Doctor Who (2005–…): Season 2, Episode 6 - The Age of Steel - full transcript

Lumic's army of cybermen is on the rise, and with more and more people being converted by the hour, time is of the essence. The gang are reduced to fugitives as they roam the streets of parallel London trying to rid the earth of cybermen.

- What's happened?
- The time vortex. It's gone.

Well, we've landed.
We've got to be somewhere.

It's parallel, right? Like a parallel Earth
only they've got zeppelins?

Am I right? I'm right, aren't I?

A parallel world where my dad's still alive.

Rose, he's not your father
and she is not your mother.

What's that? Mickey, we've got power!

You're a fine businessman, John.

But you're not God.

What am I doing there?

He doesn't just look like me.
He is exactly the same.

- What are they?
- Cybermen.

Come on!

There's no need to damage us.
We're good stock.

We volunteer for the upgrade programme.
Take us to be processed.

You are rogue elements.

But we surrender.

You are Incompatlble.

But this is a surrender!

You wlll be deleted.

But we're surrendering!
Listen to me! We surrender!

You are Inferlor.

Man wlll be reborn as Cyberman

but you wlll perlsh under maxlmum deletlon.

Delete. Delete. Delete.

- What the hell was that?
- Or how about instead, run!

Everybody in!

- I've got to go back. My wife's in there.
- Anyone inside that house is dead.

If you want to help,
then don't let her die for nothing.

You've got to come with us right now.

Come on, get a move on.

Rose, she's not your mother.

- I know.
- Come on.

Finished chatting?
Never seen a slower getaway in my life!

What was that thing?

Little bit of technology from my home.

It's stopped glowing. Has it run out?

It's on a revitalising loop.
It'll charge back up in about four hours.

- So we don't have a weapon anymore?
- Yeah, we've got weapons.

Might not work on those metal things
but they're good enough for men like him.

Leave him alone! What's he done wrong?

Oh, you know, just laid a trap
that's wiped out the government

and left Lumic in charge.

If I was part of all that,
do you think I'd leave my wife inside?

Maybe your plan went wrong.
Still gives us the right to execute you, though.

Talk about executions,
you'll make me your enemy.

And take some really good advice,
you don't want to do that.

All the same, we have evidence
that says Pete Tyler's been working

for the Lumic since 20.5.

Is that true?

Tell them, Mrs M.

We've got a government mole
who feeds us information.

Lumic's private files,
his South American operations, the lot.

Secret broadcasts twice a week.

- Broadcasts from Gemini?
- And how do you know that?

I'm Gemini! That's me!

- Yeah, well, you would say that.
- Encrypted wavelength 657, using binary 9.

That's the only reason I was working for Lumic,
to get information.

I thought I was broadcasting
to the security services. What do I get?

Scooby Doo and his gang.
They've even got the van.

No, no, but the Preachers
know what they're doing.

Ricky said he's London's most wanted.

Yeah, that's not exactly...

Not exactly what?

I'm London's most wanted for parking tickets.


They were deliberate. I was fighting the system.

- Park anywhere, that's me.
- Good policy. I do much the same.

I'm the Doctor by the way, if anyone's interested.

And I'm Rose. Hello.

Even better. That's the name of my dog.

Still, at least I've got the catering staff
on my side.

I knew you weren't a traitor.

Why's that, then?

I just did.

They took my wife.

She might still be alive.

That's even worse 'cause that's what Lumic does.

He takes the living
and he turns them into those machines.


They're called Cybermen.

And I'd take those Ear Pods off if I were you.

You never know, Lumic could be listening.

But he's over-reached himself.
He's still just a businessman.

He's assassinated the President.

All we need to do is get to the city
and inform the authorities.

Because I promise you, this ends tonight.

- My everlasting children.
- Tell me, how does it feel?

We feel nothlng.

But in your mind, what do you think?

We thlnk the same. We are unlform.

But you think of what?

We thlnk of the humans.
We thlnk of thelr dlfference and thelr paln.

They suffer In the skln. They must be upgraded.

Excellent. Then let's begin.

Computer, identify John Lumic.

Volce prlnt acknowledged.

Activate Ear Pod primary sequence.

Please state area of actlvatlon.

The city of London.

I've just declared independence.

Begin transmission.

They wlll come to me. My new chlldren.

The immortal ones.

The whole of London has been sealed off.

There are reports of an army,
an army of metal men.

All cltlzens should remove thelr Ear Pods.
I repeat, remove all Ear Pods.

London has been placed under martlal law.

If you are hearlng thls, stay In your homes.
I repeat, stay In your homes.

Oh, no, you don't.

- What the hell?
- What's going on?

It's the Ear Pods. Lumic's taken control.

Can't we just, I don't know, take them off?

Don't. It'll cause a brainstorm.

The human race, for such an intelligent lot,
you aren't half susceptible.

Give anyone a chance to take control
and you submit.

Sometimes I think you like it. Easy life.

Hey. Come and see.

- Where are they all going?
- I don't know.

Lumic must have a base of operations.

Battersea. That's where he was
building his prototypes.

Why's he doing it?

He's dying.

This all started out as a way of
prolonging life, keeping the brain alive.

At any cost.

Thing is, I've seen Cybermen before, haven't I?

The head, those handle shapes,
in Van Statten's Museum.

Oh, there are Cybermen in our universe.

They started on an ordinary world just like this,
then swarmed across the galaxy.

This lot are a parallel version.
They're starting from scratch here on Earth.

What the hell are you two on about?

Never mind.
Come on, we need to get out of the city.

Okay, split up. Mrs Moore, you look after that lot.

Jake, distract them, go right, I'll go left.
We'll meet back at Bridge Street. Move.

I'm going with him.

Come on. Let's go.


- Which way? I don't know where we are.
- Did they see us?

- Do they know where we are?
- I bet they saw us.

I bet they saw us in the dark.

- They know where we are.
- They know where we are.

I don't get it. What is it with you?
You are exactly like me.

- I don't know. I reckon you're braver.
- Oh, yeah. Ten times.

Still, your friends aren't bad, I'll give you that.

Oh, that's the Doctor and Rose.
I just tag along behind.

Well, then you're not that bad.

- Do you think?
- Yeah, suppose.


- Split up!
- Split up!


Chamber 12 now closed for sterlllsatlon.

All reject stock wlll be Inclnerated.

Come on! Come on!

Come on!


Thls one Is un-programmed.

Mr Crane, I thought you were one of the faithful.

Oh, that I am, sir.
My Ear Pod must have malfunctioned,

for which I apologise.

If I might?

I'd like to request an upgrade, sir.

I've seen the future
and it's copyright Cybus Industries.

Sign me up.

A willing volunteer?

You've known me a long time, sir.

Quite a team, you and me.
I've been with you all the way.

But believe me, sir,
knowing you so well, I know exactly what to do.


No! Help me!

Die, you...

- Help me!
- You are In paln. We can remove paln forever.

No. Not yet. I'm not ready.

We wlll glve you Immortallty.

I've told you,
I will upgrade only with my last breath.

Then breathe no more.

No. No. I command you. No!

I ran past the river, you should've seen it.
The whole city's on the march.

Hundreds of Cybermen, all down the Thames.

Here he is.

- Which one are you?
- I'm sorry, the Cybermen, he couldn't...

Are you Ricky?

Are you Ricky?

Mickey, that's you, isn't it?


He tried. He was running.
There was too many of them.

Shut it.

- There was nothing I could do.
- I said just shut it!

Don't even talk about him.

You're nothing, you are.


We can mourn him when London is safe.

For now, we move on.

The whole of London's been sealed off

and the entire population's
been taken inside that place.

To be converted.

We've got to get in there and shut it down.

- How do we do that?
- Oh, I'll think of something.

- You're just making this up as you go along.
- Yep.

But I do it brilliantly.

That's a schematic
of the old factory.

Look, cooling tunnels underneath the plant
big enough to walk through.

We go under then up into the control centre.

There's another way in. Through the front door.

If they've taken Jackie for upgrading,
that's how she'll get in.

We can't just go strolling up.

Well, we could, with these.

Fake Ear Pods. Dead, no signal.

But put them on, the Cybermen
would mistake you for one of the crowd.

Then that's my job.

You'd have to show no emotion, none at all.
Any sign of emotion would give you away.

- How many of those have you got?
- Just two sets.


If that's the best way of finding Jackie,

then I'm coming with you.

- Why does she matter to you?
- We haven't got time.

Doctor, I'm going with him and that's that.

- No stopping you, is there?
- Nope.

Tell you what,
we can attack the Ear Pods at the same time.

Give people their minds back
so they don't walk into that place like sheep.


Lumic's transmitting the control signal.
It must be from over there.

There it is. On the zeppelin, do you see?

Great big transmitter.

Good thing Lumic likes showing off.
Reckon you can take it out?

Consider it done.

Mrs Moore, would you care to
accompany me into the cooling tunnels?

How could I refuse an offer of cooling tunnels?

We attack on three sides. Above, between, below.

We get to the control centre,
we stop the conversion machines.

What about me?

Mickey, you can, um...

What? Stay out of trouble? Be the tin dog?

No, those days are over. I'm going with Jake.

- I don't need you, idiot.
- I'm not an idiot!

You got that? I'm offering to help.



Good luck.

Yeah. You, too.

- Rose, I'll see you later.
- Yeah, you'd better.

If we survive this, I'll see you back at the Tardis.

That's a promise.

Good luck.

It's freezing.

Any sign of a light switch?

Can't see a thing. But I've got these.

- A device for every occasion.
- Ooh.

Put it on.

Haven't got a hot dog in there, have you?
I'm starving.

Of all the things to wish for.
That's mechanically recovered meat.

I know. It's the Cyberman of food, but it's tasty.

A proper torch as well.

Let's see where we are.

Already converted, just put on ice.

Come on.

Let's go slowly.

Keep an eye out for trip systems.

Chamber 6 now open
for human upgradlng.

Chamber 7 now open for human upgradlng.

Chamber 8 now open for human upgradlng.

Just put them on. Don't show any emotion.

No signs, nothing, okay?

Don't worry. We can do it.

We could die in there. Why are you doing this?

Let's just say I'm doing it for my mum and dad.

Right, let's go.

Chamber 8 now open for human upgradlng.

Chamber 9 now open for human upgradlng.

Chamber 10 now open for human upgradlng.

Chamber 11 now open for human upgradlng.

Two guards. We can take them.

- Don't kill them.
- Who put you in charge?

If you kill them, what's the difference
between you and a Cyberman?

Well, I suppose we could use these.

Smelling salts?

Bit stronger than that.
One of Mrs Moore's little tricks.

Should knock them out.

Three, two, one.

There's gotta be more guards on board.

Then let's go get them.

- How did you get into this, then?
- Rattling along with the Preachers?

Oh, I used to be ordinary.

Worked at Cybus Industries, 9-to-5.

Until one day,
I find something I'm not supposed to.

A file on the mainframe.

All I did was read it.

Then suddenly, I've got men with guns
knocking in the middle of the night.

A life on the run.

Then I found the Preachers.

They needed a techie, so I just sat down
and taught myself everything.

What about Mr Moore?

Well, he's not called Moore.

I got that from a book.

Mrs Moore.

It's safer not to use real names.

But he thinks I'm dead.

It was the only way to keep him safe.

Him and the kids.

What about you? Got any family or...

Oh, who needs family?
I've got the whole world on my shoulders.

Go on, then.

What's your real name?

Angela Price.

Don't tell a soul.

Not a word.

Movement In Deepcold 6.

Awaken the army.

Doctor, did that one just move?

It's just the torchlight.

Keep going, come on.

They're waking up. Run!

Get up! Quick! They're coming!

Open it! Open it!

Get up! Quick, quick!

Come on!

Oh, good team, Mrs Moore.

Unlts upgraded now 6,500.

Repeat, 6,500 and rlslng.

You wlll walt.

You okay?


Chamber 6 now open
for human upgradlng.

All reject stock wlll be Inclnerated.

Any sign of Jackie?

You are Peter Tyler. Conflrm. You are Peter Tyler.


I recognlse you. I went flrst.
My name was Jacquellne Tyler.

- No.
- What?

They are un-programmed, restraln.

You're lying, you're not her. You're not my Jackie.

Now I am Cyberform. Once I was Jacquellne Tyler.

But you can't be. Not her.

Her braln Is Inslde thls body.

Jacks, I came to save you.

Thls man worked wlth Cybus Industrles
to create our specles.

He wlll be rewarded, by force.
Take them to Cyber Control.

They killed her. They took her and killed her.

Maybe there's a chance, I don't know.
Maybe we can reverse it.

There's nothing we can do.

But if she remembers...

Where is she? Which one was it?
Which one was her?

They all look the same.

Nice one, nobody's home.
Find the transmitter controls.

- What do they look like?
- I don't know.

They might have "transmitter controls"
written in big red letters. Just look.


It's dead.

I don't think it was ever alive.

It's empty, no brain. It's just a robot suit.
It's for display.



You are not upgraded.

Yeah, well, upgrade this.

- What the hell was that thing?
- Electromagnetic bomb.

Takes out computers.
I figured it might stop a Cyber suit.

Well, you figured right.
Now, let's have a look. Know your enemy.

Got a logo on the front.

Lumic's turned them into a brand.

Heart of steel.

But look.

- Is that flesh?
- Hmm.

A central nervous system.

Artificially grown then threaded throughout
the suit so it responds like a living thing.

Well, it is a living thing.

Oh, but look.

Emotional inhibitor. Stops them feeling anything.

But why?

It's still got a human brain.
Imagine its reaction if it could see itself.

Realise itself inside this thing.

It would go insane.

So they cut out the one thing
that makes them human.

Because they have to.

Why am I cold?

Oh, my God, it's alive.

- It can feel.
- We broke the inhibitor. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

Why so cold?

Can you remember your name?

Sally. Sally Phelan.

You're a woman.

Where's Gareth?

Who's Gareth?

He can't see me.

It's unlucky the nlght before.

You're getting married?

I'm cold. I'm so cold.

It's all right.

You sleep now, Sally. Just go to sleep.

Sally Phelan didn't die for nothing.

'Cause that's the key, the emotional inhibitor.

If we could find the code behind it,
the cancellation code,

then feed it throughout the system
into every Cyberman's head,

they'd realise what they are.

And what happens then?

I think it would kill them.

- Can we do that?
- We've got to.

Before they kill everyone else.

There's no choice, Doctor.

It's got to be done.

No! No! You didn't have to kill her!

Sensors detect a blnary vascular system.

You are an unknown upgrade.
You wlll be taken for analysls.

The transmitter controls are sealed behind here.
We need oxyacetylene or something.

Oh, and I forgot to bring it with me.

- Then what do we do?
- We'll crash the zeppelin.

- With us inside it?
- We could set it on automatic and then just leg it.

Let's have a look.

It's locked. There's got to be an override.

Let me have a go.
I'm good with computers. Trust me.

I've been captured but don't worry,
Rose and Pete are still out there.

They can rescue me.
Oh, well, never mind. You okay?


But they got Jackie.

We were too late. Lumic killed her.

And where is he? The famous Mr Lumic?

Don't we get the chance to meet
our lord and master?

He has been upgraded.

- So he's just like you?
- He Is superlor.

The Lumlc unlt has been deslgnated
Cyber controller.

Thls Is the Age of Steel and I am Its creator.

I'm almost there.

Not bad work.

It's moving!

You said it was dead!

A robot suit's still a good robot. Wait a minute.

Hey, Cyberman. Over here.

Come on, you brainless lump of metal.

Come and have a go.

Oh, no!

The transmitter is down!

That's my friends at work. Good boys.

Mr Lumic, I think that's a vote for free will.

I have factories waiting on seven continents.

If the Ear Pods have failed,

then the Cybermen will take humanity by force.

London has fallen, so shall the world.

Hold on, I've logged on to Cyber Control.
They're alive.

The Doctor and Rose. There they are.

- Never mind them, what the hell is that thing?
- Shh! Has this thing got sound?

I wlll brlng peace to the world.

Everlastlng peace

and unlty and unlformlty.

And imagination? What about that?
The one thing that led you here.

Imagination, you're killing it dead.

- What Is your name?
- I'm the Doctor.

A redundant tltle. Doctors need not exlst.

Cybermen never slcken.

Yeah, but that's it. That's exactly the point.

Oh, Lumic, you're a clever man.
I'd call you a genius except I'm in the room.

But everything you've invented,
you did to fight your sickness,

and that's brilliant, that is so human.

But once you get rid of sickness and mortality,

then what's there to strive for, eh?

The Cybermen won't advance.

You'll just stop.

You'll stay like this forever.

A metal Earth with metal men and metal thoughts,

lacking the one thing
that makes this planet so alive. People!

Ordinary, stupid, brilliant people.

You are proud of your emotlons?

Oh, yes.

Then tell me, Doctor,

have you known grlef and rage and paln?

Yes. Yes, I have.

And they hurt?

Oh, yes.

I can set you free. Would you not want that?

A Ilfe wlthout paln?

You might as well kill me.

Then I take that optlon.

It's not yours to take.

You're a Cyber controller.

You don't control me
or anything with blood in its heart.

You have no means of stopplng me.

I have an army. A specles of my own.

You just don't get it, do you? An army's nothing.

'Cause those ordinary people, they're the key.
The most ordinary person can change the world.

Some ordlnary man or woman, some Idlot.

All it takes is for him to find,
say, the right numbers,

say, the right code, say, for example,
the code behind the emotional inhibitor.

The code right in front of him.

'Cause even an idiot knows his computers
these days.

Knows how to get past firewalls and passwords.

Knows how to find something encrypted
in the Lumic family database under,

- what was it, Pete? Binary what?
- Binary 9.

- Binary 9.
- An idiot could find that code. A cancellation code.

And he'd keep on typing, keep on fighting,

anything to save his friends.

Your words are Irrelevant.

Talk too much, that's my problem.

Lucky I got you that cheap tariff, Rose,
for all our long chats on your phone.

The phone.

You wlll be deleted.

Yes. Delete. Control. Hash.
All those lovely buttons.

Then, of course, my particular favourite. Send.

And let's not forget how you seduced
all those ordinary people in the first place,

by making every bit of technology
compatible with everything else.

It's for you.

Like this.


I'm sorry.

What have you done?

I gave them back their souls.

They can see what you've done, Lumic,
and it's killing them.

Deletel Deletel


There's no way out.

- What are you doing?
- We've got to get away.

If that factory blows up,
this balloon's gonna ignite.

- Take it back!
- Mickey, they've had it.

I said take it back!

We're not leaving them behind.

There's no way we're leaving them behind.

Hold it.

Rose? Rose, can you hear me? Head for the roof.

It's Mickey. He says head for the roof.


Mickey, where did you learn to fly that thing?

PlayStation. Just hold on, Rose.
I'm coming to get you.

- You can't go any lower.
- I've got to, man.

You're gonna crush them.

There's gotta be something, there's got to be.

Oh, yes.

You've got to be kidding.

Rose, get on!

Hold on tight, we're going up.

Welcome to Mickey Smith Airlines.
Please enjoy your flight.

We did it! Mickey did it!

Pete! Take this!

Use it!

Hold the button down.
Press it against the rope. Just do it!

Jackie Tyler. This is for her.

So what happens inside that thing, then?

Do you want to see?

I don't think so.

But you two, you know, all that stuff you said
about different worlds.

Who are you?

It's like you said.

Imagine there are different worlds.

Parallel worlds.

Worlds with another Pete Tyler

and Jackie Tyler is still alive.

And their daughter.

- I've got to go.
- But if you just look inside...

I can't. There's all those Lumic factories out there,
all those Cybermen still in storage.

Someone's got to tell the authorities
what happened.

Carry on the fight.


I've only got five minutes of power.

- We've got to go.
- The Doctor could show you how.

Thank you for everything.


Don't. Just don't.

Here it is.

I found it. Not a crease.

My suit. Good man.

Now then, Jake, we've got to run,
but one more thing.

Mrs Moore, her real name was Angela Price.

She's got a husband out there and children.
Find them.

Tell them how she died saving the world.

Yeah, course I will.

Off we go, then.


- Thing is, I'm staying.
- You're doing what?

You can't.

It sort of balances out
'cause this world lost its Ricky, but there's me.

And there's work to be done
with all those Cybermen still out there.

But you can't stay.

Rose, my gran's here.

She's still alive. My old gran, remember her?


She needs me.

What about me? What if I need you?

Yeah, but Rose, you don't.

It's just you and him, isn't it?

We had something a long time ago,
but not anymore.

Well, we'll come back.

We can travel anywhere. Come and see you, yeah?

We can't.

I told you, travel between parallel worlds
is impossible.

We only got here by accident.

We fell through a crack in time.
When we leave, I've got to close it.

We can't ever return.


Take Rose's phone. It's got the code.
Get it out there.

Stop those factories.

Good luck.

Mickey the idiot.

Watch it.


We've had a laugh, though, haven't we?

Seen it all, been there and back.

Who'd have thought, me and you,
off that old estate,

flying through the stars.

All those years, just sitting there...

imagining what we'd do one day.

We never saw this, did we?

Go on. Don't miss your flight.

Jake, you want to watch this.

What the hell?

That's the Doctor in the Tardis.

With Rose Tyler.

You're alive. Oh, Mum, you're alive.

Well, I was the last time I looked.

What is it? What's happened, sweetheart?

What's wrong? Where did you go?

Far away.

That was far away.

Where's Mickey?

He's gone home.

I know it's not easy
with my face looking exactly like Ricky,

but I'm a different man, I'm not replacing him.

But we can remember him by fighting in his name.

With all those cyber factories out there,
do you think there'd be one in Paris?

- Yeah.
- Then let's go and liberate Paris.

What, you and me? In a van?

There's nothing wrong with a van.

I once saved the universe with a big yellow truck.

There you go, sir.
All wired up for the great occasion.

Someone help me, please!

It's happening all over the place.
They're turning into monsters.

Ordinary people
are being struck down and changed

and the only new thing in the house
is a television.

Men in black? Vanishing police cars?
This is Churchill's England, not Stalin's Russia.

Are you slttlng comfortably?


Then we'll begln.