

If it's a straight choice,
I prefer "Nina."

Loving this.
The nose and the chin.

You two could fence.


There's a door behind you.

In there, quickly.

Okay, you're safe, for now.

Pop your shirt off, quick as you like.


Does there have to be a reason?

Exterminate! Exterminate!


What's that?


Keep a lookout. Don't open this door.


Oswin, can you hear me?

Hello, the chin.

I have visual on you.

Why don't I have a visual on you?

Why can't I ever see you?

Limited power, bad hair. Take your pick.

There's a door to your left. Open it.

Going to send you
a map to that screen.

I put your little
friend somewhere safe.

I can get you to him.

Rory? You found Rory?

I call him "Nina." It's
a personal thing. Hush, now.

Who are you?


How many Daleks

directly ahead of me right now?

10, 20?

Hard to say.

Some of them are catatonic,

but they do have firepower.

How do I get past them?


Shh! It's okay.

It's just people in here.

It's just people.

Amy! Amy, it's the nanocloud.

It's altering your perception.

Look again. Look again.
Those aren't people.



Come here. Take my hand.

Run! Run!

No! They're coming down!

Uh --

ah, yes, they are.

Aah! Oh!





It's damaged.

Okay, but what do we do?

Identify me. Access your files.

Who am I? Come on!

Who's your daddy?

You are the Predator.

Practice your standing orders

concerning the predator.

The Predator must be destroyed!

And how are you going to do that? Dalek,

without your gun, you're
a tricycle with a roof.

How are you going to
destroy me?



What's it doing?

It's going to blow itself up

and us with it -- only
weapon it's got left.


cannot be countermanded!

I'm not looking for
a countermand, dear.

I'm looking for "reverse."

Forwards! Forwards!



Intruder! Intruder!

Whoa! Oh!


What was that?

That was close.

Oswin! What happened?

Who killed all the Daleks?

Who do you think?

Will sleeping help her,

slow down the process?

You'd better hope so.

Because, pretty soon, she's
going to try and kill you.


Ow. Amy.

Still with us?

Amy, it's me.

Do you remember me?

She remembers me.

Same old Amy.

Do you know how you make
someone into a Dalek?

Subtract love, add anger.

Doesn't she seem a bit too angry to you?

Well, somebody's never been to Scotland.

What about you, though,
Oswin, how come you're okay?

Why hasn't the nanocloud
converted you?

I mentioned the genius thing, yeah?

Shielded in here.

Hmm, clever of you. Now, this place.

The Daleks said it was fully automated.

But look at it -- it's a wreck.

Well, I've had nearly a year
to mess with them and...

not a lot else to do.

A junior entertainment
manager, hiding out

in a wrecked ship,
hacking the security

systems of the most
advanced warrior race

the Universe has ever seen.

But, you know what really
gets me about you, Oswin?

The souffl?s.

The souffl?s?

Where do you get milk
for the souffl?s?

Seriously, is no one else
wondering about that?

No. Frankly, no. Twice.

So, Doctor, I've been
looking you up.

You're all over the database.

Why do the Daleks call
you "the Predator"?

I'm not a predator,

just a man with a plan.
You've got a plan?

We're all ears.
There's a nose joke going,

if someone wants to pick that one off.

In no particular order,
we need to neutralize

all the Daleks in this
asylum, rescue Oswin

from the wreckage,
escape from this planet,

and fix Amy and Rory's marriage.

Okay, I'm counting three lost causes.

Anyone else?

Oswin, there's a Dalek ship in orbit.

Yeah, got it on the sensors.

The asylum has a forcefield.
The Daleks upstairs

are waiting for me to turn it
off. As soon as I do,

they'll burn this whole
world and us with it.

So, Oswin, my question is this:

How fast can you
drop the forcefield?


Pretty fast. But why would I?

Because this is a teleport.
Am I right, Oswin?

Yeah. Internal use only.

I can boost the power!

Once the forcefield is down,

and we can use this

to beam us right off this planet.

But you said, when
the forcefield is down,

the Daleks will blow us up.

We'll have to be quick, yes.

Fine, we'll be quick,
but where do we beam to?

The only place within range:

The Dalek ship.

Where they'll exterminate
us on the spot.

Oh, so this is the kind of plan

where you survive
about 4 seconds longer.

What's wrong with 4 seconds?

You can do loads in 4 seconds.

Oswin, how fast can you
drop the forcefield?

I can do it from here.

As soon as you come and get me.

No, just drop the forcefield
and come to us.

There's enough power in
that teleport for one go.

Why would you wait for me?

Why wouldn't I?

No idea. Never met you.

Sending you a map
so you can come get me.

This place is crawling with Daleks.

Yeah, kind of why I'm anxious to leave.

Come up and see me sometime.

So, are we going to go get her?

I don't think that we have a choice.

Okay, as soon as the forcefield is down,

the Daleks will attack. If it ts too

explodey wodey in here,
you go without me, okay?

And leave you to die?

Oh, don't worry about me. You're the one

beaming up to a Dalek ship
to get exterminated.

Fair point. Love this plan!

What about Amy?

Keep her remembering. Keep her focused.

That'll hold back the conversion.

What do I do?

You heard what she said.
They're subtracting love.

Don't let them.

Emergency! Emergency!


Emergency! Prepare to be --

prepare to be exterminated!

Emergency! Emergency!

We are the Daleks!

We are the Daleks!
We are the Daleks!

Okay, look at me.

I'm going to be logical.

Cold and logical, okay?

For both of our sakes, for both of us,

I'm going to take this

off my wrist and put it on yours.

Why? Then it'll just start
converting you. That's not fair.

Yeah, but it will buy us time

because it will take longer with me.

Sorry, what?

It subtracts love. That's what she said.

What's that got to do with it?

What does that even mean?

It's just arithmetic.

It will take longer with me because

we both know, we've both
always known that --

Amy, basic fact of our relationship is

that I love you more than you love me.

Which, today, is good news because

it might just save both of our lives.

How can you say that?

2,000 years,

waiting for you outside a box.

I'm saying it because it's true

and, since you know it's true,

give me your arm. Amy!

Don't you dare say that to me.

Don't you ever dare.

Amy, you kicked me out!

You want kids!

You have always wanted kids,

ever since you were a kid.

And I can't have them.

I know.

Whatever they did to me at Demons Run.

I can't ever give you children.

I didn't kick you out.

I gave you up.

Amy. I don't --

So don't you dare

talk to me about waiting outside a box

because that is nothing, Rory, nothing,

compared to giving you up.

Just give me your arm.
Let me put this on you.

No, get off.

Just give me your arm! Don't touch me!

It's the Doctor's.

When you were sleeping.

Time Lord.

Ah, what's the betting
doesn't even need it?

Then why didn't he just tell us?!


I think I'm close.

You are.

Less than...

20 feet away.

Which is the good news.

Okay. And the bad?

Which I suddenly fear is coming.

You're about to pass
through intensive care.

What's so special about this lot, then?

Dunno. Survivors of particular wars.

"Spiridon, Kanval,
Aridius, Vulcan, Exxilon".

Ringing any bells?

All of them.



These are the Daleks who survived me.





-Tor. -Tor.

Doc- -Tor.

That's weird.

Those ones don't usually
wake up for anything.

Yeah, well,

special visitor.

Hey, door.

But it won't open.

You can't be far away now.

Hang on. I'm not quite sure.

There's a release code. Let me just --

anything happening out there?


Hang on. I'm trying a thing.



Doc-Tor. Doc-Tor.

Doc-Tor. Doc-Tor.

Oswin. Get this door open.

Oswin, open this door!

I can't!

Oswin! Doc-Tor! Doc-Tor!

Please, get this door open!



Oswin, please get this door open!

Help me!



Oh, that is cool.

Tell me I'm cool, chinboy.


What did you do?

Hang on. I think
I found the door thingy.

No, tell me what you did.

The Daleks, they have
a hivemind. Well,

they don't, but they have
a sort of telepathic web.

The pathweb, yes.

I hacked in to it, did a master delete

on all the information
connected with the Doctor.

But you made them forget me.

Good, huh?

And here comes the door.

I've tried hacking in to the pathweb.

Even I couldn't do it.

Come and meet the girl who can.


You're right outside. Come on in.


we have a problem.

No, we don't.

Don't even say that.

I joined the Alaska
to see the Universe.

Ended up stuck in a shipwreck,

first time out.

Rescue me, chinboy,
and show me the stars.

Does it look real to you?

Does what look real?

Where you are right now.

Does it seem real?

It is real.

It's a dream, Oswin.

You dreamed it for yourself

because the truth
was too terrible.

Where am I?

Where. Am. I?

Where. Am. I?

Because you are a Dalek.

I am not a

Dalek. I am not a Dalek!

I'm human.

You were human, when
you crashed here.

It was you who climbed out of the pod.

That was your ladder.

Where am I? Where am I?

Where am I?



Not anymore.

Because you're right --

you're a genius.

And the Daleks need genius.

They didn't just make you a puppet.

They did a full conversion.

Where am I?!

Where am I?!

Where am I?!

Oswin, I am so sorry.

But you are a Dalek.

The milk, Oswin.

The milk and the eggs
for the souffl?s.

Where, where
did it all come from?


I'm human.

I am not a

Dalek. I am human.
I am not Dalek.

I am human!



It wasn't real.

It was never real.

I am a Dalek. I am a Dalek.












No no no. Oswin! Oswin!

Exterminate! Exterminate!

Listen, Oswin, you
don't have to do this.

Extermina...Te! Oswin!

Why do they hate you

so much?

They hate you so much.


I fought them.

Many, many times.

We have grown stronger

in fear of you-ou-ou.

I know.

I tried to stop.

Then run.

What did you say?

I've taken down the forcefield.

The Daleks above have
begun their attack.


Oswin, are you...?

I'm Oswin Oswald.

I fought the Daleks and I am


Remember me-e-e.

Thank you.


Run, you clever boy.

And remember.

How long can we wait?

The rest of our lives.


Right, go! Let's go.

We're good. Let's go.

Oh, for God's sake.

The asylum is destroyed.

Incoming teleport
from asylum planet.

We are under attack.

Prepare to defend.

Defend! Defend!

Explain, Dalek supreme.

You know, you guys should really

have seen this coming.
The thing about me and teleports --

I've got a really good aim.

Pinpoint-accurate, in fact.

Or, to put it another way --


Identify yourself!

Identify! Identify!

Well, it's me.

You know me -- the Doctor,
the oncoming storm,

the Predator.

Titles are not
meaningful in this context.

Doctor Who?

Doctor Who?

Doctor Who?

Oh, Oswin.

Oh, you did it to them all.

You beauty.

Doctor Who?

Doctor Who?


you're never going to stop asking.





I can see you. Okay.

Doctor Who?

Doctor Who?



== sync, corrected by elderman ==

This ship contains
the most precious cargo.

The ship's coming
through the atmosphere.

The creatures onboard this ship

are not objects to be sold
or traded. Who sent you?

That's my dad. What's going on?

This ship's been boarded before.

You think I won't punish
those who get in my way?

I'm launching the missiles.

What was your name again?

Whatever's down there
is coming this way.

Queen Nefertiti of Egypt.

What is it?

Dinosaurs, on a spaceship!